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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 623 KB, 3000x2250, hair dryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2792179 No.2792179 [Reply] [Original]

Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.

>> No.2792191

In general you get a superior product from not using heated air. A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it. They all have pretty shit temp controls with wild swing, they’re just poorly constructed convection ovens, and when the heat element kicks on the temperature can swing wildly. I tried one (granted it was a cheaper model) where an rtd inserted in the chamber showed a spread of +-28F from set temp during drying. Critical reviews from people who know their shit seem to suggest the $500 ones have similar issues, though not as bad.

>> No.2792193

Diy dehydrator thread? I want/need one too. They all seem to be cheap, with more expensive ones just bigger. I want to dry herbs, spices and berries from my garden.

Any more details on the diy box fan idea? I can work with rtds and relays. Should I add a big ceramic tile for thermal mass or something?

>> No.2792194
File: 397 KB, 787x787, hmm ryo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In general you get a superior product from not using heated air.
now this is interesting to me, wouldn't that take fucking forever though? have you tried that? what was your set up?
>A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it.
so i thought the idea was that they don't cook it, just warm it, to about 60C max, which is enough to aid evaporation and make the drying quick enough that bacterial/fungal growth doesn't happen, which is what would happen with no heat.
basically, in making jerky, if you just hang the meat out with no heat, i thought it would go rotten before it dries.

>> No.2792195

>rtds and relays
you can work with retards and relays? you are fully equipped to post on /diy/. carry on.

>> No.2792199
File: 31 KB, 378x360, MANOMETRE 138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious reply now; i am thinking either, hair dryer on low, or even a heat fan on low, directed into the box. although i feel like they'd both be too hot even on low. additional internal fan for circulation because, who on /diy/ doesn't have a massive surplus of fans?
I have a broken electric oven I can use for the main thing, has racks already.
How much ventilation do these things need? I know they need some, i'd like a better look at the commercial ones, see how ventilated they are.
you could probably benefit from using some fine stainless steel mesh on your racks. could repurpose a sieve or frying pan splatter protector thingy.
I might try to get something like a small radiant electric heater or one of those ceramic tube heaters.

>> No.2792536

You don’t need heat at all. You’re overthinking this. You generally need dry air, that’s far more important than heat. If you have an arid environment (run a dehumidifier) it’s as simple as turning a box fan as on its side, putting some cheap hvac filters on top to use as racks, and putting food on said filters. It’s ghetto and ugly but it will work and will generally give a superior product to drying processes that accelerate the process via heat. Remember that this is literally one of the oldest ways of preparing food that predates fire. Read up on it, if you’re doing meat read up on marinades and rubs that have proper salt content, trimming fat, preparing and selecting cuts (which also applies to fruits) and heat won’t matter, most shit will dry in a day or two, long before it would ever rot. It’s very safe to do and again is a food preparation method that has been practiced for millennia

>> No.2792540

just literally use your fucking oven
set it to lowest temp and prop the door open

>> No.2792552

If it's something with a low level of water like a carrot you can just toss it into your freezer and it will freeze dry over time. For better quality freeze drying you just put it in a vacuum container with some desiccant which will suck the water out of your produce.
Pro side of freeze drying is it preserves better, nutrition wise and texture as well as being faster.

>> No.2792611

Spend 6000 on a Harvest Right then let us know how it went.

>> No.2792677
File: 40 KB, 900x714, INTREDASTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is not the /diy/ way, i bet you just BUY things when you need them, don't you? jesus fucking christ.
I've tried that method already, made a lot of successful jerky, and it takes >6 hours and costs way more in energy than a dehydrator would.
pic rel ... if it's that simple, then holy shit, I'll have a jerky making machine up and running in 10 minutes.

>> No.2792683

>Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?

>> No.2792710
File: 574 KB, 1500x943, 20240120_091538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one
A 10 tray i bought ~10 years ago was only about 150 usd
I love it but if it breaks i will just diy repair it with a box fan like you say
It was worth the money though just for the racking system and steel trays which i use for all kinds of things not just dehydrating
Doubt you can find one so cheap anymore though

>> No.2792722

what does yours have? heating system? fan? does it have a door or is it just open at the front?

>> No.2792781

Like >>2792191 and >>2792536 said, pretty easy. Here's a video if you need a reference:
(Skip to 1:22 if you're in a hurry)

>> No.2792786
File: 738 KB, 2048x1536, Photo2485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP back with progress.
link is dead, but don't worry, it's fucking happening

>> No.2792788
File: 753 KB, 2048x1536, Photo2490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disassembled an old broken electric oven, found some cool gizmos and switches inside. if I can be arsed i will route the power through the original power switch, and add a light.
There's already an internal mains filament bulb, then that got me thinking, I saved one of the hobs to use as a heat source (original oven elements trip the leccy, must have a short) however I am pretty damn sure it will be far too much heat- but I have an alternative, filament bulbs! I'm going to get a bunch of filament bulbs and install them in random places inside, any suggestions on where would be best? bottom is the obvious first thought; convection, but maybe there's be some benefit to having them in the sides? input appreciated.

>> No.2792795
File: 663 KB, 2048x1536, Photo2489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying the airflow only method first. i was going to install 3 fans but one does the trick, i can feel the air blowing out of the gaps around the door on the front! did an experiment with some loo roll, put a few sheets inside on the rack and i can see it blowing slightly, across the whole rack, so there is air movement everywhere inside.
I just did a quick calculation and I think this costs me 0.1p to run per hour (one tenth of a penny), it's only 4.8 watts.
beef seasoned with salt and garlic granules drying as I type.

>> No.2792932
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well holy fuck it's working! i just checked it after 4 hours and it's like 30% dry.
Still feel like a little heat would help it though.
Will leave it on overnight, for a grand total of about 1p electricity cost.
I can't believe this is working.
if this works, big big thankyou anon!
I ... can just make jerky, overnight, for like 1p. what. I will add the other 2 fans I was planning for a total of 3p electricity cost. lol, lmao even.

>> No.2793235

Heat will speed it up but will change the final result. You may or may not prefer it. It’s not necessarily better or worse but it is different when heat is applied. Imo it’s superior without heat, more tender, better flavor, but others might prefer the slightly tougher/chewier texture from heated drying. And a lot of that can be greatly impacted by choice of meat/marinade anyway. Again look up marinades since a marinade with proper acidity and salt content can help increase the safety quite a bit. It looks like you didn’t do a marinade at all, which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s much safer to at least liberally salt the meat which hopefully you did. That oven is disgusting so maybe you’re not overly concerned about food safety I guess. You don’t need three fans. Intense airflow won’t help as much as you think and will more likely just disturb the food especially if you dry stuff like fruit that doesn’t sit as easily and is more likely to slide around.

>> No.2793293
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Its just a square with racks, a cover for the front and a fan with a heating element behing it in the back

>> No.2793341
File: 632 KB, 2048x1536, Photo2486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noice thanks.
>That oven is disgusting
i mean, yes, but it's mostly just rust and the meat only ever touches the clean rack. As long as you buy from a good butcher, you can eat meat raw. i did salt it well.
Results are in;
In about 10 hours, it did not fully dry the thicker pieces, which were still only very thin at about 6mm, and it created a jerky tougher and more leathery than anything i have ever had. i prefer my jerky tough so i cut with the grain of the meat, but this was so leathery, it was nearly impossible to bite off a chunk.
pro tip: if you do it this way you MUST cut across the grain.
>You don’t need three fans
i am going to add the fans, and switches to control them individually.
So i also had a 600w hob and a 1000w hob scavenged from this oven, but only the 1000W one is working, which is about 208 times the present electricity cost.
I'm not sure the light bulbs will provide enough heat. we shall have to experiment.

>> No.2793343

This work in most ovens, which bottom out at 180 or so. The sensor will constantly tell the oven its too cold and power up the elements while even 180 with the door closed is way too hot. I've tried it in mine a few times and it sucks. IF you have a convection oven that can be set low enough might work.

>> No.2793855
File: 335 KB, 1600x1576, 15w e14 bulb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a batch of lamb jerky, also came out very very tough and leathery.
It needs 24 hours to fully dry meat & make it into jerky.
for some reason I only have broken light bulbs in my box of filament bulbs ????????? and normal shops don't sell them anymore.
Where the fuck can i get these guys?

>> No.2793862

Solar thermal ones look interesting (and, pretty easy/basic).

>> No.2794123

Again, secret to soft delicious jerky is all in prepping the meat. Read up on marinades like I said earlier and you would’ve seen cutting against the grain is what you should do 100% of the time but you figured that out on your own so nice work. Acidic marinades will help with the leathery texture but this is also about choice of cut (start with something like top round) and timing (you can dry too long). Keep in mind if you’re aiming to get a product like store bought jerky/jacks links you’re fighting a losing battle; they use good cuts of meat bought in bulk that will make it hard for you to save any money preparing it yourself (a $7.99/lb top round becomes 1-2oz jerky vs a $5 bag of jacks links that 3.5oz). Additionally they prepare it with a shitload of sugar, like well over 10x what you’d typically use at home (why theirs spoils quicker after opening) and they prepare it with industrial machinery called a tumble dehydrator which allows it to maintain more of the weight from the marinade and increased sugar content during drying. See https://youtu.be/sRnRXzMQDEs?si=jXVyG7H1-Kzwhxf8 for what a tumble dehydrator looks like, although it’s not that interesting

>> No.2794150

You should get 4 ounces out of a pound of meat
And dont use top round, use eye of round

>> No.2794162

The ideal dehydrator will:
>warm the air in the enclosure, but not above a desired temperature
>have a method for removing the moisture out of the enclosure
>have a method for reducing the humidity inside the enclosure below that of the outside air

The top two points are doable with simple fans and/or heaters, but the last point is necessary if you're in a humid environment or want shit to be really damn dry. To achieve all three I'd use a heat pump system as follows:
>dry air passes through hot side of heat pump
>heated air passes through food
>moistened air passes through heat exchanger with outside air
>moistened air passes through cold side of heat pump
>moisture condenses on the cold heat sink and is extracted
>dried air goes back to the hot side of the heat pump
This process makes net heat, so to prevent the system getting too hot, the fan on the outside of the heat exchanger should be turned on by thermostatic control or PID or whatever. I've seen designs for this sort of heat-pump dehydrator for drying honey, though the heat exchanger addition is my own idea.

Another method is to use a concentrated desiccant to extract the moisture, and then to dry that desiccant out automatically. You could use a rotating drum of desiccant with seperate air paths, or a pump around a concentrated liquid like in Tech Ingredients' diy air conditioning system.

I come at this from the perspective of drying out 3D printing filament. There I hear desiccant alone is far too slow, and just leaving shit at 50°C isn't really an issue.

>if it's that simple, then holy shit, I'll have a jerky making machine up and running in 10 minutes
Every month or two another south african boomer comes into the local jaycar to buy a fan and light bulb to make a biltong box. Biltong is great.

Ovens and microwaves still use the small bulbs that die somewhat regularly, they should be obtainable in hardware stores.

>> No.2794380
File: 695 KB, 2048x1536, Photo2488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(a $7.99/lb top round becomes 1-2oz jerky vs a $5 bag of jacks links that 3.5oz)
i am not going to bother converting things but i will tell you that a TINY bag of jerky, costs about £3 here.
I spent £2.90 on all the beef I used and it made WAY more than the tiny bag. atleast double if not tripple.
>although it’s not that interesting
you underestimate my autism, I am playing "prismcorp virtual enterprises: home" instead of their music.
thanks for the info. i always wondered how they got it that way.
>Every month or two another south african boomer comes into the local jaycar to buy a fan and light bulb to make a biltong box
noice, good to know my idea works!
I found some of the light bulbs at a supermarket of all places, the hardware stores don't stock filament bulbs anymore.

>> No.2794486

>I found some of the light bulbs at a supermarket of all places
pretty sure people buy them to make crackpipes

>> No.2795028
File: 2 KB, 244x210, incandescent vs led current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure you need to stop watching breaking bad and go outside, jesus christ. I am really sick of everyone bringing that up every time you mention light bulbs.
it's a normie bullshit thing that they say to try and sound smart and cool, like
>yeah, i know this edgy thing, heh, illegal things r cool and i am smart
shut up and fuck off you druggie normie.
Here's some better uses for incandescent light bulbs:
>nice lighting that is not cold white or actually strobe (fucks with your eyes, gives headaches)
>low level heating
>heat source for incubators
>indicator lights for cool oldschool control panels
>a weird resistor that changes resistance dependent on voltage
>carefully remove the metal cap and break into the glass part, put in moss and soil and replace the cap to make a cool little terrarium
>a fucking dehydrator

>> No.2795205
File: 43 KB, 800x800, 1644219519_HAPPY20VALENTINE20GLASS20ROSE20BLACK20BOX2024CT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree
+the sell those crack pipe flower vases fucking everywhere why would anyone bother getting cut up by some overpriced light bulb?

>> No.2795373

>pretty sure you need to stop watching breaking bad and go outside, jesus christ
my chinese friend who worked at a dairy in a shitty part of town told me, i trust him, not in america though so our crackheads aren't as experienced
>changes resistance dependent on voltage
isn't that just the tempco talking? it's tungsten, i see no reason why it would be non-ohmic.

never seen these lmao

>> No.2795388

I have a room dehumidifier, if I just put it on lowest humidity setting and then a cheap oven element and small fan it should work right? I don’t know the capacity of the dehumidifier but it makes about a gallon of water in 5 hours when I put it in the shower room

>> No.2795413

>never seen these lmao
I bet you will now

>> No.2795520

>never seen these lmao
Go to a non chain gas station or convenience store in a slightly less nice part of town. It doesn't even have to be the hood these days.

>> No.2795541
File: 85 KB, 642x960, greek oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the oven element will be way overkill. i seriously think a 100w light bulb would be enough. i am going to simply put a 25w light bulb in front of each fan and maybe add a two more underneath.
waiting for bulb sockets to arrive.
>isn't that just the tempco talking? it's tungsten, i see no reason why it would be non-ohmic.
i don't think i fully understand what you are saying, but as the voltage going through it heats the element, the resistance changes, it gets higher. see the above graph. there's a non-linear relationship between current and voltage.
pic only slightly related.

>> No.2795548

How do you make a freeze drier?

>> No.2795570

>How do you make a freeze drier?
A sub-zero freezer that can be sealed and a vacuum applied.
The 'real' ones cycle through temp changes and pressure changes but vacuum freezing is mostly it.

>> No.2795765

>as the voltage going through it heats the element, the resistance changes, it gets higher
Yeah, that's the resistance temperature coefficient. But the actual resistance curve for any given temperature is a straight line, not the curved line in that graph. If you wanted a resistor that changed resistance based on voltage (e.g. for soft clipping distortion of an audio signal), an incandescent lamp would be a poor choice, it would only have that behaviour if you changed the current/voltage slow enough to let it heat up. For fast (e.g. audio) signals it would just act like a normal resistor. The temperature coefficient is actually useful in some circuits, like for stabilising a sine oscillator, but the graph and your statement implies it has a nonlinear I/V curve like a diode. It does not. I am mostly just being a pedant.

Interestingly enough though, when Edison was experimenting with carbon filament bulbs, these filaments were made from carburised bamboo. This charcoal structure actually had a negative temperature coefficient, and the bulbs kept dying from thermal runaway. They had to roast the filaments in a kiln, this changed the structure of the carbon into something more like conventional graphite, which has a positive temperature coefficient and is stable with a constant-voltage source. The original filament would have been usable with a constant-current source, or with a current limiting ballast capacitor/inductor.

>> No.2796253
File: 99 KB, 631x571, yui see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaah ok i get you now.
the temperature is only going to change slowly, so for higher frequencies it doesn't do that.
in other news i have one bulb in my dehydrator now and am thinking about where to put the other fans.
if you look at my above photos you can see i made accomodation for 3, in a horizontal row, however i want some lower fans, i think maybe just two aligned vertically might be better, thoughts?

>> No.2796318

due to government regulations and food safety standards, modern dehydrators do indeed 'just blow hot air over the food' which partially cooks it, evaporates some moisture, and kills surface level bacteria.

if you want to be a purest, you can dehydrate food with literally just the wind, and if you want to be a cheap diyer, you can dehydrate food with just a regular box fan with a frame attached to it.

My first attempt at dehydrating jerky was the box fan/square tray method and the food was perfectly edible. Drying after all, is simply the act of removing moisure via moving air. But the added heat does speed up the process and removes a lot of doubt. In the preindustrial era, drying would be achieved by setting up meats in the air on string and letting the air blow through it but that would take days if not weeks and required good luck with the weather. A modern heat-utilizing dehydrator can achieve the same thing in hours. It's pretty unreliable, which is why most cultures then transitioned to smoking meat which.... is basically blowing hot air through the food to dry it out while inccidently flavoring it as well.

>> No.2796330

i had that model, motor burned out
bought a new model, its double walled, same price. 10x better. not riveted, doesn't vibrate or shake, can actually touch the outside.

>> No.2796416

Where did you buy it

>> No.2796418

i paid $270 4 years ago
zero issues

>> No.2796839

Sooo not the same price

>> No.2796884

good job op, you fullfilled

for anyone else that wants some bigger or frankenstein
i built one of these for mushrooms and it worked great
some playwood walls, brackets not painted on corners. some legs, hinges for a front door
staple some mosquito net layers or screen or whatever
throw a box fan on top and plug it in
4 square feet of drying space per rack, they only need to be like 6 inches apart so you can fit an obscene amount of wet goods

>> No.2796885
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>> No.2797106
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we all forget the image sometimes. nice schematic.
did you have any heating at all? or just wind?

>> No.2797112

>just toss it into your freezer and it will freeze dry over time
There’s no way this won’t taste like sweaty ass. I guess if you’re stocking up for shtf that’s ok but you’re supposed to eat through your supplies gradually so they don’t spoil unless they’re mre’s or a similar product. Honestly asking, will the carrot last indefinitely pr would I actually have to eat it?

>> No.2797117

Any reason to put the fan on top instead of on the bottom? avoid drips on the blades?

>> No.2797122

So if I’m following here, this anon is triggered (very triggered) over people who don’t make it a daily habit of associating with people who smoke crack. Have I got this right?

>> No.2797131

>Have I got this right?

>> No.2797176

i paid $220 for yours like 10 years ago. prices go up.

>> No.2797250
File: 252 KB, 1024x1280, inside a submarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have added four light bulbs, 3 at the back and the one that was in the oven anyway; the one near the fan is enough to heat the air blowing over it- warm wind.
No photo yet. more jerky drying now. here's a photo of a submarine taken in half.

>> No.2797252

>bought ~10 years ago was only about 150 usd

>> No.2797296

give the dog some he's a good boy

>> No.2797311

Nah, as far as i can tell >>2796885 should be doable with some beech slaps, angle pieces, off the shelf racks and whatever electronics i wish to use. Which should be all flying around here somewhere, except racks.
Dunno if i'm convinced by the missing heating element though. Weather here is quite moody and can get quite humid.

>> No.2797374

That is ai

>> No.2797441

prices change during the year. you bought it when it was low, i got it when it was high.

>> No.2797505
File: 94 KB, 717x773, IMG_6441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not seen anyone mention it, but silica beads and activated alumina pellets are dirt cheap and 3lbs of each is enough drying capacity to make mushrooms cracker dry in less than a day, without airflow. I’ve been thinking about how to incorporate moving air so that I can start making jerky, and here’s what I’ve got so far.
A fan pulls air into a chamber full of desiccant. It moves through a tube with an inline filter to catch particulate, and passes into a sealed dog food tub (used because it has sealing gaskets on the lid). The tub has the racks for the jerky, and the exhaust just blows out of holes on the opposite end. I’m worried about developing enough pressure to move through the inline filter, so I may have a fan on the outlet pulling air as well.
The tubs are long, but kinda short, so I’m thinking of stacking them and splitting the air flowing out of the drying chamber into multiple tubs.

>> No.2797507

The desiccants are rechargeable (just bake them to get the moisture out), and the whole point of heat in the first place is to increase the saturation point of the air so it can pick up water as it moves past the jerky. It makes more sense to me to just completely dry the air first, that way you aren’t dealing with heat fucking with the food.

>> No.2797524

false, that is a submarine cut in half.

>> No.2797526

why do you need the lid seal if you are going to make air holes in the tub?

>> No.2797541
File: 1.69 MB, 2730x2045, IMGP2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dehydrator is a success! Now with the light bulbs it is capable of drying large beef slices, and i mean seriously thick and large like 10mm thick in some places, in 24 hours no problem. they are fine after just 18 hours, but i want to give them longer to get them really bone dry.
if things you are drying are light, a fan below will blow them off the rack.

>> No.2797544
File: 1.35 MB, 3072x2048, IMGP2184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the observant will have noticed there's some herbs drying too, I put some wild garlic in there in a mesh tray which I also fashioned from some scrap.

>> No.2797546
File: 1.33 MB, 3072x2048, IMGP2189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the photo doesn't capture it but this jerky is very large, look how the light shines through it! i cut into it in the middle to see how dry it was, still needed a tiny bit longer for my liking but WITH THE LIGHT BULBS THE TEXTURE IS BETTER! much crisper and easier to chew. still tough but less so than with just the fan used to dry it.
just look at that beautiful jerky.

>> No.2797558

You just want to minimize the amount of moisture. You also don’t want the flow of air to pull any air through the lid, that hasn’t been dried. The whole won’t be a problem, because air is always forcing air out- no outside air gets pulled in

>> No.2797560
File: 37 KB, 500x282, haruhi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time i read something that doesn't make sense to me, i always think that it's me, that I have misunderstood, because no one could be that retarded.
I regret to inform you anon, that this time, i am not the one who is mistaken.
We agree on the facts: blowing air in will force air out. no outside air will get in ... but what the fuck are you going on about? and why bother with the seal, then?
rhetorical questions, I am not going to reply to you anymore.

>> No.2797567
File: 1.34 MB, 3072x2048, IMGP2177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway my dehydrator only uses about 50p of electricity per 24 hours. makes way more jerky per pound (£) than buying it in a package from the shop.

>> No.2797582

Ah, I think the confusion comes from me adapting my static air setup to my potential flowing air setup. My current setup needs to be sealed because there’s no air being forced out. So it made sense to me to keep using that, just adding the moving air. So no, the seals wouldn’t be necessary on the moving air setup, because the pressure differential would keep air from coming in where the seals are normally needed.

>> No.2797616

i did this in northern florida and used no heating but it was a laundry room with a usually closed door
active airflow makes it nearly impossible for mold to grow
a dehumidifer (electrical or chemical) or space heater in the room on low might help a little bit, but really constant air flow is all you need
i would dry ounces of mushrooms at a time in just a day or two
wind blows material against net instead of bouncing around, stuff get quite light when they dehydrate and box fan is quite strong

>> No.2797620
File: 1.29 MB, 3072x2048, IMGP2186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just fyi all these other fans posted/mentioned in this thread are massive and strong, mine is only little and does a good job!

>> No.2797622

very fair OP
obviously not american

>> No.2797654

>Sooo not the same price

>> No.2797721

>tfw three 120mm and two 140mm Sunons still laying around
Later might be almost overkill.

It's ok, anon. You already got me convinced. After checking my local jerky prices, haven't had some for a good while given "processed" meat prices and I feel the same pain as the other anon. Given kilo to kilo it's more than 6x difference here.

>> No.2797739

to be fair beef is like 70% water
so jerkey is like 2.4x price just by weight and then cost of production
but yeah making yourself is fun and most marketed jerky is fuckin trash
my favorite part of jerky is the chew and literally nothing has chew anymore
when i was a kid i would bite off a chunk and be on it for minutes
(probably, maybe, idk)

>> No.2797746

>as a kid
Mind your mouth was smaller and your jaw weaker.

>> No.2797759

true but you can get some great chew on lean cuts cutting with the grain. modern companys go against the grain so it rips easier
i've definitely made way chewier cuts
plus spicy marinades
only place i've seen comparable jerky is buckee's and even they do the ez cuts

>> No.2797880

ok, keep using that rattly pos with missmatched trays holes.

>> No.2797918

>just buy a new one

>> No.2797944

or just drill out the rivets, and replace them with screws.
making jerky is enough diy, dont need to waste time making a dryer when good ones exist.

>> No.2797987

I have a breville toaster oven that can do any temperature range from 120 to 500 degrees and there is a fan for convection. Use it almost every day to cook in. You can dehydrate anything that can fit in there.

>> No.2798045
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>most marketed jerky is fuckin trash
this is the other thing. my mate made some and it was the best jerky i'd ever had, i think he just put on garlic, salt and chilli. marinaded over night.
>i would bite off a chunk and be on it for minutes
that's what i made!!! by cutting with the grain not across it! made some of both cuts, for the chew.
>dont need to waste time making a dryer when good ones exist.
>breath in
lets all make dehydrators, it was so fucking easy, i wanna see other anon's dehydrators, make a new thread if this one dies.

>> No.2798075

Why are you so triggered by rivets?

>> No.2798083
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i'm trying a brine instead of a marinade before dehydrating tomorrow

>> No.2798090

cause the thing rattles and vibrates the entire kitchen for 24 hours as it runs. you try to place some weight on top to quiet it down, and since its single walled, it gets hot af on top and singes the weight.
replacing it was the best move ive made.

>> No.2798094

>24 hours
Your jerky sucks

>> No.2798100
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my jerky gets done in 6 hours.
I sometimes make it in multiple batches
i also make fruit leather that takes 12 hours to dry.
cut fruit can take 20+ hours
im getting ready for memorial day soon, my dehydrator will be running for 3 days straight.

>> No.2798158

>fatty peices touching and overlapping
your jerky sucks

>> No.2798260

well well well, looks like we have some opinions, if you know so much about jerky, would you care to enlighten us?
what makes good jerky?

>> No.2798262
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that is very fatty jerky tbdesu. i'd use leaner meat and trim a lot more fat. trimming become stew/stir fry the next day.
what type of meat did you use? and what went into that brine? i'm interested to know how well that works. was it super salty?
my jerky is for camping so i want it super dry and actually mild in flavour, so it can be an ingredient in stews as well as a snack on the move.

>> No.2798278


How can you be a 72 hour marathoning $600 in dehydration enterprise and still not know the fucking basics?

>> No.2798325

Fat in jerky is yummy. And that's what I choose to leave behind. Shit is so good.

>> No.2798326

I always use the cheapest cuts the store has. Usually top round.
Ingredient are. Onions sauce, Worcestershire, spices. Habanero powder, smoked chipotle powder, crushed red peppers, some onion/garlic powder, something else I'm forgetting. I add a very little salt. Sometimes I add brown sugar.
Marinated in vacuum bags overnight.
I dehydrated until it's good and dry.
Overlap doesn't matter. I can fit 8-10lb of meet so space is limited and sometimes they touch. Everyone loves my jerky and always ask me to make them a bunch.
For personal use I make it super spicy. When I eat it I end up taking like 8 shits per day, all of which burn my butthole. So good.
For camping I don't use habaneros powder.

>> No.2798329
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Some pics

>> No.2798337
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who the fuck uses electricity to dehydrate stuff? i've never had "electrically dryed" jerky that actually tasted good

>> No.2798352

A little marbling tastes good but gobs of intermuscular fat is just laziness

>> No.2798451
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>> No.2798455
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>When I eat it I end up taking like 8 shits per day, all of which burn my butthole. So good.

>> No.2798983

I genuinely enjoyed your autism and I'd like to try this for myself. Good post, fren.

>> No.2799297

Hol up. Where did you get that Octopot(glas) from?

>> No.2799324
File: 390 KB, 1110x1190, gar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing? i dont recall, i think my dad got it from germany.
I found this very similar looking one on ebay.

>> No.2799334

No, I meant the carafe.
>from Germany
Lmao. I already checked and it's only close. Original Octimes carafes have some value to people here, so I was a bit surprised seeing one on 4chan out of all places.

>> No.2799337

Sorry, meant yes. It's late here.

>> No.2799409

its a Pasabahce. a high quality brand. made in turkey, so that explains why my dad bought it in germany

>> No.2799648
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>> No.2801077
File: 1.38 MB, 3072x2048, IMGP2185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made another batch of lamb jerky. it's done after 18 hours, to reiterate; i just have 3 x 25W light bulbs and 1 x 15W light bulb, with a fan blowing air over one of the light bulbs.
after 20 hours it was good and after 25 hours it was a bit TOO dry! but it's still good and my intention is to preserve it for long camping trips, so this will do the job just fine.
Best thing I've made in ages.

>> No.2801517
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if you dont live in some fucked up place where the sun never appears you could sun dry it

>> No.2801524

>Destroying the intestinal lining is worth the jerky

>> No.2802571
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Aight boys, time to make 10lb of jerky.

>> No.2802574
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>> No.2802576
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You like my meat log?

>> No.2802578
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Spice time

>> No.2802586
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Aight boys, I'll see you in 24-36 hours

>> No.2802590

don't overcomplicate things https://youtube.com/shorts/0YhnnZ6MybQ?si=KZYNzrw24qQCD3ty

>> No.2802600


In a old episode of good eats, AB used a box fan and the kitchen window for homemade jerkey.

Airflow is the key. Temperature can and will help things along but it will also accelerate bacterial growth.

>> No.2803452
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Been over 30 hours. Time to bring it to room temp and start dehydrating

>> No.2803496
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Topped off with salt, and chillies. Time to rack a s dry.
See you on 6 or so hours

>> No.2803634
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Done at 5 hours with 1 of cool down.

>> No.2803635
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Bagged up and ready for camping.

Now unto fruit.

>> No.2803728

Is this some image fuckery, why does it strike so thin in the first and then normal in the second picture?
Anyway great job, anon. Hope you had a good time.

>> No.2803838

you need to make jerky and eat it to get brain and eye gains because yours do not work currently. exalt yourself!

>> No.2804054
File: 131 KB, 1280x1198, PT2044_Ceramic_Heater__10196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, why did you not use this instead?

>> No.2804110
File: 173 KB, 518x412, comfy findings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i did not know it existed

>> No.2804168

Is a vacuum packer a good investment for freezer management?

>> No.2804424

you can absolutely make one yourself, it's not rocket science at all. wood or plastic is fine to use, and easier to work with but metal will work.
hair dryer is a shit option, a terrible heating element and bad blower. just get an electric
heating element (for air, not liquid. the ones for liquids will just overheat until something gives), any will work but I prefer the kind that just looks like an exposed wire, just make sure it's electric, and a squirrel cage blower. Make sure the chamber where your food is HAS NO HOLES ON THE SIDES like the ones you can buy do. This makes sure that all air that passes through it can accept more moisture. You can have the dry air coming from what ever direction works best for you, but you have to use the blower differently for vertical/horizontal. A dimmer switch on the blower is all the settings you need.

>> No.2804488

I dry a lot of products.
Issue isn't just the heat, it's the humidity and sterilisation.

If you just blow hot air over say... sliced fruit, you're blowing a million litres worth of fungal spores, bacteria and dust over the fruit.
Without dehumidification the wet air leaving the fruit will just condense inside the unit and you'll never dry anything.

Can you make one? Yea sure. Just be aware of how commercial ones actually work

>> No.2806271

If you cool input air below its dew point first what effect will that have?

>> No.2807904

seconded, also interested.

>> No.2807920
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> Some friendly suggestions for posting:
> - First ask Google, then ask /diy/.

>> No.2807925

nice job bro, didn't answer the question. what effect does this have on jerky?

>> No.2807930

>what effect will that have?
>what effect does this have on jerky?
two different questions

>> No.2807962
File: 303 KB, 500x500, autism detected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me tell you that in a jerky thread, about making jerky, when someone asks "what effect will that have" you can safely assume, they are asking about what effect it will have ON THE JERKY.

>> No.2808112

>a jerky thread
>food dehydrators

>food dehydrators can only make jerky

>> No.2808382
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this is the most boring troll i have ever seen.

>> No.2809310
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So I just started a new batch of beef jerky, but the use by date was today (6th of june) think it will be ok?

>> No.2810134
File: 652 KB, 1280x720, yuru camp news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good news i am not dead or sick.
jerky came out well.