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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 83 KB, 427x640, vodka-watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
351254 No.351254 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/ers.

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I am going to a festival over new years, the only problem is you are not allowed to bring in alcohol. Naturally that can go get fucked, so I was thinking of ways to sneak in booze. You can bring in food, so there was a number of things I was thinking of.

Any advice?

>Watermelon with vodka infused in it, reattaching the broken skin would be a must.

>> No.351257


>> No.351259

Jello, or just throw some rum in a bottle of coke.

>> No.351262

easily pot brownies, fuck getting drunk off food.
Get high nigguh.
Also shrooms, you dont have to do anything, is already foods!

>> No.351266


Unfortuantly they are strict and open the bottles to smell them :/

I was more thinking food could be the shell, and the sweet booze inside.

Orange and syringes sound like a plan...

>> No.351268

Hide the liquor in your stomach.

>> No.351274

camelback full of booze, worn under your jacket. bonus points for filling it with tucker max death juice

>> No.351282

wtf kind of festie are you going to where they open bottles and smell them? have fun with security. id count that as a failure now except for the soberkids. theyll have fun.

>> No.351285
File: 115 KB, 480x640, obviously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Picrelated.

>> No.351289
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>> No.351290
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>> No.351294

his books are stupid and so are you for refering to them

>> No.351316

Inject vodka into oranges. Stealth screwdriver. Be sure to break up some of the pulp first by pressing and rolling the oranges on countertop before you inject the vodka. This will let the vodka mix with the juice instead of just being localised to a tiny portion of the orange.

When at the event, remove a little bit of the peel and just suck on the oranges.

>> No.351320

>"Long time lurker"
>Bumps after 12 minutes
>Uses :/
Welcome to /diy/ child of /b/.

Anyway. Have you considered coconuts? Claim they'll ruin them if they try to open them.
Drain milk, inject alcohol, seal.

>> No.351326

Not for drink, but a good way of getting drugs into a festival without them being smelled is to wrap them in something water tight and then get a roll on deoderant, pop the ball out, put the drugs in then pop the ball back in.

I suppose if you got a large roll on deoderant you could put small bottles in there.

>> No.351338

If you're not allowed alcohol, will you be allowed the tools needed to open a coconut?

>> No.351367

Someone post the vodka gummy bear infograph

>> No.351378
File: 36 KB, 458x639, gummybearcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't really need an infograph but w/e

>> No.351383
File: 9 KB, 276x183, 3243445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear some boots and get a boot flask. Then just excuse yourself to the restroom or whatever and chug it.

>> No.351385

wrap small bottles in clothes.
tape bottles to your legs and wear baggy jeans.
clean out suntan lotion/moisturizer bottles and pour in the alcohol.
what kind of festival is this anyway? all the festival i've been to had 'no glass bottles' rules, but they didn't start opening bags and smelling every liquid they could see

>> No.351388

Here's an idea: Don't a pussy and drink the alcohol.

>> No.351510

Be a pimp and get yoself a cane!


>> No.351518
File: 158 KB, 1600x1200, vodka infused watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, brah. Use a syringe to get the vodka in the watermelon. Better booze distribution and no big gaping holes required.

My brother owns a pair of "binoculars" that ares actually 2 side by side flasks. I think they came from dealextreme.com or some similar place.

>> No.351519

I just found this amazing website (I have never ordered anything from them so can't comment on legitimacy)

>> No.351523
File: 38 KB, 630x346, article-2120911-12596F32000005DC-272_636x350-e1332865279862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.351527

some of my festival alcohol sneaking experience

not working:
Hide bottles in loafs of bread
hide bottles in empty cornflake packages
anything thats soft where it can be felt

buy pickled fruits/veggies, replace water with booze
tape it to your body! Worked better than i thought

pro tip: tape it to girls! mostly male securities wont touch them alot

>> No.351537

Why not just fill a flask with whiskey and stick it in your back pocket? They're not gonna frisk you.

Not a very exciting solution, but probably the easiest.

>> No.351555


Yes, what festival?

>> No.351558

any in the UK do this.

It keeps the festival area a closed market for booze; meaning they can charge £4 / £5 a pint of beer and make a whole fucktonne of money

The best method is camelback, but fill the pipe with water. Slightly watered down booze for the first few sips, but ALWAYS gets past security

>> No.351559


The actual campgrounds are normally Bring Your Own Booze. The bit with bands on is normally Buy Our Booze

>> No.351586

wax is your friend, jicama are usualy sealed in a layer of wax, do the same with your coconut, melt some old candle stubs in a pot or pan you don't give a fuck about and roll the coconut in it and let cool. bring with other tropical fruits to have legit claim to making fresh tropical froot juice or some shit.

>> No.351588

go to the site of the event a week or two before it kicks off. dig a hole in the ground and bury your booze, drugs, and dragon dildos. go to that spot during the event and dig up your cache

>> No.351595


>> No.351600

put bottle of vodka down your girlfriends top

There are areas they can't pat from my experience and they always pull me aside and check me over but only look into my gf's bag nothing else

>> No.351612


OP are you allowed to bring non-alcoholic beverage? If so, I have idea, that worked many times for me. Get juice in a box make a little hole with needle in it, let the juice flow till the box is empty. Then get a syringe with needle and just pour vodka through this little hole. When you are finished just stick a price tag at the hole. You can show guards/whoever want you not to bring alcohol, that the box is unopened, so you can bring it in.

>> No.351640

a) condom full of alcohol inserted in anus/lying in jocks next to cock
b) thick soled shoes with a compartment
c) flagon secreted away somewhere
d) go to the site and pre stash some cheap booze before it starts
e) smuggle in drugs, alcohols not worth it for the weight, pills, weed and all the good shit can ride into the place in your hair/butt crack/in a water ballon in your shoe take your pick


>> No.351647
File: 42 KB, 600x600, sku_70988_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dx.com has a bunch of shit like that.

'I'm a photographer!'

>> No.351679


That review is fucking awesome.

>> No.351685

Damn.. I didn't even read that! I just looked on amazon for hidden flasks and that popped up.
But yeah.. That was a pretty damn fine review!

>> No.351690

Buy lots of sodas and gatorade and mix them weak. Unless you're using everclear, a little vodka or rum here and there won't smell. You can even buy girl liquors that smell like coconut or fruits and use those.

I've been to may concert from shitty club shows to full on police/paramilitary presence. Nothing a little tape and airplane bottles on the inside your leg can't solve. Even if they search you, they shouldn't find it.

Confidence and balls plays a huge part in pulling any of this off. If you're overly hesitant and timid about it, you'll get caught.

>> No.351720

Cut the bottom off an unopened cheap water bottle and dump out the water. Toss the bottle into a pot of boiling water. The bottle plastic will shrink. The cap will not. You can now fill a new bottle with vodka and seal it with the new cap.

>> No.351728
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>> No.351742

Get multiple hollow strap-on dildos, fill with alcohol, put on self and friends, suck each other off and get drunk. Bet the security won't mind because it sounds like a gay fest anyway.

>> No.351767

Why not just pour the beer into the cup and put in some of those freezer balls to keep it cold?

>> No.352106

>find walled off area with little/no security
>load up backpack with booze
>have friend go past security checkpoint and make his way to the festival side of the wall
>throw backpack over to friend
>go through security checkpoint
>go meet up with friend and get drunk

way easier than trying to be booze macguyver

>> No.352113

you're an alcoholic. get help.

>> No.352118

big ass sun-screen bottle filled with bourbon.

>> No.352122

as an actual alcoholic i feel offended by your comment. If someone told me i cant bring alcohol, to the party, concert, funeral, church, whatever, i just dont go, yea i can try to sneak some alcohol there but there is the possibility that i wont be able to drink it, and i need to drink.

>> No.352152

Can't you use a water bladder stored inside your clothes?

>> No.352184

As an actual normal person, I feel offended by your comment.
>I need to drink
No you don't, alcoholism is a mental disease, get over it

>> No.352202

That's funny. You identify alcoholism as a disease (correctly so), and then tell him to just get over it. I should of thought of that when my dad got cancer! 'Hey dad, I know you've had chemo and invasive surgery resulting in a perminant colostomy bag, but you should just get over it. It's all in your head.

>> No.352247

Tell me, what is physically wrong with you

>> No.352249

alcoholism is not a disease.its an excuse.

>> No.352253

>implying a mental disease is something you can just 'get over'.

What's physically wrong with an alcoholic?

Their neural network is habituated to functioning under a particular set of physical conditions, and detects an abnormal condition when the intoxicating substance is removed.

It's an honest, tangible, physical change in the operation of their brain. Not to mention the brain cell death patterns which occur as a consequence of consistent alcohol intoxication. The patterns of interaction are visibly different in FMRI from a normal person's. To recover, an alcoholic must re-habituate to a normal pattern which doesn't include alcohol. It's also incredibly easy for an alcoholic to relapse, because those physical changes which take place are sometimes permanent.

>> No.352255

You do know how addiction works, right, asshat? You don't "get over" it. It's a chemical dependency issue.

YOU are the reason we can't have nice things. I hope you get curb-stomped.

>> No.352259


These, or

>find pill bottle that seals well and holds 2-3 shots
>fill with 50%+ liquor
>tape to cock
>walk in

>> No.352260

The alcoholic guy here, yea i supposed that i could just get over with it, but i cant since im a piece of shit with weak will, im an alcoholic remember? i also smoke dependant. when i first drink i got hooked pretty quickly, the same with cigarrates, i understood that i have a problem, that i hook to any kind of drug very easily, thats the reason i never tried any other drug including pot, "but hey, that doesnt make you a physical addict" well, im not takin any risks, i also get addicted to any fucking thing that bring me any kind of pleasure, masturbation, gaming, even going to the gym.

Also as long as my drink doesnt interfere with my work or family im ok with it, im just going to die sooner. My alcoholism doesnt affect anyone but me so fuck you and thank you for your concern.

>> No.352272

There have been recent studies that suggest that people who tend to overindulge in activity that causes pleasure (sex, cigarets, gambling, shopping) tend to lack natural 'feel good' chemicals produced by the brain. By seeking outside stimulation and good feels we (I include my self in this category) are unknowingly trying to balance out our brains. Medication helps.

>> No.352678

Yea, me the 'use drugs in moderation' guy is what's wrong, not the alcoholics
>can't into logic
What if someone smokes weed every day, are they rewired? There's no addictive substance in marijuana so why do they smoke everyday? Why don't they get a phony 'disease' label? Stoner doesn't count
OP I feel you man, I just hate how 'alcoholics' use their 'disease' to justify there habits. I hate watching people destroy themselves over that shit, it's a really slippery fucking slope. If you realize you've got a problem then fix it man, I honestly wish you the best of luck

>> No.352693
File: 72 KB, 600x782, flachmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get 1-2 of those, fill with everclear and hide in boots/tape on body.
mix on site or just down 95%alc like a boss, either way gets you plenty fucked.

>> No.352698

>What if someone smokes weed every day, are they rewired? There's no addictive substance in marijuana so why do they smoke everyday? Why don't they get a phony 'disease' label? Stoner doesn't count

new to the thread, but fwiw: I've been smoking every day for a decade and a half, pretty much. But when I travel outside the country, or I've been too busy with work to score and accidentally run out, I don't suffer the ways alkies do without drink. I don't even suffer the way I do for a cigarette after a 6hr flight.

So I'd have to say: No. Smoking pot every day doesn't rewire you the same way. It's a habit, not an addiction.