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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 24 KB, 500x500, 41OX-HUqUYL-2031246005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2785797 No.2785797 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as a flat head socket screw but with the socket at the tip of the screw, leaving the head completely flat? I would be using such a screw to mount the fascia of a model train layout.

Compelling alternatives welcome

>> No.2785800
File: 106 KB, 793x785, spoonfeeding screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2785803

>with the socket at the tip of the screw
it's called a set screw

>> No.2785804

>a flat head socket screw but with the socket at the tip of the screw, leaving the head completely flat?

jesus christ learn the terms moron. are you trying to say that the - what the fuck are you trying to say. "leaving the head completely flat". what does that mean? "socket at the tip"??? and do you want a socket screw or one that uses a flat head screwdriver like anon showed.

i hope your fucking train explodes.

>> No.2785808

the train we ran on your mom exploded over and over

>> No.2785821
File: 150 KB, 414x505, Screenshot_2024-04-12_10-50-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everyone should watch the movie "oh brother where art thou" just for the one funniest line ever, where Holly Hunter's husband has been in prison but that's not cool so she told their girls that he got hit by a train and died, but later on he escapes and shows up and the girls keep saying "but you got hit by a train" which pisses him off so he confronts Holly and this is the line: "but honey, lots of decent people get hit by trains".

She also had the funniest line in "the firm", where she's under her boss's desk giving him a blow job, and he gets killed, and later on she's talking about this and the guy says "what were you doing under the desk" and she says "I was vacuuming".

she was excellent in "raising arizona" as well.

I hope this helps OP

>> No.2785822

Try drawing a sketch of what you're trying to describe, because your description doesn't make sense.

>> No.2785823
File: 124 KB, 800x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP means something like this.

OP use words like "low profile flange hex socket screw" in your search.

>> No.2785826
File: 32 KB, 500x500, socket screws with sockets at the tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a crude edit of what I want

I said “completely” flat.
DId you even read what I wrote?

I know what set screws are, and it's not what I'm looking for.

I want it completely flat. Absolutely no way of driving it from the head end. Socket drive.

>> No.2785827

lol. closest thing would be Chicago screws but I'm sure those don't meet the specs of whatever your autistic obsession is

>> No.2785828

ok, your original post was only 80% retarded instead of 100%, but next time you want a transgender screw maybe word it like this: "I want a screw like these in my pic, except i want the socket to be on the other end because I'm a gay homo.

>> No.2785829
File: 40 KB, 501x480, 1710803528087013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a hi-lok fastener


>> No.2785830
File: 21 KB, 640x621, tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Screeching noises intensify: "Just Google it!!!!"
>fails miserably

Here's your star "Just Google it." anon

>> No.2785831
File: 150 KB, 646x646, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you just use a flat head carriage bolt and use a washer and nut on the other end?

>> No.2785832
File: 73 KB, 697x369, dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you genuinely retarded?

traditional solution would be to counter sink the head further into the material then cap an make flush with the surface to there isn't even a metal dot. Your idea on the other hand is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen- and yet you could make them yourself but you won't.

>> No.2785833
File: 292 KB, 699x698, flat-head-barrel-nut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying that doesn't exist, as there's always a chance, but the chances are really really low.

Seems like it would make more sense to just put something like a rivnut in the fascia and use regular screws from the back side.

Or perhaps use barrel nuts.

>> No.2785834
File: 95 KB, 611x382, Screenshot_2024-04-12_11-19-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


since sane people don't click on links that clearly have embedded malware, here's what you found. and other than the fucktarded link, you are pretty impressive. except for that link. the link is unforgivable.

>> No.2785841
File: 51 KB, 1300x626, crosssection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from how they probably don't sell small qantities, nor to particulars

I need to maximize space under the layout, so no

>> No.2785843

Embedded malware on a Google search?
How does that work?

Do you actually know what you're talking about, or are you just being alarmist about something that you don't know anything about and doesn't actually exist?
I'm genuinely asking, because I wasn't aware that a Google search could have malware, and I don't understand how it possibly could, but I'm not going to write you off as a total idiot in case you know something I don't.

>> No.2785844

Do I look like I own a rotary broach?

I might end up taking regular socket screws, fill the socket with solder, then grind a slot at the tip, but I have a STRONG preference for socket drive, and a desire to learn about new things

>> No.2785848

That just seems unnecessarily backwards when you could use one of these >>2785833
barrel nuts with a standard countersunk screw from underneath, both of which should be highly available.

>> No.2785850

Please tell me more about those caps

>> No.2786663

Based special needs autist

>> No.2786679

Use a cap screw and fill the socket with bondo + paint.

Anything more complicated will either be super expensive or require more work, like using a spot welder.

>> No.2786697

Don't think I've ever seen anything like this in any hardware store.
IF I wanted to do something similar, I'd buy >>2785800 or >>2785823, grind down the heads until flat, and I guess tighten the screw from the pointy end using a vise grip.

>> No.2786700

He's kinda joking, but look at the end of the link:
Just look at how much information that link gave away about the poster's device.
About a decade ago some shopping sites with long links like that could even dox a person; clicking it would show their username, what's in their shopping cart, shipping address...
I can't remember what website it was though, but their data was stupidly embedded in the URL instead of cookies and server side storage.

>> No.2786723


The thing about that link that makes me question the sanity of whoever came up with the scheme is that one field. It has numbers, upper and lower alpha = 62 possibilities. 62 raised to 5.53 or so can give a unique pattern for every one of the 8 billion people on earth. 62 raised to 250 or whatever that godawful string is could address every fucking grain of sand on earth.

I realize it's not used that way, and the internet laughs at inefficiency, but damn.

>> No.2786728

I can make these for you give me the length and thread you need

Machined on a lathe by hand

>> No.2786733

I am interested in knowing how much small quantities machining services would cost. It might not be worth it in this specific situation, but I could use you for future reference.

Do you have a website or like, how would you like to get in touch?

>> No.2786747

Price breaks down into hourly time, materials and tooling generally.

So aluminum and stainless steel would be on the cheaper end than something like peek

I don’t want to give you a $2/per part quote as a generality then upset someone if they request a specific titanium alloy in a non-standard thread and getting quoted hundreds of dollars per part

Looser tolerances generally is cheaper

So a 1.0” +\- 0.0005 will be a more expensive part than a 1” (REF) part

>> No.2786992


>> No.2787541
File: 291 KB, 1200x1600, screw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2787543
File: 295 KB, 1200x1600, screw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2787544
File: 366 KB, 1200x1600, screw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2787767

Look up Pika screws, only a couple sizes and not cheap, they get fastened via a hidden spring loaded socket cover

>> No.2787775

anon isn't psycho, the extra shit at the end of that url is all analytical info, which google can use to keep track of how the original link was navigated to and by who. it's literally called google analytics

this is all they needed to post: >https://www.google.com/search?q=hi-loc+fastener&oq=hi-loc+fastener

everything else is garbage

>> No.2787955

Thread aluminium rod and use a hammer to mushroom.

>> No.2788066

If boltdepot.com doesn't have it, I don't order it.

>> No.2788070

you drill further than the screw head insert dowel and flush cut, wood glue optional.

>> No.2788073

Flugelkorkschraube is now on my bucket list.

>> No.2788082
File: 222 KB, 961x1280, photo_2024-04-17_12-18-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't help it

>> No.2788084

Anon's Machining Services
They can probably get to work putting stamped swastikas back on all those 1940s gas cylinders

>> No.2788119

>Anon turns a screw into a bolt

Shocking, Nobel prize to you.

>> No.2788692

4chan CNC machine Programming /Machining Services …. No Jews, spics or blacks

Actual come to think of it it’s not any different than any other machine shop

>> No.2788732

Not true

>> No.2789655

>They can probably get to work putting stamped swastikas back on all those 1940s gas cylinders

The Linde swastika marking is an ancient good luck symbol used in the US before WWII and not in use during it for obvious reasons. It predates the 1940s.

High pressure cylinders can remain usable up to a century if they pass hydro so some will still be in use today. Since they cannot be safely ground off the fix was to stamp a square over some of them (most didn't bother since old hydro test marks are irrelevant and the stamp was a custom Linde job).

t.collector and user of ancient welding gear because peak torch was before WWII.

>> No.2789718

>50¢ carriage bolt
>Grind flat after install

Also, whatever you think you need those for, there's an obviously better solution

>> No.2789719

If it's hard board just glue it
Wtf are you thinking

>> No.2789991

I love Bolt Depot, but there are many things that they don't carry, such as stand-off pillars, thread adapters, and flanged softwood threaded inserts

I want non-permanent connections

That way, if I need to change a piece of the fascia or I fuck it up, I won't have to remake the entire module

>> No.2790058

Does it have to be hex? If not, grind down the face of slotted screw till flush, cut a slot into the business end

>> No.2790077 [DELETED] 

Could you show a photo or drawing of what you are tying to do? I understand you want to mount the fascia in a way you can remove it, but that doesn’t really explain why you can’t use a regular flat headed socket. Are you trying to hide the screw head?

you could maybe use pairs of
-flanged threaded insert
-headless set screw


>> No.2790078

Why can’t you put the flanged insert on the other side, then use a regular flat head screw?

>> No.2790081

Oh nvm you can buy these for cheap as shit OP just go n eBay

>> No.2790097

I don't know what they would be called

Could you provide a link?

>> No.2790102

Seems to me that Opp wants some kind of bolt, but with extra steps?

>> No.2790373
File: 99 KB, 1000x968, dgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy these retard

>> No.2790410

So you want a grub screw, but you want to install it backwards and have a head on the other end? Pretty fuckin weird!