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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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435256 No.435256 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /diy/,

Summer is coming and I want to fulfil my long time dream of crafting a bow. I would love to know what kind of wood to use, how to string it, how model a prefect bow and how to maintain it with grate care. I also want it to be powerful.
So pass down your knowledge to me so I may make a perfect bow.

>> No.435310

Odysseus was the only one ho could draw dat bow mang, you best be strong as fuck, or goodluck drawing the bow you describe.

>> No.435319

The Traditional Bowyer's Bible Volumes 1 and 2 (There's 4 volumes, you can buy them now or later, up to you. Whole set will cost around 65. You can usually download volumes 1 and 2 from most warez or torrent sites).

Those books will tell you everything you need to know better that anyone here can. It'd be best to start out with board bows. Depending on where you live will be the choice of wood.

You'll need some rasps, a round file, multiple grits of sandpaper, some good knives, b-50 bowstring material. That's pretty much the basics.

>> No.435356

Backyard Bowyer has some useful information on building board bows. Also, Youtube has a plethora of instructional videos.

>> No.435368

If you want to try out an easy one before you actually go through the trouble of forging a +1 Oaken Bow of Dexterity, get a piece of 1cm thick pvc pipe, like 3-4 feet of parachute cord, and notch/drill holes in the ends of the pipe so that you can tie the parachute cord through it. Friend of mine did it, cost him like 20 bucks and 15 minutes to make a pretty decent pvc bow. It's apparently a nice way to play with the size and draw weight you'd want.

>> No.435393

The perfect kind of wood is Yew, that is the one the brits made longbows out of. It is a bit pricy though.

Orange sage (Not sure if I spelled it right?) is good too.

I am working on a bow myself right now, not a master sadly but I hope that in time I will get the experience and know how to make a really good bow.

I watched this series of videos on youtube to help me get started.

This is video 1 out of 5

>> No.435397
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>orange sage
... Osage orange?

>> No.435401

Yes! Sorry English is not my first language so I am not sure I get it right all the time.

>> No.435458

OP here!
Thanks for all the input! Since it is still snowy outside I'll start reading all the books and watching all the video for now, also gathering all the materials I need. Going to try to get my hands on a piece of Yew, I know a tree farm in the area where I spent my summer praxis so I know I can buy some from them. I want to finish this by mid June because we are going to have some festivities so I'd like to have a small archery contest. I'll surely post pictures once I'm done with it.
Thanks again!
PS. If you have more info or anything I should know please do post, I'll check here daily until the thread 404s.

>> No.435650 [DELETED] 
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Saw pic, read:
>Summer is coming and I want to fulfil my long time dream of
was disappointed when sentence did not end with
>bringing divine vengeance upon my wife's suitors.

learn2google, youtalented /diy/erdiddling shit snorkler

>> No.436224

Buy your wood from an archery supply house, they store it for years until it is ready and throw out the rejects. Do the research.
I have done business with and like Bear Creek
h ttp://www.bearcreekarchery.com/

A bow for fun, use whatever and cross your fingers.
h ttp://www.tradbow.com/public/269print.cfm

h ttp://www.scatoday.net/node/689
h ttp://www.mac.asn.au/string_making.htm
h ttp://www.brokenaxe.ca/diy/diy.html
h ttp://www.fsdiscountarchery.com/
h ttp://www.archery-interchange.net/downloads.php
h ttp://paleoplanet69529.yuku.com/topic/6183/Links-To-Help-You-With-Your-First-Bow-s

h ttp://paleoplanet69529.yuku.com/directory
h ttp://www.northstararchery.com/index.html
h ttp://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63861
h ttp://marshal.eastkingdom.org/combatarchery/equipment.html

>> No.436227

Osage orange is supposed to be one of the very best woods to craft a bow from, I haven't tried but I do have some Osage trees and I looked into this before.

>> No.436388

Not this guy, but I'd like to add that you can also get blank staves from ebay. As this chap said, research is key with this, or it'll get expensive and waste time. There's a whole archery section of Paleoplanet that has tons of information on every aspect of making it from scratch if that's your goal.

>> No.436392

also poorfolkbows.com

>> No.436682


>> No.436683

It's supposedly hard to work with and only the heartwood(I think) is good.

>> No.437556

look for the bow making series on the youtube user 'primitivepathways'. He covers a lot of issues that you might face.