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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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428002 No.428002 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen a stompbox/amp thread for a while so here's one.

I have been moving more into amp repair lately so that is welcome here.

Also If anyone is interested in any of my pedals I have started selling my custom shop pedals on ebay

>> No.428030
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This is the finished product from my swirling tutorial on youtube

>> No.428032
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Here's one of my favorite finishes.

And here's a tutorial I made for how to do it:

>> No.428033

oops forgot the link:


>> No.428035

Those are pretty, but If you're here to sell shit, fuck you. I think you're the guy that wanted $5 to help someone once. Register?, I think not. Enjoy your rich lonely life faggot.

>> No.428039

No...I'm the guy that wanted to give a guy a new PCB for free to help his project.

You assume and make yourself look stupid

>> No.428041

I go out of my way to help first timer /diy/ers

Now...enjoy your lonely angry internet life

>> No.428040

>wanted to give a guy a new PCB for free to help his project
did you?

>> No.428042

He decided to not do it.

>> No.428137

Where'd you go buddy? Are you going to keep talking shit about the nicest guy on /diy/?

>> No.428144

Anyone know where I can find enclosures about the same size shape and material as the death by audio fuzz war? I need to rehouse a NYC big muff by this Friday.

>> No.428147

maybe you should just chill out and let it go

>> No.428148

I'm still here.
Why you give link that requires registration? Dat no nice.

>> No.428478

ah I didn't know...Try this:


Hope you enjoy. It has to be one of my favorite ways to finish an enclosure.

>> No.428490

Hey I remember you. You were the most helpful dude in the last decent diy pedals thread. That thread was the reason I went and built my fuzz pedal. I like you.

>> No.428493

Swirly! Hi. Dat vintage sunburst finish. Love it.

>> No.428508


>> No.428515

Hey OP. How should I go about drilling my own enclosures? Should I find a friend with a drill press, or do you think a drill + vice/clamp is good enough? Do I need a special bit for hammond 1590?

>> No.428545

I'd suggest a drill that drills holes. What 1590 are you building into?

>> No.428546

I would always use a drill press. With a hand drill you take the risk of walking the bit and then your holes will look all wonkey. UNLESS you use a metal punch to put a little ding in the aluminum to keep the bit on point.

With most hammonds you don't need any special bits. They are aluminum. I THINK they are some kind of aluminum alloy because they seem a little softer than pure aluminum. Most of the time I just use my standard bits, but sometimes I get out the stepper bit to save a little time.

>> No.428551

Copied from somewhere:


5/16" for standard 16mm pots to leave some room for error.
15/16" for 3PDT footswitch and for the typical, web-available plastic DC jack
3/8" for the input/output jacks
1/4" for toggle switches

LED really depends what type of LED or bezel you want to use.

>> No.428657

Thanks, I did a bit of googling, and it looks like using a punch seems to be the way to go without a drill press. Maybe I'll find a hackspace for the drill press though...

>> No.428695

I have a question for you.
How hard is it to solder the components for a pedal to a pcb?

>> No.428735

Not hard at all. But I have been soldering for a few years. I would suggest using 60/40 rosin cor solder for a beginner. It is easily obtainable from radioshack. Also NEVER use lead free solder if you are a beginner. It will make you feel like soldering is harder than it really is.

>> No.428811

I built a fuzz pedal. I would post pictures, but I am at my laptop.
Wanted to make a phase shifter (MXR Phase 90 replica) but fucked up the soldering (cold solder joints all over the place; I did this before the fuzz, when I had no idea what the hell I was doing). If I had the time I'd go through the circuit with an audio probe and figure out which joints to redo. Alas, the new semester has begun and I really have to do all my college shit first.

>> No.428826

The gang's all here, I see.

>> No.429218

Swirlybird is the one who got me hooked on building guitar pedals. Best hobby I could ever dream of. Not only am I learning a ton about analog signal processing, but also get to have fun putting pedals together.

>> No.429259

Anyone have a diagram for an on/off killswitch pedal?

>> No.430703

I don't have a diagram, but all you have to do is have a momentary switch that shunts the signal to ground. there may be a popping issue but I'm sure it could be solved somehow.

>> No.430727



and how would i find people in my town that do that? i just wanna go watch someone go through the procedure on the weekend and take in as much as i can. i think making my own unique kick ass cabinets would be amazing.

>> No.430740
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have a picture of the fuzz. yeah, it's butt-ugly but IT JUST WERKS

>> No.430746
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protect your eyes, folks. this is going to get ugly.
a picture of my first attempt at making a pedal (rangemaster treble boost).
who needs soldering tutorials? all i have to do is keep the parts in place with a blob, right?

>> No.430753

I should probably clarify, this photo is OLD. I have since learned how to solder properly... more or less. Just gotta practice more.

>> No.431591

This kills the thread.

>> No.431601

How would one go about starting to make these for resale? I have access to a bunch of shop tools at my community college and while im not a current student in the department the professors trust me. They also have a PCB maker in the class but i doubt they have any of the materials to make a good PCB. Most of what they have are components and metalworking tools

>> No.431839

I'm not even sure about that. I just use the toner transfer method onto some FR-2 copper clad boards that I get from tayda electronics. I don't have the expertise to do solder masks or silk screening.

>> No.431856

would that make for a better product you think?

>> No.432101

Yes... solder masks and silk/screenprinting will make them more professional looking. anyone can etch a bunch of boards, but not everyone can make pro quality boards.

Also you would have to make your own layouts. It is HIGHLY frowned upon to use someones artwork/intellectual property. Some are copyrighted and some aren't but if you want to make a good reputation for yourself as a PCB fabber then you should find schematics and make your own layouts

>> No.432114

There's a whole lot of boutique pedal makers out there. I suggest handwiring. People who buy every iteration of a Russian Muff are going to spend the extra for the unusual build style.

>> No.432220

Hand wiring? What do you mean by that? Point to point? Because that would make complex circuits nearly impossible. All of mine are 'handwired' because I make all of my pedals from scratch.

>> No.432232
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So I made this, it doesn't work.
The 9v plug thing doesn't maintain constant contact with the male part of the power supply and that's the least of my problems because it doesn't even work when I alligator clip in the power.

I feel defeated.
I really just can't be bothered troubleshooting, I'm moving overseas in a week and this was supposed to be a fun project before I go, I don't have time to tinker with it anymore.
Well, I don't have time to be posting on /diy/ either but let's just keep that between you and me.

>> No.432255

Get a plastic insulated dc jack. The +9V is on the barrel of most pedal power supplies and the enclosure is ground, so that means yours is shorting at the jack.

>> No.432264

Dude, those solder joints look terrible. Gotta get that technique fixed.

>> No.432306

Shit you're right, I feel like an idiot right now.
My power supply came with an adapter to reverse the polarity or whatever you call it.
I'll swap the wires around tomorrow, use the adapter on it and post results.

I'll be the first to admit that soldering isn't my strong suit however in this case my technique isn't to blame, my laziness is.
I need a new tip for my soldering iron, it's corroded to hell and only has one hot patch on it near the fattest part of the tip.
I'm a horrible person who didn't take care of his tools.

>> No.432403

Hm alright, is it possible to make a decent living doing this? I already know how to design and drc check a PCB from software to send off the PCB layout to china where they work their magic. But would it be a worthwhile effort to do this and attempt to make some money selling pedals online and on craigslist?

>> No.432409

I'd say the world needs another pedal company like it needs one more grain of sand on a beach.

I think the money is in doing custom shop pedals and just electronic repair in general.

>> No.432425

So for custom shop pedals id have to find my market directly im guessing?

Its sounding like a better thing to have as a side project that brings in some cash

>> No.432436


i don't have a laser printer so do you think i could just take my design to walmart photo or a local copy store and get it printed on glossy paper? they use laser printers, right?

>> No.432442


B-b-b-but I'll be like t-t-the BEST pedal maker EVAR.

>> No.432452

Yea, p2p. Yea, they'd be complicated on something like a phaser, but most dirt and fuzz pedals have a minimum of parts. If you design a jig, lay out your components and wire and solder, it can go pretty quick. Circuit nerds will spunk on gutshots of your pedals.

>> No.432464


This whole thread makes me kinda laugh.

You know.. DSP circuits are cheap now. With a little bit of experience you can cram any effect you can think of in any different way into one box.

Put an LCD and a selection menu on it.


Why have 1 effect per box when you can have 500+ effects per box with a nice menu system.

>> No.432467

Because not everyone is a neckbeard programmer.

>> No.432468


>> No.432469


That's what makes me laugh about people wanting to sell them.

You'll be instantly outclassed by something like that.

If you really WANT to get into the market.. Maybe you should consider becoming a neckbeard programmer?

>> No.432475


Neckbeard, you say?
Makes me wonder how tedious it would be to make a real-time circuit simulator to almost accurately handle all those ancient pedals with few transistors.
Yeah, as opposed to something more DSP-friendly. I can't be the first one to think this. Any idea how good the results are?

>> No.432476

You will never get an organic good sounding distortion with digital.

No matter what algorithms you use it will never sound as good as analog.

>> No.432517



Nigga you cray...

You're telling me.. With a several hundred Mhz AD and DA converters and a DSP/FPGA I can't make a perfectly represented waveform of a 700 Hz - 7000 Hz signal?

Plus... Have fun pedaling (harhar get it) your old fashion 4 transistor effects when I can give people the ability to dial-a-tone for whatever Amp/Effect they want to sound like.

>B-b-but mine is "Vintage"
>Therefore you should buy it

>> No.432521


You'd need to know what the analog pedals do, precisely, to be able to replicate their functionality.

>> No.432522


>implying Solid State audio design is complex
>Implying ANY audio design is complex

Audio is about is easy as it gets, That's why it's so widespread and you have 3.5 billion people doing it.

>> No.432529

An audiofool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.432530


We aren't talking about designing new analog pedals, but replicating existing pedals' functionality with software. This includes replicating the component nonidealities and their unspecified parameters.

>> No.432533


So I'll throw in a formula for a drifting capacitor with a function based on temperature from an onboard temp sensor.

That's be random enough.

Maybe two temp sensors and take the difference between them. Or the delta of the difference between them.

What do you think is better. One poorly designed circuit that has a unique tone?

Or 500 approximations so good that 99.999999% of people couldn't tell and definitely couldn't tell using their ears alone.

I bet I can tell you what the consumers would choose.

But >>432529 is correct
There will ALWAYS be that group of people who say "When the electrons fill the holes in this transistor is subtely alters the tone. This other transistor doesn't have that. You can also hear a distinct difference in it's internal capacitance."

>> No.432730

Well I swapped around the wires and the electricity problem is fixed however now the I'm getting no signal through the input whether it's bypassed or not...
