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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 135 KB, 500x498, homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
84523 No.84523 [Reply] [Original]

So, I feel like this is probably the best thread for this sort of topic so here we go.
I'm 24 and I live in MI. No job, no car, economy sucks and I've been applying for jobs and going to Michigan Works. Living with parents, and sick and tired of life.
I'm thinking about using my last $200 to buy a nice backpack and a train/bus ticket out to somewhere warm year round, and starting over as a voluntary homeless. I'm looking for all sorts of info, what sorts of things should I pack, should I also fill a duffel bag, are there any cities in particular that are good to their homeless? Also, if I found a good city, how hard to you think it would be to go from homeless to a job and apartment? I mean, I could probably do that couch surfing thing, or just take showers at truck stops for interviews until I got a job.
So do you think it's do-able? I have some college, no degree, and mostly retail work experience. Outside of retail, I am a good writer, but it's pretty hard to just jump into a career or find a job that deals with writing, unless you know something I don't lol. I welcome any and all info, advice, and criticism (as long as it's helpful).

>> No.84527
File: 351 KB, 1218x1331, 1485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck MI. bro. Move on out San Fransisco or Berkeley California (Berkeley especially) Theyre pretty nice to their homeless and theres lots of help organizations to get you on the right track and back on your feet. Women are a lot hotter also.

>> No.84532

Sanfran has good services for the homeless, but there's a shitton of competition. Everyone who can get to sanfran to be homeless does so.

On the other hand, if you don't mind cold, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, have very good homeless programs, too. I work in downtown mpls, and there's quite a few homeless that do alright. It's not the most ideal lifestyle, sure, but it's quasi-sustainable.

>> No.84533

Yeah dude, MI sucks. Most of the people who deliver pizza or Jimmy Johns are senior citizens. But yeah, I'll for sure look into those cities, always wanted to see CA anyway. Whether stays mostly above 60 there right?

>> No.84536

I'm in almost the exact same situation as you, but at 19. I was thinking about it for a while, but I decided to join the Coast Guard instead.

>> No.84540
File: 272 KB, 2830x732, bittorrent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one as well.

>> No.84541

Stay in Michigan, be homeless in Ann Arbor. I live and work in Ann Arbor, the unemployment rate here is only 5.4% (the lowest in the state and pretty damn low compared to the national avg.). The homeless population here is high because we're a bunch of bleeding hearts and we do our best to help them out.

There are fairly good services for the homeless here and guarantee that most of them have no interest in finding a job. If you truly want a job you can find one in Ann Arbor. The pay will likely be shit-tier, but you can commute to the ghetto in Ypsilanti via the bus system where rent is cheap. Get back in school. Start out going to Washtenaw Community College and maybe transfer into Eastern Michigan University. You're only in the situation you're in now because you don't have a degree. Fix that.

>> No.84543
File: 14 KB, 240x200, 1313714372423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd leave a roof over your head, consistent food and clean water to seek your fortune in THIS america? you have it better than you think. i have two jobs. i live in michigan. craigslist is your friend.

stop smoking weed and get a job.

>> No.84545
File: 56 KB, 610x290, berkeleyweatherdec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Whether stays mostly above 60 there right?

>> No.84549
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you're not some pansy ass white kid you can get a job rather easy.
Check Manpower/Kelly Services.
I can get a job, no fucking lie, within a week.
Factory work ALWAYS has jobs, the hours are shit but the pay is good(for entry level shit anyways).
FYI Johnson Controls is going to switch their work schedule to 8 hour shifts from 12 hour shifts.

>> No.84550

I've been to Ann Arbor a couple times, never knew they were good to homeless.

So you're saying that the only way to survive is to have a degree? 95% of people I know who have degrees work retail because they can't find a job in the field their degree is in. Most of them say they've wasted their money on a piece of paper that doesn't mean shit unless they move. Also, I don't smoke weed. I don't have a job, which means no income. Nor would I if I could even afford it.

>> No.84551

I live close to Monroe, and the only big employer here is the Meijer distribution center, and I've applied there twice and never heard anything, even though I heard they're always hiring. I've also checked with Fermi 2 to see if they have entry level positions available and they always say no. Other than that, gas stations and retail.

>> No.84552


>95% of people I know who have degrees work retail because they can't find a job in the field their degree is in. Most of them say they've wasted their money on a piece of paper that doesn't mean shit unless they move

I felt that way. It took me exactly one year (to the day) to find a job in my field. I survived by doing odd jobs and working in manufacturing. Meanwhile, I submitted 8-10 applications a day and sent my resume to every goddamned place on earth when I wasn't at work. If your friends can't find work in their chosen field then they either chose the wrong field (art history?) or they are quiters. Most likely, they just gave up instead of following their dreams and working hard.

>> No.84564

I have a theory about educated people. Basically, most people who go to college are there because of their upbringing. They were fortunate (or unfortunate depending on how you look at it) to have had a stable upbringing, their parents work hard and likely went to college themselves, and pushed their kids in that direction, laid out the expectation to do well in school and go to college. These kids got really good at appeasing their parents, they followed the path laid before them by the school and their parents. then they went to college, they, again followed the expectation and the path laid before them. After you graduate, you are left on your own to do as you choose, the only problem is that the only choice that they made was to follow the path laid before them, they never learned how the actual world works. So If I'm an employer, do I really care if I have a freshly educated kid in front of me that I can hire or do I pick the person with 10 years experience?

>> No.84566

What about Biochemistry or Massage Therapy? Biochemistry friend graduated 3 years ago, applied to every hospital in a 50 mile radius, couldn't find work other than Toys R Us, is now back in school because it's better than retail. Massage Therapy friend just found a job in their field now 5 years after graduating.

I'm not discrediting school's importance, just saying that at least in MI, it won't necessarily get you anywhere unless you're willing to wait even up to 7 years after graduating and working your ass off at shit jobs and applying everywhere nonstop for years.

Although, I have been thinking of just taking out a shit ton of student loans and going to school somewhere warm, and that offers job placement assistance to it's graduates. I will admit, that sounds better than being homeless. Though being in debt for the rest of my life doesn't sound awesome, but it's the American way right?

>> No.84569

and now for the kink in the face / you need it
you op are a dumb ass fucktard

i have a home a roof over my head a bed warm meals & showers
can't find a job
have around a $100 / after buying supplies etc
i think i'll leave all i have & becum homeless
maybe that'll help me find a job


you can't find a job now with all you have & you think you'd have a better chance finding one if you're live on the street with nothing
serous dood put down the bong

you know how hard it is to get off the streets once you're there
if no one will hire you now do you really think they'll hire you if you were a "Homeless Bum"

Stop / Think
Be Happy You Have What You Do

>> No.84573

now gto 4chan & go look for a job

>> No.84574

Dude, are you cheezing? I've already said I don't smoke weed, and not getting hired is more because I live in MI than my actual ability. Do you know anything about MI at all? Let me bring you up to speed:
20 years ago, 90% of the state was employed by the auto industry. 90% said jobs, have moved to India and China. So, that works out to about 70% of the state having to find other jobs. Hence me stating that senior citizens deliver pizza here. Everybody in MI is having a tough time.

I also never said that I necessarily want an Ivy league education and a six figure job. I just want my own place, and to be close to comfortable financially. Only way to do that in MI without a 4 year degree is to have a welfare baby. I'm not about to follow suit and get welfare and a bridge card and call it good, I want something that I'm pretty sure MI can't offer. I want to move, but I have no money, so an apartment is out of the question.

Most of you seem to be brainwashed into believing that the only way you can survive anywhere is if you have a degree. Not the case. Most of the most successful people started off being drop-outs.

>> No.84576

Op, goto North Dakota, work in the oil fields. You'll live in the middle of nowhere, work long hours, enjoy back breaking physical labor, and be lucky to smell nice. But despite all of this, you will have work, you will be paid great, and you'll have something over your head. If you are smart you will save then move somewhere a bit more accomidating.

Just like the farms, a lot of people find that this is too much work and want something easier. I hope you aren't one of those people.

>> No.84579

I got fired from a job at 8 a.m. one time, I went home, got onto the unemployment website immediately, and applied for unemployment. Then I checked their website for job listings and went to those locations, I went to the first place, and nobody was in the office, it was kind of weird, just an empty front office like the secretary was taking a long dump, I waited there for 15 minutes and didn't see one person. The second place I went to, I walked in and asked for the person listed on the website, they interviewed me right then and there and called me back later that day to let me know I got the job. This was two years ago a week before thanksgiving, everyone was saying there are no jobs, blah blah blah. Well they are out there, It wasn't the job I really wanted, but it was a job and it paid more than the job I got fired from.
I think the main problem is that people have gotten fed up with working totally crap jobs, so they aren't taking them and saying there are no jobs. well, the jobs are there, nobody wants them though.

>> No.84581

I forgot to mention that I only have a highschool degree, and that I became a mechanic that day, with no prior experience other than what I thought myself, before that i was in retain management, and before that I was a manager at mcdonalds. Now I am almost ready to quit being a mechanic and start my own business.

>> No.84584

I'm definitely not afraid to work hard.

Well it sounds like you're pretty lucky. The only thing I haven't applied for, I'll admit, is fast food. I don't know a single person who works fast food that can actually afford to live.

Tomorrow I will be going back to MI Works for the third time in 2 months, to apply for more jobs. Also, keep in mind people, I don't have a car. I have applied for jobs that are plenty far away, figuring if I got the job, I can get rides. I have about $200. When I left my last job, I had about $1k saved, but have been giving gas money to those who drive me around applying for jobs, and an occasional haircut. If I got an interview somewhere, I could get the job. Every interview I've gotten, I've been hired. I'm very personable, and have passed EVERY SINGLE drug test I've taken. I can't seem to get interviews though.

>> No.84587

I am hearing a shit-ton of bitching and moaning out of you, OP. I already told you that your friends are quiters. They believed that all they had to do was graduate and they would be handed a job. The real work comes AFTER graduation. If you don't make the PROCESS of finding a job a full time job, then you wont get anywhere. You need to fight hard and make MAKE opportunities for yourself. If you take your lazy-ass mindset with you to California, you will fail there too. Since you are from my home state, I give you my Michigander 5-point plan;

#1 - Stay in Michigan
#2 - graduate
#3 - don't be a lazy bitch and wait for someone to hand you a job
#4 - ???
#5 - profit

>> No.84588
File: 154 KB, 334x500, Shakey-jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail to shakey jake, the most charismatic homeless guy in Ann Arbor.

This man was a legend in ann arbor and he did it by being friendly to every single he ran into Ann Arbor. That being said he practically ran into everyone in Ann arbor because he started his Hobo'ing at 6:00AM! The man power walked his way around the city and got hand outs from resturants, street venders, random people that were good friends with him.

If you really wanna do whatever the hell you want and not care where the hell you end up you can do it with massive force of personality.

>> No.84589


>Tomorrow I will be going back to MI Works for the third time in 2 months.

Why are you not going there every week? Don't use the "I don't have a car" excuse. Michigan has buses. I know for a fact because I had to spend 2-3 hours a day riding the "SMART" bus to get to school and back so I could earn my degree.

You are full of excuses, but you are not trying hard enough and thus, failing. Try harder and you might succeed.

>> No.84590
File: 11 KB, 259x195, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forty-seven percent of the population is content with being slovenly, lazy takers. That's what being American means to them.

>> No.84591

Have you not read anything I've written bro? I apply for jobs as often as I can. I spend about 8-10 hours a day walking around, applying at places I've already applied at, waiting to get a call. Not waiting for handouts, out searching for jobs.

Only way I can go to school is if I take out student loans, which I have been considering greatly.

Anyway, I'm not looking to have an internet fight with anyone, as that's just retarded. Unless you'd like to bring it down a notch and be friendly, you should head back to /b/ and go flame in someone else's thread. It's nice that you've graduated and have an awesome job. Unfortunately, I have no idea what I'd want to do, even if someone gave me a scholarship. That being the case, I'd rather not go into debt for the rest of my life on a degree in something I end up hating. I'd rather be homeless. Until a particular career stands out to me, I will abstain from furthering school. I've already wasted a shit-ton of money taking classes I'm no longer interested in.

I appreciate your efforts, if they were even sincere, but I'm no longer interested.

>> No.84593

Please find the bus for me in Newport. I will give you my last $200 I swear.

There are cities in MI that have buses, but not all of them do.

>> No.84597

Hell yes it does; free shit owns, fuck the haters.

>> No.84599

ITT: people who are flaming on OP thinking life is easy when their parents bought them cars and paid for college.

i feel for you op, similar sitation in fl only i'm 18

>> No.84600

OP what are your skills? any previous jobs? I dont want to give you the same bullshit "faggot go and get a job" "dont smoke weed you lazy ass!" But is really hard to me to believe that you cant find a job in the USA.

Im from Mexico and we have a saying here, If USA sneez, Mexico have pneumonia. That means if things are shitty there, here is worst. I know things are hard in the USA but still every year thousands of mexicans cross the border to get a job and send money to their family here. You may think they make shitty money, that is not enough, well, your minimum salary in hour is twice what they make here in a day.

I dont really know where im going with this rant but maybe you need to aim lower, flip burguers. Or aim to hardest work, like construction.

Protip, no matter how shitty the economy is, people will always need some basic handymans in home (plumbers, electric, mechanics etc)

>> No.84604

Here's a better version of that garble speak.
#1 - Stay in Michigan
#2 - send out resumes through Craigslist and get 'headhunter/employment contractor #'s through Michigan works/unemployment office.
#3 - Network family, friends and families/friends coworkers/bosses to see if anyone out there can hand you a job. (most jobs are gained by who you know, requirements be damned.)
#4 - Use money gained through any job to fund part-time college AND develop a marketable skill (writing).
#5 - Save your profit religiously and graduate...whenever you get to it. College is broken accounts for little to employers, its just a requirement but you can't sell yourself with your $60,000 college debt diploma.

>> No.84608

I appreciate you not going straight to OP is a stoner. I am good at writing, I've had many retail positions, I'm good with customer service sorts of roles. I used to do a bit of mobile home repair. When I did that, I worked under someone who had their licence. I suppose I could always take the test and employ myself doing mobile home work. I think that's about it, I don't know much about cars, or electrical stuff. I know a tiny bit about plumbing, and a small bit of carpentry. Though I haven't had any experience in either.

>> No.84609


OK, you have a point. Newport has no transit system.

SOLUTION (since you seem to be incapable of figuring things out for yourself);

Newport has churches. I am an atheist but was raised in the church. I know about anti-secular discrimination first hand. Even if you are a non-believer like me, go to church every day and make contacts with the "faithful" talk with the pastor/priest about your situation. You will be able to make contacts with worshipers that will drive you to/from MI works, to/from job interviews. HELL, they might even OFFER you a job because jesus told them to.

Use the generosity of the ignorant to your advantage. It's what you'd be doing if you lived on the street anyway.

>> No.84610

Thank you for aiming more for a constructive angle. And I will start looking for churches nearby and hit some up when they next have a service, which I'm guessing would be Sunday?

>> No.84611

op you're missing my point
but 1st it's fucking bad everywhere
some places might be easier to fin jobs then others ok

but i wasn't even giving shit
just saying you have a fucktard idea

it's going to be a lot easier finding a job with what you have than if you were on the streets
fuck it travail if you have to
find a job in a near by city
find job
make money
save money
find an apt
move to said apt in said city

it might be a bitch taking an hour bus trip back in forth for a few weeks
but it beats the fuck out of living on the street

Fucking Think About It

>> No.84613

Just look online for farm work. Post adds saying you are willing to work.

A lot of large farms give room and board to their workers.

Or look for a resort job somewhere that does the same. There are a couple in Texas and the Grande Canyon that are almost hiring. It is shit work and shit pay but you will be warm, fed and housed.

>> No.84614

The problem is that you ACTUALLY NEED A DEGREE TO FLIP BURGERS!! The people around Saint Paul that get hired to flip and toss burgers your way either have years of service in the food industry, are great friends with the management, have REAL good looks, or have a degree, they throw out anyone without meeting said requirements. I got passed over for a job in South Dakota in McDonalds because the managers Grandma needed a job, and what does a younge twenty something have that a grandma can't cap. Degrees from University's are the new High School Diploma's. Go, and finish whatever degree you can get at a community college that's accredited, so as to not get further in dept, say you've been doing something productive to potential employers, then get a soul sucking job flipping burgers and try to dig your way out of hell. Good luck to ya!!

>> No.84615

getting a job for a person with college degree is certainly hard nowadays; however, that is why there are internships, and also no one said it was easy. It took me 7 months to get a job in my field, while applying daily for more than 8 hours. The job applications are not even remotely similar to what they have at Micky D's, some even take 2 hours. Your friends are lazy fucks, especially if they don't even consider relocating, giving up is easier for them. With that being said, are there fields that interest you? Computers, audio, art, hospitality, food industry etc? You said you have $200? Get some certificate to jump above some resumes in a pile, but mostly try free internships or apprenticeships. There are always ways how to make it, even in the biggest shit holes in the world.

>> No.84616

You can live off of fast food wages, fuck I lived on my own making <$9 an hour, and this was only 6 years ago, I had a car, and a small apartment, after a year of living in an apartment, I got a slightly better job and bought a small house. I still live in the same house, and I have two cars that are paid for. I had to make sacrifices to make everything work, and I still cut the fuck out of some coupons, and I got so used to not having cable t.v. that I can't stand commercials anymore. Fuck last year when my girlfriend couldn't find any work I supported her too, and I still really don't make very much money, I'm basically a few thousand a year above what is considered the poverty level, but I feel richer than people who make twice or three times as much money as me, because I don't waste money on the things that they do.

>> No.84617

I just fucking got it, get a job on a cruise ship!!!

>> No.84618

Sunday's for sure, but depending on the size of the church they likely have service several times a week. Call and talk to them, or leave a message and they will get back to you. Definitely go to Sunday service, but a batter time to talk to the pastor/priest would be during the week when they have more time to devote to you personally. Explain your situation.

Also, not a bad idea to "shop around" in order to find a church that has the largest congregation and therefore the most people that could potentially help you out.

>> No.84619

I fix my own cars and do all my own maintenance, at home I learned how to be a plumber, and how to fix a water heater and what a thermocouple is. I learned carpentry, and how to source a universal replacement a/c condenser fan motor for the central air unit. I learned to ask friends if they had an older item instead of buying one, Like the computer I'm using right now.hell even now, if I want something I usually supplement the purchase by selling stuff on ebay, it's amazing how all the little crap that you have lying around is actually worth a few bucks, this has gotten me by many times, it's how I replaced my oven when it crapped out on me. I had enouph car parts, computer parts, and other crap lying about collecting dust, that it added up to $400 in the end.
I will never understand how people will complain about not being able to support themselves, I can understand not getting jobs, but you have to actively peruse it, you can't just fill out online job applications and sit back and wait, you have to walk into places and talk to the right person in the right way, even now, I'm in a decent job, I actively apply to other jobs, just in case. I even applied to be a railroad conductor, and got a call back about it a few weeks ago. I didn't go to the "interview" though, because it wasn't a real interview, they wanted me to skip work and go to the local conference center at 8 a.m. on a friday and plan on being there all day (with all of the other applicants)
There is opportunity out there, there's a whole land made of it out there, you just have to learn to look for it.

>> No.84621


>> No.84624


being able to write in the USA is NOT a marketable skill. Find a degree that is in high demand, even if you dislike the work.

>> No.84625

Even on $9 you'd have to be renting a place that only cost like $300 a month. To be able to afford to eat, drive your car (gas and insurance), heat your house, and arguably include renter's insurance and a phone. I've never seen a place to rent for less than $450 a month. Also, every single person I know who works fast food gets like 15 hours a week, so if you worked up to being the McManager, then maybe you could get full time at around $9 which would be possibly enough to afford your own place.

>> No.84633



become a "caretaker" and grow medical weed.


>> No.84634

I worked full time, and got benefits including health insurance. The place I rented was $390 a week, which included water, garbage and basic cable. I had to pay the electric bill, and I also paid for an internet connection. For the first few months I didn't even have a couch to sit on, until my store manager said he had one he'd give me. I will admit that my mom helped me with having a phone, I was, and still am on their add a line for $10 a month, but I always have paid her for it, and I really only do it for her benefit, I could live without a phone but she couldn't call to check up on me if I didn't have one.

>> No.84638

month, not week lol

>> No.84640


short of that, there's always home invasion. Scope out a few nice subs in upper-middle neighborhoods and sack em. desperate times = desperate measures.

>> No.84641

>I will never understand

I'm glad you're aware of this. I, like you, have no problem getting things done just like you've posted. Every time I've wanted a job, I was able to do this or that to get one (i.e. never by application). Between jobs I'd always have some hustling "enterprises" going on or even while working. The difference between you and those you profess to not understand is that you have this skill and they likely do not. Is it because they're lazy? Is it because they're stupid? It is extremely easy to jump to these ignorant opinions just in the same way that the disadvantaged are ignorant of ways they could probably help--if only in part--their current situation. But, many times what you say is coming from the mouths of the privileged having mistaken their fortune for earned rewards. Judging is foolish and understanding takes stoic sensibility.

>> No.84645

I like that

op the shit has nothing to do with if you smoke weed or not / other than bs drug testing
i smoke shit loads of weed / nothing wrong with dat

fucking take part of the money you have
but supplies to make shit with or cheap crap to resell
get an ebay or ??? account sell shit online
that way you have at least some cash to save cuming in while your looking for work

fuck you want to write shit than do it
diy print you own shit & sell it on line

and pull your head out of your ass
trying to help you here

why the fuck do you think being homeless is better than having a place to live or will make easier for you to find work
it's going to make it harder

you'll be spending more time trying to survive i.e. trying to figure out a safe place to sleep where your next meal is going to cum from
hope you like cold 1/2 eaten big macs in trash cans / that you might just have to fight for

how long do you think the few bux you have will last you

fuck it give it a try
put some shit in your back pack
remember you have to be able to carry everything you need / no place to store shit / a shopping cart will help with that
head out on the street for a week
don't even have to go far / just a few blocks from home

you'll love it it's just like camping
you'll see

>> No.84648

mexican guy here again, try construction, really i have lots of friends that works in the usa, all of them are in construction, you can learn a lot of stuff and is easy to learn "level up" you can start as a helper, then choose your way, carpentry, drywall, concrete, plumbing etc. you are going to start making something like 400 hundred a week, but they usually work more hours and can get up to 800, if you learn stuff you can be doing 1000 a week with no extra hours.

>> No.84650

Here is a smart anon. I agree that too many people mistake privileged who think they used hard work to get where they're at, rather than acknowledging their parent's contribution, or just plain luck.

>> No.84658

A week on the street in MI in December is a hell of a lot different than a couple months in CA. Obviously, you've never even been to MI. We get this stuff that fall from the sky called snow, and it's usually an indication that it's cold outside. Too cold to survive unless you are in an establishment that can provide heat.

I appreciate those of you who are trying to help, like mexican guy. Unlike the brony who is just here to flame as much as he can. Like I said dude, go back to random, nobody here is impressed.

>> No.84660

Don't listen to this guy. It's impossible to get a job in construction as a white guy now.

>> No.84661

well i'm an uneducated lazy individual, I was brought up during the nineties and am the product of divorced parents. I was, probably, what most people would consider spoiled. I feel like my parents left out volumes of key information that would have proven helpful along the way, but instead left me learning lessons the hard way. I feel like I've made it on my own because I've taken the jobs nobody else wanted, working for wages that are far below what I know I deserve. when I started at mcdonalds I was flipping burgers for minimum wage and worked my way up I got more hours than most because I had an open schedule and I was willing to work at night, I also showed up on time and didn't screw around. before I worked there I worked at a college book store for minimum wage, working 20 hours a week, also during that time I worked on and off at a girlfriends dads pheasant farm, that shit sucked ass, scooping up giant rooms full of ground rice hulls infused with bird piss and shit from the past few months, air thick with dust and fucking disgusting birds flying around everywhere. He even kept a couple of turkeys in a separate room I hated going in there, those bastards were mean as all fuck.

>> No.84670
File: 128 KB, 960x540, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the army its what I did altho i would try and go officer and not enlisted way easier and you get paid much more pic related thats me

>> No.84680

Kiss that metal cock you uneducated bitch!

And continue to murder strangers. That shit always pays well.

>> No.84682
File: 25 KB, 400x348, 0014homelesscanyouhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps~ don't forget to pack a marker so you can put you writing skills to good use making signs

<--- pic related

>> No.84685

Adding that you will work for food to your sign is a really great plan, especially if you're in an area that is far enough out of the way for people to have big yards. You'll end up getting a person or two a week that will make you a sandwich and give you 20 bucks to do the yard work they don't want to do. That's your week's food if you use it right.

>> No.84686

In fact they might even let you take a shower when you're done if you aren't excessively dirty.

>> No.84702

and if you get real lucky maybe they'll have a shed out back that you can live in till you save up enough money to rent an apt.

+ you can suck a little dick on the side for some extra cash

you'll be golden in no time flat

>> No.84703
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sorry op.

there is no way back,

just face it man.

>> No.84759

Do this. You do 1-3 months of hard work, then you sit on your ass getting free food and board for the next few years and actually getting paid. Often in exotic locales.

Then when you get out you get free shit from the government for the rest of your life and people keep thanking you for 'serving'.t

>> No.84764

what world to you live in

>> No.84768

im not sure about that, i know there are some white guys in construction, the problem is they dont work as hard as mexicans, not becouse they are lazy, becouse they are not hungry and get paid more than the wetbacks.

just try, if you see any construction near you, just go and ask if they need a helper. Accept whatever they offer you, if they ask how much do you want just say anything will do.

Also 2 months is not a lot of time, it took me 1 year to start working with a degree (mechanical engineer) here in Mexico, 6 months later i quit and i started my own business. FUCK YEA!

>> No.84841

im one of those spoiled kids that never applied themselved. skated through high school, got a 2.7gps in college, hardly bothering to study, instead i smoked weed and drank beer.

it took me 6 months after graduation to find a job.

worked for four years, then got laid off.

took me another 6 months to find another job in my field, except this one paid 25k/year more

everything went better than expected

>> No.84846

fucking lol'd
too early for winter break fags

>> No.84859

I don't know why Mexicans are stereotyped as lazy and whites aren't. My white workers are the laziest on the job. Mexicans and blacks work harder. The whites also scheme a lot on the job and try to create the illusion of hard work.

>> No.84870

it all depends, everywhere is different. I have worked at TGIF and have never seen the Mexican cooks as so much use a damn soap, no water, just passed by me like the sinks didn't exist. Also, murrikans consider everybofy from central America to be Mexican, like europeans East of Germany to be Russians and commies

>> No.84887

as the mexican fag here i have to tell you, there is all kind of mexicans, there is people that just works no matter what, others works if you pay them well, others wont work no matter what.

If you are in the USA you are going to see mexicans working hard, you guys pay 10 times more. They dont know how much time they have in the USA (La migra carnal!) so they need the money.

if you see second and third generation of mexicans you can see they get more lazy everyday.

>> No.84888

>be mexican
>classify mexicans according to how they work

>> No.84895

>be mexican
>classify PEOPLE according to how they work

It was mexicans, but that applies for most of the people, some people work for the money and others just work.Also when parents have a hard time to give everything to their kids, the kids grow to think they should have everything they want. (not always i know)

>> No.85038

you said you live in newport, and that you went 3 times in 2 months to monroe's mi works, because it's when you could get rides.

why don't you invest 50$ into a semidecent bike? the 8 miles to mi works could be covered in 45 minutes, you could get to as much places as you want to ask for jobs, you are independent for transport at least at this stage, and people also see that you are a bit independent and that you are really putting something into getting a job

>> No.85054

Yeah, the more you show that you don't cooperate with anyone, the better. The US is now all about fucking everyone else.

>> No.85055
File: 18 KB, 646x171, norcal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not in norcal

>> No.85064

>hi, i'm looking for a job, any kind of job
>well maybe there's something you could do. please come back tomorrow when the boss is in

>oh no, tomorrow i don't know if anyone could give me a ride

>tomorrow? it's ok if i pass here at 9 a.m.?

yeah, it's "all about fucking everyone else"

>> No.85099
File: 65 KB, 540x540, funny-Eddard-Stark-winter-is-coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not defending OP as I think he came here to get support for not doing anything, but you don't realize one thing with Michigan and bikes
pic related

>> No.85128

holy shit. ASOIAF in my hands right now. this is creeeeepy

>> No.85156

>buy light, compact hammock
>move to warm climate
>sleep wherever the fuck you want as long as there are two trees to tie it to

>> No.85157

have you ever heard of human bot fly, OP?

i wouldn't suggest being homeless in an area that's warm all year round.

>> No.85171 [DELETED] 

Three words for you OP:

"Steal this book"

Read it. It will teach you how to live on the streets for free. It will give you addresses, locations, descriptions, shelters, and a lot of useful information.


>> No.85175

Three words for you OP:

"Steal this book"

Read it. It will teach you how to live on the streets for free. It will give you addresses, locations, descriptions, shelters, and a lot of useful information.

>> No.85179

join the fucking army.

>> No.85194

there are jobs out there. I'm in school for biology currently and see them all the time. During summers I work for us fish and wild life. During the school year I'm a fine dining cook. I started in the kitchen at the age of 14, I walked in and said "Look I know I don't deserve a chance from you, but I know for a fact that I can wash dishes just as fast as anyone back there." I got the typical no call back/we dont have positions shit that you guys all whine about. So I called back and let them know that I would work for 2 weeks for free provided they would give me a fair working interview after that. I spent 3 years working for those people. After a year I made it to cook and after 3 years I was working sous chef. Now I can work anywhere in the nation while looking for a job. Did this happen because I work harder than anyone else or because im unnaturally skilled? Nope it happened because I was willing to fucking try.

>TL:DR Go fucking try. If the hiring manager at the places you're applying hasn't seen or heard from you 8 days in a month you're doing it wrong. Fucking try

>> No.85271

Typical americunt solution.

>> No.85278

or http://wiki.stealthiswiki.org/wiki/Table_of_Contents