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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1929173 No.1929173 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>Fuck up and get my fiance to buy house in the taxlands (illinois)
>Mortgage company also screwed us
>Live here for a few years spiraling into debt
>Have idea
>Purchase land in my name
>build earthbag
>Completely strip home of fixtures to build it
For example, doors, floors, insulation, piping, wiring, toilets, bathtub, lights, everything in the kitchen, the electrical box, etc
>Then have her file for bankruptcy or just let the loan default

I figure it's legal since all the contract says is we can't move the house, and we aren't, the house itself will remain where it is, just with nothing in it, and then the bank gets screwed for their agent mortgage scam

Lawyers of diy send me your energy, don't you want the lulz of fucking over a major bank?

>> No.1929179

Its not legal because you are leaving the "house" in an unlivable state.
The bank would get a court judgement against you for willful damage equal to the cost of returning the house to a livable state.

>> No.1929183

Source? Considering I've never seen a livable foreclosed house, you're talking shit, the bank doesn't own OPs home, they simply receive it because of default, if what you're saying was true, literally every single foreclosure would end up in a lawsuit from the bank

>> No.1929187

I'm searching for cases like this right now and you're talking out your ass, there's no precedent

OP make sure to pour cement down your sewer line, that will absolutely make it unsellable

>> No.1929188

Im living in a foreclosed house. Bought it for 60K in a 140-150k neighborhood.
Quit looking for foreclosures in the slums.
Any company that has a vested interest in physical property has the right to reclaim losses if the devaluation is intentional.

If OP is in debt I am sure he doesnt have the kind of cash it would take to fight a banks team of lawyers to perpetuate his lie.

>> No.1929189
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>> No.1929192

Illegal, no. Ignorant, yes. The bank will come after the homeowner.
P.S. You are a fucking idiot

>> No.1929193

OP here, I don't own the house, and it's in an area where foreclosed homes go for 8k, I'll wait for someone to actually source their claims before I come to a judgement

Couldn't an argument be made that the house has not been damaged? I am not going around with a sledgehammer after all, just removing fixtures, a door is not the frame of the house, and I did not get a mortgage on it specifically

>> No.1929194


>> No.1929195
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>Noooo, Don't keep your stuff anon
Holy shit bankers on suicide watch
OP do this just to make the shills seerhe

>> No.1929197

>I don't own it
To clarify, like I said before my partner does

>> No.1929208
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>You are a fucking idiot
>The banks will come for you

>> No.1929210

This is excellent OP, seriously. This is almost as good as "boots on the ground" Jeff. It's like you're a (You) farmer, I swear. If I had a fedora, I'd tipping it to you, sir!

>> No.1929213

Boots on the ground Jeff? I don't come to diy much I don't know who that is

>> No.1929217

It was a troll so impressive that it got us all. When he was finally outed, no one was even mad, because it was just that good.

>> No.1929219

For what it's worth I am actually considering this, we're building a new house and foreclosing either way, i can't justify the daily struggle and stress, mostly this is just a money saving idea, I figure I own the fixtures, and the bank would have a right to the land and house, nothing else unless I leave it here

>> No.1929222
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>Get levied a debt
>Declare bankruptcy
>Bank now also has to pay legal fees
You have activated mirror force, any time you put a debt into play, it will immediately become a "no u", and you lose 500 sanity

>> No.1929224

Can't you just sell it? What about a refinance to something affordable?

>> No.1929227

We can, it's our plan b, but it'd take a year, and frankly we don't want to spend another year struggling to make ends meet, living a rural life would be more pleasant

Also, it's tanked credit scores already so refinance/different place isn't an option, we thought about cutting power for a while, building and then renting the place out, but our municipality has too much red tape for landlords

We're pretty set on doing an earthbag honestly

>> No.1929229

Can you claim the hardship is due to covid and get forbearance until construction is completed?

>> No.1929232

It'd be a stretch, covid has actually given us more money kek, I could bullshit my way through and tell anonette what to say, but I hate lying like that and so does she, it'd also probably be considered fraud

We're able to save the mortgage If we want to for the record, it's just bleeding us so dry that we don't want to, the sales agent gave us the mortgage, apparently it's a common scam, so it's way more expensive than it should be

>Just sue
We don't really have the money or mental energy to go through that, we beat foreclosure once and I don't want to go through another legal battle in the same vein as it

>> No.1929245

So it's really a scam then? Newly built houses do rent for more than older houses. I'm sure you've ran the numbers, what kind of returns would you get out of it?

>> No.1929250

Based, have a bump and a (you).

>> No.1929251

We'd make more than the mortgage costs at least, 1400 a month would be doable, and our mortgage is 800, problem is there's so much red tape, expensive licenses, bullshit checks, it all adds up to more than we can afford

Illinois is an awful state

>> No.1929265
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>> No.1929266


its happened recently in the U.K., these folks homes are now worthless, they'll have to declare bankruptcy

>> No.1929267

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.1929308

Posting in potentially legendary thread, put me in the screenshot

OP you should make threads about your earthbag, and how you salvaged your old house to make it

>> No.1929349

You could probably take out every third 2x4 wall stud and roof truss to use on the new house. Hell, if you're careful you might get every other one, aren't most things engineered with a 6x safety rating or some such? Of course you'll have to get the drywall back on or the bank will definitely notice that.

>> No.1929365

Kek, maybe once the house is completely stripped, there's a giant old world workbench in the basement too I should take

>> No.1929389

Wouldn't this damage his legal defense?
You can argue the floorboards and windows aren't part of the house strictly speaking, but a joist or support?

>> No.1929473

You are an hero OP

>> No.1929498

One thing you are forgetting is if you strip the house to the degree that you are talking about, the long dick of the IRS is going to fuck you deep at tax time. When you are foreclosed on, if your debt is forgiven, the irs counts that as income.

>> No.1929502

I didn’t fully explain that if you guy the house, the bank gets hosed on the same price. Now the difference between the sake price and the balance of your mortgage is debt you owe. If it’s forgiven the irs counts it as taxable income.

>> No.1929503

fuckin auto correct

>> No.1929523

This really is a forum for children

>> No.1929563

How often does it sell for less than the amount owed? Every foreclosure sale I've seen, if there are no bids, the bank will bid the amount owed plus costs.

>> No.1929655

lmao how are you still not able to pay your mortgage after getting a covid windfall you absolute fucking retard

>> No.1929665

I want to believe.

>> No.1929699

Just leave her lol

>> No.1929738

>For example, doors, floors, insulation, piping, wiring, toilets, bathtub, lights, everything in the kitchen, the electrical box, etc

Won't be worth much to do that. You're not very thoughtful and what's worse, have a silly, fanciful bent. (Silliness is not a wise lifestyle which is why you're fucked now. Shoot your inner child in the face along with everyone who suggests otherwise.)
Stick a cheap trailer on some cheap land (AFTER thorough research including getting a plat map for anything you consider). There's a reason it's the popular solution. That buys time to make your next move. Learn to renovate, build a workshop before building anything else. (Shipping containers make great workshops. I love mine and will buy more than my current four.) Workshop complete, you can build a wide selection of options if you live in agricultural zoned area.
Rather than mentally commit to a particular method of construction, study what's optimal for your situation. Having a few acres to play with means you can build small test structures.
Expect to do hundreds of hours of research. You have a computer and all your leisure time should be spent productively as that's at least as much fun as frivolity.

>> No.1929750
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>Won't be worth much to do that
Unironically it'll be worth way more than the house itself, it's not in the nicest area, and while big won't sell for much, it also cuts the build cost by more than 70% because of things like the water heater
>Having fun isn't wise
But it's fun, fuck being a boring boomer with nothing happy in my life but a 5th wheel
>Do other structures
Earthbags are simple, and they're about what I trust my partner and friends to work on with me

Yes, but not as deep as the bank would

Can, don't want to, I'm paying a little under 900 bucks a month on a house in the ghetto with no power through half of it, no climate control, no nothing, and the power company is shafting us for 400 bucks a month because they don't believe how little power we use, we'd both rather take the credit hit and the tax bullshit than continue this lifestyle *while* trying to fix everything on this old piece of shit

>> No.1929756

Buy a dump, deal with a dump. You don't seem well adjusted if you are making the bank pay for your mistakes. You entered into a contract with them, you didn't have to. Man up, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.1929758
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>agent scam
>He should pay loan sharks
Nooooo, pay your debterinos!!

https://www.bankruptcyinbrief.com/codincome/#:~:text=File%20Bankruptcy%20Tax%20Free&text=For%20the%20average%20individual%20consumer,called%20cancellation%20of%20debt%20income. From what I can tell, if OP declares bankruptcy, the loss of the house will not be taxed

>> No.1929764

OP here, I have a family to look after, and the bank scammed us, no it is not "mature" and "honorabru" to put them through hell, you're a stupid fucking boomer and should jump off a cliff

>> No.1929772

Could have not bought the shit house, but you did. No one held a gun to your head. Literally your own fault, no one else should hold the blame or incur the monetary problems but you.

>> No.1929776

>t. a literal kike
No, he's not liable for a scam, and in fact could probably sue them for more than the value of all of his debts

>> No.1929787

So you signed up for a mortgage without understanding the terms, got fucked over by an agent because you didn't bother to compare terms or actually look at the loan details which very clearly describe your monthly obligations and amortization, and have come to the conclusion its the banks fault when in reality it's your stupidity and or negligence?

>> No.1929805 [DELETED] 


You're right, they didn't, and when the original mortgage company bailed out on it, I really wanted that big home to start a family in, so when my agent made my 69k house a 144k house in the fine print of a 407 page contract, I didn't pay enough attention, my bad

But if you think it's "being a man" to watch my partner cry every night because "anon they're cutting the power again" or "anon we don't have water", then you are the biggest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen

You sound like a fuck head boomer who gives fuck head boomer advice and has never, ever experienced any kind of real world hardship, but thinks they're tough because they walked through the snow to school in 1967

I started a business from nothing, bought a house in the greatest depression since the 30s, and made my way successfully through a foreclosure, all before the age of 25, what the fuck have you done, you dumb nigger?

I bet you gave someone a firm handshake and a smile, go kill yourself

>> No.1929812

You're right, they didn't, and when the original mortgage company bailed out on it, I really wanted that big home to start a family in, so when my agent made my 69k house a 144k house in the fine print of a 407 page contract, I didn't pay enough attention, my bad

But if you think it's "being a man" to watch my partner cry every night because "anon they're cutting the power again" or "anon we don't have water", then you are the biggest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen

You sound like a fuck head boomer who gives fuck head boomer advice and has never, ever experienced any kind of real world hardship, but thinks they're tough because they walked through the snow to school in 1967

I started a business from nothing, bought a house in the greatest depression since the 30s, and made my way successfully through a foreclosure, all before the age of 25, what the fuck have you done, you dumb nigger?

I bet you gave someone a firm handshake and a smile, go kill yourself

>> No.1929813

Strip house, then cover it in Trump and Blue Lives Matter signs. Any evidence will be destroyed by the inevitable firebombing.

>> No.1929821

I won't fill it, but I can put a few in the basement to piss them off

>> No.1929824
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>> No.1929828

>OP gets scammed
>Anon thinks he should pay anyways or hes not a man
This right here is the problem with boomers, they've spent their whole life trying to create an image that they're perfect, they've made all the same mistakes as OP but could never admit it, and to keep feeling big and burying their failures they throw everyone around them under the bus

>> No.1929885

>Strip house
>Build cuckshed
>Bait antifa into firebombing old house
>Insurance payout on top of it all

>> No.1929889

Your partner doesn't own it either. You don't comprehend how bank loans work.

That's not and excuse to be retarded. I'm a millennial who's on his second home in 6 years. Stop using the boomer excuse for being a dunce. You got fucked and are trying to run a scam.

You dont have to be a genius to start a business. What a terrible attempt to qualify yourself. Sounds like a boomer move yourself. Greatest depression since the 30s? We aren't even there
Stop listening to the news moron. It's dramatized. You sound emotional like a female. You need to take personal responsibility. Also I thought the girlfriend bought it? The story keeps changing.

Give us an update when you get fucked in the ass by the long dick of the bank and their lawyers.

>> No.1929896

You keep screaming boomer, but I'm 30. Also your sob story about your wife is irrelevant. Being a man is about principles. You signed a contract to get a lump sum payment to buy a house. You were too stupid to think about how it was above your means, now want to go back on your contract. Fine, it happens, I understand. But then you want to destroy the house by pulling out studs? Seems like you are more of the nigger here.

>> No.1929900

What you are are bank shills moralfagging on a mongolian basket weaving forum because someone gave you the shaft

>> No.1929903 [DELETED] 
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OP here, I found the answers I need and im gonna go through with it, the most logical option is a quit claim deed, thanks for the memes

>>1929889 I literally said in the OP I fucked up by going through with it, what I actually said in the post you replied to was that you were a nigger

Yes a N I G G E R

Specifically the "biggest retard gorilla nigger I've ever seen", you gave awful advice, and you drink more cum than moot on a Friday

So, you dumb monkey ape nigger, I'm going to build a home Instead of paying aids interest because you think that's manly, because that's what dumb aids niggers do, they throw good money after bad


>> No.1929912
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Holy based, posting in legendary thread, you are a god among men OP

>> No.1929928

You literally told him to suck it up and pay for an (((illegal mortgage hike))) OP is based and you are a kike

>> No.1929932
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>> No.1929941

Call the debt radio guy.

>> No.1929944
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>Principles means drinking joojoo cum
>Be a man

>> No.1929945

You are such an emotional diaperbaby poster that you don't realize I'm not the one you've been fighting with. You might be based but you definitely will be living sad and I hope better for your future. I hope you find Jesus and lose your anger.

Next time don't come to the mongolian basketweaving forum looking for advice on what to do with your shipping container full of imitation crab meat.

>> No.1929946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1929961

>You sound like a fuck head boomer who gives fuck head boomer advice and has never, ever experienced any kind of real world hardship, but thinks they're tough because they walked through the snow to school in 1967

If you ever experience SELF-inflicted hardship it's your choices that got you there. My houses are paid for because I DIYed fiercely since I was a teenager, made damn sure every skill Iearned and job I held was complementary and made me more capable, and never got deep into debt because that's how fools become and remain poor. Your entire life should be relentless systematic inexorable drive to improve your situation for the time when age and/or ill health puts you out of action. DIY mastery was once expected as part of being a man and still is in farm country. The insane amount of money it saves you is a lifelong financial multiplier for the money you earn at your (also carefully planned for resilience against inevitable recession, depression, and disasters) career or careers. Everything must work together but if you man up and revel in that challenge it's huge fun.

>I really wanted that big home to start a family

You were a fool because you chose to want unwisely despite ample evidence you don't need a large home to fuck and make crotchfruit. You can do that in a single wide trailer like tens of millions before you. It's far more important to be a good parent. You got suckered because you WANTED to be suckered when cold analytical planning could have gotten you a sustainable path.

>> No.1929969
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>Salty kike ass blasted by the most based OP in history
>Can't find bum cream

>> No.1929971
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>> No.1929976
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I bet you work for a union contractor company and beat up people who actually work jej

>> No.1929981
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OP here, I don't care what you say, you're a boomer, boomers never admit a fault, I am comfortable saying I fucked up, but boomers always want to look like a big guy and fall flat on their face

Reminds me of the new gmc ad, just a video of people gawking at the pickup truck, it's like boomers actually believe people look at them this way


I'm just a regular guy doing what I need to do to make things work, you are a stinky ass ape nigger dressed in a suit, the right thing for me to do right now is look after my family, not pay more shekels to your stinky ass

>> No.1929998

>Thinking your opinions are this important

>> No.1930000

I don't own a suit. Nobody suggested you pay more shekels to anyone.

YOU fucked up. I didn't. You failed to make things work and you think being a "regular guy" is somehow admirable instead of striving to be better than you are. Average = shit.

Union jobs were fought for against murdering Pinkertons and corrupt cops, and are the reason all jobs suck less than they did before organized labor. The general end of collective bargaining and switch to the brainwashed bucket-of-crabs mentality is why wages are stagnant over decades. Unions realize life is a savage shithole and just as the bosses have no moral obligation to workers, workers have no moral obligation to bosses, only what is set out in law. Business is not moral or immoral, just amoral like any other jungle.

I was only briefly AFL/CIO as a maintenance tech. The rest has been a fun mix of Air Force (wose benefits had to compete with organized labor), industrial maintenance, car/truck/motorcycle mechanics and workforce training (it's fun making my replacements). No decent mechanic doesn't have more work than they could do in two lifetimes. Even moreso for paint and body techs but I lack artistic talent for that. Meanwhile the "suits" who looked down on tradies tend to get slaughtered in recessions or outsourced even in good (for the stock market anyway) times. If they can work from home their replacements can work from India or the Philippines. There's actually a modest shortage of machinists (the veterans retired after the 2008 recession) and other skilled trades because onsite work is considered beneath the (vanishing) middle class. Guidance counselors with tranny studies degrees point students to saturated fields where they wonder why they can't get hired (see the many laments in /g) not understanding employers can cherrypick.

>> No.1930006

>He's actually union
>Thread actually has shills
Fucking hell, get off my board

>> No.1930012
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My sewer line nearly cost $19k to fix because of you fuckheads, luckily some locals did it for 500, fuck off shill

>> No.1930019

All unions do is make it harder for the average guy, you are no better than organized crime

>> No.1930028

Unions only ever one because of the immigration freeze. Unions arent strong enough to push the labor market that much. The labor market pushes them.

Want to strike during a recession? Gg, enjoy your public sentiment telling you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.1930033

I hope a mexican steals your job and fucks your wife

>> No.1930040
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>OP vindicated by literal shill outing himself

>> No.1930044

what the fuck is the "average guy"

>> No.1930052


>> No.1930189
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>be retard
>fuck up
>think listening to 4chan will make you less retard
I'm sure your collection of frog images and can-do attitude will carry the day, anon. I'm also sure calling me a jew will cause your problems to evaporate.
Post pics or proof that you're not some larping /b/rainlet or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.1930205

You can lead a horse to water but cant make him drink anon.

>> No.1930206

Knowing banks it may be layered in the contract.

Either way, the bank may just sue just as a screw you, butttt. If it's legal, that's up to OP.

Need legislation or common/case law.

>> No.1930207

What you could do is start a part time home based business and allocate a considerable amount of the house to that business. So say for example you have 1/3 of the house dedicated to the business alone. This makes 1/3 of your housing expenses (mortgage included) now tax deductible. So say if you're paying 15k per year in housing expenses, 5k of that now counts as a tax deduction. Consider a DBA or sole proprietorship (make sure you're not being too risky thought). It comes out in the wash. Gl

>> No.1930224

Oh hey, its a Twitch streamer!

>> No.1930229

>From a bankrupt party
No, but you might end up in the slammer. Don't fuck with the banks.

>> No.1930234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1930256


Those things are fixtures and are part of the house. It would not be legal to do what you suggest. You should kill yourself for thinking like a nigger.

>> No.1930258

not legal now, you have publically indicated your intent to defraud the mortage lender.

>> No.1930421

The fuck fraudulent is he doing?

>> No.1930437
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>I figure it's legal since all the contract says is we can't move the house, and we aren't, the house itself will remain where it is, just with nothing in it, and then the bank gets screwed

Do you figure it's legal?

Really? Like, you REALLY figure it's legal?

Huh, that's funny because if that's the case why don't you just call up the Bank and notify them of what you'll be doing, and see what they say?

I mean, it's legal right? It's completely within your power! You are ABSOLUTELY entitled to do this, considering it's LEGAL and all. I'm sure they will have no issues and tell you to go right ahead with your completely legal course of action!

It's simple. Just notify that bank of yours of your future legal actions, they will give you the green light. Easy!

>> No.1930692

>Your entire life should be relentless systematic inexorable drive to improve your situation for the time when age and/or ill health puts you out of action.

Well said, that's exactly it

>> No.1930789


Imagine living in a world where two adults cannot afford to pay 800 a month.

So much so, that the preferred alternative is to strip the house down to a shell, and use the precious innards to build a mud hut innawoods.

>we beat foreclosure once

Flat fucking learning curve in Illinois huh?

>> No.1930834

But but I can just blame boomers because my teenage millenial parents didn't beat me enough

>> No.1930959

>the power company is shafting us for 400 bucks a month because they don't believe how little power we use

Do they not come round every quarter and take meter readings?

>> No.1930970

You sure your neighbors arent stealing your electricity?

I got a family of 5 in a very expensive electric area and its only $100-150 a month. No ac.

>> No.1931301

Actually you cannget away with it if you liken diaappear into a cave.

>> No.1931346

Where would your "earthbag" be located? You'd just have to buy land somewhere else.

>> No.1932059

t. retard who couldn't be fucked to read a paper

>> No.1932379

Wouldn't you have to divorce first because (legal) marriage automatically makes you (without ever co-signing) a co-signer?
Idk about burger law but in the old world this is pretty much the case.

>> No.1932395

It's better to have one person take the mortgage and then sign both onto the deed in burger land.

OP is a bitch boy and leeches off of his female partner so she should just divorce him and live with their bull.

>> No.1932443

You can still have one party responsible for the mortgage and credit history. If theres ever a divorce the assets will get split 50/50 unless it was a gift from her parents or pre marriage property.

You probably have to sell it anyway to make child support and alimony payments though

>> No.1933079

welcome to 4chan(nel), newfriend. lurk moar.

>> No.1934088

If they actually did that to your contract while telling you something else then you have a solid case against them for fraud.

>> No.1934091

Anon probably took out 70k and spent it all and forgot about it

>> No.1934104

According to Illinois and various federal laws, OP was provided and signed multiple types of simple documents that clearly presented what and how he was going to pay.
When he says they made a 69K house into a 144K house, he presumably means that 144K is the total he will have paid including interest by the time the mortgage is done.

There's no way they can "trick" you into an extra 70K without breaking a boatload of laws that no real estate agent or attorney would want to poke with a stick.
The costs that he was going to pay were not hidden in the "fine print" of a 400+ page document. They were clearly gone over with him as he signed and initialed page after page of disclosure, acknowledgement, receipt of info, etc etc etc.

Be honest OP. You got into a house that wasn't a great deal because you felt that it was the right thing to do at the time and you're coping as best you can in a largely competitive and nasty economic arena.

There is absolutely legal precedent about stripping the house down of flooring, piping, toilets etc to spite the bank. The concept here is that he agreed to return the house if he doesn't pay the loan. People have done this before where (for example) they agree to sell a piece of land, but then strip and harvest all the trees after the contract is signed but before the transaction is complete.
People have done it with houses. And while it's true that the bank almost certainly won't come after you for this-- it's normally the insurance company that does that.

In other words, the bank files a claim with the homeowners insurance (that you are required to carry in order to get most mortgages) and then the insurance company can and will come after you. OP is not the first faggot to think of this scheme.

The distinction between what you are and are not allowed to remove from the house is normally more or less what would fall out if you could turn the house upside down and shake it.. so windows and doors are part of the house

>> No.1934106

soapbox diatribe continues:

Windows, doors, toilets, countertops, flooring, wiring, and pipe are all literally a part of the property itself. They're not going to flip their shit if the carpets are dirty and the house has tons of regular or even heavy damage from negligence and stupidity. They won't sue you for a lightswitch cover being missing. But strip all the wire and pipe and spray paint dicks everywhere and it's going to be a very open and shut case where they wind up with a judgement against you.

I hope you don't have any attachable assets or bank accounts or income OP.

Move on with your life and try to be happy OP. Fortunately for you, real estate prices have been soaring nearly nationwide for years now so unless you really shat the bed, you should make a tidy profit by just selling the house and leaving.

>> No.1934326

They did break the law, it's called an agent scam, I've already spoken to a lawyer about it and I can sue them, it'll just cost a bunch in legal fees

Stripping land after signing is not precedent, the deed is in my partner's name, no contract will be breached, there's no fraud because it is not in breach of the contract signed by the bank, we are within our rights, this is not "mid contract"

A mortgage is a secured loan, which means while secured by an asset, said asset belongs to us until such time as the bank foreclosed that asset, everyone saying "it actually belongs to the bank" is retarded
>My lawyer

>Insurance faggotry
Nope, when transferred to my bank the property will be stripped, therefore insurance cannot collect, as I have not damaged the banks property

What you're saying, is that you're in breach of your mortgage every time you replace a fixture, you're incorrect, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're the same union shill from before

>> No.1934327

OP you argue like a retard, and the only one scamming you is you.

>> No.1934334
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>Says mortgage fraud doesn't exist
>Shills with unrelated case details
>Calls my arguments retarded

According to my lawyer, my agent acted as a broker illegally, misinformed us on our responsibility, did not take into account our ability to repay, and did not fulfill her side of the contract (unrelated but no, no one sat down with us with the contract, agent mailed us the papers to sign), he said that it was a pretty cut and dry fraud case

You're a dumbass retard shill, thanks for convincing me to get a lawyer

>> No.1934335

oh i didn't say it doesn't exist, I'm saying you are an absolute mongoloid. you can't even understand a single sentence post.

>> No.1934338
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>Writes a book
>Every single thing said thoroughly deboonked
>Y-you're a mong anon
Shut up nigger

>> No.1934341

>Self reply
>But no (self)
You've been samefagging this whole thread, kek

>> No.1934350

eh, i clicked the wrong thing to reply to a reply. it happens. But no, it's a conspiracy against you, really.

>> No.1934354
File: 3.22 MB, 800x600, 1602712007744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self replies are tagged with (self) like this one is tagged with (you)
You outed yourself hahahahaha

Union socialists get the rope first

>> No.1934357

And you wonder why you are getting fucked over. btw it should be no surprise a lawyer is finding a way to spend your money.

>> No.1934366
File: 532 KB, 500x1000, 1602867804556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets btfo
>Y-you're retarded anon
Lol ok

>> No.1934367

If you have a lawyer, and they say you got screwed and are in the right, why are you asking 4chan for advise?

Occam's razor
>You're an idiot

>> No.1934368

I asked after I realized I had attracted paid shills kek, you've literally outed yourself as a union shill And a samefag, isn't it time to consider suicide or something?

>> No.1934369

sub-prime IQ

>> No.1934392

Smol pp

>> No.1934642

If you are anti union you should just kill yourself for being room temperature iq. You probably live in a fly over state and think someday you'll get that big raise by sucking your bosses cock, but that day never comes (only your boss with his dick in your mouth does)

>> No.1934667

This some real gangsta advice OP could you just hang some nazo flags and leave town for a while. Someone will probably burn it down if your in a gehtto

>> No.1934788

how the fuck can two people not afford 800 a month? you should be making $1,600 each before tax if you both work a MINIMUM wage full time job. what are you doing with your lives? please don't own property, you are taking it away from people who aren't retards.

>> No.1934797

you should go back and read the thread like it was written by someone else. you'll find that someone who has already established they are ripe for the fleecing (by their own admission) is now acting like a lawyer (who will charge them legal fees) is taking only their best interests into account.
just rent a house or something anon, sell what you have and just call it quits. you clearly have no interest in learning from mistakes.

>> No.1934813

Call your attorney, ask him if there is any potential liability involved if you strip the house of flooring, pipe, and wiring to spite the bank as you suggest in your OP. Ask him if that's 100% legit.

Just ask. And then eat your fucking schizomeds. You're mixing the different people calling you a fucking retard into the same person in your head.

You're a fucking idiot. It's ok to be stupid; a lot of people are. Just learn to not be so damned arrogant and shitty about it. Move on with your life and try to find happiness OP, being a petty trash person isn't a good look.

>> No.1934858

Dont tell him to take his meds. The lawyer he knows is another self

>> No.1935162
File: 9 KB, 150x150, happymerchant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Union faggots
>Admitted they are union in the thread
>Telling OP not to listen to legal advice from his lawyer
Holy snickering kikes batman!

>> No.1935163

A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.1935164

Samefag kys

>> No.1935167

>Shills care this much about a big brain on diy
Don't you have a back injury case to lie in?

>> No.1935172

>I R big brain
Nigger you just told OP that his lawyer is lying to him about legal issues, you're absolutely fucking retarded, I don't know if OP can do what he wants, but I do know a filthy shill when I see one

>> No.1935175

>Dunning kruger samefag trying not to look stupid

>> No.1935203

>Living in USA sounds like a horror movie
I'm thankful for living in Serbia where I can't even make half the money you do by doing the hardest jobs but at least nobody is coming after my house, at least not until I anger Vučić's evil gay minions

>> No.1935224

>don't address any criticism
>just call everyone jews and union folks
>i sure showed them
>now let me just pay for this lawyer instead of keep the power on

>> No.1935287
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>> No.1935292
File: 46 KB, 322x168, denial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.1935294

You were caught replying to yourself earlier in the thread without a (self), no amount of shilling is going to undo that>>1934335

You also literally admitted you're a union shill>>1930000

>Stop calling me a shill anon
You are one, you admitted it, someone put me in the screencap

>> No.1935307

guy i have no idea what this "self" thing is. Please find the settings or add-in you are using which shows this.

>> No.1935320

He's referring to the tag you get when you reply to yourself, not getting it means you're on a proxy

>Being this new
When people reply to you, you get a (you), when you reply to yourself, you get a (self), tell your manwhore union friends to train you better before sending you to the infamous faggot known as OP

>> No.1935325

Never seen a self in 10 years. Must be a setting that's not default or a plugin.

>> No.1935331

Prove you're an oldfag

>> No.1935333

You must have never been on /b/ then, newfags do it once then never again

>> No.1935339

that would explain it. I reply to myself all the time to correct posts, and occasionally mis-click. never seen a (self), only (you).

>> No.1935350
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So what percentage of my house can I abscond with before the insurance company comes after me?

>> No.1935373

According to my lawyer fixtures of any kind, floorboards are a stretch, but nothing structural, taking out wall studs would be considered moving the house in the contract, wires and piping on the other hand, are not structural and have no effect on the stability of the house, so I can move them

>> No.1935425
File: 2.72 MB, 498x372, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems to run counter to the definition of fixture, but GL anon, I'm sure you're not being tricked again. A judge will totally understand your plan and find your excuses legally justified.

>> No.1935427

Why are you still here? No one cares what a shill says

>> No.1935428

I'm a different anon laughing at you.

>> No.1935435
File: 9 KB, 203x248, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy two houses
>immediately default on both mortgages
>remove exactly half of each house
>oh that addition? technically just a fixture
>doesn't compromise stability
>sewer main? fixture
>drywall? just a fixture bro
>build new house for free
>entire bank & insurance co. staff commits suicide

>> No.1935438

Absolutely devilish

>> No.1935500

Jewish bankers on life support after devilish anon discovers this ONE WEIRD TRICK

>> No.1935506

Oh shi-----------------

>> No.1937636
