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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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271051 No.271051 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here built their own aerial drone?

>> No.271052

I have been thinking about building a long range slow flyer, but have not quite had the time. (or money)
also RVOSD5.

>> No.271065

That antenna setup is terrible.
It would never reach very far.

>> No.271117

Terrorist detected

>> No.271970

beg MIT to release the source code for this
install in drone

>> No.271979
File: 158 KB, 1064x798, 20120714_165933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, APM2.0 quad, and working on helis.

Pic related, my 700 heli.

>> No.271982
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Second quad project.

1.2 Ghz for the video.

>> No.271983

Myself and some buddies of mine have been talking about trying just this. We postponed due to lack of funds but bump for interest.

>> No.272236

ive been REALLY interested in this stuff for a while. Heck Id be content with making a long range rc car with video... I just dont know where to start

>> No.272686
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Anyone around that needs information? I can answer pretty much any question

>> No.272704

oh yeah, are either of them autonomous?

>> No.272702

what kind of budget did you have? how many hours()approx) did they take?

>can you idle in #diy with us :3

>> No.272722
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So right now, the Ardu Pilot Mega 2.0/2.5 is one of the best boards out there. Open Copter has a board, but it's not GPS ready yet. The others are all closed source stuff from Hong Kong. I've used the apm and open copter board.

The Arduo Pilot, or APM2 is $200 for the main board. (you can find it diydonesDOTCOM.

This board will work on just about any platform, to a plan, quad copter, hexacopter, traditional heli, or R/C car if you want. It has a GPS and barometer build in, along with a 6 axis accelerator and gryos (for self leveling).

You can put it on just about anything. A small quad is the easiest to start with, total cost you're talking maybe $100-$200, though some of that will be your radio/battery/battery charger which you only need to buy once. The black and white frame model I have there cost $14 from HobbyKing (a popular overseas site with great prices.

Putting a small quad together for your first project will probably take you a day. Knowing my way around, that kit took me about 1 hour. The big helicopter above, being much more complex, took probably cost to 25+ hours.

The APM2.0 can go fully autonomous. You can setup waypoint ahead of time, or just click on the map, make it return home, auto land, or manauly fly or takeover command at any time.

What's the IRC server?

>> No.272730


it's #diy on irc.rizon.net:6667

don't be shocked if it seems quiet. we're most active during US busniess hours (m-f 9-6 gmt-5)

>> No.272737
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Ty bud. I'll hop on at work tomorrow.

>> No.272791
File: 61 KB, 600x322, UAV_MIT agile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could this APM system act as a frontend for an advanced autonomous steering system like this, developed by MIT?