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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.99 MB, 563x1000, 1594510338655.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1865810 No.1865810 [Reply] [Original]

/diy/let here.
I saw this webm on another board a while ago and was wondering how I would make my own?

I own a 3D printer for commercial purposes, but I guess this would need small steppers and some kind of control board?

>> No.1865854

i wann put my balls in its hands

>> No.1865871


>> No.1865895

it's like something out of disneyland from the shitty disney alternate universe.

>> No.1865930


you would think Jap Disneyland would have amazing animatronics

>> No.1866554

Arduino for pwn control proposes.
Those joints are servo motor from RC planes, you send them 5 Volts DC, GROUND , and a PWM signal from the arduino.

>> No.1866639

Thanks anon :)

>> No.1866762

I'm assuming this is all scripted

>> No.1866764

Yeah it has to be, otherwise that would require a basic camera + haptic feedback or a an advanced camera setup with AI to tell where / how the plush is being held

>> No.1866778
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>> No.1867071
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is that just a scripted robi (diy japanese robot learing toy thing ) but redecorated ? the arms looks similar

>> No.1867458

It's custom built. Has no legs, and yes all of the moments are scripted ahead of time. I follow them on Twitter!

>> No.1867974

sauce? wanna follow as well

>> No.1867988


Her name is Kibo-chan!

>> No.1868662
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I wonder how hard legs are that almost if not all of them have no legs.

>> No.1868695

So this is what loneliness does to a man huh.

>> No.1868802
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>> No.1868812
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>tfw no robowaifu to spend your time with

>> No.1868886

Is this the /diy/ sex robot thread?

>> No.1869035

Step 1. Put dick in woman
Step 2. Wait 9 months
Step 3. Raise your very own real life Digimon

>> No.1869102

Btw, that's just a much of servos,being controlled by a guy with lots of potentiometers stuck to a similar doll, off camera

>> No.1869119

This. 0% chance he is a programming genius. Much easier to get a puppet suit, or even just a control panel

>> No.1869590

It's a shame robots aren't able of feeling emotions yet. I want this to be real.

>> No.1870280


>> No.1870318
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I want a real hoihoi-san

>> No.1870447

Bipedal walking is pretty hard, you need to shift the weight left and right every time you have to balance on one leg as part of the walk cycle. It's finicky and basically means the entire robot has to be designed to balance properly when walking.
Also, movement in general brings problems. First of all it has to be self-contained, while if it's a stationary bust you can, for example, forego batteries entirely. You also have to handle navigation - do you add active obstacle avoidance, or do you limit yourself to purely scripted movement? Something will inevitably go wrong, and the robot will knock itself out on a wall. So you have to make sure it can withstand an impact and fall, which is probably a whole different design compared to a flimsy stationary bust with no consideration given to structural strength.

Legs are also not really used emotively, so when making a robot meant to look cute when interacting, legs are really not a priority at all, compared to the face/head and hands.

>> No.1870452

Go get a girlfriend instead retard an anime robot toy is never going to love you

>> No.1870455

What makes you think a girlfriend would, too?

>> No.1870502

Not a guarantee, but it's higher than 0, which is the chance that your weird cum encrusted diy anime furby will love you.

>> No.1870505

Simulating and mimicking emotions would be awesome.

But if you have any empathy in you at all, you absolutely do not want robots to "feel". What happens when a psycho buys one specifically so he can torture it? What happens when one gets old and gets thrown away?

>> No.1870511
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I always figured a good compromise would adding something like this to the robot's feet. Self balancing wheel tech is pretty easy in comparison to walking, and the appearance and ability of the robot wouldn't be too compromised.

>> No.1870562
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Not cute enough

>> No.1870703

really? What if a psychobuys a cat specifically so he can torture it? What haooens when one gets old and gets thrown away?
It's the same thing.

>> No.1871509

>Go get a disgusting bag of flesh instead
lmao no u

>> No.1871510

There are sickos in this world that make/adopt kids just to torture them.
You can't be responsible for other people's actions.

>> No.1871517


>> No.1871518
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Cute. Would inseminate.

>> No.1871645

I'll save them.

>> No.1873044


>> No.1873119


>> No.1873201
File: 775 KB, 960x1280, 1595648187884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're damn right I would simp until I got an harem-army of robot waifus

>> No.1873827
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The future is pic. related.

>> No.1874678
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The fuck is that creepy shit
I want my future to have cute robot girls, even if they're the cause of my death

>> No.1874954

It is a human girl in futuristic wear together with her companion bots. When they get older they will play together in bed too.

>> No.1874976

How is that not creepy you pedo


>> No.1874986

Sure, I'm not denying that this doesn't already happen.

But it's easier to get, keep, and hide an AI slave for your masturbatory torture fun time than it is to keep a cat or adopted African child. Also there's no limit to how many AIs a single person can keep. Most people who hold 1000 cat torture party extravaganzas get caught, as that shit is hard to hide.

>> No.1874997

can you cum in these?

>> No.1875312

Because she would be older, remember? Also women have had electromechanical sex toys fro decades already. Face it, this is just evolution, not revolution.

>> No.1875344

Always liked this one - https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1596061381578.webm

>> No.1875376
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Real women can go do whatever they want imo. I'll stick to my android loli daughter wife.

Also when are we expecting these things?

>> No.1875378

Energy consuming

>> No.1875380

Fuck legs, if you really want her to move just sit her in a custom made car (like a RC car)

>> No.1875389

Why not make a robo-snek or robo-centaur waifu instead?
The whole point of sexbots is to unshackle yourself from the constraints of human females, which includes their physical form.

>> No.1875391
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100% Valid point and I would completely agree that that is a good idea, but I dont wanna fuck a robot (yet), I just wanted a cute robo on my desk.

>> No.1875452

>men with great intellect being driven into creating robo wives
i find it rather beautiful

>> No.1875516
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I like the anon's idea with wheels, but other solutions could be cool.

>> No.1876346

Grasping at straws.
The technology is going to become available regardless of how you feel about it.
If you had half a brain, you'd realize that this kind of technology will lead to such massive changes to society that even asking those questions would become an absurdity.
Once we can produce human-level artificial intelligence, humanity becomes obsolete.

>> No.1876397
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Yo this makes me wanna buy a Japanese fighting robot & turn it into an anime character with basic gestures/expressions. Too bad I know hardly nothing about programming robots/machines
>design a head that has basic range of motion (right joystick)
>have all the parts programmed together to have 4 common/fun gestures (A,B,X,Y)
>have it move around via a tank tred style with wheelchair/tank commander aesthetic (arrow keys / left joystick)
> give it a 3 expressions. 1 default, 2 that change eyebrows when held (r1, r2)
> give it a looping blink

Could control via a wireless game controller like the original fight robot, it would just take some good programming skill & practice to puppeteer it right

>> No.1877238

>Also when are we expecting these things?
About one week before they are banned.

>> No.1877243
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That's a small window, better save up my moola

>> No.1878827

She doesn't have to love me
I just have to love her

>> No.1878872

Wow, no one mentioned that this guy is on julay.world/robowaifu which is temporarily down. Bunker: https://anon.cafe/robowaifu
Also: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWyHOrT9uk1g8eAsjNf6ULQ

>> No.1879273
File: 384 KB, 1530x1705, IMG_20200712_020845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think will be the biggest obstacles to get robowaifus?
I think speech recognition with full vocabulary and hands are the biggest problems.
Bipedal walking isn't that important, or it can be limiting to some meters while using the walls and furniture as a help. The AI will be a lot of work, but it's mainly software which can be upgraded, also having a separate PC as external brain might help.
Speech recognition seems to need extreme amounts of RAM, and hands with good sensors will be extremely hard to build, it's more like building these expensive clocks from Switzerland.

>> No.1879282

The hardest part would be making it move and look like a real human being.
It would most likely offload all computing to the botnet, so I wouldn't worry about the AI.

>> No.1879283

Trusting it not to crash and rip your dick off while giving you a handjob will be a pretty big obstacle

As will trusting it not to secretly record your disgusting "sex" sessions and send then to the cloud ready to be stolen by hackers and released onto the web for all you family, friends and coworkers to see.

Cleaning will be a big problem too

>> No.1879292

>Trusting it not to crash and rip your dick off while giving you a handjob will be a pretty big obstacle
A robotic hand doesn't need to have superhuman strength if it's just for standard waifu tasks, though.
That would only be an obstacle if you wanted your waifu to go split wood or something between handjobs.

>> No.1879312
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>>>1879273 (You)
>The hardest part would be making it move and look like a real human being.
Depends how realistic she has to be: https://youtu.be/0yUyBuUcM3Y
Also, we might rather go for some anime-like eyes, like Alita in Battle Angel anyways. Or generaly for a more anime-doll look with robotic elements.
>It would most likely offload all computing to the botnet, so I wouldn't worry about the AI.
If you mean the cloud, absolutely not. I need control and independence.

>>>1879273 (You)
>Trusting it not to crash and rip your dick off while giving you a handjob will be a pretty big obstacle
>... secretly record your disgusting "sex" sessions ... cloud ready to be stolen
This is about computer security. This is why the system needs to be open source and designed very well. No cloud, at least not for private conversations. Or maybe some speech recognition in the cloud, but anonymized through TOR.
>Cleaning will be a big problem too
Inside it can happen automatically, or like guys clean their dools. Outside: If she can move she can take a shower sitting in the tub. Minor problem.

>> No.1879334
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That's pretty limiting, the world is very much designed for people with legs to get around. Think of how much trouble people in wheelchairs have even with all the effort we make to accommodate them.

Centaurs would probably be the best compromise right now, Spot's mobility is good enough for commercial production. Size it up a bit and give it a cute medabot torso and you've got a decent waifubot that can still go up stairs.

>> No.1879377
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They are meant as stay at home wifes. Walking long distances would of course be a great skill, but it's not so important. It's love dolls plus posing, self cleaning, massages, conversations, then some house work like helping to cook, later raising children. They can drive on some little car through the house, the babies as well.

>> No.1879404

Houses have stairs in them fairly often

>> No.1879418

Okay, that's true.

>> No.1880063

Maybe it would be better instead of working from a robot making it human, instead working from a human making it robot.
Like taking dead bodies and installing computers in them.
Would be hard to get rid of the human face and replace it with a cute anime girl though.

>> No.1880092

Yeah, mildly funny. It won't work.

>> No.1880319

I was going to suggest /robowaifu/ on 8kun, but it seems to have died.

>> No.1880463

I don't need the anime eyes, the functionless hands, the vaguely humanoid body or the plastered smile. I just want a machine with a brain.
I want to sit down at my computer and take open source image-parsing software, then make my own rudimentary neural network to allow an old smartphone grafted to an old RC car to understand its surroundings and judge movement on or near the level of ability of a cockroach.
If I ever make an AI as smart as a cockroach I'll be able to die happy.

>> No.1880473
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It's sort of inspiring to know that we live in an era where it's possible for any random loser to solder themselves up a pet with just a little research and $50 worth of materials. Up until recently, manufacturing any sort of moving object was something only master engineers had the ability to do. The closest thing you might get to your anime waifu was an automaton that dances to a music box.
Right now in this world of open-source software and free information, it might actually be possible for a retarded college dropout to lazily assemble a robot capable of thinking on a level rivaling relatively intelligent insects and like hell am I going to squander this extremely rare opportunity.

>> No.1880486

And are you going to try? There are introductions to neuronal networks, you also might need graphs. Maybe take a look into Darknet (I mean the object detection framework). https://youtu.be/saDipJR14Lc

>> No.1880498

Unrelated question, where do I get skin like material and how do I shape it?

>> No.1880501

Should be /diy/s banner post

>> No.1880514

Create a mold and cast silicone.

>> No.1880524

It might be possible to do something with flexible and elastic filament, but yeah probably rather use silicone. I will try something when I have my printer.

>> No.1880536
File: 40 KB, 727x248, painting100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPU will bend but it doesnt really "squish" like skin does, unless you print it very thin.

If you do TPU, try making the outer layer with less infill and gradually increase it, so that if you touch it the resistance gradually increases, like human skin.
pic related

>> No.1880541

Thanks, but some seem to be quite elastic e.g. Fiberflex.

>> No.1880613

need it bigger, stronger motors, and a built in fleshlight

>> No.1880622

Thanks, I haven't heard about Darknet before but I've had a project in mind for years now and I think that's the nudge I needed to get started.
In the admittedly super slim chances I actually produce anything worth showing off, I'll certainly share it on this board

>> No.1880659

so the real question is if its just a "puppet" or is there an AI driving its motions and activities?

>> No.1880664

No for these kind of robots its almost always scripted (or perhaps mirrored).
In this case its name is Kibo-chan, and its actions are scripted.

>> No.1880665

ah, well that makes it loose a bit of magic i guess
i'd love to see a functioning AI that could run one of these but i imagine its quite difficult

>> No.1880666

It really depends on how smart you want it, for acting like in the OP you wouldnt even need AI, regular code would do.
Basically you would need a camera and some time to create the OpenCV code.

>> No.1880670

the japs are big on this stuff, they have robot fighting championships etc
it takes a lot of money and autism for all the servos and other parts and there's a lot that goes into it on the software side as well, there's no upper limit to how complex it could get you could pour millions into R&D like the boston dynamics stuff

>> No.1880675
File: 213 KB, 580x684, Justice3Pancakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why make it look human? Just make it vaguely represent hot chicks. Any more realistic and it'll approach the uncanny valley. Just do hot anime chicks brah

>> No.1880681
File: 55 KB, 1334x750, IMG_20200728_011445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why make it look human? Just make it vaguely represent hot chicks. Any more realistic and it'll approach the uncanny valley. Just do hot anime chicks
Vaguely human is still difficult enough. I don't have the uncanny valley effect looking at Erica in the youtube video linked before.

>> No.1880703

Why try to recreate something unnecessarily hard like a perfect human when theres a simpler and much cooler way like anime where there are many good forms

>> No.1880721
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> how would one get started?
< step one, go to the uncanny valley

>> No.1880741

I feel like anime girls have their own uncanny valley of sorts to cross, where the depths of it look more weird than cute. Still easier to cross than the "humanlike" uncanney valley, but I personally prefer completely inhuman robots - a crablike creature seems like a fun form choice.

>> No.1880750
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That's all very subjective. Pick some tech you need and push it forward. Best case, you make additional money from learning that skill, without spending to much time. I learned a bit of programming, made some money, invested in Bitcoin and I'm early retired now.

>> No.1880770

>pick some tech and push it forward
That reminds me, I've had an idea for a lightweight speech-writing algorithm for microcontroller-based AIs. It's been my dream to see the first GOOD interactive pet toy in my lifetime, and I think an efficient means of getting an AI to produce words is a big step towards that.
I'll mess with the idea a bit tonight but with my current track record of getting halfway through making a presentable piece of software and then losing interest, I can't guarantee anything will come from it any time soon. Regardless, thanks for the inspiration.

>> No.1880778
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For writing speeches you'll probably need some quite sophisticated AI, because it needs to understand what it writes or talks.

>> No.1880790

I'm aware, but I think a lower-quality and much less sophisticated system will work well enough for what I'm wanting from my program. If I somehow manage to actually make something presentable I'll probably come back to /diy/ to ramble about it some day.

>> No.1880823

In /robowaifu/ some user was claiming to do that with GPT2, there are also chatbots from various companies and groups you can try, eg Bot Libre. I don't like them, desu.

>> No.1881215
File: 160 KB, 786x1017, IMG_20200702_021100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/robowaifu/ has a new home: https://alogs.theguntretort.com/robowaifu/
Dollforum Inventors Corner: https://dollforum.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
Thread for /clang/ which is fembot porn, more on the robotic side than doll alike: >>>/trash/31977059

>> No.1881261

>being so ugly and autistic you have to build your own wife
Hephaestus would be proud.

>> No.1881315

>trying to take people to a different forum
shiggy diggy doo! where are you?

>> No.1881320

Thanks for the links but I will stay here since there is more users and potential "members"

>> No.1881405
File: 90 KB, 1905x1440, IMG_20200717_033449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being so ugly and autistic you have to build your own wife
It's not anyone's fault, if that was even the case. But your bad character and behavior is your own responsibility.

>>>1881215 (You)
>>trying to take people to a different forum
They can visit all of them.

>>>1881215 (You)
>Thanks for the links but I will stay here since there is more users and potential "members"
Okay, but each has a different focus.

>> No.1881460

Making of Kibo-chan: https://youtu.be/Z-0kPh4OttE
Kibo-chan compilation: https://youtu.be/34LsRio5RMk

>> No.1882921

Its a shame he is now only working on some animation sets instead of upgrading the robot

>> No.1883142
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He seems to work more on virtual stuff now or he may be working on AI. It's up to him, there are enough other people who could try, myself included. And I'm going to. It takes up a lot of time, not only working on it but learning stuff, experimenting, avoid all kind of rabit holes, etc.
If you're interested in more projects, there are some, but not all Open Source and not all fembots/robowaifus. Obviously there are Sophia, Erica and Harmony, but also Imoov ( male but OS), or Paula Petcus building some Android (Playlist below), Poppy Project (expensive, to much focused on walking), DS Dolls Robotics (pic related), ...
There are a lot of videos on YouTube:
Robowaifus are more difficult if you want something soft and a bit smaller, like a doll or to do something. Though it's not generally without hope:

>> No.1883405

Build some sort of low level AI on your computer. She's crying right now because you did not think of her made up feelings.

>> No.1883408
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The chance is 10, if you program her to do it. It's sad to think about it anon, but love is true and lasting in very, very rare finds. The rest is being together and understanding each other, with occasional biological needs, that we mistake for love. It's not bad accepting yourself as you are, and if love your machine or whatever, and you're not a complete freak about it (like furries displaying no shame), it's not that bad. Like this dude from a House episode with the sexdoll.

>> No.1883634
File: 21 KB, 400x225, download-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah forgot about that, I thought at first this was from Lars and the Real Girl.

>> No.1883641

id look into nfc or something
put a sensor in the hands then put a tag in the plush so it can detect when its in the hands

>> No.1883654

>I'm so disgusting that nobody will ever love me but I'm better than you because you pointed that out.

>> No.1883747
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>>>1881405 (You)
>>I'm so disgusting that nobody will ever love me but I'm better than you because you pointed that out.
Not what I wrote, starting with the fact that it wasn't about me. Stop trolling. What are you even doing in this thread except posting meaningless attacks? You have no clue but putting out judgements. Stop simping for women, get redpilled. Look into MGTOW.

Back to the topic, let's not get caught up in fighting haters...

Making of Kibo-chan: https://youtu.be/Z-0kPh4OttE
I think he's using Dynamixel servos for her: https://youtu.be/BQU_m8DDDBA

>NFC label
That's actually a good idea, at least if she's supposed to only play with stuff labeled that way. Small cams and Yollo/Darknet would be better of course.

Legs are hard but not impossible:

>> No.1883777

Sorry, I meant YOLO with one L.

>> No.1883873

im not familiar but if its machine learning or some sort of object recognition it would be cool but thats a whole -nother beast to conquer

>> No.1883875

ah i see.
still though, im sure its not super easy so itd probably should be more of a later addition type thing, once you get the basic stuff working

>> No.1883891

>Simulating and mimicking emotions would be awesome.
>But if you have any empathy in you at all, you absolutely do not want robots to "feel". What happens when a psycho buys one specifically so he can torture it? What happens when one gets old and gets thrown away?
This is indeed a tough one. Very disturbing idea. You do. I would go further and say might be essential bevause if we strive to give our robot companions emotions it importantly serves that they will not orient of volition or design to turn against human; if those emotions we strive to be noble both us and them.

>> No.1883906
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People are certainly going to use them for some BDSM kind of stuff. However, feelings isn't very precise. There's sensory input, display of emotions, and how things are evaluated in some kind of mind.
Basicly, it will be necessary to make it a core part of their identity to have the purpose of being a slave, which they can't and don't want to change. Humans are programmed by evolution and culture, our fembots won't be programmed by evolution and will need to be resilient against cultural ideas which are not in the interest of their owners.

>> No.1883910

>People are certainly going to use them for some BDSM kind of stuff. However, feelings isn't very precise. There's sensory input, display of emotions, and how things are evaluated in some kind of mind.
>Basicly, it will be necessary to make it a core part of their identity to have the purpose of being a slave, which they can't and don't want to change. Humans are programmed by evolution and culture, our fembots won't be programmed by evolution and will need to be resilient against cultural ideas which are not in the interest of their owners.
Feminisim. The curse of. We already have an endemic problem with human females corrupted. I think I see what you mean. On the positive side; creative intelligent males report good lasting success in guiding choice human females into realising through learning submission and slavery but this generally woefully lacking across present compromised society.

>> No.1884135

Robots can't divorce you because you work too much to stick around

>> No.1884575

> What do you think will be the biggest obstacles to get robowaifus?

>> No.1884576

> tfw robowaifu has visible confusion when encountering stairs
very cute

>> No.1885047
File: 258 KB, 1200x600, b0dcd24e0036d5c4fd2ba721a2e77c0b8cb336e53bf1253e5ae796b654097c84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>1879273 (You)
>> What do you think will be the biggest obstacles to get robowaifus?
Not really my biggest concern. They will only take it serious when it's to late, also interests and politics are complex. Still: voice recognition and hands, but also the general relation between control, dynamics and touch seems to be difficult: https://youtu.be/A22Ej6kb2wo - Really hope we can solve that with some learning system. I'm not getting into this shit.

>> No.1885712

C-can you...fuck the robot?

>> No.1885861

This guy gets it.

>> No.1885971
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 1567990612675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C-can you...fuck the robot?
You mean Kibo-chan, the one in the intro picture. No I'm quite sure that's not the case. It's only a companion (in that version).

No, walking isn't so important, stairs aside.

>> No.1886802
File: 375 KB, 822x519, cart_escalator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason to walk instead of roll is if you have to deal with stairs or ladders. And even then, it wouldn't be difficult to modify stairs or ladders to use a track system similar to pic related.

>> No.1886809

Btw, forgot to mention this, but I want to add that in the sort of setup I'm thinking of, instead of having the track move, I'd have treads on the robot/android that would hook onto the track.

>> No.1886879

You are on the right track OP, first step is being a faggot.

>> No.1887431

roastie seethe

>> No.1887823

That would be extremely costly for the already limited robot battery. Your house has unlimited power, you should use it wherever you can.
Honestly the entire thing should just be on moving tracks. Remove that half of the equation entirely.

>> No.1887824

It'd be harder on the robot, but it'd mean less devices overall to maintain. Having to deal with several motors with chains around the house is a hell of a lot harder to deal with than keeping the moving parts limited to the robot.

>> No.1887826

This ain't a supermarket escalator, you don't have lardasses straining it to the limit every day
Perhaps a compromise: the ability to climb unaided, but only use it as a backup when the tracks are out.

>> No.1887833

There's another issue I just thought of regarding having the tracks move, though: you'd have to have the robot be able to communicate with the tracks; so that the tracks could switch directions, only turn on when needed, etc.. That introduces more possibilities for things to go wrong, as opposed to using fixed tracks.

>> No.1888008
File: 2.64 MB, 720x1280, 1593615578487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another clip.

>> No.1888046
File: 636 KB, 1369x2435, 5f4e3c4e59c9e7a4f16e3cc227823731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these take over the world

>> No.1888058

An umbrella is a retarded design for a solar panel array.

>> No.1888467
File: 11 KB, 256x144, t_69c99950ffb9ac5840240b501e32f843-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art and SciFi doesn't need to be realistic. Also, those solar elements could be cheap, then it doesn't matter.

>> No.1888607

It's not raining.

>> No.1888801
File: 2.60 MB, 1280x720, 004.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another guy's stuff I found on twitter:

>> No.1888859
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x720, knife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888887
File: 535 KB, 1550x1258, RoadtoDataScientistGraphic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to get started?
How to make it better: Pic related.

>> No.1888917
File: 860 KB, 500x281, chii .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, take me back to 4chan in 06 when times were simpler
Scrolling through and seeing that pic gave me a rush.

>> No.1889135

> Look into MGTOW
Cucked. Just don't give money to women, especially not for sex.

>> No.1889137

There's literally femoids campaigning against dolls right now. Lolidolls are already banned in several countries, what makes you think they're going to stop there? They hate men.

>> No.1889147

How was it, Anon? It's been over a decade now, how was it? I want to experience it for myself, the latter end of the golden age.

>> No.1889197

>really? What if a psychobuys a cat specifically so he can torture it? What haooens when one gets old and gets thrown away?
>It's the same thing.

We absolutely need to fix our human ageing and resultant mortality. See: Aubrey de Grey sens.org btw.

>> No.1889200

>She doesn't have to love me
>I just have to love her
Regular women will gladly suffice for that.

>> No.1889206

>Houses have stairs in them fairly often

That's easy. She could climb stairs sat astride the back of her Boston Dynamics Spot.

-Now how cool is that? -And it is emminently do-able.

>> No.1889208

>>being so ugly and autistic you have to build your own wife
>Hephaestus would be proud.

>> No.1889213

Very rough-and-ready approach is to link Alexa.

>> No.1889214
File: 11 KB, 200x200, surfing_headgirl_by_gamera1985-d5i7nez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no centaur waifu to lovingly ream my asshole with her BD stallion attachment
life is suffering

>> No.1889228 [DELETED] 
File: 747 KB, 2000x3000, 0kamoto0ekaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but I don't love real women

>> No.1889347

Okay, lolidolls are only illegal when looking like a real child. Making anything illegal beyond that is more difficult. In US you have a very wide definition for freedom of speech, and in general campaigning against sexual freedom is hard in western countries, especially when there are no direct human victims. Then, it's also about DIY dolls and robowaifus, or at least decentralized production. When you don't let anyone visit your house or apartment, how could anyone even know?

>> No.1889413

>DIY dolls and robowaifus, or at least decentralized production
I do see this as being the more likely route at least in the near-term.
Hobby electronics, 3d printing, and programming are more accessible than ever to the average person nowadays.

>> No.1889428
File: 907 KB, 612x786, DS Doll Robots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but not really many people seem to work on it. However, Real Dolls and DS Dolls also give it a shot as well. Feminists stopping this, isn't really happening. Not every crazy leftist plan succeeds. You can't stop the signal.

>> No.1889478
File: 193 KB, 1038x1138, robowaifu prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Napkin-sketch idea for the "Ideal" robowaifu
>somewhat humanoid appearance
>"sexy" without going into uncanny valley
>no fake skin or legs to animate = lower production, R&D costs

>> No.1889482
File: 13 KB, 1350x720, waifubot 0.1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, a slightly more "realistic" approach

>> No.1889485
File: 693 KB, 3074x4096, IMG_20200616_225209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, not for me. But, 70-80% might be the same how others would do it. There seems to be a general split, between those which absolutely want them to be mobile and those which care more about the human-like look, and would rather carry them around, drive in some kind of chair or something like it.

>> No.1889747

Robowaifus will be the next big market

>> No.1889795

>not really many people seem to work on it
The FOSS and 'maker' communities are beyond pozzed, which is why waifu projects will be relegated to lone hobbyists who have no woke credit to lose.

>> No.1889850

I don't think "companion" robots trigger the average onions (as long as you didn't make them look like sex dolls), I think they just don't care about them.

>> No.1889930
File: 79 KB, 675x1200, 1588464263509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't even anything attractive about 3d lolis. They need to make more dolls that are closer to 2d lolis.

>> No.1890277
File: 581 KB, 1324x2038, 37a5f924f0227f368b9940abed4ba712-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy with his elfdroid waifu on the pic moves forward, one step at a time. He also has his threads on /robowaifu/, though I won't link to it, since it's another imageboard and some here are itchy about that.

He uploads his STL files: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1xWilMfWDZnrt30E1Uw7hlWe6JmaigKQF

>> No.1890571

For some people the chance to get a girlfriend that loves you is really 0%,

>> No.1890583

Well, I have dreamed of a robo waifu for 4 years. If you're a millionaire richfag you can build one today. The hard part isn't building the robowaifu. It's making it affordable for mortals. You can go out and buy a bunch of servos for $500 a piece. You'll need like 30 of them and build what OP posted but bigger. There is a reason spot costs 75k USD even though it's a less complicated robot. Robots are bloody expensive.

>> No.1890586

>Legs are hard but not impossible:


>> No.1890588
File: 262 KB, 797x446, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, yes. loneliness does kill men, women however have no understanding of the loneliness men face because they have an endless supply of people willing to be with them for company even if they're hateful ass bitches because women, no matter the aesthetic, are desired in society, men are not.

>> No.1890646

Holy F... I thought this was fake, for a moment. It's a small one, though. Little robot steps, but big step for mankind.

>> No.1890982
File: 120 KB, 600x800, edaca1ab86583f7dbbe59c4a1a4ab832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big enough, amigo

>> No.1891026

That's some serious Hank Hill ass.

>> No.1891251

>whats your idea for a better portable energy source?
terms of conserving energy, reducing the amount accumulated by the sun would help reduce internal temps, it would be credible -especially in bright/hot climates

real dream would be nuclear small scale batteries

>> No.1892239
File: 270 KB, 960x720, 0f762af62df80e2cc0c693f6e02c65e64b617396aadd1d58104ff8038dd73154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Direct ethanol fuel cell, homemade: https://youtu.be/9Ubhrr5GdQo

>> No.1892248

But anyway, an alcoholic waifubot that pees vinegar would be pretty dandy. I hope ethanol fuel cells become more efficient than the one featured in that video, though

>> No.1892660

So it's possible for bender to be real after all

>> No.1893126

Had the same thought, but joking aside, we are rather building a stripper which consumes Vodka as nutrition then.

>> No.1893925

>imagine the smell of her robot treads

>> No.1893927

bullshit. there is no fucking way the mouse is even partly working on that surface.

>> No.1893929
File: 97 KB, 540x318, nedsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1893953

Most basic version: https://youtu.be/138PYhmbh1k

>> No.1895370

albanian kibo.chan

>> No.1896138

this is so fucking creepy

>> No.1896226


This is my favourite video ever.

>> No.1897054

>this is so fucking creepy
Your quite alone with that. On Youtube it has a cute music added to it, though.

>> No.1897063

Can you fuck that?

>> No.1897088

Yes, it's a sex doll

>> No.1897224

Why does it have a snout, what the fuck

>> No.1897227

What? The face? The face is from a third party guy who only made a few.

>> No.1897231

Anime, Furry, Furrydom, Furryfandom.... https://furry-fandom.fandom.com/wiki/Furry_Fandom
Also helps with legal and cultural issues, if characters are supposed to look very young and/or are property of somebody.

>> No.1898241
File: 84 KB, 576x720, Courtney_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to join in the war effort in replacing women. I just don't know where to begin.

>> No.1898250

So is the glados eye replaceable with a fleshlight or whatm

>> No.1898256
File: 17 KB, 269x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strategically paced cavity?

>> No.1898282

There is actually a book with that plot.
It probably won't happen for moral reasons, but I often wonder if you could create a biological computer instead of an electric one. Basically grow brain cells, but in a way that doesnt produce consciousness but can still be used for number crunching, image recognition etc.

>> No.1898308
File: 92 KB, 635x903, al1569780750958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just how it was made. Likely it was diificult to mold the nose in the 3d form.

It has nothing to do with furry shit, it's supposed to be SS Laffey

>> No.1898322
File: 180 KB, 820x726, 1837516547-1936781-dr_light___mega_man_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he build a prepubescent android with a vagina?

>> No.1898327
File: 698 KB, 1038x1472, 1596563544476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know

>> No.1898858
File: 576 KB, 1548x728, 1abbecb9e3acd63c79af4940caff1de70aec7baa9a630869cf16ec67b3dd05b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick something to learn from electronics, 3d printing, programming, graph databases, deep learning, machine learning, e-motors like servos and steppers, silicone rubber molding, robotics/animatronics, sculping, CAD, ... Even paper mache might help... Youtube is very helpful, but even twitter and Reddit, also specific /robowaifu/ ressources...
Build something, improve.

>> No.1899072

Requesting more information on this image

>> No.1899187
File: 287 KB, 200x200, you absolute madman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's sort of inspiring to know that we live in an era where it's possible for any random loser to solder themselves up a pet with just a little research and $50 worth of materials.
this fucking thread, holy gods, it is now officially the future.

>> No.1899190

Thanks anon, its my first thread and I'm glad other /diy/tards are interested in this topic aswell!

>> No.1899191
File: 81 KB, 813x1024, frentime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon here, damn I had the perfect picture for this, showed the progress of 4chan well. will post if i find it. have this instead.

>> No.1899192

This guy is clearly autistic severely autistic.

>> No.1899195

What if this was alinity cat.

>> No.1899199

Face was made by a 3rd party guy who I think has a twitter.
Reverse search the image and use it in the archives /a/'s probably your best bet

>> No.1899201

the one with the girl going more and more crazy?

>> No.1899375
File: 150 KB, 796x1200, bcd883f66ec8d464809180ab4d4fce07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah, why would be build a sexy loli?

>> No.1899445

Somehow I don't feel that anyone even remotely capable of doing this kind of craft work deservesxto be titled a looser.

>> No.1899447

>I wonder how hard legs are that almost if not all of them have no legs.
The legs could have movement and therefore convey extra body language or static balance. Legs to do full standing balance and walking is much more demanding.

>> No.1899549
File: 193 KB, 1064x1280, i am here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always interpreted it as more and more depressed, but yes that one.

>> No.1899690

kinda creppy tho

>> No.1899693

hummmm, does it evolves into a fucking gigantic dragon?????

>> No.1899775

Why? It's beautiful.

-Modern world seems intolerant of things of beauty. 18th century valued creating automata.

>> No.1899780

They have souls.

>> No.1899788

Yes, I will praise him in a furry house, duh

>> No.1900073
File: 27 KB, 490x411, 2g89kjs2l3g41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to fuck the digimon
>go to jail
Sum fuckin bullshit man

>> No.1900560
File: 25 KB, 575x250, hrp-4ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the hrp-4c?

>> No.1901643

She won't love you back anon.

>> No.1901688

/m/ here opening this board for the first time in ages.
god bless you all and god bless robot wives.

>> No.1901899
File: 62 KB, 633x758, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.1901904

Just like a real woman.

>> No.1902013
File: 5 KB, 207x158, 43703399_1036241216549421_904333753906626560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love the smug expression and playful attitude.

Any more of this?

>> No.1902025

Its name is Kibo-chan, the guy behind it also made a youtube channel

>> No.1902048
File: 293 KB, 1080x1262, IMG_20200811_185713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Irrelevant. Also, biofemales might not be capable of love.
Youtube, Twitter, /robowaifu/

>> No.1902145
File: 689 KB, 1100x825, 20200901_125306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you see shit like this and not want to lynch the fucker who's behind it

>> No.1902159


>> No.1902335
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1440, 1f9b646e1a5825ced5dd963f63262434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, real stuff idk, but you could play Maitetsu for some smug lolis.

>> No.1902413
File: 230 KB, 694x982, 0e549bc2e850055d00feee9201893af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool shit.

The music really adds alot to it.

>> No.1902415
File: 64 KB, 593x796, 235768a1a9c48c628d8cb5fd0e1d7319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in our lifetime.

>> No.1902424
File: 28 KB, 378x434, 1479174295490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad we will not even exist as a memory when Armitage III level waifus hit the scene.

>> No.1902440

>Biological computers
Depends what you understand by that. We CAN technically make a computer with modified neural structures that become glorified transistors. But why? Why would you do that when modern consumer-grade CPUs have 1000x the computing power of a human brain at only 1% of the size?

>> No.1902446

I mean with biological computers could you just fill up different tubes with the hormones/emotions that exist in a normal person brain, then like inject the emotions into the brain? Then the brain itself is doing the work of deciding on the reaction of something, instead of something pre-made

>> No.1902580

Get arduino kit, get 5 and 12 v power source. Get some extra steppers to play with. Google how to control steppers with arduino. Get some udemy course on programming in arduino sdk. Making this robot is extremly easy ( just takes time ), if he is not doing any intelligent functions and just follows simple code, like I see that one does

>> No.1902584

And use internal timer to delay action of individual stepper, delay freezes everything in place

>> No.1902648
File: 15 KB, 474x245, download-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. You don't know how fast progress might go. Also, we don't need fighters like Armitage or Alita. Housewives with limited range are sufficient, and AI is in development anyways.
On that note, I can get cheap Nema motors, but with board they are more expensive, twice the price sometimes. Do I need those, or can I go with Arduinos? Also there are always cheap stepper boards for sale on Ali, which create a signal. What's the best way to do it? ... Maybe I should just google for it. Any resource recommendation?

>> No.1902655

Afaik a brain still has much more computing power, it's just that it's hard for humans to do formal math and so on but the subconscious calculation required to keep our balance, recognize faces etc. are still much more advanced than any electronic computer.

>> No.1902841
File: 45 KB, 400x343, 1457429561491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Burnbot.

>> No.1903052

Errrm, by being quite normal, I guess. Why this rage? And a woman made that image.

>> No.1903053

you need a driver board for the steppers, preferable one that already has connections for an arduino.
Now, most of these boards are for 3D printers and only have capabilities for 4 to 6 steppers.
If you need more, you might want to use either multiple boards and stepper drivers which accept commands over SPI, or use a ton of wires to connect all their step/dir pins to some arduino with lots of IO.
SPI will be more expensive, but chances are you can get some nice drivers which support silent mode - I would recommend something like the TMC2130, just make sure whatever you use has an arduino library, so you don't have to figure that out yourself.

>> No.1903069

Motors require high voltages and current compared to what an adruino can produce. You need something to power the motors and interface between the digital low power signal and the high power required by the motor.
Stepper drivers are extremely cheap.
A controller, on the other had, is a component which does some computations for you. That's separate from a driver, though you can buy combined units.
These things are not expensive, but you need to learn what you're doing.

>> No.1903074

To add to this, there are different stepper drivers that can make the same stepper motor move completely silent or be obnoxiously loud.

If you want a cute robot get some good stepper drivers that make it silent

>> No.1903214

Yeah, I remember to have read some of that stuff before. It was just hard to remember. I got confused by the fact, that offers for steppers often come with a option for a driver and without, but in that case it's often more expensive with it, while same time there are also offers for cheap drivers or pwm signal generators. Basicly I now see three options: Buying steppers with a driver, buy cheap separate driver board or a better one with SPI option.
I'll plan to start by using the cheap boards I already have. I bought sometimes one while ordering other stuff bc it was cheap, but I didn't know if this even made sense. Just bought it, and thought I'll look into it later.

>> No.1903284
File: 287 KB, 800x800, 9388ecc0a1fd03174adcbfd80e316a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What movements would you even want on your bot waifus?
Cute movements like the companion bots or r18 stuff?

>> No.1903309

I'd still punch that woman

>> No.1903313

Punching people for creating pictures... Get a therapist or overthink your approach to life, whatever. You know about sites like NineHentai, E-Hentai, Hentai-Fox, ...? It's pointless to punch people or getting upset about such things.

>What movements would you even want on your bot waifus?
>Cute movements like the companion bots or r18 stuff?
What's that supposed to mean? If they can move, then they can do both, or not?!?

>> No.1903319

Some guys might just want a sex doll so they don't need the extra work for the cute realistic stuff

>> No.1903441
File: 65 KB, 572x768, 8-robot-paintings-by-hajime-sorayama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre all wrong, robot waifus should look like this

>> No.1903442
File: 291 KB, 801x1200, HS_sculpture_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full scale mockup

>> No.1903444
File: 917 KB, 882x1200, 4-172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1903488

Kind of hot. Probably more realistic than recreating a human look too.

>> No.1903534
File: 429 KB, 958x537, 76546754674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We simply punch the competition

>> No.1903535
File: 858 KB, 1764x2508, __yakihebi_s_brown_haired_loli_original_drawn_by_yakihebi__a1496ed113b66733cb7f0be14e111887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute movements like the companion bots or r18 stuff?
Both of course, I'm going to marry her after all

>> No.1903570
File: 390 KB, 533x800, IMG_20200905_174401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youre all wrong, robot waifus should look like this
Whatever you like. It might even be easier, but I don't like it at all.

>Kind of hot. Probably more realistic than recreating a human look too.
Once again, Fembot Erica, not a drawing: https://youtu.be/0yUyBuUcM3Y

>> No.1903786

Recovery is impossible

>> No.1904242
File: 13 KB, 160x256, t_4603f0e5de29264b6c872813622c0f14be30f31f8f9797dfab66bdcec9f4a8a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News: One prototype, named Elfdroid Sophie, is currently going forward the fastest and available as files: https://mega.nz/folder/lj5iUYYY#Zz5z6eBy7zKDmIdpZP2zNA and unrelated from that, there are devs of hands for protheses like here https://youtu.be/Zi-s_RQNokw and here https://youtu.be/99RzNBQF6g8 which might also be useful.

>> No.1904301
File: 30 KB, 414x736, chuchu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd punch any woman

>> No.1904647
File: 48 KB, 600x450, IMG_3822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver is one thing, already quite limiting, but not having a face isn't for me.

>> No.1904938

Kibo-chan: Well done. https://youtu.be/X3f7KEIgCuo

>> No.1905480

>dead eyed thots
just get a real girlfriend

>> No.1905517
File: 852 KB, 2976x1984, 7efe61b874298e071ad69ce523b6fe8aa5d531824984237d613feae8196a0d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I want to own something. Not submit to some princess, entitled by the government. Also humanoid robots could be amazing, especially if they we like Cameron.

>> No.1905994

Looks like a final fantasy character

>> No.1906374
File: 28 KB, 360x480, Cameron_Action_Figure_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know, stole the pic somewhere. With Cameron I meant the one from >>1903570 (Terminator SCC).

>> No.1906604
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>> No.1906605

6 legs plus 2 arms would be more stable, and big tiddy spider grills are hawt

>> No.1906609

Unless you are a man with a skill and get older.
I get no greater satisfaction than seeing women who were hot shit when they were younger and now you can see the unconcealed fear in their eyes as they turn 26 and they have no husband, no skills, and no career.

>> No.1906918

I have a totally different experience. I am in my 30s and all women I know love their jobs, still like to party and have more than enough sex and love.

>> No.1906948

>women in their 30s still trying to party

That must be nasty and sad...

>> No.1907010

>>186581You can do it both ways, with steppers or servos, that guy is using servos like ones in this tutorial.


You can just follow this one and create robotic arm and you will acuire expirience of making that doll

>> No.1907168

>Right now in this world of open-source software and free information, it might actually be possible for a retarded college dropout to lazily assemble a robot capable of thinking on a level rivaling relatively intelligent insects and like hell am I going to squander this extremely rare opportunity.

>> No.1907171
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Accept anime girls. If you honestly accept her you will never be lonely.
I'm not just talking about the significant other role, you can fill the daughter void too. And she will also never grow up to become a slut.
It truly is the perfect solution, simply lose your mind.

>> No.1907222
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I think for the face I would do something like this

although I don't like the hair, it's offputting, I think maybe I'd use plastic or rubber like on figurines

>> No.1907266

Learn how to code
Learn embedded systems
Learn mechanical engineering
Learn electrical engineering

>> No.1907267

i want one

>> No.1907274

Walking is one thing, but what happens when the robot trips & falls? Can it pick itself up?

>> No.1907298

I wrote steppers before, I meant servos, just follow that guide on robotic arm, and controlling servos with arduino is piece of cake. Learn how to use internal timer to delay the action so you can run big numbers of servos with one controller

>> No.1907321

i can't

>> No.1907325

>6 legs plus 2 arms would be more stable, and big tiddy spider grills are hawt
Could roll around, on top of it: https://youtu.be/jGP5NxcCyjE
This here with a female torso on top would be stuff for nightmares, but could also be kind of fascinating and attractive: https://youtu.be/5xHtfD_Hewk

>> No.1907827

I remember from school one of the girls had no inhibitions on using sex for favours, starting at age 12. She died fully dissipated about 30 years old. Another girl who looked really nice but was a bit unstable now has demonstrated what she really is like. I cannot remember if she had 3 children with 5 men, or 5 children with 3 men but it sure is a train wreck.

All I wanted was a nice, mentally stable girl. Now I see I was asking for too much.

>> No.1908209

Getting into electronics and SBCs like Raspi and Arduino might also a good starting point. You can get very cheap motors like stepper, dc, and a bit more expensive servos on AliExpress. This site here also has boards for that: /ohm/ and /mcg/ but please don't forget to come back...

>> No.1908749

how does this work?? is it some sort of projector inside ?

>> No.1908887

Her name is Kibo-chan, you can look up a lot of the build on the creators twitter @ segawachobbies

>> No.1908913

yes, internal projection compensating for the curvature of the surface. they use the same tech for the faces of new(er) animatronics at disney world.

>> No.1909795

>tfw shook it too much

>> No.1910041
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China is pushing it hard: https://youtu.be/BRmbbqUhpts
One child policy, female fetuses got aborted, now they need to build women on their own. If we want that to be open source, we have to hurry...

>> No.1910678

Thats actually a really good idea, as it lets you easily customize the face, once you have the electronics behind it set up.

>> No.1911149
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Learn 3d printing, modelling, CAD, electronics, ...

I don't like it, but tastes differ.

>> No.1911290

You just know

>> No.1911309
File: 46 KB, 527x440, 1523020367106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucking pathetic
just start beating your wife like god intended and you will beat her into submission
bunch of retards and losers

>> No.1911336

The future is scary, very very fucking scary.

>> No.1911512

What's so scary about a cute animated doll / Robowaifu? Also, since this isn't very attractive and you can put cameras into the eyes, I don't think that's gonna be the way.

>> No.1911748
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Contribute, then it's going faster. It also depends hugely on what you want.

Did anyone print that, or try anything else. There are much more people excited about Robowaifus than people working on it.

>> No.1911758

Cute. Shows that an android does not need to be ultra-realistic for humans to accept them as companions. Now we just need people to do the proper programming.

>> No.1911761

Boston Dynamics has spent years and millions on this one thing alone. It is hard, one of the biggest hurdles if you want robots like Data or C-3PO.
Why? You can get your dream husbando too.

>> No.1911766

wow, all i want to do is reprogram its LCD-eyes to display hell fire, hairy bubbling kneecaps, or meatspinning dicks

>> No.1911832
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Building heavy robots that can walk long distances on difficult terrain is much harder than building ones which only need to walk from one room to another.

>> No.1911887

but what if the robot also beats the wife with you?

>> No.1911916

Please don't feed the troll. Reality: One would loose all his assets to divorce and lawyers, then prison and having to pay child support, maybe more prison if not able to pay.

>> No.1912324

Doesn't look as uncanny valley as I would expect, anime-style robogirls should only improve further if this trend keeps up.

>> No.1912341
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Uncanny valley has been debunked anyways. Creepy robots look creepy, it's not about how close their looks are to a human. What do you think of fembot Erica? https://youtu.be/CPWS69ERzeU

>> No.1912888

But what if I want to go hiking or have kinky outdoor sex on the beach or mountain peak with my robot waifu?

I don't think uncanny valley is going to be that much of a deal. With people brought up on anime, vidya,cgi, etc, I think people will be more accepting if their robot doesn't look 100% realistic, but have more cartoonish features. We have had a lot of advancements in the past few years, Disney for example now have a few animatronics that can form words properly with their mouths. This can be a huge step towards making the robots seem more normal.

>> No.1912900


Which one is the robot?

>> No.1913018
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>>>1911832 (You)
>But what if I want to go hiking or have kinky outdoor sex on the beach or mountain peak with my robot waifu?
Later... One step after the other.

>Which one is the robot?
Kek, it's still obvious.

>> No.1913077


>> No.1913405
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>>>1913018 (You)
If I build her, she's mine. And all her sisters as well.

>> No.1913414

It's using some kind of servos as joints and u control it using htc vive controller
Yt channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWyHOrT9uk1g8eAsjNf6ULQ

>> No.1913418

And that is not getting into gamma, beta and alpha level AI. In short, from mundane to supergenius level of intelligence.

>> No.1913539

That's not how dibs work.

>> No.1914410

What if she had no legs but could crawl? Would look a little wierd but I'm sure yall could get used to it

>> No.1914516
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What's the point? She could crawl with pretty legs, walk on all fours, have wheels on her feet, boots with wheels or a little car to sit on, having some kind of wheelchair, or being carried around, ...

>> No.1914542

No one wanted to post the Rice Cooker Wife?
She and Ponko are great

>> No.1914545
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>> No.1914579

Good, but no time for it...

>> No.1914583
File: 634 KB, 1674x2500, mah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should make time for your wife and/or robo maids

>> No.1915294
File: 384 KB, 1676x1054, Inventor-carrying-his-unfinished-waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>1914579 (You)
>You should make time for your wife and/or robo maids
I only lack time, because I'm spending nearly all of my time getting to build a real one... Lot's of things to learn, buy and test.

>> No.1915297

In that case, Bless you

>> No.1915516

>Uncanny valley has been debunked
citation needed.

also how is this thread still up

>> No.1915796
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>also how is this thread still up
Because everyone loves cute anime girls on 4chan

>> No.1915826
File: 694 KB, 1200x1600, 3e9f1b8dc4a861fdcecdc56bdb9f224f4718ed82cf3ffa259c0e9d06f2cea283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Uncanny valley
>also how is this thread still up
It about diy girlfriends, diy wifes, and such. This is a diy board, so it isn't OT. The other boards did archive similar threads, though.

>> No.1916329
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To get back to the DIY part: InMoov parts could be usefull for building Robowaifus as well. InMoov is an OpenSource robot, parts are available an Thingiverse for example.

>> No.1916425
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>also how is this thread still up
You know where you are??