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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 58 KB, 707x704, FB_IMG_1454185703052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
963068 No.963068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any others gonna be in Texas?

>> No.963072

Faggots? Yeah, the whole state is full of them. Steers and Queers and all that.

>> No.963077

Why go to texas? and what the fuck does this have to do with /diy/?

seriously I think people could post CP on this board and it would reach bump limit before any actual mod saw it.

>> No.963078
File: 44 KB, 707x704, FB_IMG_1454202355630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the protest. If u dont know dont respond want real responses please

>> No.963079

What tools and skills do you have? How hard is it to RTF sticky before asking for help with your projects?

>> No.963080

Wasn't asking for help it was a question.

>> No.963084

learn to properly reply on my 8 chins before being a fucking moron. nobody here cares about your cuck rally. we understand the fucking government sucks. but a fucking rally isn't gonna fucking fix it. at this point only thing that's gonna fix it is complete civil unrest. but at that point you've got bigger issues whether or not Bernie or Trump wins.. or what faggot ass LGBT law was or wasn't passed.

you know, like not getting robbed and killed by niggers, and finding food to feed yourself and family.

GTFO now.

>> No.963086
File: 6 KB, 159x61, leagueinanutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialist propaganda!!

>> No.963090
File: 53 KB, 640x512, 4chan -4chan - We Are Legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon is doing the socialist's work by going anti-trump
Because I really want one more fucking dumbass in Washington deciding what 320 million people should do with their money.

Even if the best government contrl was a board of geniuses with 150 IQ and all saints with perfect intentions... They would fuck up ALL over the place. The economy would be destroyed. There is no way to centrally plan shit. Get it through your fucking head, jesus Christ.

Come back when you have a quantum hyper-intelligent AI that has perfect knowledge of all earth's resources and what everyone should do. Come back then. We could open discussions on central planning then.

Before then, not only is it morally reprehensible, but it is demonstrably ineffective. Just look at the current fascist US economy, It's a fucking trainwreck. How's that central planning going? Let's go ask North Korea? No? Russia? No? France? No? Germany? No? Japan? What's a negative interest rate anyway?

No. just tell them to stop. The government isn't helping. Anonymous should be an anarchist organization, not a shill for the libtards. You make me sad.

>> No.963105

Its called civil disobedience we use non violent tactics but yes their are intense tactics but you tell me then how else are we going to get their attention and change this corrupted government.

>> No.963136

NEVER 4GIVE (get it like 4chan we are on) AND NEVER 4GET (get it like 4chan ewe are on)!!!!

>But seriously, this fucking image and any quote like it gets me all fucking mad.
>Yea, humans weren't meant to pay bills and die, they were meant to hunt/scavenge for food and water all day and pass on their genes and then die early.

>> No.963144

Yeah we don't care about that shit here, dude. So why don't you go ask /k/, or something.

>> No.963146

yes there is. you just spend all the money on D.C. and make sure your kids have the best facilities in the country. oh and keep your friends businesses afloat and pump your own portfolio with government contracts.

but also MODS off topic.

>> No.963237

>implying it is other people's fault you have bills

How about not getting in debt in the first place, pick up a garden too, and learn to live off the grid for utilities? That's the protest people should be doing, not standing around jerking each other off for free hand outs.

This isn't even /diy/ so GB2 >>>/b/