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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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228957 No.228957 [Reply] [Original]

So, does anybody here work with music? Programs like ableton, reason, cubase, anything like that?
I know that /mu/ is the place where I should ask this but all they talk about is feels and autism.
So if anybody works with anything like that, I have some questions for him.

regards dolan

>> No.228960

I work with FL Studio.

>inb4 noob

FL can be used to the same potential as anything else, it's just the people who use it are often niggers that want to make omg hiphopz and got a hold of the trial version.

What were your questions?

>> No.228961

Yeah, FL Studio is good just as much as other things, I agree, but I have gotten used to Ableton in the years.

Well, my question was, do you know of any good VSTs, maybe some more chilled and relaxed?

Sample of a VST I would like (the synth):

>> No.228962
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learn to play a real instrument and stop being a faggot<br /talented /diy/er

>> No.228963
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Suck a dick.
1/10 for making me reply.

>> No.228965

he wasn't trolling, you know.

>> No.228967

Hahahaha oh wow, I'm installing FL Studio as I speak. I'm afraid however I am not very experienced in the matter.

>> No.228972
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too busy playing a real instrument

you however can take all the dick you want inside you and still pretend to make music

>> No.228982

Wow, I have never seen so much trololololo on /diy/... this is new.

OP, depending on how basic you want to get, you could check out PureData by Miller Puckette. Its a super fundamental audio generation program. Look on youtube for tuts. (Oh yeah, its free.)

But afruityloopsisfinetoo.jpg

>> No.228983


1. Commit suicide
2. Hope for being reincarnated as a person with actual musical talent.
3. ???
4. profit

>> No.228990

I think that someone who plays an instrument might want to synthesize music just to increase their repertoire of sounds. It's not like you can learn to play 10 instruments at a proficient level, unless you are a savant or have a lot of time. Anyway, I think it would be hard to actually start composing music without having already played music, to know what sounds good or not, etc. Or you could find a shitty music theory guide online, maybe

>> No.229020
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OP here:
Since I'm too old and don't have enough time to start playing a physical instrument (such as a violin or a trumpet), I can play the piano and the guitar. It's just that it's easier for me to make music with ableton.

>> No.229037
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Mah nigga.