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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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660274 No.660274 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/, I want to make a small workshop in my house, to craft rings.

Any idea where I shoud start?

>> No.660283

Start with a room in your house. Once you have picked that room get back to us with its features. Size, ventilation, number of outlets, color of the walls, how many spiders it has in it (exact count please), that kind of thing.

>> No.660297

Methods/materials are also gonna affect what you want to have your shop furnished with. Wood? Ferrous metals? Non Ferrous metals? Turning? Casting?

>> No.660307


As in, you're going to be using a crucible to pour metal into a mould?

Dear god, don't do that inside your house you fool. Use your back yard, pour some concrete and do it in your back yard.

>> No.660476

Start with your hands. Once you have picked one of your hands then decide on which particular finger. Slice it off so that you can get the best accurate measurements and report back with them.

>> No.661180
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What tools will I need to cut off my finger?

OP you will need to learn how to make rings before starting anything, go enroll in some short courses at your local tafe

>> No.661203

Do you have any experience making rings? Do you know what materials you plan to work with? Are you casting, forging, or making nothing but coin rings?
No matter what the first thing you need is a mandrel and basic shop tools. Also a bench grinder/buffer will be necessary at some point.
You can make a forge suitable for nickel and silver work by covering a metal workbench with flat stones or cinder blocks.

>> No.661365

OP here.

Ferrous material. Would rather try to make something very durable.

Is there any place on the internet that teaches how to make rings like >>654199 ?

I just want to craft rings.

>> No.661366

Thanks a lot by the way. I have 0 experience. I don't know anything about materials, I just want the one that will last the longer.

>> No.661415

That pic is non ferrous. You could try jewellery classes but a lot of it is possible to diy with research as long as you're okay with sending some stuff out. If you're okay with finding a company to cast stuff, you can pretty much just work with wax and have some basic metal finishing/polishing tools in your shop

>> No.661492

There is a chap on Instructables named Mr. Balleng. He has a number of jewelry instructables posted that only use simple tools.

Here's one.

I also like this pendant he did.

The nice thing about his silver jewelry is he starts from Pre-1965 US silver coins. These are easy to get from coin shops and you don't have to find a jewelry supplier willing to do business with you.

The picture of the ring you posted is a Mokume-Gane Ring. To make this you have to laminate sheets of silver, gold, and possibly other metals together into a solid mass then shape the ring from that mass. They cannot be cast that way. Full disclosure, I have not successfully made any rings of this type. If I were to attempt it, I would need a good brazing torch, the requisite sheets of metal, and lots of flux. I'd likely shape the metal on a lathe, because I have one. If I didn't have one then I could use a drill with an arbor and a file. Not a first timer project.

I made one of Mr. Balleng's silver rings by hand with a hammer, vice anvil, and punches. I polished it with a dremel and it looks nice. I've also turned brass, titanium, and wood rings on a lathe. The latter goes really fast, the biggest delay being tool changes to drill and bore the center hole.

Best of luck.

>> No.661676

Personally, i love to make rings out of coins, it feels good for some reason.

Here's how you make them, its super easy and they are very fashionable.

>> No.662533

Thanks, that looks interesting too.

>> No.662566

>wood rings on a lathe. The latter goes really fast, the biggest delay being tool changes to drill and bore the center hole.
What, no captive ring tool? For shame.