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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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794847 No.794847 [Reply] [Original]

I am building a foam armor leg for a young boy in a wheelchair and i would like to attach it to his wheelchair complete with some sort of lever that, when pulled, would move the leg in a kicking action. This would allow him to litteraly kick ass. The armor is coming along nicely but the lever with butt kicking action is quite out of my scope. Im looking for some kind of design idea for this. Can you point me in the right direction?

>> No.794860

I can't see this ending any way but badly

>> No.794868
File: 200 KB, 600x526, 7474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.794875

Get a coil and a hook so the leg is under tension and can spring forward to kick ass.

>> No.794915

i couldnt disagree more
I like this idea.
Id reccomend not using the mechanism to move his real leg but rather have the armor swing up off his leg though. You dont want to hurt the kid

>> No.794927

So the young boy is going to be a retarded young boy like we all were, and actually kick someone with this. What did you think he's going to do? Then he's going to get his ass kicked. Good job.

>> No.794928

i cant see this ending any way but completely awesome

>> No.794948

>foam armor leg

>> No.795013

OP here,
My appologies I should have been more specific. The armor leg will be attached to the side of the wheel chair. Hes 12 and has MS. Sadly hes lost the use of his legs

>> No.795033

but if he kicks some random stranger won't that be assault?

Also, kicking people is just gonna piss them off, who will probably just push the wheelchair over.

>> No.795068

Anyone that pushes over a kid in a wheelchair, regardless of the reason, is likely going to have serious issues with any bystanders. It's not justifiable in any circumstance I can imagine.

BTT. I'd use PVC for the "bone" of the leg, to make lighter. Not sure on hinge... I think you're going to have to develop a way of doing pinned joints with PVC as you'll need 1 for knee and at least 4 more for the lever / pushrod mechanism.

In the above, the femur / knee joint / shin form a 90 deg angle at rest. Mechanism is engaged with pull lever, which is hinged in "center" with push rod at end. Push rod is pin attached to point somewhere on shin.

To work out the kinematics, you can build scale paper models using paper push pins. This is how we worked out kinematics manually in college. You can also use software, but the packages I'm familiar with are over complex for such a simple function and too expensive.

>> No.795071
File: 20 KB, 297x419, kick_mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crappy MS paint of above FWIW

>> No.795083

>Anyone that pushes over a kid in a wheelchair, regardless of the reason, is likely going to have serious issues with any bystanders. It's not justifiable in any circumstance I can imagine.
Well yeah, the person who pushes over the kid is in the wrong, but you don't go around kicking people. Even if you have MS.

>> No.795084
File: 35 KB, 576x444, pvc_hinge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a detail of a chain link fence connector as a "hinge." Could work as a knee joint. I think the other pin hinges are a simpler task... bolts through holes sort of thing.


>> No.795121

Anyone that pisses off a kid in a wheel chair enough that the kid would be justified in defending himself with a kick would literally fucking murder him if he fought back, because one fucking kick doesn't mean he can actually hold his end of a fight.

Otherwise the kid in the wheelchair is assaulting people and being a dick and no one is going to like him for it

This is a terrible fucking idea. Build him an exoskeleton instead.

>> No.795122

Does anybody not see the huge fucking problem about inventing a device that lets a child kick random people???


>> No.795133


You know we give most children two of them

>> No.795138

We don't go up to them and attach their new legs and go hurr durr 'now you can kick ass billy'

>> No.795156


OP is a prince among men, and this design is what I was going to suggest.

You can lengthen/shorten the "pull" end of the lever to adjust the amount of mechanical advantage that little billy has. If it's shorter, he'll have to pull harder and will kick people with less force. If it's longer he won't have to pull as hard and can kick people with greater force.

>> No.795162


>> No.795180

>OP is a prince among men
He's getting a child to kick people

>> No.795190

ITT: Anger Challenged People
> Oh no, I've been tapped lightly by a foam leg
> It was done by a disabled kid in a wheelchair

>> No.795192

There's a tradeoff here beyond the length of the lever. The push-rod point, depending on where they touch the shin bone, will make the leg accelerate more or less quickly from stop, and increase the amount of force needed to take it through the motion. The less force it generates internally, the less stressed the pins... less likely to break or bind. Really suggest modelling in cardboard prior to build.

>> No.795194

>> Oh no, I've been tapped lightly by a foam leg
Regardless of what it's made of, teaching a child it's okay to kick people is obviously a great thing to do.

>> No.795195

You misunderstand.

Why is the kid kicking someone. Is it because he's really pissed off at the guy? Does he feel threatened and is kicking him out of defense?

Do you think a guy that has already pissed off a little kid in a wheel chair is going to respond reasonably to the same kid resisting? No, he's going to lose his shit and rip his head off.

If he kicked me id still be pissed because I wouldn't have done anything to justify it and I would tell him it wasn't funny.

>but anon hurting people is funny!

>> No.795197

This is why OP is so full of bullshit.

Sure the kid is in a wheelchair. Sure he has MS. That is okay and theres nothing wrong with it.

Teaching the kid to fucking kick people for whatever reason is just bad parenting.

People beat up people in wheelchairs all the time. It's not good but it doesn't stop it from happening.

Sure the guy beating up is gonna get their arse handed to them, but that's AFTER they push the kid over and possibly severely injure them.

>> No.795209


You spent much time interacting with young kids? They aren't logical and are creatively destructive by nature. I can easily imagine a 9 year old kid using something like this to knock over a block tower or a standing doll. I don't consider this unusual or wrong.

It's like everyone's imagining a disgruntled teen in the throes of depression lashing out on strangers in the subway and using this in the misdirected intent to harm. I don't think that's the intent here.

>> No.795221
File: 38 KB, 449x411, death_leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK. Since everyone expects the general public to attack Billy in his wheelchair, here's a new version that gives him a fighting chance.

You'll need a car jack to cock it, but once Billy pulls the lever on this bad boy, the 3 attached Kabar knives will make short work of any kickee. One kick, one kill.

In case that doesn't work, or the kickee has friends, the leg is formed around a sawn down tactical shotgun. Billy should be able to slow down the rest of the homicidal maniacs with this.

And if not, he can strap himself up with explosives and take them all with him.

>> No.795248

Ok wow easy there little fella. The kid is going to a comicon and wants to be the hulk. Im building "iron man" like armor and detailing it glossy hulk green. Hes going to be the hulk complete with butt kicking action. Lol you guys are awesome thankyou for the direction. Im also hoping to get some aort of flexion and extension kinetic for the foot when it kicks making it look semi realiatic

>> No.795250

That doesn't look a hulk leg. It's all layered up like some armor.

>> No.795275
File: 30 KB, 369x507, kick_mech v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean Billy's not looking to waste gang members with his toy kicky foot. I'm completely relieved now :eyeroll:

Which ComicCon? Orlando?

I think this is what you're talking about. The mechanism is like that of a extending desk lamp; parallel bars for lower leg. The distance between the bars needs to be adequate for full range of motion. You can alter the angle of the foot as it goes through the kick by lengthening or shortening one of the bars. Again, encourage you to model in cardboard.

At this point suggest you use very lightweight steel or aluminum. Mechanism is, I think, too complicated for plastic rod.

I'll monitor the thread; LMK if you need more advice.

>> No.795282
File: 88 KB, 641x534, Comments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.795308
File: 3 KB, 450x303, in parallel lines parallel lines parallel lines parallel lines edit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say you're building a costume for a kid. Don't say you want to give a kid with Ms the ability to 'kick butt'. You made it sound like you're just making an asshole or giving him new ways for people to victimize him.

Why did you make a parallel joint to mimic a knee?

>> No.795329

He asked for foot flexion. The design will cover that. It will point toe as foot goes up, like a soccer kick.

>> No.795346

... No, it the only design that doesn't do that
You made a parallel.

>> No.795350

>All of this shit-flinging over a kid in a wheelchair being made a foam leg to boost his self-esteem, make him look cool and maybe for the occasional joking use of kicking a friend with his foam leg

Holy shit, it's like you think this kid is going on an ass-kicking foam leg rampage. OP is probably doing this to cheer up the little fuck and give him a sense of badassness.

>> No.795352

Look at both the designs I did, read op feedback and see if you can figure it out.

>> No.795383

Woo! now thats what im talkin about thankyou thankyou Anon This is going to be AWESOME!
Ill keep you updated with some images as I get stuff done

>> No.795393 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 750x374, Parallel-rule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name fags gonna fuckin' namefag.

The think you told him to make? It's going to bring the foot up near the 'femur' because it's a fucking parallel ruler. this is doing the exact opposite of what a kick would look like.

Is the hulk a ballerina that point his toes when he kicks? Are you trolling him by telling him to make a plantar flexion 'kick'?