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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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610705 No.610705 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are the only board I know that may be helpful so here it goes...

Tonight I was flux cored welding on a dc current at 20 volts. Upon tacking my piece up I got a good shock... I'm guessing it was the sweat in my glove seeing as how I had been welding for a few hours... I dropped everything and started walking around as I was pretty freaked out. So my question is, how would I know if it was "serious?" If I'm up walking around fine now does that mean I'm ok? It happened two hours ago.. It got me thinking and a little freaked out. Someone enlighten me please

>> No.610706

did you died?

>> No.610707


>> No.610712

You'll be fine.

There can be long term systems associated with getting a big shock, but if you didn't get burned or pass out, i doubt you did any long term harm.

>> No.610713


>> No.610716


DC and 20 volts. Can you tell us the amperage? 'Cause thats what matters. I've gotten hit by 300v DC that traveled all the way up my arms to the shoulder and I walked it off and 5 minutes later I was fine. The amperage was piddly though.

>> No.610719
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Did you have any cuts in your skin? What the hell did it ground to?

If your muscle starts to hurt you're fucked and should go to the er. If it's not and you still have full function... you're probably fine

Pic related: 4chan medical advice disclaimer

>> No.610718

Honestly not sure as the amperage. This shock shot thru my left arm. It was a micro second. I think I'm just being panicky making it worse for my self

>> No.610722

No muscle pains. Slightly twitchy. I can move just fine motion wise

>> No.611005

I have a cute little scar at the bottom of my elbow from when it arced while tig welding. The tingling went away shortly. I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.611095

When I was 17, I was a trainee in a place that fixed lots of things, CRTs one of them.

I was careless and got shocked by a flyback socket, the one that goes to the tube, from a Samsung Syncmaster 14", already old at the time.

I stood there, the workbench was grounded but I got small burns in my legs under the jeans, I couldn't feel nothing but I was conscious all the time, unable to move, felt like I was taking a long breath...

A coworker looked at me and laughed, a second one panicked and finally the supervisor turned the bench's power off.

My left hand closed so hard in the thing I got a burn blob then a scar in the tip of my middle finger deep enough to scare the hell out of me, but I got better.

Sometimes when I feel sad my entire arm kind of itches inside.

But besides that I'm still left-handed, no sequels.

>> No.611097

you only risk killing your self just under one amp. under half and it will hold onto you for a bit. over 1.5 and you are getting cooked, as long as it is a short time period you should be ok. amps kill voltage is not as relevant. if you have mobility not much of an issue. unless you started smelling barbeque shortly after the shock.

>> No.611115
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>amps kill voltage is not as relevant

>> No.611120

> thinks ohms law is relevant.
> knows enough to be dangerous, doesn't know enough to be smart.

> https://engineering.dartmouth.edu/safety/electrical/TheFatalCurrent.html

>> No.611123 [DELETED] 
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>> No.611131 [DELETED] 
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>> No.611149

>knows enough to be dangerous
>thinking it's clever posting this stupid line over and over.
any faggot can stick their finger in a power point. thinking it's clever posting this stupid line over and over.

>> No.611155

Well, at least I got an answer before the faggots arrived, thanks /diy/

>> No.611162

the risk associated with electrification are fairly slim. if you do not develop cardiac arythmia and do not have severe burns then you're fine. there is some association with nerve damage with repeated exposure. but this is not really that important. every welder has arced themselves and every electrician has been shocked. muscle cramps are to be expected because your muscle has just been tensed more fully than it has ever been before.

>> No.611204

Check carefully the connections from the main supply to your welder. You could (sweaty) feel 20v but it's unlikely. much more probable is that a plug, extension, adapter is damaged and preparing to kill you.

been there - done that. (without the death bit)

>> No.611206

In welding you can get shocked by an inductive kick. That is when you break a circuit that has an inductance and you are across the break. Every circuit has some inductance. With welding, you are dealing with large currents so a welder can kick like a mule. So stay insulated from what you are welding if you don't want to get kicked by it. If it didn't burn you or kill you then you are fine. It only takes about eight watt-seconds of electric energy to kill. But most of it misses the vital organs most of the time.

>> No.611210

> be me.
> be fucking idiot teenager who thinks he knows shit.
> working on wet grass.
> knees on jeans are wet.
> leaning on job (large metal frame for a foundry setup).
> "oh, stick needs swapping lol"
> take off gloves.
> grab new stick.
> grab old stick.
> immediate tingle though body from arm to knee.
> instinctively drop everything.
> mfw I realised a few seconds later how close I had come to death.

I don't know how much damper I would have been to allow the spice to flow, but god fucking damn, my button still puckers when I think about that day.