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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 21 KB, 492x386, fuzz part 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
340203 No.340203 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys

Ask a pedal builder anything! I can do tone consolation too, amp questions, how pedals work, ect.

Heres a schematic for a customer I'm putting together. Its a fuzz face that runs into a dual fet based OD circuit. Only the fuzz face is done

>> No.340221

Sweet! hey can you do a distortion pedal? Like a pi distortion or something simple

>> No.340222

Yeah, I can. By a pi distortion do you mean a big muff?

>> No.340228

>>340222 yis. Also is a noise reduction or chorus pedal that hard?

>> No.340229

I can make you a wonderful big muff. A noise gate? You dont really want a handbuilt one, theres some pedals that are just better from a factory. Chorus? I can build you one but it'll be expensive because theres so much labor involved

>> No.340230

>>340229 whoa! Okay just the big muff schematic then. How are the pedals powered? Or do they not need power

>> No.340232
File: 286 KB, 1008x749, BIG%20MUFF%20CIRCUIT%20GUIDEsm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they take a 9v battery. The battery drives the 4 amplification circuits inside a big muff. Here's a schematic if you're interested in me building you one

>> No.340234
File: 2.31 MB, 277x279, 1349801312022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are the pedals powered? Or do they not need power

>> No.340235

Well at least he asked the question, he knows now

>> No.340239

you ever worked with reverb chips from Belton or Accutronics? I've wanted to add a reverb circuit to those runoffgroove FET-based amp sims they designed.

>> No.340240

this is an awesome graphic.

>> No.340244

no but I could probably figure something out. Do you want some custom work done?

dude I know right? I learned so much from that chart its not even funny.

>> No.340247

just looked that up. Yeah I can totally do a run off grove amp sim with a digital accutronics reverb unit

>> No.340248


cynical/skeptical analogoldfag agrees.

>> No.340256

if I'm gonna do some custom work for myself, I'll either do it myself or have one of these boutique pedal hags I have all over my fb feed do it. Hell, are you one of those fb hags?

>> No.340257

not so much. I havent really started advertising. I just talk about what I do and I usually get a few guys from 4chan that want something special. I try to sell for as cheap as I can.

>> No.340259

i've been wanting to build professionally too. Actually, I'm more into the art of the pedal itself and the enclosure possibilities. I'd like to do a series of fuzzes with no pcb, just dead bug, cast in resin. Also, I think it'd be hilARRRRous to do a limited sculpt run of pedals of a naked woman, input is her mouth, output is her vag, DCin is her buttle, knobs are her tits. Of course, it'd be a Big Muff clone. or a Soda Meiser from Devi Ever.

>> No.340260

make a sculpture of devi ever and have both inputs going up his ass. I'd buy that for a dollar

>> No.340284

Any good resources for how a fuzz does its thing?

>> No.340294

look up how a transistor amp works. Basically all it is is a transistor forced into saturation (basically a transistor works like a literal gate, the more elecrons pushed into it makes the gate open or closed, and a gate can only open and close so much). everything after the saturation point is cut off. This creates fuzz

>> No.340300

Can you please write a schematic for bass with two volumes and volume jack? neck pickup'd be DiMarzio's DP127, and bridge'd be seymour's SMB-4d :)
I alreade have a foggy vision how it's done but a little clearnace would be nice, thank you!

>> No.340303

fiiiiiine I'll do it. Send money to my paypal at my email if you like my work as a tip. If not, I guess your ass is getting free labor lol

Wait one sec I'll get one mocked up in paint

>> No.340316
File: 53 KB, 638x620, bass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.340318

hahah awesome! dude I love You so much :))

>> No.340319

you're welcome. The best thanks would be 5 bucks sent to my PP if it works out for you ;)

>> No.340411
File: 61 KB, 600x450, 1349798722215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helping people is what we do.

>5 bucks sent to my PP

>> No.340572

well generally I charge people to do wiring diagrams. Ive seen places charge 20+ dollars to do them... whatever though. He gets a free one cause I like him

>> No.340675

What knowledge do you need before getting into the pedal making business? I'm assuming you're a very intelligent guy and do all the calculations to figure out what you want your output to sound like. I've been thinking about making pedals for a couple years now, but I haven't a clue where to start. Would you recommend taking electrical engineering courses, or can you do it without them?
Sorry for the noob questions but this is really exciting for me. I've never talked to anyone with experience with this kind of stuff.

>> No.340680
File: 900 KB, 171x141, 1341259107221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty full of yourself arent you?

>> No.340838

honestly, I dont worry too much about calculations. Thing is, theres basically only 2 types of transistors, fets and bjts, and all transistors in those categories sound pretty similar. I dont have the skills to design a complex circuit either so I usually just do little mods and stuff to clones where I see fit.

As for you, start building clones. Learn how to read a scematic, watch a video on youtube how transistors work and then watch a video how volatge diveders work. Then build a fuzz face clone. that should be enough to get you started

suck my dick