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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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267293 No.267293 [Reply] [Original]

>DIY trimmer blade
>44 seconds

I made this today. It works better than I imagined it would. Making the two blades pivot on the mount was a good idea, copied from ones you buy from the store. The metal came from an old PC case (IBM era cases had thick and strong steel). It is just scrap metal, 2 rivets, two 3 bolts, 2 nuts, 3 lock washers, and one washer. It took about 1 hour to make with tin snips, Dremel, hand drill, rivet gun, and grinding wheel. The bolts and related items cost about $1.

>> No.267296

> 2 rivets, 3 bolts,


>> No.267301
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i will laugh when those rivets break free from the high rpm and vibration and one of those blades goes flying into your forehead and kills you.
the store bought ones are made of plastic for a reason, and are manufactured to not break off.

I suggest using a better rivet system than pop rivets. ive seen those fuckers snap like they were nothing. you need to use the thicker solid pressed rivets that dont have any seperation point like those pop rivets do

pic related.. solid rivets that are pressed to form a head and become one solid piece.

>> No.267303

I wear full safety gear including full face shield. The rivets are steel not aluminum. The aluminum ones do break easily. The steel ones are much more difficult to break and more difficult to install. You can buy metal ones at the store.

If I were to use solid rivet, I'd just peen a couple out from nail stock, which I had considered. But, those are not as easy to replace when I want to change blades. At least with the current rivets, I can remove them with small bolt cutters (side cutters just dent and tear up on these).

>> No.267306

>has access to bolts/nuts
>uses the cheapest and shittiest rivets possible

>> No.267310

If one of those blades flies off while it's spinning at full speed, it will have more than adequate force to kill someone.

Just sayin'.

>> No.267313

>not showing your own /diy/ projects


>> No.267312

Same goes for a blown tire on the highway. Happens all the time.

>> No.267770

Where are your projects, faggot?

>> No.267793

I dunno, I thought giving OP guidance that could possibly save his life was pretty admirable. Keep trying to adhom people who are just looking out for the safety of a fellow browser.

>> No.267795

OP, you're gonna get yourself killed dude.

>> No.267796

yeah, all you safety-faggots need to take a seat for a second.

yeah, it's dangerous as hell, but he knows that.. protip: it's also fucking cool.

>> No.267826

> dangerous as hell, but he knows that

Really? This country's safety agency has a nice collection of diy gardening tools which have killed their users. Many of them are carefully made and look nice. I bet their users have believed that they knew what they were doing and what the dangers were.

Not that I personally care that much about the OP's possible injuries or death, but /diy/ in general is quite safety conscious. It's a good thing. Don't whine about it.

>> No.267854

safety faggotry is also an excellent way for the do-nothing neckbeards who browse diy but can't hammer a nail to shit up a thread.

you know whats going to happen if that thing breaks? nothing. I've been hit in the shin by brick chips kicked up by a lawnmower, I guarantee that piece of metal wouldn't be worse than that. A bruise at worst through clothing and a minor cut if elsewhere. That's if it even hits him when it breaks. All this "OP gonna die" bullshit is just a bunch of idiots and trolls.

Jesus, it's like none of you have ever been outside before.

>> No.267871

I run a circular saw blade on my still whipersnipper to prune my hedge wile standing on the back of my truck to I can reach the top. I always wear goggles as I have been hit by flying sticks.

For the record I would not use the above pictured item if the trajectory crossed my path because to my mind its not a matter of if but rather when.

>> No.267876
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>I wear full safety gear including full face shield.

9 time out of 10, when someone harps on and on about safety, even after all precautions are taken and the dangers known, the person doing the harping tends to be extremely inexperienced or has a fear monger mentality.

To go on and on about it is like going on and on about the statistics of car crashes every time someone mentions they ride in or drive a car even though they drive a car that has all the current modern safety features.

I agree. I've been hit by lots of shit from weed eaters, lawn mowers, and was even struck in the forehead from a .22LR ricochet (which lost enough energy before hitting me to feel like someone flicking your hard with their finger.) The worst one was when someone else was running a push mower and hit a bunch of wire. A piece flew out and impaled itself in my leg. I was about 30 feet away and since I wasn't mowing, I didn't have safety gear on.

But, I've been hit with an "exploding" metal weed eater blade before. I was the one using it and I was of course wearing denim jeans, steel toe boots, full face shield, leather gloves, and long sleeve denim shirt. The blade pieces hit my feet and shins right above the ankles. Where it hit my shins, it hurt at lot, but wasn't all that bad. It roughed up the pants material and didn't bruise (I don't bruise easily.) This was from one of those massive Stihl ones like in this pic, not a weak tiny electric model like in the OPs video/image.

According to wikipedia the world average of car accident related deaths is 20.8 per 100,000 people. The current population of the planet based on the census.gov population clock is "7,031,241,918". This means "338,040,476.82" people die every year in automobile-related accidents.

It is not a matter of if but rather when.

>> No.267877

oops, i put the decimal place in the wrong place with that number,


I thought that was odd. lol

>> No.267878
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>> No.267884

Welp get back to us and time just how long those rivets last.

>> No.268245

They lasted longer than the weed eater itself. The yellow plastic gave out because it was sun bleached or dry rotted and pretty brittle. I'm going to re-purpose it for something else anyway. I pay someone to weed eat the place anyway. I was just dicking around with a day off in the shop.

>> No.268472

It's powerful, I'll give it that, but you can't edge against trees or fences or anything with that.
I would advise a trimmer guard like on a normal weed-eater, to prevent absent-minded slicing of the self.

>> No.268483

I'm working on converting a drill into a spinning chainsaw.

>> No.268491

You assholes really wear full fucking safety gear to mow your lawn?

>> No.268497

Yes, of course. It would be stupid not to.

>> No.268519

But then you look insane.
I could see if it was your job, but for the time it takes to mow the lawn jesus.

>> No.268536


I'd rather look retarded and not have to use pliers to pull pieces of trimmer line out of my shins again, thanks.

>> No.268538
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ITT: manchildren that have begun to pick up tradeskill shit as a hobby thinking they're badass for not wearing safety gear.

Don't worry though, you'll get cured of that sentiment the first time you or your buddy catches a major injury.

At 17 I used to laugh at the old guy at work that would wear safety glasses just to swing a hammer, then another guy my age got a splinter in his cornea and I wised up real quick.

>> No.268558

You're making a common mistake, Anon: You're expecting the manchildren to actually listen to the advice of anyone older than they are. They're at that age where they're thoroughly convinced they know absolutely everything about everything, that they're Superman, etc. and that us "old fuckers" are just too old and irrelevant to have anything of value to contribute, let alone actually be listened to.

Let 'em get all fucked up. Think of it as evolution in action: if they fuck up bad enough, they won't have the ability to reproduce, which in this case could only improve the species overall.

>> No.268616

"Perhaps the saddest weed whacker case I have ever reviewed occurred in 1997. A homeowner was edging his driveway with a product that used a cutting element similar to a bicycle chain while his 3 year old granddaughter played in the yard. Suddenly and without warning, the last link of the cutting chain detached and flew across the driveway, lodging in the little girl’s head. She died soon afterward from a brain injury."

I have seen many testimonials from landscapers on car damage and injuries caused by weedeaters. They're lucky if they only have to pay for a busted windshield.

>> No.268623

God damn, I wouldn't use that. It's going to snap off from the vibrations and saw through your leg, if you're lucky.

>> No.268629

But the bitches be all like look at that cool mothafucka and be jumpin on mah unprotected dick.
Intelligent design:1

>> No.268632
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>getting wet over a guy with a weedwhacker
>a cheapo rigged weedwhacker at that

>> No.268654


This is what I was thinking.
I use a weed eater, lawn mower, and tractor with a shredder for my work, as well as a variety of power tools. My "safety" gear is shorts, steel toes, sunglasses, a hat, and a bandanna. I'll take rock chips to my shins over 110F heat in pants and face shield. Jesus.

>> No.268659
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I'll take 2 mins to scour the lawn for rocks that need to be taken out over being a lazy idiot with scratched shins.

>> No.268661


>can't wear pants, too hot outside
>fatty detected

I'll bet you wear your shorts in winter too cause "I'm just naturally warm blooded" you fat faggot.

>> No.268681


>implying lawn
Try 6 miles of hiking trail.
And at home, I wear pants. Because I can do it in cooler hours. But I live in the country, we grow more rocks than grass, so they're still going to kick up. *shrug*

Nope. 6' 150lbs. I work outside, in Texas. I'll wear pants as soon as it gets back to a decent temperature, you know, less than 90F.

>> No.268696

But that is not the OP you're replying to. That's some moron you are replying to. Who will most likely get a piece of flying trimmer line stuck through his unprotected nut sack and never be able to perform in bed after that.

>> No.268699

eh.....i'm wearing jeans right now and have been wearing them all day long. Everyone but myself was complaining about the heat. I thought it was a pretty good day actually. It was 93F at the high today according to the accu weather


lol but it is literally a dry heat. Try 96F high with 85% humidity that I live in all summer. Sweat doesn't evaporate off your body, it pools here. Texas heat is damn dry and sweat cools you off instantly. I know, I've lived there before.

Heat in Texas is nothing.

>> No.268708


When it sticks around 90F if I know I'll be working with anything with an engine, I try to wear pants. It's when it's hotter.

35-86% humidity the last few days. I don't consider the high end of that "dry"

Nice fallacy also.

>> No.268741

>Nice fallacy also.

No, I'm pretty sure you're still a faggot that prances around without any protection.

>> No.268767


>appeal to authority
>citing "i know"

>see Argument From Personal Astonishment
>see Contrarian Argument
>see Common Sense Appeal

Right, as easy as it is to "prance" with a lawnmower, tractor, or weedeater
>any protection
Because I'm not protecting my eyes, ears, and mouth. I don't mind a few rocks kicking up against my legs for the heat trade off.

In summation: >stop doing things the way I don't.

Grow up,talented /diy/er

>> No.268773


This guy knows the score. I've been hurt on the job before, and even with protective equipment I had to get my hand stitched back together. If I hadn't been wearing protective equipment, I am honestly sure that my left hand would be crippled.

I knew a guy. He was walking on the other side of the street from a construction site. Nowhere near what you would ordinarily designate a danger zone. Someone was cutting a metal pipe, a sliver flew across the site, the road, and into the guy's eye. Mostly blind in that eye now.

>> No.268784


see >>268536

enjoy your home surgery or trip to the doctor

>> No.268787


judging from your posts you appear to be a faggot at all times


>> No.268815


>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.


>> No.268820

This entire thread sucks a million dicks. It's an embarassment to /diy/, it's and embarassment to everyone who posted in it.

Nobody really gives a shit about your little weedwhacker.
Nobody gives a shit about what anybody THINKS about your goddamned little weedwhacker.

This entire thread should just be left to die, saged into oblivion.

>> No.269071

>45 posts

Seems like a lot of people care about both, including yourself.

>saged into oblivion.


>> No.269149


Enjoy your heat stroke.
And I don't think I'd need a doctor for a little scratch, thanks for looking out though.


I seem to have contributed more than you. ;)


>implying trolling
>implying not casual conversation until OMGSAFTY FIRST fags show up
>implying implications

Are you, by any chance, underage?

>> No.269163

Stop trolling up /diy/.

>> No.269178

asspained and stupid, this is a wonderful thread.

Its a culmination of what /diy/ has to offer.
So fuck off, 1/10.

>And I like the weedwhacker.

>> No.269268
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>I seem to have contributed more than you. ;)

You got here barely a month ago and all you've done is brag about how you don't wear any safety equipment and tell everyone that they should sleep in hammocks because otherwise they're faggots.

Also you look like a giant faggot.

>> No.269295

It is times like this that forced anon is so great a plugin. I remember that thread. Wish I didn't.

>> No.269382


>implying people with trips didn't post before they started with a trip.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Continue putting words in my mouth though, it makes me smile.

So, a casual conversation is trolling? I wasn't the one who got all buttmad and started tard raging.

>> No.269417




>> No.269424


I love you.

>> No.269436

>being a pedantic fuck

Please. Just go. Fucking queero.

>> No.269441
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Do better.

>> No.269836
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I made this some time ago. I need a real anvil and not some anvil-looking part on a big bench vise.

I've been thinking about buying a hunk of tool steel and making my own anvil from it.

Dude, GB2 >>>/fk/ and stay out of this thread.