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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 119 KB, 852x608, ham_chogr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2545217 No.2545217 [Reply] [Original]

Let's Take the Radio Out for a Jog edition

Old thread got raided by FCC >>2529822

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

The FAQ is now back:
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 13
>I can only find Preview 13 prepackaged with some other documents:
>The wiki is down but is archived: https://archive.is/PjR5s
>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable
>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?
>Basic Rx loop fundamentals
>DIY SWL Mag. Loop
>Small Tx Loop
>In Depth Loop articles
>Homebrew RF Circuits
>NEW Library

>Online Practice Tests:
> Real-Time Propagation Data
>Space Weather
>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide
>Homosexual (ft8) guide
>how do I into Morse code in a good way?

>> No.2545254
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bumpin at the speed of scienceTM

>> No.2545255
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>the Chad repeater

>> No.2545266
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you can't have a ham thread without ham.

>> No.2545295
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>> No.2545693

Is there any good radios that are better than baofengs, and are easy to modify to work on GMRS? I don't want to use illegal wattage or anything, just don't want to bother with a separate GMRS radio. Bonus points if I can mod it to work with CB

>> No.2545718

In a word, no. CB/uhf/vhf combo? Pretty sure that is a mythical beast.

>> No.2545732

What about just a regular uhf/vhf with the ability to easily be unlocked to GSMR? I love the UV-5Rs ability to do this but I hate how easy it is to overload the front end

>> No.2545734

For an ht i dont think so. but you could surely mod a mobile all band all mode radio to work cb

>> No.2545740

>that massive dong
this guy fucks

>> No.2545772

Are you looking at HT's or mobiles? If mobiles: TYT9800 can transmit on CB and GMRS once you unlock it via their software. However, I never tried CB or 10m on it, and I figure it will transmit on FM. Just a warning: it's crap, just less crap than Baochad radios.

For HT's: don't know of any.

>> No.2545784

You will be limited to Chinesium, AKA Baufeng for over-watt GMRS. You will never have CB, 27 mhz on a FM HT.

>> No.2545811
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>You will never have CB, 27 mhz on a FM HT

>> No.2545852

just bought some uv-5rs, put some weather channels in, gmrs frequencies, what else should I program this radio to do?

>> No.2545888
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tf are you talking about, theres literally hunderds of different FM CB HTs out there, they've been a thing since the 70s

>> No.2545940
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hey faggots

I just got a Yaesu FT-3DR for $150USD; I don't know what to do with it though, I know I got it cheap which is why I bought it - figuring I'd flip the cunt if I got bored.

What should I do to test it? Do I just got on UHF CB and yell at people like a schizo??

>> No.2545955

>"Hey can I get a mic check?"

>> No.2545957

You got yourself an excellent radio. Turn in APRS, beacon every 30 seconds.

>> No.2545965


check em

>> No.2545995

FT-818ND is EOL. What do you want to see in FT819?

>> No.2546004


>> No.2546014

Auto or manual?
I think a GPS diciplined oscillator would be nice.

>> No.2546020

Native WSPR.

>> No.2546039

>What do you want to see in FT819?
Built in CW filter.

>> No.2546068
File: 64 KB, 768x768, Baojie-BJ-300-Power-Amplifier-100W-FM-150W-AM-300W-SSB-3-30MHZ-Mini-size-and-1-768x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to use this chink amp in my mobile HF setup.
My antenna is well able to handle the power, and I'm sure the input wattage is right. I opened it up and nothing looks blown or fried. It powers on just fine.
Whenever I key up the transmitter, it's like the power drops all the sudden (the fan slows down sharply) and sends feedback into my radio, so that I quickly have to turn everything off before damage sets in. This happens on any mode.
Any idea what's causing this? I'm assuming it has something to do with the amount of power being drawn from the car. The amp has occasionally worked fine before, so I doubt it's just defective.

>> No.2546138

You're likely getting RF into your system. You need to check all your grounds, verify your coax isn't garbage, check all other RF connections, verify you have acceptable SWR on the Tx frequency. Then, possibly deal with the shielding of your amp and even the possibility (likely) of poor filtering with the amp.

>> No.2546381

>>2546020 >>2546039
I guess both are easily implemented with a small DSP capable processor.

>> No.2546383

I'll have the regular Yaesu quality analog filter, please.

>> No.2546433
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Brb, making DX contacts without paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for an antenna.

>> No.2546525

Is emcom just one giant larp?

>> No.2546560

Forgive me if this has been asked a thousand times before, but what exactly is the appeal of ham radio?

I come from an audio background (think building your own spring reverb or fuzz effect pedal, that type of stuff) and while I think ham gear looks pretty cool, I don’t see the point. From what I understand, it’s just another form of communication, right? So what do you guys do, just talk to each other? Is ham just like 4chan or any other forum, only through airwaves and with a narrower user base?

>> No.2546653

eat shit

>> No.2546688

Hello troutsniffers, I'm looking for a handheld cb. I want one with am/fm and ssb, but I can't find any in production models. Currently looking at president randy 2 (or 3) or the Wouxun KG-S72C. Thoughts?

>> No.2546728

Ham radio is different things to different people. For me, it's instant communication for when I'm out and about like on a long hike so I don't have to pull out the cellphone just to call or text. I enable APRS to GPS track in case if there's an accident and people need to locate me. It also doubles as backup since if electrcity is out, I'm not one of those congesting the limited cell service as the towers power down during an outage.

The previous also brings up the concept of using ham as emergency communication. Ham bands will not be as congested if an emergency occurs so the traffic won't be as bad. Some people go into it for this reason as it can be used as a public service. GMRS/FRS is going to be one of those services which will be overwhelmed during an emergency since FRS radios are so plentiful. The issue is that >>2546525 is somewhat right. It is a big circlejerk club at times. But it can be used well in events like in ultramarathon trail races.

Some love to tinker. You yourself said about building your own stuff. One person in the club I'm in does nothing but that. He's built some hf rigs for absolute cheap and scrap parts. He only participates in nets and does signal checks on rigs he builds. Another just loves experimenting with antenna designs.

There's a lot in ham radio a person can do. It's almost an endless hobby of things to do. Ham gives a lot of playing around room to do things if you don't like restrictions like on FRS, GMRS, MURS, and CB.

>> No.2546729

95% of it is. I've decided in case of an event I'll not turn on my radio for at least 3 days or an appropriate amount. Only after all the useless LARPers and panicking faggots are gone.

>> No.2546733

After 3 days, their radios will most likely run out of juice. Judging by power outages the past two years, no one has back up solutions.

>> No.2546734

I notice not only your digits, but also that you've understood me well.

>> No.2546780
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Finally, I've put a 70cm antenna on top of my roof, and getting some signals.
The fuck am I looking here? There's two signals nearby.
Location is Ukraine out of places

>> No.2547319

OK, why?

>> No.2547320

That is the air band and it matches that you see AM transmissions. I'd hazard the guess that Ukraine sees more air radio traffic than most countries do.

>> No.2547322
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There are no civil flights so no, military flights would be on other bands and on digital ciphered channels, not AM ?

>> No.2547442

Because I don't need a DSP filter when I have to pick out a weak signal with strong ones nearby. Noone does.

>> No.2547513

Weren't the Yaesu filters built around Collins mechanaical filters?

>> No.2547781


>> No.2547975

How's the learning curve for CW? I've started a couple of days ago, progressing one letter a day with the Koch/Fernswell method. i'm surprised it goes that fast, especially since I only put in half an hour a day or so, but thrn again it's only copying so far, and at low speeds too. Does it get harder or easier once you pick up more letters? And how long does it take to get from decent copying to being able to send? Still don't know if I should use paddles right away or straight key first

>> No.2547994

It gets harder at the beginning with all the characters once you get to them, but progress from there will happen.
Don't give up on plateaus, they're normal and often you just progress by sleeping over it.
I'd not wait with sending. There are a couple of resources at the bottom of the OP where you can hack letters into your keyboard for training.
Try to get morsecode.me to read your letters correctly and you're halfway there.

>> No.2548345
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Yes. You can order PCBs from a ham in Poland (SP6AB) that are compatible with this filter and drop into a FT-817/818. Better than waiting for eBay listing for a Yaesu module and pay $300 or more.

>> No.2548550

>Because I don't need a DSP filter
So why a bulky analogue filter instead of a small, light weight variable width DSP filter?

Are the Collins filter still made? I thought they were EoL.

>> No.2548577

Because DSP is shit. It's easier for a DSP filter to mess up and let nearby signals mix in than a good high-Q analog filter.
I think anon means that you can buy the PCBs but have to find the filter somewhere else. The filter in that image needs a Yaesu design PCB to go on to make a complete module.

>> No.2549189

I like learning how radio, a super widespread thing that's everywhere and yet very few people actually understands, works.
Also making a contact with another person through a satellite and communicating through a system that doesn't rely on internet or cell phones is legitimately cool.
There's also an old retro feel about the whole thing that scratches an itch. A lot of ham websites and programs look like they're straight out of late 90s and early 2000s.
It also gives me something to do when I'm doing my outdoors hobbies. It's fun to climb a really big hill and see who you can talk to.

>> No.2549350

Tell me about your local radio club.
Is it entirely old geezers?
Do they actually do fun stuff?

>> No.2549357

Like the rest of the hobby, it's 95% geezers, but I ride with a couple younger guys when it's warm out. There's little get togethers and shit and little projects here and there. It's nerd shit, but it's fun.

>> No.2549367

>Is it entirely old geezers?
>Do they actually do fun stuff?
All the time. I don't get it, it's like they have 48-hour days.

>> No.2549417

I work from home and am blessed to have a ham shack on the same table.
I had a Heil 4 pin until it died that was connected to an ic-7300.
I also have a VOiP network setup.
Now I'm thinking I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone by routing the audio through my computer for voip and icom via 1 microphone.
What would that require?

>> No.2549469

it's literally for old men who dont own a cell phone and don't understand how to use the world wide web on their aol 5.0 disc

>> No.2549511

>Is it entirely old geezers?
Quite literally yes.

>Do they actually do fun stuff?

>> No.2550016

might as well throw in some local repeaters too

>> No.2550084


>> No.2550109

Isn't there even native remote control software for the 7300?

>> No.2550171

USB mic into the PC, then change the audio source?

>> No.2550187

Something like Ham Radio Deluxe or similar I thought. Never tried it though

>> No.2550192 [DELETED] 
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When are you fat fucks going to get up and lose some weight?

>> No.2550200
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is there anything fun i can do with this?
i bought a house and it has this powered building with a giant antennae and a bunch of CB equipment inside. i've never used a cb or ham radio in my life i just saw this thread.

>> No.2550203

Post equipment

>> No.2550204

>is there anything fun i can do with this?
Good place to eat a bullet.

>> No.2550207
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it's up in a mountaintop orchard so yeah


>> No.2550209
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bunch of random stuff like this around. i haven't finished cleaning up the building tho.

>> No.2550218

You're a lucky guy already.
>powered shack
>antenna mast

>> No.2550220

I am probably considerably more fit than you.
This is objectively not true. I have a bunch of electrical and software engineers in my clubs that are pretty tech savvy.

>> No.2550237

>wow, an elderly ham radio user that's angry and quick to offend?

>> No.2550308

You can contact guys on the CB at long distance, lucky you

>> No.2550351

how easy is it for someone to find an unlicensed broadcaster on hf?

>> No.2550355

sweet. i have no idea what im doing but i'll try to get the antenna hooked up to the CB one day.
isnt CB supposed to be short range tho? if i have long range would i only be able to communicate with other people who have long range?

>> No.2550720

as easy as their ears are able to hear.

>> No.2550730
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There's an electrical storm here in Buenos Aires. Remember to unplug your antennas.

>> No.2550905

CB can be used in long and short range. It depends mostly on your TX power and sensitivity. If you have a long range setup you will be able to do short range contacts perfectly fine.
What may be an issue is if there are FM users. Your radio only does AM, USB and LSB; if you catch something voicelike but sounds like Donald Duck try to change between those modes, but for FM you will need a completely different radio.

>> No.2550951


>> No.2551020

All the best 73ses, regards, and wish a pleasant evening to you and your family

>> No.2551056

let's say I have a bare-metal coil and that I take care of the complex component of the impedance matching. As it's bare metal, assuming I don't use any 50 ohm coax, it still doesn't have the real 50 ohm component.

Can I just stick a 50 ohm resistor in series with the antenna and that'll do it?

>> No.2551087

73'serinos to you too!

>> No.2551102

72 and I owe you 1.

>> No.2551108

>bot larping

>> No.2551120

Is VE7KFM still around?

>> No.2551239

>seven threes

>> No.2551284

any milfags work with falcon IIIs when they were in? how do they work? I've heard you can pick up aircraft frequencies on them. I know next to nothing about Radios but thought that was pretty unique.

>> No.2551313

If you can get your voice to the PC, it should be as simple as using whatever setting FT-8 uses.
I had it working for a second, but lost it playing with settings and drivers

>> No.2551366
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I'm now able to easily TX computer audio thanks to VoiceMeeter and a youtube video.
Does anyone have an all purpose microphone for Zoom/VoIP/ham? 1 final request would be dual output so I can switch from work computer to personal computer.

>> No.2551383

too bad you can't do HAM anonymously/pseudonymously - you have to register your callsign right?

>> No.2551399

hey, is there any chips (preferably in DIP package) that can be used to transmit and receive FSK in 70cm band? Best if it would be two separate chips (RX/TX). I was looking for something like MC3356 or something. It would be cool if it is easily interfacable with uC, with SPI, UART or something like that
thanks, 73

>> No.2551444

If you are in the USA, it seems so.
For once I like EU laws, they made the government to put an option for your personal information to not be visible to anyone

>> No.2551453

>(preferably in DIP package)
Maybe evalaution board for ADF7020-1 : 80 MHz to 650 MHz Daughter Board

EVAL-ADF7020-1DBZ5 : surprisingly it's almost "cheap" around 70 $

It seems the chinks made their version :

>> No.2551515

>Because DSP is shit. It's easier for a DSP filter to mess up and let nearby signals mix in than a good high-Q analog filter.
How come, shoddy programming?
I see people complain the (tr)uSDX has bad audio, even with external headset. Is digital filtering the reason?

>> No.2551516

>I've heard you can pick up aircraft frequencies on them.
Unlikely, the frequency range is 30 - 108 MHz, and air bands start at 108 MHz.

>> No.2551518

What's the (cheap) way to go for primarily listening to FM radio but monitoring/transmitting on something else to communicate at most 1 mile away (flat open land), and having it last all day? The FM part is the priority, trying to hook up a handheld to some headphones (any recommendations for some that aren't mogged when riding on a tractor/heavyheavy equipment appreciated to). Bonus if can get NOAA or something.
Oh and there's an airport about 1/2 mile away.

>> No.2551553

Tractor? Cheap?
Baofeng and Howard Leigh earmuffs with audio jack

>> No.2551558

Alright yeah that's not out of budget, brother got some similar muffs but haven't tried em out on the tractor. Can I use the baofeng without a loicense (probably get one anyways but) or is the FCC gonna walk across the street and beat me up for it?

>> No.2551567

To monitor you can use it all you want.
People here will fuss you can't use it to TX on FRS frequencies, but if you're in the sticks nobody will know.

>> No.2551605
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>> No.2551623

Shhhhh. We're a fine line away from zoomers turning the HF bands into Sunday morning cartoon sounds effects and Schwarzenegger sound board prank calls

>> No.2551633

Anyone here created a phased array radar? How to check what is allowed in my country?

>> No.2551646

Why does every numale look exactly the same, with no variance?
Same color, same baldness, same facial proportions, even the fucking uniform.

>> No.2551669


>> No.2551860
File: 5 KB, 260x194, 280681759_2935750023390570_8972319961982596295_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hearing Amerilards doing something called Winterfield Day
>look at site
>encourages emergency planning out in the fields
>almost all I am hearing is people making contact indoors
Amerilards so fat they cannot even get outside to make contacts.

>> No.2551864
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>> No.2551868
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If I aim one of those big 1980's-style TV dish antennas at the sky today, what will I actually receive, /HAM/?

>> No.2551869
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>> No.2551935

Everything from weather sattelites to badly secured US military comms sats.

>> No.2552028

Some people in South America use some old satellites with unsecured channels as CB, You can try the sun and maybe even Jupiter, there a some HAM satellites, QO100 is the only one geostationary, the other ones move fast IIRC

>> No.2552279

Point it at the moon and receive moon bounce (or EME) communicaitons.
Impressive dish, what is the diameter?

>> No.2552559

This worked well when I used it for WFD. Didn't make any DX contacts though.

>> No.2552562
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I made a thing anons

>> No.2552647

HAM community is a bunch of elitist retards, who make learning new thing for people artificially harder in order to prove their "significance".

>> No.2552648

Lolwut? Other than designing your own circuitry, I find stuff easy to do. Project kits literally handhold you through the entire process.

>> No.2552656

> Other than designing your own circuitry
This is exactly the problem. "You either do what we want you to do, or get the fuck out. We won't explain anything."

>> No.2552661

Designing your own circuitry is a tiny part of the hobby. Pick up a book and do smaller projects while building up to bigger projects. No one needs to hold hand you.

>> No.2552663

Did you notice that this very community here has gotten a FAQ underway and also assembled a fairly large library, for all to use?

>> No.2552666

> Pick up a book and do smaller projects while building up to bigger projects. No one needs to hold hand you.
Pick up a book on Javascript and do smaller projects while building up to bigger projects. No one needs to hold hand you.

Pick up a book on PCB making and do smaller projects while building up to bigger projects. No one needs to hold hand you.

Pick up a book on FPV drones and do smaller projects while building up to bigger projects. No one needs to hold hand you.

Wait something is off here. Oh right, every single hobby has tons of useful step by step instructions on YouTube on every single topic. Except for the HAM radio.

>> No.2552669

>Except for the HAM radio.
Literally the first result.

>> No.2552671

You didn't even understand.
I want to make a 5Ghz radar from scratch. Where youtube tutorials? I've already asked about it earlier in this thread.

>> No.2552680

That's microwave-range frequency, so, you're talking about microwave electronics. That's a large and established field. It fundamentally depends on the scope and nature of your specific project. That is all entailed in something like a 'fundamentals of microwave design' textbook. It's kind of broad to summarize in a single tutorial, in terms of the general knowledge to do such a thing.

>> No.2552730
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>comes to 4chan expecting answers for a project
>why isn't there a youtube tutorial for warp engines and a time machine? I demand them for my personal drone ship (that I populate with my animu figures).
Here you go bro, I bet you can just pirate some software that'll work.

>> No.2552752

Frequency was just an example, I can say 2.4ghz or 433mhz, it won't really matter. The radar is a simple device used pretty much everywhere in every application field, but there's no proper explanation of how to actually make it. I found literary only ONE example on the whole YouTube https://youtu.be/z4uxC7ISd-c
And it's still a sonar.

>reeee you are not allowed to build a roof without knowing how to apply navier stokes equestions for wind there
>reeee you are not allowed to make arduino plant watering system without knowing how to apply maxwell equestions on the circuit
>reeee you are not allowed to fly a drone without knowing how to use Cd graph of a prop airfoil
Except all this is fine. Only the elitist HAM community thinks they are special with special needs and knowledge.

>> No.2552783

>ham elites are keeping me from finding the retard's step-by-step video tutorial to building miniature RADAR, reeeee!!!!

>> No.2552849

>from scratch
Tall order, if you mean making your own magnetron. Or will you accept at least some pre fabricated parts?

>> No.2552858

I sure will accept anything except a radar kit or a finished product. But I don't think you have a tutorial for me.

>> No.2552864
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I would even take a bunch of NRF24L01 modules and build an array. Where is the tutorial how to calculate such array?
> nRF24L01 is a single chip radio transceiver for the world wide 2.4 - 2.5 GHz ISM band. The transceiver consists of a fully integrated frequency synthesizer, a power amplifier, a crystal oscillator, a demodulator, modulator and Enhanced ShockBurst™ protocol engine.
> Price around $5

>> No.2552867


>> No.2552872

>Frequency was just an example, I can say 2.4ghz or 433mhz, it won't really matter.
Unfortunately this is not true. Lumped traditional circuit elements like resistors and capacitors do not behave the typical way we analyze circuits when the signal's wavelength is in the order of the lump element. Moreover, the nearby conductor-insulator geometry has a much larger effect on the performance because the field interacts with those other conductors.

When designing at 2-5ghz+ your final mixed or multiplied full-frequency signals travel along something like Microstrip, Stripline, Waveguide, or Coaxial cable, where the neutral or balanced return conductor is precisely shaped and placed. Regular wires and resistors off the shelf won't work, and wire/housing geometry might add meaningful resistance or capacitance where there is no explicit part in the circuit.

This also means small electromagnetic parts like Circulators can be made for high frequencies but not low frequencies or DC

>> No.2552889

What is that ?

>> No.2552907

>I would even take a bunch of NRF24L01 modules
Seems to be EoL
>and build an array.
Steerable array?
>Where is the tutorial how to calculate such array?
You can apply general antenna array theory. The ARRL Antenna Handbook has a fair bit of information.
I don't know of any tutorial but the general pronciples are well known. The array will have to be coherent, so you have to feed all clocks from a single source. Just like the Nyquist rule, also spatially you need sufficient density, so the antennas should be just less than half a wavelength apart. The more elements you have in one direction, the narrower the beam will be in that same direction. So a 1 x 30 array will essentially produce a fan, just like on ship radars.

>> No.2552913

high frequency antenna/IO roundabout, looks like. Not sure what the USA term is. It directs signal one way around like a wheel.

>> No.2552979


>> No.2553042

Cool, but how I do that? Let's say I figure the directional antenna or make an array. Let's say I figure the drivers for the chip and will be able to send anything. How do I make a fucking radar from it?

>> No.2553103

Emit a pulse, receive the reflection, time the flight, get the distance.
hard mode: use variable frequencies (chirp, FMCW, etc.) and derive distance from frequency difference as opposed to time.

>> No.2553162

> Emit a pulse
Pulse of sine wave? So it's not continuous but discrete?

>receive the reflection,
Reflected wave will be weak as fuck? How sensitive must receiver be in order to collect some reflected waves from 300 ft distance? Does antenna and external amplifier play crucial role here?

>> No.2553413

>Pulse of sine wave? So it's not continuous but discrete?
There is a lot of freedom to chose here. A discrete brief sine wave pulse is a simple start. A continuous FMCW is also common.

>Reflected wave will be weak as fuck?
Yes, you are now looking at the 1/(r^4), as opposed to the more familiar 1/(r^2).
>How sensitive must receiver be in order to collect some reflected waves from 300 ft distance?
This depends on a huuuge number of parameters, including target size, geometry, material and more.
>Does antenna and external amplifier play crucial role here?
Yes. Larger antennas mean narrower beam, more received signal and more ambient noise rejection. Modulation, signals analysis and more also count. Amateurs routinely reflect signals from the moon ("moon bounce" or EME) 400,000 km from Earth, some have also been able to reflect a signal from Venus.

>> No.2553616

The Wouxun FRS radio can do this, no license required. KG-805F. Although I think the audio is mono.

>> No.2553637
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>> No.2553663

I used to follow https://qrznow.com/ but cannot access it anyymore. Anyone else here have the same problem?

>> No.2553861

Also it's Winter Field Day. Like a field day where everyone goes on air except during the winter. Both my clubs had an outdoor tent set up outside and one did an indoors antenna workshop. Cope and seethe.

How many contacts did you make lol?

>> No.2553863

I'm 27 lol.

>> No.2554010

french fag here, it seems down

>> No.2554041

What would be the simplest way of getting the audio out of a ft-818 to my pc? want to test a few antenna's reception on digital modes, not looking to tx at the moment. Tried running an audio cable from the headphone jack but all I got was noise

>> No.2554042

output of the FT-818 is mono, if you put the speaker in mode headphones it will want a high impedance, if you put it in speaker it will want 8 ohms or something like that.
Where did you plug it into your computer ? Microphone ? Line in ?

>> No.2554048

I tried the microphone in jack on my desktop and laptop, s meter on the radio maxed out.

>> No.2554053

>s meter on the radio maxed out
that's not supposed to happen, maybe something shorts the output of the FT-818, strange

>> No.2554192

You need to use an audio transformer to prevent ground loops if you are connecting it directly via wire.

>> No.2554332
File: 57 KB, 591x864, frogalex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession.
I started making CW contacts this week.
I don't know CW, but use pre-programmed IC-7300 messages, CW Skimmer, and N1MM logger.
I dig out those calling CQ with brief exchanges and copy other callers.
It's even easier than FT8.

>> No.2554340

Congrats on your achievement, anon. You stand out like a sore thumb by the way.

>> No.2554347
File: 42 KB, 848x127, Capture00011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a pool of POTA and DXPeditions? I'll take my chances.
I want to learn, at least this helps me dip a toe in the water

>> No.2554352

You will learn
>CW Skimmer
>N1MM logger
but you won't learn CW

>> No.2554356

I'm hearing it and learning the different exchanges.
It's better than the past few years wasting away on FT8

>> No.2554363

How long will it take to find a jammer hidden in trash bin?

>> No.2554366

goddamn, nigga just had a President Washington SSB rig sitting around

>> No.2554396

Depends on frequency and area. An unintentional GPS jammer in a marina took forever to be found.

>> No.2554465

Learn fucking what?

Here have the QSO tempelate.
It's not rocket surgery.



UR RST IS 599 599 599 =
HW? =

UR RST IS 599 599 599 =
BEST DX 73 =


73 73 73 =

73 EE


Ad infinitum

>> No.2554576
File: 24 KB, 320x426, 205025191_10161030463919992_7672147496015312966_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many accidents did you all cause today by interfering with emergency services?

>> No.2554674
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>> No.2554681

Shouldn't you sprinkle this with some more obscure Q-codes? Like don't talk about the weather, fire off a QUB.

>> No.2554703

Is the trash bin metal? It may not jam at all if it is.

>> No.2554720

Would make me happy already if people understood the simple things like QRL or QRT, and when not to use them.

>> No.2554764

Do you have a complete list, including the obscure ones? I don't mean QLF but old some that haven't been used for ages. I think one was "send the donkey with the next train" but I cannot find that site again.

>> No.2554789

Yeah. Some might be contradicting. There's been changes to some in history.
The boomer-humour one first:

>> No.2554926

> QZZ? - Is that a 60Hz hum, or are you snoring?

>> No.2555187
File: 10 KB, 311x461, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many hertz off transmit/receive do you consider acceptable for your rigs? Should I drive myself nuts trying to maintain 0?

>> No.2555422

If you use a GPS diciplined oscillator, you should overcome these issues. Adding an atomic clock would be cool but not necessary.

>> No.2555425
File: 147 KB, 909x624, Capture000000000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a cheap way to get into picoballoons?

>> No.2555490
File: 27 KB, 808x407, Capture123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose.
>13 distinguished hams go to the most remote island to communicate to the world
>they need internet to communicate to themselves
I don't feel so good

>> No.2555530

How stupid are you? Family and others won't be able to communicate over the internet until the camp is set up and starlink is restored. Is that too much for your mind to comprehend? They don't want people hogging the satellite radios to tell people they're not dead because someone hasn't been replied to a fucking facebook post.

>> No.2555594

>satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose.
> must be kept open
I want to witness the ensuing shitshow when the DXers flood in regardless.

>> No.2555610

>satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose.
>coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open
>between the camp and the boat
>Satellite. Camp. Boat
>don't hog the satellite - we need the satellite to coordinate all our radio gear!
My baofeng farts in your general direction.

>> No.2555676
File: 775 KB, 904x627, usdx+ v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got one of these lads. What do hamfags think of these? When I get finished shoving it up my arse, what else can I do with it?

>> No.2555701

>What do hamfags think of these?
High risk illegal Chinese clones or varying quality, often efficiency is well below par. The FAQ, had you read it, has links to warning about it.
Instead the (tr)uSDX is considered better and safer, but sadly not open source.

>> No.2555713

FAQ links are dead and the .zip doesn't even mention it. I know some are put together pretty shittily, mine has the encoder work in the direction you would expect at least. I think I prefer it over my uBITx as far as reception goes so far, though my antenna is only 6 or 8 metres of single strand ethernet wire from an attic room into a tree.

>> No.2555755
File: 244 KB, 1599x899, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today my paperwork went through my retarded local government and I have my official callsign. I tried working some local friends and a repeater and had a shit of a time with my piece of shit Baofeng. I already have tips on what filters I have to buy for this hunk of Chinese crap so it can reject the noise floor or try to jury-rig one ripping connectors off DOCSIS shit I have laying around.

I loved it.

>> No.2555757

>I have my official callsign
congrats anon
>I already have tips on what filters I have to buy for this hunk of Chinese crap
what ? you want to put filters in the baofeng ? Is it possible ?

>> No.2555759

Is there a difference between a bought radio set, and one made from cannibalized electronics?

>> No.2555888

Everything's possible if it has a SMA connector

>> No.2555912
File: 86 KB, 450x800, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An example from one of the friends involved
Thanks :3
The former costs money, the latter costs time. And money in bullshit to get it working.

>> No.2555940
File: 863 KB, 992x558, 153A783C-7E68-4109-9677-26B943DCFD41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is going to be flying over my position this weekend, how do i listen to the radio signals it’s emitting ?

>> No.2556009
File: 62 KB, 474x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An example from one of the friends involved
Oh it's at the base of the antenna, clever.

point some antenna at it, explore the spectrum with a SDR ? It wold be best o have some kind of log periodic antenna but it might be difficult to get one quickly, the other problem is what frequencies this thing might use, as we have no idea what it does, can be tens of GHz for radar, maybe HF for long range monitoring, who knows...

>> No.2556016

You better be doing this as a learning project. Otherwise, you are just better off getting a decent radio.

>> No.2556066

Desu. I've already been added to a messaging group where people sell stuff. I'll lurk there a bit and probably end up getting a second-hand Yaesu VHF base and make it a mobile setup.

>> No.2556245
File: 210 KB, 320x256, M1_20230204_184607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone been catching the based leaf transmitting SSTV on 20 meters?

>> No.2556305
File: 643 KB, 3024x4032, aaaaaaa - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% quality antenna installation

>> No.2556329

i just took mine out for some portable ops.
with a UPS batter it can run for two days np. It's a funny little toy and for 100$ it think it's worth it. Does well with CW and FT8. The 5W output make it quite limited for SSB.
It does not take bad SWR well. Anything over 1:1.5 and you might as well just be shouting., 1:3 will cook it. so make sure the antenna is reasonably well matched.

>> No.2556336

Sadly the boys up there don't have the free time to make QSO-s as much these days. You might be able to schedule a sked if you pretend you're a school for disabled children that love radio...

As far as i know they have a Kenwood D710GA up there.

Here are the frequencies:
The following frequencies are currently used for Amateur Radio ISS contacts (QSOs):
Voice and SSTV Downlink: 145.80 (Worldwide)
Voice Uplink: 144.49 for ITU Regions 2 and 3 (The Americas, and the Pacific and Southern Asia)
Voice Uplink: 145.20 for ITU Region 1 (Europe, Russia and Africa)
VHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 145.825 (Worldwide)
UHF Packet Uplink and Downlink: 437.550
VHF/UHF Repeater Uplink: 145.99 (PL 67 Hz)
VHF/UHF Repeater Downlink: 437.80

>> No.2556341

A diy project radio will cost you effectively more for what you get.
Essentially you will need a bunch of tools to get the thing in to working condition. And oscilloscope and signal generator, vector network analyzer, spectrum analyzer etc.

While you could throw together a schematic from dude trust me sources that will throw out harmonics everywhere for like 2$ anything more advance will cost you in terms of tools and time.

So far I've DIY-ed 4 radios from scratch. Cost me about 700$ in tools. The radios i built cost ~35$. I used to sell them as kits for twice that. Still havent recovered the costs of the equipment.

Opposed to thins, you can get a decent used rig for 200$ or a Chinese toy for under 100$ with all the features you could want. Really down to what you want to do

>> No.2556365

Randy 3 is good stuff. Perhaps the most modern CB handheld right now. Afaik there ain't no SSB handhelds on the market

>> No.2556390

Is that a D130J?

>> No.2556455

I have a baofeng sitting in its charger and I'm receiving the ham boomer frequencies that I programmed.

My question is, I want better reception. Can I plug in a coax running up to my garage roof with a coat hanger on the end? What would be the optimal setup here? Will lightning strike it?

>> No.2556468


>> No.2556472

follow up question, what happens exactly on these repeaters? I hear everyone check in and it's like a line of 30 people but afterwards it's just the same 3 people talking all night. Are there private chat rooms on the repeaters or is this just a boring formality?

double follow up question: will people think I'm a retarded faggot for wanting those qsl (or whatever they're called) cards? I think it would be neat to collect them since apparently the government is forced to ship them for free and most taxpayers don't know that.

>> No.2556478

>the government is forced to ship them for free
The ARRL does QSL delivery, and you're paying for that membership

>> No.2556493


>> No.2556716
File: 467 KB, 1494x1992, ga 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this thing that i have no clue what to do with

>> No.2556720
File: 947 KB, 2268x4032, ge 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have one of these .

>> No.2556752

The antenna is probably the most important part on getting good reception. Usually the higher the better. Just make sure the coax has teh right impedance, or things go south pretty quickly.
With some more insight, it is possible to make a directional antenna, and that improves range a lot. If you are in a good position, you could even make your own repeater.
Lightening can be a costly problem but there are lightening arrestors and surge protectors you could use. You should use protection if the antenna is the highest point in your area.

>> No.2556758

Pull a bigstackd by taking them apart and melting the copper and aluminum into bars. Or, something ham related, melt into a folded dipole.

>> No.2556777
File: 129 KB, 789x900, Challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how long Bouvet will be active?

>> No.2556781

>MINIMUM 22 days at Bouvet
from their qrz.com page. I don't observe clusters, so I don't even know if they've started.

>> No.2556806

it looks expensive but you need to search for the model number and references to fond out what it is, the first one looks modern so you'll find some info, the second one... maybe you'll be lucky

>> No.2556807
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>> No.2556844

This looks like a microwave power amplifier of reasonably modern design. Picture quality is potato, take pictures of the chips, and we might get a better idea. There is probably a few things underneath too.

There is rather a lot of cable ties used, and at short intervals. This might be part of a radar system used in ships or aicrafts. Since the few lables I can read state it is made in the US, it might be for military use.

>> No.2557010
File: 431 KB, 1542x1037, cbcbcbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late reply since my internet shit itself
it's a Tram 1411
need trim the whip on it some I think for CB reception
But seems good so far otherwise for SDR duty

>> No.2557021

I use a similar discone for VHF/UHF reception and transmission, even if I shouldn't. Works good enough for all local repeaters.

>> No.2557075

That was my thought too
I don't do much VHF/UHF stuff but it'll work for a pinch
Will probably be mostly SDR duty
Might use it for CB for a bit once tuned
Also was just kind of something small to start with, first time mounting an antenna on the house

>> No.2557487
File: 236 KB, 906x587, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are APRS transmitters so expensive? Couldn't you accomplish the same with with an Arduino and rf chip?

>> No.2557654

Nice. They work pretty well on 11m. Get about an extra S unit if you tune it. Certainly works better than anything else I can cobble together.

You don't tune this one by adjusting the whip, you adjust the two long radial tips. I have mine set to 137 mm of the radial tip sticking out for channel 20. Mines indoors tho so YMMV.

>> No.2557698
File: 216 KB, 800x800, anytone-d878uv-bluetooth-module.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the bt+APRS modules for the anytone 878 handheld that seems far cheaper can be used instead. I don't really know tho.

>> No.2557783

si5351 with an Arduino would do APRS/FT8/WSPR if you wanted to transmit in the HF range. A raspberry pi by itself can transmit APRS in the VHF/UHF range. You'd need filtering and would want to add amplifiers to get beyond the <10mW it'll output.

Personally I'd go with FT8 on HF with the Arduino + si5351 and on the receiving end do something with Sotamat.com or something similar. Even at 10mw I've gone several megameters.

>> No.2557787

Also whatever Crypto coin crap (Helium?) they're doing up at 900mhz with that peer to peer would probably be better suited for APRS type stuff.

Even in the middle of fucking nowhere I can find a few receiving nodes in any cluster of homes. It's good enough that they're making mousetraps that use it to alert you.

>> No.2557804

>raspberry pi
you made me laugh - those things are going for a minimum of $100 these days for whatever dumb reason.
I dug around and it seems the screenshot I had was optimizing lightweight (picoballoon) plus enhanced altitude/longitude/latitude.
I made a 433Mhz mailbox notification akin to the 90's Radio Shack version for about $10.
Now I want to float a picoballoon and throw a 6m transceiver and raspi to get a dxcc.

>> No.2557854

Copy someone elses design until you learn enough.

>> No.2558040

Yeah I had just checked it quick on my nanovna and it looked long
Ok for reception but if I want to transmit it would be off
Already kind of want to try putting something else up for 11m dedicated though since I swear I get slightly better reception on my mobile install
Wish I actually liked VHF/UHF since diving straight into building and mounting antennas for lower bands seems a little daunting due to size
At least ones with meaningful gain
Need to try and find somewhere local for aluminum hardware for elements

>> No.2558068
File: 164 KB, 2349x1766, 1675780288834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting it here from /ohm

How does a DJI drone send 18 Mbits/s of video and control data (1080p at 30 fps) over 10 km in straight line using 5.8 ghz and no sticking out antenna while having complete weight of 250g and low power transmitter?

>> No.2558072
File: 35 KB, 1199x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's specifications in absolutely ideal conditions and you can expect half that in real world

>> No.2558077
File: 56 KB, 1234x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, the stupid website doesn't allow me to force english
so this is "with interferences" but according to FCC, so as shown >>2558072 FCC requirements seems to be the least demanding
This is still awesome, 3km 1080p 30fps + data on a milliwatt transmitter is a wonder of technology

>> No.2558084

Useless reply.
First of all you look at wrong drones. And then I clearly stated "straight line".

Bumping the question.

>> No.2558085

It is line of sight
It is usually elevated so you can reduce background noise
It is a band that is not a congested ISM band
It is a frequency so high that the wavelength is about 5 cm, so a quarterlength antenna is truly tiny.

>> No.2558087

>you look at wrong drones
I have no idea what is the model of your picture, so what is it ?
straight line means nothing, the atmospheric conditions and interference from other equipment will affect the transmission.
The answer is still true, the real conditions will never be ideal and you cannot expect 10km

>> No.2558089

antenna diversity and >>2558085

>> No.2558092

None of these replies answer my question. Even if it is just 1 km (it's not) it has ten times the range of anything without sticking out antenna.

You guys don't have to pretend. If you don't know the real answer on my question just wait for someone who knows.

>> No.2558093

>it has ten times the range of anything without sticking out antenna
Mobile phones don't have antennas sticking out and they achieve ranges way over 1 km

>> No.2558095

>It is a frequency so high that the wavelength is about 5 cm, so a quarterlength antenna is truly tiny.
Are you blind ?
The antenna can be hidden under the plastic

>> No.2558096

Yes, it has fifty times more range than consumer grade router working on the similar frequency and having two sticks as antennae and having more power.

>> No.2558097

Please share the datasheet of the consumer grade router you are comparing it to.

>> No.2558100

Shared my dick for your sweet french mouth. I better wait for someone who knows the answer on my question.

Bumping it.

>> No.2558101

China achieved qantic data transmission, when the quantic electron spin changes in the drone it changes too in the receiver, achieving instantaneous transmission over unlimited range, just add electrons to get bandwidth and you have these kind of marvels of technology.
The announcements of frequency and range are totally frivolous as explained previously and here to not frighten FCC and other regulators.

>> No.2558104
File: 140 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20230207-071112_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op, here's a ubiquiti 5.8 ghz point to point Radio bridge. 130mbit at 10 miles with perfect line of site. That is, no trees, no buildings, no hills, and you do a decent antenna alignment.

>> No.2558105

That is highly directional antenna, I assume even a patch. Wrong answer, next one please.

>> No.2558106

Oh also this 8W, a 900mhz drone would be 1W for better range.

Higher frequency -smaller antenna, attenuated signal faster in air
Lower frequency-less attenuation, bigger antenna

>> No.2558108

Do younhave a mental illness or are you just french?

>> No.2558119

I do have it, but it doesn't change the outcome. You give me as an answer a highly directional antenna, while I was talking about a drone which rotates constantly and still has to send the data.

What is the reason to give a wrong and unrelated answer? "mommy look I'm trolling him looooll" like this?

>> No.2558124

The nature of 5.8 ghz is that it is highly directional because younhave such fancy transmitters that they do beam forming, and the receiver just needs to be a tiny little track on the pc board since 1/4wavelength of 5.8 ghz is almost nothing. The drone has at least 4 antennas because of this. It's own body can block its radio signal when it spins around so of course it has multiple antennas

No one wants 10km wifi router because it would stop working as soon as you walked out of your house anyway because then you wouldn't have linenof site anymore. They barely work when they're on the other side of a wall in the same house.

>> No.2558130

Alright, this has to be the correct answer. I've checked the specs and it says 4 antennas, which now starts making sense if they are somewhat directional. Thank you.

>> No.2558230
File: 217 KB, 1599x899, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to reach my friends and the repeater without doing weird contortions

>> No.2558235

are you sure that lowcost filter doesn't radiate 1 or 2 watts by himself trying to do its job ?

>> No.2558236

Who cares?

>> No.2558238

it means the antenna gets 1 or 2 watts less to contact your friends

>> No.2558249

Maybe, but I still get through to them, and now my stupid little piece of Chinese shit isn't deafened by broadcast noise

>> No.2558308

>baomemes are just as good as everything else
>my stupid little piece of Chinese shit isn't deafened by broadcast noise
You stupid faggots refuse to spend an extra $40 for a quality radio but do this shit. How long until you snap your antenna connector off the PCB?

>> No.2558326

>None of these replies answer my question.
They do.
>Even if it is just 1 km (it's not) it has ten times the range of anything without sticking out antenna.
I can believe it will work for over 1 km. Line of sight is the ultimate in long range connectivity.
Also, why should the antenna stick out? Most plastic is transparent to radio waves, and the antenna can be a tuned strip about 1 cm long.
>You guys don't have to pretend.
We don't.
>If you don't know the real answer on my question
We all did.
>just wait for someone who knows.
Why, let's wait for alternative explanations then.

>> No.2558362

expensive handheld would be just as affected by a 10kW (erp) broadcast station located 1 mile away from me

>> No.2558454
File: 198 KB, 479x485, wrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate VHF/UHF fags.
Isn't that the point of dual conversion radios?
You really should add a transmit/receive relay setup to take that out of line when talking. I dunno what the power rating is on that filter, but if it has a high enough wattage then nevermind.
Learn to use link budget calculators. FWIW 10km is -127db free space loss.

>> No.2558517

>You really should add a transmit/receive relay setup to take that out of line when talking. I dunno what the power rating is on that filter, but if it has a high enough wattage then nevermind.
That defeats the purpose of a cheap easy handheld as a first radio desu. I am considering making my own antenna with an incorporated filter, and may consider connecting it to the port if I can extract the PTT signal, but if it's too complicated I'll just goto the next step and buy a base, a battery, a charger, and make a mobile setup.
>God I hate VHF/UHF fags.
Don't worry anon, I hate you right back. I'm sure you were born with an ICOM 9700 as a placenta and the mic shoved up your ass as an umbilical, but unlike you, I got into radio from the bottom up.

>> No.2558527

>baomemes are just as good as everything else
Quote exactly where I said that. You won't because I didn't. I hate the guomindang as much as any sensible retard on this board. I just picked something that can easily and cheaply open my local repeater and scratch my itch. The total between the handy and the filter was under 30 dollars and it covers the goal of having something to fuck around. I'll get to buy a Yaesu base or something like it eventually but I just plain don't feel like it.
God you fucks are insufferable sometimes.

>> No.2558548

mars mod a yaesu ft-3

>> No.2558554

>I got into radio from the bottom up.
>I'll get to buy a Yaesu base or something like it eventually but I just plain don't feel like it.
JFC. I see it's fag hour 'round here. Oh wait it's always like that here.

>> No.2558574

Oh no a wannabe Fudd got his diaper in a twist. Just can't let somebody have easy cheap fun and share it, can you?

>> No.2558585


>> No.2558919
File: 251 KB, 1599x899, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I soldered a washer-type terminal to the rattail and threaded the terminal head so it makes a firmer contact. Reception improved another bit, and I think this is as good as it'll get signal-wise. I still have to get the programming cable so I don't die of boredom loading my local repeaters and nets but that won't be too costly, just a couple jacks, a DB9, some wire, solder, and elbow grease.
>inb4 why don't you buy a base
I was going to and in my local rolling-hamfest groups there are some tempting offers, but if you keep asking I won't.

>> No.2558928

a programming cable on aliexpress should be around 4 eurodollars, shipped

>> No.2558931

That's fun, but I live in LU/LW-land, the United Soviet Socialist Provinces of the River Plate, where no import is guaranteed to arrive, and a four American rupees cable costs fifteen New York pesos plus local shipping.

>> No.2559119

i like listening to planes and ATC comms at my nearby airport on my s-2000

>> No.2559122
File: 47 KB, 500x491, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to stick this bad boy on my roof and slip the wire through my cracked window as I drive around in my old pickup trying to pick up truckers on 19 like the retard I am.

>> No.2559145

It's a good kit and performed better than my 102". Exploring other base station communities is fun.
get a base antenna up high.

>> No.2559156

>get a base antenna up high.
Probably, I could make a flowerpot once I get my first roll of RG58. Just gotta scavenge it from somewhere. I do have access to a tall balcony but I can't set up fixed equipment there yet.

>> No.2559191

Terminated RG58 and a Tram 1411 should cost you about $100. Don't bother homebrewing your first base antenna for VHF/UHF.

>> No.2559209

>I got into radio from the bottom up.
Everything is too small/expensive to work with on VHF/UHF.

>> No.2559318

>Terminated RG58 and a Tram 1411 should cost you about $100
That's on the ballpark of $100 more, give or take, than what I'm interested in dumping on that piece of Chinese crap, that's why at most I'd use scavenged cable and some piece of pipe. Now that I remember, I do have some cuts of some RG, I'll check what I have.
>Don't bother homebrewing your first base antenna for VHF/UHF.
Technically I have already done half of that with the rattail for the cost of one washer terminal and a scrap of wire.
>Everything is too small/expensive to work with on VHF/UHF.
I know. But at least here in Argentina, everything else is even more expensive, so the only starter options here are Baofeng and Yedro (a local brand, probably also Chinese crap nowadays), and importing stuff is a fucking chore.

>> No.2559357

There was someone here awhile back that made an adjustable yagi from telescoping antennas. Is that person still here? If so (or not), how did it work? I need to create one that will need to work sometimes on 2m vhf, other times gmrs, 70cm, abd murs. I would rather create one antenna and adjust the telescoping antennas to length on the fly instead of having four separate antennas.

If tgat person is not here, did anyone save his plans?

>> No.2559361

If you don't own your property, find a communal forest/park, throw a rope as high up as you can, make an omni-directional antenna, pull the antenna up the tree, and talk.
Leave the coax if you want, or take it back down. Leave the rope.
Poor man's radio tower.

>> No.2559362

I 3D printed a 2M Yagi for satellites from all thread and aluminum square tube. Could that have been misconstrued to be telescoping?
I always thought large hf yagi's should be motorized to be able to adapt to any band

>> No.2559394

No reason that wouldn't work. Pick the fattest elements you can reasonably find for wider band performance. W4RNL build a few larger antennas out of aluminum conduit that slid together with cotter pins holding the assembly together. Aluminum arrow shafts and cotter pins might be the ticket for your application.

One might be able to design a 2m moxon that could fill those needs. The thicker the elements the better. Play with moxgen after reading w4rnl's stuff.

>> No.2559462

They're playing games
>tx on one freq for a second
>swap to a different band
>tx on one freq for a second
>take a nap for 2 hours.
They have a rule you can only work them once regardless of band or mode.

>> No.2559464

NG6R.. uhhh

>> No.2559466
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>That'll be $50 plus tip

>> No.2559495

>how do I build a skyscraper from scratch
>how do I build an MMO from scratch
>how do I build a 5Ghz RADAR from scratch
Anon, you have to crawl before you can fly to outerspace

>> No.2559501
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akshually its GNSS, not GPS

>> No.2559511

Dude can't even find the teet yet let alone crawl

>> No.2559535
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>If you don't own your property, find a communal forest/park, throw a rope as high up as you can, make an omni-directional antenna, pull the antenna up the tree, and talk.
I could set up a tower in the long run but my license has just been approved, and for a tower I have to apply for a tower permit, and lots of legal bullshittery. In the long run, I am aiming for setting up a smol tower with a couple antennas, unmanned equipment in the elevator engine room (yeah, perfect place for QRM, I know), and fish some CAT6 straight to my flat, but I gotta cut a lot of red tape before that.

>> No.2559604

Would you trust Glonass or Beidou to dicipline your oscillator? Having your oscillator diciplined by Galileo makes me suspect it involves leather, latex, chains, and whips. Let us not forget that the raison d'etre of Galileo was that GPS was not to be trusted by les baguettes, yet when Galileo crashed they admitted nothing and it took them a looooooooooong time to recover.

Also I think that in the US there are laws in place regarding trusting foreign navigational systems.

>> No.2559618

>youtube videos
They were taken down by the feds. Not even joking.

>> No.2559682
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>I want to make a 5Ghz radar from scratch.
You have gotten quite a few leads already. How is your project shaping up? I am not going to pretend this is easy, microwave stuff is always rather close to black magic,

>> No.2559795

Me again. Opened a repeater today in UHF and finally got bored of fucking around with the menus. I bit the bullet on a twenty-dollar-plus-local-shipping four-dollar cable. If I wait until I have time to fuck around with the soldering iron I'll never get it done.

>> No.2559797

No. The guy had a bunch of telescoping antennas from scrap FM radios and decided to make one.

Thank you for the reference. This might be more useful than what I was planning on first glance. I'll research it more.

>> No.2559851

Global Navigational Satellite System, not your french merdé

>> No.2560248
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God I hate my country. Almost next-week-shipping for a fucking cable in my same city.

>> No.2560301
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>datasheet and application notes claim 2400 baud mode works over unmodified nfm radio
>works fine when received on kenwood th-f7 with or without audio filters
>10% BER when received on baofeng uv5r
anyone have experience with fsk over baofengs? why is it fucking up the audio so much?

>> No.2560370
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>> No.2560603
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>Because you too can become a larper if you buy from us.

>> No.2560795

oh really?
i'm actually a yank in germany and this is part of what i need to get back to my RF roots.

>> No.2560799

>microwaves101 changed their layout
take me back to 2012 please.

>> No.2560822

I've had my extra license for 2 years and the only thing I've done is kerchunked repeaters

>> No.2560829

same except i'm 1.5k$ more poor now

>> No.2560858
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>> No.2560862

same except i dont have any license

>> No.2560912
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>too stupid to pass a multiple choice test
>boasts about it

>> No.2560979

not him, but it seems stupid to voluntarily dox yourself and pay for it just to get into a dead hobby legally

>> No.2561089
File: 222 KB, 1199x899, KE5EE_towers_Final_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow nice I can hear the american easily
>checks QRZ.com page

>> No.2561182
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>why yes, I spent tens of thousands in towers, antennas, and radios, along with lots of manual labor (mostly done by the young hams in the club), just to exchange callsigns with a foreign country. How did you know?

>> No.2561193

>that's how he thinks ham radio works because he can't into Morse
I feel no sympathy if you need to stick something into your mouth to do ham radio.

>> No.2561384

>excuses for being to dumb to pass a multiple choice test

>> No.2561507

>to dumb

>> No.2561563

By now you are surely planning your 136 kHz yagi, right? Right?

>> No.2561564

No, I'll rely on other people having land and money, I have an immense respect to people putting all theses resources and dedication in their hobby

>> No.2562178

The FT-920 is off frequency (too high on all bands by 20 to 100 Hz) when it's below 18°C in the room, is it normal ?
it's 21°C now and the VFO is ok
Should I get a TCXO ?

>> No.2562181
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>136 kHz

>> No.2562183

>no units of length

>> No.2562227

I was planning to use a bridge nearby as the grounded reflector.

On this scale, it is measured in hot diggities.

>> No.2562237

absolutely baste

>> No.2562560

Only retards use youtubes and tiktoks for hobbies. Use guides like a normal person. Have you never heard of a book before?

>> No.2562738

I'm convinced he's just wearing adult diapers.

>> No.2562823
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The Chad antenna

>> No.2563067
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Finally got around to tuning it to CB and you were right
Just touched the radials and got it it resonant on CB
Picture is shit since it's bright out
Gotta research SDR stuff now
Want to use my SDR for receive, separate radio for transmit
Guess just gotta buy a decent enough antenna switch
that won't leak enough power to smoke the SDR

>> No.2563096
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Not him either, and getting a full licence in the UK is now a piece of piss with the direct to full route, seems they want peopIe to join pretty bad, but just can't get over that hurdle of potentially getting vanned by my own government and having to legally allow them in at any time for "interference" checks.

>> No.2563215

-I guess you could always just add overload protection everywhere? 0.7v diodes shunting to ground would eat up anything above ~0.01 watt for example.
-Do you know about panadapter? You could probably do that for free with what you have. Basically connect the SDR to the IF and then the SDR follows you around as you control the main radio. Many radios comes with IF outputs for this purpose.
-Alternative is to get a DPDT relay and toggle SDR/Radio x Antenna/Ground with your radios existing relay signal output on an extra wire or build one of the relatively simple RF sense circuits to automatically switch (no extra wires needed).
-Personally I'm lazy and just use a seperate active antenna 3-10 feet from my transmitting antenna. The active circuit has overload protection. I haven't managed to blow it up with 20 watts and occassional dabbles into 100 watts.
-Don't play with transmit loop antennas, you will blow up stuff with them.

>> No.2563382

How do I announce myself when transmitting from abroad? For example if I manage to take my stupid bomb-looking piece of Chinese crap past customs from Argentina to Uruguay (yeah, I know, it's a province but customs and the IARU seem to think it's another country) should I announce myself (LU9AXX) as CV/LU9AXX?

>> No.2563412
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Any ideas will this work indoors if i tx, or just make qrm?

I recently moved to house top of a hill. I can now hear 2m band repeater from 70-80km away, with my baofeng and standard antenna, so maybe with 4m band and wire antenna I coud reach more stations than i used to reach with car magnet antenna mounted on radiator, when I lived in another house, what whas located lower.

I have no licenses, but some 4m band channels are license free in Finland where I live, so i have no ham contacts yet.

>> No.2563460

my dad is a ham and every time someone or something causes significant interference on a non-ham band, the government simply rounds up all the hams in the area for questioning
there's no direction finding or anything, they just assume only hams have radio equipment and harass them

>> No.2563528

>some 4m band channels are license free in Finland
It will work indoors, but avoid proximity to it, it's a hazard.
Expect inferior results compared to putting it on a roof.

>> No.2563547


>> No.2563594
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I made that delta loop. I replaced drain pipe with piece of log. At 71.100MHz i get 2.0SWR. 71.100MHz is call channel, atleast here.

Why swr so high? Something wrong with matching section, or curtain rods just too close?

Tomorrow I`ll mount it more far away from computer and chair.

>> No.2563624

Nearby objects and walls may change your SWR, as well as slight modification to the lengths.
At least you have something to start with.

>> No.2563629

antennas have a nice SWR in the open, not 10cm away from the mains and some lamp

>> No.2563630

How to make a radar?

>> No.2563672

One of the major rules of antennas is everything effects everything. Get it away from as much metal objects, electronic devices, and definitely away from those electrical conduits and junction box.

>> No.2563675

Indoors causes more capacitance which lowers the frequency the antenna is tuned for. Reduce the antenna size by about 30%.. If i try to make a 20m dipole.antenna inside it ends up being tuned for 30m. I dont think this happens with my groundplane antennas tho for whatever reason.

>> No.2563681

Thanks anon

>> No.2563722
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I wish you all a blessed and fruitful week.

>> No.2563815

interesting. Thank you and all others.

Now i moved antenna in middle of room. Shortened also loop lenght about one foot, 30-40cm. Swr 1.7. Interesting to see, that will I hear truckers better, those i heard well few minutes ago.

I have tall sheet metal covered fireplace, water pipes run in middle of ceiling, so I must have some blind spots, or i just need to change antenna location. I'll install antennas in attic, when its more warm weather.

>> No.2563816
File: 76 KB, 900x611, very-large-array-antennas-david-hay-jonesscience-photo-library-3919921209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to make a radar?
KrakenSDR does passive radar which makes transmitting optional. I'd start with something like that.

>> No.2563938

>Shortened also loop lenght about one foot, 30-40cm.
Do it in smaller increments. Half inches or so.

>> No.2563978

It seems the signal comes to the antennas with different time and this difference is being used to figure out the direction. So how does a radar with just one antenna work?

>> No.2564012
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- old radars : very directional antennas (small aperture) and rotating (azimuth and elevation)
- new radars : hundreds of patch antennas used to simulate the aperture, mechanically fixed called synthetic aperture radar



>> No.2564027

Alright. How they scan for different frequencies with just one antenna? Like KrakenSDR uses five of the same antennae for both 24 MHz and 1766 MHz. How if the antenna had to be built for every frequency differently?

>> No.2564029

As far as I understand they are whip antennas, you have to set the length yourself for the frequency you want to listen to
but multiband antennas exist

>> No.2564034

>KrakenSDR uses five of the same antennae for both 24 MHz and 1766 MHz
Also, no, Kraken SDR can receive from 24MHz up to 1766MHz but you can receive only a fraction of that, it is based on R820T2 with a bandwidth of 10MHz max

>> No.2564037
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kek, it's 5 "cheap" SDR receivers all on the same PCB and linked to a USB hub

>> No.2564040

Alright, how can an SDR receiver receive different frequencies with one antenna?

>> No.2564041

use a large bandwidth antenna or a multiband antenna ?
But you don't need multiple frequencies for radar

>> No.2564046

you should check that :

>> No.2564049

Yesn't. I need 900 MHz, 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz. And I don't need transmitter, since the FPV drones already transmit the signal for me. Basically I want a KrakenSDR which you showed me but for higher frequencies.

I've already searched for SDRs which work in microwaves but there's basically none. I'm probably doomed. Right?

>> No.2564054

above 2GHz is going to be difficult, one way to do that would be to use the receiving part of a wifi system, they have receivers fro the specified band follow by a analog to digital converter and that is sent to the decoding and network handling chip

>> No.2564117

>use the receiving part of a wifi system
Do you know any good videos or articles covering this type of conversion?

>> No.2564119

no, anon, I don't know if it has been done and documented, it might be a lot of work

>> No.2564182

Look up log periodic antennas.

>> No.2564192

Maybe you should learn the subject nbefore attempting a masterpiece?

>> No.2564193

Maybe. Or better I take available building blocks and put them together.

>> No.2564194

Well, yeah. Copy someone else, get that working, then make tweaks to it.

>> No.2564199
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Lost interest in the year it took to get it, but at least my kid drew me a custom pepe this week.

>> No.2564200

There's an amazing NRF24L01 that I could try. It's a well known cheap 2.4Ghz module. I probably will start with that, but I will need help here with general understanding. The module does send packets of data, I should read the driver code to understand how exactly it does it.

>> No.2564206
File: 151 KB, 1000x750, ant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My indoor Tram 1411 discone and G5RV antenna. In the suburbs at 45 N latitude I can hit Antartica easier than my common neighbors.

>> No.2564230

QSY >>2564229
NEW THREAD >>2564229

>> No.2564564
