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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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333053 No.333053 [Reply] [Original]

soup, /diy/

so tonight, i will being a do it yourself navel piercing.

im young, broke, and fuck the system

i have

-a 14 gauge sterile piercing needle (because screw those who do it with sewing needles)
-a ptfe curved barbell with an assortment of balls, and plenty of captive bead rings and such
-a butterfly clip to clamp it
-a sharpie to mark hole
-a drinking straw as the reciever tube
-cleanser and hand sanitizer and rubber gloves

any last bits of info i need before doing said piercing?

will film the actual piercing process with pics
will do it at or around midnight eastern time (or whenever parents leave)

gif unrelated. its just hot.

>> No.333056


>> No.333059

If you use a Sharpie to mark where you're going with the needle you run the risk of infection. Not that you would care because as you said. Stupid.

>> No.333060

inb4 OP gets a horrible infection, lands in the hospital and has to shit via a colostomy bag...

>> No.333061


Oh damn, beat me to the infection...

>> No.333066

so sharpies a no go?

any marker you suggest?
like maybe a washable one or nontoxic?

>> No.333077

If you're that broke then don't bother. Fighting the infection will cost money too.

>> No.333076

As everyone already said, infection is your biggest enemy. Keep it clean and swab it with hydrogen peroxide or else you'll be at the doctor's office (the co-pay will probably cost more than paying a professional to do said piercing)

>> No.333078

>fuck the system
>I'll do it when my parents leave

Do us a favor OP and jam that piercing needle into your throat. Then drink all of your hand sanitizer and stuff the rubber gloves in your mouth.

>> No.333082

90% alcohol to cleanse

why not spend a few extra bucks on some anti-bacterial cream as well? neosporin or shit?

>> No.333081

stop, youre turning me on...

>> No.333083

If you do a piercing right there should be like no blood. If you see any, that's too much and you might have really hurt yourself. People diy ear piercings, not navels

>> No.333084

Use Betadine for prep.

It's that brown fluid that hospitals swab on for surgery prep? It's like $15 for a big bottle. You can probably get the presoaked wipes for cheaper.

>> No.333091


theres alot of diy navels on jewtube

also, i have neosporin and all the sanitizer stuff prep pads etc...ive pierced areas of my ears before...just was mostly wondering about the actual process like what skin hurts more
also, stap it up thru it or down because both seem fine but which is better for you?
sterilyzeing it is fine, just was getting last minute tips...

>> No.333097

Seriously? You can get it done by a professional for twenty bucks. Are you this stupid?

>> No.333099

if i were to do this it would be like this, does this sound correct? not a medical person in the slightest

i would sterilize everything in alcohol, especially navel

wear nitrile gloves

probably drink some alcohol since i am babby about pain

only use alcohol to clean it, then apply my neosporin, put something over it

change it every day and wipe excess neo off and apply more with new material

>> No.333104


>not a medical person in the slightest

Oh, we never would have guessed that. Then again, the fact that you're about to drink some booze and then jam a needle that hasn't been autoclaved through an infection-prone area of your body gives us a clue.

>> No.333116

i am not op by the way!

just seeing if the way i would even attempt this thing makes sense to others

no need for "it literally makes no sense to do it anyways," i think everyone knows this already

>> No.333118

OP, don't try to pierce yourself. Improper placement/jewelry can easily result in rejection, migration, and infection, especially with navels.

You clearly have no idea what you're doing or how to properly care for piercings. Don't be a retard.

>> No.333124

i knew you guys wouldnt know shit...
i got all the info i need, will be back with pics...

>> No.333127


>Doesn't get what he wants.
>Tells everyone who chimed in they don't know shit.
>Self pierces.

Do you even /diy/?

>> No.333129

Not the anon you're replying to, but that isn't proper care either. You don't cover piercings or slather them with neo. Typical aftercare is sea salt soaks and avoiding irritating it. You're correct about needing to sterilize the area and jewelry, but that's about it. You wouldn't use alcohol for it either.

This is why piercings should be handled by an experienced piercer, not underage b&s who can't spare $35. It's not as simple as ramming a needle in your skin and hoping for the best.

>> No.333131

Enjoy your infection and fucked up navel scars when you have to have it removed, OP.

>> No.333132

do you even pierce?

most of these people didnt know shit, they jut said clean it, no shit faggot its step 1
i was just wondering what areas hurt more and what to expect from the healing

>> No.333140

Use bleach to sterilize everything you use, it'll kill everything!

If it starts to pus, don't worry about it, that's just weakness leaving your body.

Have fun aesthetically mutilating yourself!

>> No.333139

hmm so many questions..

what else aside from alcohol would you use to clean everything, including your navel?

neosporin is antiseptic, why would it not work?

i found video of your gif op also

>> No.333149


No, I don't actually. I've got enough sense to not put metal loops in my body that I'd have to bother with going through at the airport, county, state and federal buildings. But you go right ahead and do whatever. I hope your parents come home and ground you from playing Playstation and make you finish your homework.

>> No.333150

Surgical scrubs to clean the area. Jewelry should be autoclaved. In my experience, the jewelry was also dipped in an antiseptic gel (not sure what, I'll ask next time) prior to insertion. The area was also marked with a toothpick dipped in gentian violet, not a marker. A lot goes into making sure everything is disinfected.

Putting something like neosporin on it or dousing it with alcohol/hydrogen peroxide would prolong the healing time and irritate the piercing, possibly causing scarring.

>> No.333154

Just a protip: glass, organics, and ptfe jewelry can be used in place of metals to avoid problems with MRIs and metal detectors (though I've had no problems with metal detectors).

>> No.333156

i researched ptfe, its the barbells i have, they work like so amazing...
i feel clean. like a circumsized penis.

>> No.333163
File: 66 KB, 286x200, 1349231786283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> like a circumcised penis

>> No.333165

Hurry up and do it, your more durable than these guys are making out, the chances of infection are slim unless you use a heroin addicts needle.

>> No.333168

actually its a crack addicts needle get it right

but nah im waiting till midnight
at dawn we ride

>> No.333213

I did an at-home frenum piercing. Went swimmingly, except the needle got stuck. I had to use pliers to remove it, and of course I couldn't get the ring in.

>> No.333237

midnight faggot
where pics

>> No.333240

>in blood

>> No.333251

There was no blood at all. But it hurt a lot.

>> No.333254


Don't sharpies have alcohol in them? That said it would need to be atleast 60% which its not.

>> No.333259

Povidone-iodine is probably the most effect disinfectant.

If you have no immune system issues and everything is cleaned properly you SHOULD be fine.

>> No.333281

You're an idiot.

>> No.333295


cool. meh, to the naysayers. it's entirely possible OP is an idiot, but so what. my boyf impressed me on our first date by piercing his own septum. gross and bloody. we had great secks immediately. still have the pic.

he still has the piercing.

i've got a lot of home-made ear cartilege peircings. sure it was a bad idea. regret? nope.

wash with real soap like dr. bronners, clean and air, not anerobic (no greasy antibiotics).

bactine is good if it gets a bit red (begin of infection). wash thoroughly and spray some on and run it through and let it dry.

>> No.333312

mitts or get the buck mount

>> No.333318

>rubber gloves
Are usually there to prevent the surgeon/doctor from the patient. If you're the patient yourself and can clean your hands properly, they are strictly not needed.

>-a 14 gauge sterile piercing needle
This being 4chan, I have to assume it's packaged still or it won't be sterile, just in case you're an idiot.
>a butterfly clip to clamp it
that is not sterilized.
>-a sharpie to mark hole
that is not sterilized. though the ink does not need to be so according to some study, you'll be touching the pen itself.
>-a drinking straw as the reciever tube
that is also not sterilized
>-a ptfe curved barbell with an assortment of balls, and plenty of captive bead rings and such
not sterilized.
>-cleanser and hand sanitizer
Remember to not touch any surface or object(including other parts of your skin, your nose, your clothes) that's not disinfected after you use these to minimize risk of infection.

And I assume you've checked some tutorial before doing this. If you're retarded and stick the needle straight in or too deep, you'll perforate your abdominal cavity and risk dying of peritonitis.

I strongly recommend you to not to it, but yeah whatever enjoy your selfmutilation.

>> No.333321


Your bf is stupid. You're a whore, and pretty fucking stupid as well.

>> No.333731

lol, whore. If I pierce something will you sleep with me too?

>> No.333917

Enjoy never getting a decent job. Your boyfriend is definitely never getting hired anywhere. I work HR, and if someone comes in to interview with a piercing in the face anywhere but the ears, or one of those faggot gauge plug things in the ears their resume goes right in the garbage. I don't care if they've got a cure for AIDS and feeds sick kids in africa in their spare time, those people do not get a second interview.

Now go ahead and rail about how I'm close minded and prejudiced blah blah blah. Reality doesn't give a shit. Enjoy pumping gas for a living dipshit.

>> No.333949

It's actually a good tactic. Modded people with half a brain know how to hide piercings. Clear retainers, silicone hider plugs, etc. You weed through the people who think tapers are acceptable jewelry and self-piercing is safe as long as you douse everything in alcohol.

>> No.333994

>douse in alcohol

that is what i thought too but /diy/ is full of medical professors

>> No.333999

My mom works in HR for a government agency. They don't' care about piercings or tattoos. All you need to do is cover up the tattoos and take out the piercings while at work. They have one chick that works there who has full sleeves, nose bone, and a pink Mohawk. She's like a G-17 I think, so she was making at least $50k starting out at that paygrade.

However, that is the government.

The private sector like what you work for is completely different and mostly illegal, just like the illegal activity you just said you do. A lot of places actually try to disqualify Americans so they can have the excuse of hiring foreign workers with green cards.


>> No.334065

There's a chick who takes the cash at the softball field I go to, and I nearly cry every time I see her. She's so attractive, and then she absolutely ruined her face by putting two piercings right through her cheeks on either side where her dimples are when she smiles. Even when she takes out the piercings, the scar holes are still there. It's a complete crime that someone would fuck up a pretty face like she had by doing that to themselves.

>> No.334068

> boyf not get hired

lol. he's a yale-educated (2000) lawyer, works in public interest. he flips the ring up at work and takes it out for court. fantastically successful.

your trivial view of the world is trivial, and you're the cliche bad HR person everyone larfs at. enjoy your deadend job. dead cuz you live like that.

>> No.334070
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The world doesn't revolve around your own personal aesthetic preferences. People have been modifying their bodies in various ways since pre-history. Piercing is deeply, firmly entrenched in popular culture, and its not going away. Deal with it.

>> No.334072
File: 772 KB, 420x236, RAMZPAUL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

badass, goy!

>> No.334079

>public defender
>fantastically successful

>making shit up on the internet
Hey I'm a fuckin astronaut, I'm posting from the ISS right now.

Willing to bet the BF is a bartender and you work at Starbucks.

>> No.334102 [DELETED] 

>OP isn't of age.
>OP's boyfriend graduated from college in 2000
>Is a succesful lawyer
Not anymore lol. Welcome to meganslaw. You know 4chan is a trap right?

>> No.334120


yo dude, enjoy your bitter tiny sad world.

>> No.334134

And bodily mutilation is a sign of both mental and social illness.

>> No.334182

Wait, OP's boyfriend is apparently a law school graduate from 2000 and is dating an underaged slut that has to wait for her parents to leave to pierce her body?

Good going, mate.

>> No.334345

Good thing it's none of your business what people do to their bodies. She's not there to look pretty for you, mate. She can pierce what she likes.

People like you are a shame.

>> No.334445

Nobody said she couldn't do what she liked. It's just a shame. It's like someone smeared shit on a Rembrandt.

Usually it's ugly people who have retarded piercings, and that's totally fine because they're ugly anyways and they might as well let the world know they're stupid too. It's a public service really.