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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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543393 No.543393 [Reply] [Original]

So when I'm out and about living my life I always have my keys with me, and therefore I'll always have whatever is attached to them too.

So what are my best options for a keychain multi-tool and a keychain flashlight?

How useful can such small items be compared to their larger equivalents?

>> No.543395

Best key chain flashlight http://www.arcflashlight.com/arc-aaa.shtml

I also have a leather man style on my keychain. Really hate having shit in my pockets. When I'm at work I carry a skeletool in my pocket incase I'm somewhere and forgot or dropped one of my other tools.

>> No.543414 [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 2007x2676, BVzUr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either a Victorinox Manager and a Fenix E15.

Or a Leatherman Squirt ES4 and a Fenix E15.

Depends on whether a pen or pliers would be more use to you.

The E15 is better than many full size flashlights.

>> No.543415
File: 632 KB, 2007x2676, BVzUr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either a Victorinox Manager and a Fenix E15.

Or a Leatherman Squirt PS4 and a Fenix E15.

Depends on whether a pen or pliers would be more use to you.

The E15 is better than many full size flashlights.

>> No.543627

Bro your pic is breddy gud. I carry the Fenix E05 and Squirt PS4, as well as a Gerber Shard for prying shit. Meets most light duty needs for minimal weight/bulk. Obviously not going to have the utility of a full size Leatherman + light but what do you expect for the size?

>> No.543706

>having a squirt ps4 and not an es4
how are you suppose to strip wires with that? Useless!

>> No.544337


>> No.544339

>not using a weight-rated belt
>not keeping a figure-8 on your keychain
>not clipping your keys to your weight-rated belt with a $13 climbing carabiner
>not keeping a braded paracord lanyard on your keychain
>not being able to batman

>> No.544347
File: 7 KB, 342x196, 31nmkmA1XyL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this "http://www.amazon.com/LRI-PWK-Photon-Keychain-Micro-Light/dp/B00006I4Y2/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1382957675&sr=8-4&keywords=keychain+flashlight" keychain flashlight and it works flawless. Super tiny, really bright, and has a switch to keep it on if needed.

>> No.544349

Thanks for the thread op. At the moment i have small led lenser flashlight and a sypderco ladybug knife. love the knife, handy as fuck

>> No.544377

enjoy your fucked up ignition switch

>> No.544379

>he thinks paracord is safe to use for climbing

>> No.544404

I have an LED flashlight app on my phone, and I can use my phone to call people to do blue-collar things like cutting, prying and stripping.
>inb4 girl

>> No.544435

You could also google slide key and see if that rubs you just right. I already got my keys more minimalist than that, so its not attractive to me, and its not compatible with my Volvo key fob.

>> No.544452

>picture related
ftfy OP. Thread over.

>> No.544465

>How useful can such small items be compared to their larger equivalents?

Not as useful as larger equivalents. More of a toy, imo.

>> No.544605

Enjoy having all that equipment so you can batman 20 feet.

>> No.544657
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2013-10-28-20-41-42625101776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these small key chains make me wonder if I'm doing it wrong, or if everyone on /diy/ lives in stealth vans. keys to motorcycles, vehicles, trailer (home), and toolboxes.

>> No.545132 [DELETED] 


>> No.545143

got my work truck and toolbins on a separate clip.

leave it in my car err day with my badge.

car + front door key + leatherman style is it. Storage unit, gunlocks, everything else is on a third keychain that stays home unless I'm going to go out and do one of those things.

>> No.545750
File: 24 KB, 320x181, fenix-e01-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E01 beats Arc-aaa in every particular.

>> No.545778
File: 76 KB, 800x400, EDC2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a Leatherman Micra and a Fenix LD01 in Stainless.

>> No.545834

I have the same mobile phone, but in orange!

I thought I was the only one. Good choice sir.

>> No.545836

I need to get a new E01. After several years of keychain carry the hole wore away and broke.

>> No.545865

I thought that was just a shitty cheap calculator at first.... Why do you have such a shitty phone?

>> No.545878
File: 48 KB, 400x500, 1364879416465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smallest one I could find
>was only $20
>all i use it for is calling which i seldom do
>i only pay $10 a month for my phone plan (airvoice wireless in case ur interested)

so there are your reasons

now a question for you, why are you so buttdevastated about what phone i have?

>> No.545938
File: 54 KB, 500x345, keyport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured you efficiency perverts would like this.

pic related - it's called a keyport


>> No.545944

E05 is slightly better imo

>> No.545946

Yeah, but once I get into that price range the options increase dramatically.

>> No.545957

Yeah, but then that's bulky and I don't have my car's keyfob/unlocker anymore.

Would rather have keys that can move around than another brick in my pockets.

I am drawn towards it like a moth though. It's like the shit I'd always want my mom to buy for me when I was a child at the kitsch/junk store.

I totally need this golfball cleaner mom. Shutup mom, I'll LEARN to golf so I can get this golfball cleaner.

I can't think of any reason to have this or that I would ever use it, but I still want it.

>> No.545983
File: 105 KB, 640x480, maratac aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Fenix lights but I can't stand any of the ones I've used. The inductor whine from the circuitry they use is just within my range of hearing and it just grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. I wound up getting a little AAA Maratac flashlight for my keychain instead.

>> No.546017


E01 and E05 are different tools for different jobs and designed to be so as complementary options.

E01 = 13 lumens for 20 hours, with no lens and hence ultra tough.

E05 = 27 lumens for 2 hours and 50 minutes.

E05 is better as an occasional keychain light used for a few minutes at a time to look for an object in an urban environment like dropped keys or finding your car in a dark car park.

E01 is a better light for an emergency situation that may last for hours, or if you find yourself without power and want to read a book or light up a tent all night.

>> No.546444

My favorite flashlight to date:

>> No.546583
File: 8 KB, 204x127, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is that

>> No.546656


>> No.546990

>I totally need this golfball cleaner mom. Shutup mom, I'll LEARN to golf so I can get this golfball cleaner.

gave me a chuckle

>> No.546993

> that phone
> all my want

Details now faggot.

>> No.547006

Yes please

>> No.547013
File: 53 KB, 761x668, Cheap-Original-Dual-band-Unlocked-Elderly-Mobile-font-b-Phone-b-font-for-Seniors-and-Elderly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a phone for old people.
it has big numbers, it has a big screen and its really really loud.
it has a really simple user interface so even your grandma can learn to use it.
some even have a emergency button, for example you fall and break the hip and nobody is there, you press the emergency buttonon the back and it will send a message to your 5 trusted numbers with your location and a warning saying that you may be hurt.

>we gave one last year to grandma last year (still alive after staircase accident by the way)

>> No.547031
File: 3 KB, 91x125, 1378275924887s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that's not the phone the dude posted, and looks way more Fischer Price than >>545778.

Thanks for playing though.

>> No.547034
File: 220 KB, 500x385, bll-cosby-confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my keychain contains two yale keys, one car key, and nothing else
>mfw imagining a multitool, a flashlight and a 3D printer hanging off of my ignition

Do you people not have bags/pockets? Keychains are for keys.

>> No.547035

> implying they are old enough to drive.

>> No.547039

I can see that, but this one looks really small.

>> No.547087


Have to agree with you there.

I actually don't have room on my key rings for funky stuff like this. I have to carry three rings with me, and another keyring in a drawer for my caravan (six keys total). I've got three mortice keys, two three yale-type keys on one ring, two yale-type, a security box and three window keys on another, and on the third, my ignition key, fuel filler cap key, and steering lock key. Combined with one decorative thing on each keyring so I can find and tell the diference between the key groups in my pocket and I do not have room for carrying crap like this on my keychain.

I do keep a multitool, small screwdriver and a small torch on me at all times though, in my pockets, where misc stuff like that belongs.

>> No.547242


>> No.547247
File: 237 KB, 1280x800, 513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victorinox Manager has the following:

- Scissors
- Tweezers
- File
- Flathead screwdriver
- Phillips screwdriver
- Bottle opener
- Knife
- Ballpoint pen!

It's small too. Really small. If you need a light too, there's a model with a LED available - the Midnight Manager. There isn't much it can't do in everyday life, although it's fragile compared to a large SAK.

>> No.547657

This guy got it. It's a cool phone. Battery lasts a long time and fits in small pockets. The downsides are that I can't mod it because it can't be recognized by my PC and it has zero features. I mostly use a nexus 4 now but sometimes go back to this one when I feel like I don't want to me immersed in my phone

>> No.547663

I have a camera hidden hidden as a garage door opener.
I usually forget to charge it's battery and never has a sd on it, so I don't usually use it.
I should charge it, I carry it in case of anything happening.

>> No.548909
File: 56 KB, 640x480, SN3D0170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leatherman Micra in stainless steel and Fenix E01 in "olive drab" because they don't show wear like other anodised coatings do.

>> No.550201

so this is pretty much the /diy/ kit?

>> No.550210
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, 831219_style_adx1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the micra is too big. I use the style. Sort o want to see a style ps to get pliers too.... OH SHIT IT"S GOT A BELT CLIP. BUY NOW.