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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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192787 No.192787 [Reply] [Original]

So /diy i don't know if I came to the right board for this but I hoped you know, cause arduino forums don't really answer my question. I plan on using an arduino board for my project but i want it to be connected to my pc via wifi so i can actually control it via the wifi. My question is if I buy Arduino Uno and XBee can i connect it with my pc wireless and send commands to it via regular wifi, or do i have to buy other components for it like arduino wirelles shield or supported chips. No it can't be connected via usb cause the chip will be spinning inside a globe, don't ask. Thanks for your answers

>> No.192789

Wireless USB?

>> No.192790

Do the specs of your arduino have wireless, no, then you need to buy another component.
Which? How should I know?

>> No.192824

What we generally call wifi uses the 802.11 standard and works at a different frequency than an xbee does.

In your case, you need one xbee connected to your computer and one on the Arduino.

Here's a nice guide to work with xbees:

Another option (if you really MUST use wifi) is to buy a wifi module but that overcomplicates your project, so I don't recommend it.

Hope that helps.

>> No.192830

There's bluetooth versions of the arduino, which i guess you could use with the direct-control/firmata software.

Although read up on their reliability before, some arduino stuff requires a day and a half worth of hacking before it works at all and a week before it works satisfactory.

>> No.192833

thanks for the info!
bluetooth is really not an option cause i have to buy special parts for my pc then i know it's simple but still id like to use it via wifi and maybe possibly via mobile phones without bt support
thanks diy

>> No.192834
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>been there, done that
adafruit makes a usb-uart adapter that you plug an xbee into.

there are a few xbee libraries for use on the host machine. i've only gotten one of them to work:http://code.google.com/p/xbee-api/
the bad news is it's a bloated pile of shit and written in java. however it's fully functional.

there's another one floating around that's in python and a third one in c. neither of which i've been able to get working. however i dev in linux, so you might have better success on windows(assuming you use windows because you gave no real information in your post).

there is also an xbee library for use on the arduino itself, which works really well. http://code.google.com/p/xbee-arduino/

alternatively, if you don't use much memory on the arduino, you could install the ROS (robot operating system) on your host machine and the arduino and use that to abstract away the communication. however it eats up most of a standard arduino's ram.

>> No.192838

nevermind. ignore everything i just said. i didn't think you were serious when you said wi-fi.

if you want tcp packets you'll need to get an ethernet shield and plug the arduino into your router with a wire. as far as i know they don't make wifi arduinos.

>> No.192839

yeah i'm still looking into the program cause the thing i want arduino to run is all in java actually
i just want arduino to take care of some leds and some voice input/output and process it on my pc and send the data to arduino

>> No.192844

>voice input/output
too much data i/o for arduino. you should look into a more powerful platform. maybe invest in a rasberry pi (if they're even out yet) or some other ARM processor.

>> No.192846

i stated the ethernet is not the option cause the arduino itself would be in constant motion and ergo the cable would be cut. I need wireless support to send/recieve data from pc. I think the xbee is enough for sending low resolution images and sending/recieving sounds. I just didn't know if xbee has to be connected to the pc or xbee can interact with wireless already on my pc.

>> No.192847

hmm i'll look into it for now arduino is quite enough for starting ideas, after that i'll see if it works. PC is gonna process all the data and arduino would function as a wireless mic/speaker actually with a sd card on him. I can't really know that cause i haven't really worked with stuff like that

>> No.192851

your PC does not have an xbee in it. you'll need to plug one in.

also your insistence that the xbee standard suits your throughput needs is suspect. i don't believe you actually have done the research to know what kind of throughput you can get with xbees.
i wil tell you right now that you're probably over estimate the throughput of an xbee. these devices, and the communication standard they implement are designed for reliable communication, not fast communication.

further: even if the xbee platform had the throughput you needed, my guess is that the micro on the arduino (atmel 328) doesn't have the mips to push all the data you want, as fast as you want it.

plus the sample rate/quality of an arduno will be small because of its limited ram. you'd need the audio samples to be buffered on your SD card.

before you start investing your hard earned scrilla on things. i suggest you think some more of the architecture of this project, and what kind of data will need to be handled/passed around.

>> No.192852
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also i'm always lurking/idling on the /diy/ irc channel so feel free to drop by and ping ideas off me.

>> No.192853


Phone quality voice is just 8kHz, 8 bit.

>> No.192855

then go for it. i'm trying to couch what i'm saying, because i don't really know a lot about DSP stuff.

> research > my advice

>> No.192862

I'm currently looking into things, xbee has a supported usb module for pc so arduino board can interact with pc. I just have to figure out what board to take and not to have more additional modules installed inside the spinning globe. The data the board would receive would be in bytes just needed to fire the leds so i don't think that should be the problem with the board itself as i see the project has been done before with an arduino uno board (which unfortunately doesn't support the xbee directly), but i want to control my project via wireless and change it via pc, even if it takes 5+ mins to change, not stoping the globe and via usb uploading new program. Thinking of arduino romeo for first run then with xbees. Sound input/output i'll add later as i make it work for starters, thanks for all the feedback