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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 135 KB, 1024x576, 120831023649-gas-prices-tablet-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2800616 No.2800616 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this shit... Its become a modern scam just like everything else... I have to pump every single day for this stupid shit so how do I set myself free from this fucking scam? yes, ofc I still want to ride around in the comfort and luxury of my 80 thousand dollar SUV.

>> No.2800619

Grow sisal grass and get a bio digester and convert to methane.

Or grow sugar cane and make ethanol if you're in the tropics

>> No.2800621

Shit bate mate, try harder.

>> No.2800622

unironically electric. plugging in every day when you get home takes way less time than going to the gas station.

>> No.2800629

ive looked into this unironically but fermentation takes lots of time... a month or so.. and the ethanol is made from suger crops... I dont have access to sugar crops to actually make this work at scale.. Where i live theres only trees and regular plants as far as biomass...

>> No.2800630
File: 110 KB, 1122x973, EAVcool-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2800635

If you only have regular plants ypu need a methane digester, sugar is the only profitable ethanol source. Corn even at industrial perfect US scales is a net negative energy wise, so no matter how well you making it, you're not getting any $ for it be a use it cost you 1.2 barrels of gas to make 1 barrel of corn juice. The only profit is in the government subsidies.

Sugar cane is better and can be profitable but that doesn't grow everywhere.

>> No.2800636

im a fat ass and i bought a bike, and my whole life i remember biking being horrible, i was always tired and worn out and wanted to stop and catch my breath. now i go on 3 hour rides for fun and can get to the other side of town in like 15 minutes. it's pretty great.

>> No.2800654

>I still want to ride around in the comfort and luxury of my 80 thousand dollar SUV
You are the cancer killing the world.

>> No.2800660

bikes are some of the most fuel efficient vehicles man has ever made, higher than even giant container ships. they're a practical means of transport over small distances for even an out of shape fatass. it's pretty sad that in the US they're relegated to a means of transport for children and hobos because they're far more useful than a lot of people give them credit for. only the shittiest of surburban hellholes have nothing within a 10 mile radius that you coud feasibly bike to.

>> No.2800668


You either look like you're about to rob someone or take it up the ass.

>> No.2800679

Electric, only that now your 80k SUV will cost 100k+. Charge at home.

>> No.2800689

Buy an $80K BEV SUV. You're rich enough that fuel prices are not a real problem if your vehicle cost eighty grand so you can afford a second one to be even sillier than you already are.

>> No.2800711


>> No.2800752
File: 27 KB, 400x533, Moron1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complains about gas prices. wants to spend even more money on something he will never get to work. pic related.

>> No.2800772

There really is no solution aside from switching to electric. Growing crops and converting them to fuel on a scale that will handle your day to day fuel needs is a massive undertaking that will eat up most of your free time. It would make way more sense as far as time usage is concerned to just put in a few more hours at work each week to offset fuel costs.

Also you'd need a large amount of land to grow enough crop to cover the fuel usage, which I assume is quite high considering you fill up your suv "every single day".

If your suv has a strangely small tank at like 15 gallons AND you get garbage fuel economy like 15 mpg, that's still 225 miles per day if you're filling up every single day. Perhaps you need to reevaluate your situation, maybe get a job that's closer to home, or move somewhere closer to work? Because that's a ridiculous amount of travel. Spending like 5 hours of every day driving to & from work sounds absolutely miserable.

>> No.2800802

Sweet sorghum should give at least one harvest a year. You can press the juice into drums and directly pitch yeast in the field. It wipes the floor with cane and corn for ethanol but nobody except hillbillies and chinaman are aware the plant even exists.

>> No.2800836

Buy property that has natural gas in the deed.
Convert vehicle to natural gas.

>> No.2800841

This. Electric should be government mandated for the convenience alone. Enough with these unreliable polluting ice toys already.

>> No.2800850

Those russian dashcam videos of cars spontaneously exploding are caused by /diy/ natural gas or propane conversions

>> No.2800856

>Electric should be government mandated
Completely impossible with our current infrastructure. The modern electrical grid is not able to distribute the amount of juice required to sustain the whole population plugging in their electric vehicles at day's end. We'd need to replace pretty much the entire electrical infrastructure.

>> No.2800874

A society becomes great when old men install utility poles whose power they know they'll never drive with.

>> No.2800902

Don't do a russian quality conversion?

>> No.2800955

It depends on how much do you drive. I have a Diesel Mitsubishi 2007 Pajero and a full electric Toyota Proace.
I can use the Proace for 95% of my rides and charge it at home with my solar system in 4-5 hours of sun. For the rest i get in the Pajero.

>> No.2800994

>fuel efficient
My brother in christ, you, a biological organism, are not an efficient processor of fuel, at all.

>> No.2801055

Did I say I was?

>> No.2801057

what do you think powers the bike

>> No.2801059

I put a loaf of bread on my car last week and it's still not charged yet

>> No.2801060

i feed my car like a baby bird

>> No.2801063

those prices are pretty good, gas is like 2-4x that price in the rest of the world.

>> No.2801079

Technically you are correct, and it is a problem that needs fixing, but talking points like that are used to shut down rollouts of electric charging stations and I'm tired of it. We don't have a grid to support the chargers because we don't have a need for a grid to support the chargers because we don't have the chargers which we can't build because we don't have a grid...

I get so fuckoff tired of hearing boomers making this argument. Yes we need to upgrade the grid. We need to do a fucking TON of infrastructure upgrades in this country. Lets all start fixing one problem (Gas cars kind of suck) and use that to put pressure on fixing other problems. Yes I know it will make things cost more. I don't care. Tax the shit out of vulture "investment" firms and fix another problem while you're at it.

>> No.2801095

They are even lower considering the shit ton of inflation we have.

>> No.2801101

I took a couple of gas cans to these style pumps you see everywhere
the actual price per gallon is always 1-2$ more than advertised because they short you hard on amount

>> No.2801115

You know a 1 gallon gas can holds more than 1 gallon if you fill it to the brim, right?

>> No.2801143

get a newer hybrid like the maverick. I know it sounds gay but if you drive over 20k miles a year you'll save about $200 a month on gas over your suv. it'll end up paying for itself

>> No.2801151

Gas cars are great your a piece of shit. Co2 is great for the planet. We almost became a wasteland because plants were so starved for co2

>> No.2801202
File: 121 KB, 575x759, teslabatterycars(optimizedforphoneusers).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of copper wires or exotic dielectrics are going to make your shitter electric rollerskate any more efficient for any "grid" that still runs on oil and coal. Dipshit. All you're going to do is burn even more fossil fuel energy to overcome the loss in resistance needed to take an energy dense material and perturb it though miles of solid copper line so that your inefficient battery can lose most of it through discharging naturally by not being used. Or by electrowelding you in a faraday cage of irony because you were stupid enough to buy a car named after a man who shit on battery cars and thought they were the waste because of aforementioned reasons.

>> No.2801206

Ullage, what is it?

>> No.2801279

I do not and have never given a single fly fuck what someone dead 50 years thought about modern technology. You post, however (accidentally) does raise a good point. Production and distribution of electricity relies a lot on fossil fuels. This is an obvious area to improve and, shockingly, is an area the United States is improving upon! Baseload nuclear is being played around with again and it seems like 1 out of every 3 startups is trying to field a solution to the intermittency of green energy. Solar cells are somehow STILL getting cheaper and small scale wind is coming online. I'm not sure if you actually read my post, but you are making the same boomer argument everyone always does where, because a whole system isn't perfect, we shouldn't leave a broken system with little room for improvement.

Tell me, gas prices will only ever keep getting higher and there doesn't seem to be a lot more efficiency we can get out of ICE, how would you solve this problem?

>> No.2801288
File: 73 KB, 850x400, quote-you-may-live-to-see-man-made-horrors-beyond-your-comprehension-nikola-tesla-69-48-84[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not and have never given a single fly fuck what someone dead 50 years thought about modern technology.
He discovered the exact same rotating magnetic fields "modern technology" uses today. The wireless you're shitposting on. The same ones that quantum quacks "discover new particles" with in their colliders.

>You post, however (accidentally) does raise a good point. Production and distribution of electricity relies a lot on fossil fuels
Nuclear is the only thing more efficient at boiling water. Unless you want to figure out how magnets work and enlighten us how they should be geomanced, STFU.

>Solar cells are somehow STILL getting cheaper and small scale wind is coming online. I'm not sure if you actually read my post, but you are making the same boomer argument everyone always does where, because a whole system isn't perfect, we shouldn't leave a broken system with little room for improvement.
No, see what you don't understand is how power actually works. Explain how a windmill/wolar array perturbs an archaic hertzian waveform (the same one the guy you shit on came up with it) across thousands of miles . The answer is they don't. That's why there are diesel generators running in the background at all times regardless in order to perturb that archaic herzian waveform You don't just snyc up to a generator using shitwheels and Infared obsidian wafer rofl. How stupid are you?
>Tell me, gas prices will only ever keep getting higher and there doesn't seem to be a lot more efficiency we can get out of ICE, how would you solve this problem?
By stopping green energy regulations and drilling our own oil so it's no longer shipped on Warren Buffets trains from Canada. Too busy with shutting pipelines down I guess (which alleviates the inefficient transport via train rofl). The problem is the power is wasted as heat that could be converted to electricity for use. You could have 200mpg cars this way, but all of them unfortunately would violate the EPA.

>> No.2801290

>No, see what you don't understand is how power actually works. Explain how a windmill/wolar array perturbs an archaic hertzian waveform (the same one the guy you shit on came up with it) across thousands of miles . The answer is they don't. That's why there are diesel generators running in the background at all times regardless in order to perturb that archaic herzian waveform You don't just snyc up to a generator using shitwheels and Infared obsidian wafer rofl. How stupid are you?

oh, you're crazy.


have a nice life.

>> No.2801307

Even if you have shitty mpg and drive alot .... your annual fuel cost is under
Lol so think deeper and realize the real ripoff is the rent/ mortgage and food that costs much more

>> No.2801312
File: 35 KB, 720x720, 1630654922639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between 30k used vehicles and $5 a fucking gallon gas, theyre trying to phase us out!!!

>> No.2801369
File: 72 KB, 850x400, spacehasnoproperties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you believe electricity "travels" and "has a speed" too.

>> No.2801429

I know this might sound dismissive, but I lost my brother to suicide not long after he started saying things like this. You are suffering from delusions and need help.

>> No.2801454

do 4chan schizos ever kill themselves? I thought this website was some kind of twisted therapy for them.

>> No.2801472

If your in the south, grow seed oil crops and make biodiesel.
If your in the north, grow sorghum and make ethanol.
If your more tech oriented, convert an older 90s car truck to electric (old nissan leaf parts are good for this) and charge it with solar.
ride a bike or walk you fatass.

>> No.2801474

>I thought this website was some kind of twisted therapy for them.

I'm pretty sure this is literally one of the worst places for them to be, ngl.

I mean, to be fair, it's one of the worst places to be when you're not a schizo, either, so...

>> No.2801514

It's certainly not going to fix them, but it seems to me that going on to message boards every day and trying to redpill anonymous strangers on perturbing archaic hertzian waveforms gives them something to live for.

>> No.2801515

This website gives people a place to live their delusions and find others that latch onto them. It isn't specifically bad but it does give them less reason to seek the help they need. Seriously where else are you going to find someone who believes solar panels are fake but invisible? diesel generators are everywhere.

>> No.2801528

They're not invisible, retard. They're hidden in barns that are conveniently right next to every 'solar' farm.

>> No.2801529

>pump every single day

m8 wat

>> No.2801533

>unironically advocating for EVs

>> No.2801571

Biologicals also require fuel. This fuel is usually measured in Calories. A Calorie is a perfectly fine unit for defining the amount in energy contained within petroleum based “fuel”. There is nothing wrong with the anons assertion that bicycles are fuel efficient.

>> No.2801634

I think he fails to understand just how inefficient an internal combustion engine is.

>> No.2801682

Your weak father has nothing to do with electrical engineering. Imagine believing something that doesn't even work unless the conditions at point a and b are already set up for it to function, then misconstruing this as a "speed".

>> No.2801702

Probably one of those retards that goes to the pump and only puts in 5 dollars instead of just filling up once a week or so

>> No.2801704

Central generation/transmission is very efficient though, even if we were 100% using fossil fuels, which we aren't. The long term future of electric generation is likely nuclear fission though. It's the only non fossil fuel that has a chance, unless someone figures out net positive fusion at scale, which I'm not holding my breath for.

>> No.2801750
File: 201 KB, 1200x796, bike_your_road_road_vehicle_the_sea-1172906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.2801782

Nobody over the age of 14 should be riding a bike.

>> No.2801784

produce everything you need and youll never have to leave home...or just get a bike

>> No.2801815

>t. motornormative cagie

>> No.2801912

Narrow is the way. Sorry about your loss. Not everyone can make it when they break out of the NPC universe.

Pulling energy from the ether has already been perfected. Every inventor that wanted to go public, and yet was greedy, not giving his invention away, like fire or the wheel, was killed.

Maxwell's equations incorporate the aether, but Oliver Heaviside 'simplified' his equations after his death. It's these simplified, broken equations that are used to say that apparently no extra-dimensionality is possible.

The rule of conservation of energy does not change: the fundamental change is that we exist in a sea of energy, not an empty vacuum. Thus there is a conversion of energy of the aether, into more recognizable forms, like regular AC power.

>> No.2801992


>> No.2802000
File: 159 KB, 1500x1500, 71WfVhFvT1L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 honestly the best option for a modern man
is a prius, 50 miles per gallon
the modern ones even have electrical plugs
making them even more versitile and being able to charge like an electrical car with solar better

2, actually having an electric car if you have solar panels, cars like a chevy volt are perfect for just going 20 30 miles, you can charge at home with your home panels

only if you have panels to charge the car

3 option is ironically making your own biofiuel
this isnt hard if youra redneck type
get like an old diesel volvo
there are places that do conversions

4 get a job down the street

you can also do things like my honda civic has economy mode and if you excellerate oddly
it saves a ton of fuel going slow like old lady

go to some shithole like europe or asia use train

>> No.2802002

getting biodiesel
you make it
the easiest is going to a restauraunt, they pay to dispose of oil
so you set a deal tank
then you filter it with micron filters and you can burn it in a diesel engine

you can also grow seeds of any kind and juice them for the oil

>> No.2802004

but the future will be hydrogen
this is the future and will be what toyota is already doing
its the most efficent of all of them and it wont run out or shit like solar

>> No.2802567
File: 54 KB, 500x342, 6a00e0099229e88833012876d4ad33970c-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the wood pill

>> No.2802707

Sell your suv and get a more fuel efficient car.
I just ride a scooter and fill it up with 1 gallon idk they feel

>> No.2802716

Do you have something to contribute to this thread? Or, only evidence that you were yet another ill-conceived dysgenic mistake whose, despite inserting himself in an adult conversation, never had an opinion that mattered.

Second the prius.

I'm leaning this way, scooter, for short trips.

>> No.2802781
File: 39 KB, 960x540, ext_GAZ_deg02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a cheap van
>cut bottom
>get a few oil drums
>get pump
>go to a gas station at the middle of night
>drive over a tank access lid (most aren't locked)
Suck (preferably non ethanol)

Also if you want diesel just get red diesel and get some kitty littler to filter the red dye out

>> No.2802799

>pump every single day
Are you driving across the entire continent daily with a shitty economy car?

>> No.2802811

Indian reservation gas

>> No.2802843

Diesel dye is a meme. I've never heard of anyone getting inspected for it and I'm sure there's trucks in my area burning it.

>> No.2803033

biological organisms can be very efficient fuel processors

>> No.2803043

You know there is no alternative you would actually use. This is a schizo fantasy thread. Anyone with an $80K ride doesn't notice fuel prices. I don't even give a shit and only own trucks. Fuel is cheap unless you're poor. Your thread is b8. Nobody fuels their SUV daily you numb digger.

This is /diy/ but you do not DO.

>> No.2803294

>its the most efficent of all of them
Except in all the ways that matter.

>> No.2803342
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, Jimmy_neutron_1-1037362142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get you free energy by the end of the year if I can get a little help from a high-voltage electrical engineer willing to work for a very low price.

>> No.2803358
File: 70 KB, 1913x1003, free energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me an idea. So power companies have long known about the old scam of putting a big inductor underneath the power lines to steal power and they can fairly easily root it out. But what if you hid it inside a big truck with batteries inside? Then you could move it every day and they would never be able to find you.

>> No.2803364

That's as illegal as it is impractical. And I'm sure they're not as clueless as you think they are.

>> No.2803693

>That's as illegal
[citation needed]

it's not hooked to the power lines.

>> No.2803695

good that he died

>> No.2803698

>get a cheap van
I found the flaw in your plan.

>> No.2803700

Don't forget to watch the gas pump terminal advertisement goypig.

>> No.2803731

It's still stealing electricity from a power company.

>> No.2803750

Yeah, SUVs are a scam. Pathetic cargo capacity for the size, shit safety despite being advertised as extra safe, shit at offroading despite being advertised with that too.
Just an unnecessarily large and heavy car for suburban wives who feel unsafe in anything not tank-sized.

>> No.2803805

>all you're going to do is force move to nuclear faster
based, gonna buy an EV immediately

>> No.2803850

>Explain how a windmill/wolar array perturbs an archaic hertzian waveform (the same one the guy you shit on came up with it) across thousands of miles . The answer is they don't. That's why there are diesel generators running in the background at all times regardless in order to perturb that archaic herzian waveform You don't just snyc up to a generator using shitwheels and Infared obsidian wafer rofl. How stupid are you?
Take DC and apply it via sinusoidal pulse width modulation across an inductor. It's a trivially simple process covered in every basic course in power electronics, numbnuts. You do not need a diesel generator in order to get a sine wave lol --- the proliferation of cheap sine wave inverters should have clued you in on this

>> No.2803851

wow, an electromagnetic wave denialist

>> No.2803862

You own a 80k luxury SUV. I doubt gas is the only thing you're getting scammed on.

>> No.2803904

Stop voting Democrat. Oh, that doesn't matter because there are enough illegals to blot out the combined vote of the 15 lowest-populated states. Hm. Well, short of civil war I guess you're screwed.

>> No.2804144
File: 183 KB, 1123x794, Knott4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a few generals about this a while ago.

>> No.2804145

80k SUVs get good gas mileage these days even driving my 25yo truck to jobs only needs filled once a week

>> No.2804587

Pretty sure Gas has gone up $0.40 since the thread was created.
You can make your own hydrogen fuel at home. Converting the SUV is up to you.

>> No.2805512

Couldn't you just do coal liquification but use charcoal?

>> No.2805518

You will never do it. Petrol is not a major expense. Trying to find efficient ways to fail at life is much more difficult than not being a loser.

>> No.2806003
File: 139 KB, 742x960, Home_Stead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need petrol

>> No.2806011

oh i've seen this guy. he has women strapped up in there to drive around like a lawnmower later, right?

>> No.2806046

Kill yourself. I'll use a gasifier refit before I ever own an ev

>> No.2807349

You couldnt even survive yourself on such a small amount of food produced.

>> No.2807374

>t. Trudeau
Nobody wants your glorified powerwheels. I can drive to montreal on a single tank of gas or 2 recharges. Fuck you making my trip into a whole day for no reason.

>> No.2807381

I save up my grocery store points and use that to take a dollar off per gallon at the pump. Eases the pain a little bit.

>> No.2807487

heh, this guy thinks we're powering it by "the grid"

>> No.2807494
File: 762 KB, 956x561, tire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just distill down tires to make fuel

>> No.2808053

Move forward by looking backward;Ogle Carburetor. Don't get merc'd bt TBTB.

>> No.2808055

*by TPTB

>> No.2808068

this. i get free electricity from the sun, no subscription needed.

>> No.2808131

>current infrastructure
Then just build new infrastructure. In the US a lot of it is 80+ years old at this point anyway. What the fuck else is my government good for if not this?

>> No.2808279

>Then just build new infrastructure.
This costs a lot of money that no one wants to pay back, least of all utility customers who are already unhappy with current prices.

>> No.2808280

Euro diesels can't stop winning.

>> No.2808320

Even better, they took all the infrastructure money and put it on green projects like solar cells and windmills.

Which don't function well enough to replace a coal or nuclear grid so you n still need a 100% traditional grid to deal with peak emergency demand, but you have customers refusing to pay for it because they want their green credits and shit.

>> No.2809236

yes, I'm down 4 name fags and 2 autistic motorcyclists so far

>> No.2809644

Humans are quite efficient at using energy(fuel). One gallon of gasoline contains enough energy to run a typical human adult male for over 40 years.

>> No.2810138

No. An adult male at 5'9" burns 3k cal on a day with decent activity.
A liter gas has roughly 8-9k kcals.
So a gallon at 3.9l is enough to power said male for 10-11 days

>> No.2810142

the efficiency comes from the very small weight a bike has
with a 2 ton car and a 150 pound human, 96% of the energy spent goes into just accelerating the mass of the car
the remaining 4% to move your body

compare that to a 30 pound bicycle

>> No.2810144

>80 thousand dollar suv
rivian, duh

>> No.2810145

patently not true. if you go to any farm event you can actually watch the inspectors show up, walk around and dip everybody's tank in the parking lot.

>> No.2810146
File: 70 KB, 640x420, aptera-cpf-fleet2-edited-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aptera actually looking really good right now, I just hope they dont' go the way of Electrimeccanica Solos.

>> No.2810671

Quite a bit but not 40 yrs lmao
