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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 62 KB, 480x800, 60774_10151123822493924_1403335608_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
311473 No.311473 [Reply] [Original]

Homemade tattoos... How can i make it?

>> No.311474

Been lurking for it too, there are some tutorials on youtube to make a tattoo machine (or gun, as you prefer), with a mechanical pen, small motor (or electric toothbrush), guitar string and some other stuff.

You also have the stick and poke method (google it), with just a needle and a thread wrapped around it, soaked in ink.

Anyways, google has lot of info, and lurk a lot before doing it, so it doesn't come out like shit (l've been lurking for diy tattoos for 2 weeks)

>> No.311475

Enjoy your terrible looking 'ink' and consequential infections.

>> No.311477

Since you sterilize the needle (boil it with water and soap, rinse it, and boil it again with just water), clean your skin with water and soap and desinfect it with alcohol, use sterilized gloves, the chances you get an infection are almost equal to 0.

Relatively to looking terrible, it really depends on the skill... practice makes it perfect, the more you practice (on a banana or something), the nicer will the tattoo look

>> No.311486

I know this is DIY, but tattoo kits aren't that expensive. They sell them out of magazines.

>> No.311489

Why not ask a professional for an estimate of what you want? Or is it some personal "I'm doing it on my girlfriend :3" shit? I ask because that shit doesn't wash off bro.

>> No.311496

Stop being a pussy, OP. Just go to pawn shops and buy a real gun online an practice with it. If you have a natural inclination to draw then this shouldnt be a problem.

Get guns, real ones, otherwise you will have shitty ink. PEOPLE will make fun of you.

Also, practice practice practice

>> No.311508

I've still never seen a homemade tattoo that looked good.

>> No.311524
File: 22 KB, 221x300, cathedraldomes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't impressive as fuck
And then the ink was probably made out of piss and burnt rubber, the gun a modified razor and the artist some maniac.

I'm actually building a gun myself, just to try out how it feels and for the sake of doing shit. I'm not trying to make it anything it's not and the tattoos will most likely turn out to be shit. If you're interested I can post some pictures here when it's done.

>> No.311590

please, post pictures, because I want to do it aswell.

>> No.311598

The ink is not sterile, and most diy tattoo guys arent going to pay 85$ for a bottle of pro ink

>> No.311619

A 5 minute google search gives you all the knowledge of how to sterilize inks for tattoos from heat-sterilization to cold-sterilization and which method to use and which method to not use for which type of inks.

It isn't rocket science.

We do live in the information age, so put down that texting device and fire up that search engine.

>> No.311620

>I've still never seen ANY tattoo that looked good.


>> No.311621

this isn't impressive as fuck, at all. Look at dem blotchy, inconsistent lines. Its just big...someday when you grow up you'll learn that's not the same thing as impressive.

>> No.311632

>watch a documentary about russian prison tattoos
>they make "ink" from soot obtained from burning the shoes of omega cell-mates and mix the soot with urine

>> No.311636

Hipster , hipster tattoos every where, Tattos are for low brow neck beards and criminal welfare types

>> No.311644
File: 226 KB, 357x400, 129653988226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.311646

It's impressive when you consider how it was done.

>> No.311658
File: 30 KB, 500x379, 1350079206573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


learn how to tattoo, is how.

google up some 'jailhouse' tattoo work. you really want that shit on your body.


>> No.311659
File: 35 KB, 379x500, Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 'impressive' if you consider it was painted by an elephant. That doesnt make it a good painting.

>> No.311666

Practice man... alota practice...

>> No.311668
File: 89 KB, 628x418, 1346760218167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.311804

I quite enjoy some, but I think tattoos need to be deeply meaningful and preferably unique in design. Most seem impulsive, poorly done and justified after the fact.

It's a large piece, but really that seems to be all it has for it. The faces alone, from what I can tell from that tiny picture, aren't exactly great.

>> No.311805

if you can't afford to pay for a quality tattoo, you should NOT be getting a tattoo, period.

the funny thing is, it is the people that can't afford to get a tattoo that are most likely to get one anyway

>> No.311808

the difference between a professional tattoo and a home made tattoo is that a professional tattoo is body art, while the home made one is self-harm

>> No.311829

When I was in high school, there was a junior that gave anothertalented /diy/era tattoo that turned out really, really good.
But thattalented /diy/erwas really talented at art and drawing so it might've been just him.

>> No.311883
File: 1.28 MB, 1361x2120, dads work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Guns" are home-made tattoo machines.
This. Starter kits are about $100. Some ink, a couple of machines, foot pedal, a (shitty) power supply- enough to get started.
> gun
Then you haven't been looking hard enough
> $85
Try about $20 per 3oz. bottle of color.
You haven't looked hard enough either.

My stepdad is a tattoo artist (pic related-his work.) I've witnessed him tattooing literally hundreds of people. Of you're going to take any advice ITT, take mine.

Before you even consider tattooing yourself or others, you have to get the "feel" of the machine's (or gun's, if you make your own) weight. This is simple enough- just put a pen through where the tube would go and draw away. Draw on horizontal as well as vertical surfaces to learn to control the weight without fucking up. After you can completely trace an outline and fill in the inside, begin tattooing fruit (bananas,) pig skin (obtainable at the local butcher)or artificial practice skin.


>> No.311888

>professional tattoo artist
>tattoos 'your rame' on some guys ass.
lrn 2 typography

>> No.311902
File: 139 KB, 428x600, 1350352598286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.311921
File: 20 KB, 192x96, lookslikeanrtomebuddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.311935
File: 757 KB, 2200x583, Fuck you Im Spiderman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.311944

It looks like a fucking R, just admit it. It may not look exactly like the R in the font you posted, but its not the same font as the tattoo anyway, and not everyone constructs an R like that in cursive either.It looks like shit, and it's a terribly constructed N at best, the strokes are far too close together at the start of the terminal curve.

>> No.311949 [DELETED] 

If there is one thing you should DIY its tattoos. Then again you're probably an idiot so go ahead and put that mark on yourself to warn us all.