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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 107 KB, 663x564, osamaluuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
892853 No.892853 [Reply] [Original]

Is there still a way to get custom logos and screensavers for old Nokia phones such as the 3310?

I bought this retro phone from Ebay and as soon as you turn it on, a crudely drawn Osama pops up. I'd like to replace it with something else.

>> No.892855

What's wrong with Osama?

>> No.892856


That's offensive

>> No.892859

It depends on the view. Your opinion is not universal you know.

>> No.892881

I believe there is a special format of files that these phones use for logos. I remember we used to be able to send them via text-messages so they are generally small text based logos. I'll see if I can find some more information.

>> No.892902


Thanks. Please post here if you find out a way to do that.

>> No.892912

How is an image offensive? I'd understand if it was a rendering of rape or murder, but it's just a dude(who with new evidence could not only be innocent but also died years before claimed)

>> No.892913

You're not hip or unique and that technology is not old enough to be vintage.

>> No.892924

Ok so I found what you were loooking for:

these are called "operator logos". A quick google search reveals many ways to make and upload these images.

One of these I found to be interesting is a data cable that can be used to change the operator logo. Have a look;


The logos themselves seem to be simple gif files of a specific resolution.

I also found this page on geocities (oh damn) which lists a couple of software that you might be able to use to create and upload a new logo.

Godspeed OP

>> No.892927

The geocities page, because of 4chan spam filter:


>> No.892943


Amazing, gotta order that cable.

Thanks dude. I wonder if I can create screensavers too..

>> No.893004

Plz go mudslime.

>> No.893012
File: 26 KB, 200x208, nokia_6230i_130104122245[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a newer s40 phone, say a 6230i, you can connect to it over Bluetooth, and then use it to send operator logos and ringtones by SMS.


>> No.893041


(Not OP) it's a good phone though. Takes calls, sends SMSs, good battery life, very customisable, will survive a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.893123


I'm not doubting that. I had the old Nokia's when they were current. I've had 5146, 3110, 3310 and others and you're right, but they're not vintage. They're not cool either. Op is trying to sell is as such.

>> No.894555

first finnish osamabinlaaden fan :DDD

>> No.894572

3310's have a certain hipster vibe to them because they were so many peoples first mobile, and also because they are a damn fantastic phone.

>> No.895047

What the phone is a bit too patriotic for you go back to mexico,

>> No.895168

>who with new evidence could not only be innocent but also died years before claimed
care to back that statement up with some references?

>> No.895171

Please no. Take that garbage to /pol/.

>> No.895195
File: 47 KB, 256x256, coolaid-bursting-through-the-wall-1754_preview-256x256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like some activity on this board would be a bad thing

>> No.895257
File: 101 KB, 440x944, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fecking lizard people.

If your first phone wasn't this, you're too damn young.

>> No.895860

exactly. I had the 918 in yellow. beatsmode

>> No.895862
File: 333 KB, 980x1306, 20151031_151227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You whipper snappers with your fancy text messaging, digital networks and changeable ring tones..
> get off my lawn etc

>> No.895868

>those changeable covers
i painted it with nail varnish
then i lost it in disneyland and cried about it
what a fuckin queer

>> No.895905
File: 125 KB, 385x615, Motorola_MicroTAC_9800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all mofos young af...
>MicroTAC master race reporting

>> No.895920

>silly pissing contest
>no Cityman yet, let alone some bizarre antique monstrosities
Are you guys trying to drag this on or something?

>> No.895938

>Take that garbage to /pol/.

Not this meme again

>> No.895951
File: 148 KB, 640x489, Mobile_Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2G network is kill in a couple of years here and less with some providers. I'll have to upgrade too.

>Handheld phones
>Pic related

>> No.897166
File: 39 KB, 500x375, philips-isis-1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first. Never paid a cent for it, I got scammed into it by the kiosk guy and a person we knew in common who was a tweaker. My dad saw 200 and 300 dollar cell bills coming in and I told him I used it less than ten times per week, for just a few minutes. He called the cell company and flipped shit that they sold a kid (me) a phone and billed me for a non-family adult's (tweaker) usage of a separate phone on the same account. They apologized and cancelled all charges to me. Goofy POS phone took AA batteries.

>> No.897387

MicroTAC anon from above here...
Years ago I had a similar phone. I think it was a Motorola. It also took either battery pack, 4AA, or with adapter cradle 4AAA. It was actually a pretty cool GSM phone.

>> No.897388

Forgot to del tripcode...DOH!