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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2592470 No.2592470 [Reply] [Original]

Babby's First Autisticopter Edition

In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything radio controlled: multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?

>What about planes?

>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?
If you want a practical flying camera platform, DJI is the sensible option. If you want a fun DIY project instead & aren't too concerned about the practicalities, then by all means DIY something.

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden
Syma X5C/3" Toothpick

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house
Eachine E010/Hubsan X4/Tiny Whoop

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?
Chris Rosser - https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisRosser
Pawel Spychalski - https://www.youtube.com/@PawelSpychalski
DrainMan - https://www.youtube.com/@DrainManFPV
PhantomFPV - https://www.youtube.com/@PhantomFPV
Limon - Ivan Efimov - https://www.youtube.com/@IvanEfimovLimon
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/user/Painless360
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/user/flitetest
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yF9tV4xWEMZkel7q8La_w
bonafidepirate - https://www.youtube.com/c/bonafidepirate
ArxangelRC - https://www.youtube.com/user/Arxangelxr
RagTheNutsOff - https://www.youtube.com/user/moggiex

previous >>>>>>>>>2584369

>> No.2592475

Please don't shit this one up with heli vs. quad and history of PID loop spergery...

>> No.2592517

Anon, this thread has always got some autistic shitposting arguements, it's what makes up 90% of the hobbybase. embrace it.

>> No.2592519

Hey that’s mine! Neat

>> No.2592520

Is it ready to fly?

>> No.2592529
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fpv drift vids are overdone and boring, seagull drifting is the new hot thing.

>> No.2592532

Yes, I flew it yesterday and realized I’ll need a way bigger field to get used to it. It’s got way more thrust than the velocidrone model I was practicing with

>> No.2592533
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just send it, god speed anon.

>> No.2592535

99% of FPV drift videos are by FPV pilots who haven't got a clue how to actually film something for a non FPV audience. As somebody who actually watches televised drifting (D1, FD, etc.) all of the amateur FPV footage where the pilot either constantly overshoots the car & then has to flip back around, or get so close all you can see is a door filling the entire screen, is just painful. If you can't keep your subject in frame, in a way that you can actually see what it's doing, you're a shit camera op.

>> No.2592536

probably because most 99% people who do drift vids are unpaid amateurs who are doing it as a hobby. Hard to get paid in FPV.
Do like this guys drift video now that I think about it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99k398RwUek

>> No.2592552

Even if you're an unpaid amateur you can at least spend 30 seconds actually thinking about what it is you're filming & how you should go about doing it.

>> No.2592588
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Tfw wait patiently for custom carbon parts to arrive but they send it in the wrong thickness.

>> No.2592590

I wonder if this method could be used to deter other animal populations that are scavenging on human resources?

>> No.2592606

what's the cost difference for them to cut it than you buying sheets and doing it yourself? It's all just flat sheets you're using, right?

>> No.2592608

I live in an apartment, I have nowhere to put a mill.

>> No.2592611
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iktf, wanna get one for milling aluminium but the fast spindle versions are loud AF, neighbours would shit themselves.

>> No.2592743

It's almost like there is an untapped market for a freestanding dishwasher sized three axis mill with active noise cancelling and vibration damping...

>> No.2592752

>harassing birds

>> No.2592753

What video game is that?

>> No.2592771

Don't forget flawless dust extraction, so you don't contaminate your 1 bed apartment with carcinogenic epoxy dust & carbon splinters.

Pity such a product would likely be $20k+.

>> No.2592792

>Please don't shit this one up with heli vs. quad and history of PID loop spergery

Expecting an R/C forum to not contain autistic spergs is like expecting water to not be wet.

>> No.2592796


>Tfw wait patiently for custom carbon parts to arrive

Where did you get it done and what is the pricing like?

You can use JLCPCB to make frames (or prototypes) out of FRP or aluminum PCB materiel, just import the frames into Easy EDA or whatever and then delete the copper layers and the inward side facing solder mask (so it's bare FRP/aluminum). Then you glue two 1.6mm pieces together using a few screw holes for locating pins and clamp it in a vice to squeeze out the excess epoxy. Once it's clamped surface tension will hole the two pieces together and you can release if and set it aside to cure.

Unless you are having extra large pieces made this is super dirt cheap to have made.

>> No.2592798

>copper layers and the inward side facing solder mask

I didn't explicitly mention this but you also leave the outward facing mask so the two inward facing sides are bare materiel and the outward facing sides are epoxy covered and can be black or whatever color mask you select.

>> No.2592918

> You can use JLCPCB to make frames (or prototypes) out of FRP or aluminum PCB materiel

But why would you want to do that?

>> No.2592931

There are already 5-in-1 AIO flight controllers, so why not integrate the frame as well to make a 6-in-1?

>> No.2592938 [DELETED] 

>But why would you want to do that?

Dirt cheap prototyping.

>> No.2592939

>But why would you want to do that?

Dirt cheap prototyping, and PCB FRP materiel is G10, which some less expensive quad frames are made of already.

>> No.2592940 [DELETED] 

There are already 5-in-1 AIO flight controllers, so why not integrate the frame as well to make a 6-in-1?

Make the frame out of aluminum PCB covered in high output LEDs. Aluminum is comparable in stiffness to CF but it crashes like shit. But I doubt you'd be racing or whatever with something like that anyway.

>> No.2592941

>There are already 5-in-1 AIO flight controllers, so why not integrate the frame as well to make a 6-in-1?

Make the frame out of aluminum PCB covered in high output LEDs. Aluminum is comparable in stiffness to CF but it crashes like shit. But I doubt you'd be racing or whatever with something like that anyway.

>> No.2592945
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>Where did you get it done and what is the pricing like?

I use a place in Shenzhen when I'm not worried about lead times & cncmadness (Canada) when I'm willing to pay a lot more for shipping to get stuff quickly.

Cost is heavily dependent upon tooling usage, not just overall size. Something like this is 80-100 USD before shipping. That's for two of the base pieces in 3mm plus two of the top plates in 2mm, all quasi layup. These are quite large pieces, intended for 10" builds & upwards. Prices have gone up a fair bit since I first started doing this a few years ago.

>Dirt cheap prototyping

That's what I own a 3D printer for.

>PCB FRP materiel is G10, which some less expensive quad frames are made of already

G10 frames were consigned to history for good reason.

>why not integrate the frame as well to make a 6-in-1

Because nobody wants to replace their entire frame just because they wired up something wrong & blew out a bunch of SMT & traces.

>> No.2592960
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>G10 frames were consigned to history for good reason.

G10 is still used on gasoline helis because it damps resonances from the Zenoa 2 stroke moped engines they use.

>> No.2592962

Heli sperg, we said you're not allowed back

>> No.2592994

The seller won’t accept my runcam that I returned because it was too big. Should I sell it on eBay for cheap, or keep it for a fixed wing build I’ll probably do eventually?

>> No.2592995

>living in a country with anti-consoomer laws.
my sympathies anon. ebay it, I have a box full of stuff "i'll use eventually" buy things like cams dont hold their value/worth long term. Sell it now and buy it back later if you need it.

>> No.2593008

Sell it. I had a similar box as the other guy and decided to list stuff and recovered like $300

>> No.2593009

Anyone got good resources to learn the basics of RC cars? I'm currently doing FPV quads, but I'd like to have some other RC stuff in my back pocket for if/when the FAA actually starts enforcing their bullshit. Besides, there's never enough excuses to get the iron back out.

>> No.2593011

what do you need to know? RC cars are plug and play out the box and retard proof.

>> No.2593019

I'm not looking to just buy one. Half the fun is assembling and configuring all of it.

>> No.2593039

you generally don't build them from scratch like quads. you just buy a scale size car you like and replace the motor and the controller with the biggest one you can find for more power, or type in your car model and look at the other possible upgrades.
there's no configuration beyond changing a few predefined settings on the controller.

>> No.2593059
File: 2.26 MB, 750x1334, 9EA73C50-F532-44B2-A171-78542C93C4E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this part of the charging process?

>> No.2593067

no, check your main cable/another battery.

>> No.2593068

The cells may be below the charger's minimum cut off voltage. Try toggling to the LiIon setting (if it has one) as the low cut off will likely be slightly lower.

>> No.2593069

My other battery doesn’t even charge, it reads only 3 cells on the charger. I may have ducked them up since my goggles don’t display battery voltage, but I can’t tell if it’s the batteries or the charger

>> No.2593071

That didn’t work, but switching from “charge” to “store” did. Good sign that the batteries were simply too low?

>> No.2593096

>Good sign that the batteries were simply too low?

Yes, especially if these are flight packs - for them to recover to 3.2V they would have been sagging right down to ~2.5V under load during flight.

If these are just packs you power your goggles from (eg super low discharge) then 3.2V isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however as you’ve now discovered it may cause issues with some hobby chargers.

>> No.2593100

Huh, that's actually kinda lame. Was hoping to learn all the various specs and techniques.

>> No.2593103
File: 220 KB, 900x1101, Astonishing+curvy+raw_c9d787_10414209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear 4chan. I have never owned a drone, but it seems kind of fun. I like to buy good stuff, but im no millionaire either.

Is buying a used dji mavic 2 a pleb choice?

>> No.2593130

yep, petty good entry drone that you can flip easily if you decide its not for you or you get bored.

>> No.2593139

I'd go with one of these if you don't want to get bored after a day: https://www.racedayquads.com/collections/all-ready-to-fly-quad-combos?sort_by=created-descending

>> No.2593144
File: 416 KB, 480x600, BD6402DD-3C20-48CF-8FD9-67F6629C73AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cheaper alternatives to the dji mini 2 that can fly 30min and approximatively 10k?

>> No.2593149
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You could search for RC car kits, a lot of competition cars and drift cars come as rolling chassis you need to assemble and have to buy everything else separately.

>> No.2593151
File: 2.02 MB, 2560x2560, 7754C1A3-10C5-4D27-ADEE-65CFCA7A9414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A used Mini 2. But even then 30 minutes/10k is pushing it in most real world scenarios.

>> No.2593187

That's the sort of info I'm after. A lot of what I've been missing is terminology. Can't search without knowing what to call anything.

>> No.2593191

Even my largest quad falls to about 33% efficient if there's significant wind. You're gonna want a wing if you want to reliably get far. It's what I should've done. The level of efficiency is night and day when comparing the two.

>> No.2593451

>Is buying a used dji mavic 2 a pleb choice
Camera drones are for the novelty of seeing/taking photos and video of your city from high in the air/getting to areas you couldn't get to on foot.
The amount of fun you can have will depend on how appealing that is to you.

>> No.2593475

are those 1408 motors? wanted to do a similar build soon for a 4s setup. Still unsure about wich motors to pick

>> No.2593490
File: 461 KB, 761x623, tekno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could buy a kit from Tekno, buy your own ESC, Motor, remote etc, I want to do this with the MT410 model because it's more made for jumping than racing and you can fit some big tyres on it for a 1/10 scale

>> No.2593507

Yes, I haven’t been able to go full throttle with them yet since I had battery troubles, but they rip way harder than I was expecting. For a pure speed focused build it seemed like they were the way to go. Planning to go to the beach this Friday and blast off

>> No.2593511

The sand is hell on those little motors. Make sure you take off/land on something like a big blanket, or bring some method of getting the sand out. I've got a motor where a single grain of sand infiltrated the bearing and it still ticks a bit to this day.

>> No.2593513

Something I've not been able to find is what's actually compatible in terms of receivers. If I were to get a PWM ELRS module, would it play nice with most car gear? Not really a fan of the trigger plus wheel units. Another thing is telemetry. Would be nice to know how my battery is doing.

>> No.2593516

Thanks for the advice anon. I was worried about that, but unfortunately the coast is basically the only place I’m allowed to fly in the country im in currently

>> No.2593520

You're asking the wrong guy about modules, but I know spektrum have remotes with real time feedback but the prices are stupid and

>> No.2593521

Best of luck on dealing with that hazard! The only alternative I know of is hitting the countryside definitely not having harmless fun.

>> No.2593522

Yeah, Spektrum's the other half of what I was trying to avoid with that idea.

>> No.2593523

I have no idea what you would look for but I'm sire people have made their own versions, I like the idea of being able to monitor your motor and battery temps and voltages in real time.

>> No.2593538

I'm seeing plenty of people claiming that PWM will work just fine. Everything seems to be coming together.

>> No.2593558

PWM is PWM, any receiver that outputs PWM will control any ESC/servo that takes PWM input.

Note that PWM & PPM are two completely different things though!

>> No.2593562

Wrong lol, frequency must match if if its being used digitally rather than just rounded off or lowpassed to an average to drive something analog. Most devices like servos need a specific frequency.

>> No.2593568

How can someone send movement commands to your DJI drone? That is what happens with russian drones right now, ukrainians somehow command a drone to flip upside-down (yeah it should be unflippable) and the drone drops down.

That means government will soon drop our drones if they don't like us flying no?

>> No.2593573

>Most devices like servos need a specific frequency.

Most servos are dirt cheap analog units that don't give two shits. I've built dozens of planes and cars and never had to consider frequency.

>> No.2593580
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Already liking this more than the previous design. Replacement carbon parts in the correct thickness have already been shipped too.

>> No.2593587

Why use wooden arms instead of carbon fiber tubes?

>> No.2593588
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Round tubes are a pain to work with, square tubes are prohibitively expensive (assuming you use legit roll-wrapped stuff). I've used both carbon & aluminium before, this time I felt like going back to wood just for the aesthetic value.

>> No.2593612

I’ll admit it’s cool, but what would one use a monster like that for?

>> No.2593615
File: 2.79 MB, 470x264, 15-04-2021_rcg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what would one use a monster like that for?

Shits & giggles.

>> No.2593634


>> No.2593648

Inb4 TikTok

>> No.2593707

Is it possible to get a 2 inch quad / whoop up to 100mph? Would it then run on 4S?

>> No.2593800

pretty hard, 3s i get max about 50mph and thats with a HV cell, doubling that would take some effort.

>> No.2593823

Why do you need a source? Answer my question nigger.
Here in russian from someone who applies all civil drones in russian military https://files.catbox.moe/uy3t3w.mp4

>> No.2593846
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>> No.2593900

Nice dead link bro.

>> No.2593904

You'd need motors with insanely high kv, ducts that weigh next to nothing, and probably a tailwind. 110mph is impressive on aggressive 3 inch props on 4S with no guards. I get about 70-80 on 4S, 1407 3600kv motors, and HQ Prop 3x4x3 props.

If you actually make it happen, I'll be surprised if your battery doesn't explode shortly afterwards.

>> No.2594742

To anyone who ordered HDZero goggles, batch 135xx went out today in the USA. Should give you a ballpark of where you're at in line.

>> No.2594934

It has been almost 10 years since I last flew a R/C helicopter before going to airplanes and I miss helicopters a lot. I used to fly cheap-ass specials from department stores, but I am looking for something serious this time. I am looking at the following setup:
Blade mCPX BL2: $200
Hi-Performance Rotor upgrade: $12
1:32 Bell 47 scale body kit (Made in Germany by Heli Scale Quality) $113.50
I might go with a used mCP X, since I see quite a few cheap ones on EvilBay and RCGroups.

I know that is quite a lot, but I think I have the skills to fly and since there is a self leveling option on the helicopter, it will be easier to learn on versus an unstabilized helicopter. Scale body is not a must, but I am a big fan of Bell 47s, so I think it would be nice.

>> No.2594939

Check your voltage and connection. One of your cells could be out of balance too. If you have a car charger (one that plugs into the cigarette lighter), then it should be tricked into giving the battery a little bit of a charge before you can switch over to this charger.

It would also help if you tell me the make, I have experience with E-Flite, Parkzone, Spektrum, Radient, Hobby Fans and Toolkit RC chargers, so I might be able to help.

>> No.2594942

Mavic is quite good, but pricey, Eachine has some stabilized drones, but are generally lower in terms of quality. They are easier to work on, though.

>> No.2594971

You have all that experience, yet couldn't come up with the solution that's already been posted? And instead recommended anon to hook up a small lipo to a SLA car battery charger? Fuck me.

>> No.2594987
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Noob here. Just bought some chink shit Wltoys 144001 / 144010 and MJX Hyper Go (3S) buggies. Now I am looking at the biggest possible lipos that I could cram in there for max runtime. Are there any good cheap options? I bought some Ali 3500mah Terantys that will probably start a house fire and some Ovonics which may be equally as bad. They are probably all fake and gay and will only have 50 to 80% of their rated capacity. Are there any other good cheap brands? I know Turnigy from HobbyKing are considered okayish but the EU warehouse seems to be permanently out of stock.

Suggestions welcome.

Do you measure the capacity of your lipos? I have a cheap as SkyRC iMax B6AV v2 (genuine as far as I can tell) to measure mine ... Will report the outcome of my purchases ... Probably ... If not my house might have burned down with me ...

>> No.2595005
File: 136 KB, 1600x1600, EFLC3125_A0_QIKW2NIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not need a complete charge, but you essentially need a charger that will be tricked into giving you a little bit more power. Your pack is at too low of a voltage for a lot of computer chargers to handle without the emergency cutoff sounding. This is especially true with Spektrum SMART units. There are 4S capable car chargers, you know. They were quite common in the early and mid 2010s and included in every E-Flite or Parkzone PNP/BNF offering back then.

Picrel is the 2S version of what I was referring to. Really low tech and easy to fool, but slow in charging. Give it 10 minutes and there should be enough to do regular charging with.

>> No.2595006

Check back with Hobbyking and look at Rhino, they are cheaper than Turnigy and practically the same. If you are fine spending a little more money look at CNHL batteries, they are a great deal, but not the cheapest option out there.

Additionally, search RC forums in your country to see if there are secondhand batteries. They tend to be very affordably priced.

>> No.2595009

Congratulations, you completely missed the point in your desperation to prove your superior knowledge.

>> No.2595012

I am not saying my knowledge is superior, I have dealt with the same thing you are dealing with and I found that it worked.

>> No.2595030

You're still missing the point. The question was already long answered when you chose to chime and boast about your supreme charger experience. I'm not even that anon.


>> No.2595042

Alright. I see what you are saying, my apologies, then.

>> No.2595081

Hey, how come copters and drones use those flat pack batteries, when power tools use 18650 cells?
Seems to me, as far as power to weight and durability-wise (and brushless motors) rc is state-of-the-art. Anybody using 18650s?

>> No.2595108
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Pouch cells can support much higher discharge. Cylindrical cells are suitable for some drone stuff, but they just don’t have high enough discharge for something like a 5” race quad.

Picrelated are 21700 packs I made for my larger drones & fixed wing models.

>> No.2595204

I'm building an bike battery and was considering getting a few extra 21700's and making a 6s pack. from a percentage point, how does the limited current draw feel compared to a normal lipo? are you basically full throttling everywhere?

>> No.2595285

If the charger is to stupid to charge a battery that fell below 3.3 per cell, it should be tossed out the window. Your kind of advice is how we have noobs burning their house down.

>> No.2595287

It's highly inadvisable to run those at their limit for long as they'll overheat and explode. The trick is to either run them gentle, run them in parallel, or use a LiPo.

>> No.2595461

I like the 3d printed desk organizer, do you happen to have the link to it?

>> No.2595500

Sounds like a fun setup, those mini helis fly so much more locked in than they used to.

>> No.2595509

That’s… not how it works? You choose a battery based upon the application, so you’re not constantly pushing it into beyond its spec.

That was the stupidest thing I ever printed, back when I got my first 3D printer. It’s something like 400g of filament, took 12+ hours to print & I realised I could’ve just bought a desk organiser for £1.

>> No.2595516

>That was the stupidest thing I ever printed, back when I got my first 3D printer. It’s something like 400g of filament, took 12+ hours to print & I realised I could’ve just bought a desk organiser for £1.

Ah, I was thinking the same thing a few months ago all the prints were 13+ hours and thought buying one would be better.

>> No.2595522

dude, youre supposed to put the heatshrink over the solder connections.

>> No.2595532

dude, it’s clear heatshrink

>> No.2595549

Yeah, that's the truth of 3D printing. It's good for making little things or things you simply can't get without a bunch of hassle. I'd be screwed if I couldn't build random mounts/adapters for my quads. Really saves the edges of the carbon too.

>> No.2595560

Huh, clear heatshrink, that’s brilliant… you can examine the integrity of the connections.

I recognize the xt60s but what are the white smaller connectors called?

>> No.2595562
File: 3.37 MB, 3417x3023, A31B5AE7-E8AA-44C7-8892-C169F5C442F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was tons of fog this morning but I was able to send it. My open throttle pull put me into a low battery warning so my landing was a bit rushed and heavy, also a bit scared since airplanes still flying surprisingly low for being an unrestricted fly zone

>> No.2595563

Those are the balance connectors, they're JST-XH. Hobby batteries don't contain any sort of BMS, so they need an additional connector that breaks out each individual cell so the charger can perform individual cell balancing.

>> No.2595564

>My open throttle pull put me into a low battery warning

That's perfectly normal, however the warning should only be temporary as the voltage will recover once you let off the throttle.

>airplanes still flying surprisingly low for being an unrestricted fly zone

I have no idea of the rules in your country, but here in the UK planes can fly down to 500ft while drones can fly up to 400ft, so even in 'unrestricted' areas you can still theoretically end up worryingly close to GA traffic.

>> No.2595567

I like the use of nylocs were the threads are not even touching the nylon. You'd be better with acorn nuts.

>> No.2595571

Please never suggest acorn nuts as prop nuts ever again. OP addressed their mistake & tightened those nylocs properly last thread.

>> No.2595572

Legally a plane can fly as low as is safe in the even of a propulsion failure or at least 500' from any property or persons in a rural area. Ideally though going below 1000 AGL is not recommended.

>> No.2595573

It would look less retarded than nylocs not used properly. Acorns get a bad rap from people not planning properly and having too many threads for the nut. The best design would be two thin nuts with one locking the other in place.

>> No.2595577

>It would look less retarded than nylocs not used properly.
>OP addressed their mistake & tightened those nylocs properly last thread.

It's like you can't read.

>The best design would be two thin nuts with one locking the other in place.

No, because that would be a huge pain compared to a nyloc to change in the field when you break a prop.

Nylocs are also the best solution to the problem of active braking & branches loosening nuts, whilst also meaning you don't need to bother with matching CW/CCW shafts/nuts to motor direction.

>> No.2595579

The rules often fail to take into account that some people are dumbasses. I've had crop dusters fly over town at less than 200ft while off duty. My buddy claims to have seen one of them doing sketchy stuff like harassing the highway traffic. I had to land early one day because my altitude read 150ft and upon doing a quick spin to find him, the fucker was eye to eye with me.

Always watch for tard pilots over the countryside. They get less attention than you ever will.

>> No.2595580

You know you're missing a stack nut?

>> No.2595581

Keep in mind you will always be held liable in the event of a collision. The more maneuverable craft always gives right-of-way to the less maneuverable one. Likely the UK treats it very similarly.
Is your comment about attention supposed to be a diss or about how when they do dumb shit it never gets ratted on?

>> No.2595583

weight reduction, perhaps?

>> No.2595584

I personally don't give a shit who'd be at fault. I want nothing to do with attention from the authorities. The government has done nothing but enact cock and ball torture on the hobby for the last several years.

>> No.2595585

It's a nylon nut. It's like 0.1g at most.

>> No.2595592

I’m actually missing 2. The way the canopy curves, it’s impossible to fit the front ones on, so I let the canopy hold it in place. There’s exactly zero clearance between the canopy and edge of the stack, and between the canopy and usb port, so far it’s been pretty secure

>> No.2595717

Ah, so it's a case of ghetto but it works. I've had my fair share of that. Godspeed sir!

>> No.2595738

Do my dji goggles v2 broadcast drone location by default? Or is it just when using a dji drone?

>> No.2596173
File: 7 KB, 344x178, HoursAndHoursAndHoursAndHoursAnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dudes, I reached a milestone today.

>> No.2596196

You must have at least 10 seconds that's actually worth watching!

>> No.2596209
File: 34 KB, 633x409, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reckon I get ~90 seconds of worthwhile footage out of each hour I record.

>> No.2596210

Yeah, I'm autistic about only posting full pack runs too, so that definitely cuts down on the usable footage (I really need to get a proper video editor at some point to just do highlight reels). Full pack videos are what PhantomFPV suggests doing though to get better, and that guy fucking RIPS!
This one from today should be finished uploading in a few hours: https://youtu.be/D64VsCCKx3k

>> No.2596240
File: 83 KB, 1097x577, C2993D41-C3E6-40F9-BAFC-EEAC3CE5B3ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm autistic about only posting full pack runs too

You need to outgrow this asap. Nobody wants to watch 3-4 minutes solid, even other FPV fanatics. A ‘good’ FPV video is 60-90 seconds max & if you look at the analytics for anything you post you’ll soon see this reflected.

>This one from today should be finished uploading in a few hours

This just proves my point. I lasted 30 seconds before I got bored, started skipping ahead & then closed the window when I realised it was just another 3 minutes of exactly the same.

>> No.2596330

What's the bitrate?

>> No.2596333
File: 232 KB, 613x1024, 1681051747764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 20GB of drone footage, but all of it is either grenade drops or artillery strikes on russian piglets. Fpv is there as well but not much.

>> No.2596390
File: 5 KB, 358x118, 1669625027064686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I should have mine soon hopefully.


>> No.2596506

That's what I'm asking, compared to a lipo how much are you hammering these to get similar performance?
>That’s… not how it works?
Not how what works? I never said anything about pushing it beyond it's spec anon, I'm asking how they compare to lipos.

>> No.2596508
File: 8 KB, 250x246, 1655387333906616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baited, i've reported you to the authorities, enjoy jail.

>> No.2596588

Just go by the C rating when comparing how hard you can hammer a battery, but also keep in mind that it's C rating multiplied by mAh.

>> No.2596591

Ok, I found a reason to go with Crossfire over ELRS. I like to listen to racist podcasts while I fly, and the 2.4ghz interferes with my wireless earbuds.
So, with ELRS, you are limited to WIRED racism only.

>> No.2596604
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cool, didn't ask.

>> No.2596661
File: 497 KB, 1600x1200, 20140901_221003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamiya has released new copies of their RC buggy kits from the 80s over the past few years, if retro is ok for you. They replaced the old resistor-based speed controls with modern ESCs

>> No.2596665

bretty cool, I wonder if the airflow from the car messes up the flight at all.
oh wait no it can't because of the pid loop shittery, you would never even notice.
where do I find the video without the fast cuts, from the wide angle camera they actually use for flying it? also, do they change the digital zoom on that camera in post, or is it at the same magnification the entire time?

>> No.2596713
File: 2.22 MB, 2997x1971, PXL_20230410_012159420~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2596767

Seriously dude, the amount of battery weight you'll need to avoid hitting your current limit will turn your aircraft into a sluggish hulk. Just run a high C LiPo if you want fast flight. It's like you're asking what tank engine you should put into your homemade stunt plane.

>> No.2596769

ELRS works on 868/915MHz.

>> No.2596770

Probably going to shoot for something closer to a stunt truck for the off-road capabilities. Thanks for the suggestion though.

>> No.2596796

>how much are you hammering these to get similar performance?

They don't have similar performance, they have a lower C rating. It's really that simple.

>> No.2596808

> I never said anything about pushing it beyond it's spec
>how much are you hammering these to get similar performance
>to something of higher spec

>> No.2596837
File: 680 KB, 632x656, Zeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly use Zeees, only complaint is my 4s hardcase is nowhere near the 6200mah advertised but their soft ones are fine.

>> No.2596847
File: 273 KB, 927x1931, 1681120361129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendations. I guess the rated capacity depends on the discharge rate but it's sad how much lying is going on when it comes to lipos.

I've asked the seller beforehand what their refund policy is. Seems fair to me do that's why I've ordered. Pic related.

However this looks very disappointing:

Ah well at worst I've flushed 35 Euro bucks down the drain.

>> No.2596854

It might be alright, besides, you'll get sick of those chinesium WLtoys breaking all the time and waiting months for parts from china soon anyway and get a proper hobby grade car that needs bigger batteries.

>> No.2596876

>I guess the rated capacity depends on the discharge rate

No, it doesn't. But if you're pulling 100A from a pack you shouldn't be surprised if the voltage sags so much you can't usefully discharge the rated capacity.

>> No.2596879
File: 51 KB, 599x443, TjzUv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that every battery discharge curve I've ever looked at says otherwise.

>> No.2596889

Upon re-read your comment I think now that we're basically meant the same. The rated capacity for it's rated discharge rate shouldn't change but with the cheapo units you never know how they were measured ...

>> No.2596956

We've known for an awful long time that rapid discharge comes with an efficiency penalty. Voltage sag has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2596965

Voltage sag has a lot to do with it, because it means the pack can no longer meet the demands of the application (whether that’s a multirotor, a car, etc.) long before it reaches full discharge. Especially on something like a race quad, you will be seeing <3V in the air when pushing the throttle, but the pack will recover to 3.4V once you’ve landed. If there was no sag, we could continue flying & use more of the available stored energy.

>> No.2596997

You're arguing something completely different. I know full well that voltage will recover after a period of high stress, but that has nothing to do with the fact that efficiency will get lost when that sucker gets hot.

>> No.2596999

I literally never mentioned efficiency. You’re arguing something that nobody even brought up.

>> No.2597011


>> No.2597014

That’s precisely my point. Can you read?

>> No.2597018

I don't think I need to say anything else.

>> No.2597024

Thank fuck.

>> No.2597097

>do they change the digital zoom on that camera in post
it gets cropped/tweaked in gyroflow. some skill to that as well.

>> No.2597101

some 21700's can pull a decent amount, +35A no prob. All you would need in 6 cells in series.

>> No.2597102
File: 1.64 MB, 352x217, 1664463756995305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so your throttle is (c rate comparison) amount higher, thanks.
You're definition of hammering is different from mine, slow down buddy, take some deep breaths and think about the terminology and what information I could be asking for.

>> No.2597105

I have loads of ZEEE 4s hardshells for my RC car and they are pretty spot-on for capacity.

>> No.2597122

I am aware of this. However, you end up with a battery pack that weighs roughly 450g. I've got a quad that runs them in a 6S2P configuration so I have a max continuous limit of 90A, but I aim for less than 25A for the sake of staying in the air as long as possible.

>> No.2597176

It's just that one 4s hardcase that is shit, it only charges about half of it's capacity on a balance charge, still lasts around 10 minutes.

>> No.2597325

>so your throttle is (c rate comparison) amount higher, thanks

No. What the actual fuck are you even talking about? If your quad hovers at 40% throttle on a 100C battery it will hover at 40% throttle on a 25C battery.

>> No.2597509

This. The voltage is what will alter the hover point, not the current limit.

>> No.2597634

Complete novice here im looking for a budget plane build with a 5km range and a 1ish hour autonomy.

Theirs alot of information to digest what would you guys recommend?

>> No.2597643

> budget plane build with a 5km range and a 1ish hour autonomy
I'd guess that's around 1.5m wing span made from foam, probably a flying wing.

>> No.2597708

a 1.5m wing? lol

lots of planes can do that. maby a talon mini

>> No.2597715

> maby a talon mini
1.3m foam not a flying wing and probably can barely make it. So yeah I was kinda close

>> No.2597724

i was recommending the mini talon because it's cheap, roomy and can carry quite some payload and is fast
120km out and back again has been done on it. >4 hours

even 70cm wingspan planes can easily do 1 hour but it will be not an easy build for a novice

>> No.2597726

Alright, have guides for me? I'd like to build long flights (not necessarily far). Like youtube videos or something, where I can see how they build 1m wingspan aircraft for long flights?

>> No.2597737


>> No.2597753

Back when I started I could only handle 2 channels like the Havoc Heli (remember them).

>> No.2597937

>Complete novice
>5km range

This is how you lose your plane.

Build something small & cheap to actually learn to fly with, before you start trying to fly way beyond LoS & any chance of recovery when you inevitably make a mistake.

>> No.2598319

I second this. I did that exact same thing and didn't go long for half a year after buying it. Had actually bought a completely different aircraft before I did true long range.

>> No.2598333

Contrary for me. I can't land or launch, so once it's in the air, I fly for miles before coming back.

>> No.2598335
File: 804 KB, 804x668, BasedDogwhistle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bardwell named the jew in his latest video. He's only slightly behind Clott Adams in his redpill journey.

>> No.2598424

Despite him being a little annoying and a total simp for DJI's video, he's at least helpful and knows well enough how the big players fuck us. I imagine he holds back a fair bit as he's very reliant on JewTube's revenue.

>> No.2598440

which free and open source flight control firmware is the easiest to to use and quickest to get up and running.

Ive only used LibrePilot and though I was able to get it working, I really didnt understand what I was doing and basically just kept changing stuff until it worked.

It also had what seemed like a big where it wouldnt take when i applied certain settings, and Id have to do weird things like reboot the flight controller, toggle things on/off, just keep entering stuff until it took, etc.

>> No.2598442


>> No.2598451

Why? So you can stop paying for your Betaflight/iNav subscriptions?

>> No.2598456

I have no idea what you are trying to say or imply.

>> No.2598513

LibrePilot hasn't been developed in years, any modern/current firmware will be a big improvement over your prior experiences.

If you want to fly race/acro FPV quads look at Betaflight.

If you want basic semi-autonomous features look at iNav.

If you want full-fledged semi-autonomous features look at ArduPilot.

>> No.2598533

Can't belive not a single drone faggot taken a sound level meter and checked levels for different blade numbers and different drone sizes.

>> No.2598536

I mean, why would they? Sound is just one consideration & not usually an especially important one.

>> No.2598537

It is.

>> No.2598541

If it's that important to you, go do the measurements yourself.

>> No.2598548

i plan to do it after i get over this 2 year long depression spell caused by my former employer injuring me and ruining my life

>> No.2598571

are you the guy whose boss screamed in his ear with a megaphone?

>> No.2598582

Manufacturers did everything they could to obfuscate the real characteristics of motors, ESCs and batteries with all those KVs and "6S" cell numers.

Can't you retards write properly the voltage, amps, torque and give proper Volts VS RPM curves? There's no fucking way RPM is linearly proportional to voltage, that's marketing bullshit. But I guess it's fine for the US where you measure motor performance in bananas and flight time in american football fields. Right, you like it?

>> No.2598620

>I dont understand things therefore its marketing

>> No.2598625

Most motor manufacturers provide tables of thrust vs current for different prop/cell combinations at 10% throttle intervals. That’s more than sufficient information for the overwhelming majority of scenarios & definitely for any hobby project.

>> No.2598630

no, im a life long tech, always worked on small precise stuff (PCB repair, etc), never had hand pain, took a job working on bigger things, and they forced me to one hand a driver to 30 in*lbs on a rotating shaft a few hundred times while holding the product in the other hand .

one day, they had me do this in reverse, so the screws were bonded in, so prly took well over 60 in*lbs on a *driver*, not a wrench. so now i have thumb arthritis in both my hands in my 30s. been in constant pain since that day, my hands are fucked .

obviously the workers comp insurance is super willing to help me, NOT. there goes a career i worked on for 15+ years

>> No.2598633

Three blades are more quiet than two, and you don't start taking a performance hit like you do with higher blade count (although they are a little quieter). Other than that, quad weight will probably be the biggest decider of sound level, and if if fly with ducts it's going to increase the noise too.

>> No.2599056

>there goes a career i worked on for 15+ years

Surely after 15 years of experience you should have been able to realise when a task was dangerous & simply refused to do it. Better to walk or get fired than injure yourself.

>> No.2599070

Stop projecting agency onto people, bigot!

>> No.2599112

Yes I did notice and brought it up constantly. Wasnt the only safety issue that happened there. not to mention faking all sorts of paper work, including safety related.

every time i brought up an issue, they would just have someone else do it, or tell me to try my best. Got to the point where one coworker said I complain too much

So basically was made to feel like I was close to losing my job from a combination of complaining and not doing the work asked of me.

Well I tried my best, and been in pain since. hoped the pain would stop after a week, 2 weeks, a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year... I knew the thing asked was dumb but never thought I'd be in pain for the rest of my life from it.

>> No.2599119

sorry dude, im paying for that mistake.
not easy when you have multiple coworkers that arent on your side, and dead lines keep getting missed, and youre under pressure to not be the cause of the next missed dead-line. these were multi-million dollar contracts.

but yes, 100%, I should have just refused

>> No.2599289
File: 1.01 MB, 1770x1290, 1676148735273073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the toroidal prop meme

>> No.2599290
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>> No.2599291
File: 815 KB, 1762x1286, 1673083063990177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2599300

Anyone tried using FOC on main motors?

>> No.2599305

All T-Motor industrial stuff is FOC, so technically I have used it at my day job.

>> No.2599347

My Ovonic batteries arrived but Chang fucked it up. They delivered the short lipo pack instead of the normal one. They are 80x33x25 instead of 105x33x19. Also on the first discharge after full charge they were only 2000mah. Charging from empty to full now. *sigh*

>> No.2599375

It's not a stupid print in and of itself, but it is really stupid to print it simply because in the off chance that it fails you just wasted a shitton of plastic

>> No.2599376

What's gonna happen to the wrongly thick parts? Do they want them back or did you just gain some free shit?

>> No.2599575

No, it was a stupid print. It cost ten times what a (better) off-the-shelf product would have cost.

I keep them, they're not going to pay return shipping for bespoke parts they can't do anything with. It's not like you can recycle cfrp & use the material again.

>> No.2599618

Hah, guess it's on them for fucking up the measurements then. Some distracted employee's gonna have to pay for it somewhat

>> No.2599622
File: 205 KB, 1400x933, 1681555167748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy a camera with gimbal that is the size of dji camera for my custom built drone?

>> No.2599629

I think most people just build their own with a couple of joints and servos.

>> No.2599632

Well mine has to be a "camera" drone. Even fpv pilots stick a second camera on their drones so I don't see a problem.

>> No.2599668

SIYI A8 is the only thing even remotely close. And even that will never give you the same level of integration when it comes to things like CV.

>> No.2599670

How cringe are all those youtube hype about toroidal props?

>> No.2599671

Well get creative then. When you went custom, that's the road you stepped onto.

>> No.2599672

Yep, it's nice. But still kinda big, 100g of just this thing...

>> No.2599811

I suspect that at least part of it comes down to the fact that certain aspects of the DJI's camera are integrated into the rest of the drone - which a standalone unit like the SIYI can't do. Size/weight savings from tighter integration is always going to be an area where DIY can't compete with COTS products.

>> No.2599938
File: 1.11 MB, 2982x2004, PXL_20230415_183551173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No single man was meant to have this much power...

>> No.2599969

Incindeary bombs like that are in the category of terrorists and Tesla.

>> No.2600100
File: 347 KB, 1600x900, hobaorip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is going to explode before Kev reaches 200mph

>> No.2600111

Why don't you stick a proper gasoline/nitro motor on it with a gearbox?

>> No.2600118

because gas powered rc's don't go 200mph

>> No.2600119

Why? Like obviously gasoline engines can have as much torque as you want, so what's the problem?

>> No.2600124

Some of these guys use airstrips, dragstrips and the straights of racetracks to get their runs and they only get to top speed for a few seconds, if you gear a Nitro for top speed it would probably need twice those lengths

>> No.2600125
File: 46 KB, 604x453, coolface trollface mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2600466

Wont that flex a lot?

>> No.2600497

the real question is, if it flexes will it matter?
if it flexes a certain way it can dump a lot of energy into maintaining the oscillations, they could also interfere and cause it to rapidly self-destruct.
on the other hand, if it flexes but it's not impacting the controllability or speed, then it doesn't matter. in fact it would be a waste of weight to make it stiffer.
With cf you can align the layers to get high stiffness in a certain direction. Of course, a thin sandwich will never be as stiff as a thicker structure, but it may be stiff enough for the objective.

>> No.2600500
File: 947 KB, 2048x2042, The_Artist_-Maurits_Cornelelius_Escher-_working_at_his_Atelier_50385403156-1-scaled[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, I can't tell what's going on with the rear wing. it looks like he's got a wing with another wing on top, and he's put a box of screws or something on that top one, but it's too hard to tell.
That wing looks like an MC escher painting. Alternatively maybe I am just in denial because it looks so stupid.

>> No.2600501

I figured it out, it's mainly for directional stability and the horizontal parts are just to keep the endplates from flapping around. sage

>> No.2600516

Should I start with the recommended Syma X5C/3" Toothpick if I want to get the hang of flying drones?
I want to do aerial photography for realtors but the DJIs are expensive and not sure if they are beginner friendly or not.
Any suggestions?
This looks like a lot of fun.

>> No.2600518

If you want to do real estate photography, you don’t really need to know how to fly a drone. DJI drones are literally flying cameras that anybody can just pick up & use, that’s the whole point. There’s not really much to learn.

This also means that it’s not really much of an employable skill - because there’s so little skill involved. Good luck getting enough work with real estate to pay off your investment into the drone.

>> No.2600537

Fair enough anon, guess if there is no skill gap then anyone with a few thousand can get into it.
I was just looking for something to do in my free time to earn a couple extra shekels.
As well as the videos where people fly the drones around the homeless. Would probably make more in ad revenue from those videos than the real estate photography.

>> No.2600540

>I was just looking for something to do in my free time to earn a couple extra shekels

This is very much a case of if “it was that easy, everybody would be doing it”. Buying a DJI drone doesn’t magically earn you money as a photographer any more than buying a DSLR does.

>> No.2600644

ELRS, CC2500, 4in1
What's the difference? Is any of them better than another?

>> No.2600646
File: 357 KB, 1500x1500, 91yxoZwfswL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think of that, it's a custom carbon fiber chassis to so there's no support.

The stupid batwings aren't just for looks

>> No.2600669

CC2500 is outdated and shitty FrSky, 4in1 is FrSky plus even shittier and outdated Flysky plus two others so obscure that you need to go to the local boomer AMA field to see what their 30 year old radios are running.
Go with ELRS, it's not that hard to set up, it's open source, and it has great performance. ELRS is the future.

>> No.2600801

I'm an old man (almost 27)
Am I doomed to not be able to do all those cool tricks? Slightly joking but it seems like all those tricks need really good reaction speed and what not. I don't really follow the fpv scene but most people I follow or seen have been early 20s late teens

>> No.2600806

Thank you

>> No.2600935

ELRS is basically infinite range. The others are about as good as trying to control shit with a blinking flashlight.

Almost forgot to say my daily "Fuck FrSky"

>> No.2600936

I started at 33 years old and I'm getting pretty decent so far. Just keep working on your precision and getting comfy with flying. When you feel like you're just doing stuff without needing to think about it, start mixing it up. If the tricks are likely to kill your gear too quickly, practice in the sim to get a feel for it first. Your 20s are just fine.

>> No.2600943

If you are new to the hobby & don’t have any existing equipment, get the ELRS. The other two are for if you already have older equipment you want to use.

>> No.2600953

Have you thought about getting fired from your job so that you can have more stick time?
I started exactly three years ago at 35, when I had lots of time to do whatever (thanks to the coof and later refusing the jab), and I can honestly say that anyone can get relatively good at this as long as you take the time to build muscle memory in your fingers. Also, do yourself a favor and learn to be a pincher instead of a thumber as soon as possible.

Cue accusations of shitty flying: https://youtu.be/HK5XcsZbVis

>> No.2600954

>Cue accusations of shitty flying

The fact you openly admit to being a brain dead anti-vax moron is more the takeaway message here.

>> No.2600960

> ELRS is the future
Does it have encryption and salted key with heartbeat or whatever it's called? Or anyone can sniff your commands and repeat them?

>> No.2600961

CHNL Black vs GaoNeng vs Tattu R Line
Which should I buy? These are what are in stock locally. The prices (4S 1300 mAh) are pretty similar.

I see lots of people online say the R Line is best, but I did have a bad experience once where 4x 850mah r lines all lost 80% of their capacity within a year. Maybe that was just bad luck though.
I always abuse my Lipos by leaving them fully charged.
I've got some GNBs which are two years old now and still have about 2/3rds of the capacity but are swelling quite a bit. Still work fine though...
I care mostly about the lipos lasting awhile (at full charge) rather than being very punchy or anything

>> No.2600965

I'm pretty sure ELRS has no encryption whatsoever. Which is funny for all the FrSky haters, because ACCESS is encrypted.

Honestly encryption on a RC link is kinda a moot point. It's only if you're doing things like MAVLink that a hijack could actually achieve anything other than just a crash & there are plenty of options for encrypted MAVLink telemetry.

>> No.2600968

- is there a way I can forge a document to bypass the restricted flight zone?

>> No.2600970

> other than just a crash
That's actually what every law enforcement unit would like to do, or even your retarded neighbor. So you have an open source standard and ignore obvious security flaw. How nice, at least theoretically I could build my own transmitter and receiver and write my own firmware lol.

> - is there a way I can forge a document to bypass the restricted flight zone?

>> No.2600974

> ELRS is the future
Does it have a telemetry link like SIYI FM30 for example? How you send telemetry over ELRS?

>> No.2600989

Realistically, nobody is going to successfully commandeer a drone by exploiting a RC link. At best, they will simply cause a failsafe or maybe a channel hold. That same outcome can be achieved by simply jamming the link, which will continue to work even if the link was encrypted - so what's really the point in the developers addressing the vulnerability?

You want to put a padlock on a plastic toolbox, ignoring the fact that a thief can just cut through the plastic.

>> No.2601007

You are mixing two different attack types jamming and spoofing. After jamming attack the drone simply turns around and flies back on compass. After spoofing of control link your drone drops down like a piece of bird shit. That is exactly what happens in Ukraine by the way, they flip each others drones by sniffing last commands and repeating them. And this is exactly what will happen with your not identifiable drone after law enforcement figures this out.

>> No.2601016

>After jamming attack the drone simply turns around and flies back on compass.

I've never seen any autopilot that can effectively RTL with only compass/IMU data while GPS is jammed.

This is why systems like the Drone Dome from Rafael are so effective, because without either a control link or GNSS reception the drone is a fish out of water.

>> No.2601037

You let a geriatric pedophile (who's son is a crackhead) make your healthcare decisions for you, and I didn't.
Who do you think has more regrets?

>> No.2601049

I let healthcare experts all around the world inform my decision. You let conspiracy theorist nutjobs on Facebook and Fox News inform yours.

It's a pity you didn't catch it and die. The world would be a better place with one fewer fuckwit like you.

>> No.2601071

LOL, I don't have a Facebook, I don't watch Fox news (Tucker is a cuck), and I caught Covid at least twice. Anyone who got vaccinated against that nothingburger is a fucking retard!

>> No.2601078

I genuinely fear for the future of mankind when people like you open your mouths.

>> No.2601083

Good, hopefully it gives you an ulcer.

>> No.2601126

Sup faggots. I want to get intro drones but not sperg out. Whats a good DJI one to start with?

>> No.2601137

Get mad faggot.
Go defend your Jew meds elsewhere.

>> No.2601145

Unfortunately for you, COVID didn't kill jack shit, so your wish for the death of those you don't agree with won't come true. Maybe you should use your next birthday wish for that or something.

>> No.2601148

All the boxer controls are backlogged damn. Is there a website you guys like the best fir ordering?
US based

>> No.2601162
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Take the jab, goy. Eat ze bugs.
How many packs do you take with you out there? you ever got it stuck in a tree?
I get the fear flying anywhere I could lose, especially with my gopro. like dangling £700 off a cliff.

>> No.2601163
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get it off aliexpress. I was waiting for my boxer for 3 months before giving up and buying it on there.

>> No.2601166

>COVID didn't kill jack shit

I honestly can’t even begin to imagine how fucked in the head you must be. How do you even dress yourself in the morning?

>> No.2601168

I'm sorry sir, but what I do in my bedroom is a private matter. All you need to know is that the world ending virus failed to kill me.

>> No.2601175

I might just spend the extra 60 bucks and get the 16s off Amazon since it's in stock there

>> No.2601222

Lately I've been taking 12x 1200mAh packs, and it's right at the limit of how my goggles and GoPro batteries can last.
I get stuck in a tree from time to time, but I don't worry much because I have perfected the method for flying some Paracord up to whatever branch with a second quad. Going down in the Manzanita can be an involved recovery, but I'm an ex-wildland firefighter so squeezing through that prickly shit doesn't phase me. I also run a battery powered beeper on my quads so I can locate them even if the battery ejects, which works even better than GPS locating for the mid-range flights, imo.
Crashes in trees and manzanita aren't that rough actually, and a 3D printed GoPro mount/case, plus a battery shield pretty much protects all the dangly bits.

>> No.2601309

>failed to kill me
I witnessed it killing a bunch of middle-aged mexican dudes who barely spoke any speak english. Technically they didn't die from the virus, they died because the fluids built up in their lungs, rotted the flesh, and then their hearts [which were already stressed due to years of hypertension] gave out due to the increased demands.
For every 10,0,000 poor and disenfranchised people who got sick, there were also a handful of Constitution-reading AR-toting antivaxxers. Only saw one person who got sick because of the vaccine itself. (i.e. anxiety caused by the vaccine)
All the dumbass conspiracy theorists do very well in their recovery, the more belligerent you are the more resilient, apparently more motivated to live because you think you will prove everybody wrong.

>> No.2601322

Found the Bill Gates shill

>> No.2601325

not the anons you replied to, but I mostly do 3d printing, and from what I have seen with CNC machines, and depending on which one, people are running loud ass drivers, A4988 are loud as fuck. Luckily, TMC2208/TMC2209/TMC2225 are all silent drivers, that can be dropped in, they use same pinout as A4988

Then again, IDK if people are already running these on their CNC and its still loud asf.

>> No.2601335

Ah, but you see. I didn't know what the fuck it was when I caught it. I just let my fever burn the fuck out of it, and it didn't do shit.

>> No.2601423
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First of all, it literally doesn't matter how much noise you think the machine makes, because once the endmill touches aluminum or steel it becomes louder than an autistic toddler.
Second of all, those are babby drivers. A big kids milling machine with a ballscrew will exert enough force to bend its own metal parts if it crashes.
You'd have to put it in an enclosure.

>> No.2601445

>I mostly do 3d printing
>but allow me to weigh in on something completely different

>> No.2601468

New to drone but real good at photoshop - anyone got a spare copy of what you upload to fly in a restricted zone? I am from Montenegro..

>> No.2601469

Wat. There isn't just some magical international license. The supporting evidence you need is specific to your country and even to the specific location/scenario you want to unlock.

>> No.2601479
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get good at google, faggot

>> No.2601490

Of course, I should've known better when it comes to cutting metal, lmao.

>Numerical control (also computer numerical control, and commonly called CNC)[1] is the automated control of machining tools (such as drills, lathes, mills, grinders, routers and 3D printers) by means of a computer. A CNC machine processes a piece of material (metal, plastic, wood, ceramic, or composite) to meet specifications by following coded programmed instructions and without a manual operator directly controlling the machining operation.


There is bound to be some similarities, also what I said I know doesn't apply to all CBC type machine. I thought I mentioned that.

>> No.2601491


Just make myself look more retarded.

>> No.2601497

>There is bound to be some similarities

Sure, but they're completely meaningless when discussing how loud it is. It's a fucking mill and you're talking about the sound of the stepper drivers?

>> No.2601507

No, but I once knew a negro named Montel, if that is funny to you. True story.

>> No.2601532

>Of course, I should've known better when it comes to cutting metal, lmao.

Don't gloss over my statement that already acknowledged this.

>> No.2601727
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>Didn't think of that, it's a custom carbon fiber chassis to so there's no support.
God damn it, Kev! Not again!

>> No.2601728

>a bunch of middle-aged mexican dudes
They could have died from a number of things.

>> No.2601729

Lol the Ampow / Ovonics guys refunded me my money without me having to send the packs back if I drop the "dispute". I didn't even dispute anything yet just asked for support on how to handle the issue and that I don't want to pay for their fuckup. Kinda sweet and retarded at the same time. But I ain't gonna complain.

>> No.2601822

Who is the drone equivalent to Kev?

>> No.2601828

Captain Drone?... Idk, man.

>> No.2601834

When you build a drone, do you make any calculations in order to figure out the best quad config for your requirements or if it's a plane things like wing loading etc?

>> No.2601999

Usually it's good enough to see the weight and size specs of other machines and get close to that. Basically everything has been done, so it really takes the guess work out of things.

>> No.2602014

You can use tools like eCalc if you want, but for most hobbyist stuff it's not necessary to be that scientific.

>> No.2602058

But how to do that? Like for example I would like to carry a big and heavy camera gear on a drone. How to figure out what props and motors I need if it's a quad for example?
This is a diy board after all, not buy a ready-to-flight model right? Right???

>> No.2602060

>I would like to carry a big and heavy camera gear on a drone

Generally you would start by looking at what solutions already exist - see what sort of size motors/props they use, then start theorycrafting your own version using specs of motors/props that you can find to purchase & are within budget.

>> No.2602063

> by looking at what solutions already exist
And how they calculated all of that? Copied someone else's drone as well? There's should be somewhere someone who actually does all calculations instead of buying expensive components and figuring out they don't work together.

>> No.2602073
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What are you talking about?

Motor manufacturers provide datasheets & test results for their motors, with various different props & cell counts. These data are used to inform simulation tools like eCalc.

Knowing what AUW you need to lift, you look at existing platforms simply to point you in the right direction of what motors/props to begin looking at (in eCalc or whatever).

For example, if I have a 25lb payload & I know that the Freefly Prism is rated to carry a 25lb payload in X8 configuration with T-Motor U8II motors with 28" props, I will start theorycrafting in eCalc with similar size motors & props.

>> No.2602086

> For example, if I have a 25lb payload & I know that the Freefly Prism is rated to carry a 25lb payload in X8 configuration with T-Motor U8II motors with 28" props, I will start theorycrafting in eCalc with similar size motors & props.
It's actually good that you brought up this example, it will be easier to show my problem.

This example assumes I should use octocopter config for a 25lb payload. However from physics stand point four bigger props are more efficient by themselves and in addition to that bigger size motors are more efficient as well. Why does Freefly Prism use 8 rotors? Is it possible it's not the best config because they copied some earlier model from 2013 or whatever and now not only them but you as well choose 8 rotors because of this? Shouldn't we verify it's the best?

Can ecalc do that?

>> No.2602093

If your sole concern is efficiency, then yes you would want a quad.

However many people are also concerned about footprint & with having motor/prop/ESC redundancy.

For any given lifting capacity, a co-axial octocopter will sacrifice some efficiency compared to a quad, but the coaxial octocopter will have a much smaller footprint & will be able to survive motor/prop/ESC failure while the quad will just tumble out the sky & destroy the payload.

>Can ecalc do that?

eCalc will simulate whatever you tell it to.

>> No.2602118
File: 480 KB, 1375x1929, inspire2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's see. I've spend some time and entered all the specs of DJI Inspire 2 camera drone (motors are similar in everything but not exact dji models) and I get 10 mins of flight, while the original has 27 mins of flight with all calculations on board, radio, GPS and filming. Can you explain?

>> No.2602129

The motors you've selected are not even close to those of the Inspire 2. You're comparing a 5006 against a 3512.

You're also way out on the battery. The Inspire 2 flies with a pair of TB50 batteries, for a total capacity of 8560mAh at 6S.

>> No.2602132
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>The motors you've selected are not even close to those of the Inspire 2. You're comparing a 5006 against a 3512.
I've checked the specs of original and used the same specs motor:
460kv vs 450kv
700w vs 650w
128g vs 106g

I didnt care about how they are called. Why it's wrong?

>> No.2602135

The first two numbers are the stator width, and the other two are height. You're comparing some pancake motors that work best at lower RPM to much thinner and taller motors which will work better at the high RPM range.

>> No.2602136

>You're comparing some pancake motors that work best at lower RPM

And which are also designed to spin larger props.

>> No.2602137

Thanks, now i get something similar even though i cant find same kv for 3512 motor.

>> No.2602140
File: 179 KB, 1369x908, inspire2-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this. It doesn't let me choose the exact battery but I can change the max discharge to get 8400mAh. And the best motors I can find are 400kv for this motor size. I also added 200mA discharge for electronics.

>> No.2602143

>15 inch props
Holy shit bro, that's gigantic for a camera platform!

>> No.2602145

Depends on the camera. The Alta X uses 33" props.

>> No.2602146

Yeah, but we're talking about somebody that doesn't even know how to handle a small machine. Even a 5 inch quad is sketchy for a noob and this guy wants to build a flying lawnmower.

>> No.2603003

> last post 19.04
Nice spring btw, lots of posters preparing their drones for the season.

>> No.2603027

>Nice spring btw,

Wettest March in 40 years here.

>> No.2603040

You a utahrd or just have the exact same stats?

>> No.2603091

>You a utahrd

Nope, just wet.

>> No.2603109

Post your diy drones. No fpv racers though, they don't count.

>> No.2603110

just bought a bwine f7 that was 60% off on amazon
what can i look foward to, did I buy some chinesium or what

>> No.2603116
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You can't say that then not post your own.

>> No.2603120

Im not flying drones unfortunately, im a poor hobo in a dorm living in a country where you are not allowed legally to fly a drone outside your property. It's theoretically possible to ask a permission from farmers to fly over their land, but before that I'd need to get license, register the drone and buy an insurance for it.
Inb4 excuses

>> No.2603121

Btw I like you wooden frames, look very diy and cosy.

>> No.2603141

Control comes Tuesday. What's your favorite Sim?
Get a small one you can fly indoors

>> No.2603193

>for a toy
What next, a driving license for rc cars?

>> No.2603216

Gotta love authoritarian shitholes!

>> No.2603217

Careful. The bureaucrats would cream their pants if they saw such an idea.

>> No.2603220

Well everyone else flies illegally and implies I should do the same. Isn't it like that in the US as well?

>> No.2603225

Since the rules are so strict, most people just ignore some of them and instead opt to just be safe and out of the way. I skip the spotter, line of sight, registration numbers, and CBO. Nobody has ever been hurt, I never destroyed any property that wasn't the aircraft, and I always stay well above the treetops when over land I have no permission to fly over. I'm more about safety and respect than bureaucracy.

>> No.2603237
File: 920 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-04-21-23-42-38-063_com.mxtech.videoplayer.pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ovonics fag here again. Today I've converted an HP 750W common slot PSU for bench usage. Worked out pretty well and was cheap at 22 Euro bucks + what I had lying around in parts. However it was time consuming to get it all done.

Has anyone here done something similar?
What charger do you guys use?

>> No.2603247

I've got the same charger. Love that little thing!

>> No.2603254

> Get a small one you can fly indoors
But I love planes, I don't play quad games at home, but fly aircrafts in simulators. I fell all those restrictions kinda killed long range autonomous drones.

>> No.2603259

Which is why we go off in the boonies, do our thing, and don't post evidence all over the net.

>> No.2603332
File: 57 KB, 1000x1000, tx16s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi frens, i'm new here
i want to get into fpv
gonna take my time deciding what to buy, i'm considering cinebot30 or cinelog35v2 for my first but idk
i just want to get a controller asap for sims
should i go with TX16S?

>> No.2603359

Even in the US? Sounds cool. Wish I could do it

>> No.2603360

Drone-building newbie here, does anyone know what thermal cams could be put on an FPV-drone?

>> No.2603368

Same here.

How many amps can you push on both channels with that PSU?

>> No.2603383

TX16S is a good choice, but the Boxer is a little more compact and has a lot of nice features for $130. Plus you can throw in the AG01 gimbals into either radio later on when you feel like adding some finger candy.
As for your first quad, throw a hundred bucks at a Tiny Whoop (Mobula6 or 7 comes to mind), they are great trainers.
Also, go ExpressLRS on all your receivers, it's cheap AND good.

>> No.2603439

I think your replies are backwards. As for the amp limit, I don't actually remember, but I've never had a battery that I really felt safe to throw that kind of power at. Most I've ever pushed on both channels is 5 amps on 6S. My gripe with it is the shitty little fan that vibrates like a motherfucker.

>> No.2603461

>How many amps can you push on both channels with that PSU?

It's a 750W PSU, you can push 750W worth.

Assuming 80% efficiency & that the charger can actually output its full power on only 12V input (many can't), that would be 24A at 6S.

>> No.2603467
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I want to use transmitter and receiver for another unrelated non-drone project. Will it transmit other signals or it takes just radio commands and that's it?

>> No.2603489

It depends on the air protocol, but most RC radio gear is focussed on just sending a number of RC channel values. The underlying hardware can send/receive anything, but the packaging/firmware is tailored to RC channels & telemetry.

If you want a more general purpose radio modem solution you might want to look at something like the 433MHZ SiK radios or just some generic 2.4GHz LoRa transceivers.

>> No.2603512

> something like the 433MHZ SiK radios or just some generic 2.4GHz LoRa transceivers
I started there, but all of them are extremely low power. While drone radio modules could be 1W power output easily.

Is it possible to change the firmware? Like any open-source project? No way I'm the only guy on planet who thought about that.

>> No.2603514

If you need that sort of power, look at the RFD modems. And remember that 1W at 868/915MHz will massively out range 1W at 2.4GHz.

>> No.2603516

Oh nice, they are not cheap but do exactly what i need plus they have hardware ARS encryption. That's actually cool, you need to use them more even for drones.

>> No.2603517

>you need to use them more even for drones

They are specifically made for the drone market.

>> No.2603520

That's probably true, however I've never seen anyone using them. Like obviously you can give as many digital commands to the drone peripherals as you want unlike a simple analog radio with limited number of channels. Cool, thanks.

>> No.2603522

> I've never seen anyone using them

They are very widely used in the Ardupilot world, for semi-autonomous, commercial UAVs. Obviously you’re not going to see them in the 5” race quad hobby world though.

>> No.2603602

Some of them have much smaller single channel limits, and the max output is when every channel is pushed to the limit.

>> No.2603608

I know, I assumed that anon was asking about the total the PSU would support, considering that's how the question was posed.

>> No.2603691
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I want to fly in a dense city as surreptitiously as well as not cut off the fingers of anyone if I hit them. I suppose the ideal fpv would be something like this money laundering meme "defense" project (or a wing, for higher altitude) but a single copter especially of this size seems like a nightmare to fly with any degree of precision. Does it also require a pivoting propeller, and could I build and fly something like this the way you can build a quad? Or would a little 2" stick drone with prop guards be enough to fly sneakily?

>> No.2603706

Tinyeyes has got a tranny and faggot sign beside his front door, thats pretty far from redpill anon

>> No.2603707

Boxer is more than enough. I love it, came from the OG Taranis, which always took up way too much space in my backpack

>> No.2603742

Well, Babby's first autisticopter is gone. I took off in a park over shipping docks and went high to avoid any potential people. Goggles image froze, panicked and tried to turn around and reduce altitude but lost telemetry 10 seconds later. Likely over water.

Stupid as shit

>> No.2603778

Someone just took over controls with more powerful transmitter and now has another drone to play.

>> No.2603799

I never manually tested my max range with dji goggles and went higher than I had before, so there might have been some range issues. Or my radio LoS was blocked by some massive shipping boat. At this point I'm more worried about someone being murdered by a falling quad but I haven't seen any such story on any news sites, so I hope it just drowned

>> No.2603803
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> so I hope it just drowned

>> No.2603865

This has been said before, but the main problem in a city is flying behind a building and getting failsafed.

>> No.2603948

Botgrinder flies with a literal tranny (and films himself smoking weed right before flying), that's much worse than Bardwell's wife's gay decorations.

>> No.2603967

It was probably time for something more powerful anyways: https://pyrodrone.com/collections/digital-bnf-pnp-rtf/products/diatone-roma-f5-hd-freestyle-dji-air-unit-6s
This was my first adult quad, it fucking rips and can take some hits.

>> No.2604023

What would I need to go comically far whilst maintaining live video feedback and control?

>> No.2604044

Directional tx/vrx antennae (a ground station preferably), a diversity rx on your drone, at least 1 watt of power each for control and video links, and a clear line of sight. You can get the kind of range where your battery is the limit.

>> No.2604052

Why the fuck were you anywhere near water

>> No.2604083

Because flying over fjords would be gorgeous

>> No.2604112

Haha, another person thinking any form of copter will be sneaky.

>> No.2604113

You went over water with no return to home?
That's on you buddy.

>> No.2604116

Yeah, I don't think I ever said it wasn't

>> No.2604119

Well anyways, a good practice for blind recovery is hitting angle mode, tipping back towards yourself, and hoping it makes it. Better luck next time friend. RIP to your copter.

>> No.2604124

Thanks anon. It's a much better strategy than my blind panic.

>> No.2604220

Blind panic is how we all started, it's pretty much a necessary part of the learning process.

>> No.2604297

New Fred>