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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.26 MB, 3264x1836, 20141003_151835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
706164 No.706164 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things you've built recently/are working on
>pic related, just finished my CNC mill/lathe assignment for class

>> No.706170


That's cool.

>tfw no qt cnc

I posted this in the electronics thread, it's just a simple dual power supply with two LM317.


>> No.706172

>>tfw no qt cnc
I'm trying to use the shit out of the CNCs here at uni before I graduate because God knows when I'll have the money and space for one afterwards

>> No.706189
File: 423 KB, 2048x1536, 8373ef70-0c3b-42f6-b86b-e720c3ae7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body

>> No.706201

/fit/ pls

>> No.706248
File: 1.12 MB, 1824x1368, IMG_1488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished up the last coat of paint on my second rocket today. I went smaller with this one. It can launch on motors as small as F, which will be a lot cheaper than my other rocket, which takes at least an H.

The paint job on this one turned out much better too, although I screwed up and didn't fill the spirals in the tube before painting. Live and learn though.

>> No.706250
File: 1.14 MB, 1824x1368, IMG_1491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it's taken apart so you can see the chute.

>> No.706268


>> No.706273

Haven't tried streamer recovery yet. Maybe I'll get one and give it a shot. It's easy enough to switch the chute for a streamer.

I think my winter project is going to be a level 2 rocket with dual deploy, so I'm considering what to build for that.

>> No.706393

Did you build it from scratch? I've only fired a rocket like that once in summer camp, and it was much smaller. Did get to build from a kit and paint it though.

>> No.706401
File: 2.83 MB, 4128x2322, 20140928_174950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I built this years ago, but just repainted it last week. It was supposed to be silver/grey camo, but by the third coat i noticed it had a stoney appearance. I kinda like it. But it's Just temporary until my buddy gets his parkerizing set up.

>> No.706404

Working on my interpretation of the WAFATE 3d printer. Because I'm #PoorPeople.

Found a 500w power supply at the PC recycle for dirt cheap, still looking for a few identical printer rails, carriages, linear bearings, cables, stepper motors, etc.

>> No.706426

>2d 1 layer graphic.
wow, why didnt you even try?

>> No.706430

Needs more shovel.

>> No.706431

>dat voltage resolution
>voltmeter only goes up to 15V on a chip that can handle 37V
>not basing it on an equivalent to a XL4005 which is buck-boost and current limiting capable.

>> No.706434

We were limited to 15 minutes on the mill, sue me. Original 3 layer design i wanted would have taken 3 hours.

>> No.706493


I agree the xl4005 is a good DC-DC converter but I just want to power small electronic circuits, I rarely exceed 100mA.

It's powered by a laptop charger, the maximum amperage it can output is 2.1, I don't need beefy chips.

If I wanted current limiting I would just added another LM317 in the current limiting way.

The resolution is good enough, if I wanted resolution I would had installed a digital voltmeter instead of an analog one.

>> No.706525

Not really. It was a bare-bones kit. It came with the nosecone, body tubes, fins, bulkheads, and centering rings.

I'd like to start doing them from scratch, but I don't have the tools I need to do the precise cuts for bulkheads, centering rings, and fins yet. I only got back into building rockets a couple months ago.

>> No.706544


>> No.706566


>Freaky, egg-shaped delts.
>Half a malformed pinky on left hand.
>Autistic /fa/ pants to hide LMAO_no_legday.png
>Dat stoned version of ReviewBrah's face.

2/10. Would not bang. No homo.

>> No.706762

>not doing a finishing pass
>finished my assignment

>> No.706772

See >>706434
Yeah, I know. They kicked me off the mill and didn't have time. Jeez, didn't think I'd get so much shit for this.

>> No.706945
File: 436 KB, 1024x1548, DSCN1967a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things you've built recently/are working on

Nothing much lately. I just put together a fan box for a weak food dehydrator. It needed better air flow and circulation. so, I cobbled together a shoe box, PC fan, ac/dc adapter, and switch with some tape, heat shrink tubing, hot glue, and old twist ties.

It works really well now and the dehydrator is easily detachable from the box unit. Right now I'm drying Cherokee Tomato slices, Bhut Jolokia peppers, and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion peppers. My place smells like a pizzeria.

>> No.706948

That sounds fucking delicious

>> No.707016


>The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/.

>> No.707032
File: 703 KB, 803x599, Table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a new table the day before yesterday to match my new floors. My old one was almost black with solid white block legs. The tapered legs look nicer to me.

>> No.707034
File: 647 KB, 804x598, Table2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoutout to This Old House showing on the local public broadcasting channel for helping me make those tapered legs easier. Also the tables made with busted up fence wood. So it was pretty much a free table.

>> No.707041

OP what happens is your bit pulls up on the material and either it flexes up. Take more passes or find a better way to secure your work piece and you can get a more uniform finish.

Also how are you zeroing your tools.

>> No.707042

See >>706772
Would have gladly taken more passes if time permitted.
Funny you mentioned zeroing. Apparently they've been running parts through the mill for that class for 5 weeks and didn't have zeroing problems until mine (tools moved up the collets 10 though somehow.)

>> No.707046

To give a less bitchy, more thorough answer. This was a machine at uni dedicated for this class, so it had its own set of end mills/tools that had all the offsets/tool lengths zeroed in. In the interest of time, we didn't mess with zeroing (except to the part face), unless the tools were obviously off.

>> No.707047

Pls go

>> No.707059

Three passes should not have taken hours... Also only two passes would have been needed, a rough pass and a finish pass. How was your code generated, did you use a cam program (if so which one) or did you hand code it?

>> No.707071

Mastercam. Backplot said 14m50s. Probably could have taken off a minute or two if I got remachining dialed in right but had neither the proper time nor knowledge

>> No.707235

fuck off faggot, pull out your tampon and go back to your sunday kiddy craft shit

now when you say 'Built" do you mean you manufactured the parts yourself or you assembles it or?

>> No.707239

use it to build parts for a /diy/ one...

>> No.707246
File: 2.59 MB, 4128x2322, e549fd64-0d14-4339-b969-cf728d165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glassblower here

>> No.708061

Nice! I dont smoke or anything myself but i can appreciate the work, this shit seems like it would take a lot of work. Looks like you layered a white glass over a clear base, am i right? either way looks cool, do you have anymore work?

>> No.708075

Hey, say if you had an 18mm intake on something like that, and something fell on it and took it out, creating a larger hole than the intake itself.. what would you do?

Just want to know whether to throw it in the bin or not.

>> No.708078

Not that guy, but also a glassblower. If you don't have the equipment already to blow glass, and don't know anyone who blows glass, the best you can do is try to use glue.

>> No.708108


DIY fixes of glass can be entertaining, but the dissatisfaction of a piece that will never be what it was, well - Sometimes dead is better.

>> No.708109

>those those glaring entry points for the roughing stage
but good job looks sweet

>> No.708121

Thanks guys. I've only done basic stuff like putting bends in glass tubing and it's a big ol' jigsaw puzzle of a break so I'll probably cut my losses. Luckily I still have the front assembly which is pretty sweet. Quite sad because it was a sentimental base and the break was shameful - the handle of my hot tap fell off onto it while I was cleaning it. Oh well. Probably going to get a new two-piece base though for about 100 bucks

>> No.708201

actually I used white tubing for this but I do layer color over clear sometimes

>> No.708204
File: 572 KB, 2656x1494, 20141005_233624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrete form for a new wall that will hold some ventilation fans and a wide door. Almost done with it, some small details left, should be done by tomorrow. Pouring on Friday.

>> No.708205

B-b-b-bunkerfag? Is that you?

>> No.708263
File: 1.32 MB, 2656x1494, 20141008_183725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Done for today.

>> No.708264

Shit you've been awol for so long I was wondering how your bunker was coming along.

>> No.708265

M-me gusta...

>> No.708275

........is that a cattle door for zombies?

Ive seen this movie.

>> No.708278

You...literally live in a cave?

>> No.708297

BUNKERFAG. We though you might have had a cave in.

>> No.708298

Not a cave. A former government nuclear bunker in Scandinavia. Get with the program!

>> No.708299

Scandinavia-fag reporting in.
Where in Scandinavia is this bunker located?

>> No.708324
File: 1.90 MB, 2656x1494, 20141001_104218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been delayed by everything that can delay you, but my stuff has finally starting to arrive (pic) so I got lots to do now.

This tunnel later connects to one of the outer tunnels which has a loading dock. Need a big door if I want to move large hardware in.

Top side for the moment in the guard barracks, but will finish the sleeping quarter mid of next year - just have to cross a certain bridge first.

Designed to survive a direct nuclear hit, I don't think it will cave in any time soon.

>> No.708639

tell me what country! :C

>> No.708653

It's in Norway or Sweden. Forget which, he doesn't reveal it's location because he doesn't want 4chan showing up. It's his, he has stated that he doesn't want anyone to come or offer to help, not even if they're an expert.

>> No.708673
File: 640 KB, 2656x1494, 20141009_181302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed. This better hold or I'll cry.


Due to the laws here I'm responsible if anyone would get hurt (even trespassers) so I try not to have too many people over at this stage unless I really need help. Gladly listen to anyone's advice tho.

>> No.708687

will you do a video tour at some point pls

>> No.708689

I think hes full of shit on that location, I think its in middle america somewhere

>> No.708690

You'll have to settle with this for now.


>> No.708692

There was one picture he posted once that had norweigin words on something in the background.

>> No.708707

Swedish words, somewhere in Sweden.

Norway was understandable, but where did that come from?

>> No.708758

Nejmen, häftigt värre! Har du köpt bunkern eller kör du där olagligt? Norra, mellersta eller södra Sverige?

>> No.708760

Mycket björkar och tallar. Jag gissar mellan till norra?

>> No.709142
File: 238 KB, 1280x960, Picture 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooden table stand for my microphone.

>> No.709269


Where do you buy something like that? And for how much?

>> No.709804
File: 452 KB, 1600x1200, Krenov plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand plane.
Will do some more shaping tomorrow and replace the cap thing with a better looking ash one. (This one was fished out of a bin and has screw holes in it that are showing. Was more of a test piece really)
Besides that, the plane is more or less done and cuts like a dream, better than anything I've bought so far despite being the first I've made. All that's left is to make it pretty and feel better in the hand.
After this I can get to work on a convex plane that I need and get to making my own blades.
I might make a separate thread about that if I got some questions.

>> No.710033
File: 627 KB, 1426x802, Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 9.28.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted about this project months ago. Got the bulk of it done yesterday.

It's a dual 50"+ natural gas fire pit. Not starting on the center piece yet, but just the pits themselves.

Drew the pieces up in solidworks, exported them to a CNC plasma table, cut all the pieces out, and had a coworker weld it up. The bases needed a bit of improvising from the original plan, but turned out good. Don't have a pic of the latest cad model with me, but pic related is the end result.

>> No.710034
File: 3.51 MB, 2050x1352, Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 9.25.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to build the legs a bit differently. I was going to just CNC press break a 12" wide piece of 1/4 mild steel into a 60 degree triangle shape with 2.5" flanges on the end to weld, but at this point I only have an 85 degree punch so that didn't work out. Instead, I just cut out two actual triangle shapes, and used a piece of angle iron to connect them. All material is 1/4 A36 plate. The small tabs are for the side plates, and these things are seriously overbuilt. I wanted to make sure they would take a ton of weight, and also accommodated drain holes.

>> No.710035
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One fit right in perfectly, the other is just a cunt hair off(laid brick isn't going to be perfectly concentric). Am going to grab a metal grinder and get it to fit. Once they are test fit, and we hook the gas lines to ensure everything is running properly, going to blast and paint(or powder coat) them up.

I should have taken more pictures of the process, as I am sure most of you would be interested in it, but I was a bit busy when doing it.

>> No.710225
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Be kind, /diy/; I did it with a limited amount of tools.

>> No.710236


I'd rather see it on a deck or in front of a fuckoff huge window but it looks nice.

would use for activities/10

>> No.710255
File: 27 KB, 743x535, 1f18ae53-97ba-4521-a3a4-b32a4aad6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well shit. Now I'm hungry.

>> No.710260

If I could afford a house, it would be in a basement rec room.

As it stands, this is going to be my dining/D&D table.

>> No.710331
File: 2.09 MB, 1524x1328, Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 10.44.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initial Test light.

Had a hell of a time grinding away one of the centers today. I initially thought it only needed an eighth inch shaved off, but winded up taking over .750.

Then had a couple of trips back and forth between the hardware store(and one of the nipples was labeled wrong, so I could only get one hooked up). Puts out some serious heat.

>> No.710374
File: 83 KB, 720x1280, 10365313_263718867158144_8061502858237413875_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built this for a former subordinate of mine. Can you guess its purpose?

>> No.710377

Looks like a book/magazine/whatever shelf/stand of some sort.

>> No.710380
File: 42 KB, 960x540, 10698510_301017010094996_4914135609566312131_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spice rack

>> No.710777

I remember the first threads you posted, but I completely forgot about this. Got a blog set up?

>> No.710779

ebay 100k

>> No.710789

I dont think he actually lives in it actually.

the biggest problem bunkeranon had was sealing the fucker up tight to stop homeless/urban explorers invading and shitting everywhere

>> No.710949

You are a god.

been too long bunkerfag

>> No.710965
File: 396 KB, 1676x829, bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and I just finished building our bar, for the most part, last night. I did the woodwork and she did the stone.

>> No.710968

Looks really nice. Is that just in your back yard? Do yo cook over it?

>> No.710974

jävlar va fint, jag är bergsarbetare, är hela tunneln injekterad och täckt med sprutbetong, bultad? hur lång? hursom, vilken jävla cool ide, lycka till fan

>> No.710975


I've been thinking about making a cnc lathe recently. Care to share more about your design? I'm interested.

>> No.710990

Kick ass, sounds like a lot of fun.

>> No.710998

>sounds like a lot of fun.

It was, especially considering we did the whole thing (aside from the cooktop) with scrap wood and leftover travertine we had laying around that would have otherwise been thrown out.

>> No.711002
File: 1.76 MB, 3968x2232, DSCN7572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prosthetic finger. It isn't much at the moment, and it is version 5 or so. It is based off of the Open Hand Project. I want to make a hand for under $500. I use Blender to do the CAD, which is like using a paint set for drafting.

Of all the things a 3D printer can do, this is one of the things it is actually useful for.

>> No.711003

I didn't make the lathe, I made the paperweight as babby's first CNC project for a class. Though there is a class where you build a desktop lathe at my uni. To get an A it has to survive being dropped from chest height and hit a few different ways with a sledgehammer and still run true.

>> No.711014

Check your printer settings and those layer will improve.

>> No.711017
File: 110 KB, 318x876, IMG_0211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, maybe you folks can help me with this project.

i'm currently working on a replica of bilbo's sword. I want to make it light up, so my current thought process is sculpt the blade, mold it, then brush the mold with Aluminum powder to give the blade that metal look, and cast it with clear resin. Then i was thinking of either sticking bright blue LEDs in it, or during the casting phase, insert blue EL Tape.

does this sound like a good plan? I'm open to suggestions and critiques.

here's a crappy photo of where i'm at. it's still in the very early stage of sculpting. Thanks!

>> No.711042

oh gawd that is gross. Tell me what printer you have so I can avoid it.

>> No.711112
File: 473 KB, 980x400, slider_firewater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. No cooking. Just heat and aesthetic values. Once bases are taken care of, they will be topped with fire glass, pic related.

>building a CNC lathe


>> No.711919

Just made an extra lightbar for my break lights (on the car) using LEDs. NEAT.

>> No.711929


Consider electroluminescent paint. Assuming you have the resources to apply it properly, it will give a very even, peculiar glow to it. If you go REALLY all-out with it, you could even create individual segments of paint that fade in and out and give it a shimmering look.

>> No.711931
File: 1.16 MB, 2656x1494, 20141016_142854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New concrete floor in a side tunnel, pipes to the left and right of it, which will be covered by white gravel.

>> No.711944

why not a grate?
imagine the BS involved in removing gravel if anythign ever needs fixing.

>> No.711947
File: 376 KB, 779x1459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just art, I guess, but still counts as craft in my book, heh.

>> No.711952

Cutting and fitting grates to the rock walls involves just about the same amount of bs.

>> No.712058


I like it. Where did you reclaim the wood from?

>> No.712283

look at that shizzle! That's pretty damn cool!

>> No.712288



>> No.712340

Do you have any website or gallery of your work? Found other archived threads of bunkeranon but they never have pictures.

>> No.712511


I like it. What mic?

>> No.712524


mahogany serving fork and spoon