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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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549319 No.549319 [Reply] [Original]

hey /diy/, first time I've ever posted here. I was wondering if anyone here had experience crocheting? I saw this hat (pic related) and wanted to buy it. Unfortunately, it no longer is sold by the maker except through ebay auctions which can reach over 200 dollars per hat and that's frankly obscene. I've never crocheted before, but the hat looks like it is assembled from a few basic parts (funnel type shape for body, pink rim for mouth, fins, white circles for eyes) so I was thinking I could maybe make it myself. if anyone has any tips or suggestions to help me learn how to make any part of this, I would be extremely appreciative.

here is a link to the original hat description: http://www.etsy.com/listing/90898933/made-to-order-magikarp-pokemon-crochet

>> No.549713

get a intro to crochet either online or a book or whatever, look up stocking cap/beanie/cap and make one or two, once u got the feel of the process, you will know what to do, its just cap crocheted onto a cap, with half a circular doiley thing and like u said some add ons. start with a simple cap, it will be cheap and easy, use the color your project will be, if it turns out i bet you will be able to figure the rest out easy. probably <9000 patterns and tutorials available at your fingertips on teh interwebz (google bitches)

>> No.550292
File: 25 KB, 300x200, magikarp-kids-057-e1378525136659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the body looks like it would give you the least amount of trouble

if you learn how to crochet in the round, and learn how to increase, decrease, and change colors you're probably set with that

>> No.550295
File: 238 KB, 993x1105, 1328325295287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this.

>> No.550316

that would be a bit more complex on account of all the clothing detail, but the most annoying part looks like it would be rooting and styling all that hair

but hey, crochet isn't rocket science, after you figure out how to make tubes and spheres you'll start understanding how to make the shapes you want

you can learn the basic stitches to make something like that in less than a day

wrapping your head around the hows and whys of shapes, tension, and construction might take longer, but gaining the mastery to make something like your pic would take a lot less time with crochet than it would with creating something similar with knitting or sewing

>> No.550734

I'm surprised no one mentioned the price comment and how long it can take to crochet. I've seen my grandma and a family friend spend WEEKS making a small blanket and shit. Obviously a beanie hat thing isn't going to take as long, but at least take a full day. I'm assuming longer. $100-200 is reasonable for that handmade piece of clothing. It probably took at least a few FULL days to make (7+ hours/day).

>> No.550856

>I've seen my grandma and a family friend spend WEEKS making a small blanket and shit.
Yeah, but probably just casually. You don't measure labor as day started-day ended, you measure it in hours worked. She didn't work for WEEKS straight, did she?

>> No.550881

The style is "amigurumi". My fiancee made a Link doll in that style, and is working on a Totoro for my sister for Christmas. She basically went potholder (easy), bubble blanket (fairly easy), Link. So long as you can follow the patterns exactly (single crochet, double crochet, half-double crochet, etc) you should be okay.

>> No.550927

How fucking slow is your family? I can crochet a beanie in about a hour and a half, have poof balls or ear flaps done and on it in another 30.
Even with the small pieces Magicarp would probably only take around 4 hours if you know what you're doing. 6 if you don't.

>> No.550949

Aren't grandmas prone to arthritis?

>> No.550969


My GF picked up Crochet pretty quick, although it was before I met her. From what she tells me it just took a few days of practice to get all of the basics down, and once you learn to read the patterns you can do pretty much anything.

>> No.551217

First of all, crocheting is so easy, took me about 2 days to get it. This is actually modified from a pattern (see link). If you're up to the challenge, I'm sure you could figure it out.

>> No.551218

Sorry, THIS is the pattern she modified. Apparently it has Magikarp instructions now.

>> No.551219

wow, we're over-reacting a little, aren't we?

>> No.551222

Take curse words lightly on 4chan/the internet in general. He probably wasn't even slightly angry/excited over it.