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File: 6 KB, 129x314, dimension-elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26111 No.26111 [Reply] [Original]

3d printing general thread:

Post your machines! Pic related it's a stratashits!

>> No.26128

>rich kids with their new toys general

>> No.26155

More like middle-class to rich engineering colleges with their old toys general

>> No.26164
File: 243 KB, 564x438, eadsairbike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own said machine, I'm a poorfag who has access to one.

Also, I'm looking to see if anyone here has made RepRaps or the like. And also here to offer advice on 3d printing!

Pic related, it's a 3d printed bike

>> No.26175

>not building your own 3d printer that is superior to the op's

>> No.26182
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 1266656804615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26192

Is it just me or does this 3d printed have the potential to make a lot of manufacturing jobs obsolete?

>> No.26193

the only thing this is applicable for is making designs for moulds to later produce en masse cheaply in a cast.

Like the CAD -> 3D printing a casting model -> mass producing said cast.

>> No.26249
File: 11 KB, 300x229, printeduav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOPE. Some low manufacturing run items like airplane parts are made on 3d printers. Because it's cheaper to do so and 3d printed parts can be made lighter than parts manufactured by traditional processes.

Almost anything manufactured in low-medium production runs will have parts made by a 3d printer.

It's also possible to make medical implants, that are specific to the person wearing them(out of titanium mind you!). It's also possible to make custom bits and pieces for customizable cars, ipod cases, etc.

>> No.26276
File: 139 KB, 530x298, 3dbioprinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention in the future, 3d printers might be used to print replacement organs. Pic related it's the first bioprinter on the market, it can't really print organs yet, but it can print cells...

>> No.26287


Holy fucking shit. When did real life become science fiction?

>> No.26320
File: 47 KB, 533x376, 3dprintedfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some 3d printers today(the fab@home), can also print food, that taste good! Check out this recipe for 3d printable cookie dough:

They also describe how to for 3d print turkey and celery, which is delicious, but is for the more adventurous.

See this for more:

>> No.26337

Living in the future is fun that way.

>> No.26384

Quite interesting read.

>> No.26426

you guys know how there were like computers around in the 70s/80s but everyone thought it was ridiculous to think a normal person could own one? I think this is the stage 3d printing is in now. I'm calling it, in the next few years or so it will be the next big thing

>> No.26466

OP here, might post more tomorrow.

>> No.26792

>Is it just me or does this 3d printed have the potential to make a lot of manufacturing jobs obsolete?
Not until it comes down in price by a few orders of magnitude

>> No.26843

Has anyone built a reprap? What kind of material cost are you looking at to make one? Where do you even get extruder materials? How much time does it take to make?

>> No.27719
File: 40 KB, 736x544, Turret1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>26111 I fixed one of these, (Dimension 7** SST) when a voltage regulator burned out on the power supply. Not a fun fix. (also the company loves to give you the runaround)

I looked into getting a reprap, it seems better than a makerbot personally, but I wish there was an easy way to just do a custom build area.

If anyone's made anything particularly awesome, can we get pics? please?

in return....

here's a Portal Turret I printed out. You can find the file I used on grabcad (they have .stls of it)

>> No.27730
File: 141 KB, 1600x1200, Turret3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pics are crappy quality because it's off a cellphone camera that went through a time machine from the past into the present. That phone has since been replaced.

Here's the file ( http://grabcad.com/library/portal-turret ) and here's a view of the base.

>> No.27765


1,3k $, worth it?

>> No.27770



http://botmill.com/index.php/glider.html for a little less than $100 more you can get a bigger build area. Both are cheaper if you buy disassembled anyway.

>> No.27804


don't you have Wall Street to occupy ?

>> No.27983

I've always thought that layer-by-layer 3D printing was just the first half of the tech; it's impossible to print certain items in this fashion due to their structure.

It seems to me that this has to be married with a reductive tech as well to be fully usable, something that's capable of carving off excess material that can be printed just for that purpose (think they call them CNC rigs?). Anyone ever see something like this?

>> No.28011


i have been thinking the same thing, cnc milling center witha 3d printing head. though I would like to see a 3d printer with a tall skinny head (.25" in dia aprox 3" of "reach") that could be angled. the use of this would be you could print a base, insert a secondary material (such as a magnet) and then restart, the head could then print around the secondary object, printing it into the part. Though this process would be extremely slow but would expand the capabilities of these machines ten fold.

>> No.28027


open source 3d printer that prints itself.

>> No.30367
File: 116 KB, 350x338, fab-at-home-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, DON'T BUY IT! At least now.The new Fab@home comes out pretty soon. $750 for the base setup. It also has a nice toolhead switch-out system so it's not just a 3d printer. But then again, the fab@home people have some sort of vendetta against thermoplastics and prefer to use silicone.