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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 32 KB, 721x720, cobby wood shop class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2481368 No.2481368 [Reply] [Original]

How did you respond? What was the aftermath?

>> No.2481370

saw a guy burn the tip of his index finger on his non dominant hand with a soldering iron. I had to go home sick when I saw the blister and took the next day as a mental health day. i'm not sure i'm cut out for manual labour jobs. i'll try to stick it out for as long as i can as i need the cash for the incoming recession.

>> No.2481376

Nothing major but I once bumped a hammer that was on my bench and it landed on my "baby" toe, breaking it (the toe, the hammer was fine). Turns out they really can't put a cast on a toe, they just wrap it with tape to the toe next to it. Also it's much more difficult to walk than you'd expect when your baby toe is fucked up. Guess I've been lucky to have been spared any true gore in the shop.

>> No.2481377

Did the guy not dip his finger in cold water for ~30 minutes or something?

>> No.2481385
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saw a guy in a restaurant zip off the whole pad of his thumb on a meat slicer.
he was cutting loaves of bread into slices and decided to run it without the guard. got down to the last slice and zzziiiiipp. blood everywhere. ruined a whole tub of bread.

>> No.2481388
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guessin you are a zoomer or a grill
Ya big baby

>> No.2481389
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One time i was changing the hose on the shops air compressor. Had the valve shut while i did so but my dumbass didnt have the chuck fully seated so it blew out at me. The air chuck was exactly at dick height and i was unlucky enough to have it blow right at me. It felt as if a fair amount of air went right into my urethra. Hurt like hell but i didnt feel injured so i just went about my day. Thing is, ive been having trouble getting it up ever since. And when i do, its not as hard as it used to be. What happened to me bros?

>> No.2481393

two years ago i was drilling into my car's frame to attach a trailer hitch. piece of metal filing flew off when drilling and went into my right eye. couldn't see for like two weeks. in incredible pain. gradually got better. started feeling mild pain again a few weeks ago.

>> No.2481395
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similar thing with me. Filing bounced off my cheekbone, under my glasses, and into my eye.
it all worked out in the end because I scratched the shit out of my eye trying to get it out. Apparently that corrected my vision because I had perfect eyesight once I got the metal.
Not a larp. Plz no bully

>> No.2481400

I worked in a factory for a few months. Saw a guy try to slow a machine down by grabbing onto the belt. Lost half of his finger when it ran between the belt and pulley. What a retard.

>> No.2481404

Either bait or pussy

>> No.2481411

>boomers/chuds think they are tough for not being effected by workplace injuries
back in my day we got hurt all the time!

>> No.2481412
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Probably the time I shot a nail through my thumb while I was framing. Sucker went through my nail and bone. Got real lucky though since it was a simple puncture instead of having the bone splinter out
My reaction was yelling fuck and running to my foreman since that's what the safety guy said to do when something le that happens. He just yanked it out and said I didn't need to go to a doctor since it didn't hit bone. I then went to a quick care where they x-rayed it and told me that if I let bacteria get into the open fracture my bone could get infected and I'd need to get my thumb cut off

>> No.2481420

They actually learned that eye damage can correct vision which lead to the first eye corrective surgeries. A boy with bad vision got his eyeglasses shattered into his eye. I think they used to literally just cut the eye with a blade before lasers became a thing.

>> No.2481445

You didn't go to the doctor?

>> No.2481448

I'm not a badass, but anon
You took off two days because you saw a blister

>> No.2481456
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saw a new guy check the flycutter blade on the mill while it was still on, plucked half his thumbnail like a potato chip. fired

refused to work on a high voltage control panel because some thing was weird. boss put another guy (about 1 yr in job) to troubleshoot instead, panel blew up and scorched his face requiring hospital. I worked on the panel without power and found someone fused the 3 phases together at the main motor causing some weird power feedback.

machinist didn't listen to me when i said the hole had a step in it and should be careful when reaming. Machinist goes balls deep with reamer, reamer catches on step inside hole and shatters and shotgun blasts machinist with hardened reamer shrapnel.

saw guy slowly step through nail in board. gross

an old machine maintenance guy told me he saw a guy get vaporized. apparently back in the day they had huge pipes they didn't know got thousands (or more) of volts of static build up because they were too close and somehow ungrounded. He said the guy walked in there and all that was left were his shoes. Sounds like Old Maintenance Man story shit though.

oh yeah, and some guy brought his dog to work and it bit the guy who was afraid of dogs lol.

>> No.2481459

>apparently back in the day they had huge pipes they didn't know got thousands (or more) of volts of static build up because they were too close and somehow ungrounded
OSHA spinning so hard they drilled through to China

>> No.2481462
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oh yeah. and during a race at Infineon Raceway, someone picked up the thumb piece of a motorcycle racing glove and immediately threw it screaming. The thumb was still in it. Racer's often remove the chain guard but dont always remember to put it back, apparently the racer lost their gear shift pedel and was shifting using his hand.

>> No.2481464
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My coworker showed us pictures, but his pilot light on his hot water heater went out and he was trying to light it, didn't think of the gas buildup, and when he lit the lighter he got a facefull of fire, burned off his eyebrows, eyelashes, and his face was blackened like tom and jerry or some shit. Wouldn't have believed him if he didn't have the pics. Luckily he didn't get too badly burned, no permanent scarring besides his ego

>> No.2481472
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oh yeah. ( i guess i've seen a lot more than i remember) One time in one of those Car Repair Ports that anyone can rent for the day, some hiphop/hillbilly kid that came in a honda civic didn't know what a lever did on the wall (hydraulic lever that actuated the car lift) so he obviously presses it. The car lift raises and knocks over an engine that was in an engine stand and crushed another idiot that tried catching the falling engine. dont know what happened to him, but he couldn't walk when the ambulance came.

>> No.2481476


Varicocele, if you damage the blood flow to your nuts congrats you've also irreversibly sterilized yourself likely too. Go to a urologist ffs

>> No.2481479

Testicular torsion gang where we at?

>> No.2481483

Reminds me of the time I was topping off the antifreeze on a cold winter morning before heading to work. Shitty escape drank about a gallon every couple days, Used a lighter to check the fill level because the sun wasn't up yet. Was like a potato gun went off in my face, luckily there was no potato.

>> No.2481488

Do you use a lighter to check your gas tank as well?

>> No.2481500

anti freeze is flammable?

>> No.2481505
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If you're not fucking yourself up then you're not working hard enough and I'm cutting your hours
>you can look for a new job

>> No.2481506

antifreeze is generally composed of ethylene or propylene glycol, which is flammable, that's why its called ANTIfreeze not freeze, dumb anon.

>> No.2481508

No, fuel gauge actually worked and tank isn't transparent. Nice digits tho

I didnt think so, since I was mixing concentrate with water but it is and the vapors especially so.

>> No.2481509

Its the oil/gas leaking from the bad head that is more flammable which is why I'm assuming you were filling it every 2 days
-t.ford ranger owner

>> No.2481511

>saw guy slowly step through nail in board.
fiddle dee dee
that will require a tetanus shot

>> No.2481517

Was around for alot of accidents at welding shops
One shear operator sliced his arm open on some material, dull shear blades make razor sharp edges, only noticed after slipping in the blood, they posted a picture of it on the notice board, looked like a blown out vagina hehe
One guy degloved his thumb clearing chips off a running drill press
One guy knocked out after a 6" cuttoff wheel exploded and hit his cheek through the face sheild and a peice of wheel hit me in the back from across the shop, i whipped around pissed off to see him hit the ground
Heard a horror story about a hot dip galvinizing accident, a enclosed compartment on a light pole blew up in the molten zinc sending a wave over a guy, he survived is the horror part, think darth vader without the suit and blind

>> No.2481547

>saw guy slowly step through nail in board. gross
Did he atleast put it under the tire of the asshole who left a hotnail?

>> No.2481601
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nah we were just there to do some illegal structural welding for a crooked contractor. We were just corporate techs so we had zero national/state/muni certifications, just in-house quality assurance certs where an actually qualified guy inspects nearly 100% of our work. This was our first illegal job and the foot thing made us give up our life of crime prematurely. Plus some other stuff that made me walk away.

>> No.2481606

Your pic reminds me of a DIY girl I know that has this exact accident occur from a circular saw. Claimed it got away from her but was consistent with her holding the board she was sawing through

>> No.2481617

Any pics of the hand?

>> No.2481644
File: 159 KB, 620x350, accident prone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents owned a store in the country which had one of them, being the adolescent slave unit #1 I got to use it quite a bit.
Very slippy bits of ham = small crescent scar on my right thumb across the knuckle, its faded now but at the time it just hurt so much with all the salt and meat juice rammed in there. I didn't get any stitches but got to tape it up with enough band aids and plaster to at least stop leaking blood everywhere for a few hours.

I think the best DIY accident I've seen and sort of semi-involved in was helping a friend move into this narrow as fuck terrace house.
>He's bought himself a huge, solid wood desk
>it won't fit up the stairs
>wut do?
>I can saw the legs off it and we'll just put them back on with some braces later
>reeeeeeeeeee no, not my desk
>it is a complete piece of shit and its not like I'd be cutting up an heirloom or anything
>but he wants it in the 2nd story
>I'm out of ideas you do you man

>So plan B
>Get rope
>Get other friend with retard strength
>He will haul it up through the top window
>I will be under the desk, pushing up to get it started
>Begin pushing, they begin pulling

>Desk is now well above my arms reach
>Entire window frame falls out
>I get mushed by the desk
>Broken nose, dislocated shoulder, the usual I've been through this before, now I'm just a bit uglier
>They go sailing over me
>I have distinct memories of supermens flying
>They get a broken femur, broken ankle and broken arm
>Ah, the ambalamps is here

The desk was completely fucked, I burnt it in a BBQ pit about a month later

>> No.2481647

Am retard as a teenager, did this to both thumbs over a week, ended up with huge wrapped bandages on both thumbs and looking like an idiot

>> No.2481665
File: 209 KB, 2000x2000, unger-ergo-safety-04_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the worst but last week put a bone-deep gash on the top of my hand between my thumb and index finger, about 2.5" long. Misuse of scraper blade.
Didn't hurt much at all but there was so much dark blood I wrapped it with paper towels and called 911 and got an ambulance ride to the hospital and stitched up. Managed to avoid any major damage. I lost feeling on the inside of my thumb but not the tip, maybe it will come back but if not it's not an area I do much feeling with.

Things I learned:
- it's very difficult to dial 911 on android, the emergency button on the lock screen doesn't work.
- once I unlocked it and dialed in the phone app, they pick up after 1 ring.
- ambulance arrives within 5 minutes but the hospital is 35 minutes away.
- unconscious people just have masks put on them at the hospital.
- lidocaine injections can be made less painful by squirting some lidocaine on the injection site before giving the shot.
- taxi service arrives in 5 minutes to the hospital and costs $53 for a one way ride to my house.
- nobody knows what a scraper blade is.
- they make plastic "non-marring" scraper blades which I now have 20 of.
- it's really hard to wipe left handed.

>> No.2481687

I stepped into a nail when I was like 6, pretty long one. Hurt a lot and my father had to pull my leg off the board, which hurt even more. Healed up fine though. When I was 10 I was opening a paint can with a knife, cut a vein open on my arm, pretty close to the radial artery. Left a small mark.
Since then only minor accidents, getting electrocuted and hammered fingers and cuts and such.

>> No.2481694

I was a carpenter for years, so I would often get roped into helping friends and family with their projects in exchange for a couple bucks and some beer and pizza. A friend of mine wanted a shed built, so we're weekending it up, making this thing. He wants to use some shitty, crooked old wood for window trim to save money. He goes to rip it on my table saw, and I tell him to be careful. Shitty crooked wood is binding on the saw, and instead of reevaluating his choice, he just keeps pushing harder. He slips and winds his hand right into the blade, completely severing his thumb and leaving his index finger dangling by a thread. I wrapped his hand up in a sweatshirt, put his thumb in his pocket, and called the ambulance. They sewed him back together, and I give him shit to this day for being a retard.

>> No.2481704

Not the worst but the most unexpected and satisfying:
Working in picture framing shop, there's a girl working there who's on of those obnoxious bad bitch feminist types who is always trying to prove something, the kind who takes it as a personal attack on her as capable woman when you hold a door open or try to help her in any way.
She's nailing tiny liner molding together, stuff is barely large enough to hold a thin brad so has to be pre drilled and the hole perfectly aligned...
She sets it all up in a corner vise, gets her (corded) drill centered and gets down so she can line it up the way you'd line up a billiards shot, with her face right up to the joint.
Pulls the trigger and is almost fully done with the hole when a small section of her hair gets sucked into the drill's cooling/ventilation slots and winds her up with shocking speed and force that effectively anchored her scalp to the drill motor *tight*, with the drill bit too far in to just pull it out.
She was then forced to call for help while hunched over even further and you've never seen a bad bitch turn into a helpless, blubbering little girl so fast in your life.
It took a good while to get her extricated because every attempt made her cry before you even touched anything, and she was too vain to just let us cut the 1/4" strand of hair to get her loose. We had to manually unwind her while holding her head stable to prevent pulling her hair, and as you might imagine she hated being touched too so that just added to her inner turmoil.
I've seen people pinned down when something like a transmission or heavy beam fell on an extremity who didn't wail and moan about it like she did, and we never let her forget it afterwards when she started up with her feminist indignation bullshit.

>> No.2481711

Broke a 15mm open ended wrench
My hand slammed into the jagged edge on the fracture of the metal
I hit it with the top part of the base joint of the left thumb.
Luckily all that remains is a comparatively small scar as the trajectory was in my favor.
Had I slipped a few degrees in the other direction then I might well have sliced down to the bone and tendons, as the wrench was clamped in a desk vise and I was pushing up on a workpiece in the wrench.
Be careful guys and use the right tools and especially caution for the job.
A piece of aluminium or whatever it is is never worth more than your health.

Later I clamped the pice into the vise with two broken allen wrenches acting as hardened steel jaws, turned it tight and then used a belt with a metal bar, wrapping it and then managed to remove it in a powerful, forceful but controlled and safe manner.

Another time I nearly fell off a roof with solar panels.
Just put up the fucking scaffolding or at least wear a harness.

Not sure if I'm glad I'm still here though.

>> No.2481714

cut a 1/16 inch deep gash in my thumb on a band saw working in my dads shop (when I was 10) my mom freaked and wouldn't let me in his shop. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. my parents divorced later.

>> No.2481727

What a bunch of idiots lol

>> No.2481737

LMAO, I was right there with you in full empathy mode , and then...
>the wrench was clamped in a desk vise and I was pushing up on a workpiece in the wrench.
I can still empathize because I've done incredibly dumb shit too, but really, anon...
At least you learned a valuable lesson-
>Be careful guys and use the right tools and especially caution for the job.

>the right tools

>two broken allen wrenches
>a belt with a metal bar


>> No.2481743

I did but I got turned away because I had a "fever" really I was just nervous as hell and was running hot. Pain was going away anyway by that point, so I never went back.

>> No.2481780

He took a mental health day. Clearly bait.

>> No.2481860

>be renovating old apartment
>tearing up carpets in bedroom
>feel sharp stab on finger
>think I caught a nail
>used heroin needle sticking out of my finger
>previous tenent was hep c positive
>proceed to panic for a month until test comes back negative.

>> No.2481865

I had to fix an apartment that some crackhead tried to install carpet in. In a lot of places he had padding covering the tack board, so even if he tried stretching the carpet in it wouldn't have worked. This is why he stapled the carpet into the tack board and it looked terrible. He also duck taped the seams and bent the shit out of some transitions because he was trying to hammer them into concrete.

>> No.2481868

Speaking of the right tool for the DIY job...
Bought a 56 Chevy wagon rat rod that had been a parts car, resurrected by the previous owner with essentially an early small block Camaro drive train. Part of that was adding a clutch pedal and linkage that the original automatic trans lacked.
Two blocks from home one day, downshift to second going downhill and clutch pedal stays on the floor.
Manage to get home in second without stalling out or crashing but only by running a couple of stop signs and getting lucky.
Start tracking down the problem and am scraping decades of grime from the shift linkage and see a flash of shiny silver...
Scrape more and the words "CHROME VANADIUM" appear...
the MFer had needed about 6" more length in the linkage when adapting it so he just cut it and welded in a broken Craftsman cold chisel to make up the distance, and shockingly that was exactly where the linkage had come apart.

>> No.2481873

If he had just used a scrap of rebar like a proper redneck, the problem could have been avoided entirely.

>> No.2481907

Sliced my arm open with a chainsaw as a teenager. I was cutting branches almost above me, and one gave way before I was all the way through. The saw swung down and the chain went into my left arm.

>> No.2481908

what a faggot, I did that to myself once stupidly and I just rolled with it

>> No.2481911

and I'll absolutely find one with the tradie shortages and general chaos of the job market! hope you die in a workplace accident faggot

>> No.2481931

Not the worst that happened to me but possibly funniest

>Removing shite old rotten fence
>step on 4" rusty nail stuck in bit of wood
>rip bastard out, chuck it at wall and hit hospital for tetanus stab and hole glue. They said I should have brought nail with me but fuck it
>get home and start clearing again, immediately step on same nail board again with other foot
>back to hospital, took nailboard with me this time
>docs don't even want to see it... wtf
> get home, sit on sofa and feel pain in my left arse cheek
> same fucking nail, fell out of my pocket

>> No.2481941

>steps on nail
>goes to hospital for his injection of goygoo
>does it again
and they do it all for "free"

>> No.2481981

Anything's flammable if you're stupid enough

>> No.2481986

Good boy that dog

>> No.2481989

I think the worst thing I've seen is people using microwave transformers for wood art or welding and getting electrocuted only to die on it because there is no safety.

>> No.2481993

>Sounds like Old Maintenance Man story shit though.
I knew a guy used to work in a saran wrap factory. (Not the saran wrap, but generic store-brand cling film or whatever.)
He said there was a spot in between a set of rollers on the machine where, when it was running, people would get stuck under it. Not in anything. Just stuck.
Imagine you're walking down a corridor and you get to a spot where there's two ~12" steel rollers with a giant sheet of saran wrap unspooling off one and making a bend to continue on its path through the machine somewhere overhead. You're walking along and then you just can't move forward any further, even though there's nothing but air in front of you. The harder you try, the harder it pushes back, but there's no discernible force being applied to any part of your body. You just can't move forward.
Anyway, he said they just left it like that because they thought it was neat, but the maintenance guy found a loose ground wire and fixed it and everybody was pissed.

>> No.2482096

>The harder you try, the harder it pushes back
>no discernible force

>> No.2482099

Buncha fucking retards lol
Why are you under it at all if they have to pull the fuccing thing up

>> No.2482102

You can apply force on a hanging object from multiple directions

>> No.2482105

2 guys leaning out a window need to 100% fully support the weight
If they can't lift it from the ground, helping them just causes problems

>> No.2482170
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I wonder if that has something to do with Electrical Muscle Stimulation type stuff, like the shit Bruce Lee used. Maybe the electric field was so high that you'd get a capacitive connection to the ground through your shoes and your muscles would get like a slow uncontrollable flex. Scary shit. I typically avoid all big boy industrial work and stick to troubleshooting work that lets me keep all 10 fingers and toes. The old maintenance guy that told me about the vaporized man was the kind of maintenance guy that they used to tie up to a stretcher and lower him into noxious vats of shit that gives you 3 forms of cancer just so he can knock open stuck valve gates and shit.

>> No.2482177

>working under a car
>using an old and shitty jack and even shittier stands
>on gravel
>stands sink on the gravel and tip over
>car falls with me under it
>i avoid a very slow and painful death because I'm a 5'2 manlet and the wheels were not removed

After that day I bought the biggest and most expensive jackstands and jack I could find, and stay very far away from gravel.

>> No.2482194

Definitely not the worst I've seen but I know yall will get a kick out of it.
>differential specialist
>car has pinion noise
>sounds like it anyway always make sure before start ripping shit apart
>try to feel for play in pinion yoke but it's crampd
>think I feel some shit but not sure
>ask boss to feel it
>boss feels it too but same as me can't 100%confirm
>Driveshaft is close to suspension component (90s camaro for those that care)
>rotates Driveshaft to see whatever idk we do that
>fingers pinched between Driveshaft and shit
>laugh ass off at his expense
>next day
>do exactly the same thing
Boss didn't actually laugh at me. He should have though. I had just watched him make that mistake less than 24 hours ago.

>> No.2482261

they still do
lasik is just a more expensive option, cheaper ones still exist

>> No.2482263

accidents make insurance go up
and they look bad on your boss' record
so shithead bosses want to just cover up workplace injuries
find a better job

>> No.2482268

Worst ive had is stabbing a screw driver through my had.
Been luck I guess

>> No.2482271

Just use standard superglue. I do it all the time, albeit only on xacto cuts. Great for dogs too.

>> No.2482283

I'd just cut her hair. If she's being a bitch she gets no consideration from me about stupid pointless shit (I wouldn't just ignore her because I'm not edgy enough for that, but losing few stands of hair isn't a big issue).

>> No.2482297

Yes. Exactly. Like being stuck in an invisible jar of molasses or something.
If you move forward, but I push back on you, you feel me pushing on you. If I tie a rope around your waist and anchor it to the floor, you feel the rope around you get tighter the harder you try and pull. With this, there was nothing like that.
>Electrical Muscle Stimulation type stuff, like the shit Bruce Lee used
That was just 1st gen TEMS.

>> No.2482300
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Worse, back then we was 18 year old teenage retards. If it couldn't be picked up and put down, drunk, punched or fucked- we're just not qualified

>> No.2482316
File: 916 KB, 4032x3024, wat dis anon pls tell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It *did* work and was more controlled than I could have applied the force using a breaker bar on its own.
Here, I decided to record my triump over that piece of trash for which I injured myself kek.
As you can see I am turning it one-handed, as my right hand is in a bandage and carefully holding the phone lmao.
Maybe I should get myself some kind of strap-ratchet for situations like these.
Or a crow's foot and a breaker bar ye.

By the way, what is picrel good for?
It is part of a ratchet socket/bit set I treated myself to.
The square part is standard 1/4'' (or 6,35mm in non-stinky units) and what confuses me is that the hexagon side has that same diameter (face-to-face) too.
All the socket and screw parts have a square insertion point so I can connect the ratchet and different extensions to it.
So what is it good for?

Because it wouldn't have been hardened or due to the metals matching better?
Something else?
Or are you joking entirely?

>> No.2482339

Saw a guy shoot a nail trough his finger and another getting his clothes caught in a conveyer belt for sawdust and wood chipps and getting squeezd and squoze until someone reached the stop button but then had to turn it back on again in opposite direction

>> No.2482382

Sorry to hear bro.
I wish you the best and that you're doing alright now.

>At this point you'd have to start making spreadsheets to assess the risk before doing anything to reliably avoid things like hepatis c

You've been baited.

Slapstick level, made me kek, thanks for sharing anon.
Stay safe.

That's crazy, I wish I could find out exactly what caused it, never heard of electrostatics working like that.
It'd be really interesting to know where/how that loose ground wire did it.
I mean, for something like that medical "transcutaneous stimulation" to work you'd have to put an electrode on bare skin so it can't really have been that can it?

>> No.2482384

Hex to small 1/4 socket drive bit.

>> No.2482388

But the hex part also measures 1/4'' and this is mostly a metric kit.
Hey bits are there but they already have a square socket and all my extenders/adapters are socketet too and have the square plug on the other end, so it's literally... I dunno, the homo-docking-intercourse-situation - what do you do with 2 dicks and 2 dicks only?

>> No.2482390

>But the hex part also measures 1/4'' and this is mostly a metric kit.
The hex part goes in your drill chuck.

>> No.2482406
File: 103 KB, 1500x1087, 71sSl636IfL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was just joking around because it sounded funny to warn about using the right tools and then go immediately to broken allen wrenches as something other than wrenches. If it works it works, but as you know all too well, things can work and then suddenly not work instantly. Using something soft like that actually makes sense because it will usually deform if you are just loading it up rather than fail spectacularly with no warning like that same setup could if you used something like hose clamps or some other clamps.
FWIW I also had the mental pic of something more like a strap wrench like picrel, which is a thing and can also be DIYed on the fly...they can be very useful but also have their limits and can be real knucklebusters when you go past them, especially homebrewed ones.
As for the adapter, it can not only fit in a drill chuck, that 1/4" hex end lets you adapt any size drive handle to a 1/4" drive via a 1/4" (nut size) socket from that handle's socket set (or nut driver)...just adds some flexibility for when all your other 1/4" handles are occupied, don't fit, you need a wobble adapter or a long extension that you only have in 1/2" drive, etc.

>> No.2482449

>warn about using the right tools and then go immediately to broken allen wrenches as something other than wrenches
yeah, you have a point, it's not completely justifieable
>strap wrench
Yeah, you saw it in my video.
Thing was galvanically corroded to hell too.
>Adapter goes into a drill-chuck
FUCK, SEED AND FEED, now that you say it it makes perfect sense.
Yeah thanks for saying that, it somehow escaped my thought.

>> No.2482450

Saw a guy lose his arm in a hay compressing machine.

>> No.2482509

>"transcutaneous stimulation" to work you'd have to put an electrode on bare skin so it can't really have been that can it?
see below
>Maybe the electric field was so high that you'd get a capacitive connection to the ground through your shoes
people have capacitance

>> No.2482536

One of the dads from my lol bros baseball team died when his bobcat he rented fell over while on a hill and roll over him killing him in the process.

Try not to work alone gang I miss that guy.

>> No.2482547

Excavator driver got out of cab, slipped, machine started tracking forward very slowly loose valve or something, didn't manage to get one of his legs out in time, got crushed and mangled, gargling pain screams etc. We just had let the machine continue going over at it's own pace since it wouldn't have stopped and couldn't have got him out from underneath without it driving off.
Although quite fucked leg only clean broke in few places and he up and about pretty quick.
We just shrugged, you win some you lose.some.
Strangest one for myself, caught my arm on some hot metal, could actually feel the skin melting off for a few seconds before the pain started chugging.
Oh and once was walking on top a machine I slipped on the anti slip plates lol, and fell in a rock crusher, that got everyone going the most, lucky it wasn't on.

>> No.2482569

"Think they are tough" ... You took off from work because you SAW a booboo. Pussy.

>> No.2482579

This was indeed satisfying.

>> No.2482598

>dat center ruptured blister
Isn't that from those "rotate the stick" Mario Party 1 minigames?

>> No.2482602

Pneumatic hammer slipped and nailed my thumb to a brick wall

>> No.2482619

Charlie Chaplin tier lmao

>> No.2482624

Not really diy but a workplace accident, 2 guys were fried to death on rebar in an unpoured parking lot form. Cement truck had it spout touching the rebar and the power line above the truck hit it and caused it to arc and blew the tires off. Wire soldered itself to the truck and sdnt current through the whole parking lot. The guys down there were stuck on the current and burned til there was almost nothing left. Hair and clothes caught on fire, skin melted and blackened, teeth burned up and falling out exposed bone. Truly one of the worst horrors I have ever seen.

>> No.2482689

That sounds like some final destination shit Jesus. Also doesn't make sense to me desu.
Worst I've ever seen was a broken leg. Pops garages roof collapsed in a snow storm. The car lift caught it from fully going down so a couple of his friends and a bunch of family came to help get all the tools out and drink beer. One such tool was a pretty big press (for automotive work standards anyway). We rocked it up on this scooter type thing to wheel it out. Pop was good and drunk at this point got a little rammy went a bit too fast pushing it out while his buddy tried to support it from toppling. But of course, it did. Smashed his shin right in two like reminded me of that hairy Potter scene where the teacher disappeared his arm bone flopping about. Has a metal rod in there now, pop and him still good friends as ever

>> No.2482709

Why are you posting lies?

>> No.2482768

It wasn't that their muscles wouldn't work. It's that there was something holding them in place.
They could back out of the spot where they got stuck, but couldn't go any further forward.

>> No.2482886

>hot water heater
you wouldn't need a heater if it were already hot water you stupid boomer fuck.

>> No.2482891

I'm filing it under, 'things that never happened.'

>> No.2482892

they use something called dermabond now instead of stitches if the cut is minor enough, you can look it up and it's just cyanoacrylate aka superglue. however superglue doesn't go INTO the cut, that just prolongs healing time. it goes over, bonding the edges together. too many retarded boomers pour glue into the cut and make things worse.

>> No.2483002

I knew an old mechanic that had one of those ancient nail guns without the safety interlock thing.
He beld down tbe trigger and ended up driving a nail into his kneecap and falling off the roof of a house.
Be lived several more decades till a much worse accident killed him.

>> No.2483020

>wiejubc on rollcisret work friends scraw driver fall on track making circuit that tell operator ok to start ride back. Coster come round cut his head of body. I jumped brake 2 leg

>> No.2483021

Was grinding some shit on a stone grinder and turned my head away to look at a dude I was talking with. Big mistake.
Grinder ate my leather gloves and a chunk of my fingers. Also got some metal dust deep in the wound. Doc cleaned it up, but I worry that shit will give me cancer or something.

>> No.2483442

Im not lying I saw it with my own eyes. Truck conducted the power from the service lines down the spout on the rebar. It was probably a massive fluke but it happened. It heated up so quickly the tires blew up. This wasnt in a place with modern electrical regulations btw.

>> No.2483444

A gook maintenace guy didn't tag out a press and got his left arm turned into wobbly paste.

Also saw a beaner flashburn all his hair off while filling a propane powered floor sweeper but there was no permanent damage so it was more funny than anything.

>> No.2483473

Never been injured while working other than slipping and falling on ice (stagehand loading out Disney on Ice)
But when I was in college I stepped on a box of razor blades and it sheared the skin of my heel right off, a ton of calloused skin
Never went to a doctor, just disinfected it and the skin grew back good as new

>> No.2483475

Static is weird. I worked at the Eden Toy Company (long gone) in Jersey City fixing machinery. Previous mech invented a way to blow stuffing (which is fluffed by machine after it arrives in bales) from the fluffer to the stuffing machines (picture a hopper with a horizontal augur in a tube). He used 6" PVC pipe as a giant stuffing manifold which worked very well (the joints were not glued for quick takedown) but if they were blowing foam stuffing the static was like getting zapped by a car ignition coil if ya reached inside the pipe to unclog it.

Safety tip:
I trust no one and when I lockout and tagout a machine the fuses go in my pocket. That saved my ass more than once.

>> No.2483517

>trust no one and when I lockout and tagout a machine the fuses go in my pocket. That saved my ass more than once.
Working in a small garage does have its perks. I know the one other guy there(my boss) isn't retarded. You've helped calm my soul desu, I asked for a raise the other day was hoping for a big one too. Hard no. No raise at all. Least when I pulled the breaker box apart after he burnt up the breaker for our aircompressor trying to diag it and then also replaced the motor for I didn't have to worry he'd do some dumb shit and hit me with 220. Also sparkies I used to be the type to pick on ya and my sparkie brother picks on his own profession as well, not gonna lie I did the wiring like I was a surgeon I was such a pussy about getting wacked

>> No.2483591

>He used 6" PVC pipe as a giant stuffing manifold which worked very well (the joints were not glued for quick takedown) but if they were blowing foam stuffing the static was like getting zapped by a car ignition coil if ya reached inside the pipe to unclog it.
This is why dust collector plumbing is almost always made of metal, with the right material and blend with air the static buildup in a non-conductive duct can light that shit off like a bomb. In cases where they do use plastic pipe ducting for some reason they have to run a ground wire on the inside and outside to avoid it.
Textile fiber and its dust is definitely an explosion hazard when blown through pipes without good grounds, so are powdered foods.


>> No.2483593
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I decided to test out what the edge of a 120grit belt would do to my thumb.

>> No.2483594
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The answer is, it will ruin my day.

>> No.2483612

Sorry to hear about the bread anon

>> No.2483613

Got saw dust in my eye

>> No.2483618

since we're doing work stories...

I once saw a hardhat that was turned nearly inside-out. Man was using a (far) overhead chain-operator on a valve but instead of opening the valve- his effort was unthreading the wheel. Entire wheel assembly fell onto his head from high above. This accident diminished him mentally rather than killing him.

>> No.2483648

Regarding your usb keyboard
Goddamnit, I answered this to some anon and can't find him anymore because I was still banned at the time.

>people have capacitance
I know but I kind of thought "well wouldn't the power be too high and the heart get probs?"
But alas, it probably was an extremely low current and the PE-sheets and steel rollers acted like a Vand-der-Graff generator.

Kek, sounds surreal as fuck

*mom is ironing clothes*
>mommy is the iron hot?
>yes, it's hot, don't touch it
>but is it hoooott?
>yes, I just told you, don't touch it
>*shudders back*
>you touched the iron, didn't you?
>come on, don't play around with me now
>I-I didn't
>yes you did, now come along and we'll put your hand under cold water
I was a irredeemable little faggot

Why would you test it lmao?
Anyways, hope everything's good again anon.

>> No.2483728
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>Why would you test it lmao?

Truth is, the way the belt tracking knob locks into place, in order to get it tight I had twisted my hand at a weird angle and my thumb just touched the edge of the belt.

It still sends a little shiver through me when I imagine it.

I flushed it with plenty of water and then doused the wound with betadine, I think it's the first time in my life betadine has actually caused me pain, probably because it actually got so deep rsther than just a sorface scratch. I then glued it up with some 3m vetbond because thats all they would have done at the hospital, but they would have used the human version instead.

>> No.2483743
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Melantated individual in my welding class picked up a hot coupon and didn't let go of it. Apparently he lost the hand, but I never saw him after that.

>> No.2483794

>he worked hard not smart
how does it feel to be treated like the lowest class of workers when you actually deserve it?

>> No.2483799
File: 25 KB, 500x492, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit making up bullshit and go back to /pol/ faggot.

>> No.2483825

spent 10 years building roof and floor trusses shit that happened while I was there

>guy ripping wood on table saw, a 6 inch long, 1 inch wide chunk splits off and flies back burying itself in the guys arm under the skin
>guy turned into the blade of a running radial arm saw and lost 2 fingers.
>guy (while standing in the "do not enter" zone at the back of a roller press) stuck his arm into the middle of a roof truss and got dragged about 20 feet nearly had arm torn off
>guy flipping a roof truss has it get away from him and dislocates his shoulder
>pull barn truss falls off stands onto a guy breaking some ribs
>lots of people getting cut on steel banding, including a guy who had blood spurting a foot into the air from his hand and another guys asks me "think he needs stitches?"
>crane operator lifting some trusses at a job site hits a power line, zapping guy holding the guide rope
>crane operator delivering truss goes wrong way down a one way and ends up driving the trailer over 2 cards trying to back up

and then there was this brilliant incident
>fort lift is moving an entire bundle of pull barn trusses
>truss are 80 feet long, made up of 2x10 wood
>semi driver starts walking right next to end of the bundle "to help guide it"
>forklift hits a hole in gravel lot
>entire end of bundle ( a couple tons of wood) comes down on the semi drivers ankle and foot guy kept his foot but he almost ended up with powder for bones

and this was before they started cutting safety corners I left when they started doing that shit

>> No.2483916

Not him but didn't you ever put the back of your had up to one of those old 36" CRT tvs right after you shut it off? They'd have that same kind of weird backpressure on your hand that would go away if you could get it to shock you. I imagine this is that but much more.

>> No.2483977
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almost kms with a machete. the cut was pretty close to hitting arteries. the doctor in my hick town wasnt confident in helping me so I got a helicopter ride to a vascular surgeon.

>> No.2484036

I know I can never trust anyone on this board anymore since there are so many replies to this dipshit mongoloid thread.

>> No.2484064
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>>semi driver starts walking right next to end of the bundle "to help guide it"
Oh, the "i'll catch it" guy. I used to think the guys with fewer than 10 fingers were the "catch" guys. The horror stories i heard taught me that the guys who try and catch shit dont come back to work.

>> No.2484070

Truss plants are heinous. Our local plant killed a woman when a brake drum on their shit trailer shattered. (Stay away from truss and logging trailers on the road. I've seen how trashed they get before being dragged in for repairs...)

>> No.2484073
File: 15 KB, 480x360, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're telling /diy/ war stories. Contribute or gtfo

>> No.2484150

Okay, read this carefully; if either of you are directed to go take an MRI for any reason, please inform your doctor beforehand that you could have foreign object metal (shrapnel) in your body. An MRI could permanently disable or kill you, no joke.

>> No.2484161
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Table saw, went right to the bone in my left middle finger knuckle.

>> No.2484184

Safety fags are insufferable. I've said it before I'll say it again go fuck yourself. Doctors already know this shit. Go fuck yourself safety fag you're worse than vegans

>> No.2484185

It's in any MRI pre-op checklist but if for some odd reason like third world country they don't ask best to remind them.

>> No.2484225

Should have started with an OP image relevant to the discussion, not what someone not old enough to even work finds funny.

>> No.2484251

I worked at the metallurgical production, in the agglomeration shop. Once Dust shot out of the bunker, its temperature was over 400 degrees Celsius. In order not to burn and not to put on my eyes, I ducked my head and ran to the exit. There was a metal pole in the way and I hit my head on it. The helmet has worn off. But everything worked out, I only cut the skin. Now there is a reminder on the forehead that the helmet must be worn as it is written in the instructions and the balaclava must be worn.

>> No.2484269


>> No.2484303

>fishmeal dust
Imagine the smell.

>> No.2484330

>Oh, the "i'll catch it" guy.

Cousin to the "I'll just stop dozens-to-hundreds of tons of boat/ship with my foot" guy in countless marine docking scenarios.

>> No.2484334
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plants that take safety serious also will have installed spark detectors. if they detect a spark you open a valve and flood it with co2

>> No.2484340


>> No.2484385

I read a similar story on reddit, the employees had their fun but it wasn't fixed until a bird got sucked into the top side - where it was attracting instead of repelling - and broke the plastic webbing, releasing the tension and resulting in every goddamn roller in the whole machine getting saran wrapped and needing to be untangled by hand.

>> No.2484391


>> No.2484453
File: 91 KB, 500x375, itstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you're such a /fa/g that the only thing that matters in a 137 post thread is a single relevant image.

>> No.2484457
File: 161 KB, 1200x1600, gottem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still on 4chin /pol/ fag. You're obviously setting up reminders for yourself, you have to do that on your calendar app.

>> No.2484469
File: 2.99 MB, 435x250, T2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at a company that made explosion "safe" equipment. I asked what guidelines we were following when designing the machinery.

My manager said "we self certify".

To which i asked, "oh ok, so who do i talk to so i can get the company standards?"

Manager responds, "don't worry too much about it, just try to make it so it doesn't let sparks out or dust in or anything like that."

So for anyone here working in potentially explosive hazardous environments, I'm sorry for putting a fully air cooled brushed motor in machines with periodic and unintentional steel to steel heavy contact and straight up knockoff-knockoff Chinese electronics that catch fire the second they get connected. But my boss said we had to keep costs down so you understand.

>> No.2484493

This wasn't an accident but there was lot of blood...
I had a bump on my earlobe and went to a dermatologist to ask what it is and how to remove it and the costs. etc. So it turned out to be something that they would have cut down as surgery and not laser treatment or something else. It supposed to be super expensive compare to the surgery itself.
So I thanked the answer and went home, and started to butcher my ear myself.
It was more bloody than I thought, half of my body was already bloody like in a horror movie and I felt like fainting from the immense smell of blood, despite being a woman. At the end when I finished I asked my bf to help open a bandage (cause my hands were full of slippery blood) and he was horrified from what he saw. (I didn't tell him before what I was doing).
This happened like 3 years ago and there is no wound anymore. I didn't regret it and would do it again.

>> No.2484499
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>> No.2484521

>potential woman detected
you should have some idea what I want
a mans got needs and getting a pic online is better than being totally on my own

>> No.2484714

>Be me, Working at sheet metal fab shop
>Asshole coworker is trying to move a heavy pallet with the small fork truck but it keeps trying to tip, Somebody else is using the larger fork truck and he is impatient.
>He tells me to stand on the back as counterweight, The video of the Chinese worker getting crushed plays through my mind and I refuse. (I weigh about 150 lbs so it wouldn't make any difference anyways)
>He calls me a pussy and says I should be fired.
>Raises pallet about 4ft off the ground to clear another pallet and forklift tips, Pallet slips off and fork truck slams back onto the ground.
>Coworker hit his head on the frame of the fork truck but was otherwise ok.
>I get laid off about a month later.

>> No.2484733

I watched the building blow up.

>> No.2484743

Please post some kind of image.
Blood for the blood gods.

>> No.2484747

Fuck that sucks, that shithead ruins the lifes of others.

>> No.2484780

It was crazy how relaxed some guys would get about being near the running roller press. Fucker terrified me every day for the decade I worked there. Scared me way more than the saws with 3foot blades cause you know a fuck up with the press means you are going into it & coming out an inch thick on the other side

>> No.2484830
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Don't be sad, you made the right choice. Forklifts don't play silly games

>> No.2485137

Digits fitting for a gas post

>> No.2485171

defending shitposting

>> No.2485905

he wanted his hot water HOTTER, fag

>> No.2485907

smart choice anon. never fuck around with heavy equipment.

I don't understand why people risk their lives to save a few minutes of time.

>> No.2485920


>> No.2485933

It was a big blister.

>> No.2486236

> much worse accident
do tell

>> No.2486256
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Thumb in table saw.

>> No.2486549


>> No.2486721

Just FYI: you use running water and the temperature doesn't matter. The point is to transport the heat away from the burn. Works pretty well if you're quick enough.

>> No.2486732

Is your water running?

>> No.2486752

I saw a guy fall into a combine he was pulling behind his tractor. He was trying to impress a girl and tried reaching for his hat hanging from a tree branch. ,,(or fence post?...it's been so long)
Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.2486760

Not an accident but I was about 20 feet away from a homicide in Louisville Kentucky while I worked on an outdoor electric panel

Fucking niggers, they blasted this guy he was dead before he hit the ground the detectives didn't even seem like they gave a fuck

>> No.2487309

That's old school. Before they merged with Roadway. My old man retired from there several years back.

>> No.2487329

A heater needs to heat up first if you want hot water. He simply means the heater is up to temperature

>> No.2487330

>If you're not fucking yourself up then you're not working hard enough
people like this are the most braindead fuckers on the planet

>> No.2487344

>the detectives didn't even seem like they gave a fuck

They really don't. Dude was probably a gang banger with a long rap sheet and active felony warrants.

>> No.2487443

>Plater for hard facing company
>Lots of mining, petrochem, steelworks type heavy fab
>Working on coffee table sized slabs of steel from local steelworks
>300 x 600 x 1500mm fuck off slab of metal
>They need 20mm or more of weld to build them back to square on one side
>8mm weld x 6 gorrilon runs
>Water cooled torch & lots of preheating req,d.
>My mate is in next bay doing the other one
>Gets it in his head his torch isn't working right
>Touches shroud to his lips without thinking
>His watercooling isn't working, actually
>He won't shut up about his lips for the rest of the day

>> No.2487736

My dad fell out of a tree and was crawling on the ground looking for a few of his front teeth.
I climbed up and finished cutting off a few limbs while he made a dentist appointment.

>> No.2487743

Hang out on /pol/ and you'll quickly become desensitized to industrial accidents.
> saw a guy get stuck onto a lathe and spin until he turned into doom giblets.
> Children getting crushed by cars
> Workers falling into molten metal / crushers
> Toddler getting pinned between an elevator door and a criss cross section in India
> Little niglets getting abused
Last two got me. I teared up for both.
> T pussy

>> No.2487746

Damn man I'm grateful this has a happy ending.

>> No.2487751


>> No.2487759
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>Hang out on /pol/
are you /pol/ fags STILL shilling on this fucking thread? You faggots are on a containment board for a reason. It's because you're UNWANTED LOSERS.

>> No.2487784
File: 2.97 MB, 3456x4608, IMG20220621194051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do a little sum-up of just mine
>cut of fingertip with hobby knife
>Stabbed through my nail 4 times
>glass shard through pinky
>third degree black burns on two fingers
>glass shrapnel in leg and face
>Finger in angle grinder and then because I wanted to continue working accidentally pouring accid in it
>Deep cut from a lathe tool that i super glued shut
>hobby knife stabbed through my toa because I dropped it and tried to catch it with foot
>Hit my arm on a end mill
>Titanium chip under nail all the way to the back

I don't have feeling in 4 fingers so injuries don't bother me much, it's just annoying th as t blood makes stuff rust so bad. Pic is one of the times I cut my fingertip

>> No.2487787

Someone post the webm of the chink broad who smashes her arm in a hydraulic press

>> No.2487802

post pic of it now

>> No.2487813

Of what? Most of them are scars now and i have lost most pictures

>> No.2487814
File: 2.83 MB, 2592x4608, IMG20221021104348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stupid

>> No.2487830

gouged thumb when deburring tool slipped

>> No.2487841

You seem upset. Perhaps going back to plebbit would make you feel safe.

>based af

>> No.2487845

What the fuck is up with your mutant goblin nails? Your fingertips look more like toes.

>> No.2487898

Beating on a steel rod to get something stuck out of something. Didn't realize it was hardened steel from using it in a forge or some shit.

Piece flies off goes straight through my tshirt and embeds itself in my stomach. Felt like a bb hit me pretty hard. Just grabbed some tweezers and pulled it out. Was a weird sensation. Sore spot for like a week.

>> No.2487958

>You seem upset. Perhaps going back to plebbit would make you feel safe.
no one gives a shit loser.

>> No.2488019

Ripping off an old roof dead of summer, so many bees. Went to toss a sheet into the burn pile and a bunch of half dead hornets from the bee killer charged out at me, jumped back, one nail went through my toe and pushed my big toe nail up and one went into my heel. Hurt kinda but was half drunk so kept working for 15 minutes and we all went to get lunch, on the way there my leg started locking up so I went to urgent care. Felt so bad for the cutie nurse who took my boot off after working into for 12 hours in the heat, she dumped out a water bottle worth of blood, and then had to take my sock off my rancid foot witch ripped my toe nail. Couldn't walk for like a week.

>> No.2488032

Larp. Only dumb white people go into welding

>> No.2488082

Didn't witness it but wish I did
>Working a shity job at a battery warehouse that delivers car batteries and larger
>We drove these trucks with a load gate on the back and move them with manual pallet jacks
>Have to push the pallets to the load gate, turn quickly and stop then lower the load gate
>Get a new guy in a truck gonna make his first delivery that day, I'll call him M
>Manager shows M how to load and unload trucks with the pallet jacks and load gate, I also tell M if he feels unsafe then it's better to unload the pallets and take the batteries down as sometimes the pallets are stacked taller then us
>Go about my day but hear about what happened to M when I got back to the shop at the end of the day
>He was unloading a tall pallet of batteries for a golf course which probably weighted close to 2k lb. (Might be off on this)Pushed it with the pallet jack to the load gate on the truck but went too fast and didn't turn
>Pallet with the pallet jack falls off the back of the lift gate and flips over breaking multiple golf cart batteries creating a small environmental disaster of battery acid all over the golf course's parking lot
>Worse part was M didn't let go of the pallet when it fell and he was launched from the truck fucking up his face and breaking his collar bone and one bone in his arm
>EPA almost had to get involved due to all the battery acid

>> No.2488083


>> No.2488091

We call them "wiggers"

>> No.2488101

seems to have healed nicely

>> No.2488113

>work in steel fab shop producing plows with prison labor
>corona time
>hand sanitizer everywhere
>inmate is desperate for a drink
>he drinks the sanitizer, gets nasty drunk
>falls face first in front of me and lands his nose on a corner of an angle bar, 4×4×.5in.
>blood everywhere
>thats it for him

>> No.2488116

>an old machine maintenance guy told me he saw a guy get vaporized
I had it confirmed by a firefighter lineman buddy of mine that this indeed used to happen back in the day in New Mexico

>> No.2488117
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This was mine. 18 staples. 27 stitches.

>> No.2488137

Years of metal work that would cut into my finger nails meaning I have to cut them down, over time that made them look like that. And mail biting

>> No.2488150

My mum was replacing the porch door latch insert and somehow managed to cut the very tip of her finger off by closing the door on it. Can't play guitar properly any more. Dad does all the DIY at their house now, and I have a guitar.

>> No.2488152

kek, woman moment

>> No.2488165
File: 198 KB, 600x906, farm-jack---high-lift-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got en uppercut to the jaw with one of these while lifting a cultivator, nearly passed out, I got lucky and didn't break anything.

>> No.2488173

you will never be a woman

>> No.2488177
File: 16 KB, 448x538, invisijew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blend harder. this is not the right way to be jew.

>> No.2488178

Worst I ever had was when I was installing blueboard insulation in a wall in my shed. I put a block against it and then pounded it into place between the studs with a 2 pound hammer. The shitty little stool I was standing on kicked out from under me while hammering and my hand slipped down and I smashed my thumb with the hammer. Couldn't feel anything in that thumb for a couple of days and my thumbnail had detached on one side, but no long term damage.

>> No.2488211

Do you want me to make a wooden door?

>> No.2488214

You'll see worse on \gif/

>> No.2488245
File: 2.00 MB, 334x258, 1655923720985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time making mead
>have only made beer prior
>Air lock stops making activity after a few weeks
>must be done lol! Time to bottle
>bottle in 750ml swing top bottles
>"if it gets over-carbonated for any reason it will just pop the top open bro"
>store bottles on top shelf of a closet
>come home one day to the closet doors blown open and the 50 lb safe in front of it on the floor surrounded by broken glass

If I had gone into the closet at the wrong time I would have blown my god damn face off. Turns out mead takes FAR longer to ferment and swing top bottles absolutely will blow up. Thanks retarded homebrewing forums!

>> No.2488246

I am still finding glass in my garage

>> No.2488253

The other danger with those high lift jacks is people tend to use them for their off roaders, don't tend to use the most stable ground and vehicles can fall off, maybe squishing the owner, sometimes just turning a flat tyre into a full on recovery effort

>> No.2488276

Lol great

>> No.2488281

Nigga wut. I make mead all the time. Never exploded anything. Have bottled it as early as 2 months old.

>> No.2488306
File: 48 KB, 500x375, 1469867639978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have toe nails instead of fingernails?

>> No.2488324

Your retarded. Just leave the bump it’s nothing serious. It’s just a benign cyst in your ear

>> No.2488342
File: 311 KB, 474x355, Atomizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Injury wise, it would have to be what happened to our Sr. Electrical Engineer. The guy had worked for the company since 78 and was generally really nice to everyone. He never made any plans for retirement as his work really made him happy. It's always the nice guys that get it the worst.

One day I came in for UI training and noticed he was on the rig. Like usual he's outside of the safety bracers without a harness. He'd done it a thousand times before and knew the machine like the back of his hand. The only thing unaccounted for was that impromptu course scheduled randomly by some dipshit in management had heated up the funnel. That shit runs at an average of 400C so the exterior is scalding. He leaned on a pipe, scalded his hand and slipped. All I heard is the massive fucking thud and the trainees shocked gasps. I peer through the control window to see him sprawled out on the floor. Me and a few other managers dash onto the floor.
>My face when despite searing is forearm and falling 2 stories the legend survived.

He ultimately was forced into retirement by the higher ups and got a (somewhat) happy ending.

>> No.2489664

They'll time your every breath, and every day you're in this place you're two days nearer death

>> No.2489681

atomizer is a really good album, you should check it out

>> No.2489861

But you goooooooooo

>> No.2489867

On a suspended slab pour on a construction site, saw the flexible end of the concrete pump boom slip off and knock out the concreter who was holding it/directing the concrete. Got buried in seconds and was pulled up gasping, he either said "don't tell my missus" or "tell my missus", think he thought he might die.

He was ok I think, just copped a heap of concrete to the back of the head, probably came right after some rest. Spooky how quickly shit hits the fan

>> No.2489871

Sounds like someone isn't working hard enough

>> No.2489872

>>inmate is desperate for a drink
>>he drinks the sanitizer
country - russia?

>> No.2490010

My parents made some chicha which is basically cider in the south american fashion. And I wanted some a year later at a houseparty. So I grabbed this swingtop bottle and opened it, and was about what you'd expect from a potato gun. I was nearly looking down the barrel when it happened too. It barely skimmed my forehead and put a hole in the umbrella I was sitting under. The swing top fell to the ground a few seconds later.

>> No.2491405

I haven't had or witnessed any injuries yet, but the other day I was nailing two pieces of timber together with a nail gun, and I shot through a knot not thinking anything of it because I had done it many times before and it had been fine. Well, the bail bent 90 degrees and out to the back. Luckily, I had my hand on the front. If I had had the timber the facing the opposite way it would've gone straight through my finger. Been dead careful with it ever since.

>> No.2491610

Was soldering a front sight onto a rifle barrel with my dad. The torch was sitting on the table and he stuck his hand right into the flame when he was trying to get something on the bench

>> No.2493035

Was working in underground coal mine before 24th of February

Know several incident involving fingers
Underground - a guy was pushing a minecart but because a wood log was sticking from side of a wall construction and was too low, a finger were cut off despite both wood and minecart dodn't having any shark edges.

On surface - a guy's finger were rip off due to wedding ring. Was doing something and jumped off 6-8 feet height, his finger were hooked on edge because no one give a fuck about straightening metal wall. His wife were insisting on wearing ring, after he rip off finger she said to wear chain instead of ring. He didn't wear it.

The Woodcutter don't have all fingers on his hands.

>> No.2493037

My father have worse
Several times hit roots of fingernails
As they didn't grow together evenly he will have bulging line on his nails for rest of his life

>> No.2493048

Any prison. When swine flu hit the UK here there were reports of the inmates mixing hand sanitiser with orange juice

>> No.2493050

Anon literally provides a long list of why his fingers are fucked

>> No.2493128

We had a blockage in our sewer main where the basement drain connected to the line with everything on it before it left the house so the shower on the first floor would back all the way up after 20minutes or so

My wife didn't want to be around so she left for her parents house for the holiday alone so I could deal with it without her being there.

I had to break up all the concrete the night before and then spent 15 hours replacing every bit of cast iron sewer with PVC from the cast iron clean out where the main entered the house to the vent in the roof. Since the toilets were unhooked, I did it while eating little and drinking minimal water.

I'm a fucking huge natty bodybuilder and decided to reward myself with a no stress gym session that next morning before heading to the in-laws
I was doing a strength routine at the time and on my 8th set of benching 295, I tore my rotator cuff. I don't know if I wasn't using good form or what, but I was dehydrated and carb depleted and it took 4 months before the pain subsided.

15 months later I finally regained my strength and benched what my max was before the tear (315lbs)

>> No.2493131

Standard tetanus with the other 2 things save lives.
It's the only thing I keep up on because I get stabbed/cut on rusty shit all the god-damned time

>> No.2493225

Same,but fingertips and frozen pastrami.Years later,I still get queasy chills thinking about it.

>> No.2493240
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cool story. Now get away from that weed before you fantasize even more

>> No.2493267

>going online to a mongolian basketweaving to try and sow dissent over something as invaluable as the TDAP shop
I wonder who would be doing this, and for what unscrupulous reason.

>> No.2493858
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>> No.2493861

Didn't see it, but an acquaintance was doing dropping an engine at his shop and his hand was in front of the bell housing; when the engine got lowered, it apparently dropped too fast and sheered his hand off at the wrist.

>> No.2493879

Sheared, sorry. Anyway, he's forcibly retired now.

>> No.2494022

youre kind of a pussy, the only thing that would make me skip work is actually seeing someone get pressed by a falling car into paste (well im lazy so maybe I would call in sick just not to work)

>> No.2494030

I'm not a cool handyman, just an extra hand, one time I was trying to fit this 2x4 into the wall but the bottom was bulging out so I tried to kick it into place failing to see the giant nail sticking out of the bottom, it went straight through my sneakers and under my big toenail.

It wasn't as painful as it looked, but it looked really, really gross.

>> No.2495557


>> No.2495667

>Helping a buddy pull an engine
>He wants to take off all the accessories first to make the job easier
>Ok sure whatever
>He can't get the balancer bolt loose from the crank
>He puts this long cheater bar on it
>I shit you not, he takes a screwdriver and jumps the solenoid
>Starter engages
>He is holding onto the cheater bar, which launches and slams down onto the fender and supporting panels, pinning his hand
>Big splat of blood goes everywhere
>Help free him
>ER visit

>> No.2495680

I was sitting on my living room floor in nothing but my boxers disassembling a tape measure in order to cut the tape up and use it as a rule on another project. I separated the shell and removed the tape, but carelessly let the spring slip past my grip. Whole spring exploded out of the tape right in my lap, leaving a nice ~3" gash inside my right thigh. I was shocked by the loud bang it made, then relieved that it didn't fuck up my face or balls, the shocked all over again when I started spurting all over the floor. Not fun.

>> No.2495725

>I started spurting all over the floor. Not fun.
>I came
>wasn't fun
I think anon just said he was raped

>> No.2495748

>need to cut bamboo stake
>no tools other than tree pruning saw
>saw teeth are too big and slip, pruning my thumb open. I am lucky and don't even lose my fingernail though

>> No.2495754


>> No.2495766

I guess the theory was sort of sound, but its not like you're ever going to man-handle the torque of a starter motor. Shit I think just the basic beater ones can throw out about 2-3hp and around 10-15nm of torque for a short period.

>> No.2495809

I accidentally cut my head off

>> No.2495813

Imagine being a ghost who haunts 4chan, but only /diy/. Forced to read anon's tales about the crafts your ghostly fingers can no longer do.

>> No.2495869
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Nothing major for me besides a few small cuts or burns but one of my friends set his pants on fire while cutting some metal with a torch.

>> No.2495897

Haha I do that same thing but hold it CLOSE to my lips. Not touching. Lincoln electric should make the water cooling forced on before welding on some models.

>> No.2496152

I was using an air nailer too fast (not on roof btw) and nailed my foot to a board. My buddy zipped the ends of the board off and drove me to the ER and the nurse yelled at me for being retarded because I not only nailed my foot to a board but also I was wearing flip flops.

>> No.2496161
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Guess how :^)

>> No.2496169

>Well I was eating this grapefruit, see, and then...

>> No.2496195

Did you launch a fork into your foot?

>> No.2496200

Into lava of liquid metal?

>> No.2496202

My father was making a hole in a pcb with one blade of scissors, got distracted and drove it right into his own knee.

>> No.2496269 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 500x667, 1665031363124391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what size drill bit do i need to pre-drill holes for your typical 2.5in construction screw? would it be #10 screw? i read
>the drill bit size that matches a #10 screw is 7/64 and 1/8 for softwood and hardwood,
would plywood and 2x4;s be soft wood?
is this a decent price? can they be had for much less than $1/pc?

where can i buy 1.5in #10 screws for somewhere in the $2/lb range?
home depot sells 25lb boxes of 2.5in and 3in screws for $50 but no 25lb boxes of 1.5in screws.
i can find 5lb boxes but theyre about $5/lb
some stores sell them in bulk but they come out to like $7.50lb

>> No.2496272 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 415x623, 1665002131419454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what size drill bit do i need to pre-drill holes for your typical 2.5in construction screw? would it be #10 screw? i read
>the drill bit size that matches a #10 screw is 7/64 and 1/8 for softwood and hardwood,
would plywood and 2x4;s be soft wood?
is this a decent price? can they be had for much less than $1/pc?

what size bit do #10 general construction screws use? PH2?

where can i buy 1.5in #10 screws for somewhere in the $2/lb range?
home depot sells 25lb boxes of 2.5in and 3in screws for $50 but no 25lb boxes of 1.5in screws.
i can find 5lb boxes but theyre about $5/lb
some stores sell them in bulk but they come out to like $7.50lb

>> No.2496281

Owe someone some money?

>> No.2496282

dropped something heavy on your foot, landed down side was a heatsink or some metal grate/fins.

>> No.2496296

you posted blisters? lol

>> No.2496324
File: 107 KB, 504x680, 1664250062005390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was working with methanol and hexane and while i was on a stool pouring a few gallons of it into a tank, i could see the vaporwaves of it 'water falling' onto my coworkers head below me. she used a bandana as a mask while i wore an n95 respirator (shouldve been using a fullface) i remember the engineer (my boss) would get mad at me and tell me to take my mask off while we work becuase he cant hear what i was saying.

i only worked around that shit for like 3 months but im pretty sure i incurred some sort of fucking brain and muscle damage from it and i am also sure we should have been working under a giant fucking fume hood and not just having the roll up door cracked open.

>> No.2496330
File: 727 KB, 1185x576, crashtruck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two road construction accidents:

i worked for a paving contractor and was sent out to take paving measurements with a city worker. of course i am to round up and the city worker wanted measurements rounded down so he took the measuring wheel. I watched traffic for him. I told him when cars were coming and he would come to the side of the road. well he was taking a really long measurement and i told him a car was coming. he paused to ackwoledge me but then instead of heading back to sidewalk he finishes the measurement while i yell at him two more times the car is coming. he walks two steps in one direction towards opposite shoulder then suddenly changes directions three steps into a 60mph suv. i guess i went into shock becuase i immediatly pulled out my phone to dial 9/11 but look around and theres already a bunch of people on their phone and people next to him helping him.

another job i was on, the guy driving the crash truck fell asleep and crashed into the truck in front of him pinning the worker in the back of the truck. apparently the lowseat the worker was in had been outlawed.

>> No.2496336

man I hate the fume and toxin crap. And then constantly taking crap for taking half measures like you say. No wonder the people giving me crap are brain dead and can hardly do any real work because their bodies are broken.

>> No.2496339
File: 668 KB, 2992x3000, received_957940544696974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped an angle grinder while cutting square tubing in the backyard barefoot :^)

>> No.2496340

Idk anything about hexane but methanol isn't dangerous like that. Don't drink it and you're good.

>> No.2496341

i have a recent picture of my phone of a guy using an angle grinder while squating in flip flops

>> No.2496348
File: 142 KB, 680x568, 1652536035371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son I thought you were weedwhacking with sandals or something
5/5 you're scarred for life and bled a lot that's an injury you can be proud of

>> No.2496349

I wanna call you retarded but I can't believe someone retarded enough to just drop an angle grinder could have their own back yard. Wtf caused you to lose grip then? There's more to this story for sure. Drunk af? High? Like wtf

>> No.2496350

i would put it over my back like a barbell and simulate a squat under the load of the starter motor and it would come free. some people are simply built different.

>> No.2496360
File: 348 KB, 2560x1440, 8027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe someone here recognizes pic related

6 years since it happened... a lot has happened since i wrote the story on /diy/

>> No.2496377

i got those from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 on the PS2 back in the day

>> No.2496404
File: 98 KB, 960x720, nomnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that would do it, any cut tendons?

>i have a recent picture of my phone of a guy using an angle grinder while squating in flip flops
I do this as well, because its fucking hot in summer here and after anons oopsie I might not do that any more... as much

>> No.2496407

Damn, what a read

>> No.2496415

Absolutely brutal

>> No.2496417

I can pull on a rope, same as any motherfucker can

I worry about the wedding ring. I know I’ll get it snagged on a gear tooth, or chain or something one of these days.

>> No.2496425

A guy on site shot himself through the hand with a gunpowder nail gun. Pictures were pretty gnarly.

>> No.2496499

once someone started drilling next to me and the loud noice hurt my tiny baby ears

>> No.2496566

Saw a guy get wet cement in his eye once. The abrasive texture and presence of lye basically obliterated his cornea since the dumbfuck rubbed his eye and waited to go to a doctor. Had to get a corneal transplant at 21 years old, his body rejected it, and got a prosthetic cornea instead which cost him like 50 grand

>> No.2496644

can lye be counteracted with vinegar wash? i keep vinegear on hand when working with concrette... should i wear safety glasses too? maybe ill just wear them all the time when i DIY

>> No.2496652

Did my thumb exactly like that with just a hacksaw.
>barely balancing a short piece on edge of table
>piece slips, finger replaces piece
>cool pattern of flaps from joint right down the nail
Was a lot of blood, but just deep surface slices. washed all the flaps clean with water and soap, folded them neatly back in place, bandaged up and they were fused back in a week. Still lacks sensitivity though and i might've bruised a tendon or something.

>> No.2496700
File: 111 KB, 1440x1920, 289043923_552429856589419_8849952493457170980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pants caught fire

>> No.2496835
File: 1.97 MB, 420x240, fc516ed6b276b92148198c3cd712778a_4a70bab8_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gif goes through my head every time I have to unload a pallet with the liftgate

>> No.2496879
File: 1.54 MB, 3000x4000, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping it comfy.. I used use an angle grinder like inches over my face, geuss i got too comfy.
thanks friend
nah, was retarded.. cutting shit early in the morning on a folding chair.. tube in one hand, grinder in the other, grinder binds to tube, kicks out of my hand and fucks my shit up
no, it was an abrasive disk thankfully. lost use of my big toe for like 6 months though, still cant feel half of it, at least it doesn't just hang there anymore :^)

>> No.2496951

>mental health day
fucking millenials

>> No.2496967

Flush your eye with water for a full 15 minutes then go to the hospital

>> No.2497040

>people still use the handheld chainsaws despite this happening every tenth time someone uses it

>> No.2497083

>dog brought bit the guy afraid of dogs on the only day It's brought
Kek, owner shouldnt have let It go near him

>> No.2497261
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>was shifting using his hand

>> No.2497428

Industrial arts class, we were learning to use coping saws. Not sure how exactly it happened, I took a turn too fast on the dusty floor and wiped out while carrying said saw. Got a huge gash across my palm. Teacher taped it up and that was that. Not even a scar as far as I can tell.

Also, coworker was cutting some beef loin on the bandsaw, nicked his fingertip and got blood everywhere. Coworker claimed he pulled his hand away in time, so manager said use the meat and they did.

>> No.2497674
File: 514 KB, 988x656, 83887359-3158-4E54-953B-A7B1FF3CF27A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working at sheet metal fab shop, we had stacks of sheet metal on carts and pallets all over.
Most people including me were always ocd about stacking sheets perfectly with no overhang or pieces sticking out
Sometimes people would get lazy and leave the piles a mess, or worse leave just one sheet out of position below the whole stack
Guy walking past a misaligned stack sliced his calf open really bad once, bled everywhere.
Once it happened to me too, but it only sliced my jeans clean through thankfully without any major bleeding

>> No.2497779
File: 59 KB, 1170x548, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angle grinder bounced and went into mid knuckle of coworker.

kept his fingers, 2 months later and his hand is fine, some blood.

I have always respected angle grinders, they are not to be messed with.

>> No.2497783

>carrying a massive piece of old cracked plate glass with another guy
>we both agree to let go if it breaks
>it breaks
>he doesnt let go
>big jagged section falls right into his hand and cuts off part of his thumb

>be me
>using angle grinder with zip disk to cut a piece of rebar
>zip disk suddenly explodes into a million pieces in a fraction of a millisecond
>everyone around me just stops working and checks to see if they are ok
>feeling uneasy I put a new disk on and get back to it

>guy using table saw to rip some plywood
>blade is raised like 3 inches to cut 1/2 plywood
>wood starts raising
>he pushes it back down with his thumb right into the blade
>on the way to the hospital the back window of the single cab worktruck randomly explodes covering me and the injured guy in glass
>im standing in the emergency room shaking glass out of my clothes while hes getting stiched together by a doctor

ive seen so much stupid shit and near fatalities working construction its crazy more people dont die

>> No.2497790

I saw a jobsite crackhead get lockjaw from not getting a tetanus shot. Don't fuck with that shit man.

>> No.2497802

Cool pic

>> No.2497884

I've seen someone get degloved.

>> No.2497898

It can be. I kept a small bottle of distilled white vinegar in the truck glovebox exactly for that reason. You don't need to treat every little concrete contact though, it's caustic stuff for sure but some splatter on your arms for example won't hurt you. Most burns happen when it gets inside your clothes or gloves and has a chance to react with your skin because it stays wet for longer, I had minor burns on my hands plenty of times because I didn't notice it was there and the sweat just made it worse.

Don't worry about splatter, but wipe off big blotches, then treat with a splash of vinegar and rinse with cool water. If you already have burns then vinegar can still help. The lye in your skin will keep eating away at you until it runs out or is neutralized by some other method. Vinegar will do this but it's also an exothermic reaction so it hurts, but you can keep a burn from getting worse by doing two or three vinegar rinses and following up with roomtemp water. See a doctor if your skin turns gnarly colors, I had my fingertips turn black once.

>> No.2498251
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wasn't there but a concrete pumper's boom gave and killed both guys beneath it, the wife of one of them was there

>> No.2498259

He had the right idea, but you're meant to set the breaker bar against one of the chassis rails or subframe and let that brace it, not try to hold it with your hands.

>> No.2498261

You're all so fucking stupid.

>> No.2498487

>god I hope that was because you accidently fell & this happened... cuz you should die outta shame to maintain your honor if it was from you swinging it around like a jackass in the direction of your other arm.

This post is a fucking mood bro...
>May god forgive your financially forced crimes against another human being...

Hope you got a much better job now, anon

I've seen tons of fucks do this and I can't seem to fathom how...
Even seen retards reach around guards as drop saw operators to hook out scrap wood/paneling when they had a custom made tool to prevent them risking loosing all their fingers or hand.
Seriously some fucks are dumber than a rock, cuz who'd actively risk loosing a limb to beat tac-time on a factory line.
>I must just be autisticly careful about my damn hands or everyone that manages doing this is sub 110 iq and rushing everything at high speed at the cost of no safety/restraint whatsoever.

>> No.2498520

>Seen a woman get scalped...
She was working on a hook line and had her hair tied up.
She passed under the line, an empty hook just so happened to catch her hairbun, it dragged her up into the drying loft 2 stories up.
According to the doctor, Her entire scalp had been pulled loose from around the skull (not completely torn due to how skin works, but the best way to Imagine it is like an Olympic swimcap on top of her skull at that point)
& it was only visibly 1/4 torn off from her neckline up onthe way to the hospital
they had to fully remove and reattach it.

>Seen a Guatemalan get his hand utterly crushed & the skin up to his arm peeled off after getting his oversized glove got caught in & dragged his arm through a industrial roller.
Roller injuries haunt my nightmares to this day man...
It's crazy to think that from onset to us stopping the machine was <10 sec.
Luckily it was still below the elbow & it took an entire 15 min to get his arm free. Dudes lucky he's alive.

>Funny thing is work put both them on the safety committee once they came back to work.

>> No.2498589

Repairing a fence, rammed an entire nail through my thumb, straight through the nailbed on the other side, was pretty gnarly.

>> No.2498647

>She was working on a hook line and had her hair tied up
Call me stupid but couldn't she have just hung on to the hook with her arms

>> No.2500058

top godamn fucking kek

>> No.2500267

>use of big toe
such as? toes are pretty useless as far as appendages go

>> No.2500270

>toes are pretty useless as far as appendages go
Yeah, who needs balance anyway>

>> No.2500312

Workmate died in a workshop. Weird accident where he somehow landed on a belt angle grinder. By the time we'd found him, the belt had gone almost all the way through his neck. Reckon he'd tripped on sawdust vac power cables.

>> No.2500405

I was fixing the handle and slipped. Ive never cut myself with a machete or axe using them. only when fixing/sharpening

>> No.2500498

>landed on a belt angle grinder
No disrespect to him, but that's so unlikely its probability of happening just wouldn't register on any kind of workplace safety. You'd put it in for dust and flying chunks/abrasive hazard but the chances of it getting away on you and doing something awful is a stretch of the imagination
Well shit, I guess it can happen!

>> No.2500544

That was a great read. You were lucky tho, dude. That thing coulda died at the wrong place at the wrong time. But thanks for the read

>> No.2500576

Smashed the tip of my left index finger and partially severed the extensor tendon on my middle finger between a fence post driver handle and the top of a fence post because I was working way too hard and heaving that fucking thing way too fast to try and get it down through a gravel layer. Distal phallange was completely broken in half and shattered, nail uprooted entirely, tendon was actually totally fine, had to get it all stitched together and then had some metal rods inserted lengthways in my fingers for a few months

>> No.2500587

Fucking hell dude i love a good story. You still have the car?

>> No.2500609

I hope you learned your lesson about lying

>> No.2500612

Wow dude you're fucking insane

>> No.2500630

Was using an axe to finish cutting a cap off of a log to make a log grow box. Bounced the axe off of a knot and landed it on my shin. Didn't hurt a lot. Just throbbing. After I finished the work, I went in my house, sat down and took my shoes off. Sweating like a pig, I didn't realize my shoe was full of blood. I slapped the meat off of my shin, down to the bone. Patched it up with a trauma bandage and pressed it on with some medical wrap. The hospitol told me that they were closed until the morning so I came in the morning to try and get stitches. They told me that I waited to long. After I jumped down their throats, they did a shit job of adding some steri-strips and charged me $135. Never going to the hospitol again.
Never hurt, btw. Severed the nerve. The doc was wincing, which annoyed me, as well.

>> No.2500720


>> No.2500776

I did this once very quickly and saved myself from 3rd degree burns. I was making hot tea in one of those infuser bottles and opened it in the wrong order. Freshly boiled water exploded out all over my arms.

After 5 mins of running cold water on them I came out without injury.

Thanks for reading my blog lmao.

>> No.2500958

>A boy with bad vision got his eyeglasses shattered into his eye.
sounds like a shitty backstory for Perfect Vision Boy

>> No.2500961
File: 1.70 MB, 4032x2268, 20220602_175257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angle grinder got traction and I lost control. Bleeding wasn't too bad since the wheel cauterized it. 45 minutes and 5 stitches at the neighborhood emergency clinic

>> No.2501078

Made a hobo stove put of a soda can. I let it burn around the penny for a solid 5 minutes. My retard brain grabbed the penny. The penny was stuck to my thumb. I had a brand of Abraham Lincoln on my thumb until it blistered

>> No.2501085

I knew several painters who got injected with paint while cleaning high pressure air guns. Got injected with some real nasty Industrial paints.

>> No.2501249

>He calls me a pussy and says I should be fired.
Fucking classic

>> No.2501925

You weren't holding the grinder with both hands and likely not wearing gloves. If I can clamp all the oddball shit I work on so can you.

>> No.2502244

>worked at a sign factory
>owned by conglomerate that rhymes with Pin Jattison
>PM too cheap to buy second vac unit for second router
>uses 1 20hp vac for both tables
>have to hold down material while it cuts
>not paying attention one day
>18,000rpm steel slotted collet hits my hand, right on the thumb joint

>> No.2502877

lmao my old job had one of these that we used to cut the meat blocks for sandwiches. I was the only one brave enough besides the owner to do it so it was a nice fuck off time at work to cut and store lbs and lbs of meat. Kinda therapeutic desu. I was honestly way more scared of our giant mixer. I think it was a hobart. The bowl had no cage at all. I could not believe how much people fucked around with it while it was going. Worse that ever happened was a guy had his arm broke and he got very lucky someone was nearby to immediately shut it off.

>> No.2502881

I've been lucky. Closest I came was when helping a friend with his car the long rear exhaust. Basically the final hanger wasn't really holding it at all and once my buddy undid the middle hanger the entire pipe came down and had my knees not been up at all to brace it would have went clean through my fingers holding the end(exhaust end facing down). I was shouting and shouting for my buddy to help me lift it up off my hands. So fucking close.