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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1972473 No.1972473 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong.

>> No.1972477


>> No.1972480

I think he died when sears died. he could no longer get his boots.

>> No.1972578
File: 26 KB, 474x474, 1606782488739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on? did another jewtuber betray his morals?

>> No.1972636

If I could get companies to send me free shit I'd take it too. Has to be big though, like the free roofing or whatever he got, not gonna shill stuff like tape measures.

>> No.1972660

His mother passed away closer to the beginning of the project. Scott was her personal care taker until the end. I couldn't imagine how difficult that would be to go through. Losing a mother is hard enough, but assisting her progression through the end stage of life would be traumatic. This speaks volumes about Scott's character. Most men wouldn't be emotionally brave enough to put themselves in that position. And instead of falling into a depression he persevered with making these videos for you ungrateful fucks. So when you ask yourself why you prefer the earlier videos in the series, remind yourself that Scott has recently endured more pain that most men will collectively feel in a lifetime.

>> No.1972663

he was always a massive boomer who only appeals to people looking for a surrogate dad

>> No.1972696

lmao this - I watched his earlier vids but I don't really know what the hub bub is with his "project house"

I just like seeing impressive workshops that make me jealous.

>> No.1972707
File: 297 KB, 900x900, 1586103914532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went wrong.
((money)). he's now an infomercial channel.
same as AC.

>> No.1972708

If you were in their position you'd accept sponsorship money too

>> No.1972709

No I wouldn't.
I'd follow the AvE model. Take no money from corporations and never shill shit.

>> No.1972710

OH NOES! His mom passed away of old age so that means he's allowed to shill shit under a pretense of just using items!
STFU, retard.
Don't waste your life away worshiping e-celebs. Parasocial interaction is always detrimental to one's mental health.

>> No.1972711
File: 167 KB, 499x824, audiophile_snakeoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He showed people how mcmansions:tm: are built and /diy/ sperged out because he used OSB

>> No.1972716

What is it with oregon boomers and becoming cringy sellouts? He is a year away from posting wranglerstar level clickbait

>> No.1972720

I enjoyed Cy and the shop videos but the project house got old real fast.

>> No.1972734

Old how?

>> No.1972782

the format was just not interesting to me. Also like another anon said he has become a surrogate father youtuber now instead of posting interesting content

>> No.1972807

at the rate of normal time passage.

>> No.1972821
File: 186 KB, 1000x584, Daysha+Rendering+Garage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deserves dark days.

>> No.1972826

why not have a normal attached garage? Imagine taking 2 years to build this shitbox

>> No.1972828

i know we remember people who make good art and architecture and write them down in history
but what happens to people who make this sort of thing

>> No.1972843

(((They laugh their way to the bank)))

>> No.1972846

He had an oddly shaped property, but a detached garage would have done wonders.

>> No.1972850

Retard here, what's so offensive about this? It doesn't look particularly nice but I'm not in the loop enough to see the real problems

>> No.1972857
File: 409 KB, 960x720, jacks1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a abomination. The design, the execution, the materials ...
Educate yourself

>> No.1972926

It is not anywhere near mcmansion hell territory

>> No.1972986

Too slow.

I gave up watching that build after the foundation got poured.

>> No.1972997
File: 210 KB, 720x540, 1536370518518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is AC selling?

Do you know that a youtuber gets roughly gets roughly $1k per 100k subs to shill? 1 million subs = $10k shill bucks per video, 2 videos per week and you're a millionaire.

>> No.1973724

Yeah, he has an OnlyFans now.