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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 22 KB, 511x341, Fuck+cats_a45b6a_3321878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
746922 No.746922 [Reply] [Original]

I have a major cat problem /diy/. They keep shitting on my front lawn and recently they have had the balls to shit flower box. I own a dog who is outside most of the time, but since it is winter he is inside at night. I have seen online motion detectors with high pitch sounds for cats, but do those really work? Is there something I can make that can deter cats from shitting on my lawn/flower box?

Pic related, fuckers

>> No.746923
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If you live out in the country, you could always shoot them. Not much you can do if you live in the city, or the thought of shooting feral animals doesn't sit right with you. Maybe try sprinkling cayenne powder in your flower box?

>> No.746930

Sadly, i live the city. Ill try the cayenne powder

>> No.746931 [DELETED] 

How about someone shoot you, you garbage human faggot?

>> No.746937

Motion activated sprinkler exists as a $40 product. Unless you want to get into electronics as a hobby...

>> No.746938

stay classy

plant cat nip all under your neighbours porch

>> No.746941

Mark your territory. Not joking.

>> No.746942

Cats carry toxoplasmosis, look it up. Nasty shit that can cause schizophrenia.

Turns out that crazy cat ladies don't hoard cats because they are insane, they are insane because they hoard cats.



Shoot the cats. Drive down the road and dump where the oppossums will dispose of them.

>> No.746944

Alternate option but keep dog inside is to leave out a pan of antifreeze containing glycol, or some warfarin mixed with cat food.

>> No.746948

looking more into cayenne powder, id rather not since dog
like say 5 houses down type of neighbors?
i piss in my back yard occasionally, ill try different spots

>> No.746953

i was hoping maybe set a speaker outside to a certain frequency at a specific time. i like the water idea though

>> No.746955

Now that's just needlessly cruel. Shooting them is a much more humane option, unless you're some jackass with a pellet gun, or you've got shit aim.

>> No.747110

box stores sell spray bottles full of chemicals that repels wild animals. like wolf urine.

>> No.747134

You are a piece of shit.

>> No.747154

>poison every wild animal and stray, and any indoor animals that happen to get loose for more than a few minutes

>> No.747155

Citrus. Cats HATE citrus, and it won't hurt your dog. Take some oranges and juice them. spray the juice around the yard and put the peels in your planters. You'll need to do this every week or so.

>> No.747160

Don't cats automatically shit and piss in a sand box? Isn't that their thing?

I was given an untrained cat and it always shits and pisses in it's sand box.

>> No.747165

Crush up aspirin and mix it in a can of tuna. Set this out and wait. The aspirin will poison and kill a cat but is harmless to dogs and most animals.

>> No.747169

Not that guy, but you know what? People who buy cats and then let them roam through suburbia are pieces of shit. If you're in the city, either keep a cat indoors or don't fucking own one. Cats and dogs shouldn't be peoples slaves anyways. They should be in the wild or not born just so some asshole can keep them in a cage.

I'm in a house with 2 cats and 2 dogs. I told my sister to not get another dog because the older one we have doesn't get enough attention as it is. What happens? She gets a little dog and it's stuck in a playpen most of the day. Honestly not cool.

>> No.747172

My point being, it's not the cats fault the owner is a POS, but the owners are pieces of shit. It's not OP's job to care about other peoples animals

>> No.747176

If you have access to wild cat (Panther or lion) dung. From your local zoo. Spread it around.

>> No.747346

No. You know what is really annoying? People to think their dog's are kids. Every single fucking one of them thinks their dog is a special case and that it would never bite/bark/piss/shit unless personally instructed to.

People bring those things in the stores all the time. Especially fucking hardware stores. I was at Home Depot one time. Some old couple brought in their "child" well some little girl was near it and wanted to pet the dog. The dog was already nervous because it was packed. Little girl got near and the dog bit her. Animal control was called. The dog was not up to date on it's rabies shot. Parents decided not to subject their 5 year old daughter to the shots. Dog was destroyed. The lady was throwing a fit because the kid must have "hurt" the dog and tried blaming the kid's parents. I honestly think that's why they decided to have the dog killed and sent in for rabies testing.

They got what they deserved, your dog should be at home, not in a store. It's illegal unless it's a service animal but Management in stores are too big of pussies to tell them to get out.

>> No.747376

The cats have sensed you are an asshole and left you a warning. Change your ways or things will get far worse.

>> No.747383

Okay ill tell you what to do.

> Buy a good spray bottle from the store, actually more like two or three cause they will clog. Go to a bulk food place and buy cayanne powder.
> boil the cayanne powder in some water and get it all dissolved.
> put the water in the spray bottles
> spray all around your yard to make a line of defense.

>> No.747391

Use wood chips for mulch, they hate stepping on it and it keeps them out of the flowerbed.

>> No.747601

sprinkle broken eggshells in the flowerbeds - they won't come back.

>> No.747653

don't piss in your garden , a male cat will try to claim it back this is a bad idea

you can try planting any of these plants they keep cats away :
Ruta graveolens
Geranium macrorrhizum
Aloysia triphylla

other things that you can do are:
Throwing lemon peels in the flowerbox
use used coffee grounds (it sticks to their paws and they hate to lick it off)
black pepper in the flowerbox
also you can use cocoa shells to cover the soil under the plants where the cats cause trouble, they don't like to dig there
you can shoot them with water

>> No.748020


Good luck OP.

>> No.748179

Catniiiiiiiiiip. They are fucking crackheads. Cats will sniff this shit burried 30km deep.

>> No.748200

22 long rifle or coolant in a bowl.

>> No.748203

Yeah, leave them out a bowl of nice tasty antifreeze.

They won't come back.

If you want plausible deniability, "spill" some under your car.

>> No.748247

There are motion detectors water sprays too.

>Havahart 5265 Spray Away Motion Detector

I think there are a few other brands too.

>> No.748438


Antifreeze is rather cruel; it's can take days to put a cat down and it's miserable from the start. Acetaminophen is almost as bad.

There are much more humane ways to kill cats.

What is your budget, OP?

>> No.748536
File: 22 KB, 700x246, stoeger-x-20s-suppressed-22-caliber-air-rifle-w-scope-28.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppressed air rifle. $150. Hit to the head will insta kill. Poke between slats of a window shade or use at night. Grab cat while ostensibly disposing of yard waste. Picking up sticks or leaves or dog shit.

>> No.748540

/diy/ you say.....


>> No.748616

I feel your pain OP, my neighborhood is full of cats, I like cats, but they spray all over my deck/any material left outside, I've already had to chuck the couch I used to have sitting outside because it just stank like cat piss, the stuipid bitch next door (my auntie) is the epitome of crazy cat lady, she only has about 3-4, but feeds every one that walks onto her property, which just creates my problem, I used to have a pretty tough cat that would hole the fort but since she died it's gone to shit

I've been reading online about what I can do, I've planted lavender all around my deck (apparently they don't like it) and am gonna get some lemongrass, citronella is also a deterrent I've read, the next step was to go get some spray (animal urine) to mark the property with but I'm afraid it will just egg them on, creating a literal 'cat pissing contest'

I like cats but fuck other peoples cats

>> No.748783

My aunt's neighbour traps and releases them elsewhere.

>> No.748856


>> No.748858

We used to trap strays and release them in the more upscale neighborhoods. Because fuck their mcmansions with manicured lawns and Mercedes in the driveway.

>> No.748881


>> No.748884


>> No.748886


>> No.748901

Feral cats are environmentally destructive as all fuck. They slaughter songbirds, crap all over the place, and spread disease. They should be killed on sight.

Sadly, shitheads like you have managed to spread the idea that the poor little misunderstood kitties cannot be controlled because they will just spawn a new generation, so don't anyone harm them.

With modern electronic systems, it is becoming possible to set up automatic sentry guns that will kill any cat that wanders by, or if in the city, to use a high-intensity laser to blind them -- OpenCV to match against an eigencat and find the head, and 6W of steerable green laser goodness to fry their little eyeballs out.

>> No.748903

>illegal unless it's a service animal
No it's not. In restaurants and perhaps grocery stores it might be, depending on your state and local laws, but not in a Home Depot.

>> No.749035


As much as I agree with cats being danger to envirement, I find your solutions unacceptable.

Local populations should be controlled mostly by brith control. Shooting them is barely acceptable while blinding them is just plain cruel.

Also: OpenCV is way too unreliable to use it to detect anything, so it can be a target of hostile action. Sooner or later you would fry dog eyes or even human eyes.

>> No.749038

This thread is full of faggots.

>> No.749077

It is, because if you're on their premises, it's on their sufferance, so if they say no dogs, and you bring a dog, you're trespassing.

>> No.749226

Just hang out and shoot them with non lethal stuff. I dunno how much damage paintballs will do to a cat but that might be something to look into. Put fear into them without killing. Don't poison, its mean, some unknown neighbor poisoned the ones in my area with what had to be be some kind of heavy metal. It was sad to see the cats get crusty thickened skin on their heads they would scratch until they bled, and clear signs of nerve and neurological damage, all ending with them spasming deaths.

>> No.749234

cat's don't shit on lawns. That's your dog.

>> No.749237

>With modern electronic systems, it is becoming possible to set up automatic sentry guns
have fun in prison.

>> No.749241 [DELETED] 

Every fucking one of you deserves a bullet in the liver. Fucking bastards. You are fucking scum.

OP, in order of cost of implementation from low to high, Start with a bottle of cat replant. It'll run you about $10. If that doesn't work.

Upgrade to a motion activated sprinkler system.

>> No.749261
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>> No.749266

You could just leave baits of ground beef full of aspirin, fuckers will be all dead by dawn.

>> No.749267 [DELETED] 

>but much kitties!!

You're the one who needs a bullet to the liver and get the wound patched with cat shit.

>> No.749269

>but muh kitties!!
You're the one that deserves a bullet to the liver and get the wound patched with cat shit, homo.

>> No.749273
File: 60 KB, 470x685, 13580121849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here, these little cunts are directly responsible for the extinction of many native species here.

> sauce, page 25 onwards, http://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/315373ff-04b3-49a7-ac5c-44f173e9b3f8/files/impacts-feral-cats.pdf

I would much rather put a bullet through the idiots who buy these things like they are responsible owners, then let these things run wild, but I am not allowed to, so I will do my best to trap and kill any cat I see on my property that has no collar. If it does have a collar, it gets taken to the pound. Go and work out a way to make humans take responsibility for their animals or a way to get your precious fucking cats out of ecosystems that did not evolve with them and as such is getting decimated by them. Either way, get the fuck off your high horse faggot.

>> No.749277

It's not "but muh kitties" it's "you're killing cats because they are a minor inconvenience". Worse, most of you are POISONING them, which is dangerous and chickenshit.

See, that's actually a viable, and very unique, situation. Absolutely nothing like OP's situation.

>> No.749279

>accepting strays in any way
Your ancestors didn't completely conquer the Earth so you could become a pussy.

>> No.749281

Please return to /b/.

>> No.749291

As a child, I had a strawberry plant in a pot to the side of my door. I had it for a few years, took care of it and the berries where delicious.
Then a neighboorhod cat started pisding on it untill he killed it. I saw the fucker pissing on the pot, and kicked it so hard i think i broke it's ribs. He never got any close to my house afterwards, and i got another plant (an pot).
so, get yourself some nice steel toe boots as a belated christmas present and go stamp some cats.

>> No.749356

That's not against any LAW, though, just against their rights as a property owner/lessee. As far as trespass, they can then tell you and you have to leave. If you refuse, they can sue you under tort law, but it's still not a criminal act.

You lose.

>> No.749386

Most places, trespass is criminal as well as civil.

Places where trespass is only civil are rare, noteworthy exceptions.

>> No.749406


Man, you're fucking gay dude.

>> No.749422

it's not that they're trained to go in sandboxes.. it's that they want to be able to bury their crap and they're smart enough to realize that the catbox is the only place they can do this easily... it's not a perfect science though...

>> No.749436

>They slaughter songbirds
And this is a bad thing because?

>> No.749438

You guys have the most dangerous animals in the world but a goddamn toad is your serious problematic pest population. I cannot take you asshats seriously.

People in Australia routinely wear weird hats so that birds won't dive down and attack them.

For a nation built by criminals, you guys sure are a bunch of pussies.

>> No.749440

>Your ancestors didn't completely conquer the Earth so you could become a pussy.

You are so wrong sir.
>Not understanding that cats have been responsible for aiding man from a hunter/gatherer type system to a farming type system
>Not understanding that cats are the only animals to domesticate themselves.

>> No.749458

Canetoads are the only thing we can get close enough to with a golfclub without being killed first, and they're cunts. Someone has to be the scapegoat for the stingrays and spiders.

>> No.749534

>minor inconvenience
Health hazardous
They destroy stuff you leave outside
Annoy the crap out of domestic dogs and the noise keeps everyone on edge
Kill native species to the point of extinction

>> No.749537

Best option is to shoot

Second best is to trap and take to the pound. Hopefully your pound will charge the owner a fee to get it back. Even if there is no fee a few trips to the pound will convince the owner to lock the fucker up.

>> No.749567

My cats sleep on a pile of wood chips.

>> No.749601
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>> No.749781

Had a problem with just one cat that thought my daughters playground was its private shitter. It belonged to someone I really didn't want to get on the bad side of, so I got myself a soft air gun. Kept it loaded by the door and when I saw the cat I tactically operated out on the porch and shot it. I'm pretty sure I got a couple of hits in because it took its business elsewhere. A couple of weeks later another cat wandered in and got the same treatment. Worked very well.

As you know, getting shot with a soft air gun really smarts but can't break anything even on such a small animal. Could have gone bad if I hit it in the eye but it was a small risk and one I was willing to take, hehe. Cats are intelligent and if you scare them they will keep out. In OP:s case I would recommend paintball, because that sends a message to the owners. "I shot your fucking cat, maybe I'll use a real gun the next time. Keep it indoors you inconsiderate bastards".

>> No.750306

OP, you need to tell us whether or not you are willing to kill the cats. To be honest, its not hard just to kick them to death. A solid kick to the head at night when you are sure nobody is watching is quick and humane. I love cats, but feral cats are not domesticated. They are destructive, disease causing animals. You can have pet rats, and then you have a rat infestation. They are different. You can use a live trap, but I would suggest "teaching them to swim" rather then letting them free. You need to consider the situation, these are pest animals, you would not catch and release rats, fleas, bedbugs, etc, right? Pests are destroyed.

>> No.750323

Jesus Christ. How do you feel about your ex wife?

>> No.750356

sage this shit - while full of trolls, wouldnt want to give genuine idiots ideas.

>> No.750568

this. totally works, worth every penny.

>> No.750573

how the fuck is it "unique"?

>> No.750610

Because Australia is infamous for having a fucked ecosystem because of introduced species

>> No.750614

And there's only one person there.

>> No.750641
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>> No.751096

>Cats are intelligent

Actually they're not.

>> No.751163

Coyote piss does the trick

>> No.751309
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>all the edge in this thread

>> No.751331

Fill empty clear bottles with water and put them about the place. For some reason they scare cats off. Fucked up I know but true. This dickhead on the tv advised putting lion shit in your garden. Lion shit?? WTF. Even if I could get hold of lion shit that would be like replacing small cat shit with huge cat shit. Fucking idiot.

>> No.751364

>some little girl was near it and wanted to pet the dog. The dog was already nervous because it was packed. Little girl got near and the dog bit her.

It sounds like the parents of the little girl were also partially at fault then (though the main blame did lie with the owners.) Children shouldn't be allowed to run up to strange dogs without asking their parents and the owners first. (Especially not strange dogs that have no owners around, though this wasn't the case in this story.)

I speak from experience as someone that has two service dogs (counted legally as such because they assist in training other service dogs and are service-level trained utility dogs) and when taking them or other in-training dogs out in public wearing vests DO NOT PET SERVICE DOG in three languages and with a giant fucking crossed out hand on it, every fucking idiot with a kid runs up and grabs the dog while asking if it's okay to pet them after they already have. We actually had an issue with one in-training dog when this scenario played out and a child grabbed their ear and bit it and the dog snarled at the child. The parents were screaming that their precious angel had been bitten (it hadn't) and that the dog should be put down (it wasn't.)

Point of the story, if it has one: just as many dogs are untrained shitty monsters because of poor owners, many children are untrained shitty monsters because of their parents. I wish more people were better trainers and parents. Don't let your dogs or kids run up to strange dogs or kids, it's dangerous and rude.

>> No.751735

I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at this.

>> No.752266

Dogs can carry it too.

>> No.752434

Yeah, after getting it from cats. Unless they are a mouser breed they wouldn't get it directly from mice.

Even then, the effect on the mice wouldn't make them more likely to be eaten by them since they're not cats, which are the primary host.

>> No.752510

Because environment.

>> No.752668

Humans get it from contact with catshit or meats that contain it (pork/goat meat).

>> No.752710

I feel bad for the cat now

>> No.753009

I've heard about a product coming to market intended for keeping birds away that uses an infrared guided water canon. This would work for cats, as they hate water in general. From what I understand, it can be programmed to target one or more specific types of animals based on it signage.

Another option is live trap them and take them to the pound. Takes time, but over time I expect you'll have an impact pretty quickly.

>> No.753522

I decapitated a stray kitten with a shovel once...

>> No.753533

A house is a large cage.

>> No.753535

Cool. I personally trap them in cages and drown them in the pool.

>> No.753538

Fuck off samefag, this is not >>>/b/, we don't care.