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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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813899 No.813899 [Reply] [Original]

'lo /diy/ I have a guitar project I'm working on and require a powered sander that would manage working on the severe contours for a guitar.

I know you normally heat then peel off the nasty coating they put on guitars but fuck that I need an excuse to buy more power tools.

>> No.813918

If you're looking to get a finish like on the red and blue guitars then you'll need a sand blaster.

>> No.813980

the best little hand sanders are the porter cable brushless random orbital guys. i use the shit out of mine after wearing out some ridgid and dewalt.

>> No.813996
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not going for that finish, looking to just remove the poly coating
an orbital sander?

>> No.813999

a random orbit sander would work, but heat-and-scrape goes way faster.

>> No.814000
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thing is, I was told by a mate that a hair dryer would do the job and I've realised my hair dryer clearly doesn't get hot enough.

So save me buying a new hair dryer, what would you recommend for heating the poly coat off?

>> No.814005

That looks like a burned finish with a colored clear coat.

You take a propane torch and burn the surface of the bare wood. Then you hit it lightly with a wire wheel or wire brush to remove the charred part. Varnish, done.

I've used this to make signs. Haven't tried a guitar.

>> No.814006

They make heat guns for removing wall paper. Should be cheap and avaliable at any home depot or lowes.

>> No.814008

all right, I'll take a look.
Though it'll have to be B&Q or some shit

>> No.814013

You'll probably be better off with paint remover. I doubt even a heat gun would be hot enough.

>> No.814141

a heat gun counts as a new power tool.

>> No.814143

heat guns are absolutely hot enough to strip finish off of guitars.