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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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6871 No.6871 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/

DIY stoner here and I was wondering if any of you have made your own homemade pieces. I would really like to invest my time into making one for myself, preferably out of wood or stone. Wondering if any of you have done this yourself and with which materials.

Any help appreciated!!

>> No.6882

Wtf man a stone pipe?

>> No.6896

I've definitely seen it done before,
Any help?

>> No.6913
File: 69 KB, 400x283, stonepipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here I am thinking something alone the lines of this

>> No.6928

A stone pipe would probably take to much time/effort to be worth you while but would probaby still be awesome. A wood pipe probably wouldn't take much, if you've ever taken woodshop. Just drill out a dowel and a thing at the end for a little corncob style pipe.

>> No.6930

The most DIY I've gotten with my weed is rolling a joint with a 5 gum wrapper or fashioning a vape from a lightbulb

A stone pipe would be raw, though, please post it along with instructions if you do make it

>> No.6931

Yeah man. I made a bong out of copper piping and shit, shit was ace but somebody threw it away.

Right now I'm looking into making a homemade vape using induction heating and all that shit man. it'll be sweet.

>> No.6932

I've made a lot of novelty pieces back when I smoked. I made a pumpkin bong for halloween, an ice pipe using a coffee can. My cousin made a wood piece. Stone would be difficult without stone working tools (drills and chisels).

For wood, use a piece of hardwood. Get something that is aesthetically pleasing and non-poisonous. Make sure it's in top shape (no mold or rot). Use a small drill press for the hole and then work the wood around that. Use cheap wood until you start getting good, then try your hand at exotic wood.

>> No.6936

annnnyone here?

>> No.6944

look up pipestone, it's red and easily carved stone

>> No.6957

If I was you, I would stick with an apple pipe. That's my favorite way to smoke. Just poke two holes in the apple, one in the top and one in the side. Place you smokeables in the top of the apple and light that shit. Cheep and makes a handy stack when the munchies hit.

>> No.6959

An $11 annealed glass pipe was the best investment I've ever made, it hits like a monster and gets full of resin to scrape

>> No.6964

Nice man,

Anyone familiar with stonework?
What tools would be needed to undertake a project like this?

Anything that can be used to sand down a softer stone?

>> No.6981

I don't know about this, but what about soapstone? Would that work? Pretty easy material to carve.

>> No.6987

Take any plastic bottle, cut a horizontal slit one inch long into it, 2 inches from the base of the bottle. Put a pen tube into the slit, so it goes upwards. Cut a hole into the bottle cap, and fit it around the pen tube at the top. Put around 10 layers of tin foil on top of the cap, so it curves downward like a bowl. Cut holes into the foil. Cover up all holes with silly putty, gum, or tape. put enough water so the bottom of the tube is covered in water, but not the hole in which it enters. Voila, bottle bong with household materials in 5 minutes.

>> No.7003


it's called catlinite, look it up, easily carved with metal tools, same as native americans used

>> No.7037

its only a matter of time until the whole board turns into this.

>> No.7051
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>> No.7042

Once the piece is finished would I have to finish it or polish it in any way.

Without any chemicals of course :p

>> No.7069

Take a 1/4 socket from a wrench, drill a hole in a bottle cap, squeeze the socket in there, and pack it loosely. Too tight and it won't burn correctly. Take a 2 liter bottle cut it in half, and get a sink full of water or a bucket. Screw the cap on the half-bottle, then push it down into the water, being careful not to push too far and get the weed wet. Light and pull up slowly, the bottle will milk up with smoke, then when it's almost all the way up, unscrew the cap, put your mouth over it, push down and inhale. The first gravity bong hit I ever did got me so high I couldn't move for an hour.

>> No.7093

seriously. its fucking depressing. this board has so much potential too....

>> No.7098
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How bout metal? I made this one a long time ago but never used it. It's dirty in pic because it's been in my toolbox for many years. YoU can get from hardware stripe and just need a couple metal bits thre right size and some patience.

>> No.7102


Don't pull too slowly, if you see the smoke starting to go yellow, it's gonna be stale and harsh.

>> No.7112

I get some 91% iso and give every metal part I use a good bath, those wrench sockets can have a little oil left over on them from the manufacturing process.

>> No.7113
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>> No.7121

This is totally relevant to the board topic, and it's just as informative as any other thread. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's detrimental to the board

>> No.7136

I support this idea. I love the idea of a piece that's super personal to me because I made it.

What about combining household objects? Maybe I could make a bong out of something.

>> No.7159

Absolutely agree. This one just didn't make it that fast in thre process.

>> No.7161

I've molded two out of clay...one was stolen before it was baked and the other eventually broke.

One was made from a dried hemp stalk...that was lost at a phish concert.

Most of them were made from miscellaneous brass pieces screwed together.

>> No.7184

Breaking the law isn't supposed to be /diy/ related

Yeah bongs are used for smoking tobacco but 99% of people will use it to smoke weed which is illegal.

This board will be deleted faster than /pol/

>> No.7193

Never use anything with aluminum because it can release a neurotoxin. PVC reacts with smoke and it can fuck up your lungs. Be careful with brass and zinc fittings because they probably have some lead on the outside of them (it can be cleaned off using vinegar)

>> No.7195

this is really bad logic, just so you know

>> No.7198

You should really buy one.

Back in the day, I used a plastic pen tube with a metal pen tip in one end. You would pack the pen tip and it would serve as a stem of sorts for a plastic water bottle bong.

>> No.7216

can only hope that all the drug addicts get banned

no you arnt cool or edgy


>> No.7227

my friend used to make bongs out of bamboo growing in his yard

>> No.7231
File: 44 KB, 480x480, hardtobeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>test tube
>piece of chore
>little chunk of rock

rippin fat blasts off that glass dick