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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 20 KB, 400x368, dr zoidberg costume halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28670 No.28670 [Reply] [Original]

So, Helloween is near enough to start a DIY costume thread.

Pic. related, but searching for more.

>> No.28703

bump for interest

>> No.28723

>Less than a week to halloween
>People start making costumes now
Seriously, what is wrong with this people?

>> No.28736

Some people like to work under pressure, also bring in good results. I too start my custome 3 weeks ago, and worked on it off an on, but now its time for crack down. If anything nothing trains you better for real life then last minute projects.

>> No.28739
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 30_Days_Of_Night..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that? I'm gonna be a vampire so I won't have to do much effort. But not the pussy kind. More like these badass mofos.

>> No.28806

If it's a easy project, then its okay. But some people came here asking how to make a transformers costume and there was no way he would get it done it in time unless he used cardboards and painted it instead of actually putting some real effort on making a decent one. Of course I am not saying that a cardboard costume is not good enough, I just don't like it.

>> No.28818


reported for off topic

>> No.28892


reported for idiot

>> No.28923

at least im smart enough to know this is not DIY related kiddo, take it to the designated costume board already

>> No.28940

Anybody got idea how to mold think metal convincingly to my face?

>> No.28946

I actually made my own Dr. Zoidberg costume for my school's character day. I don't have any pictures, but it looked decent enough.

>> No.28957


how is making costumes yourself not do it yourself related? are they not doing it themselves? where is it written that the boards cant overlap at all. almost everything in DIY could also go in another board, infact i challenge you to show me one thread that couldnt.

tl;dr: yur a fuggat

>> No.28968

i never said they wernt, but when you have a whole bard whos only purpose in life is about costumes, you would think you post it there, not on here. take it to the board designated to costumes.


>> No.28978

Talking about cosplay in general IS >>>/cgl/
If you ask about cloth making and something on that track, it becomes /diy/

polite sage because this thread is off-track

>> No.28981


its dedicated to costumes, not to _making_ a costume _yourself_

jesus christ you are a tard.

also bump for more /diy/ costume ideas

also cgl is for anima fags not true red blooded american costumes

>> No.28988

are you a retard? the whole board is about making costumes.

go there and stop shitting up this place, and stop trying to justify this thread by saying its doing it yourself

i breath by my self, should i make a thread on breathing?

i take a dump by myself, should i make a thread on pooing?

take this costume thread to the costume board.

>> No.28991


you would have to make a plaster mold of your face, then make a bust from that and then mold the metal to that. you know, because of the burning your skin

hopefully someone more knowledgable than i can flesh that out

>> No.29003

Actually /cgl/ is mostly drama and cunts. They hate all Halloween questions and only give you troll responses. I've tried every year.

>> No.29009

sages are never polite
use noko+sage in the email field next time

>> No.29014


so i see a thread about diy food(/ck/), diy speakers (.mu), diy excersize equipment (/fit/), diy mushroom cultivation (/an/), diy action figure production (/toy/) all on the first 2 pages. why arent you in there shitting on their threads?

if you dont like the subject matter just get the fuck out of the thread

>> No.29027


>diy food(/ck/
already repoted and told them to go to /ck/

>speakers (.mu)
making speakers is diy

>diy mushroom cultivation (/an/)
what the fuck? you are retarded

>diy action figure production (/toy/)
diy related

this is not DIY related

there is a board dedicated to costumes and making them

take it there already kiddo

>> No.29030

anyway to get this back on topic I am going as a german beer wench this year but i dont want to buy a wig ( for the pigtails and whatnot) anyone have any ideas on how to /diy/ wig?

>> No.29048

mods have stated that making props and costumes is /diy/ material

>> No.29050

show me where then? i would like to see.

anyways, take this to the costume board

>> No.29052


how is making your own costume not diy?
seriously pretend like /cgl/ doesnt exist for one minute and tell me how making your own costume isnt diy?

your only argument has been hur dur theres already a board so that cant be diy

>> No.29057

Definitely not my area of expertise.
I'd hit up youtube and see if there are any videos showing how to make stuff.

Also, I hope you're a girl and not a dude.

>> No.29061

oops trying out this noko+sage thing i messed it up maybe ill get it right this time

>> No.29063 [DELETED] 

*make wig related stuff.

>> No.29068 [DELETED] 

noko+sage makes it so nobody sees a sage but it doesn't bump the thread

>> No.29067 [DELETED] 


hell no im a dude. doesnt that make it more hilarious? if you say no then you are either closet case self loather or beta as furk (same thing really)

>> No.29071 [DELETED] 


ah ok i assumed since my email wasnt blue like a normal sage it wasnt actually saging. thanks

>> No.29072 [DELETED] 

It doesn't make it funny because after you're out of high school, the joke is old, dead and unfunny.

>> No.29074 [DELETED] 

look kid, i never said it wasnt.

i said there is a whole board dedicated to making them already

this thread is like me going to /an/ and making a hunting thread. you hunt animals, so i guess its an related. its not though, because there is already a board dedicated to it. its called /k/.

i hope your simple mind can understand this, and take your costumes to the costume board

>> No.29077 [DELETED] 

pretty sure all of the people telling others to go to /cgl/ have never actually BEEN to /cgl/
it's all bickering, drama, and post-con discussion. not much costume making going on there.

>> No.29078 [DELETED] 

this thread can be considered random SO GO TO /b/ INSTEAD OF /diy/ FAGS. >>28818

>> No.29095 [DELETED] 


/k/kk is weapons bro not hunting

>> No.29104 [DELETED] 

you havnt been there, im a /k/ regular and hunting is most defiantly /k/ related. try going there once in a while, much better than most the board you visit, mainly because you have to me mature to own weapons.

>> No.29123


i know /k/ talks about hunting but its board is for weapons. i was pointing out this dudes folly for insisting that /cgl/ was for making costumes when if he had ever been there he would know it has almost nothing to do with making costumes