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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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809231 No.809231 [Reply] [Original]

I am studying design and I wanna make a Daft Punk's Helmet in SolidWorks.

This project could be much easier if I had the dimensions' helmets, but I can't find them anywhere, could somebody give them to me?

>> No.809235

>I'm studying design
>someone design this for me


>> No.809237

>could somebody give them to me
No, look at the fucking picture and use your brain and do it yourself

>> No.809246

I don'y want someone to design it. I just want the freaking dimensions, it id obvious trata you Don't know anything Of it if you think the the sizes are everything.

I challenge you, then, to make aun exact 3D digital model Of a spoon. I suposse you hace one at home, so you can easily know correct dimensions.

>> No.809250


you're fucking retarded is the thing. Go into solidworks, take the image you posted as OP, and scale it appropriately based on what you think you need for your head to fit inside it. boom, dimensions can be roughed out there. Why did you even post this thread? I doubt you'll even come close to being able to completely model it. If you prove me wrong, good for you, but as it is now I don't see this happening if you can't do something as basic as get rough dimensions from a scaled picture.

>> No.809255

>I am studying design
No, you're 12 years old, otherwise you wouldn't waste your time wanting to make somethign so fucking stupid and unoriginal, and what everyone else is saying is true: you already have enough information to make a fair replica but you're too fucking retarded to see that.

>> No.809264

If you can't even copy somebody else's design, how are you going to come up with your own? You think Jony Ive gets his dimensions from somebody else?

>> No.809270

OP watch this video:


You are welcome

>> No.809272

Find the dimensions of a football helmet for the scalp and base it on that. Just scale the entire picture accordingly. You don't even have to figure anything out with the rest.

Also, you're plagiarizing someone else's work. On the other hand, don't scale the image. Just fucking draw it to look right.

>> No.809407

there u go faggot


>> No.809410

It takes a massive load of self loathing to lash out like that, no one who is comfortable with themselves and their abilities would feel the need to tear someone down in such a manner. I know you're hurting about something, but taking it out on strangers is not going to get you anywhere.

You are anon and this is a safe space. Come on, tell us whats troubling you son.

>> No.809464

>It takes a massive load of self loathing to lash out like that
No, it takes a massive amount of faggots wanting to make stupid-ass Daft Punk crap, posted over and over and over again. You get a similar reaction for Raspberry Pi and Arduino threads, and homemade vaping gear threads, shipping container house threads, tiny house threads, and earlier in the history of /diy/, fleshlight threads. There is nothing unique or even particularly interesting about Daft Punk helmets anyway, it's a cheesy gimmick used by a marginal-at-best pop band and is only of interest to dumb children. Additionally the OP is an idiot, as more than one has pointed out, and by the way the likelihood that YOU are the OP is very high.

At the very BEST there needs to be a 'general' thread for this sort of crap so the front page of /diy/ isn't taken up by useless nonsense.

>> No.809512
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Wow, is it summer already?

>> No.809563
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>> No.810433

Can we make this a Daft Punk helmet general thread now?

>> No.810447
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>> No.810452

What kind of design are you "studying"?
You didn't name it.
>interior design is my guess.

>> No.810482
File: 68 KB, 335x220, 1427652226179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.810587

>go to google
>type in "volpinprops daft punk"
Now leave.

>> No.812013

>pop band
You almost had me.

>> No.812018
File: 131 KB, 899x889, venom___colored_by_irving_zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I'm enjoying the amount of venom in this thread.

>> No.812117

interior designer learn ridiculous render/mockup skills. decent ones, anyways

>> No.812149

Every interior designer I've ever dealt with is too self absorbed to realize that they're literally fucking retarded.

Also none of them actually render anything. They pay a college student $9 an hour to fuck around in rhino for 3 weeks, by which point they've masterfully modeled a chair with 40 whole polygons, which doesn't matter because the client has already gone to furniture mart and picked the gaudiest shit you could have thought of.

All of that, and their fees are at least 75% higher than your average architect.

Human roaches. Every one of them.

>> No.812165

i work as an architect and man maybe you're dealing with shit interior designer but i wish i had 1/4 of the vray skills they have man, i always shit on them until i started working at firms that specifically hire them

granted i work mostly in the ivy/aa/delft circuit so it's pretyt motivated/skilled people

>> No.812176

Op, I spent a couple months learning how to make one and let me tell you, you are going to have to spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours working on this and be prepared to spend at LEAST $2000 in materials.

>> No.812406

Not OP, but I am also kind of interested in this thread, I was planning on starting tomorrow.

>at LEAST $2000
Can you make me a list of the costs? I can hardly imagine spending more than $800 on it.

>> No.812445

Da funk?

>Print out pepakura ~$1
>Bondo that shit $15
>Paint it $10-20
>Add visor (window tint film) $10
>Electronics (leds w/ MCU) $40-120

Total cost: $200 max

Or alternatively:

>Print it
>Smooth it
>Paint it
>Make it
>Jazz it