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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 68 KB, 360x360, 011810_home_security.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75611 No.75611 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/ home security? my cousin is devising an elaborate battery, wire, string alarm type thing.

do you guys have experience/resources on simple home security/surveillance solutions one could build on the cheap?

pic is basic idea

>> No.75620

Get yourself one of those home security signs (or stickers) and slap it in your front yard. You don't have to bother with the system, just the sign will be enough to make a prospective thief skip your house to avoid the hassle he thinks he's going to run in to.

>> No.75628

That's ridiculous - everyone knows they can't read.

>> No.75643

Pretty hard to do better than a dog for personal security.

Even a pomeranian will hear the slightest noise in its yard and alert its owner.

For liability I am moving away from bigger dogs and going to small sensitive animals. Currently I own two Jack Russells and nothing gets by them. I live in a really bad area and haven't had jack squat taken off my property.

They hear every foot step, every car driving by, just everything.

>> No.75650

Actually this happened to me when I still lived with my mother.

The guy ended up being attacked by the dogs when he climbed straight into the dog pen and then when he tried to get inside he triggered the alarm.

Apparently he didn't see the huge 'Beware the Dogs'-sign or the Alarm sign.

God Bless Somalis.

>> No.75659

>Even a pomeranian will hear the slightest noise in its yard and alert its owner.

Seconding little dogs. A cat farted a quarter-mile away? ayaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryaryar

>> No.75673

I mod these

40 bucks for a true HD camera, I mount them facing both sides of my house entrances. If your have no technical prowess I do not recommend attempting to mod these cameras, a good way to test yourself is to repair something with a single strand from a 50 gauge wire, if you can solder at that size and not leave a horrid mess or destroy whatever your working on then you have a chance. Also I do door alarms simply enough, 2 strips tinfoil on the top of the door jam and a strip of tinfoil on the top of the door. Door closed, circuit closed, door open, circuit open, simple. motion detectors? I make these. http://diy2345.blogspot.com/2008/12/make-your-own-motion-detector-alarm.html

pressure sensors?

>> No.75681
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>> No.75689
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Home security systems are pointless unless you've got them setup to contact you, a security company or the police.

Any of these systems expect to pay good money for.

You want shit on the cheap? all you can expect from that is a crappy system which the black man will destory with a hammer/pry bar.

Install some locks on your windows, look into investing into stuff that can protect your door being kicked in.

>> No.75703 [DELETED] 
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The sound of this cycling will send any and all roody-poo niggers fleeing your abode.

>> No.75705
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also, don't be afraid to train your whole family to defend the compound!

>> No.75707

I saw a programme once where they said that warning dog signs are effective as a deterrent about 60% of the time.

>> No.75711

> to contact you, a security company or the police.

No idea about the cops, but the security companies can be slow as hell.

>> No.75715

if you could extrapolate on your system in detail it would be to great advantage of anyone learning from this thread, as yours is the only response worth its weight in stolen goods.

>> No.75719

ge ta vault door, the type that has the turning thing on it then it locks into the walls, ceiling and floor with bars, thats the backdoor and front door, no one could smash through one of these, not even police.

Then you would have metal shutters on all windows and also and the front and back door with sensors on window frames and door frames so if the door is struck or the windows all of the shutters will come down automatically sealing the house to anyone trying to get in

plus panic buttons in every room near light switches that will also shut all of the shutters

>> No.75721

>>75719 cont

also if you can build a wall have 2 walls next to each other with a gap inbetween have the exterior wall slightly taller then the interior wall have barbed wire / concreted smashed bottles on top of the wall so if anyone was to climb over the wall they would either jump back down and not try to get in, or try to get in and get hurt by the bottle/ barbed wire and fall down the gap, they would then most likley die in the gap
you would have to have warning signs up all around the wall though saying climb this wall at your own risk or something

>> No.75723
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60% of the time, it works every time.

>> No.75725


Jesus. He's a homeowner, not a Bond villain.

>> No.75726


well you never know

>> No.75731

yes, because people only break into your house when you are there. seriously, if you live in a shitty neighborhood (and I do) chances are your house will get broken into when you are at work, or away for the night or something, and they will just steal your guns.

>> No.75732
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I think the best security you can get is homeowners insurance. Sure, throw some security lights and carry a scattergun if it makes you feel better, but Home invasions (That is, someone entering your home while you are in your home) are pretty low. Get homeowners, lock your windows and doors, install security lights (fuckers are handy while carrying groceries or shit at night, too). Secure your heirlooms and family memories. Document your possessions, and you'll have no prob getting the insurance co to spring for a new flatscreen.

Most robberies happen between 10 am-4 pm, while you're at work.

Source: Not being a scared bitch who pays thousands for equipment that won't stop a robber.
Pic related: how long do you think it will take for an alarm's signal to go to the security agency, for them to relay it to the police, for the police to show up and control the situation? If its more than 8-10 minutes, your shit is long gone.

>> No.75736

I agree. I don't own a gun, but I wouldn't be opposed to keeping one securely stored in the house. Not one of these gun nuts (like a few ex room mates) who savor the idea of shooting someone. Actually, I made the above post.

I mostly wanted to post a pic of a kid with a gun.

>> No.75737

Yeah, and to be clear, I am not an Anti-gun nut. I live in the south east and used to go target shooting quite frequently, but I really dislike when gun nuts make the argument that owning a gun makes you impervious to crime. based on your post I thought you might be one of those people. My parents are those kind of people.

>> No.75739

In the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, average response time is about 27 minutes for most security companies (according to an advertisement, mind). I don't imagine that's to far off from the rest of the country.

>> No.75747

House robbed while I was at work. Didn't get the big TV. Figured they'd come back for that. Put hidden web cams everywhere. Bone-deep anger will motivate you right through a project like that. 1.5 months later, got them on camera. They're currently rotting in jail. Feels good, though I did have to replace the door they smashed.

>> No.75750


Time for my contribute I think.

Go to Hackerspace website (google it). They have a thingo (links and documentation) on how to make a Audruino [however you spell it] security system.

Looks pretty neat too.

>> No.75888
File: 26 KB, 319x480, DG5694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To prevent Window access, plant a plant that is brambly a/or has numerous thorns under the window. And place a heavy blanket near the window if by chance your in a house fire and the only means of escape is thru window "blocked" by said thorny bush. Drape blanket across bush and get the fuck outta there.

Keep ladders locked up either in a locked shed a/or with a heavy chain thru the rungs and a heavy duty lock.

Since this is the holiday season, got a flat screen TV, or some other bulky electronics a/or tools as gifts? Take empty boxes a/or cardboard inserts straight to the recycling center instead of leaving them at the curb, crumpled/cut in your trash can, or visible from the road. This is a big tip-off to thieves that "You got some expensive shit floating around."

>> No.76049

The major weakness you want to reinforce is your door. Residential doors can be kicked in by a 12 year old. If you have money get a Door Devil if you don't, make one. Makes any door really hard to kick in. Even if you aren't worried about burglaries it's nice to know some fucker will have to kick your door a dozen times to get to you (enough time to get mr blasty and call the cops).

>> No.76054

this is what i was looking for. thank you.

>> No.76075

We got 2 Jack Russel's also. The other night someone jumped our fence at 2 am and stole a bag of cans. Fucking trailer park people. And yeah they barked like hell.

We heard them bark but we didn't go out to check. Didn't hear anything other than them barking so didn't think much of it. We really should have. But yeah dogs are the way to go.

Big dogs are great if they're the type that actually would attack but still intimidating as hell. Medium dogs are intimidating also. The problem is that good dog's still might not attack. It's a good thing but bad if you want them to tear the intruder to bits. I think the more dogs you got the more of the pack mentality will set in and they will attack regardless of size. They'll still bark though so just be consious of them barking at 2 am and can tell if it's a "THERE'S A CAT!" bark from a "OH SHIT THERE'S SOMEONE IN OUR YARD!' bark. If you spend enough time with them you'll be able to tell the difference.

Also dogs are cool. I don't like dogs in general but love the hell outta my dogs.

>> No.76145
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>>76054 this is what i was looking for. thank you.

*WHACK* Idiot!!

Whats a security system good for it your habits are not up to snuff? There is some good tips in this thread that can help enhance your security system. Simple little things sometimes is worth more.

Remember, a Security System is a crutch. It's only good if you help it instead of just relying on it.

>> No.76156

mossburge 590 and a german shepard, make sure everyone in your neighborhood knows you have both
people are more afraid of the dog than your shotgun, but the gun is for the actual work
>this works best in the united states inside of states with castle laws, or in derilict 3rd world countries where they wont care if you off someone breaking into your house

>> No.76157

that door devil is just a strip of steel you screw over the jam? pretty cool

>> No.76179

Get a security door for at least the front entrance.

>> No.76188

avid gardener & i know people who do this

plant big ass cactus with gnarly spines under windows

>> No.76343

if you do this, make sure you carry the gun with you EVERY GODDAMN TIME you leave the house.

If people know you have a gun, someone WILL brave the dog and break in just to steal it. #1 burglary target.

If you're getting a gun, it better be either on your person or locked up tighter than the hope diamond. Anything else and you're just helping to arm your local gangster wannabes.

>> No.76409

But cacti can't survive in colder climates...and this would also make it really dangerous for people escaping a house fire.

>> No.76413

What about replacing windows and the like? Any sort of security mechanisms that can be employed at windows/doors?

Don't leave large, heavy objects outside. Next thing you know, you're massive pole was a battering ram.

>> No.76414

My current security for my house.

First line of defense.
> 3 dogs, Doberman, Rottweiler and a Husky.

They typically lay ontop of a shelf like thing on my front window, clearly visible to anybody walking by.
They will bark at anything that walks by, birds, kids, fat people jogging, anything.

Second is my home alarm, relays information to police and security company.

Third Line
Is me and my Mossberg and my wife and her revolver.

Come at be bro.

>> No.76420


Theirs other plants you can try. The main point of the plant under your window is to inhibit a/or delay the burglar/suspect from entering your home in a fashion that does the job.

>> No.76443

>>75673 Here. So someone asked about the camera mod, your going to have to be able to solder wire that is 0.00786 mm in diameter, now saying you can do this here are some of the things you need to consider modding for your own needs. The battery runs for about 40 minutes, but they can be powered from the usb. The first thing I tend to do with these cameras is decide if I want to permanently install them or if I need them to remain portable. If they remain portable, I mod out the battery to a higher amp hour battery. If I'm permanently wiring the camera I just get myself a good long cord and put a usb end on it, then remove the usb port on the camera and solder on the cord end for a permanent connection. If I go wireless I just use an adruino with a wireless package on it and solder the usb port from the camera to the adruino. Pretty simple interface at that point. Ok, so your smart enough to do some simple soldering (I'm kinda impressed, 0.00786mm is pretty damn small.) now if you want to get any further your going to need to know a bit about firmware, if you do, then you don't need me, and if you don't then the only thing I can suggest is start reading because this will be the fastest simplest way for you to brick your camera and toss 40 bucks out the window. If you don't think you can figure your own way to reprogram the firmware on don't consider making this part of the mod, as for me I usually mod the display to which ever time stamp info I want (such as Parking Garage 3 03:00 12/12/12). http://www.ovt.com/products/sensor.php?id=29 is a bit of info your gonna need on it. also http://www.chucklohr.com/ does a kick ass review of all the cams. I don't recommend screwing around modding this camera just for shits and giggles, they are pretty easy to brick but they are cheap as chips when it comes to needing a good security camera.

>> No.76455


You think someone is going to buy this bullshit?

>> No.76532


Wow, we actually had one of these, even though we lived in an apartment building.
Fucking 16 bolts ran through this thing, even on the side where it was hinged onto the wall.
I always thought to myself, if there was ever a zombie outbreak, they wouldn't be getting through the front door at least...

>> No.76537


haha yeah theyre great had one with 6 bolts to walls 2 to floor and ceiling and a rod that attached from the centre thing to the floor for extra strength was mad

>> No.76725

Well thanks for getting back. I doubt i have the electrical prowess to mod out those cameras, i dont have any experience with arduino yet so this is kind of a long term goal.. but thanks for the links.

We had some bums start stealing cans from our back porch, then my roommate got his $300 bike stolen so we figured it was time to get some added attention. My other roommate runs a medical marijuana operation in our basement and if anyone knew about that we'd be getting robbed weekly. I fugure its only a matter of time and his best idea is to stay home cause he thinks its "sketch".

>> No.76929
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>.00786 mm
1mm = .039 inch = 39 thousandths
.00768mm to inches = 0.0003

3 ten thousandths of an inch yeah? A human hair is approx. 4 thousandths. Stop talking out of your ass faggot.

>> No.77206

block the door with something tall, and when someone opens the door it tips over and hits the ground and makes lots of noise. Just an idea

>> No.77216
File: 53 KB, 200x200, HomeAlone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch and learn, OP.

>> No.77365

I would like to point out that if you live in a poor/bad neighborhood, you're almost 100% guaranteed to NOT be burglarized. No robber is going to steal from a poor area, the nicer areas are where the break-ins happen.

Unless your house is decorated like the fucking Vatican in the middle of Detroit; then you might have some issues.

>> No.77373



I live in the.. "student ghetto". it's student/residential housing, and on the scale of ghettos its not the bottom of the barrel, but houses do get robbed here on the regular. our second week in, the neighbors had their back door broken into. some weeks after that, someone stole the cans from our back porch, no biggie but someone came in and took our shit which is hard to let go. then they stole my roommates bike. we've had people come to our premise and steal things at least 3 times that i know about, and we've been there 5 months.

Now, in addition to this, my roommate runs a medical marijuana grow op in our basement. Everything is legal and such, but it makes our possibility for B&E skyrocket. So we keep it quiet. Its why i'm investing in a handgun, and why i've started this thread on home awareness.

Ideally, i was looking for links that would help me set up a couple motion detectors/cameras that would record movement. Alarm sounding would be okay but somewhat impractical. If they steal, i wanna see their face. catching in the act would be okay but i dont want to shoot someone over my roommate's plants. i dont even smoke.

>> No.77381


Have a clip attached to the wall, make the clip trip an alarm system when it presses together, put a 20, 50, or 100 in the clip so that when the money is removed it makes contact. See who your real friends are.

>> No.77493

Just go with a cheapo webcam unless you feel you really need the hd. If you need the HD then just get one of these cam's for 40 bucks and plug it in permanently via usb, if you don't feel comfortable modding it, its still a very useful cam and there are online tutorials for modding the firmware to remove time and date (not recommended for security cams) or increase the record time as the default for file saves is 20 minutes. For a true HD cam, 40 bucks is cheap as chips.

As for people coming into your yards, I recommend building one of the pressure sensors or the motion detectors I recommended in >>75673 and tie it to a good alarm or bell

>> No.77532
File: 300 KB, 975x689, 314-lol-whats-going-on-in-this-thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, just curious. I think I have the answer to my own question, but what's the difficulty of setting up a few webcams to record to a cloud? That is, avoid the cliche 'stealing the video tape, too'

>> No.78170

Hi there. >>77493 here.
Well, there's a 20 minute record time on the hd cam's I posted in earlier posts, I have mine set for 1 hour personally, but if you don't want to be bothered with modding the camera then just stick with the current 20 minute file size and
Use this free software to automatically upload the files to a remote ftp, as for the remote ftp, either rent one, or make a deal for space on a friends pc or whatever.
just schedule your uploads.

>> No.78244
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Lots of good info. Why dont you just get a metal screen door for one. Around here theyre called ghetto doors. Some bars on the windows in vulnerable places work as deterrents. A dirty dog bowl on your porch works too. But i think i know what you want...It's called a Trail camera. We use one out in our backyard. We had our basement broken into and thats what we used to catch the asshole neighbors kid. Along with a motion alarm we bought on ebay for $40.

>> No.78254

Jesus. Trail cameras. That's genius. I see everyone on FB posting pics from theirs..not exactly down-and-dirty DIY-ing, but a damn good cheap idea.

>> No.78304

jesus christ, source with the power of a thousand suns...


>> No.78307

find basic cameras and route extended cables to some shit tv where you can see it often, usually this implies connecting the different servers (cameras) to the reciever on one screen (the tv). its been done before, i worked for a guy underground who had the same concept, less cameras but the principle should work the same with a little splicing. secondly, get a cable that omits a signal under pressure and line your driveway with it, the signal should be connected to a bell or a speaker that will "ding" upon the signal's release. it aint cheap, but its sure as hell alot cheaper then any other shit you have.

p.s. motion activated lights... nuff said. most people scatter after they turn on just because its a liablity beyond the potential prophit, but if someone has it out for you, buy a gun and load it

>> No.78311
File: 18 KB, 500x333, housealarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, /diy/?

>> No.78318


>> No.78327


>> No.78342

Fucking Genius.....

>> No.78442

or you could just go live in a flak tower.

>> No.78516

A family I know installed a red LED in their hallway. Yep, that's it, a red LED. When it's dark and you look in through the window it looks like there's a security system.

>> No.78521

That's...... So simple it's fucking genius.

>> No.78555

thats fucking stupid logic, lazy nignogs will rob the house next door to save themselves the effort or trekking

>> No.78602
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I'm a very light sleeper. I also happen to own a "Judge" handgun. It's the shittiest gun in the world, but it'll send a home invader to meet their maker.

That's all the "DIY alarm/security" I need. Alarms only serve the purpose of letting the police know there's a corpse to pick up. Police are often slow to respond, meaning the criminal will have all the time to get what they want and do what they want to you before they hear the sirens blaring from two miles away, and dash off. You, meanwhile, will be another tragic statistic.

Bonus: By killing a criminal I reduce the crime rate in my area. Due to laws in my state (KY) I wouldn't even face criminal charges for doing so.

>> No.78616

>Due to laws in my state (KY) I wouldn't even face criminal charges for doing so.

Same here in Florida. It's a called Castle Doctrine or "stand your ground law" Best alarm is a dog in most cases.

>> No.78631
File: 52 KB, 500x375, fluffy_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only alarm I'll ever need.
As a sidenote, to find this photo I entered the following queries in this order

Shar Pei
Shit Zu
Fluffy Dog
Weak Dog
Pussy Dog
Fluffy dog

>> No.78632

wtf are you talking about hair for? WTF is with your numbers, what are you talking about? Why did you feel the need to convert mm to inches? And if you can't solder something roughly the size of a human hair, then yes I agree, don't mod this device physically, the camera is assembled by a machine and the soldering is done with a laser.

>> No.79283
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, Picture 156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet my security system. It will make you weep.

>> No.79300

I don't believe that for a second.