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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 447 KB, 1023x1352, 1664379409773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2474063 No.2474063 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/ bros we're finally getting our own anime

>> No.2474064

Old news, it's airing in a week.

>> No.2474066

Where's the stream

>> No.2474140 [DELETED] 

Weebs get the gas chamber along with the jews. Nogs and beaners get deported.

>> No.2474143

Woman diy lol

>> No.2474154

great, can't wait for the
"edible" mushroom and automated chickenfeeder episodes

>> No.2474164

Anime website

>> No.2474288

>DIY surgery arc

>> No.2474333 [DELETED] 

You subhumans keep saying that like I care. I go where I want and demand everyone accommodate me. Into the gas chamber with you. Say hello to schlock burntstein

>> No.2474369

If I recall correctly there was one girl who constantly hurts herself. If they want to be really grim she might stitch herself up on screen.

>> No.2474572

govid hand disenfectant + superglue

>> No.2474584

Damn anime is getting inflated these days. They'll make one about just about anything huh?

>> No.2474720

Alright today we’ll be making anime sex dolls, tune in next week for ballistic armor made of cum.

>> No.2474729

>original anime series
>written by the writer of Yama no Susume

PV from back in march

>> No.2474731

found one from a month ago

>> No.2474737
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Pretty much

>> No.2474814

i want a ham radio anime
the characters would be:
>/b/ retard unlicensed baofang girl
>/k/ommando girl who lives innawoods
>/diy/ soldering/electronics girl
>/g/ wannabe hacker girl
supporting characters:
>the teacher who gets them to make a school radio station
>middle-age truckie CB shitposter
>retired boomers
>the school broadcast club who make authoritarian announcements over the school PA system
>the crew of a russian stealth submarine monitoring for suspicious radio broadcasts

>> No.2474822

looking forward the buried shipping container episode

>> No.2474826
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>looking forward the buried shipping container episode
Me, I'm waiting for the episode on building docks (and related invoicing).





>> No.2474879

If it doesn't have diy body armor with a tongue and an origami hull behemoth of a boat that takes 10 years to build I'm not watching it

>> No.2474909
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>watching a DIY anime
>not making your own

>> No.2474914

Well, most post from /diy/ basically is just "how to fix X from IKEA", so?

>> No.2474934
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based, looking forward to the series just becoming a boat building anime

>> No.2474970
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>> No.2474985
File: 2.89 MB, 600x338, Konami_Pretty_Derby_Food_Stuffing_Panchinko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They'll make one about just about anything huh?

>> No.2475021

Write the story anon you can do it, at least the storyboard and episode concepts

>> No.2475092

would be kino if you could incorporate cold war era stuff like shortwave numbers stations

>> No.2475201

good on them for releasing propaganda to get their people to make their own shit.

>> No.2475203

>that Russian submarine twist

Nice. Would watch

>> No.2475217

Ah, so it's like Robtics;notes, but without the mecha, international conspiracy, special powers, or death.

That's one of the great things about the medium. They aren't afraid to put out an absolute ton of things, even if many of them are variations on a theme. Compared to the west, where everything is designed to milk a handful of series for as long as possible.

>> No.2475270

>cute quirky girls
>power tools
>making shit in a shed

What more does /diy/ want from an anime?

>> No.2475277

A light sprinkling of fan service, please

>> No.2475319

Oh absolutely. In one of the early episodes where they try to obtain and repair and set up an ancient short-wave radio, they scan through a bunch of different novel stations like that, and it ends with them listening to the cosmic rays whistling as they hit the arctic circle.
Also Elom Nusk's head shows up smiling in the bottom corner when they say thanks for starlink when they get stuck innawoods, and then in a later episode when they curse starlink for ruining astronomy.

>Ah, so it's like Robtics;notes, but without the mecha, international conspiracy, special powers, or death.
As to be expected from a slice-of-life. We need more engineering anime, something like BOM's Bargain Racement, where you get the juxtaposition of modifying and fixing the vehicle with the actual racing.

>They aren't afraid to put out an absolute ton of things
Honestly I think it's just shallow pandering for the most part. Only occasionally do you get a labour of love that's actually good AND highly novel.

one that's actually a boy

>> No.2475364

I'd watch it for sure. One question though, are all of these girls going to the same highschool? Or would they be spread out across the country, only interacting over the airwaves for the most part?

>> No.2475372

Same school, same ham radio club. But having them interact with other school ham clubs would be fun. Especially if you give the world a wide and expansive feeling to it, like Kabu no Isaki.

>> No.2475663
File: 5 KB, 194x260, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pallet boards
>Pocket screws
Just kill me now

>> No.2475667
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>> No.2475669

They need an excuse to use the Makita 18V cordless drill every episode.

>> No.2475727

I wonder who is funding it?

>> No.2476202
File: 692 KB, 1400x2188, dr_stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the real /DIY/ anime

>> No.2476207

I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.2476213

Episode 1:
>introduce /diy/-chan, slaving away for the school broadcast club maintaining their outdated PA system
>/b/-chan, /k/-chan, and /g/-chan are all in detention for various misdemeanours while /diy/-chan is in the ceiling above them tracing wires
>falls through ceiling tile
>hey ron
>complains about wired tech
>/k/-chan pulls out "The Strelok's Guide to Ham Radio"
>all 4 -chans have delusions about the power of ham radio
>anonymous shitposting, operator larping, departure from botnet cellular networks, and no longer being the slave to the broadcast club respectively
>storm out of detention to staff room and demand to make a club
>provisionally accepted, need "proof of educational or sporting content"
>start brainstorming ideas on the school roof
>decide they should do some CB radio stuff first
>/k/-chan takes them all to military surplus store
>/diy/ gets a pair of shitty old CB radios
>/k/ gets a soviet light intensifier scope
>/g/ gets old shitty headphones
>/b/ gets a multi-band AM/FM/SW radio (receive only)
>decide to play 2vs2 radio tag in the hills behind the school
>trying to listen for your own voice through other receiver's speaker or some shit
>get lost
>finally meet up, but shitty NiCd batteries in the CBs are dead
>getting dark out
>local radio broadcasts are getting even weaker
>NVD scope comes out
>spy faint light
>get closer
>window of some shack
>knock on door
>hunter (boomer) opens
>say they're lost, /k/ spergs out at guns
>hunter brings up google maps via starlink and they figure out a path home, /g/ spergs out at google
>order food through delivery drone, stay night crammed in /diy/'s makeshift tent
>"sankyuu elom nusk"
>cut to morning, they're finally back at the school as it's opening, contrast between normal students and the 4 feral ones
>get to staff room having learned nothing about radio
>turns out all that counted as sporting content
>club is accepted
>cut to broadcast club angry at the speakers not working

>> No.2476215

Yes and no. The actual novelty of "haha look at me reinvent X" wears off pretty quickly, just like any other isekai of that sort. Bookwork is more interesting from that aspect if just because it tones it down a little and goes into more detail. Also it's not a (half-finished) 10000 episode shounen battle anime, which are almost all mediocre if just for pacing reasons. At least say Steins;Gate, which has characters who make a novel innovation or two, and at least one character with real depth. Not like you get a real peek into the engineering process either way, like you do watching Bargain Racement. Or those competitive engineering sports where a bunch of teams build robots for completing novel tasks, though I've yet to see an engaging edit of both the engineering process and the end application. If they actually did that live, in something like a 48-hour contest where you can attempt the challenge as many times as you want during that timespan, with the camera going from team to team, you could make a decent spectator sport out of it.

>> No.2476246

We need to find an artist to at least stickman this into existence.

literal /diy/ anime

>> No.2476417
File: 60 KB, 600x522, primitive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hated watching it. every fucking time he said 1 million percent my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

>> No.2476454

His shticks were fucking old after half an episode

>> No.2476457
File: 43 KB, 640x481, fateroad_heater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heaters die when they are killed

>> No.2476495

Based, /ak/, /ck/, /o/ and /out/ won't laugh at us anymore for not having our own anime.

>> No.2476566

Anime causes Autism but I will watch this

>> No.2476581

true, even /dbt/ on /o/ got an anime

>> No.2476764

/n/ and /fit/ too, even /lit/ has miss bernard

>> No.2476856

Based Emiya enjoyer

>> No.2476943

it is bait at this point

>> No.2476947

Is this sponsored by Makita lmao.

>> No.2476953

Literally everyone in Japan uses Makita, so it'd be full of Makita products even if it wasn't sponsored.

>> No.2476955

I thought Japan was Ryobi territory

>> No.2477016

Ryobi is chink-made and chink-owned, Makita in Japan is made in Japan and owned more or less by Japanese.

>> No.2477123

It's sponsored by Takagi. https://www.takagi-plc.co.jp/

>> No.2477227
File: 294 KB, 1590x1218, 1003222206-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be better at art. Never did anime stuff before. But here's a rough sketch of diy-chan and k-chan before I hit hay.

>> No.2477283

Any ideas for distinctive character designs? /g/ wearing those shitty headphones kinda works, plus lunix penguin backpack. /k/ has full tactical backpack with a bunch of over the top /edc/ shit dangling from it. /b/ is maybe just a gyaru. Or a black girl pretending to be a spraytan gyaru. /diy/ has me stumped since I don’t have a monolithic idea of it in the first place. Shipping container backpack? Home Depot buckets?

>> No.2477432

Mallet guy, 3d printing, Bosch flexer

>> No.2477589

I'm not OP so he might have different ideas. But k-chan for sure rocks milsurp stuff, short hair, handy edc like pocket knives, maybe wears dogtags. Diy-chan I picture as the tallest of the four, blondish, ponytail or hair bun, wears work boots and overalls when not in school. G-chan is the shortest with big round nerd glasses. Definitely rocks the headphones even when in school. Always has her laptop in her bag. B-chan I'm torn between being a slightly chubby prankster/troll from the get-go, or being a pallid waif of a girl, almost neet with long black hair, shy/quiet, but quickly comes to appreciate she can be someone else over the airwaves. Radio-sensei I picture as a big, bearded, Hagrid-like kind of guy. Ex military engineer with a love for joking around so he can relate to all of the girls.

>> No.2477818

/b/ is the most up in the air of them all, could be replaced with /out/ or /o/ /asp/ or any other variety of people. Earlier I was thinking a yachtie rich girl who uses marine radio, character like the ojou-sama from Bakuon.
Quiet girl with hidden personality (puts bugs in peoples shoes just for the kicks) is fun, plus using radio as an outlet instead makes for ok character development. Something something piss bottles. Sheltered girl that becomes more outgoing due to a hobby and friends is too cliche.
Also /g/ has programming socks, no negotiations.

As for hagrid-esque teacher as club supervisor, I’m kinda allergic to dwarf character styles. I was more of a mind to go for a random apathetic and somewhat irresponsible male science teacher chosen out of the blue for the club, and who gives the girls too much of a free reign. Which means he smokes, because he’s a jap. Maybe he’s a science teacher and lets them use a high-voltage generator to make a spark-gap transmitter. Which just happens to jam the Russian sub’s reception of an important message or some other stupid coincidence.

Art like Manatsu no Gray Goo, which coincidentally has a great /k/ommando girl.

>> No.2477977

/b/ should dress like a slut only half of the time

>> No.2478001

Fool. That would not stop blending. You're gotta use duck tape.

>> No.2478005

*bleeding. Trucking auto correct.

>> No.2478120

Gentlemen it may have escaped your noticed but we are live.

>> No.2478123
File: 408 KB, 1828x1625, 1005220707-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite with hidden troll personality definitely works for b-chan. Maybe add a bit of /x/ in that she's the only one to believe/know about the Russian submarine. I could see her being the type who's forced into the club due to some school rule about having to do extracurriculars.

I pictured the teacher as more of an absolute unit than a dwarf. But a slim, apathetic random teacher could work. Maybe he's bitter because the chemistry teacher gets to lead the actual science club.

Also further scribbles of sensei, diy, k, & g.

Cool, gonna have to check that out later.

>> No.2478125

/b should get arrested for the end of the season, and they try to investigate what she actually did, and then they decide to leave and never let her in the ckub again. Only for her to get released and still break into onnair conversations from her home

>> No.2478159
File: 3.31 MB, 2056x7400, sarah the screencap edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/ anime needs sarahanon and /k/ improvised firearms. (optional) tamamo arc for /x/ schizos.

soldiering pen c:

>> No.2478163


will there be an episode about imitation crab meat?

>> No.2478220

How do you DIY a helipad?

>> No.2478282
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, this is a drill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you make of the first episode?

>> No.2478295

Haven't watched it yet. Is it available elsewhere or am I gonna have to finally make a Crunchyroll account?

>> No.2478299
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>> No.2478302

It's on nyaa.si

>> No.2478304
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>tap/touch bit before removing

What is the point of this? To see if it's warm?

>> No.2478331

Have any of you made a bench?

>> No.2478343

Not that dramatically but I have an habit of doing that. Guess it's to check if it's still spinning or hot.

>> No.2478349

I do the same to check if it is hot, long ago had a not so pleasant experience and been doing the check ever since then (unless im wearing gloves)

>> No.2478355

This is how I screw

>> No.2478372

>hummingbird hits window
>taxidermy arc begins

>> No.2478373

A few full gascans
a grassy open field
some matches

>> No.2478374

>Also /g/ has programming socks, no negotiations.
C'mon it's g-tan not g-kun

>> No.2478400


Or is it?

>> No.2478556
File: 176 KB, 1920x1080, [ASW] Do It Yourself!! - 01 [1080p HEVC][8BCCE016].mkv_snapshot_16.11.253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gave me minor traumatic flashbacks, but I look forward to the next episode

>> No.2478559

Yes, I once burn my dick trying to change one tip after drilling wood.

>> No.2478585

Wah. It's airing already? Had it in the back of my head all the while since it got mentioned here a year ago or so.

>> No.2478616
File: 110 KB, 800x624, 2463454534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was my first piece of furniture

>> No.2478618

You guys do realize that every board has their own board-tan right? It's one of the oldest traditions of the website.

>> No.2478630
File: 426 KB, 500x280, 1651102585575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime Tool Time?

>> No.2478633

I hope they make dildoes

>> No.2478652

And you realise that none of them are cute high school girls trying to have fun, semi slice of life adventures in a ham radio club?

>> No.2478917

Diy epoxy armor guy vs Tongue anon

>> No.2478927

I doubt the newer boards even know they exist

>> No.2479298

>/diy/ anime
>MC is an accident prone liiteral crayon eater

>> No.2479300

Really hits home, doesn't it?

>> No.2479303

I can't wait to see her smash her thumb with a hammer instead of hitting the nail.

>> No.2479313

yes. you can tell if someone's ever drilled metal, because if they have, they will do that. drills get hot after drilling out wood too, just not as fast

>> No.2479316
File: 34 KB, 580x548, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's literally me

>> No.2479352
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>*record scratch*

>> No.2479355

More like boots in the water. If the pilings are good, hard part's done.

>> No.2479558

what the fuck
the animation is surprisingly good unlike dragonball super

>> No.2479563

Haven't shot your thumb with a nail gun yet anon?

>> No.2479590

No buy my brother did once almost take my eye out with a spackle knife.

>> No.2479756
File: 25 KB, 624x491, images-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imitation crab meat episode

>> No.2480084

Dr. Stone is /diy/'s true anime. We will rebuild the world after the coming nuclear war!

>> No.2480096

Angle grinder amputation... but cute!
the blood, the bloooood, oh ghoood

>> No.2480112

/b/ operates a pirate radio station and is caught by the FCC for poor opsec.

>> No.2480117

Good luck finding a source of nitric acid. And iron refining? Primitive Technology shows how nontrivial that is, though if you’ve got glass and the right chemicals you may well be able to refine it electrochemically.

Yeah, or /b/ gets into a shouting match with a chinese nationalist propaganda station, and they keep turning their transmit power higher and higher to overpower one another, catching the attention of the jap FCC.

>> No.2480123

Primitive Technology shows that a solo dude using strictly 10,000 year old techniques has a really hard time producing a meaningful amount of iron
If he had 4 other dudes to order around and a better source of ore than waiting for iron bacteria to regrow each attempt and could use a wheelbarrow and shovel, he'd probably already have a rudimentary ironworks going, but that wouldn't be nearly as interesting because at that point you're just making a shitty basic ironworks, not re-deriving the technology from first principles.

>> No.2480128
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>> No.2480253

Yeah the actual concentration of the iron ore is his main bottleneck I think. Too many aluminium and silicon compounds making a mess of slag. It would probably take a stupid amount of acid to dissolve and refine the iron from such a source also.
But even without iron, so long as you can make copper, or even other metals like lead or tin or silver, you can make yourself a self-excited brushed generator using field windings that are started with a galvanic cell. Once you’ve got electrochemistry and ceramics, you can do some membrane electrolysis to produce acids and bases from salts, and reduce iron from solution. No need for membranes if you can start with iron sulfate.
Electrochem is where it’s at, man.

>> No.2480273
File: 3.11 MB, 2553x1292, 1660600622702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss board-tans. The last time I saw anyone talk about them was probably 2017 or something. Also does anyone have the original of this picture without the text? I lost mine.

>> No.2480431

>using strictly 10,000 year old techniques
you think the aboos used radial blowers?
In europe/africa people used bellows or natural draft, since the point is you dont want too much combustion air in the first place

>> No.2480453

Using ancient techniques is not at all the aim of Primitive Technology, his methods are based on modern knowledge of material science. His only restrictions are the tools at his disposal.
That being said, there's going to be so much shit to scavenge after a civilization-ending event that we'd never need to actually start over from literal dirt.

>> No.2480457

the only ones i recognize are /b/, /x/, and /v/. most of the rest seem low effort, like the /diy/ one is just some dude with nailguns

>> No.2480460
File: 899 KB, 3063x1550, 1656696838332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also does anyone have the original of this picture without the text? I lost mine.
Another anon found it for me.

A lot of them are really high effort with a lot of little details that reflects their board culture. This version of the pic is clearer.

>> No.2480475

Is that the legendary/fitlit/?

>> No.2480479

Stop stalking me.

>> No.2480481

just blame god for everything, thats what i do. its not really wrong either.

>> No.2480498

It’s fun if you can endure the autism. Making ramen and coca cola from wild plants is insanely creative.
Seems to be semi realistic about how difficult it is to produce glass and smelt iron.

I guess it’s to keep the audience from being intimidated by DIY, since 90% of the population has no idea how to build things.

>> No.2480887

If it was just autism I’d be ok with it, but instead it’s a veneer of autism atop a shounen battle anime.

>> No.2482324

New episode today.
Anons, are you enjoying Yua Serufu?

>> No.2482369

>even /dbt/ on /o/ got an anime
Initial D has existed since the 90s

>> No.2482371

ya but /daily bike thread/ got bakuon which fits the cute girls doing stuff trope.

>> No.2482529


>> No.2482616
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 1665600860270934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would those legs carry anything? It looks like they would just bend and break as you put your weight at back

>> No.2482622

Wow, there are so many things wrong with this it's like one of those spot the difference puzzles I'm up to at least 6

>> No.2482631

They'd carry one or two 30-40kg Japanese schoolgirls. The worst offender is probably the way the box legs are built, then the back supports would probably tear out fairly easily.

>> No.2482635

Someone in the /a/ thread pointed out that half those screws are screwed into nothing if the perspective is to be believed.

>> No.2482728

The back supports are attached to those side beams, which themselves are seemingly freestanding - I guess its modular, you can just take the back off.

>> No.2482737

But how is the backrest attached to the base?
dowel, glue?

>> No.2482740

They're not - if they were, I'd figure they'd be screwed like everything else.

>> No.2482745

Japanese superior wood sanded over 10000 times.

>> No.2482770

>It has a tunnel arc
>They use shipping containers for the shoring

>> No.2482872

It's a pretty odd design. I would think the back rest bars are screwed into the vertical and horizontal supports. That's fine for making it sturdy however some diagonal supports on the legs would have been helpful as well.

>> No.2483092
File: 1.96 MB, 1920x1080, do it yourself.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2483094

>those screws are screwed into nothing
Those are nails

>> No.2483097
File: 296 KB, 692x681, Screenshot_20220713-123212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha
> Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
> Hahahahahahahahhahahahahah

> Women doing DIY
Can you imagine a more unrealistic plot? This would fit in to the fantasy/scifi section.

>> No.2483100
File: 218 KB, 1005x863, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally has clover on it
make it the new banner already

>> No.2483101

it already takes place in a scifi world where men don't exist and am*zon has taken over the world

>> No.2483106

It's set in the future where men are dead and only women are left and the world is an utopia. Seems very realistic to me, go die in Russia retardanon.

>> No.2483109

I use receipts from groceries to check if a drills hot temperature darkens the 'ink'. The speed of discoloration gives me a rough idea about the temperature.

>> No.2483111
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>> No.2483113
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>> No.2483117
File: 855 KB, 371x209, 1664507111622925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute Shitshow

>> No.2483153

Nah, they are screws. The main loli screws one of them on camera

>> No.2483156

Well, I'll watch the episode now. Those are looks like nails on the picture

>> No.2483228

Weren't there boys shown when Takumin was walking to school?

>> No.2483240
File: 2.60 MB, 746x420, chinese_cartoon_girls_make_bench_to_protest_on_Tienanmen_square.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right. In apology, accept this webm I created

>> No.2483280

The noose too!


>> No.2483643

Why are the edges of the seat boards curved? Are they repurposed skis or something?

>> No.2483647

They are repurposed skis.

>> No.2483654

They are repurposed skis.

>> No.2483664

They are repurposed skis.

>> No.2483736

What do you think they will make in the coming episodes?

>> No.2483737

Babies (with me).

>> No.2483739

this actually sounds kinda awesome

>> No.2483838

>CONELRAD: The Anime
>only airs on channels 640 and 1240

>> No.2483842
File: 457 KB, 853x480, 1455235775214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like making something.

>> No.2483932

just saw the 2 episodes, it was very boring. How can weebs enjoy this stuff?

>> No.2483933
File: 672 KB, 1536x2048, 20221014_163148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anime is making wonders, don't be surprised if Ryobi and DeWalt start their own anime in the next year, and black and decker a Netflix series.

>> No.2483938

It's a comfy slice of life show. This is how all slice of life shows are.

>> No.2483981

Cyberpunk Edgerunners might be more up your alley.

>> No.2484255


>> No.2484261

At least its subtle weebery and not hello kitty pink and white

>> No.2484280

are those snow skis lmao

>> No.2484301
File: 125 KB, 790x850, 1665798377552758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is best /diy/ and why is it senpai?

>> No.2484314

I stopped seeing reddit everywhere when I got off that site anon you should try it too

>> No.2484344

I think it was bad even for slice of life's standards. Also the animation is horrible imo

>> No.2484353

Did you try dr stone?

>> No.2484396

saw a few episodes, it was much better than this one

>> No.2484468

high hopes for queen liz, otherwise it's gotta be yua 4me
enter zen-like state of meditation, this is the true way of watching SoL. DO NOT turn your brain off.

>> No.2484503
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I like senpai but yua is too literally me

>> No.2484512
File: 2.22 MB, 800x450, [SubsPlease] Do It Yourself!! - 01 (720p) [A5FCAE74].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animation is /simple/, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. The overall artstyle is more consistent because of it and it leaves the artists more time to focus on motion in scenes where it's important.

>> No.2484540

>all men dead
Are we sure this wasn't paid for by netflix?

>> No.2484542

It's a dystopia where Amaz*n has taken over.

>> No.2484545

Rate her travel kit

>> No.2484550

>one ratcheting wrench
I'd rather take 2-3 common size normal wrenches for the same weight.
At that size I'd just use large combination pliers to hammer.
>screwdrivers, manual imbus kit, more pliers, cutters
Seems okay, but one of the starting points should be a kit of hex bits with a small driver. Maybe it's in there, can't make that much out.

>> No.2484565

Animation is fine, not everything has to be moeshit

>> No.2484567

This is definitely moeshit, just more stylized moeshit. It is decently animated though, it's just that they went for less frames and less shit frames.

>> No.2484568

what is this bag called

>> No.2484587

>moeshit the anime
Wtf are you on

>> No.2484603

It's fine. Novel, but fine.

>> No.2484605

have a (you)

>> No.2484612

did not expect the near future setting with delivery drones and all the home automation stuff
cute slice of life
trying to coat tails on the yuru camp craze?
will watch
hope it inspires a next generation of girls to have a hobby other than instafacetok

>> No.2484650

Oh Jesus, I don't want to know about her EDC, she's carrying too much weight, if she keeps going like that her back will destroy her once she hits 30.

>> No.2484655

This artstyle isnt so bad, I hate modern anime artstyles.
Maybe itll be the first anime I watch in 15 years.

>> No.2484724


>> No.2484732

Will girls actually watch this?

It’s the future, everything is made from carbotanium!

Did you watch Kino no Tabi? The old one I mean.

>> No.2484736

They've already cashed on on Gabby Potato, so why not Doug?

>> No.2484794

Literally me

>> No.2484795

Waiting for the fgc9 episode

>> No.2484869
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>> No.2484915

They have 3D printers at Purin's school, pretty sure they can use it

>> No.2485105

People like you should be used to replace beagles in animal testing. I bet you get a boner from riding the bus on seats elderly women have just vacated. I bet you get clothing catalogs through the mail because you think the kids' section is hot.

>> No.2485109

That's a whole lot of projection.

>> No.2485122

That is some oddly specific insults bro


>> No.2485130

osha wept

>> No.2485165

we're talking about 2d here not 3d. This is an important distinction

>> No.2485252


>> No.2485262
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>> No.2485374

They've made a manga revolving around the purported increase of testosterone after not flapping for a few days. They have no bounds.

>> No.2485379

I'd read that.

>> No.2485397

NoFappers deserve the rope

>> No.2485537
File: 297 KB, 500x500, aedc52dfb908995a2f5facb207c7eadb1616666670_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final episode covers the inevitable death of picrel, who dies of blood loss after trying to run an angle grinder with a 6.5" circular saw blade attached to it through a band saw, because it quote "looked totally fucking metal when they started making sparks and shit"

>> No.2485554

Megami no Sprinter

>> No.2485671

based sigma

>> No.2486239


>> No.2486255

Wait, someone did an animu on this?

>> No.2486264

"The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra" is unironically the best introduction to linear algebra I've seen. It's almost as if actually giving a shit matters to the end result.

>> No.2486679

>Kino no Tabi
Aha! Yes, very similar now that you mention it.
You know they made a news series?
Also, I'm glad they didn't do something like a glowing light when Hermes talks. It would have been so easy to fall for some stupid shit like that. Even if it was motivated by laziness or cheapness, the result is a sense of mystery.

>> No.2486873
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which one young man

>> No.2486882

For me it's glasses girl, though I also like the loli

>> No.2486883

I'd do ItYour

>> No.2486942


>> No.2486950

Crayon eater

>> No.2486951

The new series was kinda bad in comparison. Think the pacing was worse, but hey also kinda missed the aesthetic. Somehow they made the English VA for Kino for the original series into the VA for Hermes in the remake, which was an improvement for Hermes for sure, but Kelli Cousins’ voice for Kino was perfect.

>> No.2487005

> anime on pachinko machine

>> No.2487008

NTA, but this hits too near from home

>> No.2487032

There was a literal pachinko anime a season or two ago, I've been racking my brain to figure out the damn name

>> No.2487139

Rio: Rainbow Gate? That wasn't a season or two ago thoughj

>> No.2487142

Not really related but some pachinko parlour millionaire didn’t like the ending of Eureka Seven: AO, so he bought the rights and got his own sequel made and uploaded to YouTube. Was actually good. Absolute chad there. Now if only someone would fund a complete HD faithful remake of the original series, instead of whatever the fuck they’re doing with these 3 movies. They didn’t even upscale the scenes that appear in the latest movies, they just letterbox them.

>> No.2487175

The Mexican one, I bet she knows roofing and is a hard worker

>> No.2487177

Better finale is Serefu somehow growing up to be the head of OSHA.

>> No.2487268

Agreed on all points

>> No.2487453

>Her way was paved with the blood of her friends.
Truly the way of an OSHA inspector

>> No.2487723

i like the dumb cat

>> No.2487836

Realistically speaking it'll probably be completing a project all on her own without any help.

>> No.2487886

Purin's armpits in the OP are erotic

>> No.2488012

>Purin is erotic

>> No.2488112
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What I'd change specifically
>Another plank from bottom back to front top on all the box legs
>Drag the bottom back further backwards to prevent tipping
>Optional: Heighten the horizontal bar at the bottom of all the legs so that it doesn't touch the ground, reinforce the new touch points with something.

>> No.2488115

I saw a bench made from skis in a thread a few days ago, didn't save it sadly or I'd post it.

>> No.2488172

Is indian the electronic diy one?

>> No.2488180
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>> No.2488230

the one who makes the meanest farts

>> No.2488249

i love yua serufu

>> No.2488301
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2022-10-20-03h24m16s474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did the foreign girl transfer to high school in Japan when she can't even read basic symbols?

>> No.2488303

Mom is a spy/diplomat.

>> No.2488381

She's a genius who skipped classes. They acknowledge that it's impossible to learn Japanese, even for a genius.

>> No.2488395

They are repurposed skis.

>> No.2488396

Ah finally, some good tools
Nothing can compete with hyper-efficient Nippon tools Lubed by anime girl sweat and powered by bullshit Shonen electrical powers...

>> No.2488412
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, Go DIY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2488457

She's too clumsy to die.
Literally just stumbles past Death and causes a pile of power tools to fall on him as he pursues her.

>> No.2488635

all of them taking turns using diy strapons on me

>> No.2488655

Holy based

>> No.2488662

>imitation crab meat

It'll be a two parter with the one involving model railroading.

>> No.2488687

link to dovetail joint tutorial?

>> No.2488690
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>> No.2489061

kill, fuck, kill, kill, marry, fuck

>> No.2489169

>Are they repurposed skis or something?
They are repurposed skis.

>> No.2489171

Why kill purin desu

>> No.2489177

annoying cunt

>> No.2489186

Can't you just hatefuck her? Why kill?
Seems pretty wasteful desu

>> No.2489188


>> No.2489192
File: 730 KB, 2866x2024, 1666527883861259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your thing

>> No.2489303

comfy lookin' workspace desu

>> No.2489313

What board is this from? It's not /diy/.

>> No.2489316

lurk moar

>> No.2489349

Not as much as you do.

>> No.2489832

This man is on opiates

>> No.2490279

won't be surpised if it falls apart in the animu

>> No.2490307


>> No.2490832
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm grayons

>> No.2491353

This seems interesting, so upon thread death, I will archive it.
I don't know how much my skills will develop, but at the very least, you have a low/mid-tier MMD animator here should you go the 3D route.

>> No.2491455

Based. Even if you're not Sofa-tier it's probably fine if the voice acting is good enough. Female voices not necessary.

>> No.2491495

You mean bamboonium!

>> No.2491532

>AI this
>AI that
The japanese trully have fallen into the meme.
This country wont be the reference in tech ever again.

>> No.2491533

>inb4 it becomes ham radio-themed pop team epic animated by some fucktard that refuses to pirate maya and instead uses "obsolete" software
>inb4 it's actually really charming

>> No.2491559

btw who is sofa

>> No.2491697

Look up “kyoko and sayaka eat an entire camera”

>> No.2491764
File: 838 KB, 1625x2160, 1640902071375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has fallen for the Abominable Intelligence meme, not just the Japs. AI this, AI that, everyone is dicksucking these overgrown if statements, almost every new project is either related to self-learning algorithms or is using AI directly for some inane bullshit that could have been done by a simple algorithm. Same with VR, when that meme hit traction, every cunt with some basic bitch knowledge about tech wanted to be in on it to be "ahead of the curve" (which is ironic since VR has been an active meme for decades at that point, with it re-surging every couple of years), and every walking corpse in a shareholder meeting wanted to be hip and cool and demanded something related to it (Metaverse and God knows how many VR headsets and programs come to mind). Thank god these trends usually last for at most half a decade.

>> No.2491787

Learning-based algorithms are being trained of fluid simulation algorithms and provide approximately correct results (more than good enough for most cases) at a fraction of the run-time. Neural networks are successfully being employed to replace hand-written algorithms all over the place, it’s not just some trend. If a human can write an algorithm better than an AI, then it just happens to be a situation where the natural mathematical expression of it is particularly efficient (e.g. FFT). But for most cases a learning-based algorithm can do a lot better than a human algorithm. That’s especially the case when the amount of data that’s used to create the algorithm is very large, like is the case for image or text generation.

>> No.2491888

Oh yeah, I can reach that tier. Maybe not that particular style (my type of freeform is more schizo-like, see https://youtu.be/vpryudvjJxY or https://youtu.be/JPUy7fukVsE for a more serious example) but it's absolutely something I can reach.

>> No.2491979
File: 417 KB, 1125x849, 1370947602041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up ai I'll never accept you until you're anime and marry me

>> No.2491983

why are they all skinny weak chicks?

>> No.2491989

surprisingly enough, high school girls typically don't possess a great deal of body mass

>> No.2492016

didn't answer the question.

>> No.2492017

They're non-americans

>> No.2492018

so you don't know.

>> No.2492165

feelin kinda panzer is his magnum opus

>> No.2492190

Just watched it, and it's pretty good. Having made some of these myself it does take extra time the more stuff being on your shoulders, if you were referring to the time it took to make that.
Would absolutely go by faster if given someone to 3d model and/or rig to prepare the stuff for me to animate. MMD isn't exactly modern by any standards.

>> No.2492276
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x1000, the diy shack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one BILLION hours in photoshop

>> No.2492298

6 million i'd say. No, more like 200k hours in PS

>> No.2492301

zoro. to

>> No.2492310

>cute clumsy anime girl doing DIY things

they know their audience

>> No.2492317

This is the first time I'm ever posting this.

Kill yourself.

>> No.2492318

I feel bad now, I take this back. Sorry buddy, I'm glad you found something that works for you

>> No.2492319

>t. seething Algebra professor

>> No.2492336

I've no idea how to do any of that. Maybe could whip up some backgrounds. But floating about on /a/ or wherever people talk about making vtuber models and such trying to crowdsource talent might be productive.

Ultimately I don't think the quality really matters that much, so long as it's self-aware enough and the characters feel sufficiently alive. Also pacing.

Does SFM 2 exist?

>> No.2492408

worlds quickest redemption arc

>> No.2492418

lol i just got the joke

>> No.2492422

The opening dance is too sexual.

>> No.2492423

SFM2 exists in some capacity (unknown in what capacity), but I bet documentation is even harder to find, and I did try SFM, but the most I could get about it is an image of heavy tf2 giving a prostate exam to AOSTH eggman on degroot keep.
I kinda, sorta, rely on actual articles you read instead of 10-minute videos, and that is where MMD excels because of learnMMD, got me an animation of an arm moving within minutes.
Not to speak of SFM is notorious for being a bit of a mess to work with, spaghetti on top of already existing source spaghetti, so while it is superior in a handful of cases, I'd rather not crash.
I might animate in it after mastering MMD, just as a small special episode, but that's a long time away.
Pacing should be decided already at the story and animatic stage, so it's up to me to just make it lively.
If you'd be joining in modelling the environments, there's plenty I can teach you.

>> No.2492568

Blondy is American as the apple pie

>> No.2492874
File: 52 KB, 600x617, 1611236232744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the decomposing-bird-in-epoxy bomb episode?

>> No.2492912

The caveman part of my brain is still amused by things warming up "on their own"

>> No.2493052

What in the ever loving fuck is going on there? this has to be yank wiring from the plugs, what is the right part?

>> No.2493065

They are trying to prevent the breaker from tripping by holding it back with wire.

>> No.2493066

Pretty self explanatory, circuit breaker literally wired into the on position so even if tripped it's not turning off. Right is the thing that /might/ stop left from causing a house fire under normal conditions.

>> No.2493070

Breakers trip regardless of position of the lever.

Christmas lights are some if the only American plugs that have fuses. Both of these don't do anything

>> No.2493171

Some breakers trip in spite of the position. Judging by the holes, this one was designed to be able to be held tripped (or open as per the pic), primarily so an engineer can guarantee some dumbass doesn't come in and switch on an isolated circuit.

>> No.2493335

the holes are for ganging

>> No.2493445

>the pet pig is called "Meat"

>> No.2493674

I haven't seen much PPE on these girls. Seems like yua needs it the most too.

>> No.2493699

Her enrisch really gets on my nerves

>> No.2494120

>that show description.
why is anime so fucking boring?

>> No.2494129

Stick to marvelshit.

>> No.2494384

the holes are for ganging

>> No.2494396

I'm gonna need episode 2 now anon

>> No.2494585

What a load of faggotry from people that post from bedrooms.

>> No.2494603

dat boi Kani

>> No.2494606

I used to use a similar one for roofing, it's called a "Carpenter pouch" or carpenter bag

>> No.2494609

also pretty useful for tagouts

>> No.2494642

I'll have you know I post fun my shop which is also my room. It's in my mom's basement retard.

>> No.2494920

What have they made so far?

>> No.2494933

I think it's cute.

A bench, a tile sign, key shelf, OSHA violations, some decorations

>> No.2495308

Anyone maimed or dead yet?

>> No.2495310

Probably Serufu.

>> No.2495409

They will make a house with pallets. No joking

>> No.2495478

Serufu is always getting hurt. She has perfect attendance at the infirmary.

>> No.2495929

What about diy instruments?

>> No.2495941

They made a guitar out of the pig in the ED.

>> No.2496219

I would comission a small manga if i wasnt a poorfag, good job i'd watch it.

>> No.2496279

Treehouse no less.

>> No.2496352

What is the problem? Bad quality wood?

>> No.2496431

I'm honestly interested in seeing if, and how, it would be possible on the shoestring budget consisting of a few anonymous retards to create something good enough to get translated and published
It would be hilarious to see something like this aired in japanese television, especially if they decide to do male voices like the project likely would

>> No.2496469

Just gotta make sure not to let crunchyroll (or is it funimation now) get their fucking hands on it for the EN release because the english version is already done

>> No.2496529

You can make a VN with AI art for free now.

>> No.2496531

That's no fun, it's gotta be a fully animated show.

>> No.2496647

>shitty self made tools like a drill that's a motor and a battery glued to a piece of wood
>rival school club consisting of /x/, /r9k/ and /bant/ who cobbled together their own equipment and use it to shitpost, eventually becoming friends with the main cast
i wanted to make character designs but failed miserably

>> No.2496664

This is perfect use of stable diffusion at least to have some sort of idea about how the main characters would look

>> No.2496669

i hate the american character and now they introduced a new retard that keeps meowing wtf

>> No.2496673

>not liking the nyagger

>> No.2496733

if i wanted a program to shit out anime i would have it myself already, this should be done by a person and ideally one who actually uses the boards the characters are based on
personal request: give them long skirts rather than short ones

>> No.2496736

I believe it would rather be a collection of anons doing the writing, while I do believe there are people who actually use these four boards, those are rare, so it would be best, like many other 4chan projects, that this be a collaborative effort.
Now, who is going to herd these?

>> No.2496737

*persons who use these four boards (just to clarify)

>> No.2496741
File: 620 KB, 1006x566, DIY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2496768

Oh yeah school rivalry is gonna be peak kino. /x/ could actually work kinda well, considering ghost detecting circuits are basically just radio.

>long skirts rather than short ones