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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2389194 No.2389194 [Reply] [Original]

Post shit thats shit, but in the DIY spirit.

Previous thread >>>2372688

>> No.2389196
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>> No.2389215


>> No.2389222

this is actually from the movie The Cell starring vince vaughn and jennifer lopez.

>> No.2389239
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>> No.2389248
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The candelabra is a nice touch.

>> No.2389656

are those cake pans usable?

>> No.2390085


>> No.2390108
File: 82 KB, 730x702, here is where the wrist slashing happens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2390677

Needs some whale tail brake lights.

>> No.2390678


>> No.2390925
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>> No.2391044

I have to assume that this is fake or some art exhibit. Why on earth would anyone make something like this? The market would be so tiny that the number of people who would buy it would be counted on one hand.

>> No.2391045

I'm just gonna say it.... I don't hate this. I know it's ridiculous and all, but it really has that 50's drive in diner look which might just fit the rest of the house. Even though it's gaudy as hell, it's well done.

>> No.2391400
File: 48 KB, 700x692, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some 60's shag with a 4-poster Victorian twist to it

>> No.2391402
File: 645 KB, 1460x2488, jungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got dubs, bonus pic
The very exotic kitchen, probably someone's wife's fault that got a C- in high school art but its not going to stop her

>> No.2391406

Your a miserable bastard if you got any problem with that kitchen, everything is well done and the colors are easy on the eye.
The only problem with it is that metal trim on the countertop that is just begging to fill up with crud and germs, but judging by the appliances that's just a product of the era it was built in.

>> No.2391415


>> No.2391417
File: 784 KB, 1795x2284, PXL_20220523_234501093~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC 15 amp motor power cable splice

>> No.2391419
File: 30 KB, 474x533, th-4096867182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am a miserable bastard, I like clean kitchens
(That was from the 80s so its why the fittings are kind of nasty)

You could invite vietnam vets around so they get PTSD

>> No.2391421
File: 3.08 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20220521_235442141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's tight

>> No.2391454

>You could invite vietnam vets around so they get PTSD
Be sure to play a shuffle mix of "welcome to the jungle" and actual jungle noises.

>> No.2391457

>welcome to the jungle
it ain't me intensifies

>> No.2391483

would've been kino with a wood (or wood-like) countertops

>> No.2391530

>soda dispenser and brush with hose through it
fucking based

>> No.2391595

>a C-
>in high school art
Our cultural elite couldn't have sent a clearer message. Alas their warnings were in vain, and we are left with a kitchen that looks nothing like the Sistine Chapel.

>> No.2391604

Just wrap it in a bread bag and it's all good.

>> No.2391615

could you 3d print some conduit and an exterior junction box?

>> No.2391639

It's from an old SNL skit. >>2389215

>> No.2391644

woah mama

>> No.2391786

i 3D printed some cum into your mom's ass

>> No.2391787

History teaches us not to mess with art school dropouts!

>> No.2391791


Nigga I would unironically cook for my loved ones in that kitchen

>> No.2391792

This is awesome, you're retarded and have no soul.

>> No.2391800

This is a blue board and it's no mystery what you're getting at.


>> No.2391834

The supply is where the handle should be

>> No.2391903

all that embellished shit and its just a standard tiny size micro bowl for a sink and a tiny child size bathtub.

FUCK. why even bother

>> No.2391959

A monument to dreaming big; so long as it is within standard manufacturing dimensions.

>> No.2392744

this is dope, fuck you

>> No.2392755
File: 86 KB, 700x933, because fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me bro

>> No.2392814

I hate the theme but I respect the craftsmanship

looks like a car my kid would draw

same as diner reaction, respect the craftsmenship, hate the theme

actually, this board identifies as a non blue board

. >>2392755

>> No.2392843

That looks like a staircase at my daughter's highschool.

>> No.2392944

That could fit custom shelving or display cabinetry for curios, plants, or framings.

>> No.2392954

I'm sure this has a cause of the kind that people is too retarded to properly use that stairs and end up having accidents.

>> No.2393011

muh safety, karens, etc
Someone at some point fell down a set of stairs like this, minus the center railings, and someone sued for it, you just know it.

>> No.2393163

If you're too retarded for stairs then you deserve to die on them.
That's nature, bitch.

>> No.2393219

What's wrong here, exactly?

>> No.2393269
File: 271 KB, 936x1248, fibre (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three niggers just finished installing fiber optic in my apartment building

>> No.2393270
File: 175 KB, 1248x936, fibre (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the cable as it is in the hallways, any jackass with a knife or scissors can disrupt service to the entire building easily.

>> No.2393283

What did you expect them to do? Rip open the walls and hide it inside them? Do you realize how much more difficult and expensive that would be?

>> No.2393285

Doing it wrong with cable is a lot cheaper to fix than doing it wrong with fibre optic.
This isn't temporary shit or a house carved out of stone, it's fucking drywall the whole reason for using drywall is this sort of thing is CHEAP and EASY to do with it.
The reason it's done like this is that the company got taxpayer dollars from the government to do it, so they pocketed as much as fucking possible.
So they have three union illegal immigrant nigger, one carrying the ladder, one carrying the drill, the other unrolling the wire.
Literal fucking monkey work.

>> No.2393310

You're the fucking monkey living in a shit hole, maybe if you weren't such a dipshit loser you'd live in a real house and not the fucking projects. Until then shut the fuck up because your opinion obviously doesn't mean shit to anyone.

>> No.2393311

You got super butthurt over that, lmao.
You brown?

>> No.2393315

Call the landlord and tell them to come back and fix that boot. That's some bullshit.

Don't worry about the fiber optics on the side of the wall. They're easily replaced or spliced by these companies. No you're not DIYing it, but it's not that bad.

>> No.2393326
File: 79 KB, 640x453, you gone die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for the 12 beer stair challenge though

>> No.2393327

That'd be a problem if I looked at stairs while walking on them, but I don't because I'm an adult and I instinctively know how to use stairs at this point.

>> No.2393328

is that fiber or metal? if it's fiber that is probably under the minimum turn radius and shit's not gonna work proper in a bit. don't even have to worry about a knife lmao

>> No.2393343

That's suppossedly fibre although the label is "Optik" not "optic" so it may not really be legit fibre but some branded cable, I haven't looked into that for telus.

>> No.2393557

done correctly this would be sick

>> No.2393566
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>> No.2394019
File: 54 KB, 902x480, mc escher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your done properly bitches, now pay the man

>> No.2394066

I'd love this, no joke.

>> No.2394547

Yo that’s pretty cool. What’s with the hate?

>> No.2394551

>Casa loco
Chance they are white?

>> No.2394554


i don't know

>> No.2394747

I can only imagine the scenario where the twin shitter comes into play.
There’s a really great Indian joint down the way. You’ll 100% get explosive diarrhea, but it’s 100% worth it every time.
It’s not the kind of shit where you can wait 15-30 minutes. And it really helps to have somebody talk you through it.
Now that’s love.

>> No.2394748

would your wife be ok with using this with you /diy/?

>> No.2394850

Wife doesn't even like me seeing her face without makeup, what do you think?

>> No.2394873

My mom used to be like that. Are you a europoor?

>> No.2394894


>> No.2394896

I have small room that is like that. Weird short door to enter. Think this is a Cape Cod style house, where the roof is splayed to make a wide living space (ugly as fuck).

>> No.2394901

This is like a kid's dream room. Imagine having a sleepover with your bros here

>> No.2394909

Not even close, canadian with a super trad indonesian woman.

>> No.2395400

if i were drunk i'd insta-puke

>> No.2395402

Guarantee the stairs were originally built without the middle railing and some insurance company/code inspector said the expanse was too wide without a center railing, and made them add that abomination.

>> No.2396415

Those Romertopf clay dishes are pretty awesome for braising, and baking bread (use a separate dish for each operation)

>> No.2396698

Imagine the mold in all that carpet. I also remember the carpeted toilet seats. Good idea in theory unless you remember some men don't lift the toilet seat before pissing.

>> No.2396726

why not just piss in the sink?
no splash on the seat AND i expect washing your hands uses less water than a toilet flush, certainly less than the old high flow types.
that is assuming anyone who is enough of an animal to piss on the seat would wash their hands

>> No.2396911

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.2397793

>Rents an apartment
>Bitches about the handyman

Dumb fuck

>> No.2397797

Once I've eaten my wife's asshole, spread her pussy to look like an elephant with its mouth open, licked every square inch of her body, sucked her clit for hours on end, cum on her face, hair, tits, ass, asshole, ass crack, pussy, masturbated in front of each other, watched 3 children come out of her snatch (like watching my favorite restaurant burn to the ground), etc. seeing her without makeup doesn't really bother her anymore. There really isn't any boundaries at this point. The only thing we don't do in front of each other is watch each other poop. It really wouldn't bother me its the smell. Its like when someone rips a fart it just stinks if its not your brand.

>> No.2397837

Just imagine the one night when you have to puke and shit at the same time. That's the only viable reason for this

>> No.2397947

This is fine, really. Making use of odd attic spaces for living area is often like this. What I find absolutely disgusting is the angle on the top of the door not matching the ceiling slope.

>> No.2397969
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 3EEAB615-D92B-48A0-BB47-F70D3A048184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2398228

Mostly the same here but she still wakes up before me to put on her face. I've argued it every way I can think of, it doesn't make a difference. It's "whatever" to me at this point, she could have worse issues like: a history of other dicks inside her.

>> No.2398517

I would say hunny, I’ve seen the inside if your anus and know every mole and skin tag you have; do you really think I give a fuck about makeup

>> No.2398868

It gives off a certain feel but it's not bad. There is much worse someone could do.

>> No.2398873

This and insurance adjust written all over it.

>> No.2398874

Lets hope that's a copper run. If that's actual fiber it's fucked.

>> No.2399427

>hope that's a copper run
Yeah because that's what I want in my buildings FIBER installation, a fucking bottleneck just before it gets to my computer.

>> No.2399484

Part of its charm and keeping with the theme though, considering its all fucked up angles

>> No.2399490

>fuckin menial don't know about my reduced bend radius MDU fiber

>> No.2399724

No, they're stuck to the ceiling.

>> No.2399778

how do you think you get upside down cake?

>> No.2399801


>> No.2400144

Does it come with David Bowie taunting you via song?

>> No.2400157
File: 2.53 MB, 2448x2448, 20220605_083518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this slop.

>> No.2400280

just his mighty bulge

>> No.2401033

I don't have pics, but a church I attended recently had the pews way too close together.

>> No.2401046

great story

>> No.2401138

This is really nice looking actually. I agree with another poster that a nice bamboo countertop would've really helped tie it all together.

>> No.2401445

Seems fine.

>> No.2401468

I agree, people who cant orient an image before posting are just the worst

>> No.2401471

Nah, the site fucks it for fun. It's happened to me. Pic looks fine in gallery, twirls around like top.

>> No.2401473

Because the phone holds your hand and does it for you, temporarily.

>> No.2401495

When you rotate a photo in your phone it just edits the metadata to add rotation, and 4chan wipes metadata. After you rotate the image, crop it slightly - this forces the phone to actually save the image again and should save the rotation as well.
the more you know

>> No.2401526

Kek, that spandex wrapped bulge is legendary.

>> No.2401551

it's got the power

>> No.2401633

Nigger that's a dishmaster imperiale

>> No.2401636

Fiber is harder to cut than what you think.

Also, a jackass can fuck up electricity, telephone and water in pretty much all buildings, everything is easily accessible.

Also, your first pic is fucked but the second one is pretty much standard procedure.

>> No.2401782

Thanks for explaining the 'why,' that makes sense. I eventually learned what to do, but was definitely annoyed a couple times, so understand it happens.

>> No.2401787

I'm convinced this external installation is'nt just to be cheap, I'm pretty sure it's in preparation for ever tightening restrictions, makes it real easy for police to lock down and shut off communications to a building if they can just walk in the door and swing an axe.

>> No.2401835

They don't need to cut anything. They just need to call their friends at the cable company and tell them to shut it down

>> No.2402129

I'm talking martial law/civil war/revolution situation where every single company and utility isn't necessarily going to be cooperating, just go block to block and start chopping lines.

>> No.2402445

if the company that installed it isn't going to be complicit with wayward law enforcement bodies, why would they be complicit in installation procedures designed to force compliance
also there are still easier ways to shut off communication services, entire city blocks worth of network infrastructure all at once, where do you think that line goes after it's outside your apartment? somewhere magically inaccessible to police?
tldr it's just to be cheap, schizo

>> No.2402956
File: 56 KB, 540x531, 1623498389452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2402958

"Welcome to the Jungle, We've got pies and cakes".

>> No.2402967

The government literally forced 90% of the population to get untested injections that proved to be less than useless for their professed cause and straight up lethal in some cases.
Anyone who calls me schizo now must first put on their clown nose.

>> No.2402980

schizo confirmed. Are you also the guy hiding from your roommates laser?

>> No.2402986

So you're just going to deny the past two years of your life happened?

>> No.2403023


>> No.2403033


>> No.2403190

>The government literally forced 90% of the population to get untested injections that proved to be less than useless for their professed cause and straight up lethal in some cases
holy fuck I love the government now

>> No.2403191

fuck it, I'd rather jump down

>> No.2403289

Childhood trauma.

>> No.2404168

Wait but is it the guy hiding from his roommate laser?

>> No.2404199

this is so depressing
instead of being (presumably) legally compelled to destroy their art, they should have received money from the retarded driver for damaging their work. but i just know it was the opposite.

>> No.2404203

>literally forced
i haven't been "literally forced" to take shit. what world do you live in?

>> No.2404230

So you're one of the 10% or less that didn't have the threat of losing their job and social circles over it OR could afford to lose both.
Are you going to be a childish dipshit or can you recognize and accept the last two fucking years of world history?!

>> No.2404236

lol, not my problem.
by that logic, the government has also "literally forced" you to not go around screaming 'faggot' in everyone's face since you'd lose your job and social circles. muh free speech!! lol
by the sounds of people like you, picking not to get vaxxed should have ended my life. you're as dramatic as the "must get vaxxed or you'll die in agony!!!" people.
guess what, almost nothing happened. a few people said "you should do this" and i was like "cool". done. i don't think i'm in some special situation.
you're just desperate for some overarching conspiracy to be true so you don't have to feel responsible for your shit position in life. get a hold of yourself loser

>> No.2404238

I am in a similar position, there was no way for it to affect me, but unlike you I have more than two brain cells to rub together in conjunction with the use of my eyes and ears, I am aware that this was not the case for the vast majority of people.

>> No.2404246

>I am aware that this was not the case for the vast majority of people.
everyone i know that talks like this could have not taken it and suffered essentially no consequences. someone either insinuated there were consequences to them and they took it as some kind of threat, or they imagined consequences and assumed it to be the reality, and that fired up the ol' victim complex that got them all buttmad.
even the guy i know who had his boss tell him he had to get vaxxed or get dropped from the schedule (he did it) had a coworker who didn't and is still working there with no consequences.
the "government" didn't "literally force" anything. if someone got it who didn't want it, they were jumpy victim-complex pussies who did what they thought they were asked to do first, then complained second to try and score points and explain their own failures.

>> No.2404311

>had a coworker who didn't and is still working there with no consequences.
Hindsight is 20/20, most people don't gamble with their meal tickets, this wasn't a case of "get fired and find a new job" this was a case of "get fired and be unemployable everywhere"

>> No.2404321

>most people don't gamble with their meal tickets
this makes you a weak, risk-averse pussy who clearly also did not prepare for emergencies like everyone has told you you ought to do for your whole life (maybe you didn't listen. maybe you thought you were too good to have unexpected things happen. maybe you were an idiot.)
this does not mean government agents busted down your door and stuck a needle in your arm like your paranoid, victim-complex narrative about "the government forcing jabs" implies.
i suppose when you get downsized during the recession and you can't afford rent anymore, that will be the government forcing you to live on the street.
and i assume when you try heroin for the first time to escape your miserable reality, it will be the government forcing you to get high.
and i assume when you cut catalytic converters off cars to sell to buy food and heroin, that's the government forcing you to do it.
again, just take a moment, look around you, and get a fucking hold of yourself. stop falling into whatever narrative you're in a feedback loop on.

>> No.2404322


Im high asf so this could be stupid what if extend the center to the ceiling and boxing with cubicles for alternative to side by side toilet?

sry first time on diy

>> No.2404325

Meep meep!

>> No.2404331

I guess all those nurses and pilots and police that got fired were just fake news.

>> No.2404360

Ms.Information, more likely.

>> No.2404369

Anybody still remembers this magical liminal space rape castle?


>> No.2404377
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>> No.2404465 [DELETED] 

>>2389194 >>2389196 >>2389215 >>2389222 >>2389239 >>2389248 >>2389656 >>2390085 >>2390108 >>2390677 >>2390678 >>2390925 >>2391044 >>2391045 >>2391400 >>2391402 >>2391406 >>2391415 >>2391417 >>2391419 >>2391421 >>2391454 >>2391457 >>2391483 >>2391530 >>2391595 >>2391604 >>2391615 >>2391639 >>2391644 >>2391786 >>2391787 >>2391791 >>2391792 >>2391800 >>2391834 >>2391903 >>2391959 >>2392744 >>2392755 >>2392814 >>2392843 >>2392944 >>2392954 >>2393011 >>2393163 >>2393219 >>2393269 >>2393270 >>2393283 >>2393285 >>2393310 >>2393311 >>2393315 >>2393326 >>2393327 >>2393328 >>2393343 >>2393557 >>2393566 >>2394019 >>2394066 >>2394547 >>2394551 >>2394554 >>2394747 >>2394748 >>2394850 >>2394873 >>2394894 >>2394896 >>2394901 >>2394909 >>2395400 >>2395402 >>2396415 >>2396698 >>2396726 >>2396911 >>2397793 >>2397797 >>2397837 >>2397947 >>2397969 >>2398228 >>2398517 >>2398868 >>2398873 >>2398874 >>2399427 >>2399484 >>2399490 >>2399724 >>2399778 >>2399801 >>2400144 >>2400157 >>2400280 >>2401033 >>2401046 >>2401138 >>2401445 >>2401468 >>2401471 >>2401473 >>2401495 >>2401526 >>2401551 >>2401633 >>2401636 >>2401782 >>2401787 >>2401835 >>2402129 >>2402445 >>2402956 >>2402958 >>2402967 >>2402980 >>2402986 >>2403023 >>2403033 >>2403190 >>2403191 >>2403289 >>2404168 >>2404199 >>2404203 >>2404230 >>2404236 >>2404238 >>2404246 >>2404311 >>2404321 >>2404322 >>2404325 >>2404331 >>2404360 >>2404369 >>2404377

>> No.2404902

Never saw this. The tour is awesome. Downstairs the both heads each have to toilets, one with a urinal... still touring.

>> No.2404909
File: 600 KB, 927x1388, IMG_20220611_164413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find this (yet). Do they ship from there? Are these the proud owners?

>> No.2404910

Jesus, I haven't even gotten out of the first room

>> No.2404913
File: 1.12 MB, 729x816, mlsrc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are witnesses, our testimony never to be borne

>> No.2404915
File: 728 KB, 637x393, mlsrc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The five major food groups

>> No.2404923

Honestly a little jelly of the shower

>> No.2404924

It's in the upstairs bedroom near the cat, facing the window

>> No.2404939
File: 1.57 MB, 962x2216, IMG_20220611_172610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel making it DIY relavant. 2x4s aren't strong in that orientation, could've been warped though. Dang, finally found it. Thought it was going to be a proper pool. I used the buttons circled. Really fun site. Were they pirating movies? Saw the burning station. Maybe retail arbitrage too?

>> No.2405005

they ran an ebay store, I think the story goes they got shut down due to pirating complains

>> No.2405080

>guess what, almost nothing happened
Maybe you haven't been paying attention but the world economy is a shambles due to governments response to the coof

>> No.2405085

holy shit
it keeps going down
there keeps being more and more stuff

>> No.2405089

Admit it, /diy/: you're autistic enough to try to walk up the center portion, stop at the top looking confused for a few seconds, then have to take the walk of shame down then back up one of the sides.

>> No.2405090

hop over railing, fuck the police

>> No.2405092

Is that a baptismal someone converted into a shower

>> No.2405105
File: 1.14 MB, 1020x1178, Screenshot_20220611-213633-936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn and Bakugan. The fuck.

>> No.2405106

Yes, actually

>> No.2405121
File: 711 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220611-215944_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice big target for that somebody with the shits. Must've been too far away this time.

>> No.2405122
File: 765 KB, 1080x1605, IMG_20220611_220522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better trimmed screenshot. Fonefag.

>> No.2405141

tip, anons: press alt+2 to enter whole-house view mode. WASD moves, arrow keys rotate. pressing alt+1 will re-insert you at the focal point. makes jumping around to the weird shit easier

>> No.2405143

>minion doormat
o i am laffin

>> No.2405165

>hop over
limbo under
make eye contact with anyone behind you taking the easy path

>> No.2405174

hop over, straddle the rail a little bit too long, make some uncouth noises while you lock eyes with strangers descending

>> No.2405269

Oh fuck I've been looking for this absolute masterpiece. Glad it's still up.

>> No.2405275
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>> No.2405281
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seriously looks like they built or bought the adjacent building and just tunnelmaxxed their way into it for storage and access

>> No.2406186

Did you not grasp his point?
They weren't forced to get jabbed, if they were why would they have been fired?

>> No.2406297
File: 193 KB, 1518x608, HARRO1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians owned it

>> No.2406298
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>> No.2406390

Taking away someone's livelihood sounds pretty coercive to me, faggot.

>> No.2406400

What you idiots are arguing about is corporate tyranny vs government tyranny. They're both bad, however corporate is still slightly better I guess, but that is like picking between eating bear shit, and eating deer shit.

>> No.2406401

>Not forcing you just taking away everything until you comply willingly

>> No.2406501

>i am fully entitled to my specific job at this specific place of employment doing these specific things and if it goes away because i don't do what my employers tell me to do i will die and life will be horrible and i am in no way being dramatic and in this way you can see the government has forcibly stuck an needle in my arm while i scream for help
this is you

>> No.2406508
File: 82 KB, 640x866, 1335232589516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who championed at-will work environments and right to work laws suddenly realizing that giving your employer 100% of all leverage and all power wasnt in their best interest
like pottery

>> No.2406527

>your employer
>not the federal government requiring it.

>> No.2406535

pick 2

>> No.2406548
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>> No.2406549

Look ma, I posted it a second time!

>> No.2406583

I'm gonna puke

>> No.2406676

ANYWAY, Y'all have derailed the point; You can't call a paranoid man crazy anymore, the "conspiracy" was/is broadcast worldwide everyday for 2+ years, it is now undeniable fact.
A "paranoid" man is just a smart man.

>> No.2406735
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>> No.2406736
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>> No.2406915
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For me? it's the walk-down gas chamber shower room right next to the porn zone.

>> No.2406920

>that stair to nowhere

>> No.2406933
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 16107166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure are fancy with your clever hidden wired lighting!

>> No.2407014
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>> No.2407073

Lol was this a converted church

>> No.2407104

yes it was.

>> No.2407112

That should never have made it through permit review, it doesn't conform to wind bracing code at all. There should have been a portal frame or some simpson strongwalls at the corners, at least on the 1st floor if not all the way up.

>> No.2407296

>gas chamber
Wooden doors aren't gas tight =P that is clearly a delousing shower.

>> No.2407310
File: 130 KB, 316x201, fatte_catte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feline located

>> No.2407631


>> No.2407662
File: 25 KB, 600x382, manmade horrors beyond comprehension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those tubs of pornography
>lil nigga has seen some shit

>> No.2407682

You sleep with dudes...? Super gay

>> No.2407688
File: 2.64 MB, 1598x1270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it even has one of these because of course it would have it.

>> No.2407691
File: 1003 KB, 1039x912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because one wasn't enough.

>> No.2407699

But back to the real question, ARE you the guy hiding from your roommates laser?

>> No.2407737

I'm from the US, and while I hate all the threads that go on about modern American construction methods this really highlights some shit.
>Let me just live in a giant billboard made out of wood scraps
I mean really. I'm not sure even proper ties like >>2407112 suggested could have saved this monstrosity. What dumbass thought they could build a functional house in that alley anyway?

>> No.2407739

could be like a spite house, those are fun

>> No.2407905

If you used masonry walls or at least a real timber frame not feckin 4 by 2s you could build a house with that footprint

>> No.2408016

Don't have a roommate and if I did I wouldn't hide from shit, I'd kick them out if they were doing something that bothered me.

>> No.2408129

I bet a power line runs over the roof too. Free electricity.

>> No.2408411

I guess somebody REALLY wanted a shower in their bedroom some 40 years ago or so. I would ask WHY, but there is seldom reason behind madness.

>> No.2408417

Sure you could build it, but by "functional" I meant actually useful to live in. Is that thing even as wide as an old single trailer? And you have to account for stairways. I get that you have space restrictions on that property but I'd probably look elsewhere to build a house.

Shitty construction, looks longer and taller than surrounding structures, seems like it would be actually annoying to live in, yeah that checks out.

>> No.2408418

that looks great except i wouldn't want it in my kitchen. it could work ok for a school cafeteria.

>> No.2408473
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>> No.2408508

>the angle on the top of the door not matching the ceiling slope
then the door wouldn't fit the door frame

>> No.2408527
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>> No.2408550
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>> No.2408558

this shit would be flimsy garbage even if it was made with 1 inch steel

>> No.2408573

I mean, absolutely rat's nest to be sure, but the concept is solid, better cable management and some cleaning up and it'd pretty fuckin cool

>> No.2408625

Looks like someone is super serious about their editing.
At first I thought "gamer" but the vertical side monitors is something else IME.

>> No.2408710

A manlet made this, I would ram my head into that tube steel and those power bricks if I ever tried to sit in that thing.
That said, this is 100% based.

>> No.2408711

getting hospital flashbacks just looking at this

>> No.2408846
File: 57 KB, 728x546, aid768394-v4-728px-Make-Simple-Crutches-Step-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are only 2 types of people in this house
>the ones with exceptional balance of a ninja
>the maimed

>> No.2408903

not all stairs are the same your gonna die like a victorian maid

>> No.2408905

baptismals are terrifying first time i saw one i thought they used it for sacrifices or something

>> No.2408909

Yes i built my house to maim movers how could you tell

>> No.2408916

My feet are possessed of this magical ability called "The sense of Touch". Believe it or not; I can feel things I cannot see, with this power I carry large boxes that obscure my view of the ground and other such wondrous superhuman feats.

>> No.2408920

I'd love to own a big house someday and fill it with all the manga I love

>> No.2408921

i forsee your future it involves not paying attention for a second and dying

>> No.2408924

That can happen walking on flat ground if you misstep as well, walking is a nightmare act of preventing yourself from falling and breaking your neck every second.

>> No.2408925

but walking is just controlled falling

>> No.2408931

...That's what I said.

>> No.2408945

but how can you be trying to not fall you wouldnt go forward thats the whole thing i warn you now im drinking before bed

>> No.2408979

my man tried to build a meme shipping container home outta osb with no bracing lmfao

>> No.2408985

It's missing a shitter.

>> No.2409003

This is a man who is completely serious about his comfort while using a computer.

>> No.2409072

dedicated urinals are unironically based

>> No.2409080

>tfw I accidentally cut my stairs two inches short and now have that problem.
>tfw I put tile down at the bottom to cushion my fall.

>> No.2409103
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 1655202024665s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post shit thats shit

>> No.2409145

just use the sink, no need to pay to have an extra appliance installed

>> No.2409246

>All those Monsters on the table
Based boomer.

>> No.2409516 [DELETED] 
File: 981 KB, 2426x1283, the littlest daemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cobbled together a camera man out of some spare bits and scrap wood.

>> No.2409576

Crazy, it just probably a one dude amazon operation if not family owned.

>> No.2410060
File: 47 KB, 527x463, 8194277_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are commercially available stations, picrel.

>> No.2410065

Its a forever old ebay store.

>> No.2410157

That is seriously overbuilt and probably costs way too fucking much, literally cheaper to buy a welder and scrap metal to learn how to do it yourself.
I see someone with a station like this and they will lose my respect for being a paypig consoomer.

>> No.2410178

Cheaper to buy clean metal than pray for the right scrap. A major mistake noobs make is not buying steel when the product in question is affordable. Get to know your steel suppliers and for expensive jobs get quotes from different suppliers as prices vary considerably.

>> No.2410231

Either way, scrap or brand new, it's going to be cheaper than a rig like that.
Hell you might even be able to pay someone to teach you on top of the cost of machine and materials and still come out cheaper.

>> No.2410590
File: 1.94 MB, 4000x1800, 20220616_142851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some from an absolutely dire site I am currently on. No health and safety, no quality control, just Mad Max shit.

>> No.2410591
File: 1.85 MB, 4000x1800, 20220608_144209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot the problem

>> No.2410619

They built is sideways.
And no downspout from eavestrough.

>> No.2410648

The immediate problem is a jackass who doesn't know how to rotate pictures which is a basic feature of Paint.
Also resizing images, 2mb is ridiculous, try 750kb or so.

>> No.2410669

>house is made of wood shavings glued together
manmade horrors beyond comprehension

>> No.2410706

You idiots. He’s obviously Australian

>> No.2410709

he lives on the equator dipshit

>> No.2410748

ah, Brazil

>> No.2410788

Yes, the one single country on all of earth located on or near the equator.

>> No.2410789

you must be fun at parties

>> No.2410798

More fun than you with your stale cliche lines that are older than Ukraine.

>> No.2410828

>fun at parties
>fact-checks anon's geography

>> No.2410839
File: 1.61 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20220619_132821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my grandmother bedroom.

>> No.2410840
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White cement should do the job right?

>> No.2410867

Your foundation is fucked. Looks like its bound to collapse within the next decade.

>> No.2410881
File: 2.28 MB, 1642x1001, Screenshot_20220620_005951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What goes down here?

>> No.2410883
File: 1.95 MB, 1481x1115, Screenshot_20220318_195254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Camden, NJ architecture.

>> No.2410906

The thing I love most is all the fucking chairs just distributed all over the house. Plonked down everywhere, like this rusted-ass one in the laundry room.
I can picture some morbidly-obese man getting done loading the laundry and being winded from the effort so he needs to sit down, staring at the washing machine doing a cycle and breathing heavily. Mildly tragic.

>> No.2410908
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>> No.2410918

If you needed to fact check that then you best get a vasectomy.

>> No.2410920

At least those have yards.

>> No.2410921

You put your fut out to stop yourself, and momentum carries you forward to a new fall which you have to stop with the other foot, etc, etc...

>> No.2410924

My excuse for this is smoking pot.

>> No.2411236

Am I hallucinating or is this not the only virtual tour of this property that exists? I distinctly remember the one I saw before being also a crazy labyrinth, but less "one man's crazy rape dungeon" and more "weird-ass business with employee housing on site".

>> No.2411278

Perfect for a horror game map, I love this house, literal temple of degeneracy made from what appears to be a religious place, ao oni but the oni is human core vibe, would visit with a tazer and pepper spray

>> No.2411366

This is not an abomination, it has SOVL something which you modular/prefab bullshit fags would never understand

>> No.2411465

Aw ye, that AC sure is going to be effective.

>> No.2411468

Those at least have the excuse of having previously had buildings in between.

>> No.2411555

Its a small room so it does the job.

>> No.2411565
File: 1.55 MB, 1160x1210, 1652994420707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're missing something.

>> No.2412108

I hate pot lighting like you wouldn't believe. This is my worst nightmare

>> No.2412691

Just use the center portion to nowhere as shelves

>> No.2412692

I literally just ran CAT6 through my house like this. Im not drilling, cutting, fishing and patching- fuck that

>> No.2412694

I think these could be cool if they produced very little light and just were like stars during the night

>> No.2412696

you guys keep posting the same shit

>> No.2412723

first day 4chan?

>> No.2412733

I like how near that picture there's a random SNES game lying around.

Also TVs in front of TVs, looks like when one breaks or it's time for an upgrade they just plop a new TV in front of the old one.

>> No.2412853

So you agree it's the lazy and wrong way to do it.

>> No.2412869
File: 13 KB, 480x360, atleastididn'tuseastudfinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2412915

i worked in a warehouse where the retards were too stupid to know how to tap on a wall to find a stud correctly, so they would drill rows of holes in the wall until they hit one.
i counted on row that had more than 20 holes in it, no bullshit

>> No.2412917

Please tell me they didn't drill with, you know, a drill, and found some second-rate workaround as pointlessly stupid as tapping for studs.

>> No.2412923

i think it depended on whether the person was using a nail or a screw to stick whatever it was to the wall.
the point is that they couldn't even tap to get close to where the stud could be and would make long rows of holes until they hit one.
i'm no genius, but holy shit these people were next level retarded

>> No.2412928

Good thing they hit 20 wall voids. At that point I wonder if it was aimless stupidity, or the tradie's version of russian roulette.

>> No.2412939

probably a fine blend of stupidity and laziness considering the holes would all be withing one nail diameter of the last

>> No.2413023

Based and Chubby-Checker pilled

>> No.2413039

"And days where duh Gas came out, Oi Vay!"

>> No.2413244

Those are marketed to radiologists. Can't imagine $8k is of much concern when you earn >$400k/yr. You'd lose more $$ than saved. Plus the risk to eyesight isn't worth it, or maybe it is if well insured.

>> No.2413283

If you thought that was worth fact-checking then you best get your tubes tied

>> No.2413287

I was just about to say, that might have worked if installed as constellations like orion or the dipper

>> No.2413333

Okay, then go get your tubes tied bitch.

>> No.2413335

let me check those quads anon
you two should get your tubes tied together

>> No.2413511

>pedantic anon is going to fact check why that's not possible

>> No.2413519

Don't need to, this is another "so obvious checking is retarded" situation.
Only you are a woman, so we cannot /both/ have tubes tied.

>> No.2413523

>confirms "he" does indeed need his tubes tied

>> No.2413534

The funniest thing about your comments is that you think your wit is a match for mine =)

>> No.2413535

>let's forget who was second with the tubes-tying roast

>> No.2413548

Anopn, you copied his vasectomy crack, you don't have two brain cells to rub together.
Also this retarded greentext thing you're doing is retarded, responding to a comment is responding, if you want to keep a "clever" quip in your head, then you keep it in your head.
You been huffing paint today buddy?

>> No.2413552

>you don't have two brain cells to rub together
I'll nonetheless assume you're a different anon

>you copied his vasectomy crack
I said nothing about "him" getting a vasectomy, those are for dudes anyway. Something that slipped his grasp in his mind-melting rage.

>> No.2413560

Wow you're obtuse, let's rephrase it then shall we?
You copied his sterilization joke, you fucking dumbass.

>> No.2413575

>you copied
>let's rephrase
For being a different anon, you sure are invested in defending "him"

>> No.2413579

Sometimesa man see's something so stupid that he just needs to stop and mock it.

>> No.2413582

>Sometimesa man see's something
Indeed. Continue whiteknighting for "him"

>> No.2413585

No I think I am going to go with more mockery.
Like pointing out that you are so dim-witted that you perceive a need for full length quotes of comments directly above your own. I understand (You) may need help keeping your spot in such a broken and disjointed chain, but not I.

>> No.2413590
File: 72 KB, 533x960, 1547184344851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm getting the strong impression that neither of you have even a whit of wit, and you're here because nobody will put up with your noise irl. please stop shitting up the thread and go outside and get some fresh air, it's good for you.
barring that, post some abominations in the abomination thread

>> No.2413595

>full length quotes
Cool story

>> No.2413607

That looks like it actually works and was a very cost efficient project.

>> No.2413609

I would like you to compare the picture you just posted against the OP picture.
The OP picture is a professionally manufactured product available in a design catalogue.
What you have posted is a cheap DIY project.
The OP picture is a stupid and unhygienic /idea/.
What you have posted is a perfectly logical money saving idea that works as intended.
You do not understand what this thread is about.

>> No.2413612

>very cost efficient
>perfectly logical money saving idea
Was the front-facing front horn logical?

(I'm not asking any gender-confused fact checkers or their handlers, they can continue to calm down)

>> No.2413613

Fuel efficiency, prevents his standing height storage from causing too much drag.

>> No.2413615

Wonder why he didn't go with more of a wedge design, bottom of big black cone would pocket air. Maybe it's useful for 4x4 jousting?

>> No.2413616

as the other anon said thst cuts drag, but also he can haul long stuff (say, 2x4's) without them overhanging the trucks footprint.

>> No.2413618


Nothing like long black airfoil management to ease the tension.

>> No.2413619

I don't think so, I'm pretty sure the air that pushes out of the way would prevent the air pocket from causing an issue, the small air gap is probably very calm while driving, like how leaving your tailgate up is actually better for fuel efficiency than leaving it down, because the air trapped inside doesn't "scoop" more like people first imagined as you drive,

>> No.2413620

Ok. What about the jousting opportunity?

>> No.2413621

clearly does not extend over his hood, doesn't even look like it extends beyond the cab, and given that the "point" you are seeing is over the far edge of the passenger side then I would hope you have the spatial reasoning to know that he has a wedge, not a cone there.

>> No.2413623

Hope you notice the camera angle aligns more with the air foil solution's length more than its depth, if that helps you feel better about my question...

Generally to judge dimensioning, a mechanical schematic will include 3 distinct perspectives. Regardless, I appreciate your conjecture.

>> No.2413644

If you think that comes to a point you need to get your eyes checked.
>3 distinct perspectives
So you really don't have any capacity for spatial reasoning.

>> No.2415799
File: 126 KB, 472x572, ThisKillsTheThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an interesting discussion you had, you two are some autistic dumbfucks.

>> No.2415948

And here you come along with your amazing fucking contribution!

>> No.2415999

Found the thread like this already at bump limit after a hundred retarded posts by the autist duo.