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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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19508 No.19508 [Reply] [Original]

I was writing a tutorial on making your own shisha for smoking out of a hookah when the thread was deleted. I'll post in a new thread instead.



>Shopping List:
>1. Tobacco
>2. Vegetable Glycerin
>3. Honey
>4. Flavoring

First, I go to a cigar or tobacco shop and buy cigarrette rolling tobacco. Pipe tobacco is too strong and takes a lot of work to be ready for a hookah.

I just bought a 6oz bag of "Turkish Blend" rolling tobacco for $18. This thing should make an enormous amount of shisha, considering $18 usually buys you 200g of premium Fantasia shisha.

Next, soak the tobacco in warm water. When the water gets dark, strain and soak it again in new water. Repeat this a few times.

Next boil the tobacco on the stove for 8-10 minutes. Strain the dark water and repeat. Do this until the strained water is fairly clear.

>I've read that Starbuzz rinses their tobacco until the water is completely clear.

Once you've reached the desired amount of clarity, keeping in mind that the more you rinse the tobacco, the less buzz it will produce, dry it out overnight. You can do this in many ways. A heat lamp would be best, but I put it in front of a little space heater and leave it for a while.


>> No.19526

is there a way to do the flavoring with something other than vegetable glycerine?
Hooka has been around much longer than our ability to pull specific chemicals out of plants, so I'd assume so.

>> No.19522

so this smokes and tastes a bit like sweet pipe tobacco, yes?

it sounds good. I used to smoke the honey-dipped cigarettes, but they stopped making them.

>> No.19535


Mix the fairly dried tobacco with the glycerin and the honey. Find a ratio that produces the consistency that you're used to. At this point it will start getting sticky since you'll be using your hands to spread it around evenly.

Last, add whatever flavor you want into the mixture. I like to cheat and put "Tasty Puff" tobacco flavoring I find at my local head shop. Its pretty strong and at $3 a bottle it works really well.

Mix it around evenly and let it soack into the tobacco for awhile. I put the shisha into the refrigerator at this point to keep it as fresh and moist as possible.


Any questions?

>> No.19538


You can use molasses instead. I find that the glycerin makes it the smoothest smoke.

>> No.19548

If i'm happy with the starbuzz flavors, and the amount of buzz it has is there any value to making my own?

>> No.19556


I'm not a big pipe smoker, but I think its very different. Since hookah pipes vaporize the tobacco instead of combusting it, the smoke can be inhaled much deeper.

Flavorings are usually so sweet and dominant, there is usually zero tobacco taste.

>> No.19558

what about using extracts or essential oils for flavoring?

>> No.19562


Not necessarily. I just get a kick out of making my own stuff and customizing my flavor.

After the initial investment, there is the potential to save yourself some money as well.

>> No.19567

breathing boiling oil, and alcohol vapor... sounds like a great idea.

>> No.19572


>I think those work. I want to try the flavoring oils that they have for e-cigarrettes and see if it works. They have a lot of different flavors.

>> No.19579 [DELETED] 

Guide to growing shrooms?

>> No.19599 [DELETED] 

and there goes the neighborhood.

>> No.19612 [DELETED] 


>> No.19620

>Also, if you have any questions about specific Starbuzz or Fantasia flavors, I might be able to help.

>> No.19621 [DELETED] 

no. Illegal drug discussion seems to be instant 404 on this board and I won't have it in a thread i'm enjoying.

>> No.19630

not an existing flavor but one I would make if I could figure out how.
Earl Grey Tea.
near as I can figure just add some tea leaves in when you mix up the honey, glycerin and tobacco.
would it work?

>> No.19645


>I don't think so.

You could buy this though:


>> No.19677

do you know where I could order passion fruit, or passion fruit flavoring to add that to shisha?

>> No.19699

