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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1989203 No.1989203 [Reply] [Original]

1. Someone could burn down my house when I'm away

2. People walking through my land at night looking for "seng"

3. Someone breaking in when I'm gone

4. 1 and 3 plus they take my puppy

5. Puppy emergency and I'm too far from the vet.

How do I protect myself, anons? I am eager to build and to learn. Castle defences only lure more seng hunters. Halp.

>> No.1989209

If you were actually rural, you wouldn't even lock your doors at night anon.
Ain't nobody coming to your house bud

>> No.1989216
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Some of the best tower defense strategies actually physically slow the advance of the invader.
Idk how long you intend to be away, however if an intruder were to make it on to your property, you'd want to make everything a PITA for he or she to get into.
Then there is also cameras that can stream to your mobile device.
Also, if youre in a severly isolated, rural area, you mostly have to worry about your neighbors fucking around on your property more so then some roving band of africans that were for some reason willing to travel 400miles one way specifically to raid your propery for booty or shits and giggles.
Know your neighbors.
Make sure theyre aware you arent wealthy.
Make friends with them.
Lock your shit up and you'll be mostly fine.
You worry a little more than your rural ass needs to.

>> No.1989217

My rural fear is that I'd be bored as fuck. No Uber in the middle of nowhere. How do you go to the bar that's 15 miles away without drunk driving?

>> No.1989219

This is bait.

>> No.1989224

It's not. Always been a cityfag and genuinely have no clue how rural bars work.

>> No.1989227
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Ok. If you want honest discussion, people in urban environments go to public places because they have little to no private land.
When you have many many acres of land, you dont have any reason pay someone to play loud music and hand your beers to you at 6 times the price of you buying your own or even brewing your own.
Being able to do things on your land without consequence is leagues better than having to conform to dogshit rules at some public gathering place.
Ive know people that build vehicles that would be illegal onroad, but dont have to worry about that shit because they have plenty of their own land to drive on

>> No.1989240

You should just stay in the city/suburbs. it's much safer and cozier. and what the fuck is 'seng' supposed to be?

but for reals.
1. you have a camera. you have neighbors. they also have cameras. outsiders are immediately and extremely obvious, and very easy to track down.
2. see above
3. see above
4. see above x 2
5. how often are you having to take your mutt to the vet? i'd question your dog ownership skills, or perhaps buy a more resilient breed.
The real reason to live out in the woods is for privacy, freedom, and autonomy. if you're planning on moving out into the woods, you should do it with the mindset that you want to disconnect from the nonsense going on in the cities/suburbs, not try to bring it with you. That means self reliance as much as possible, by tending to your land and making it benefit you. (gardening, farming etc) What pisses us off more than anything is when city people move out here and try to make it like living in town, only with trees.

>> No.1989247

Both of these replies are insightful. Guess I didn't consider the desire to be away from others. What would be difficult is chilling with like nobody but my wife. I like going out with friends and coworkers too. I don't think country living would be for me.

>> No.1989252
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>Guess I didn't consider the desire to be away from others.
Nobody said anything about being alone.
>What would be difficult is chilling with like nobody but my wife. I like going out with friends
Use your wife to make lots of babby frens. Then teach them into engineering and guns and ammo.
Once they're old enough, they will provide entertainment, security and lure more wives onto the property to make more babby frens.
It's like you're retarted about life before 2014.

>> No.1989257
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Imagine not driving drunk...

>> No.1989259

imagine not liking your wife enough to want to spend time with her.. and jesus wept.

wife and I are about 30 miles from town, and since covid lockdowns we've been working from home. so we're both isolated at home 100% of the time. all day, every day.
hasn't been hard, at all.

>> No.1989262
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Im sorry, Im confused about your response. Are you implying that somewhere in my post I mentioned not liking a waifu to call my own?

>> No.1989268

nah the guy who posted about not being able to fathom being out in the woods with his wife. (why is /diy/ so retarded about giving id's to posters?)

>> No.1989282

where do you live if thats an issue? rural people here leave the key in the door when they leave home
>if i know them they know where to find what they need and its okay
>if i dont know them take it all but atleast dont break my door
2 tips
game camera with motion detection and sms/wifi for pictures, no legal need for a notice you just suspected badgers or deers or something was eating your crop.
dogs are just animals, they come and go, if someone abuse them shoot them, if its their time...shot the puppy and get a new one.

>> No.1989311

>genuinely have no clue how rural bars work.

Unironically you just drink and drive.
I grew up in a small town of 4k people, I lived in the residential area, but half of the town lived in farmhouses around it.
You know the police by first name basis, you know people by the car they drive. You know who is cheatin on who by seeing their car in the wrong place at the wrong time. When people say your business is everyones business, its not a meme. Something happens in your life of note, the grocery clerk will bring it up to you randomly. Thats what living in a small town is like

Everyone drinks and drives routinely. If you are friends with the cops, they handwave and ignore it. If you are on the outs with people, its not uncommon for the "troublemakers" to have 3-4 DUIs

I got a DUI and an underaged drinking ticket at 16, I walked into the police station and apologized, I was friends with one of the cops kids, and they just threw it out.
My brother was a Marine, just got out, girlfriend broke up with him, got blackout drunk, slammed his diesel truck into a tree in the middle of town 2 blocks away from the bar.
Totalled his truck, broke a bunch of bones, threw a friend out the window.
Didnt get a DUI or a ticket because he was a Marine, support the troops and all that horse shit.

In the large city I live in now, police sit and watch people leaving bars and then nab them if they drive off.
In small towns, cops will drink with you at the bar and watch you drive away.

Drinking and driving is a weird thing for me.
Its horrible and kills a bunch of people every year and I hate it. Its selfish as fuck in any area with a bunch of people and you are a faggot for doing it.

With that said, in small towns like the one I grew up with. On a friday night at like 11pm. You will be the only person out driving around when you leave the bar, so unless you slam your car into a building youll be fine driving 15 minutes in a straight line on a 2 lane highway home

>> No.1989314

>youll be fine driving 15 minutes in a straight line on a 2 lane highway home
lord i wish that was true for me. we have kamikaze deer just waiting to jump out and fuck your day up.

BUT, rest of your post is absolutely true, small town living is best living.

>> No.1989319

True, but deer total your car every year or two whether you are drunk or not!
I hate deer with a passion

>> No.1989320

>>if i dont know them take it all but atleast dont break my door
My mum has this same mindset. Never locked doors until I moved out. Probably helps that we've never had anything valuable enough that stealing it would be a big burden to us or a big boon to the thief. Anyone stealing from us would have been desperate as fuck.
Someone once broke into her car and smashed the window. Fixing the window cost more than anything in the car.

>> No.1989323

i think it's different in the country.
in the city a the delay / noise incurred by a locked door might be enough to get them to try another place.

out in the country the noise isn't an issue usually, and they have much more time to get inside (i.e. jimmying the lock or whatever) before someone sees them. plus the sad truth is.. the police response time is going to be higher, probably 45m for example in my case. And there are no 'crimes of opportunity', they have to walk an 1/8th of a mile up my driveway to see anything, it's not like they can walk past an open window, see something worth stealing and base impulses take over.

People in the country are almost always armed (in the US at least), so any person who's committed to stealing from your house / car, is aware of that, and has planned ahead. Having that door unlocked just means they'll have an easier time getting the drop on you.

>> No.1989329

Any tips for moving to a small town as an adult? I have 400k in savings and work as a nurse so I’m assuming I can find a job. I can’t live in the city anymore I’m on the verge of blowing my brains out. The only thing discouraging me before was shit internet but starlink is available in Canada now so I have no excuses.

>> No.1989331

not saying dui is ok, yet at the same time it is. first time here its 2 years without a license and 1,5 months income in fine. second time within 10 years and its the same fine and 5 years to life never driving again. anyone here can afford a taxi instead, but in truly rural areas they do show up. they know people dui.

>> No.1989334

Don't act like a city slicking yuppie nigger and do your best to fit in.

>> No.1989341

you drive drunk you fucking pussy.

>> No.1989342


>> No.1989343

everything on this list is why I'm afraid to live in a city. Did you not see people burning down cities across the country this summer?

>> No.1989353
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I got a Ring video spotlight to watch my driveway. It's $300 CAD for the unit and $50/year. It sends alarms with live feed to your phone. I am currently single so there's no one at home when I'm in the fields.

Its already been said but you should know your neighbors. You keep an eye on their land and yard and they do the same for you. Local vehicles are known so if an unknown is in the area someone will have seen it and told whoever needs to know.

If you actually are rural and not just a city bitch turned acreage fag, buy a rifle, don't be a bitch. Have a first aid kit. I've given my dogs first aid before.

What the fuck is "Seng"?

>> No.1989355

should look into reolink anon, can set it up for ocal surveillance / storage on a local server. (we've got 3 of them recording to an old linux box in our garage)
none of that goofy upload to the cloud bullshit. and no recurring fee.

i don't know about the alarms, but that's what the dogs are for.

>> No.1989359
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Thanks I'll check that out. I like ring just for the instant message it sends to my phone when it detects movement but yea dogs are the best security system.

>> No.1989372

>How do I protect myself, anons?
Depends on where you live and your lifestyle.
If you live in the rural south, the vast majority of people won't break into your house out of fear of AKs/ARs/Shotguns.
Just don't brag about not owning guns.

>> No.1989373
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>1. Someone could burn down my house when I'm away
Don't make any enemies.
>2. People walking through my land at night looking for "seng"
Cameras with motion detectors.
>3. Someone breaking in when I'm gone
Reinforce doors and window frames. You can secure your house on a variety of levels, but if you're worried about meth heads or something, then you can pretty cheaply make it so that any would-be invader would need to plan ahead and bring power tools.
>4. 1 and 3 plus they take my puppy
Firstly, your dedication to your puppy is admirable. Secondly, in addition to bolstering your doors and windows, make up a nice room for your puppy and also reinforce the doors and windows. Preferably, this should be your bedroom. It's really easy to do these reinforcements by the way. You can buy them at any big hardware store, the caveat being that I wouldn't trust anything made in China. Their steel is absolute garbage. Take some pictures of reinforcement setups, go to a scrap yard, and repurpose some dependable steel: leaf springs, steering shafts or old chisels, chainsaw blades, railroad spikes. You know any basic smithing by chance?
>5. Puppy emergency and I'm too far from the vet.
Would need to know how far out you live from where you work. If there's even a bit of doubt, over puppy's health, get on that shit PDQ. But I'm sure you already know that. I'm not very knowledgeable on animal health, so I'm not sure if there are any rapid onset conditions. Ask your vet and try to plan accordingly with emergency supplies to do what you can until you can get to the vet.
>How do I protect myself, anons?
Pic related. It's much easier to use an AR-15 than a handgun or shotgun. Go to /k/ and ask around the gear queer general for simple holo sights. I forget the name, but EOTech makes a neat night sight.
Though honestly, I fear that you'll become so paranoid that you'll end up hurting an innocent or yourself psychologically.

>> No.1989374

>People walking through my land at night looking for "seng"
What is this

>> No.1989384
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>tfw I only have 1/100 of this anons savings

>> No.1989386

Don't let that get you down.
If you cut the fat out of your bills (not all of it, but some of it!), how long would it take you to save up that amount again?

>> No.1989394

I’m helping my mom pay the mortgage on her house, something I’m basically only doing because I’m too nice. If I don’t do that then I could save an extra $500 a month or put that towards a mortgage of my own instead. That being said, I’ve cut out a lot of excess spending and gone to a bare bones budget so I can save the maximum amount of money each week/month so I can hopefully get my own condo/house and immediately get the fuck out once she no longer needs my financial assistance. I don’t make a lot of money right now and I won’t until I get my trade license and the pay to match (2-3 years from now). I can’t pay for my own mortgage and help my mom with what an apprentice makes in a month. In fact this thread appealed to me because I live in an area where I could find a rural-ish property and build a house or something on it if I had the right finances

As an aside, some boomers really don’t understand finances at all. Thanks to previous mistakes my parents made when I wasn’t old enough to get a job, she’s paying twice what normal mortgages can run.

>> No.1989397

Ok. One suggestion I was going to make was that if/when you can afford your own mortgage (and down payment/closing costs!), was to buy your own house.
But don't buy a dream house!
Buy something in a nice safe neighborhood that you're comfortable living in.
Then save your money.
As soon as you can afford a down payment on a house again, do the same thing.
But rent out that first one. (And I highly highly recommend a property manager, especially if you can get one for 10%).
If you're in the US, you can do this 6 to 10 times.

>> No.1989399

>4. 1 and 3 plus they take my puppy

i wonder who would try to steal my two german sherpads and my dalmatian

>> No.1989400

this was good advice up until this past year
now the rot of 'all landlords are leeches! don't pay your rent' and eviction moratoriums has set in, and throws it into question.
you're essentially expecting your mortgage to be paid by your tenants, if you have x number of properties, and all your tenants flake on you, you're kinda fucked.

given the way the world is going though, i would do whatever I could to buy land now, bare land. You can get a construction loan to build on it, and the finished house + land will appreciate enough to cover your 20% PMI requirement usually. barring that, buy the land and an RV, and camp until you can afford to build.

Give it another few years and living in the city will become an increasingly losing proposition.

>> No.1989405

to expound on that... as white flight accelerates, cities will become increasingly hostile to those that remain, property tax revenue will decrease, and again, the remaining folks will be forced to pick up the tab.
schools are going to get worse, essential services are going to get worse. you will be targeted because of your race, your kids will be targeted because of their race.
and if you try to leave at that point, no one is going to buy.

>i browse pol, how did you know?

>> No.1989406

>you're essentially expecting your mortgage to be paid by your tenants, if you have x number of properties, and all your tenants flake on you, you're kinda fucked.
That's not how it's playing out, though. At least not here.
All of my tenants are paying on time and we've got clauses to help them if they can't pay for whatever reason.

After you get 5 or so houses, they pick up the slack on each other's mortgages. And because you'd have actual mortgages and not commercial loans, AND you'd have low interest rates because you lived in them first, they'd take care of themselves.
That's just the mortgages, though. After about 10 it takes care of 2 mortgages and repairs.
After 15, just quit your day job.

>> No.1989410

I’ve been considering mortgaging a condominium just for myself (not a “dream home”, just something simple but liveable) that I’ll try to pay off early. At that point if I’m married or more financially stable, ill either rent out the condo or use it as collateral on a nicer house.

Renting out non-commercial properties seems like a risky decision though, even as of 2-3 years ago.

>> No.1989414

>Renting out non-commercial properties seems like a risky decision though, even as of 2-3 years ago.
I started 2-3 years ago, and yes, it seems very risky. It also depends on your location.
And the first few are always nerve wracking, but after 5 you can see the stability in it. Even in a bad market.
AND you have to understand that all the shit you read online about people just stopping paying rent en masse is a load of horse shit.

Like this for example: >>1989405
That's literally lib-bait and has 0 ounce of truth to it, unless you live in a large liberal shit hole.

>> No.1989430

I hate driving at night for just this reason. I'm not willing to fuck up any of my old cars.

>> No.1989454

i live in oregon, so maybe that's the problem.
rural lane county, about 30mi from eugene. my town is blue collar logging bros; but in eugene, yeah the eviction moratorium is being exploited left right and center.

>> No.1989458

Understandable. I'm in the southeast US and haven't seen any kind of abuses.

>> No.1989462

If it makes you feel any better 120k is my own and I’m 26. The rest is from my dead parents.

>> No.1989464

which province do you live in? The countryside is nice but find somewhere that isn't bleak along the US/CA border and is within 4 hours of a large city

>> No.1989498

>especially if you can get one for 10%
I pay 6% but cover all the maintenance myself. He pretty much just collects rent, is familiar with the laws, and fills a unit when it's empty. I really like not dealing directly with my tenants about money stuff.

>> No.1989501 [DELETED] 

God, how horrifying, I'd much rather live in the city with the heroin addicts, homeless and spics who are stabbing or shooting someone everyday, much lower chances of such things as robberies or arson when you live within a mile radius of such activities...

>> No.1989504

? https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=seng

>> No.1989526
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Nice try, you'll never find my seng you cityslicking fuckers

>> No.1989531

Fair enough, people like different things.

>> No.1989534
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Has pol ever been wrong?

>> No.1989538

>quantom dots on the ballots
other than that, pretty solid reputation.

>> No.1989539

Get to know your neighbours anon. When you first move in you do the drive around and introduce yourself. You don't have to be best friends but know a name, a face and a phone number.

The ones that are trustworthy you call up and say 'hey I'm going away to do whatever, can you keep an eye on the place while I'm gone.' Or if you find tracks on your place from people looking for 'seng', call the neighbour and let him know there's shifty characters around.

The end goal is to have a bunch of buddies that live near you that can help you out and go drinking and do redneck shit with.

>> No.1989541

Please don't lump in 2016 election r*ddit Q boomers with the rest of us thanks.

>> No.1989542
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>His seng isn't properly secured


>> No.1989545

You don't. You stay in the city where you belong.

>> No.1989553

What the fuck is a seng

>> No.1989556

>t. seng hunter scum

>> No.1989561

How do you secure your seng? I use an optical illusion with rocks I placed so you cant see it from above the ravine

Don't ask

>> No.1989564

You'll never get my seng glowie

>> No.1989566

amateur. sold our cars and mortgaged the family homestead for an underground compound. the wife was a bit annoyed that our kid won't be getting braces (his teeth are completely crooked, he can't even close his mouth all the way)
but these are difficult times, what can you do?

>> No.1989569

are you talking about american ginseng? Or is it a slang for another drug

>> No.1989572

>Not investing in auto turrets

>> No.1989574

Time to read mr money mustache's teachings.

>> No.1989577
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DIY Rural bros. Redpill me on rural paranormal shit. Does creepy stuff happen often in your neck of the woods? If so what do you do about it?

>> No.1989582
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Yeah American ginseng. Grows wild in tons of places down in the south. A pound can fetch anywhere from 600-1200 bux. The Chinese by that wild American ginseng by the ton. Tons of rednecks see June-July as open season on ginseng. That's when you can pull it legally in SOME places. Doesn't stop thousands of rednecks travelling all over everyone's land, they pretty much go commando for that seng. I've been wandering my woods some 4 years ago. One time I suddenly saw 2 guys pop up a few feet from me thinkin I seen them. Fuckers damn near gave me a heart attack. They were perfectly concealed but I just got too close so they took off.

Damn sent hunters are scary. Most of them are drug addicts that wander the woods harvestin seng for dope. I heard stories of them shootin people in some odd cases.

Best not to take chances with seng hunters. You see them, you escort them out at gunpoint.

>> No.1989586

You wouldn't believe the amount of spooky shit that goes on in the woods. I've seen everything from a necromancer shrine to druggies, wild people shooting at ya in the forest, skin walkers. It's wild.

>> No.1989588
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>hear weird as fuck screeching/screaming/howling noise in the middle of the night
>know all the animals in my area
>nothing sounds remotely like that
>in fact can't think of ANYTHING that sounds like that
>grab shotgun
>wait for skinwalker
>fall asleep
>wake up, not been skinwalkered
>carry on

Happens fairly regularly, you get used to it.

>> No.1989590

Sounds scary, what kind of shotty you packin? Got any more stories? Also, does living on the outskirts of a city count as rural, or is there a term for that?

>> No.1989593

Just your regular 12 gauge pump action, probably will do for any spoopy shit that tries to fuck me up. And no you aren't really rural unless you're living in the bush with your nearest neighbour out of earshot and no light pollution from the nearest city/town.

>> No.1989595

Cool, I'm interested in a Remington 870. They look nice and I hear they are very reliable. I like the idea of living in rural but I hate driving long distances even more. Hopefully, I can find a nice balance one day.

>> No.1989596

Shoot, shovel and shut up is the answer to all questions.

>> No.1989598

I drive just over an hour each way to work each day. Kind of sucks but its worth it imo, download a bunch of audiobooks too. Thinking about ways to earn some money from my property now too.

>> No.1989601
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Well, I'm glad your happy bro. I'm glad it's worth it.

>> No.1989603

Constantly which is why guns exist. You haven't lived until you've gone outside at 3am with a shotgun and flashlight trying to find what caused the unearthly noise that woke you up.

>> No.1989606
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I am sad for the over exploitation of resources and happy that it is happening to north americans after decades of over-exploiting central and south america. Enjoy being owned by chinks

>> No.1989609

90% of the time is a possum/cat/racoon, the other 10% are frogs or birds
>I know ALL THE ANIMALS HERE and no frog/bird sounds like a skinwalker/woodchipper!
>here, this 5mm frog sounds exactly like that

>> No.1989611

I was scared of this noise for a long time, after I found out what was causing the sound I just got more scared lol. Sometimes you can see them at my uncle's

>> No.1989614

You've been rused anon, that is a skinwalker in the form of a jaguar.

>> No.1989615

Usually coons here. Last time it was a coon fighting with a possum. The sound was pretty unreal, even freaked out the dog. Was a good night tho, always loved possum stew.

Coyotes can make some weird noises sometimes too especially when they are in attack mode but I've become pretty familiar with them since their population exploded.

>> No.1989617

Kinda sounds like a dying cow

>> No.1989621

>Last time it was a coon fighting with a possum
Trash bois should unite, not fight

>> No.1989625

same here except im 30

new ben mallah will make it all better


>> No.1989634

>>ITT Dumb fucking yanks

>> No.1989659

Ginseng is worthless to Americans. You can hardly call it a resource.

>> No.1989662

>can place cabin in a thousand different spots that won't erode
>chooses the root and dirt mound to build a house on

>> No.1989668
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>being owned by chinks

they could be totally contained by japan alone, hell their navy is built around invading a tiny nearby island and it's not even clear if they could accomplish that (taiwan).

China is a joke that will be forgotten.

>> No.1989670
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>doesn't realize America has more natural resources than any other developed nation

Yeah I think we'll be fine.

>> No.1989680

>roving bands of meth heads driving it to extinction
>useless to americans

>> No.1989785

Are you joking? Quit watching fox.

>> No.1989787

Housing market is fucked in 3-4 years.

>> No.1989790

50 years from now everything south of San Francisco will be hot as fuck. Grain belt will have shifted. It’s gonna be fucking ugly.

>> No.1989795

Its solid rock with a layer of soil and vegetation

>> No.1989800

Very little of this is a problem in rural areas, or at least in the part of the world I'm in (not USA) and overall the pros to living on a farm outweigh the negatives.
About the most common crime types I've heard about are people stealing animals and fuel theft, so its mostly a case of making sure sheds, pumps and tanks are locked up as well as having your livestock moved to closer in if you're going to be away for a while. Overall though the community as it is around you is the most important part of living out there away from a city, its basically up to you and them to make sure you've got each others back when you need each other and if there's one thing you DO need to be concerned about its...
>The weather
To some extent, shit being on fire also falls under that, but the drought, fire, flood and wind is what causes the most destruction

Puppy's are pretty low maintenance critters really, if there's one thing most rural areas have is vets and if you've got livestock, you have vets and sometimes natures not going to give your animals a break and they die, it happens. It sucks but for the most part having a couple of dogs isn't a bad idea anyway. Mostly because they let you know if someone's coming and also to manage the livestock, get a good dog too, not some toy yippy thing.

Overall though, if you've never lived or worked on a farm, you've got a few years worth of intensive education to make it worthwhile, otherwise you're just a hobby farmer and those cunts are next to useless

>> No.1989801

Alcohol is for degenerates.

>> No.1989843

this. only person I heard talking about the secret dots was my mom

>> No.1989958

Shut up faggot

>> No.1989964


>> No.1990017

I agree, but it's going to be more so the entire West Coast that's mostly desertified. Many East Coast states get plenty on rainfall.

>> No.1990030

Leave your homosex values in the city you came from.

>> No.1990034

>T. Metrosexual cityslicker

>> No.1990148

yes but there's a GUARDRAIL anon! see? it's totally safe.

>> No.1990151

everything east of the cascades maybe (in the PNW at least)

of course the caliroaches will just annex us or our water rights to satisfy their almond farms.

>tfw you realize trumps wall is a few hundred miles too far south.

>> No.1990152

I can probably operate a skidsteer and a pintle hitch trailer better than your girly ass. Wrong again, bitch

>> No.1990441
File: 66 KB, 717x960, 1463990419366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dude I went to school with tried to go off-griding on a field on his aunt's property. He found a cheap shed, got a wood burning stove, a bucket to shit in and all the memes. But the fucking idiot was stacking his fire wood inside with him, and ended up with a wood crawler infestation. Didn't find out out about them until they they found her dog dead. It was so bad, they had to burn down both his shed and his aunts trailer, to destroy all the nests.

>> No.1990442

Top kek

>> No.1990443

What's a woodcrawler? I can't find anything on google.

>> No.1990452

Possums are weird around here. They are either completely passive or super aggressive. A lot of the coons have distemper which can make them pretty wild too.

>> No.1990464

Northern California has enough water to satisfy them. SoCal is doomed. Arizona is doomed. Basically any spot where life shouldn't be existing in the millions is doomed. The aquafiers are all running dry.

>> No.1990465

It does nothing for America. America is more than ten thousand rednecks making a living through ginseng lmao that shit could be gone tomorrow and nobody would care.

>> No.1990467

You make 16 kids and there is always somebody home with a shotgun to protect your puppers

>> No.1990469

In my small town in Serbia cops will drink with you at the kafana and once you get out, they'll call other cops to have them put you in a jail

>> No.1990504

I have an uncle who is a farmer. His shop has been broken into several times. I know a few people in the same area who’ve had their houses broken into. Are you actually claiming there’s no crime in the country?

>> No.1990505

there's far, far less. (depending on where and how far from town you are.)

cameras, signs, security lights, and dogs will take care of 99% of that.

>> No.1990507

>no one cares about species x
>species x is gone
>no one cares about species y
>species y is gone
>why is my ecosystem collapsing and there is no bio diversity anymore
we had cases of people who stole large transformers from farms here.

>> No.1990534

>ginseng goes extinct in a massivr country with millions of plants and flowers

kys faggot

>> No.1990544

One vital component can cause a catastrophic chain reaction you stupid nigger. Maybe not ginseng sure, but that's not the fucking point. How well do you think the environment would survive without bees? Protip it would be absolutely fucked within a few years.

>> No.1990550

Then why did you mention it in regards to ginseng? Nobodies fucking disagreeing with you on basic ecology. Quit backtracking and take my dick in your tight ass like a man.

>> No.1990623

>"I'm scared someone will get me!"
>"muh puppy!"
Honestly if you're going to live in the sticks you are going to have to be self supportive.
The first thing you need to do is man the fuck up.

>> No.1990646

Just don't get shitfaced. If you're done drinking, just hang around and get something to eat until your BAC goes back down.

>> No.1990721

Rural theft is a huge problem. Everyone is a fucking tweaker or pillhead anymore and tweakers will definately stake out rural properties to steal solar panels in particular. They will shoot your dogs and also break into houses and outbuildings to looking for guns and tools.

Best bet is setting up discrete security cameras and keeping record of serial numbers. That way the cops will hopefully recognize whatever small town degenerates took your shit and you might get your stuff back if it winds up at a pawnshop. There is no way to really secure anything.

>> No.1990762

Bobcat or mountain lion screech/howl.

>> No.1990768

fox kits sound pretty horrific as well.

>> No.1990783

>pawn shops
>existing in rural areas

>> No.1990809

>>1990721 see here >>1990783
I thing you may be referring to semi-rural regions in the US.
often times in the small rural settings we're referring to, everyone knows who among us is likely to steal shit and where to find em if your shit turns up missing.
Also, at times if something goes missing from your land, its likely someone youve recently had shit with that is now deliberatley stealing from you because "fuck you come and take it back, bitch, you know where I am"

>> No.1990820

This takes time, but it protects the whole area.
Stake out your property, set up discrete cameras, etc. You pre-dig 10-foot or deeper holes. When you find anyone on your property, you shoot them, and bury them in the holes. Done.

>> No.1990839

unfortunately no
I wish it did
one time I saw a big explosion in the sky at like 2am on a summer night driving around but I think it was just a meteor

>> No.1990841

coyotes, fox and deer can all make nightmarish sounds

>> No.1990945

If anything intimidates you stay in the city. You're stupid, silly and weak so your best best (you cannot change those conditions) is to seek conformity and maximum social support.
Network with other sois and build an urban hugbox with lots of cats (you like cats and toxoplasmosis will ensure you like them more over time) to live out your fearfag life. This will protect you and keep you away from me. Everyone wins.

>> No.1990971

Get a dog, guns, and an extra vehicle. Youll only be robbed when they think youre not there

>> No.1990983

of course there's rural crime but the further you are from any population centers the less crime there is. anywhere near chugs is also full of crime. thing is rural people tend to have more respect for other people and they know not to fuck around.

>> No.1991097

"Mr.Jones, we're with the police, you know anything about this missing person?"

"Mmmmmnope. Never seen him before."

"Okay, well he was spotted on some nearby security cameras and was seej entering towards your property"

"Huh...yeah no clue"

"Okay, mind telling us what you're doing with pre dug holes all around your land?"

"Fox holes...I uhhh like to dig 'em. Ya never know when the BIG one might hit. Know what I mean?"

"Sir, you are under arrest for the murder of Cleetus T. Bojangles"


>> No.1991104

When you have a few big sheds on an acreage people love coming out, drinking your home be brew, fucking around in the workshop, riding moto, and playing drums and guitar loud as fuck. Having land is great. As for security, you should have the skills to wire up whatever security stuff you want.

>> No.1991105

We have roos but bull bars take care of them 99% of the time.

>> No.1991110

dude, as an aussie living in the sticks, i salute you.
here in the US PNW, our biggest threat is either a 210 pound cougar (fgt pussy cat) or black bears that run at the sound of a BB gun cocking.

>> No.1991118

I hate snek but bears and cougars are the unknown so I'd take snek. Spiders aren't really a big deal just annoying. Roos are just annoying dumb car destroyers.

>> No.1991120

well cougars/bears are afraid of you for the most part, and you have a reasonable chance of fighting them off.

spiders/snakes get you when you don't even know they are there, no? step in wrong spot, lose a leg basically.

>> No.1991182


>> No.1991224

Bravado serves no purpose in defense. You're either prepared or you're not prepared.

>> No.1991236

>cops will drink with you at the bar and watch you drive away.


>> No.1991238

>Usually coons here.
The proper term is “African American” anon.

>> No.1991260

Youve clearly never lived in a small town
There are 2 bars and maybe a bowling alley where half the town goes and drinks every friday night.
There are no Ubers or taxis, everyone lives 15 miles away in a cornfield and has to drive home.

They could cite 150 people every weekend if they wanted, but THEY have to live in a small town too so they dont.

>> No.1991267

I was working up at our shop late one night. Loud boom and a pressure wave that actually rattled the tin of the shop a bit... My wife called me and asked if I was ok. She figured it was something I had done. Turns out someone was cleaning out an old abandoned house about 1.25 miles away and decided it would be a good idea to throw an oxygen cylinder on a bonfire. I bet their ears were ringing for a while!

>> No.1991268


This x1000. As long as you don't act like a complete fuck-knuckle and drive like an asshat you pretty much won't get pulled over. But it can go the other way too. If you act like a dipshit very often they will start targeting you because they know you're an idiot.

>> No.1991276

My neighbor was a drunk and fought with his wife routinely
They would get drunk, yell and scream and throw shit at each other.
He said the police refused to come to their domestic dispute calls because they had called too many times in the past.

Coincidentally he had lost his license from too many DUIs. Not like it was a big problem, since he was a mechanic who worked out of his own "shop" which was a 2 stall garage on his property. His wife drove him around, or he just drove around on a dirt bike.

>> No.1991303

>1. Someone could burn down my house when I'm away
This isn't something that happens, anon, or at the very least, it's very, very, VERY rare.
>2. People walking through my land at night looking for "seng"
Keep the property well lit, it dissuades anyone from doing anything too stupid, and wtf is seng?
>3. Someone breaking in when I'm gone
Far more likely in a urban area, it's going to be less of an issue in a rural area.
>4. 1 and 3 plus they take my puppy
Have the dog microchipped.
>5. Puppy emergency and I'm too far from the vet.
If you're not being retarded, you aren't going to have "puppy emergencies". Problems with dogs and cats are ridiculously easy to avoid.

>> No.1991318

There's been like one spider related death in Australia since 1980 or something. Snakes kill about 2 a year. Not that big a deal but yeah you gotta be careful.

>> No.1991327


Australian ruralfag here, I walk around my bush property in shorts and sandals. Snakes are niggers who run away and spiders are too. Shits not even worth bothering worrying about, only time I watch for them is enclosed spaces.

>> No.1991332

1. True. Someone burning down your house is rare, but it's an irrational fear that I feel the need to safeguard against.

2. seng is short for ginseng. Grows wild all over many parts of the south. One pound can fetch a man 600-1300 USD.

3. Still a concern that I feel the need to protect against.

4. Microchips wont do anything if they steal the dog or take her home with them. Vets dont check for chips unless they are asked to from whoever is bringing the animal in. Unless pup escapes and someone nice finds her, she won't be found.

5. accidents on farms is something that happens more frequently than a suburban home. If you have farm animals, a dog can very easily get injured by a kick.

>> No.1991341


>> No.1991354

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.1991448

Ah, in that case, unless you intend to farm it yourself, I wouldn't be too worried about trespassers unless their either stick around for a while, squat, or start going further into your property. If you're worried about this, use some game cams that are locked and chained (with locks, obviously). You might also want to consider installing barbed wire fence around your property line.
Usually, when dogs are stolen via burglary, it's with the intention of reselling the dog. If the participants are caught for this or other violations, or if they scare or otherwise fuck up with the dog (and it runs away from them), microchips are still definitely worth it. Without it, the likelihood of finding your dog again will be next to none.
I live in a rural area, but not on a farm, so I'm not sure how helpful this advice will be: I wouldn't allow your dog near livestock. Aside from that, however, just keep your dog indoors in a crate if you or your family isn't around to supervise it.

>> No.1991462

This. In the country the rural intruder is just as alone as the rural dweller. Dogs and security lights are gonna be followed up with a guy and a gun and no one around to hear the gun shots.

>> No.1991487

>5. accidents on farms is something that happens more frequently than a suburban home. If you have farm animals, a dog can very easily get injured by a kick.

While it is true that farm dogs have a shorter lifespan than their urban counterparts, they also live so much more free it is worth it. My dogs live more in one year on the farm than an urban dog locked in the house all year lives in their entire lifetime. It's not the length of life that counts, it is the quality of life. And I seriously doubt you need to worry about someone stealing your pupper unless there is a pupper stealing ring that I don't know about. More than likely it will be picked up by an Owl, Eagle, Coyote, Wolf, etc or get run over by a vehicle/equipment.

>> No.1991810

>. Puppy emergency and I'm too far from the vet.
If you need a doggy doctor you're not actually fit to live in the country.

>> No.1991873

That tv isnt even on. God bless the good old days of drugs.

>> No.1992023

ginseng, people have gotten shot over patches of it

>> No.1992054

security cameras that push any problems to your phone... off sites storage for video. redundant power and redunant internet connection. how rural are we talking?

>> No.1992058

fuck off every rural area is full

>> No.1992066

You will never be one of the ol boys, no matter how hard you try.
After years of socializing and learning everyones background, you may fit in. Just understand you are an outsider and will be for a very long time.

>> No.1992154

blogger who posts commone sense finanacial advice like everyone else does.
ie dont spend more than you make.

>> No.1992215


>> No.1992643

Termites can kill dogs? Huh

>> No.1992675


Holy shit you are me. I've spent the last 2 years of my life paying my mom out of debt / paying her mortgage because she doesn't understand the concept that credit cards ARE NOT unlimited free money.

>> No.1992882
File: 92 KB, 500x496, 1552690920994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys are aware, yes it can be a boomer thing in general, however please consider the position women were in during peak boomer era.
Women at the time were convinced some dude would take care of them and their finances while they stayed home with the kids.
Short story, women were thrust into the labor market and were afraid of credit cards, didnt build credit and didnt know how to manage their income without a man.
Yes, Im aware the one anon mentioned his dad struggled as well, however that is likely another story.
Persons like ourselves however have 800+ fico scores easily before age 25 as well as paid off vehicles and no children. Idk whether to hate boomers, feel sorry for them or know that at some point in the future the children will be mocking us for some shit we cant anticipate

>> No.1992891

Predatory lending has more or less become a fine art as well, combine that with the unfortunately trusting nature that comes with a well spoken bloke or young lady in an apparently 'legit' banking institution it does tend to knock a lot of people's guard down. Instead of shopping around for things like loans or taking some time to think about it, get a 2nd opinion- they just leap in balls n all for some horrible interest rate or hidden bullshit.
That's not even on the big stuff like home loans, there's some massive rape happening in other industries like car sales which are utterly outrageous and usually the 2nd biggest purchase most folks will put down.

>> No.1992905

>large purchases
Which brings us to the next subject. So I have three 30 year old cousins. All three of them have spent those 3 decades memorizing sports ball stats and idolizing double digit IQ felons that play with rubber balls on TV.
All three of them have shit credit (FICO)scores, well maybe the one has a decent score (710) but only recently got there.
Can you tell me why these people spend their entire lives preparing to recite sports stats to eachother rather than preparing for these large, life trajectory changing purchases like homes and cars?
These people then go on to complain about housing and transportation costs and how they need state assistance while they scroll through social media profiles on their 1200$ iPhones.
Help me understand. Maybe Im doing life wrong and should start exploiting retarded people for profit

>> No.1992909

A lot of it comes down to education on financial matters, its not common in most high schools and unless you're looking into specific adult education courses, most people just bumble through life getting cornholed by every swinging dick with the promise of fast money. You don't even have to be a retard to make some bad financial decisions, there's plenty of people smart enough to get into universities getting beastfucked by student loans they've got no hope of ever paying off with their black female history studies BA and probably will spend the rest of their days blaming everyone else for this crippling problem they've managed to inflict on themselves.

I guess if you're going into the loan industry, you might still sleep at night knowing most of these people are greedy to begin with and signed nothing they actually read through more than passingly. Heck, most of them probably make more of a fuss picking out a pair of jeans and trying them on for size with comparative social-acceptance between brands than they ever do taking out a personal loan or car finance.

>> No.1992908

so you're telling me, you are black

>> No.1992910

>As an aside, some boomers really don’t understand finances at all.

This is my mom. She's dying, so today I got a look at her finances.

>WTF Level 9000
Has lived in house for 45 years.
>Still has a mortgage
Inherited 100k from my grandpa.
>Shit's gone.
Inherited 500 Acre riverfront farm. Sold it.
>Shit's gone.
$10k in credit card debt

WTF Mom? Between your Pension and Social Security you had a LOT of money.

>> No.1992944

How long was your dad around for?
I have an aunt that did a lot of what youve explained. Her father was never around and she choose a guy to marry that further crippled her financially.

>> No.1992946

They were married 50 years when he died. That was a decade ago.

>> No.1992951

Hey man, sorry for your loss.
Also sorry about your mother.
I guess whatever the circumstances they raised you in, youve turned out better informed than they were. Hope youre doing well and able to get through your mothers end of life situation, losing a parent sounds more difficult than I can imagine.

>> No.1992958

because that's insane.
completely fucking insane.
losing 500 acres ?? man, your heart must ache seeing that, sorry anon. (and for you mother's health)

>> No.1992979

Churchgoing tee-totaler. Literally has never had a drink. Hasn't bought a new car since dad died. I just don't understand where the money went.

>> No.1992986

Sorry to hear about your mum
Lot of those older ladies tend to donate a lot to charity and churches or just buy some weird shit on tv, scams aimed at older folks are also a fucking menace.

>> No.1992988

You guys ever feel funny with how most people are willing to fight for financial retards, but no one gives two shits about social retards? It's like everyone's a libertarian but they just don't know it.
>that person's weird, they can fuck off, I'm not dealing with them anymore
>that person didn't save a dime for retirement over the course of 40yrs, made shitty financial decisions repeatedly, but WONT SOMEBODY HELP THEM???
This has been bugging me for a couple years now.

>> No.1992997

I will add to this- some financial assistance in the form of someone doing forensic accountancy is a thing, they can scour though bank records new and old, hidden, lost and see what can scrape up in terms of bank accounts, super and even if there's some shares or bonds squirreled away somewhere.

>social retards
Probably a factor in the actual interaction stage that gets thrown in the too fucking hard basket and the processes of unfucking years of absent father figures, no role models, messed up family and god only knows whatever shit the schooling system/social media is teaching these muppets.
I spent too many years in the military having to deal with that shit, someone else's problem!

>> No.1993010

guess my point was, no one would fault you for not putting up with that shit, but if you apply that to poor people you're instantly seen as scrooge mcduck laughing on his pile of money. I go to work and listen to someone bitch that the 'system is broken' because they were denied food stamps for not working enough hours (getting a meme degree took precedence over work). I just want to call these people retards all the time, but it's not 'okay'.

>> No.1993020

We're also at this awkward point like the industrial revolution in the sense a lot of labour, craft and industrial jobs just evaporated
That's were all the people who couldn't be fucked, afford or had any aptitude for university, college or higher education just went because they could make an honest living, support a family and just do their do building houses, in a steel mill or something.
All that shits gone from the western world to the point any spots left in it are pretty competitive to get into, that just leaves service industries which not everyone is cut out for or also need a degree for the more advanced stuff and management. So its a difficult position and if you're doing a serious degree, you need a fairly serious entry level in education + big cash and 4 years of your life bare minimum. I don't know exactly where all the meme degrees came from and they're not necessarily all worthless, but even if you are in the top of the field of interpretive dance or quantum sociology- they barely make anything that a qualified plumber does.

So making trades and industrial jobs available again would solve a lot of problems across the board in at least giving people worthwhile careers they can make money in all the time they're working

>> No.1993035

>a lot of labour, craft and industrial jobs just evaporated
Let's be really clear. They did *not* evaporate. They were moved to countries with cheaper labor (majority) or automated (minority).

Watch the JLPCB documentary on youtube and count how many high paying high tech jobs that one company has; They just aren't in the US anymore.

>> No.1993037

Because money is easier.

>> No.1993044

Oh I know full well were they went, I was at uni at a steel producing city and watched it implode over 5 years and its not just the US
The big question is that during the industrial revolution a lot of the farm and craft labour ended up in factories in cities, which eventually levelled out, now during the next 'trade skill migration' for lack of a better word- theres not an immediate set of careers available or foreseeable in the near future. You can't have a society running on gig-delivery jobs, call centres or the like because they'll be gone too eventually as they're replaced by technology.

>> No.1993056

I live in a small town. The cops here are dicks and are hated. They absolutely will arrest you in your driveway for dui.

>> No.1993058

get a to go cup and back road that shit

>> No.1993944

>That tv isnt even on

>Someone doesn't know about refresh rates

>> No.1993983

LOL rural midwest here literally caught a crackhead stealing a catalytic converter off a car in a parking lot the other day

>> No.1994017

Better stay in the city anon. All the spics, niggers, and homeless crackheads are much safer.

>> No.1995976
File: 48 KB, 628x442, 1100E56A-980E-4A2E-ABBF-E7B3BB8B18F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a skinwalker

That is exactly what a skinwalker would say

>> No.1996003


I think the democrats, now that they control the senate are going to give lots of gibs to bankrupt democrat run cities and states. There will be a short term boost in these places, imho. Longer term still fucked.

>> No.1996008

I know about refresh rates. The tv still isn't on.

>> No.1996295


>> No.1996630

>fuck you, I do things

>> No.1997483

1) literally happened to the city I grew up near during the BLM protests
2) if people near you are walking places you’re not rural
3) if you don’t constantly hear your neighbors (who’s houses you shouldn’t be able to see) fucking around with tanerite/semi automatic weapons/gasoline you’re not rural and no one breaks into houses like this because they don’t want to get shot.

>> No.1997491

god i hate it when my neighbors shoot on their property.
they're 120yds away and i can hear their shit plain as day. how far out in the woods must one move to avoid that fuckery.
(for reference: we're about 15 miles out side of the nearest town, which only has about 7k people. i can't see them, but sound carries like a mother fucker out here.)
i guess the upside is that everyone on our lane has cameras, AR's and is just itching to yeet some city trespasser looking for copper or whatever the fuck tweakers do just before getting killed.

>> No.1997504

It gets worse rather than better the farther out you move unless you can buy like a ranch or whatever.

>> No.1997603

Mexicans I bet

>> No.1997618

>It gets worse rather than better the farther out you move
Yeah, if you live near a gun nut even a half mile away, depending on terrain and wind, you might as well rent a room in a shooting range. Day and night BLAM BLAM BLAM.

>> No.1997622

god help whoever shoots my dogs

>> No.1997685

Eastern canuck on 40 acres here

Weirdest thing that I've heard of. Never saw it myself tho.
Our community has an abo done railed running through it, usually used as a walking/atv trail now, it borders o e side of my property. One day a few years ago, I remember it clearly, it was very foggy that morning, and I had heard from three different people in the area claim to have seen a group of 4 or 5 people wearing full length neon orange robes, walking the old rail bed just around sunrise. Then later found out that same day the owner of the land next to mine found one of his calves dead in the field with its eyes gouged out but otherwise completely untouched

>> No.1997693

*abandoned railbed

>> No.1997695

Seriously. My dog is the only thing I care about in this world. I'll straight up drag a motherfucker into the woods and filet his skin off if he fucking kills my dog.

>> No.1997696

Not true - in Spain, and Portugal at least. Every rural house has small windows and reinforcement bars or shutters on very opening.
A friends house was broken into, and the thieves used a pick they found in the tool shed to pry open the iron bars on the window.

A German once told me "bandits" are a problem there too.

>> No.1997702

God help any puppy that's trapped in a burning building with sealed windows.

>> No.1997716

the blood helps it grow.

>> No.1997778

I can neither confirm or deny this

>> No.1997798

Sorry to hear that lad. My grandparents both passed away in the span of a few years last decade. My grandfather was notoriously stingy and had a great pension because he retired as the head of technical services at a major airline.
The money was almost all gone, and nobody knows where it went.

>> No.1997807

ruralbros, i want to live in a mostly self sustaining rural community or build one myself, but im worried about the perception of rural folks getting radicalized in recent years. im just an asian man who likes to work on my shit. how will i fare?

>> No.1997828

Reddit moment

>> No.1997832

Mind your own business and don't be a liberalfag and you'll be fine.

>> No.1997977

>be me
>dont care bout no politics
>bring my mexican self and my mexican buddies to a rural area
>live happily
>fast forward
>bunch of folks get upset about us mexicans invading their land
>they spread rumors in their churches and steal our shit
may or may not be true story.

>> No.1997998

you could try going to mexico with your buddies? i hear there's plenty of land down there too.

whites have lost the cities and are losing the suburbs, rural areas should at least stay white =(

>> No.1998067

i got only sympathies for folks who feel like their way of life is being washed away but i came here when i was a baby and i cant even begin to imagine crossing that border to live there because i actually have no idea what real mexican life is like. that said i wish it'd be easier for people like us live in places without making people feel threatened.

>> No.1998081

Everyone will treat you fine. Just don't go around being a liberal faggot and nothing will happen to ya.

>> No.1998147

When I lived in Darwin for a little while there was a whole heap of people from SE asia back in the late 70s that settled on the outskirts and just started growing vegetable gardens and orchards until they ended up with a relatively large farmers market and local supply for the city. I dunno if there's anything like that where you are but its happened in places when people saw an opportunity and figured they could at least try.
Its VERY hard work though, I own a 2200acre farm raising mostly beef cattle, sheep and some hay growing and I look at those guys managing vegetable production and go yeah, you cunts are fucking mad workers

>> No.1998165

livestock is so much easier than veggies. Veggie farming is back breaking and tedious, and you're always battling against the weather and pests. The only crop that was worthwhile to grow legally was tobacco, but the gov shut that down, now fags are growing micro greens and all kinds of dumb shit.

>> No.1998292

My a massive amount, even just someone tooling about on a 5acre fruit and veg plot is going to have some periods when they just need a couple of dozen extra hands to bring it all in. Then the rest of the season you're chasing bugs, blights and god throwing hail stones, flood or drought at you. Water is the biggest concern for the most part, which means extra expenses in terms of pumps, irrigation, power and everything else that goes along with it.
Sheep are fairly high maintenance stock in terms of shearing and keeping them healthy, I've considered getting rid of mine but the little woolly bastards can make some serious money. Cattle aren't nearly as hard to live with but they're not trouble free or cheap either, plus with any kind of large animal there's associated dangers in terms of working with them. So they need a little bit of respect and a gentle hand in matters because a tonne of cow doesn't care when it wants to go somewhere and you're liable to not win that battle.

>> No.1998298

oh man that bear looks so happy

>> No.1998320

>buy a rifle
guns are evil

>> No.1998576

>tfw going out on your land with your dog and your gun every morning

>> No.1998578
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>4. 1 and 3 plus they take my puppy
Get a puppy no one would dare try to take.

>> No.1999276

>Miring those dental gains

>> No.1999283

>hear weird as fuck screeching/screaming/howling noise in the middle of the night

>> No.1999285
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Cronch x F

>> No.2000923

>How do you go to the bar
It's coming home that's the problem.

>> No.2000926

>deer total your car every year or two
That'll teach you not to loan them your car.

>> No.2001138

> she’s paying twice what normal mortgages can run.
Refinance that shit.

>> No.2001157

Don't give money to your parents.

>> No.2001651

This. My uncle lives in the middle of nowhere south of Indianapolis and got his go kart and two or three motor bikes yanked from his shed a few years ago.

>> No.2002074

This is fucking weird, because my brother's name is seng.

>> No.2002081

All these people not knowing about seng...guess my seng is quite secure which is good because I am the senglord on 60 acres. Now my cypripedium on the other hand...some fuckers found my acaule and made off with a bunch of them, fuck

>> No.2002207

Then buy a cannon and point it at the door

>> No.2002212

Right, i wouldnt worry about it

>> No.2002536

Aren't you that crownon guy that lives in Mississippi?

>> No.2004412
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IP cameras, avoid the shitty commercial ones like "Amazon anything", for security seasons. If you want a fun little DIY project, buy everything separate(camera, cables, NVR/DVR, HDD, etc.) instead of a complete set and slowly build up manage your network. If you don't mind me blogging, I used to own some shitty cheap analog camera some years ago but an incident happened causing my cameras to be utterly useless in time of need so I ended up doing some research on better cameras and was surprised at the amount of shit these newer and better cameras were and at a reasonable price. Just to list some of the shit IP cameras can do now that makes them a lot better than normal cameras

>smart motion detection
Affordable cameras can now tell the difference between people, animals, and vehicles. The biggest issue with normal motion detection in cameras is that ANYTHING sets it off, from the wind blowing to lights being turn on/off. Being able to tell if something is human is walking on your property and ignoring animals or insect is a pretty big feature.
>license plate reader
>people and vehicles recognition
Some models of IP cameras can build up a database of people and vehicles it recognizes. "Hey this person shows up a lot, he must be one of the neighbors." or "This is a new face, he must not be from around here".
>Face detection
Its kind of shitty from what I've seen and you have to position that camera just right for it to get a good look at the person.
>Anti loitering
Someone parks near your home or property but doesn't get out of the car, most motion detection in cameras would stop recording. With anti loitering, cameras can tell if something is in a certain spot for too long and start/continue recording.
>trip wire and intrusion
Now this shit is really good. Basically you draw a line around a certain area, then you tell it what to do if someone crosses that line.
>Anti tampering
Someone attacks the camera, it knows and records.

>> No.2004415
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This is just some of the stuff some of the better IP cameras can do now. I wish more people here were into cameras, I have like a bunch of guides and .pdf and links I've collected. I had to learn cable installing and networking in the spand of a few months and now a year later and my network is coming along nicely. I still have no fucking clue what the fuck I'm doing but this was a neat little DIY project.

>> No.2004481

What is “weed” ?

>> No.2004487

Not a home owner just yet but I'm super interested in learning about DIY home security... A general would be great for it.

You have any docs/books you can share that would be great, or at least the names of authors or books I can search for on libgen.is

>> No.2004541

It really ain't that complicated but people expect too much from things like security systems and cameras. There are basically three types: Preventive, reactive, and after the fact. Something like an audible alarm to scare people off is 'preventive'. If someone is there to murder you, damn the torpedoes, that ain't gonna do shit but drown out your screams. Reactive is something like a monitored system where a security company is involved and they call the cops or the fire department when the system is tripped. They cost money and are not DIY. Things like cameras, unless a person is actively monitoring them, are after the fact and kinda useless. Did someone steal your package? Go to the recordings and hope they can be identified.

Having a camera system will not protect your house. It will only help the cops figure out who did what, if they even care at all. Generally, unless someone was murdered, they will take a copy of the recording, create a report and sit on it in case some of your shit turns up in a drug dealer's house when they bust it. I'm sure the prosecutor will be happy you have them on video but cops ain't gonna care. Chances are whatever they took is gonna end up on Facebook Marketplace two towns over and you will never see it again.

Do you know who loves camera systems? Business. We do a lot of installs for businesses. We get plenty of calls asking us to export recordings ('cause the users never know how to operate their own stuff). Do you know what most of the calls are? Them digging up dirt on their own employees to fire/sue them. You know what is next? Cops trying to get plate information from passing cars for some crime committed elsewhere.

Source; IT pro that installs and maintains camera systems as part of my job.

>> No.2004544

Worrying about this in a rural area & not a city...
rural people tend to help you with neighborhood watches for crime.
they also are kinder & more respectable of boundaries.
you can not lock you door on your home for years in some towns & nobody would notice/care/bat an eye.

based, having babies & young kids around is peak entertainment
shhhhhhh... people do it all the time on 3 beers in the rural backroads. Just don't tell the sheriff he's drinking at moe's bar atm & going to pick up donuts for the county precinct after.

>meth/crack heads tend to stick to the larger towns/"city" in the shittier spots, and don't tend to get out of their hood area much
>1 stop light towns an 1hr from a decent size town with a hospital are your best bet

Wrong its shorthand for "Ginseng" or slang for bootlegging moonshine if your a retard doing that in modern times...
ngl coyotes can make some weird ass mf sounds outta nowhere.
coons & possums can too but its rare they usually are mute unless fighting each other.
this, we don't want your aids nigger shit near our fertile soil & land.
keep your acursed selves in the degen free-range prisons you call cities like you should

BASED AF my dad had 15 siblings & The family had always a min of 5 herd/guard dogs on the property of the old homestead.

>> No.2004553
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To follow up. What do you want to see in your cameras? Resolution, resolution, resolution. Yes, it means you need more storage. Yes, that means they will need to be powered and hard-wired (look into PoE) instead of wireless. Yes, that means they will cost more. Cameras are fucking useless if all you have to go on is 'white male between 5.5 and 6 feet' last seen wearing a white shirt, a hat, and sunglasses. Night vision is great too. The newer models make a night with no light look like day.

Funny story, we sold a system to a contractor to protect his shop. We told him that, because the parking lot was so large, he would want high-resolution cameras for outside or he wouldn't be able to make anyone out unless they came up to the building. His response was, "Well, they are gonna need to come up to the building if they want to break in, morons." Sure, whatever guy. Buy some shit cameras to save $600 when you are paying us $2,500 on top of the equipment to install everything (we had to pull a ton of CAT5 through the building). Guess what happened? He pulled into the parking lot one day between jobs, parked his truck out front, went inside to take a shit, and came out 10 minutes later to find his truck was emptied out. What did his 720p cameras capture in broad daylight? 2 'ethnic' guys driving some beater Honda hatchback that was so far away you couldn't read the plates. 3 minutes of them running back on forth emptying the truck into the back of their turd, and them driving away. Poice description? Two brown-skinned males (Mexican? Indian? Native American? Chad back from Cabo with a tan? Who fucking knows) in white shirts, hats, and sunglasses. You couldn't even read what was on their shirts because they didn't get close enough.

Finally, do not expect your camera system to last forever. Shit will fail and many cameras are obsolete so quickly you won't be able to get replacements. Standards keep changing too. Budget to replace it every 8-10 years at the most.

>> No.2004561

Sure I'm not naive about the ineffectiveness of the police regarding things like theft, and personally if a family member were ever murdered I'd hire a private investigator immediately just to increase the chances it gets solved.

But being not very familiar with the subject I assumed there's quite a lot of creative things one can do as preventive measures besides for security cameras. Sensors, more optimisized/taller perimeters... Can't find it atm but I saw one youtube where a guy set up some tripwires to fire what sounded like a gunshot (scaring the shit out of him and alerting you when it has been tripped). A lot more you can do in a rural setting with more land and modern tech.

Off the top of my head you could rig it to where say for example if your home is out of site of the access road or at least set far back from it, you could have a LED sign display a message about how your alarm system has been tripped so that anyone driving by / neighbors will notice it and be encouraged to call the police themselves (when otherwise they might not notice anything wrong).. Maybe that idea wouldn't pan out but I'm thinking out loud.

>> No.2004604

Same anon >>2004412>>2004415
If you're getting a new home, best time to lay down cables is pretty much in a new home. Might be because I'm out of shape but wiring cables outside through the inside is not fun. Probably common knowledge but its just so much easier to see the layout of your home when nothing is in it.

As for books, I have some .pdf from a dedicated camera forum that required an account to see links. I don't want to make it seem like I'm shilling sites but if you don't trust the links, that's understandable. I'll try to give a clifnotes version. You can always run them through a sandbox or virtual machine if you don't trust it. The information is a bit old but it still does a good job at outlining different functions of a camera and how they work.

This one is the ip surveillance handbook and explains a ton of shit about cameras. Everything from the lens, audio compression, network(might be a bit dated), camera mounts, and a whole bunch of other shit. Basically gives you a good idea on what to look for.

This one is sort of a lesser version of the one above and goes over resolutions, frames, WDR(Wide Dynamic Range), and so on. Still Worth a glance.

This one is just for understanding Megapixel. Right now 2MP cameras are a good middle man, the quality is decent and the price range on 2MP IP cameras can be somewhere between 99-200$. This is if you want to slowly build you network of cameras 1 camera at a time.

This one is like a 2017 version of the 2nd link, the 2nd link is also from 2015.

Pretty much, some other things I'd like to note in my next post.

>> No.2004609

you WALK you fucking pussy

>> No.2004614

>have property
>have kids
>trade it all so they can have sidewalks in the suburbs

no ragrates

>> No.2004647
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>Having a camera system will not protect your house. It will only help the cops figure out who did what, if they even care at all. Generally, unless someone was murdered, they will take a copy of the recording, create a report and sit on it in case some of your shit turns up in a drug dealer's house when they bust it.
For me even the tiniest bit of information and functions these IP camera offer is enough. People do some retarded shit when they think no one is watching, they'll even do shit on your property regardless if you are home or not. I manually attached an indoor alarm on my NVR since it had the option for one and set up a trip wire over my front yard and if any human crosses that line on my property, I'll be the first to know about it and not the person setting foot on my property because then I'll have a few seconds heads up. Fuck calling the police, I'm shooting. Those few seconds can mean a lot.

For some homes, you just can't hear when someone is on your property. I had some shitty analog motion cameras before but like I mentioned in my other post, anything sets it off and just like that someone was able to walk on my property late at night. Which is why I went for better styled IP cameras.

>We get plenty of calls asking us to export recordings ('cause the users never know how to operate their own stuff)
This is why I prefer to build my own camera network. I was naive to think the police catch a perp on my old cameras.

>Night vision is great too
Night version fucking sucks, had it on my old cameras and couldn't identify shit. Also if it was daylight but cloudy or raining it would auto switch to black&white which annoyed me. I just keep my new cameras in color at night and it looks much better.

As for your pic, it looks like they mounted that camera really high. They say to never mount your cameras higher than 7-8ft. One of my pdfs explains why I think. Also pic related was suppose to go to my other post.

>> No.2004659


Hi highly recommend not driving drunk

t. road jannie

>> No.2004662

Nigger moment

>> No.2004782

Especially not skinwalkers because they don't exist.

>> No.2004815

Have a first aid kit. It doesn't need to be gucci, just have a look at an individual combat first aid kit and it's contents. If you do get seriously injured it needs to keep you alive until an ambulance can get to you (which could be hours or even days depending on where you are in the world). https://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/First_Aid_Kit

Even out in the countryside most crimes are opportunistic. Don't leave valuables out and lying around or in clear sight--just because your expensive Hilti drill is in your shed doesn't mean it's safe if Cletus can see it through the window.

Depending on your jurisdiction it's probably illegal to set traps. However, you can still put up defences to control the area: barbed wire fences around the perimeter of your property and compartmentalise your property: if you don't have a fence between your allotment and an open meadow then put one up. Of course they can hop the fence but not without leaving forensic evidence (especially if they're running).

Get a gun. If you're in the deepwoods then nobody is coming to help you, it's down to you to protect yourself. Hell, even in cities the police are normally too far away to help. 99% of crimes start, process, and finish within three minutes. Even if Officer Bob is just around the corner he's too far away. Research has shown that announcing your presence and armed status works to drive away criminals in most situations without conflict HOWEVER if they are already in your property it is the exact opposite: racking your shotgun as you walk down the stairs will make them attack you immediately--they're already in your house, and they won't be able to escape before you shoot them so they will rush you. If they are already in your house then assume they are planning on killing you. NEVER shoot at a fleeing criminal, even if they have your shit. Even in Castle Law states it won't be a clear-cut case and there will be an investigation.

>> No.2004816


Keep your car in a garage. If you don't have a garage build one.

Have two doors to your property on separate sides. You might think "why would I have two ways to let people get in to my home?", but remember two escape points are significantly more valuable than the risk from two entry points. Protect them with locks and floodlights.

CCTV is a necessity in the countryside. I had $3,000 worth of tools stolen from my shed and the police couldn't do anything because there was no evidence. Set up CCTV covering your doors both internally and externally, your garage/drive, and your staircase/main corridor. You don't need 24/7 surveillance in every room, you just need to be able to see faces, car plates, and clear signs of criminal intent. CCTV works well with compartmentalising your property: if you can control how Jamal will run from your house then you can have a CCTV camera pointing at that route.

Pack a bug out bag. Not for shit hits the fan type doomsday fantasies, but for if a fire starts and you have to get the fuck out of your house at 2 AM. A bug out bag should have all the resources you need to live comfortably for at least 24 hours, and uncomfortably for 72 hours. Don't forget hygiene and long life food--wet wipes, travel toothbrush, a thing of toothpaste, and a copy of your first aid kit. Always assume that if you're in a situation that needs a bug out bag you won't have time to get anything else. Keep a pair of slip on shoes or welly boots and a coat in your bedroom--if you get woken up by smoke you will have less than 30 seconds to get out of your house so don't be faffing with laces.

>> No.2004848

Lmao you could project your insecurity on the moon.

>> No.2004885

i have nothing

>> No.2005326

I'm in debt

>> No.2005448

In Alabama the locals run wild. No respect for anyone or anything. White trash on meth, pills, god knows what looking to steal anything they can so they can get $$$ for dope. Those shits think they own the place. On dope, on welfare, on food stamps, on section 8 vouchers, on medicaide, and they all love Trump.

>> No.2005530

>and they all love Trump.

>> No.2005564

maybe true like 50-100 years ago

>> No.2005567

when you start with
> White trash
and end with
> and they all love Trump.
you make it blatantly obvious you're not giving a balanced, fair, and accurate take on a group of people but rather you're just a seething retarded bigot. And no just because you're a leftist with all the PC double-plus-good approved of opinions does not mean you can't be a commonplace dumbass bigot at the same. You just hold the establishment-approved bigotries.

>> No.2005581

No, you have no idea what you are talking about. You don't live in Alabama, you've probably never been there, and you just made up that bullshit.

>> No.2005612
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Not that anon but I grew up in rural Autauga County. Weird shit went down in Bear Creek Swamp. When I saw on the news a few years ago that they found a bunch of dolls on pikes in the swamp, it didn't surprise me at all. During my childhood, we saw a UFO do maneuvers no know aircraft could do, glowing orbs that suddenly disappear, a human form with a triangle shaped head, all manner of unexplained screams and noises, including large explosions that would rattle the house. We also found lots of arrowheads whenever the farmers would till their fields, so it wasn't all negative. Still, it's a weird place.

>> No.2006183

Make sure you know your neighbors and be exceptionally good to them.

>> No.2006203
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I know someone always looking for more dalmations

>> No.2008015

>they take my puppy
Get pupper like OPs. When he grows up, nobody will mess with him.

>> No.2010015

>wanting to go full rural
>worrying about muh doggorino
lol, faggot

>> No.2010019

I found weird markings on the trees out bush behind my house. Nearest farm/neighbour is 8 minute drive away.
They weren't there 2 days before because it's my piss tree.

>> No.2010020

By weird markings I mean as if someone tried to do some cringe pentagram bullshit. It was a few years ago now, I posted the pics on either b or X to see what others had to say

>> No.2010236
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Jesus Christ OP I'm a professional land surveyor and I'm constantly spending time in the woods on other peoples' property and these thoughts keep me up at night.

>> No.2010314

>castle defenses only lure more hoonters
that's where you're wrong fren
get a nice and expensive fence with a locking gate that's at least 6' high and nobody will bother you

>> No.2010323

You live in a nice hood with an HOA and lots of rich boomers who hate change. That is literally why those exist.

>> No.2010527

if only bears could stay that small and cute... i would pet one

>> No.2010534

It is actually a doggo, just one floofy boy

There is Koalas I guess, but they're more like a severely (and literally) retarded cat and fall under the great laws of the land of not for shooting, export or eating

>> No.2013056
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Ruralbros, as a Germancuck it's quite unfathomable for me to imagine being in a place that's hours away from civilization. We just don't have the land for that and are stuck with a fouth of the US population in an area that's smaller than Oregon.

How do you deal with water and sewage? Is it all just wells and septic tanks? How do you clean the well water to make it useable, or is it perfectly drinkable from the get-go? How does one get proper internet if one lives miles away from the next highway, let alone the next town? Does the state set up cable masts just for your home or do you have to pay for it out of your pocket?

>> No.2013073

water: varies. spring/rain water is viable for some places, others well water is fine. (our well though for example has so much arsenic in it, we don't even bother, and just have it trucked in -- until we can finish developing our spring)

waste: septic, yep. you get a septic tank installed with a leech-field

internet: satellite (shitty) or cellular/fixed wireless (depending on LOS). starlink will be great when it's released to the public.

>> No.2013094

How does the trucked in water work out?
Does a big tanker come every month and fill up a pool-sized barrel? Do you have to have short showers because you could run out of drinking water? Who empties the septic tank?

>> No.2013106

seng is short for ginseng or the seasonal perennial that many people hunt for to sell to china and foreign countries for lots of money; the next "oh look, COPPER!", or the next "oh lookit that my fellow Canadian, a fancy ROCK"

basically something both rich(lawyers and money(not yours, even robbing your land) and poor(its free if its out in the open without a lock I can't grind/crowbar off, animals, food, drink, fuel, etc)

middle of no where leads to people wandering properties and doing shit no sane person should do: usually not a problem unless they 4wheel or 2wheel dirtbike your land to shit, throw garbage and bottles everywhere, get drunk and die and their families go after your good insurance policy

Dogs and Cats are more Utilitarian, only gaining the semi-family status after they prove their worth in the Country. There will always be another "Seng" Copper, fancy rock, or what will be temporarily somethings worth easy(nontaxed/traceable money) all you can do is electric fence your property, alternating wood and metal posts to prevent the fence coming loose, put up signs to prevent rich fags trying to get money and land off of you, and a couple dogs, bulls, roosters, and your own kids with guns with camera's that you KNOW everyone see's/knows the location for even before you are done putting them up

>> No.2013108

inside the septic tank bacteria decompose the solid waste, and it empties itself via gravity into the the leech field.

We have 2 1500g tanks connected to a jet pump (gravity draws the water into the pump, so we don't have to prime it) we don't need to ration water tooooo tightly, but it comes out to about $170 every 40 days. We have a spring with a 500g storage tank and solar powered pump, if push came to shove we could pump water from that 500g tank into our main ones (i've tested it for arsenic, but no other potential contaimantes that might make it non-potable. So playing it safe.) but it hasn't been an issue in the 2 years we've been here.

>> No.2013112

Just be happy you live in the USA(assuming) and not somewhere else. After the old lady dies, you ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY THEIR DEBTS. Just remember that all their land/property and goods WILL PROBABLE BE SOLD OFF TO PAY THEIR BILLS. Don't claim anything not covered by your States and the Federal Gov. non-taxation laws. Once she dies, those debts and loans are null and void unless they trick some stupid asshat into thinking that the paper they are signing will give them money(usually it'll make THEM responsible for millions/thousands of debt and give them the broken down Buick and expensive tea set as a sign-up bonus.
Be happy we CAN'T have multigenerational/inheritable debts in this country. Just remember to have a decend lawyer/tax guy and plan out how to make sure YOUR CHILDREN can inherit certain things, family heirlooms, vehicles, homes, land, etc without forfeit to the nursing home/state/collectors/bidders(neighbors nice, now that grandma is dead/assholes and monsters that will finally get that prime real-estate for cheap at auction)

>> No.2013163


>> No.2013210

Why do faggot's always gotta flex?

>> No.2013328

I have a small river on my property which is very clean and no industrial processes or phosphate use along it, so that can be used in a pinch but mostly for irrigation, for the house and sheds we use rainwater tanks though which is ok as we still get quite a lot of rain here and enough for a family of 4 + 1 or 2. Hot water is a solar system and very good, never run out of it.
We're on the grid for power, but i've got a 6000W solar array on the roof, so I just make sure to use most of the energy intensive stuff through the day and it keeps my power bills down in the very low figures annually. If I ever get around to jiggering up an battery UPS we'd probably be ok with no mains to the house and sheds, but its a fairly pricey option so I've not leapt into anything there.
Internet is 'ok' for where we are on the NBN network, its not fibre speeds but faster than ADSL 2 which allows wife to work from home with conference calls and everything else. During very heavy rain it can wash the wireless signal out due to a microwave radio along the chain somewhere getting drenched, it takes a lot or rain though.

Nearest town is about 30-40min away, but we've got 3 close neighbours I know pretty well and family living on the property in their house so its not nearly as isolated as people think, lot of the rural population is getting older though so its not like a heap of young people around- well apart from kids but we've seen a lot of the younger crowd move back to the country from the cities as they're fed up with rona-restrictions, lost their office jobs and so on.

>> No.2013343

here in the US it seems like a lot of 20 something yuppie kids want to cash in on the 'live laugh love" version of homesteading -- aka larping for youtube shekels.

step 1. spend HOURS on a wholesome looking intro, soulful music accompaniment and the standard "please like and subscribe"
step 2. pretend to do real homesteading work, and when no one's looking, hire someone to do the real work for you. Or worse, it's some chick talking about her favorite go-to vegan keto recipes for organic yoghurt or whatever, BUT RURAL!

it's an obnoxious horrible trend, and will cause all the small rural plots are going will be turned into Potemkin homesteads run a bearded, tatted up onions-lefty and his obnoxious wife.

I can't tell you the number of 'diy solar' setups i've seen where the owner has absolutely fuck-all clue about their system, but they show the battery bank and it's a set of 6 battle borns and a 6kW+ inverter charger.

>> No.2013362

>step 3. cash in on that homestead porn
fucking on a round bale
fucking on a square bale
fucking while the cows watch

>> No.2013378

Back in my old life I was an electrical engineer and army officer, so I'm pretty familiar with the old electrons, but its mostly a case of finding the right thing for the right price and I'm not quite convinced the price is worth it for the lifespan of the solution. Basically I don't think I can fnangle a way of making it work for long enough to pay for itself and going in half-arse means it'll catch fire and I'd be very sad with no power!

When I bought my property I also acquired over the years 4 smaller adjacent hobby farm properties which had essentially lain fallow for about 10 years as their owners used them as holiday homes and a place to dump neglected animals, so they're now productive and doing well... after a bit of bulldozing and clean up. We've had hobby farmers since god only knows how long that buy up a good bit of land and turn it into a dirt and prickle farm of worthlessness, but its not really a huge problem anymore as the prices for land are way up in somewhere good (with water + arable land or grazing) so they're sort of relegated to the side of some shitty mountain with a goat track out of the way and don't bother people.
I honestly don't mind younger people moving out to the country and working from towns, its good for the economy and labour base in areas to have someone keen to start over out in the country, hell I've lived and worked in cities on-off through my life and its not a good way of living. Dragging the same baggage and expectations into the country though is just a recipe for failure really

>> No.2013403

>How do you go to the bar that's 15 miles away without drunk driving?
You go with friends and have someone DD. Or don't be a pussy and drive with a couple drinks in you. It's not hard, there isn't traffic. Just don't fall asleep.

>> No.2013418

>That's literally lib-bait and has 0 ounce of truth to it, unless you live in a large liberal shit hole.
Incorrect. City centers are always liberal shit holes filled with shitskins and self hating whites. Eventually it gets shitty and self hating whites move out, bringing their ideas with them. Or section ape slowly expands and borders with suburbs decline. Then people on the fringes move, which expands the reach of the shitty parts, etc. A lot of suburbs are segregated by interstates/highways or commercial development and will be fine. But anything that has a border with a city core is at risk.

>> No.2013419

>Does creepy stuff happen often in your neck of the woods?
It's more that there are animals always moving and no background "human" noise. Nature makes weird sounds and even if you live in rural areas it's weird. Also probably goes back to our primitive mind of being on edge at night and being jumpy because we were vunerable.

>> No.2013421

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.2013433

>They look nice and I hear they are very reliable.
Honestly anon hold off on Remington for awhile. I've shot 870s my whole life and so has my dad and my grandpa. I love 870s. But Freedom Group took over Remington in the mid 2000s and QC went to shit. They're likely fine (I did buy a 870 tactical in 2015 that's fine), but there are a lot with issues. With their bankruptcy and breakup this year it's smart to wait on them. A Mossberg 500 is the same price and don't have the QC issues over the last 10-15 years Remington has had.

>> No.2013435

That's a terrifying though anon

>> No.2013437

Starlink will ruin the internet. Billions of 3rd world users will flood in and post gibberish.

>> No.2013448

Are you saying there weren't massive chimp outs this year? It's mostly concentrated in a few cities, but nearly every city that one weekend

>> No.2013452

>The aquafiers are all running dry.
This is what terrifies me.

>> No.2013453

>not shooting the sheriff too
ngmi anon. Just don't shoot the deputy

>> No.2013460

>Inherited 500 Acre riverfront farm. Sold it.
My sympathies anon. Losing that, or the cash from it, is beyond rough.

>> No.2013491

cell phones already did that. i don't think third world browns could even afford starlink; until until we go full biden, they won't be high enough latitude to use it.

>> No.2013519

Nice meme kiddi

>> No.2013598

If your a real American you buy a shotgun and some shells. Shoot at some shit and get a good feel for the firearm. Load a round or 2 of birdshot followed by rounds of buck. First shots most likely won't kill. If he eats those then you know he's a raging meth addict and finish the job the lord has chosen you for. Do your patriotic duty.

>> No.2013645

cool story bro

>> No.2014766

Locks everywhere.

>> No.2015783

What's seng?

>> No.2015991

>People walking through my land at night looking for "seng"

Hollar at guy walking around your property, meet with the guy, smoke a joint together, tell the guy he can park his truck over thar, - got a new friend!

>> No.2016187

Well, there’s nothing to fear when you’re dead, so why don’t you kill yourself and be done with it you stupid nigger.

>> No.2017041

>be the new ruler of Chyna
>we're just going to kill the sparrows, bro
>it's just one species
>what can go wrong?
You are an absolute retard, and you deserve what's coming for you.

>> No.2017124
File: 114 KB, 1500x768, 04EC8E26-84E2-4E44-9DBA-9FA1600EDAF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the anons worried about dog disappearance, may i recommend pic related, Fi collar, i have one for my dog

a bit of a yuppie "smart collar" thing but it's an extremely good product. 100 bucks a year for the cellular network connection, but that means it just needs a cell signal for location. exceptional battery life; needs a charge once every couple weeks.

>> No.2017302


>> No.2018114

Well aren't you a butthurt retard, ever heard of the opioid crisis you dimwit? The number of drugged up white trash is so high that they are literally causing a population decrease in most rural red states. And these guys overwhelmingly vote for Trump because he loves the "uneducated" and appeals to the lowest common denominator among them.
What is up with Trump supporters getting so butthurt whenever you spit out basic facts? "Muh PC this muh PC that!!"

>> No.2018190

They're on opium because their life sucks and they are depressed because their country is shit and it used to he a major part of their identity

>> No.2018241

The fact is that our eco-system is not fully understood and never will be, new species are discovered on a daily basis

>> No.2019598

I live in the middle of nowhere Illinois and some random car pulled off the interstate and kidnapped someone for ransom. Crime does happen in rural America st least. Although very little of it.

>> No.2019625

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.2020536

New 870s are bad, sorry anon. Mine jams routinely. I had to put steel wool in the barrel to smooth out the front part of it. This helped but it'll still occasionally jam. Apparently the ones made over 10+ years ago before they made them in NY are good.

>> No.2020611

These are city fears. None of that in my small village. Normal, sane. Hardworking ppl here. Don't worry

>> No.2021291

I live in a swamp with only a single accessable driveway that's gated off near the road. Even the cops have to get out and walk half a mile to reach the house. Water is the best security tool

>> No.2021829
File: 531 KB, 2048x1536, 954FAEC9-2962-4C9F-A7AE-18BB4B447397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other then really weird shit going on at night in the sky and animal sounds of all kinds no

Pic after a really hard rain