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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 51 KB, 321x320, 5434-get-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
830236 No.830236 [Reply] [Original]

>gutting house from 1930s
>tons of newspaper insulation in walls
>homeowner sees it freaks out saying its asbestos
>explain that its newspaper and asbestos was almost never used to insulate walls
>calls guy to test it anyway
>tell him its newspaper
>gives me a huge speech about how we cant be sure and have to test it
>tests it
>completely ignores pipes and duct work that actually are wrapped in asbestos
>wow anon I should have listened to you and saved $500

>> No.830240

sounds like everybody wins

>> No.830243
File: 43 KB, 300x244, wkrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in industrial loft
>unfinished, just a kitchen area built up
>one 3 phase outlet no other electricity

This is Switzerland, and the 3 phase outlets here allow you to plug in a normal 3 prong 240 plug

>3phase outlet is from Benjaman Franklin time
>rummage and find correct antique plug, branch it into 3 modern 3ph outlets powerstrip style (had stuff to run on the 3ph, live-in workshop), also branched off 3 240 outlets one on each phase
>machines run backwards
>fuck, I know my cables should be correct
>go to swap phases at the Mother Outlet
>see 3phases, ground, and no neutral wire, just ground jumped to neutral

mfw I asked retired contractor wtf and he said this was normal until recently here

>this is why Swiss buildings are made of stone

Oh and OP the place was chock full of asbestos too.

>> No.830244

Well we lost alot of time waiting for this guy to test everything and he was very condescending because he was licensed to test for the shit

>> No.830429

>go to house to do drywall hotpatch
>cutting out a hole for hot patch to be even
>realize there is random shit in the wall
>start pulling out random shit
>flashlight, paint can opener, wad of duct tape, strip of carpet, GTA SA ps2 cover in there

I mean seriously this guy talks how is so smart, and shit boggles him

>put new windows in
>put insulation in as TEMPORARY FILLER
>come back next day
>stick note that says "insulation?"

I mean seriously.

>> No.830432

>he was very condescending

I hate those kinds people.

>> No.830443

>DIY page
>contractors swapping stories
Really? MFW like OP's pic

My recent story.
>start pulling up bathroom floor, linoleum and underlayment.
>underlayment was drilled and dropped down around the toilet supply pipe without the valve
>the valve is compression fitting, I hate compression fittings.
>I grab sawzall (you see where this is going) to cut the underlayment
>I did not get a spray and big mess, just a slow, tiny trickle
>go buy sweat on valve and rebuild pipe from below up.
I put in a wood floor. All that is left is building the vanity.

>> No.830449

I made a similar mistake one time except it was with a drill. I just soldered the hole to seal it.

>> No.830452


I love these threads.

>helping move lady out of 1940's 2 story home and doing small repairs/ painting
>one job requires going into hot as fuck attic and replacing like 8 ceiling tiles in this finished room.
>ancient ass tiles, and there are only 10 or or so spares ones left.
>have to replace the ones going around the chimney (aka the fucking hardest ones cause they have to be cut to size and i have to start in the middle).
>cut the first one
>my thumbs leave imprints and cracks in the tile
>most of the tiles are so dry that the majority are broken in places, some of them were already broken and i didn't notice cause they were in a box.
>have to cut out most of the tongue and groves in the tiles just to fit them (previous idiot stapled and glued the edges to the drywall underneath.

She's old and the attic stairs are terrible so I'll just coat the mistakes with calk and paint.

>> No.830453

I didn't really have that choice, it was right against the subfloor. I stay away from torching too close to wood. I did most of the soldering at my work bench, and raised the valve by three inches just to avoid close contact with wood and torch. The three inches of exposed pipe won't matter since I'm using copper and steel pipe in the decor.

>> No.830467

>be five or so years ago
>blowing insulation into an attic
>really have to poop, its the end of the day and the company frowns upon us using the customers bathrooms
>decide i can hold it
>80 degrees outside, like 100+ in attic
>suddenly realize this is no normal shit brewing
>oh fuck, i need to use a bathroom now fuck company policy
>heading for the ladder
>just as i start to reach my foot down, the floodgates open
>customer asks "oh are you done?"
>"umm no i missed a spot"
>go back in attic
>cut off shit filled underwear with a utility knife
>threw it in the attic
>insulated over it

Somewhere in Wisconsin someone has shit filled underwear permanently installed in their attic. I regret nothing.

>> No.830469

Remodeling a 30's era house... tearing out wall in a small bathroom to install new plumbing etc. Cleaning out debris (with bare hands of course). Drag finger tips thru old rusty razorblades. Apparently fuctards used to shove old used razorblades thru little slots in the back of the medicine cabinet which would fall into the wall... Good times.

>> No.830475
File: 81 KB, 960x540, areyoufuckingkiddingmejason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic related I finally found it.

>> No.830479

That's a rat nest. Or there used to be an infestation of tweakers. Either way, check for chewed wiring.

>> No.830482

"I had to open all the telephone jacks to check for the people in the walls!!!!!!!111111!!111"


>> No.830487


Can't be, the wife said he tried to fix it, before I showed up. So, either he was too dumb to notice, or he did it. But wad up duct tape, rats don't do that.

>> No.830495

>But wad up duct tape, rats don't do that.
but if they find a wad of duct tape they may carry it to the nest

>> No.830509

>see 3phases, ground, and no neutral wire, just ground jumped to neutral

that was quite a normal and ok way to do it

>> No.830531 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 321x320, creepyguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh
pictures that look like they belong in /pol/
are starting to creep into the DIY forum

>> No.830533

OP get the fuck out of here

>> No.830534 [DELETED] 

It's just some ugly dude.

>> No.830538 [DELETED] 

It's a picture that has nothing to do with insulation, that is meant to evoke an emotional response, which is what /pol/ is all about.

>> No.830547
File: 62 KB, 229x231, 1418135677720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People post unrelated pictures all the time. I don't, but it's not an uncommon occurrence.

>> No.830548

This thread isn't about insulation, it's about
>/diy/ horror stories
If someone is trying to evoke an emotional response here, it's you.

>> No.830549 [DELETED] 

>People post unrelated pictures all the time
Including trolls.
/sci/ sometimes has this problem. Every now and then you get some trolls posting gross out medical pictures or bizzare weird stuff under the guise of science questions, but it's just picture trolling to pollute the forum with a bunch of annoying photos.

>> No.830550 [DELETED] 

It's a BS troll thread is what it is.

>> No.830555 [DELETED] 

I think your right.
I've noticed this also at times. Since DIY can take money out of professional contractors hands they have
some weird motive to fuck with DIY's. I've run across too many threads where they start something, fill it with some jargon
to get the thread going and then sit back exchanging "pro tips" while they blindside innocent participants that stumble into
the thread. This is clearly a form of trolling and legitimate particpants of this forum need to start tagging these threads
to warn the uninitiated.

I would also add that they are definitely crossing the line if they start using /pol/ like picture meme techniques.

>> No.830556 [DELETED] 

OP just get the fuck out of here and don't come back.

>> No.830561
File: 1.57 MB, 330x186, 1389509671682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill it with some jargon to get the thread going and then sit back exchanging "pro tips" while they blindside innocent participants that stumble into the thread.
> I'm too brain dead to go to google and look up what the fuck they are talking about, depriving myself of an opportunity to learn about something I clearly have no fucking clue about..

> This is clearly a form of trolling and legitimate particpants of this forum need to start tagging these threads to warn the uninitiated.
> ..and it's everyone fault but mine. Get these intelligent fuckers out of my face so I don't need to be reminded of what a failure I am! The last thing I want on my 4chins is people who know more than me raining their knowledge down upon those who are smart enough to run with it!

That's.. That's all I read.. sorry man. If people are posting things you don't understand, the onus is on you to research and learn. The people saying the smart things have already done their job by sharing the smart thing.

>> No.830563 [DELETED] 

The anus is on your asshole is to stop defending trolls.

>> No.830564 [DELETED] 

OP you are soooooo busted. hahaha

>> No.830578


Three phase and no neutral is still quite common today, big air condition firms mostly use three phase stuff on there equipment and if needed pick a neutral up from a transformer. It saves having to pull in a 4 core cable as well.

>> No.830579
File: 11 KB, 169x166, 1561616511516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



a picture that belongs on /pol/, you mean a reaction image from one of the most famous tv shows in recent times?

Behave yourself this is 4 chan a place where posting reaction images is common place you fucking nut job.

>> No.830580 [DELETED] 


You guys are aware that your posting on 4 chan right a Tibetan image hosting web site?

>> No.830581 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 626x348, 1412988630849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold the fuck up
Since when were reaction images a /pol/ thing

>> No.830597

Reaction images are literally the most fundamental element of this website. To argue that they are '/pol/' is just ludicrous.

>> No.830598

I know, but using ground as a substitute for neutral can lead to some nasty surprises.

>> No.830602

Oh yeah that is very common in old houses always gotta be careful when ripping out a medicine cabinet. Dont know how many times Ive pulled them out and have blades fall on me.

>> No.830603 [DELETED] 

I just googled reaction face because I have none on my phone and it seemed to fit my story.

>> No.830605


It seems like they just used the neutral core cable as an extra Earth cable, which is common.

>> No.830607

Well m8 I made the thread and I work for a contractor that does very highe end construction so some random people doing their own floors or building a deck with the help of this board doesnt really affect me. I just wanted to read some funny stories

>> No.830610

Mmm, they were branching off 240 from the 380 3ph using earth as neutral.

When I moved to a new workshop with ground fault breakers I had to rewire some machines as the accessory lamps were wired with ground as neutral.

>> No.830612 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1600x1584, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1432229568251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I can't believe people fell for it.

>> No.830617
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 1BlohmX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MRW trolls use the "OP is a troll" method to troll non trolls.

>> No.830619

>see this thread
>35 replies
>oh boy time to read some good stories
>like 3 actual stories
>rest of thread is people calling op a troll and some kind of evil contractor boogeyman out to sabotage their projects

Bravo /diy/

>> No.830638

yeah whats up with this. I love contractor/diy horror stories.

>> No.830643

>She's old and the attic stairs are terrible so I'll just coat the mistakes with calk and paint.

or you could do a fucking good job?

>> No.830645

I dont understand all the contractor hate this board needs some ampunt of actual professionals giving advice cant have it only be weekend warriors. Nothing wrong with being one but theres that old saying that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

>> No.830647 [DELETED] 

> Well m8 I made the thread and I work for a contractor that does very highe end construction
Well anon if you are the OP or not it doesn't matter because the OP would probably
respond with something like this. Yes it's obvious this and other threads have a professional contractor bias.

> so some random people doing their own floors or building a deck with the help of this board doesnt really affect me
It SHOULDN"T overly bother you. But then again, certain PAID PROFESSIONALS that work all day probably
don't really want to spend their evenings helping what they consider idiots for FREE.
Now do they ?

> I just wanted to read some funny stories
After surveying some of the BS on this board, it seems some of you just want to to get in a construction chat room
after a long day and poke fun of your own customers behind their backs. If a naive or ignorant DIYer gets in the way,
that'll work too.

>> No.830648

I'm not good at everything, so having a trades professionals input is very helpful.

>> No.830649

What exactly is wrong with laughing/staring horrified at shitty hackjobs? Every other board does it. Gun gore, computer gore, plamo gore, nigger-rigged bodywork, why not outlets that are milimeters from sparking up the whole building and shit like that?

>> No.830650

I genuinely want to help people but it is fun to make fun of the hack jobs you uncover and the oblivious customers

>> No.830651 [DELETED] 

>having a trades professionals input is very helpful
It is very helpful, when they're not behaving like a bunch of snickering trolls with an attitude.

>> No.830653 [DELETED] 

>I can't handle being on 4chan

>> No.830658 [DELETED] 

What exactly is wrong with laughing/staring horrified at shitty hackjobs?
> I genuinely want to help people but it is fun to make fun of the hack jobs you uncover and the oblivious customers

But this is not really a business forum for large amounts of that type of employment
oriented discussion.
You need a forum called "Work Hacks" or
"Professional Trade Chat" or something.

When the professionals engage in that sort of chat in this forum it can wind up offending the amateur DIY crowd and taking up space for more appropriate hobby project discussion.

>> No.830660 [DELETED] 


you do realize this thread went to shit when you started posting right?
Also you sound like some kind of faggot who got told he did something wrong and since then has a chip on his shoulder because tradesmen use 4 chan.

I'm sorry I went to college and became an electrician and have been working in the field for 10 years, because of that I might know more than some random DIYer who's experience consists of changing a fucking lightbulb giving advice on a stupid fucking website filled with manchildren neckbeards and forever alone social asspies.

>> No.830661 [DELETED] 

> I might know more than some random DIYer who's experience consists of changing a fucking lightbulb giving advice on a stupid fucking website filled with manchildren neckbeards and forever alone social asspies.

Why are you here ? What do you get out of this forum ?

>> No.830664 [DELETED] 

>because tradesmen use 4 chan
you can use 4chan just don't troll DIY making fun of the hobby crowd and the less educated

They'll call you a troll and you'll deserve that label because you're an asshole.

>> No.830666 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 141155151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But any why I am here the same as every other board on 4 chan arguing, funny pictures, trolling, and getting mad at inane stuff.

>you can use 4chan

oh thank you very much for letting me join your exclusive club.

>just don't troll DIY making fun of the hobby crowd and the less educated

You do realise what 4 chan is right?

I will make fun of niggers on pol
I will make fun of manlets on fit
I will make fun of cunny fags on tv
I will make fun of americans on sp
I will make fun fucc bois on fa
And most importantly I will make fun DIYers on diy

I visit this board because I am starting to get into gardening and basic carpentry

>> No.830667

Im not that guy but I do carpentry/cabinet making its more than a job to me and I like to talk with and help out people that share my interest

>> No.830673 [DELETED] 

grow up a bit or fuck off please mate

>> No.830676 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x348, summer_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.830684 [DELETED] 

> Since when were reaction images a /pol/ thing
>> 830597
> Reaction images are literally the most
fundamental element of this website. To argue that they are '/pol/' is just ludicrous.

Your right in that other forums use them. In fact they're even appropriate and funny in the right context.
At the same time, they are also one of the biggest problems this website has.

I don't think you can arbitrarily police reaction photos across the website, but in some contexts
they are an accessory to genuine trolling.

If too many are posted only to score political meme points they can wind up ruining a forum with endless clutter.

It is much easier to find some goofy picture, put some 4 letter words or people slurs in the title and dump it in a forum,
than it is to construct a thoughtful post.

Amazingly the DIY forum usually avoids the worst of that somehow.

>> No.830687 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 215x216, 1413381702836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I see your DIY

>> No.830699



>> No.830719

imagine the next guy working there finding that

>> No.830723

Funny thing you mention potential outlet fires tore open a wall a few weeks back and found all the switches stuffed with fiberglass insulation.

>> No.830731

OP did start it all off with a story of homeowner going into panic mode over nothing. Not really matching the theme he meant. A story of him messing something up or going wrong, and how he fixed it would make a good story. I don't come here for pros griping about customers. He came across condescending to us DIYers.

>> No.830744
File: 363 KB, 1630x1222, Contained-Blast-of-Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> see thread
> this immediately pops into my head

My grandfather was quite the handyman, sadly he died last year.
He had his tiny garage so goddam full of tools, it was absurd.
Being him, he didn't leave any kind of testimony about what to do with the tools of course.
There were a bunch of ones I wanted not only for myself but also away from anyone else to avoid a potentially very gory accident (metal lathe, massive angle grinder without guard... etc..).
By this point you should know I have a large family and I'm about the only one with a knowledge of powertools.
So I just keep going to his garage to do my stuff, always put back things at their place after using them. Just like he would have wanted.
One day, I arrive and there's literally nothing left.
> what in the fuck ?

Apparently one of my uncles took everything to his own house.
So I pay him a visit, and he's actually just there using that massive angle grinder
> no glasses
> no breathing apparatus of any kind

So I come in, yell at him to stop what he's doing, I can see the guard sitting on a shelf.
Then, the dingo just goes "Uh wut ?" and puts the thing still running on the ground.

The disk fucking exploded and a piece got shoved in his leg and now half the family is angry at me because why not ? It was obviously my fault distract the artist at work.

> At least I got the lathe back

>> No.830789

>get free air compressor from friend
>made in 1963, all rusted
>decided to fix it up and still use it
>/diy/ flips out

>> No.830791

The power tool I used was a circular table saw that my grandfather last owned. My high school shop teaching uncle had it in his barn along with some other vintage tools like my grandfather's very large, metal cased chainsaws. My uncle let me use the table saw unsupervised and no safety gear. It was a different story when I took his shop class. He was mister safety then. I now am very safety conscience, including ear protection. None of my uncles bothered, and we have to talk a little loud at family reunions now.

>> No.830799

What what you do in his situation?

>> No.830800

Never had that happened to me before, but I piss in backyards all the time.

>> No.830810

>expanding/updating garage built in 1920s
>hasn't been opened in years
>massive springs for garage door
>one of them is held on by a carriage bolt with no nut
>there's a ring worn into the bolt by the spring
Long story short the spring ended up stuck in a wall.
I also pulled off a 1x4 over the door jamb and a broadhead, a lucky strike package, a small knife, and a couple .45 rounds fell out.

>> No.830830

>buy house built in late 80s
>remodel upstairs
>adding new circuits upstairs
>easier to just rip drywall out then cut bunch of holes
>find 1980s beer bottles, magazines, and candy wrappers behind the wall
I kept the beer bottles, they look cool

>> No.830868
File: 325 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-06-23-23-58-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. When i replaced the drywall in my kitchen, me n my brother left beer bottles in the wall.. And wrote shit on the beams. For the next guy that rips down my drywall job. Pic related, one of the bottles had that label. I found it appropriate to hide in the wall

>> No.830992

There is a show about flipping houses in TX, where they found stuff like that in a house. They tracked down the guy who put it there, and showed him the house after they finished it. The guy was 19 when the house was built, in his 50's when they found the stuff.

>> No.831012

>buy forclosed house built in late 30's, rehabbing as a rental
>notice the space under the basement stairs is closed off & odd wires running along basement joists
>cut into wall & find a little room with a single bulb, built-in desk & bench, and an honest to God tube short wave
>lots of writing on the walls, strings of numbers, mostly repeated. Several pennies from the 30's and 40's placed in corners & jammed in cracks

Not sure if it was a spy den or just a schizo, but cool. Still have the radio in my garage.

>> No.831015

I went back home recently and only now as an adult have I realized how cheap my childhood home is. It's one of those cheap postwar boxes, none of the walls come together at right angles (same with the floor) and the windows are all built at slightly different heights from the floor.

Also, iron pipes everywhere and no grounds on any of the outlets. Original 1940s era wallpaper too, caked in a few millimeters of cigarette smoke. The most disgusting thing however is the area just in the corner of our living room, where growing up we had our old tube TV (the current TV is a wall mounted flatscreen). Over 15 or so years, I spilt at least 20-30 drinks in the area where the navy blue carpet is almost brown and the floor underneath is stained from constantly wiping it up with 409. The carpets in the master bedroom are fucked up too, they're original to the 50s and used to be white, now they're grey with black spots.

As a final kicker, the driveway itself is still just two concrete strips with dirt inbetween. There's no path up to the house either, just dirt.



>> No.831030

I hope you know the owner of the garage.

>a broadhead, a lucky strike package, a small knife, and a couple .45 rounds fell out.

Hardcore dude was ready for action. Smokes and a knife and AMMO, for the gun he would already have by the time he got to his trusty garage to begin the resistance movement to save the free world.

>> No.831034

It's on my parent's property. Never met the guy who built it, he died not long after my parents bought the house from him.
But yeah, that was my thought.

>> No.831063

speaking of asbestos, I'm looking at buying an old farm house out innawoods from the 50's. It has asbestos siding, how much of an issue is that and if i had to replace it how would i go about doing that?

>> No.831066
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>> No.831068

If you want it done "correctly" you'll have to hire someone and have it disposed of as hazardous material.

If you're the only one who knows it's asbestos get it wet and keep it wet and remove it yourself, break it as little as possible to get it to sizes you can put in garbage bags and take it to the dump.

It's not the boogeyman it's made out to be. As with everything it is only dangerous if you expose yourself to too much of it (in dust form). You and I and everyone here have millions of asbestos fibers in our lungs right now.

>> No.831072

what if i wear a mask and gloves, wet it down, pull the screws out and bury the sheets somewhere in the woods?

>> No.831079
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>> No.831096
File: 501 KB, 853x1280, MILK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I need a bit of help sorry to derail

18, I'm a big guy but I know that probably won't help considering its not 1930. I'm trying to get a job in construction/painting/something along those lines, I'm good with my hands I've built basic furniture done landscaping projects but I don't know terms for things.

Where can I learn the basics and just get a job soon? The sooner the better, I'd be learning on job as well. How did you learn?

Thanks in advance, any advice on this stuff would help. The only horror story I can tell you is:
>Working on renovating front of my old school after the sandy storm shit
>Tell the kids around me exactly what needs to be done to restore this shit
>Kid starts using caulk gun and some weird epoxy for shower tiles to glue old metal chains together and make a "fence"
>Kid 2 starts tearing out all the soil around the bushes to put in pavers, ends up spilling pavers inside hole leaves job early because of shame
>Kid 3 refuses to listen to me when trimming bushes with electric hedge trimmer, ends up letting the cord get in front of the blades and cuts the fucking power cord
>Spend next thirty minutes looking for cords to finish job while people go "ARE YOU OKAY? DID YOU GET HURT? ANON HOW COULD YOU BE SO INCONSIDERATE HE COULD HAVE HURT HIMSELF! INSTEAD YOU WORRY ABOUT THE CORD!" mind you we have three hours left to finish this job
>Rest of the useless kids leave it a mess worse than it was before, end up finishing it with cousin and based mom, still owe her for that day
It looked nice in the end until the school year came around and the kids started ruining it thinking they're cool
And thats why I don't work with kids my age anymore, I'm 18 and I need a job that involves physical labor so I can lose a bit more weight, and join the Air Force.

>in the end the other kids got just as much credit as I did for this project
>The front of the school is a fucking mess again
>mfw I never went back to visit

>> No.831112

>being a shithead that disposes of poisonious shit in the woods.
Fuck off, hide it in garbage.

>> No.831188

Poison is not the problem with asbestos. I do however agree, don't just bury it, it's going to be there more or less forever. Try to find someone who can dispose of it properly, where I live (Europe) you could leave it at some recycling stations for free...

>> No.831202

I learned from my father growing up your best bet is to just find a job as an unskilled laborer for some kind of construction company and just do the mexican work for a few months to a year until you work your way up. Be warned though lugging around plywood and 2x10s all day is really draining.

>> No.831215

One time I went to work and was looking for a single key in my jeans pocket. A pack of lucky strikes, knife, and a FTF 45 ACP (from the range that morning) all came out of my front right pocket as I was digging for the key. My co workers expect nothing less so shit like that is never a big deal.

My favorite is when I go to the range before work, then hang up my jacket and the brass from the asshole next to me falls out of the hood, etc. Theres always one or two newer people in the office who turn gray as my boss and other co workers are indifferent to such happening by now.

>> No.831221

Just get a job labouring somewhere. No one is going to give a shit that an 18 year old doesn't know all the terms related to construction and tools. You'll pick it up in no time.

>> No.831256

i could bury it beneath the barn. Wrap it in plastic maybe. Its not legal to remove yourself in the united states.

>> No.831488

>work in it at construction company
>decide to take a walk through the yard where they are fabricating bridge beams
>see a kid with jack hammer climb into cement truck
>continue walking around the yard checking out the various projects
>suddenly think about kid in cement truck with jack hammer probably chipping away chunks of dry concrete inside the spinning barrel part.
>kid wasn't wearing any mask in an enclosed area chipping away concrete with concrete dust everywhere
>head inside grab 2 respirators knock cement truck climb in kid is literally inside dust cloud heavy breatheing jacking away at concrete.
>yank the kid and drag his ass outside he seems little pissed off.
>tell him to shut up foreman comes over asking me wtf IT guy throw the kid the respirator to put on.
>foreman sees the respirators suddenly starts apologize to me and saying it's hard to keep track of everuone and to teach dimbass kids.
>go inside and fix forehand computer.

>> No.831552

Who puts a moving tool on the ground?

>> No.831554

keep the paint can opener - that's useful!

>> No.831561

funny that asbestos is a natural mineral that comes from the ground in the first place...
but yeah, just wrap it up and to the dump with it. that type isn't the worst. I've seen DIY shows on TV where they had it wrapped loosely in one of those cheap blue tarps in the back of a pick-up truck taking it to the dump.

>> No.831693

This is cool as hell.

>> No.831708
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150519_133128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't lived in this house since 2007, only my grandmother lives in it even though it's a big house.
She doesn't really bother cleaning the bathroom so everything was covered in several mm thick calcium deposit and rust, there was mould in between the tiles in some places.
Of course everything that could possibly leak leaked.
The water tank seal was supposedly torn too so there was a bucked underneath it, actually the ceramic tank itself was cracked.

Long story short I spent an entire day scrubbing tiles and cleaning everything, then replaced almost everything in the bathroom, now it looks almost as good as when we renovated it in 2000.

>> No.831710
File: 384 KB, 1391x1004, faucet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another photo.

>> No.831730

Got it. Applying for a carpenters/constructors helper job near by, apparently $10-$15 an hour. At the same time I'm getting my OSHA-10 cert online, which is a decent start I guess.

Thanks guys I'll update as to if I get the job or not.

>mfw I have the common sense to not be that kid
>mfw I hope I have that common sense ;-;

>> No.831846

/o/ here.
I see you guys have idiotic summer trolls spamming the fuck out of your threads too.
We are not alone.

>> No.831852
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, 1392087887966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to see pictures of that radio man.

I lurk /o/ as well, so I really shouldn't have gotten so triggered. It's just so rare for someone to go that full retard here is all.

On topic;
> Be me, 18.
> Rebuilding CT-110 (first bike) wiring harness from scratch because easy and learnings.
> Can't find all factory designated colours for wire so designate and note my own substitute colours.
> Go full retard and do it to NASA standard 8739.4 style, again because easy and learnings.
> Perfectly lay out and bind all elements, lacing a little unevenly spaced but proud as fuck of first attempt.
> Fuck yea! Header time!
> Realise half way through wiring up the ignition I had wrong wire colours.
> Had noted colour substitutions
> Had not checked to see if substituted colours were already in use in the factory designated colours.
> Two overlaps, orange and blue.
> Incorrect splices, incorrect splices everywhere.
> allthefeelsatonce.jpg

Unbundled, corrected and retied that motherfucker, I was not going to let it beat me. I was low on lacing so I tried to reuse the shit I had originally tied up with, which looked shabby as fuck but got the job done. Got that little faggot running like a boss, ended up handing it off to my little brother. To this day I have no idea why it did not occur to me to perform that cross check.

>> No.831857

Oh hi then.
This is the 1st time browsing on here, no idea why ive never browsed /diy/ since i do some /diy/ things and im a constructionfag.
Seems like id fit in.

>> No.831883
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 21769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a decent crossover. It's rare to see /o/ point at /diy/ and vice versa, which would suggest we are all legit mechanical and electrical guru's, or we are all benchracing faggots who think that because we know the hot end of a soldering iron, we enginair nao. It's hard to tell sometimes.

>> No.831892
File: 54 KB, 546x473, 1375823416276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.831909


>> No.831912

Its an /o/ meme. 100% shopped.

>> No.831949
File: 28 KB, 546x473, rotor1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% shopped.
original image

>> No.831955
File: 174 KB, 500x378, why lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>3000 years in the future
>aliens find mummified diarrhea in cavity of primitive dwelling
>what does this mean

>> No.831956
File: 193 KB, 423x322, attention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/o/ memes

>> No.831963

Reason not to by an RX7/8

>> No.831980

fuck you OP, with asbestos you can never be too careful. Better safe than sorry when sorry means a slow painful death.

>> No.831995

Try to pick up as much as you can because some guys will teach you and some wont, also buy a good pair of work boots if you didnt already, a tool belt, and some basic hand tools

>> No.832002

Its only dangerous if you rip it apart and it gets in the air the dangers of asbestos are so blow out of proportion its ridiculous and the guy being a tester of the shit had to know it wasnt asbestos he just wanted to get paid. I have never in 7 years seen asbestos used to insulate walls in a residential building.

>> No.832003

>try to pick up as much as you can
cant stress this enough I know guys in their lates 30s still making $18/hr because they couldnt be fucked to learn so all they can do is cut boards for the actual carpenters

>> No.832099
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Got it. I have some old steel toe boots, hand tools I'm assuming are phillips head, flat head, hammer, locking measure tape, what else would I need on hand? I carry a pocketknife at all times as well.

From what I've been learning, they're supposed to give me PPE, so I shouldn't bother with a hard hat, safety goggles and the like? I'm not sure about an actual work environment, or if people even care about following OSHA safety.

I'll be sure to learn as much as fucking possible though. I pick up quick.

>> No.832107

Flatbar, thick putty knife with no flex, a small framing square, and nail pullers would also be useful

>> No.832119
File: 765 KB, 2048x1152, 1435341250540950783206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a pic to make it easier

>> No.832121
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Will do. I'm off to Jew Mart tomorrow then. Have to finish applying to jobs today. Gonna ask for one more favor, my bad and thank you for the help so far I really appreciate it.
Do's and dont's? I'm mainly looking for dont's. I already got
>Do fucking learn shit, pick up as much as I can
>Do have common sense

>> No.832122

Sweet. Now I can feel like freeman when I go bludgeoning people with my flatbar.
>tfw you will never get to destroy headcrabs with a flatbar

>> No.832131

do you even into power distribution?
the ground wire is completely redundant. neutral is shorted to ground all along the network and in the power box. its how it works. only for residential things where people stick their dicks in toasters are GFCIs kind of useful.

>> No.832133

Always look for something to do you will have downtime at some point and even if you are just sweeping it will look good. If you see something that looks wrong point it out to your boss best case it is wrong and he conpliments you for noticing it worst case its right and he explains to you why its right. Dont be afraid to ask someone if you dont know how to do sonething. Last thing if you smoke dont throw butts into a dumpster unless you are absolutely sure they are out.

>> No.832138

you are a cunt.
that patch will fail. and their pipe will spray a little trickle onto the floor joists for months until the floor rots through.

solder is not used to patch holes.

its for reasons like these that residential builders should all be amalgamated into the one profession. the carpenter comes along and kinks the pipe to get it out of the way, the plumber cores through the structural supports because there's no code for just how much you're allowed to core out of a support before you've fucked it. all these different people just trying to get their part of their job done as quickly as possible, fuck the other guys work who's already been inspected.

>> No.832142

Its just hacks man most of the people I have worked with have knowledge of all the trades that go into building a house and would never do the things you described.

>> No.832144

someone who's only ever used baby's my first rotary tools before. professional tools dont have guards. or if they do they're removed anyway. shit like circular saws. the guards make cutting difficult and the guard can tear/scratch your work piece. with the guard, you've got to shove your tool onto the work piece to make it engage. without the guard it just slides through like butter.

>> No.832148

it is the middle of a rotary engine. they dont use valves. at least not those kind of stem valves in rotary engines. hence, it is a joke.

that's the exhaust bearings shot. you goto replace those.
>it's actually a wheel bearing
>a joke about how when turbochargers fail, they can shoot chunks of the turbine wheels into the exhaust.
>/o/ regularly advises people to service their exhaust bearings.

>> No.832151

Stay off your phone while you're on the job.
>Always look for something to do
THIS - My grandson went from part-time common labor while in high-school to apprentice electrician as soon as he graduated because he stayed busy even after he had completed the task assigned.
The company owner noticed his work ethic and personally told him he had a full-time job after graduation if he wanted it.

>> No.832155

Great advice, thanks for the time you took to tell. I'm good at keeping busy so I'll just do what comes naturally. I smoke black n milds occasionally, but thats it.

I'm obviously jotting this all down. And its great that your grandson got the apprenticeship, hopefully I work myself up to it as well.

Surprised, I thought only edge fags from /b/ controlled 4chan. Some pretty decent people around then.

>> No.832167

I think this board is free from most of the shitposting because it seems like an older group of anons

>> No.832168

>an older group of anons
I'm 72

>> No.832171

Honest question how did you even find this site and why do you browse it if you really are that old?

>> No.832176
File: 62 KB, 800x512, DOB-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am that old.
greentext for how I found the site.
I browse /diy/ to offer advice from someone with a lot of 'life knowledge'

>be 63 (now 72)
>be admin on wives and girlfriends porn site
>content contributed by members
>keep seeing pics of teens with 'sup /b/?' on tits
>go on quest to find sauce on pics
>find 4chins/b/
>can't leave

>> No.832191

Thats actually hilarious

>> No.832243

lol that is pretty cool, I wish my parents were a bit more like you but they insist they can't learn new tech because they're from an older age
>mfw both of them are around 55
>mfw this poster is 72 and fucking rockin it
>mfw yee

That means you were alive for the british invasion. Were the 60's really all that great as many say that were?


Alright I'm getting off topic after this post I'll stop. I gotta get back to applying anyway.

>> No.832252

Get a hammer.
That should be a given though.
Ive shown up to jobsites where all ive needed for weeks was a hammer and a knife.
Company should provide you with necessary PPE like hardhat, safety glasses, vest, and gloves.

Also buy a headlamp and tape it up onto your hardhat, dont drill and use zipties cause some Safeties shit themselves over modifying your hardhat like that.

>> No.832267

>Were the 60's really all that great as many say that were?
It was a great time in my life. I graduated HS in 1961.
I thought the Beatles 'ruined' music. I grew up on Little Richard, Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, you get the idea. The Beatles didn't sound like any of them.

As I aged I learned to appreciate their talents. I've forgiven them.

No internet then. It left us a lot more time for each other and a lot more naive about the world.

As for the tech stuff and being a geriatric, I built my first 'computer' in the early 70s. It was an Altair 6800 - their second offering after the Altair 8800. 4k of memory (a $100 upgrade) and could remember toggle switch inputs and flash LEDs (in a binary row) for the output. I still have it.

As for >>832099
>I carry a pocketknife at all times
Keep it in your pocket. Get a utility knife so you can discard the worn, damaged blades and pop in a fresh sharp one. I have a couple of the folding style. I keep a 'hook' blade in one and a standard 'pointy' blade in the other.

>> No.832282


>tfw you've probably called an 80 year-old man a faggot over the Internet, on an anime imageboard.

>> No.832284

You don't have to remove it. It is usually just Sided over with new siding. Asbestos is not dangerous when left undisturbed. It's only dangerous when particles become airborne.

>> No.832285
File: 102 KB, 640x427, laughing cheetah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be admin on wives and girlfriends porn site
>>content contributed by members
>>keep seeing pics of teens with 'sup /b/?' on tits

>> No.832295

wow. salute to you, old perv

>> No.832298

is this supposed to be the rotor out of a wankel engine?

>> No.832300

Metal dorito but yes

>> No.832303
File: 24 KB, 100x95, dorito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> but muh braaaaaps

>> No.832355
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1920, IMG-20150623-00366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changing wires in box.
>open up the back.
>bag of piss
>bag of piss
>this is a bag of piss

>ffffuck you coworker there's only like two of you it could be

>> No.832358
File: 102 KB, 533x400, 1347501954038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you; /o/ meme's are great.

>> No.832359

Or some kind of hardcore motherfucker that breaks into shit just to place bags of piss inside.

>> No.832360

The bag is company issue

>> No.832368
File: 141 KB, 500x366, n1sdelih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832388

This is the best.

>> No.832805

Take any pictures?

>> No.832832

you've never had a belt sander race?

>> No.832848

Not my story but heard it from a friend who's an electrician

>get called out to local chewing gum factory with 1 other electrician
>they say all their machinery suddenly stopped working and the switch box blew
>go to service room
>have to literally step through piles of sugar to get to the fuse box
>open the first panel
>it is clogged up with half caramelised sugar
>sudden realisation that there is so much sugar in the air that it shorted out
>have only been an electrician for a month and already this is the most fucked up thing i've ever seen

>> No.832871
File: 6 KB, 800x600, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9aa82e840f1e6f07cbe41cbf5753a2d0%2Ftumblr_nq9vxfb3Qq1s514nio1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832874

>sudden realisation that there is so much sugar in the air that it shorted out
Factories like this have air filters because dust explosions. If it really shorted that factory would be flat.

>> No.832877

You'd be surprised how often stuff like this happens. I have a buddy who's a retired engineer. He was being summoned on at regular intervals to fix a machine. It was a nice spring day. Dust flying in through open doors was causing the machine to shut down. The production line workers were pissed he had to close the doors to keep the machine running. My buddy's story is over 20 years old. You have no idea when anon's story took place, nor what country.

>> No.832916

That would be doing a good job considering the materials I was given to work with.

>> No.833188

I found a gun on 2 separate occasions. One was in the attic of a retired cop who somehow misplaced his service pistol in the attic. The second one I found in the trash of a house I was doing the cabinets for, it was a civil war moore teat fire revolver. The trash can was on the street, i.e, free. Turns out its worth about a grand, too.

>> No.833211


>Be me, family recently bought house in farm country
>Cobblestone half-basement
>Dad is a construction worker and says this will crumble and they'll need to replace it, but until they get the money all they can do is support it
>Years go by and sidewall begins to sink
>Roof buckles, floors wave, walls sag
>Finally get some loans out and go to fix everything
>Says the first thing we need to do is support the roof. If we begin construction with a sagging roof, we could break the joists and rafters
>But ripping into a roof and fixing it without straightening the walls is a bad move, because once the house is raised back up the roof will no longer be level
>So the first order of business is to make the walls plumb. This in turn supports the sagging roof. Once the walls are plumb and supported, we can raise the floors and put in a new foundation. This puts a level surface to work on. After the floors and walls are fixed, the roof can be made proper, without sag
>So, we rip into the walls
>Exploritory hole revels something rather odd
>Not just bricks, but fireplace bricks
>We've no chimney and the bank never mentioned one? Well a wood-burning stove, but no official brick chimney?
>Rip walls apart
>Find several tons of bricks within the walls
>All sitting on top of the cobblestone foundation
>Wtf why are there so many bricks??
>Rip out bricks and listen to the house creak and expand
>House was shitting bricks
>Fixed our shit up and go to remodel the kitchen several years later
>Part of this was removing a staircase and redirecting it toward the back of the house (most traffic due to basement access, kitchen, master bathroom, and living room)
>Low and behold, MORE bricks
>Secondary chimney, yet NO chimney existed??
>Fucking brick column to nowhere, covered in drywall that was blended into basement walls over the years
>Come to find out that the original house was a tiny 3-room farm house with no basement, and over 125yrs it had been expanded 5 times

>> No.833212


Needless to say my dad knew the value of these bricks, being so old and in relatively good condition. We sold them to a local brick company for some decent cash. Used the ones they didn't want for a new patio.

We've moved several years ago, so no pics. Sorry.

>> No.833679

Dont be a pussy.
Go get the tools back. All of them.

>> No.833682

>have some old steel toe boots,
just an fyi if something heavy enough falls on your feet, its actually better to be wearing normal shoes.

Theres countells people out there that are missing toes because they were steel toe boots. I personally know someone that skipped wearing theirs one day, had a slab of cement fall in their feet and broke them, doctor told him that if he had been wearing his steel toe boots that day he would have had to amputate his foot.

>> No.833698

I am sick of this myth still floating out there. If something heavy enough to amputate toes while wearing steel toe boots, your toes are just gone, regardless of the foot ware on your feet. I wear steel toes boots, my feet have been saved many times from idiot coworkers. One of those coworkers broke his foot and was out for over a month because he finally got himself with his poor machine handling. He was wearing soft shoes. I have had one ton of material fall on my boots, I went unhurt and the boot was undamaged. Much more than that, neither of us will have our toes.

>> No.833707

Construction is really one of the last industries where work ethic and "staying busy" works.

People will tell you this about every single job and 99% of the time it is bullshit where the people that get promoted are friends with the boss no matter the skill level or work ethic.

In construction you're not going to get far if all you've got is ass kissing.

>> No.833709

>wonder why house is sinking
>find 8 tons of bricks
Old houses are fun, aren't they? We couldn't figure out how animals kept getting into our basement until I crawled into the back of the coal bin(now used for storage) and found that it was just dirt, and they were getting in through a tiny hole in the wall, under the deck.

>> No.833710

This so much.
It's a myth that hurts everyone.

ALWAYS wear your safety boots.
If the weight is enough that it's going to bend the toe back into your foot then your feet weren't likely going to survive it anyway.

>> No.833848

should've let him keep the lathe so he'd get killed by it then you get it and the other tools back

>> No.833858


>> No.833866

I trust what he said the doctor surgeon guy told him allot more than I do someone on an anonymous image board.

And just a thought, when the metal gets crushed it stays crushed. Human flesh swelling will not unbend the metal at all.
It will stay inside its new can trying to swell and unable to go about any of the natural healing processes/trama responses at all. The attempted swelling will most likely cause even more damage, untill the doctor somehow cuts off the steel now wraped around a mangled peice of flesh.
The foot will not just slide out of the crushed steel either.
Bonus if the steel edges somehow form a surface capable of cutting.

>> No.833874

How's that working out for you?

>> No.833890

>I trust what he said the doctor surgeon guy told him allot more than I do someone on an anonymous image board.

Do you trust people without reservation just because they have credentials? The doctor would ONLY be aware of the cases where the steel boots fail, not of the cases where they don't. Any form protection would fail if it's stressed hard enough. Your toes would be crushed if several tons fall on it, regardless of whether or not you wear steel toe boots or not.

>> No.833896

Assuming you bend it up to it's plastic region in the first place.
There are plenty demonstrations on youtube of these things surviving the holocaust equivalent of "heavy shit falls or rolls on my feet".

If you DO get to that point, you're probably rather asking your self if you're going to loose your leg and/or your life.

>> No.833920

now your not even arguing anymore.
read the first line of my post, "if something heavy enough".

>> No.833947

I'm different than the anon you're were first talking to.

No doctor can fully comprehend the circumstances of an accident by just looking at a patient. They're not clairvoyant psychics. I don't think you even understand the point I and other anons are making.

What's your point anyway? Are you saying that workers are better off wearing boots without steel toes? In that case, it's bad advice. The situation that you've mentioned in where the patient's foot was saved because he wasn't wearing steel toed boots is a very specific case. If the cement slab had hit in a different angle, fallen from a different height, or weighed differently, his footwear choice wouldn't have made a difference in the accident. You don't make a rule out of exceptional cases. That's dumb.

>> No.833957

If you think steel toe boots are dangerous you're a fucking idiot. You wear regular boots, I'll wear steel toe boots. We'll drop cinder blocks on each others toes. Thr next day, you can drop another on my boots, I'll drop one on your cast.

>> No.833960

Hey, don't weaf safety glasses, if they fail the doctor will have to take the shrapnel out of your glasses AND your eye. And don't wear hearing protection either, because if you go deaf, you wont need them anyway

>> No.833966

another anon here, fuck you a 1000 times, if something heavy enough falls on your steel toes boots, and amputeted, the same will happen with any other kind of shoe. even Mythbusters did it. Doctors are good at medicine, not at safety regulations on job sites and alike.


There, you can search for the episode, mythbusters are dumb sometimes, but this is not one of those times. Come back with any fucking source not some doctor. that may be spelling the same myth.

ARASGASGASDF autism mad.

>> No.833972

no professional removes the guards nor is it allowed on any real job

thats shit is for hackjobs that just ask for an accident

circular saw guards have a lever to lift the guard to do what you want to do

it only takes a second to change your life with power tools

>> No.833974

What a silly argument. What are the odds something that heavy will fall versus the odds that something less heavy (that will crush your foot without steel boots, but not if you have steel boots) will fall?

You protect yourself for 90% of cases, not the 10% where a fucking anvil falls on you from 50 stories up.

>> No.833976

lel this autist cant read. I said cement slab, not your baby cinderblocks.
This kind of shit needs lifted with a front end loader kid

>> No.833977

you would loose your foot either way'
dont go under a load

if you even took the most basic osha class you would not be so retarded
stop spreading miss information
also if your so worried about the steal bending get a composite toe I have them and they work great

>> No.833978

I clearly said that if something stupidly heavy falls on his feet he would be better off without steel toe boots. thats all I am saying.
for casual construction ofcourse he is better with them. I am simply pointing out that they are not fucking superman himself.

The rampant autism on this board is proven by the fact that people cant read what I said in the first sentence.

>> No.833979

no you are better off with them

I work with cranes everyday with heavy loads
its bullshit that morons spread

>> No.833985

>I clearly said that if something stupidly heavy falls on his feet he would be better off without steel toe boots.

But you didn't provide enough explanation and you didn't address the points that were raised. You just parroted the words of that doctor. I don't think you have any clue what we're talking about here. Either you're trolling or you're really stupid.

>> No.833991

Read the post I was referencing. I wasn't arguing against wearing safety gear. I was pointing out that it's stupid to use the rare cases where safety gear fail as reasons not to wear them.

>> No.833992

Residential HVAC tech here, I still fucking wear them because dropping a 500lb compressor on your foot would suck without steel toe boots, I'm not likely to face much more than that, if It crushes steel, itll obliterate flesh and bone anyway. Workmans comp horay?

>> No.834006

so does /diy/ not give a shit if newfags fresh from reddit don't even bother lurking before posting? Nobody is calling this cunt out.

>> No.834009

Mythbusters tested this. You wrong as fuck nigga.

>> No.834014

I'm assuming you are US? In AU electricians need to know how much you can bore out etc.
> im not an electrician, but lived with one.

>> No.834024

I'm licensed too. All we had to do was listen to a 45 minute seminar which was mostly watching a video. Not just licensed to detect it but for actual abatement. The only reason I got it was because my boss at the time could use me to skimp of massive costs. As long as I was there, they could sign off on anything.

>> No.834028

> mah board culchurr
No.. no we don't. Dude could be a mad contributor for all you know. Go be mad elsewhere.

>> No.834043

Unless he meant table circular saws. I either remove mine or don't put it on when I get a new table saw. I don't make many cuts that the guard would help me, because I do a lot of dados and other type cuts. The guard is only useful when making basic cuts. You can't even bevel with the guard. That cracks me up, here's a saw that can bevel cut, and a guard that sits at 90º at all times.

>> No.834049

The baby cinder block would break your faggot foot. Then we'll try it with a slab of concrete. You're feet are fucked either way. You're more likely to drop something like a block on your foot then have someone drop a forklift full of concrete on it. However, if it were you, you could probably just block the concrete slab from your foot with your head, because it's more dense than the concrete

>> No.834053

Get into a car accident, wear seatbelt, airbag deploys, passengers die. Might as well not wear seatbelt and remove airbags. Condoms break sometimes, eh fuck it might as well not use it. Just because safety equipment fails sometimes under rare condtions doesn't mean you shouldn't use it.

>> No.834070

youre calling me the dense one, when from the beginning I said for pussy shit work like light construction you should use steel toe.

>> No.834083
File: 128 KB, 300x168, 4449921+_125b64fbf8c2eae054f266cf6465f19f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.834112
File: 33 KB, 800x600, aluminum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.834115

Why the fuck do you stay here though? I can't imagine anyone 70 putting up with the maymays and such on this site. Also what other boards to you go on?

>> No.834121

> I can't imagine anyone 70 putting up with the maymays and such on this site.
Not that guy (but greybeard, 57), but the weird thing about growing up is that you learn to ignore things you don't like instead of whinging about it like a bitch. It's really not hard anon.

>> No.834134

>I clearly said that if something stupidly heavy falls on his feet he would be better off without steel toe boots. thats all I am saying.

And WE'RE saying that's outright wrong.

In the worst-case scenario (something heavy enough to crush the steel toe) it doesn't make a difference. It would have crushed your foot anyway. In all others except a few unbelievably specific scenarios which might have happened a handful of times in the entire history of steel-toed boots, you're better off with the steel.

>> No.834144

42 here. /b/ is my home board. Always will be. Not to get all /r9k/, but this is 4chan. We're all broken in some way. That's why we stay. It's the only place we get to feel normal for a bit.

>> No.834180

you remember that episode of mythbusters with all the broken and amputated feet.

>> No.834194

That's why I have steel toe boots rated for a 2000 pouted crush test from 4 feet. Anything more than that and you were meant to be hurt.

>> No.834273

All that tape + aluminum, Jesus that's scary.

>> No.834316

>Why the fuck do you stay here though?
>to offer advice from someone with a lot of 'life knowledge'
>I can't imagine anyone 70 putting up with the maymays and such on this site
This thread was OK until the steel toe boot crap started.
I'm old enough to know the dude has his mind made up and I can't change it.
Also: It's his toes so I just ignore that petty shitposting.>>834115
>what other boards to you go on?
/b/ and /pol/ - mostly to listen, not to talk.

>> No.834426
File: 47 KB, 620x465, Downpipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move into new house
>The garden floods every time it rains but we're on the top of a hill
>Checking out house drainage to see whats wrong
>The down pipes from the roof go into the ground and end a metre from the house walls
>they just fucking end, letting water flow into the almost always saturated dirt

I still can't think why the fuck you would do that, I mean the house was 20 years old why the hell had no one fixed it

>> No.834445

Fuck all this. Tell us some stories about sluts from back in the day. Also your impressions of niggers through te ages. And the transition of bush to bald pussy.

>> No.834450

>Tell us some stories about sluts from back in the day
girls weren't sluts then - if they got pregnant they were kicked out of school
>your impressions of niggers through te ages
They've always been niggers. I have met a few really nice black men.
>the transition of bush to bald pussy.
biggest mistake ever - it always has stubble

>> No.834451
File: 673 KB, 2875x2106, 1435707719838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.834459

No stories about daddy's Studabaker with Mary Sue watching the submarine races at the quarry?

>> No.834462

I don't quite understand this. But I'll take it.

>> No.834555

I wish I had pictures of some of the houses I've rented over the years.

First one as literally splitting in two. One corner of the foundation had started to sink causing a line from the front door, across the living room wall and roof, down the hallway and into a bedroom. The front door and bedroom door wouldn't close properly. The living room crack started to leak one year. The landlord couldn't fix it because it would cost too much to have the foundation corrected so he just put up some new shingles and flashing.

Second house was built in the 50's. It had some odd expansions like a stair case that led into the wall, a double door that partially opened over the stairs, an outside window that looked into insulation, and a ladder down stairs that led to one of the bedrooms but had been boarded over. Found out that the down stairs had been a "secret room" some pot growers had originally made, thus the boarded over ladder. The slapdash remodeling happened after they were busted.

Third a house from the 60's, still had the pepto pink tiles in one bathroom. This place had geothermal heating, I loved the place. When inspecting the geothermal pipes we noticed the grounding wire for the main fuse box, still using screw in fuses, was running to the heating pipes. So one lightning strike and the heating pump would be dead.

>> No.834575

>Tell us some stories about sluts from back in the day
girls weren't sluts then - if they got pregnant they were kicked out of school
Or they took a 9 month vacation to their uncles farm. Or they had a back woods abortion. Etc etc

>> No.834611

>Second house was built in the 50's. It had some odd expansions like a stair case that led into the wall, a double door that partially opened over the stairs, an outside window that looked into insulation, and a ladder down stairs that led to one of the bedrooms but had been boarded over.

This is some Escher shit.

>> No.834907
File: 82 KB, 800x900, hidden window in bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an outside window that looked into insulation
My girlfriend bought a two story a few years ago. The main bedroom was upstairs at one end of the house. Window on the back side, window on the end, closets on the 'front' side backed by part of the attic.
She wanted to put her bedroom suite with the 'head' on the end of the room but didn't want light leaking around the components. [headboard with overhead lights and a huge campaign chest attached to each side of it]
I hung fresh, clean curtains in the window. I then placed a panel of something behind them for appearance and put insulation next then wallboard.
I finished the drywall to match the texture in the rest of the room then repainted it all.
In all this time only one person has noticed there is a window on that end of the house but it isn't where it should be on the inside.

>> No.834931

What're going to do when the curtain sun fades?

>> No.834962

It's on the north end of the house so not a lot of direct light. It was white with only a little blue trim so not much to fade. It may be faded now but it's on the second floor so it isn't noticed.
>get ladder, jimmy window, change curtains

>> No.834981

> TFW my house used to be a shack on the side of Lake Erie and has been expanded from one room to a 12 room three story house
> TFW finding old shit when remodeling
> TFW no face

>> No.834997
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1398003581955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently interning as a blacksmith at a shop that lets the public come in, poke around, and ask questions. So I've got a couple stories of some of my run ins with the most ignorant people who exist in this universe.

>Working on making rings to guide the chain of an anchor on a ship
>the only vice beefy enough to beat the fuck out of my jig and still keep a hold of it is right in front of the counter that the guests walk in
>105 degrees F in the shop
>I have to stand in front of a propane forge
>I have to make 280 of these rings
>give people my automated speech about the shop
>most every person who I talk to notices my profuse sweating, beet red face, inhuman consumption of water and realize that I was on the verge of heat exhaustion and in no mood to listen to how their grandfather was a farrier or some shit
>MOST everybody
>this fat middle aged women with a visor and a fanny pack decides to walk in
>I give her my intro and start to walk away
>not so fuckin fast
>"so why do you do this?"
>I enjoy it
>"do you go to school?"
>"how long does it take to get a degree in blacksmithing?"
>2 years for associates, 4 years for bachelors
>I wasn't too peeved at these questions, just a little annoyed
>so i start wrapping my bar around my jig in hopes that she'd get the idea that I was busy
>"you must be pretty hot right now standing in front of that thing(gas forge)."
>yeah, *machine automated forced fake polite laughter*
>in the midst of me wrapping that 5/8" mild steel bar swiftly across my jig I hear the most dumbfounded words I have ever heard
>the ancients wrote about this combination of words that it would head the call of the end of our terrestrial plane
>"so how to you get the metal to move?"
>keep in mind that she is watching me move the metal
>and that she commented on the fact the gas forge was hot
>and she saw me put in a cold bar, and bring out a hot one

>> No.834999

>completely flabbergasted by her saying this I lose focus
>I proceed to burn the ever living sweet jesus out of my forearm
>I dash over to the sink and run cold water over my singed arm
>just when i thought it was over she screeched even more foolishness my way
>"are you running cold water over your arm because you burned it?"
>completely enraged, i walk outside and smoke a cigarette
I've got one about a couple wearing matching mickey mouse shirts if u guys want

>> No.835008
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>> No.835024

hehe trips well deserved

>> No.835026

>Working in chemical storage and distribution warehouse
>Keep getting unsealed shipping containers from india
>These fuckers are literally sending us animal corpses and biologicaly contaminated shit in unsealed poly drums
>One of them tips over
>Albino child corpse slips out into goop
>Have to lockdown area, confirm with disease control and then handle it using chem suits
>I'm fucking pissed cause I'm scooping a fucking dead kid into a relift tub and nobody else will help
>Take another look at drum
>More fucking dead kids inside
>Notice the lid isn't actually a lid but some sort of pallete wrap woven over the top of the drum
>Call the fucking handler for the container in tears of rage
>Hangs up when I tell him what happened
One day its gonna be acid or fucking anthrax and I'll be shut inside the container to die. Fucking india.

>> No.835067

At least make your copypasta believable, faggot. Also, as soon as you say
>we keep getting unsealed shipping containers from India
I know exactly where the fuck you're going.
I remember the days when people used to actually put some effort into they're trolling and copypasta.

>> No.835084

pics or it didn't happen!
also was /diy/ flipping positive or negative, I mean, they jelly or they mad?

>> No.835093

Check the archive, but
>compressor, apparently made by some random dude
>includes a pressure vessel
>half century old, all rusted

Shit's dangerous.

>> No.835215
File: 135 KB, 322x441, dumb bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this one about my sister, who sadly is one of those social fluent yet incomprehensibly retarded persons you may also know about.
> Sister wants to get into pyrography
> Tell her to go to a certain store in town, they have some kits for 25-30 bucks
> Sister comes back, looks frustrated/ annoyed
> "You you not pleased or what ?"
> "No, it's just that is cost me 300 dollars" (actually swiss francs)
> "Yhea, I went to that store for artists and they didn't have them for less"
> "But's it's a tool store, you can't make art with those"
> End up yelling at her, she's too dumb to understand.
> Take the thing she bought, it's your typical 15 ebay chinese piece of shit sold with a 285 markup.
> Tell her to go get her money back
> She's too beta to take it back. She starts crying because she got dun fucked.
> Lend her my soldering iron and a piece of plywood to make her happy
> "Here have some practice"
> She's happier

>Go to the store, start yelling at the owner, tell them I'm going to make them the worst publicity.

> Get completely refunded. Even the cashier thinks it's a con.
> Go get her the better and cheaper unit and buy her some nice wood too.

> Get back to the house, there's a weird burnt plastic smell.
> "What the fuck are you doing"
> "Oh, I wanted to draw on something better. Can I do it on this"
> Bitch took one of the shelves of my ikea bookcase and started burning on it
> Asking after the fact
> She's doing this inside
> My soldering iron is coated with plastic
> The drawing is horrible
> Loose my shit and call her names

>> No.835216

Oh, small but important detail : she's 24

>> No.835217

is she single/hot?

>> No.835247

are you me?

>no you're not since I quit blacksmithing 2 years ago and went to a watchmaking school

but still, I know EXACTLY how you feel

>> No.835271

how can somebody be so retarded

literally how did she survive

>> No.835286

Always the important questions

>> No.835338


If you don't need to remove it just leave it. If it's torn to hell or needs to be removed for renovation just wear a good particle mask and keep it sprayed down wet while you work. (The moisture keeps any dust from getting into the air.) Outdoor work is easy...

It really isn't that dangerous. You treat it exactly the same as any other nasty airborne dust, like fiberglass. (Which will also fuck your lungs, but people still work with that shit without even a dust mask... then just hack all next week.)

If it's not falling apart it isn't even a hazard to work with. If it's crumbling to hell get a good rated mask (not disposable paper shit) and eye protection. A $10 disposable painting suit will keep it off your skin.

This panic over asbestos requiring assholes in yellow bunnysuits working in pressurized tents is all for show to keep the money flowing to expensive-as-fuck "remediation" companies. It's not fucking ebola.

A lot of dumps will take it, so you can just stick it in a construction dumpster and be done with it. Just be careful with burying it. A lot of states will fine the fuck out of you if they catch you.

>> No.835381

Asbestos is not poisonous.

>> No.835403

>landlord of building across the street goes to fix busted handrail with a small lincon wirefeed welder with self-shielding FCAW wire
>no mask
>no gloves
>keeps burning tips back
>walk over to talk to him
>look in machine
>he's using non-knurled drive rolls

>> No.835423

please explain everything in the first, fourth, and seventh lines of your post

>> No.835435
File: 8 KB, 300x256, knurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i googled this.

>> No.835437


If I read this outside the context of this thread, I would think it was a text from someone trying to buy weed

>> No.835441
File: 40 KB, 460x427, 1435618758079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the hell do you buy weed from?

>> No.835444

babby in background already caught dinner

>> No.835449

First thing I saw too

>> No.835458

You're right, it isn't.
It *is* carcinogenic, though.

>> No.835459

He's fixing a guardrail with what most people call a MIG welder, and he's burning the tips of the welder because it's not feeding enough wire because he's got the wrong feeder wheels.

>> No.835460

But, but, its all natural!

>> No.835464

your sister sounds like my brother

>> No.835555

So's nightshade. So's hemlock. So's tetradotoxin, Botulism toxin, Snake Venom, Turpentine, Arsenic, ad Infinitum.

>> No.835577

>stepdad renovated 1st floor a while ago
>parts need to be re done
>he's dead by now so I do it
>two rooms have an area of ~ 1x2 m missing
>meaning, the room doesn't go to the outside corner of the house, so there's hollow space behind the wall sized 1x2 m
>expect dead bodies or some shit
>both filled with industrial grade waste, bottles of chemical stuff and a lot of other shit he was to lazy to bring to one of the 3 recyclers in the area that would have taken all of this stuff for no costs at all

>> No.835663

So, what did you do? Cleaned it out and made it a secret room, right?

>> No.835763

not sure if this is gonna end as a horror story or not, my propane torch has started ticking when I use it, rather, its from the tank, it speeds up as I increase the flow. Not sure if should just replace the tank or what.

>> No.835889
File: 60 KB, 343x318, hul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building a deck for a friend of my wife
>she decides she is good at diy
>never touched a powertool in her life
>know exactly how Im laying it out, and how im doing it
>everything I do she has to question me 20 times
."why are you putting the foundation post there anon?"
>"why dont you use these brackets for the cross struts?"
>" here Ill put this part in place" puts it in the wrong place and threads my screwdriver bit in the process, so I had to go home to get another out of my work tool box
>wont accept any explanation I give her and wont let me just get on with it
>took twice as long due to her constantly questioning everything I did and being in the way while "helping me"

>> No.835984

Now after hearing this story I don't fell so bad.

>installing cable in the crawlspace.
>can't use customer bathrooms either.
>unzip crawl suit and pee all over cause drank too much water earlier.

Still, your story is much funnier and can't imagine finding that insulation shit burrito next summer.

>> No.835986

C'mon do you want to live forever? Lol

>> No.835990

Lol'd at kid #3. Wow, cutting the cord with the clippers.

>> No.835997

Jeez concrete dust. Wonder which is worse, asbestos or concrete dust?

>> No.836032

Should've just got up and left. You have no obligation to help her, so if she's making hard to get shit done, just walk away.

>> No.836197

>and being in the way while "helping me"
oh god I can hear it now, "anon and I built the deck, I helped him quiet a bit."

>> No.836396

What type of fucking super compressor are you installing in residential that the compressor weighs 500 fucking tons

>> No.836398


>> No.836402

Still a residential compressor wont weigh 500 fucking lbs, dickmuncher

>> No.836420

He must've doubled the 0's. I see commercial compressors at work, they don't look quite 500 lbs. I would believe 300 lbs, but not 500 lbs. Now if he meant a full A/C unit, then 500 lbs is achievable on a big enough residence.

>> No.836503

It's very disheartening how often I've seen shit like that. Burrito/candy wrappers, fast food shit, cig butts, even found a weed baggie or two. People figure that either no one will ever see it, or they'll be long gone with a fat check and not care.

Attic's, crawl spaces, ventilation ducts... and all they had to do was probably walk 5ft to a trashcan or pocket it until they are outside. I was always very meticulous about my trash disposal. I guess the only reason it would ever be semi-acceptable is if you're doing work on your own house and just don't give a shit, but even then it sucks for whoever lives there after you.

>> No.836506

Nothing compared to yours, but I used to get stuck on the roof for hours at a time and often just either pissed right down the gutter or near it. Thank god I never had such bad timed diarrhea as yours.

>> No.836512

Restaurants have ventilation hoods over stoves/grills/friers but how many of them do you think are truly functional?

>> No.836786 [DELETED] 

You know, asbestos isn't the Satan-mineral it's made out to be.

>> No.836804

Not the one where I work, that's for sure.

>> No.836826

Soakaways do work but you need a certain type of ground and they always need a proper exit at least I think 5 meters from the foundations, lazily adjusted guttering

>> No.836837

My expertise runs in basic construction, glass work and structural scaffolding so get someone who actually knows about compressors but that sounds like the gas flow is moving something around (a valve maybe?) either way anything compressed that's playing up shouldn't be used

>> No.837081

I would assume asbestos is worse but concrete dust contains silica.

The dust in concrete can cause lung function impairment, chronic obstructive lung disease, restrictive lung disease, pneumoconiosis and carcinoma of the lungs, stomach and colon. Other studies have shown that cement dust may enter into the systemic circulation and thereby reach the essentially all the organs of body and affects the different tissues including heart, liver, spleen, bone, muscles and hairs and ultimately affecting their micro-structure and physiological performance.

>> No.837181
File: 4 KB, 250x234, trivial tasks = compliments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't got any horror stories so far. But I keep having one recurring headache.
>using knife to make small holes in a rod for my fire-drill
>'Wow, you're so talented anon!'
>few days ago, decide to try out basic pottery
>dive in lake with shovel to get some clay from the bottom
>15 minutes of effort, finally manage to get some clay onto land
>decide i want some other clay too, go innawoods and start looking for different type of clay
>find clay, start hour long noob process on refining it
>make two small, ugly bowls to check it the clay works
>go to start a fire
>light a piece of grass on fire
>'Wow Anon, you're really good.'

I don't know if I'm seen as an imbecile. Or If I'm living in a world of my own, whilst in reality I'm a handicapped guy in a wheelchair having daydreams of collecting clay.

>> No.837237
File: 34 KB, 357x299, FUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was about 4 years ago.

>Ripping out old furnace and installing a new one for some person
>Dump all old shit outside to pickup later
>Inside again finished installing furnace
>Start running runs
>Person always hovering, asking if they can help
>Get 3/4 of the way through the second to last run, run out of pipe
>Fuck, its 6PM anyways, we will come back tomorrow
>Get back next day, person says he finished for us
>Person used all the shitty pipe we threw in the back, all rusted
>Didn't have tin snips, used pliers and a drill to cut metal
>Didn't have crimping tool to crimp, used pliers to "crimp" (mangle) the pipe.
>Had to rip it all down again
>Person pissed off at us because it took him 4 hours after we left
>Thought he would get a discount

>> No.837244

Indeed, I found out that the next people that moved into that house had hit the one living room support that was down in the batcave (called that because the crawl space under the house was bigger then 2/3 of the bedrooms, it was all rocky hillside save for where the door/waterheater was, and we did in fact find a bat in there).

Well with the only support for the largest room in the house taken out it all collapsed. The house was condemned and remained that way for almost a year. It's now on the market again at a higher price likely due to all of the renovating that was needed.

>> No.837367

>Human flesh swelling will not unbend the metal at all.
For fucksakes dude, if something heavy enough to crush a steel half-dome falls on your foot, that foot is done for one way or the other.

I know plenty of people have said it already, but for anyone who actually buys this: it's bullshit. Instead of listening to some anon's shitty "well a doctor said" story, use some common sense. Wear your steel toe boots.

>> No.837373

Yea well you, your buddy, and the "doctor" are fucking idiots. Mythbusters tested it, at the forces needed to cut your toes off by bending the steel toe in, your toes would completely crushed. Like Wiley coyote under a boulder shit.

>> No.837396

People do the same shit with seatbelts.
>"but I'll get whiplash!"
At the point a seatbelt would give you whiplash, you'd fly through the fucking windshield without it. If your steel toed boots somehow fail, there is literally no way your toes would have been salvageable without them.

>> No.839290


pencil and notebook

>> No.839296

>there's no code for just how much you're allowed to core out of a support before you've fucked it.

Yes there is.

residential IRC 502 & 602,
building IBC 2308,
plumbing IPC F101,
fuel & gas IGFC 302...

It's in EVERY code.

Your plumbers just suck. Hire better ones.

>> No.839308

Trusting a doctor is all well and good when it concerns subjects the doctor has expertise in.
Preventing a workplace injury is *not* something a doctor has expertise in, however.

>> No.839365

It's 2015, man. People are fucking dumb.
I get looked at like some kind of Bush Wizard because I was an Eagle Scout.

>Camping, pretty rustic. No water, power etc. State Park.
>people I'm with like to think of themselves HURR INNAWOODS SHTF types
>they brought guns
>Need a fire, it's fucking cold
>Keep alcohol-soaked Vaseline-coated cotton balls in a film canister because they light every time
>use fire striker to light them

nigga no. There is a 12 dollar book at your local boy scout council store that will tell you all that and more. Apply yourself.

>> No.839386

It is carcinogenic only when it gets into the lungs.

>> No.839961

Yeah maybe a fucking mansion, which would probably be considered commercial work. Anything he could be talking about (compressor alone or whole condenser unit) that you'll see at a typical residence wouldn't be anywhere near 500lb. I used to draw the short stick all the time (being the only one in the crew with non-destroyed back/knee's) and have to haul compressors up and down from 2+ stories by my self. It's uncomfortably heavy and I'd rather not drop one on my foot from waist height, but any normal compressor in a residential unit (generally 5ton or less) is definitely under 100lb.

>> No.839968

Add in getting made out to be a monster afterwards and that pretty much describes every experience with my sister... ever.

>"ooo I wanna do (insert interest-of-the-week)"
>explain clearly and patiently how and list reasons she might not want to do it
>fast forwards to the whole fucking town burning down again and I have to clean her fucking mess up... again
Sisters, man... I'm constantly having to bail her out of situations like that. I have to fix her car all the time after she does stupid shit. I have to fix my car all the time after she borrows it because she broke her own, and then does stupid shit. She's constantly fucking shit up at my house for no fucking reason except for reasons. She got a puppy two years ago and did nothing for it but buy it two toys and pawn it off on me after a week, and she's probably gonna try that with her husband of 6 months sometime soon and jokes on her cuz I'm straight as basalt deposits. Fucking sisters, man. Thank god she's too fat to get pregnant, that's a recurring nightmare of mine.

>> No.839974

Most of my work experience involved being on 2+ story roofs so I was lucky that most of the dumbfucks couldn't reach me up there, but currently I live in a community mostly made up of retiree's and holy mother of god I can't get any goddamn thing done in the yard without a crowd of 60+ year olds forming. I usually go out and do the front yard work as soon as the sun rises because of this, and then when I see people starting to get around I make myself busy inside or in the back.

It was worse when I did HVAC though. Trying to diagnose some fucking obscure electrical problem in the furnace while some 90 year old babbles on about some shit. It'd be easier if I could just do the typical gf/wife thing and tune it out with "uh-huh... oh yeah?" but people get offended when you don't pay attention to them while you're clearly busy with mentally/physically taxing work. I mean, if I'm laying into a tree stump with an axe how many fucking "whatcha doin'?"s do I have to answer through labored breathing.

>> No.839984

In the four years I was doing A/C's I had hundreds of people pull shit like this. When you're working with things like CO2 and lines with sometimes like 400psi, it's a scary thought. Only twice did I ever have the customer do some of the work and not mind. One had been an HVAC contractor previously and another was a general contractor, both basically just brought me in to connect and charge the freon lines, check the electrical, and make sure it was all copacetic. Both times I was actually really impressed by the quality of work, they were like artists.

All of the other times were fucking nightmare fuel.

>> No.840019

>he helped me quite a bit

>> No.840787

more like "anon helped"

>> No.840796


I've found when you see someone doing something you want to learn, just ask if you can try it. I have picked up things from framing, to welding to machining like this. Most people will happily get you started on something and bosses love to see you making an effort on the job.