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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 20 KB, 440x440, Dremel_4000_Rotary_Tool_Outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1893415 No.1893415 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth getting legit dremel instead of a chink knockoff for half the price?

>> No.1893418

Dremel are cheaply made and you pay for the brand.

>> No.1893419

I have 3 of the Wen versions. So long as you pay attention to the duty cycle, they seem to last. I've had all of mine for over 3 years and they see regular use. I had to replace the bushings on one of them last month.

>> No.1893421

Buy the basic dremel.
Every chink knockoff I have used vibrates like crazy and is a piece of shit that smoked itself
Dremels and smooth, its thats extremely important. The chink ones are awful to actually use.

>> No.1893487
File: 282 KB, 606x1220, 1588721685108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dremel are cheaply made and you pay for the brand.
Leave diy rabbi Slumlordburg.

>> No.1893490

Buy a overhead flex shaft rotary tool, or a Rotozip style router with a flex shaft attachment. The later being the most versatile since it doubles as a light duty router.

>> No.1893507

This guy was proven to be a wetback btw, which is why he is clamoring about Dremel. Its made in mexico.

>> No.1893516
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>proven to be a wetback

>> No.1893521

You know what the Jews did?
They outsourced Dremel manufacturing from the USA to Mexico, and you are sitting here sucking their dick for it.

>> No.1893525

Go ahead and spend more money on Chinese goods, goy, don't actually choose to employ a near-shoring effort that may actually employ a few spics instead of communist chink bugs and therefore keep that spic in Mexico instead of bean jumping our borders
Better get your final words in, Hymie, before shabbos.

>> No.1893537

You were so gung ho on Made in the USA, yet now here we are and you just love american jobs being given to mexicans in mexico.
Lord knows how you feel about mexicans in the US taking our jobs too. You must be thrilled.

>> No.1893543

Enjoy paying double for a tool that gets smoked as soon as you do some real work with it to own the commies.
My cheap shit Lidl rotary tool survived enough abuse to kill ten Dremels.

>> No.1893551

>You were so gung ho on Made in the USA, yet now here we are and you just love american jobs being given to mexicans in mexico.
>Lord knows how you feel about mexicans in the US taking our jobs too. You must be thrilled.
It's all the doing of your fellow Jew tribesman. I can't hate a spic for doing the best it can in a world Jewish investment bankers created. Truth is if every Jew dropped dead tomorrow a large chunk of the inequality and wrongdoing in the world would be reduced significantly. Major wars would be a distant memory. The world could start to heal.

>> No.1893555

>My cheap shit Lidl rotary tool survived enough abuse to kill ten Dremels.
You have never owned a Dremel, and I find your hyperbole laughable. Now go be a kike shill on pol where the MIGA goons still buy what you're selling, merchant.

>> No.1893559

Hey everyone in this thread, remember what I posted here >>1893507

Was I right or was I right?

>> No.1893562

Oh and just remember this guy said he lived in Santa Cruz and grew pot for a living
Has spic written all over him

>> No.1893566

I've owned both a Dremel and a Proxxon.
Because like an idiot I thought I was buying something decent and sturdy.

Maybe, they're tough enough to carve walnuts or whatever you're doing with it. But give it some steel to eat, let it experience some stalls and they quickly break. Yet the cheap tool is still going strong with the same abuse.

>> No.1893567
File: 282 KB, 720x563, 1592999870219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate Mexicans like the Jew media wants me to
>stop that goy you're supposed to get sucked into my divide and conquer trap to keep your focus off of my kike schemes
Like I said, post nose.

>> No.1893568

>>I don't hate Mexicans like the Jew media wants me to

I thought the jew media was pushing for immigration reform and to love the mexicans
Which one is it?
You cant have it both ways

>> No.1893572

>I thought the jew media was pushing for immigration reform and to love the mexicans
>Which one is it?
>You cant have it both ways

>what is reverse psychology
The Jew owns the left and the right and wants the goyim at each other's throats so that we never put aside our differences and look at you and your kike scheming and roll you into a ditch and sprinkle lye on your corpse to cleans the earth of your filth and move on with our lives without the plague that is Judaism.

>> No.1893576

lol, you are truly a piece of work. Its the left jew media until its something you love like Mexico, then suddenly its "they own literally everything".
The mental gymnastics with this guy is pretty amusing.

>> No.1893583

>lol, you are truly a piece of work. Its the left jew media until its something you love like Mexico, then suddenly its "they own literally everything".
>The mental gymnastics with this guy is pretty amusing.
Peak strawman. Quote my post talking about the "Left Jew Media" because it isn't there. You fucking vermin. And Jews do own the media, that's a demonstrable fact. They also own Zognald Trump, and the entire right wing Zionist anti BDS scum. The kike billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson bailed Trump out to the tune of billions of dollars in bad debt and the Kikes got the Golan Heights and the American Embassy moved to Jerusalem directly because of it. There is nothing in this world more vile and contemptible than an antichrist Zionist kike.

>> No.1893586

>Quote my post talking about the "Left Jew Media" because it isn't there.
Im not going back through the last 5 threads or so you have derailed with your crazy conspiracy talk.
You know, the ones where you repeatedly sucked the dick of mexicans?

You dont understand how fucking dumb you look and sound.

>> No.1893590

>Im not going back through the last 5 threads or so you have derailed with your crazy conspiracy talk.
>You know, the ones where you repeatedly sucked the dick of mexicans?

>I'm not going to talk about the "find in page" function in Case because I have been caught jewing like the jewy Jew that I am
Pathetic and weak, rabbi.

>> No.1893594

You really arent worth putting much time or effort into appeasing.

>> No.1893595

keeps replying
Low energy.
It isn't hard to post nose though. Just flip your phone into selfie mode and post it.

>> No.1893598

>Low energy.
Stop posting kike buzzwords designed to brainwash you from Zognald Trump

>> No.1893601
File: 15 KB, 320x165, 2812047854_6f23091a74_n~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hasn't made a single point

>> No.1893607

I dont understand how you can go off about "Zognald Trump" and then sit and spout off his taglines. Maybe you should post your nose anon.

>> No.1893614

A silly meme is a silly meme, especially when it triggers leftist faggots like yourself. I can hate the left and the right and still have a special place in my heart for hating leftist communist genderqueer faggots the most. What does that have to do with Mexicans though?

>> No.1893633

>What does that have to do with Mexicans though?
Nothing which is why everyone is wondering why you are posting it in this thread. Its very out of place, though your ranting has been out of place in every thread youve derailed.

>> No.1893646

I am monitoring this thread. Had this question on my mind too in recent weeks. Would be cool to have it answered.

>> No.1893648

Uh, you're the one who first mentioned Mexico and Mexicans, rabbi.
I was talking about tools until you derailed this thread talking about Mexicans.
>This guy was proven to be a wetback btw, which is why he is clamoring about Dremel. Its made in mexico.
You seem to hate any tool that isn't made in China. Very telling.

>> No.1893653

>You seem to hate any tool that isn't made in China. Very telling.
I dont get extremely triggered about country of origin no matter where its from, I actually told OP to buy the Dremel branded tool.
I didnt tell him to buy the dremel because I lived in santa cruz and sold a bunch of weed to mexicans though.

>> No.1893664

>I lived in santa cruz and sold a bunch of weed to mexicans though.
You sell weed to Mexicans?

>> No.1893668

Yes, and I buy gemstones and pretty rocks by the boxful

>> No.1893674

>Yes, and I buy gemstones and pretty rocks by the boxful
So you're a diamond merchant, unironically?
Post nose.

>> No.1893680
File: 473 KB, 680x486, 1584048381522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this thread is overtaken by two retards calling each other rabbis.
Rotary tools are mostly a meme, which is why no American manufacturer bothers to make them. Why do you think you need one?

>> No.1893686


Before buying anything, OP, you should check out this real-world comparison on YouTube:


>> No.1893689

You know that really doesn't work anymore with embeds.

>> No.1893692

Nigger, please. Just get a good die grinder.

>> No.1894041


I was given a cheap chinesium knockoff cordless. There is a tool shortage and my dad said it was on backorder for a few months and wanted me to have it for my Bday. It didn't cut things on any setting lower than 80%. At that speed or higher it vibrated in my hand to the point of discomfort. Turns out that it spins much slower than the regular cordless dremel.

I went to the pawn shop next to publix near my place and bought an almost new Dremel 4000 for $26 with taxes. I asked about the case. They pulled out the original case, with the receipt and warranty, and a bunch of expensive attachments. I already had a 200 piece set that came with the cheap chinese thing, the Dremel case had a bunch of cool stuff like the router attachment.

The Dremel brand works significantly better, has little vibration, and I sanded down an entire, intricate oak vanity using it with some sandpaper wheels and a detail sander. I even cut out a section of base boards for a big diy built in shelf for the misses.

>> No.1894043

I should say that I like the shitty 12v workpros size and I like the speed dial. It has a 1-10 on it whereas the dremel is 1, 2, 3 indicating the x10,000 rpms. The workpro has a max of about 22 or 24 I think.

>> No.1894134

I think about buying a 5V MulitPro Tool from Ali, for 13€. For drilling small holes and occasionally cutting plastics and thin wood. Try to stop me.

>> No.1894138

It uses a DC power supply?
Stay away from those. The chinky power supply is going to break quickly with a high current inductive load.
Use mains or battery powered.

>> No.1894141

Thanks. No, batteries and USB.

>> No.1894184

I bought a cordless battery powered unit that didn't hold a charge.

I got a corded one that runs like a mad bastard.

So I've had mixed results. I wouldn't trust Walmart or Harbor Freight ones though.

>> No.1895148

Any fellow europoors have experience with Proxxon?
I’ve heard mixed things about whether they’re a good alternative to Dremel.

>> No.1895413

I found one on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2159203

>> No.1895896

Oh, by all means, get the cheap chink knockoff.

They come with a prepaid pass to a racial sensitivity seminar, which you may find to be enlightening.

>> No.1895901

I bet Dremel has announced their support for BLM like any other American company.
While the chinks use niglets as a carpet.

>> No.1895915

What ever you do don't get a battery one.

>> No.1896786

Why? Not OP, but thinking of buying one for 13€. Not much money, but don't want to waste it.

>> No.1897376
File: 278 KB, 920x515, Captura de Tela 2020-07-30 às 14.40.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You working or you want to toss it into a drawer and use ocasionally?

Cause if you working, buy a compressor and a proper pneumatic one. Dremels are for amateurs who don't know what they want

>> No.1897390

Chinkshit's awful.
On a related note, are the motors or any of the electronics worth salvaging?

>> No.1897629
File: 158 KB, 347x256, Captura de Tela 2020-08-28 às 10.21.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Simple micro-switches, transistors and crappy 12-18v motors. One I had was catching on fire, because of the brushes low quality. It was so fragile, as if it was meant to be destroyed if you try to take it apart.

Nowadays not even washing machine motors are salvageable. They used to have awesome all-purpose mono-phase motors... now they fucking embed the stator on the chassis itself, so its almost impossible to fix or salvage anything. Sometimes they are framed, but in a very brittle open cage, in a weird configuration, making it hard to fix them on a surface

pic related, I have a motor like this working on a homemade compressor for almost 20 years now. It's working flawlessly. Removed from a washing machine found on a dumpster

>> No.1899636

I got the micromot from proxxon. It works well for models, kits, engraving and sculpt.
of course, it's not for intense heavy duty work.

>> No.1899649


you gotta be a troll

>> No.1900608


>> No.1900615

looks like an actor at school that liked to pretend to be unable to handle drinking ANY liquor. Ended up being a pretty heavy drinker without any visible alcohol effects. Also abused bad breath spray whenever around people he hated and was paid to fuck with.

>> No.1901284

Just buy it to use once a year