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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 200 KB, 1022x600, motorizedbicycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
235535 No.235535 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone build one? Familiar with them at all?

I've been piddling around with the idea of building one. My new job is so close to home that my gas mileage is actually suffering, but far enough away that I can't just peddle there on my own power without tiring myself out. Short of spending serious money on a motorcycle (which I DO miss having...), this seems to be the best possible option.
There's one for sale, locally, but it would be the same cost to build my own, plus I'd get a better understanding of how they work (and I won't be getting a used, possibly abused, POS).

For anyone that knows what they're talking about...

Do the peddles still function as before? Or are they basically just the mechanism by which the engine is started?

Is there a throttle? Or does the engine pretty much just GO, and speed is dictated by gear shifting?

What other things should I know before delving into this pastime?


>> No.235544

peddlingpresent participle of ped·dle (Verb)

Try to sell (something, esp. small goods) by going from house to house or place to place.
Sell (an illegal drug or stolen item).

Do you mean pedals, fag OP?

>> No.235547

Most of the questions you have are "yes, if you build one to do that."

You know how a weed eater/whacker works? You pull the trigger a little and it runs a little, pull it a lot and it runs very fast, let it go, and and it idles. This is what you want yours to do. Then you'll have your throttle and still be able to pedal freely without it taking your legs off. You could idle it and change gears for instance.

>> No.235549
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Get back to /b/, you worthless grundle.

>> No.235548


>> No.235551

I wish I could build one. The laws here are kinda dildos and I'd have to high/low lights, brake lights, blinkers, and a mirror then get it registered for it to be legal.

>> No.235552

So it's more an issue of how one builds it?

For the moment, my plan is to pick up a Schwinn Clairmont from the local Walmart (I don't have a bike shop within an hour from here, or anything else really...), and one of those $150 engine kits all over ebay.

This would pretty much be a bottom-of-the-barrel build until I get around to future customizations. My main concern is what those basic kits allow for to get me off the ground.

>> No.235554

>For anyone that knows what they're talking about...
I bought a pre-built motorized bicycle a friend put together from a kit before deciding he never used it and it was taking up too much space in his garage. Been riding it a couple miles to work every day and keeping it maintained and gassed up so I guess I count?

>Do the peddles still function as before? Or are they basically just the mechanism by which the engine is started?
Yep, pedals still work the same as a normal bike when you are holding down the clutch. Only problem is the bike is a fair bit heavier so you'll have lots of fun riding up hills that way.

>Is there a throttle? Or does the engine pretty much just GO, and speed is dictated by gear shifting?
Haha, yeah, there's definitely a throttle. Not being able to control how fast you're going would be scary.

What you do is you hold down the clutch (on the right handlebar on mine, where the brake would normally be) to disengage the motor, then get going about 5-10 mph using the pedals, then you release the clutch and that engages plus starts up the engine and gets you rolling. From there you use the throttle (mine is on the left handlebar) to control your speed. I can get up to around 30 mph if I really push it but spend more time going about 20.

>> No.235556


I have a feeling my state's laws are kinda FUBAR on the issue, too. But I haven't lived here long.

I live in one of the only 2 states that apparently these damn kits CANNOT be shipped to, which means I'll have to ship it to family and have them send it from there.

Legally speaking, though, I won't have much to deal with once it's here. I haven't seen a cop in the area.... Since I got here. Hell, my boss only gets pulled over in his custom electric golf-cart when he drives it over to the next town like a crazy jackass.

For my 5 mile commute, one of these bastards would be perfect.

>> No.235555

>What other things should I know before delving into this pastime?
Get a gallon gas can and some two stroke oil and familiarize yourself with mixing them. Download the maintenance pdf for your motor and familiarize yourself with it. Set aside... oh 8-12 hours for putting together your bike from a kit, have lots of zip ties on hand for holding wires and shit in place and be prepared to have a frustrating time of it if you haven't done this sort of thing before.

Probably other stuff too, but honestly I'm not much of a diy person (Clicked on the board by accident, whoops). For what it's worth, it seems like motorized bikes are pretty hard to fuck up, even if you're as mechanically retarded as I am.

>> No.235558

How is the noise?

>> No.235559

The laws can definitely get pretty wonky. When I looked into it for where I live (AZ), so long as the motor is less than 50cc it legally counts as a regular bicycle and is no hassle at all to own and operate.

Unfortunately, mine is a 69cc so it counts as a motorcycle! I pretty much just hope I never get pulled over by someone who's keen on motorized bike laws.

>> No.235560

It sounds really damn loud to me when I'm riding it but bystanders have assured me its "not too bad". Whatever that means.

I tend to just use the pedals until I'm out of the residential area I live in for courtesy's sake, since I mostly ride around at 4am or so.

>> No.235627

I used to be a bike mechanic at walmart. The Clairmont's are terrible bikes. The front forks are rarely straight, and the rear derailleur is attached to the bike with a thin metal strip with WILL bend after normal usage. In my experience, the best bikes at Walmart (which isn't really saying much) are the Schwinn Aluminum Comp or the Genesis TwoNine, both of which I think retail for around $199.

>> No.235649

Schwinn is some good shit

>> No.235651

Remove the engine nameplate

>> No.235658
File: 93 KB, 529x298, e-electric-bicycle_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For something the size/weight of a bicycle, and the kind of distances you'd be riding it, almost any electric conversion kit is preferable to a two stroke engine.

Modern ebikes with 1+kw motors are capable of speeds up to 50mph and ranges of around 25-30 miles using lithium batteries. These average $700-$1500.

The entry level lead acid battery bikes are cheaper as prebuilt, starting at $500 for a Currie Tech Izip Trailz. They come with one pack, can mount two, each gives you 8 miles of real world range (they claim 15).

The packs are swappable and merely contain garden variety Wal Mart motorcycle starter batteries. Usually 10ah. They degrade over 6 months with hard use (full discharge every day) or up to 2 years with light use (partial discharge). The nice thing is, it only costs around $40 for a set of replacement batteries.

>> No.235660
File: 16 KB, 300x300, leadacidbike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the cheapest entry level ebike looks like. The battery packs slide out easily so you can hot-swap for a freshly charged set, which means you don't need to sit around waiting to recharge if you need to do a lot of riding in one day.

I used to keep a spare set charging at a friend's house 12 miles away. I could get there easily on battery alone for about 5 months. Eventually the batteries degraded to where they'd run out by mile 10. I started pedaling too, which made it possible to make the trip with muscle and battery, without running out. And of course I'd swap for the charged set for the return trip.

>> No.235662
File: 68 KB, 540x357, lithiumbike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a more respectable lithium bike. The cheapest I've seen it sell for is $699. The batteries are built into the frame and it has an in-wheel hub motor. The top speed is around 20mph (compared to 15mph for the lead acid bike) and the real world range is around 25 miles. The big advantage with these is, you pay once and the batteries last for around 5 to 7 years depending how hard you are on them.

>> No.235678

المنشئ لهذا المنصب هو مثلي الجنس الكبير الذي يتمتع بدرجة كبيرة قضيب أسود إدراجها في شرجه، وكذلك تتمتع بدرجة كبيرة المني الشرب

>> No.235684
File: 1.39 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_20110529_203254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Schwinn used to be awesome, but now they are just another brand name under Pacific Cycles.

@Op - I do prefer ebikes to the noisy, smelly two stroke motors. Check out the forums @ endless sphere for more info.

>> No.235771

Hmm... This is good to know.

I'll check out what they have this afternoon, but I might just have to take a drive this weekend and head to a dedicated bike shop. Problem is that's going to cost far more than I can afford to spend at the moment.

I might have to stick to the Clairmont (the only cruiser bike my Walmart has in stock, according to the website, that isn't a fixed gear) and just beef up whatever I can.

Unless the moron on Craigslist will get back to me, then I might just head up and see if what he's selling is worth it. If it's even still available...

>> No.235844

Y'all niggahs are GAY.

>> No.235845

돼지 - 메스꺼운 미국 바보 등신 너무 뚱뚱해과 자전거 페달에 약한 따라서 그들에게 엔진을 설치해야합니다!

>> No.236043
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1323744308433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You DO know this is /diy/, right? Because it's painfully obvious your samefagging ass belongs in /b/.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Possible used one for sale on CL, but never heard back from the idiot. Went to Walmart, inspected their cruiser bikes, and came home with a Clairmont.
I guess they fixed the problem, because the previously mentioned "thin strip" looks okay to me.

Going to have to order me up an engine kit, and get to work.

Haven't had a good project in a while. I feel kinda giddy.

Pic related. I can only HOPE to ever be as happy as THIS guy.

>> No.236670


Ordered the engine kit off eBay.

Went with a 49cc so as to stay within Virginia law's definition of a moped. Probably wouldn't EVER be an issue, considering where I am, but why risk it?

Also ordered a dual-line break lever to free up the right side for the clutch and throttle.

>> No.236676

The peddles work as before. There is a throttle. You can buy the kit off of eBay, and the bike from Walmart. Be careful not to short out the coil that fires the spark plug from the stater. Try and get an 80cc one, they are much better than the lower number of cc version.

>> No.236686 [DELETED] 

This is what you are looking for ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCSHTnTeSD0

Honda 50CC engine in a bike...

>> No.236687

Fuck off, spic-spam.

Had to go with a 49cc. Anything larger would require light, signals, registration, insurance, etc. Fuck that.

For a 5 mile commute in an area COMPLETELY devoid of hills, this engine size will be plenty adequate. Though, yeah, I would've much preferred a larger engine size.

>> No.236747

Fun fact: I went from south jersey, to maine, to kentucky on a 49cc scooter. Its very good for everything except interstates. Topped out at 41mph, and im about 210lbs.

Also there was a korean guy that did a 4 corners tour of the US, like 15000 miles, on a Honda Ruckus 49cc. Do a google search for that shit.

>> No.236839

All you will ever need to know can be found here:

>> No.236843

op you lazy fook just get a peddle bike. anything you make will polute more then your car will.

>> No.236848

>anything you make will polute more then your car will.
We want it for a cheap, possible license/registration free, fuel-efficient vehicle. Not to save the plant.

>> No.236849

>anything you make will polute more then your car will.
A car will use at least 4x more fuel to cover the same distance.
(30mpg car vs. 120mpg+ bike)
It may be a bit less efficient in completely burning it's fuel but it sure a shit isn't more polluting that a car.

Do you suggest he go for batteries that he has to replace every 2-3 years? You'll pollute one way or another.
OP, just get a 49cc kit of ebay, shit will run you like $210 for a complete kit and has everything needed minus the bike itself.

>> No.236861

>I can't just peddle there on my own power without tiring myself out
Fatter-than-fatass detected.
Guess what, OP? Ride to work for a month or two, and *magically* you won't get so tired! Scientists think they might even have a theory as to how this works! They're calling it "adaptation"! Also, you might, if you also get the goddamn fork out of your mouth all the time, stop being fatter-than-fatass in the process! Ain't that amazin'? What'll they think of next!

>> No.236951


>> No.236954

>Implying I care

I'm not some hippy faggot who thinks the world will wither and die if I drive a car and don't dance around in a drum circle.

The world isn't made of eggshells, you pussy. Have a little more respect for it. It's survived far worse than we can muster as a species.

If we nuked ourselves off the planet and scorched every inch of the surface, the ecosystem would be completely reset within a few thousand years or so.

So IDC if I drive a motorcycle that runs on whale oil and expels mustard gas out of the damn exhaust, as long as it's cheap, effective, and fucking gets me from point A to point B.

>> No.236960


>> No.237065

This doesn't negate the fact that you're probably a weak and lazy fatass who can't be bothered to take proper care of your body, therefore you can't pedal a proper bicycle a few miles to whatever your job is and actually get some daily exercise (protip: walking from the couch to the fridge to the couch again with shitty junk food doesn't count as exercise). It also doesn't mitigate the fact that electric bikes are for faggots and old broken-down people, so unless you're one of those you should forget this idea and JUST RIDE A NORMAL BIKE.

>> No.237074

Perhaps the distance is too great for a normal bike. Perhaps his work doesn't want him to be sweaty when he arrives. Perhaps there are lots of hills. Perhaps he wants to save time since this can go much faster than a bike. It's the same fucking thing as a car, just cheaper.

>> No.237075

Perhaps he just wants a fucking motorized bicycle.

>> No.237113
File: 46 KB, 500x357, 1339386819193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pedal bikes won't do a sustained 35mph for 50 miles like my e-bike will.

Not all pedal bikes are slow and faggy, so please go fuck yourself.


>> No.237206

Sure, fine. I'm weak, lazy, and so fat that I can barely fit out the door. Has nothing to do with not wanting to work up a sweat before reaching my worksite. That would be STUPID.

Oh well. At the very least, I can boast of ONE thing that you cannot: I can read.
If you could, you would notice that this is NOT /fit/, but in fact a forum dedicated to making things.

How silly of you. You must be awfully embarrassed.

>> No.237218


>> No.237591
File: 81 KB, 500x495, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever thought of reviving techniques used on these bike-mini-motors around eurpoe short after WW2?

basicially a very small motor at got a direkt v-belt to the frontwheel. awful center of gravity, but its nice and simple

pic related, its a "rex hilfsmotor" manufactured by simson. i got one of these still in my garage, but i live in germany (thus the bad english) so i cant sell it too you.
will post another one any second

>> No.237593
File: 73 KB, 500x448, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno how that one is called, but its made by Victoria

again a very simple design

>> No.237599


with both design you wouldnt have to care about the peddles anyway, because neither of them actually touches the chain, but instead transfer the force to the wheel directly.
both engines have a throttle. it works like the throttle of some ATVs (these things you push with your thumb)

both of them are two-stroke engines, so you will need not just gasoline, but also oil on a regular basis, but with over 160mpg that shouldnt be a problem.
also they are pretty loud and smell rather bad

>> No.237770


Thanks. Cool pics.

As I hoped, the engine kits widely available (and have already ordered) do not interfere with the original drive chain. The new chain is on the opposite side, and has it's own fixed sprocket attached to the rear wheel.

>> No.237781

No, YOU fuck off, and all faggots who want one of these faggy things can fuck off too

>> No.237795

You must slow. These things are great. They scoot around motor vehicle laws in many states, they're cheap, and they get tremendous mpg.

>> No.237807

No, they're for faggots and old women

>> No.237829


Could you please put some effort into this? The fact that you won't even try to insult us properly is very hurtful.

>> No.237830


Poor little troll. Has no nice things in his life, so he replaces happiness with attempting to shit on other peoples' fun.

Maybe one day you'll find love. Until then, we'll be outside on our motorized bicycles, shouting, "Hip, hip, hooray!" as we putter down the country roads and enjoy the sunshine.

>> No.237846



>can't cycle five miles without being tired


>> No.237893

Seriously. I'm barely even warmed up in 5 miles, let alone anywhere near tired. A person in average-good shape should be able to ride 20 miles at 12-15mph without getting too tired. OP must seriously be a fatass. Would probably do him good to be forced to actually pedal 10 miles round trip 5 days a week.

>> No.237895

How much do the electric motors cost? I've been looking around and it looks like the cheapest I can find is around $400. I'd rather have a gas powered engine but I live in Oregon and the laws are stacked against anything gas powered. As in, I can't go 30mph on a 35cc bike but I could pretty much go 90 on an electric bike without any consequences.

>> No.237899

Also good source for LiPo/LiFe batteries.

>> No.237898

No, actually, so-called "motorized bicycles" are an abomination and and affront to every self-respecting cyclist the world over. You scoot around in traffic like you belong there, but you have NO signals, NO lighting, and NO respect for the laws, and who gets blamed for it? Cyclists in general! Then you come and invade the only places we have that are free of automobile traffic with your goddamned noise and shitty exhaust regardless of whether it's legal for you to use the trails or not! We're all sick and tired of seeing your disgustingly fat unfit asses. If you're too much of a lazy fat fuck to actually give a fuck about your own fitness then that's your decision, but at least have the common sense to get a proper scooter, motorcycle, or just drive a fucking car or take the bus like the rest of the pedestrians if you can't afford any of that. NOBODY WANTS YOUR SKANKY FAT ASSES AROUND ON YOUR SHITTY ELECTRIC BIKES, FAGGOTS, FUCK THE FUCK OFF.

>> No.237902

Thanks man.

>> No.237903

U mad?

>> No.237907
File: 5 KB, 264x198, crtman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See: >>237830

Pic related: It's our crying little troll.

Seriously, it's always the guy who calls everybody a faggot that turns out to be a closeted homosexual. Are you trying to tell us something? Is this a call for help? Are you morbidly obese and have no one to tell you to put the fucking sandwich down? Are you shoveling bacon and Little Debbie snack cakes into your face as you read this?

My reasoning isn't your problem. Maybe I AM fat, does that bother you? Maybe I have medical problems. Maybe I work in an office and it's frowned upon to walk into my workspace covered in sweat from pedaling 7 miles in 100+ degree summer weather.

If I wanted advice on my health, I'd be in /fit/.
If I wanted to commute to work on a vehicle I put together in my garage, I'd be on /diy/.

Well shit, will ya look at that...

>> No.237920
