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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 113 KB, 350x262, Photo69medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1891715 No.1891715 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the situation /diy/

My 17 y/o little brother is acting really feminine and I worry he might be gay. I've raised him for most of his life and i want to have him learn a trade to hopefully get him started in a masculine field to get him to man up a bit while making a decent living at the same time.

What would be the best thing to get him into to keep him from becoming gay?

Pic possibly related we've been looking at a welding school nearby

>> No.1891717

Gay bread, only little faggots who try to convince themselves that Roman rules doesn't count as faggotry care about 'being tough'.

>> No.1891720

Why do you care what makes your brother happy? Afraid you might catch the gay?

>> No.1891728

Dude just let him do his own thing. If you try to force something on him and try to change him you'll only sour the relationship you two have and drive him away.

>> No.1891742

You don't just become gay. You are either molested into the club or you hate God so much he give you over.
>For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

>Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

>And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Has anyone molested him?

>> No.1891753

>Has anyone molested him?
You mean, besides OP?

>> No.1891771

Go back to Facebook

>> No.1891795
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>gayest trade
Why would you think welding would help him

>> No.1891798

The first thing that came to my mind. kek.

Welding? You mean isolating him from women by getting him into a job in a male dominated field, where dudes are jacked, get hot and sweaty every day, they go out and get really fucking drunk every night?

Reality is, he is fucking himself in the ass and blowing loads into his own mouth every single night. Learned it off pornhub and 4chan.
You cant stop it, the fact that you are seeing signs of it means behind closed doors he is in deep.

>> No.1891800
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You sure came up with those quick anon.
Have you been researching it a lot lately?
Do you have them memorized for when you feel immoral thoughts about other men?

>> No.1891802

>receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet
Is that just a biblical way of saying they took a load in their ass or what?

>> No.1891808

>If you try to force something on him and try to change him you'll only sour the relationship you two have and drive him away.

Sounds like OPs brother will be better off without him honestly

>> No.1891836

If he is actually a homo, nothing like that will help him at all, might even make it worse. If he's not a homo, there's not a lot of merit in trying to make him act tough just because he doesn't live up to your standards. If you find programming socks in his bedroom, you should start to worry.

>> No.1891842

It means they were rewarded with the AIDS and many other plagues from wrong-holing it rawdog.

>> No.1891843 [DELETED] 
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I just saw this.

>> No.1891846
File: 48 KB, 613x380, total-recall-red-pill1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this.

>> No.1891848

2nd sons have a high propensity toward being gay... something to do with the mother and hormones in addition to having an older brother to idolize...

>> No.1891850

Used to serve in the Navy and the boats' engineering chief was outwardly feminine doing all the stereotypical sissy mannerisms. But it's the Navy and don't-ask-don't-tell so we didn't really confirm if dude's gay. Anyway he revived a stalled generator twice in one sailing so no one had any qualms about his skills.

>> No.1891851

Seriously dude... Who cares if he is gay or not let him be who he wants to be.

>> No.1891858

Why are you watching conspiracy theory documentaries on youtube, and why are you searching out ones about gays?
Do you have deep dark thoughts anon? Be truthful

The bible was written 3500 years ago, they didnt add in a passage that would only be relevant in 1981.

>> No.1891860

God says its bad

>> No.1891863

>conspiracy theory
>The bible was written 3500 years ago
Kike, detected.
Shouldn't you be posting anti American comments in that thread we hijacked, you hooknose doublenigger?

>> No.1891866

Wood working probably. Not so much the activity itself, but you get to use a lot of what you can make, and that feeling of "I built this deck" "I built this bookshelf" is what makes me enjoy it

>> No.1891867

I'm just hoping to influence choices that will lead away from that kind of lifestyle rather than towards it if he is teetering on the edge of gayness rather than some angry screaming confrontation some of you seem to be imagining. It's not like that, I just want the best for the people I care about

Not that I know of

>Welding? You mean isolating him from women by getting him into a job in a male dominated field, where dudes are jacked, get hot and sweaty every day, they go out and get really fucking drunk every night?

As opposed to what? Working in a female dominated office setting where you're either one of the girls or get me too'd out of a job?

>> No.1891875

Holy fuck. Get over yourself.

>> No.1891876

>As opposed to what? Working in a female dominated office setting where you're either one of the girls or get me too'd out of a job?

Yes, absolutely
You can say "me too" and whatever other meme, but being around and interacting with women is the only way he is going to get a woman. Period.

>> No.1891879
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OP you should talk to him about the Marine Corps

>> No.1891881

Dilate, rabbi.

>> No.1891882

Where in the bible

>> No.1891886

Brilliant retort.

>> No.1891889

You know this dude is jerking off to traps every night, then post nut clarity starts looking up jesus shit on youtube because he feels guilty.

>> No.1891890

Why, in the cherry-picked and selectively interpreted part, of course.

>> No.1891891

Leviticus 20:13
>If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1
1 Corinthians 6, 9-11
>9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

>> No.1891893

I saw it on a youtube documentary

>> No.1891896
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>You know this dude is jerking off to traps every night, then post nut clarity starts looking up jesus shit on youtube because he feels guilty.
Even if I was I'd still be saved by Grace through faith. OP wants what's best for his brother, and being a faggot isn't a healthy way to live your life.

>> No.1891897

So OP should let his brother suck and fuck all the dudes he wants in his prime years, then just be saved by grace.
Win win for everyone right?

>> No.1891898

>nor idolaters
You realize that Jesus Christ is no less an idol than Buddha, Bodhisattva, Mohammed, Elvis Presley or the Tooth Fairy, right?

>> No.1891900

>OP wants what's best for his brother
No. OP wants what _he unilaterally and arbitrarily thinks_ is best for his brother.

>> No.1891901

We call that, the Trinity Loophole
Its all god so its not an idol

>> No.1891904

Have your shit pussy munchin brother lay tile to toughen up his knees baitfag

>> No.1891908

>So OP should let his brother suck and fuck all the dudes he wants in his prime years, then just be saved by grace.
>Win win for everyone right?
Not as rewarding as siring children and raising them to love the Lord.

>> No.1891910

People are having kids well into their 40s now.
Why lock yourself down so fast?
Live a little anon.

>> No.1891911
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>> No.1891912

>You realize that Jesus Christ is no less an idol
Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. Men where created in the image of God, and that image is Jesus. Jesus has always existed, he was born of a woman I to this world, but he existed before the world began. When God says in Genesis let US go down and make man in OUR image, it's the Father and Jesus, with the Holy Spirit breathed into the nostrils of Adam that inspire him with life and he became a living soul. Jesus is also known as the Word of God, and there isn't anything that was created without him. When God said Let there be light, that's Jesus.

>> No.1891913

Pair bonding is a thing. AIDS is also a thing.

>> No.1891914

>When God says in Genesis let US go down and make man in OUR image
Which translation was that one?

>> No.1891915

>Which translation
The Hebrew text aka the Masoretic text.

>> No.1891917

who is dat semen demon? built for BBC

>> No.1891919

(You) do (You), boss. I respect your devotion to your faith. However, you must respect that there are countless devotees of other faiths, and there are those for whom life is fulfilling and rich in human spiritual reward without the need for any supernatural faith. Just because you say, "I'm right and you're wrong," doesn't make it so.

>> No.1891918

OP you are just so fucking based

I recommend honestly looking into electrican work or welding

>> No.1891924

Did you do any research on AIDS other than that youtube documentary?
HIV and subsequent AIDS deaths arent really a problem in first world countries.
You oughta look that up, there are drugs that let you blow HIV positive dudes and not contract the virus, and there are drugs that make HIV positive dudes have 0 symptoms and unable to transmit it.

>> No.1891926

Even scientifically it is shown that homosexual activity is orders of magnitude more dangerous to your health than being straight and monogamous. OP doesn't want a life of depression and suffering for his little bro. It's a genetic dead end, life is more fulfilling to procreate and raise children despite what modernism tries to tell you. Have you ever seen a happy feminist?

If OP can nip the gay in the bud then his brother may just start smashing the right hole someday and not spend his life becoming gayer and gayer through porn and other brainwashing.

>> No.1891930

>You oughta look that up, there are drugs that let you blow HIV positive dudes and not contract the virus, and there are drugs that make HIV positive dudes have 0 symptoms and unable to transmit it.
I'm sold, sign me up!
Should I post a glory holes on /soc/ or should I just ease into it at my local gay bar?

>> No.1891932

>Even scientifically it is shown that homosexual activity is orders of magnitude more dangerous to your health than being straight and monogamous.
Lets see the citations
Im sure youve got them sitting around just in case your jerk off sessions get a little too rowdy and you need to repent

>> No.1891935

It kind of shits on the idea of a "gay plague" when all you have to do is take a pill and the "plague" is nonexistent and doesnt bother you.
Its great for monogamous hetero relationships too!
Praise god for he has given us the intellect to help others!

>> No.1891937
File: 50 KB, 1200x899, New-HIV-Infections-by-Race-and-Transmission-Group-2014-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Google?
Keep in mind that the actually gay population is a tiny fraction of the population while also representing the vast majority of new HIV transmission.

>> No.1891942

Where is the citation saying that " homosexual activity is orders of magnitude more dangerous to your health than being straight and monogamous."

>> No.1891948

In the graph. Despite being roughly 2% of the population gays breed more AIDS by several orders of magnitude than the other 98% of the population.

>> No.1891961

Holy shit, go back to the 80's. Life expectancy with HIV is over 70 now.

>> No.1891965

>Life expectancy with HIV is over 70 now.
>disease is 40 years old
>treatment drugs are 10 years old
>yay were totes not gonna die of AIDS before everyone else

>> No.1891971

I think you need to learn the difference between HIV and AIDS

>> No.1891976

How come so many straight people are getting a "gay plague"?

>> No.1891979

For that matter, why are no Lesbians getting the "gay plague"
Are lesbians exempt?

>> No.1891990

If you didn't want him to be gay, you shouldn't have molested him

>> No.1891992

He should just pray, god will take the gay away (even though god gave it to him in the first place)

>> No.1892081
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where the fuck is this DIY?

also, who the fuck are you to tell your brother how to lead his own life? so what you raised him that doesnt mean you own him. you are not his father. you are doing what you want let him do what he wants. if he wants to be feminine and go out and blow a bunch of twinks in a motel room on a saturday night then marry one of them a week later, who the fuck are you to tell him otherwise? mind your own business and let your brother be himself. if you were a real brother you would support him no matter what his lifestyle is not shun him for it. you unbelievable bastard

pic related. you are a dick

>> No.1892083


god can go fuck himself

>> No.1892090

You will never force that reaction image, its really shitty.

>> No.1892096
File: 30 KB, 480x360, foff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im not trying to force anything fucktard, I use whatever is fitting depending on how fuckin stupid OP is. now fuckoff

>> No.1892099

Thats an equally shitty image. Seriously step your game up.

>> No.1892101

>I raised him
>he is gay
Maybe you are closet gay and your bother is following.

>> No.1892114
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you mad bro?

>> No.1892171

>if you were a real brother you would support him no matter what his lifestyle is not shun him for it.
Shut the fuck up you incorrigible faggot. You don't know the first thing about morality or being a good person. Let alone being a good brother. Now go suckstart your boyfriend's AIDS nozzle.

>> No.1892176
File: 309 KB, 434x634, pedosurprised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up you incorrigible faggot. You don't know the first thing about morality or being a good person. Let alone being a good brother. Now go suckstart your boyfriend's AIDS nozzle.

wow, get a load of this newfag. did your pedophile uncle help you write that?

>> No.1892178

ITT faggots

>> No.1892182

Carpentry or electrician or any trade really. If you've raised him then I'm guessing there's no female figures. I was raised by just a dad a went through a girlie phase just as a way of trying to understand women because I'd not been around many. You're right to worry, he could go either way. I took a dick before I snapped out of it but today the pressures are far greater

>> No.1892185

If he is gay, this wont stop that.
He's just going to have a weird welding fetish.

>> No.1892195

I never implied i would shun him for it you colossal faggot, i just wanted to help guide him down the right path. Worst case scenario if sexuality really is immutable he would be more likely to turn into a straighter acting gayfag apart from that stereotypical lifestyle which is better than nothing tho i would rather he were straight and settled down with a nice girl.

>> No.1892222

>I took a dick before I snapped out of it but today the pressures are far greater

Glad to hear you're doing better. The fags tell people "that's just the way you are, it's not a choice" to make the latter feel trapped. Misery loves company.

>> No.1892223


You sound like a real jerk.

>> No.1892238

Fags acceptance is a mistake
They should be shunned, and they push acceptance and teaching it in schools so they can have mentally damaged little boys to fuck.

>> No.1892256

who cares bro

there's nothing which makes one more masculine in the trades

maybe if you're an ironworker

>> No.1892272

You’re a terrible parental figure. Maybe try asking the kid what’s on his mind and making him feel comfortable around you before you go deciding how he should live his life. You turned into an asshole because daddy didn’t love you enough, he’s turning into a pussy because he feels like nobody loves him. You’re two sides of the same coin. Maybe figure out your own problems before you start thinking you have the answers to the problems of others.

>> No.1892289

Why is this level of troll shit on /diy/ I thought the purpose of /b/ and /pol/ was to contain repugnant assholes like this guy.

>> No.1892306
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OP is a douchebag. let your brother live his life his way not yours

>> No.1892312

Shut the fuck up faggot

Gays are a bunch of hedonist disease riddled junkies and they influence others in their "community" to do the same.

This blasè attitude towards faggotry is juvenile and ignores the reality that humans are social beings

>> No.1892313

>this coping fagoid

Get your herpes dotted, nappy wearing arse off my board nonce. Pretending theres no side effects to the AIDS meds is a sick lie.

>> No.1892314

>prove the sky is blue


>> No.1892315

You know a tree by its fruit

If its fruit are disease, broken homes, molested children, drug addiction, perverse media and education, an attack on heteronormativity and narcissistic grandiosity - chop the tree down

>> No.1892317


>> No.1892385

Thats not how life works bro. In your words we shpuld let 5 year olds "lead" their own lives with sex changes and hormone therapy or whatever. OP is thinking right. You can become gay/pedophile/lesbian by just giving into it. Its a weakness because how your brain changes based on your environment.

OP dont make a hard right into alpha either, it will only solidify his preconceptions. maybe look into estrogen blockers. The feminine part is really the problem.

>> No.1892403

automotive painter..the amount of money you can make is crazy. i average about $45plus hr flat rate...but you have to be good, blending colors, matching colors..ect

>> No.1892418

>you must secretly want to have sex with spiders

>> No.1892424


>> No.1892441

Dude, just think about it. Having more partners and sticking your gentleman's sausage in a pooshoot, or having many gentleman's sausage in your pooshoot will render health consequences. That part of your body was designed for smooth exiting transition, not repeated and violent insertions.

-btw former partaker of sin

>> No.1892443
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>> No.1892445

>btw former partaker of sin

So the other anon was right, you quote scripture because you are a faggot?

>> No.1892446

The last year (last few weeks especially) has had a huge influx of poltards acting like this is /x/ and /Christ/.
It's pretty awful and it's been turning the board to shit. This OP is clear bait, and he is the same guy who derailed about 3 other threads last night with his yelling about Jews.
Gonna have to keep reporting till there are mass bans and the mods become militant on this board. Can't have nice things I guess.

>> No.1892455

if hes gay , making him more "manly" would literally make him better at the gay thing lol ...gay guys love muscular and masculine guys, much more thank they like twinks (those are usually reserved for the femboy gays or closeted gays)

>> No.1892459 [DELETED] 


>> No.1892461


>> No.1892465

It's you who is repugnant, shit stabber.

>> No.1892469

That was my first time posting in this thread

>> No.1892473

Jesus h fucking Christ, you're just worried he might get more action than you

>> No.1892474

Its pretty common, look at this guy confirming it here >>1892441

Pray the gay away

>> No.1892475

>muh cummies

>> No.1892479

This whole thread is about stifling OPs brother from getting his cummies

>> No.1892483

>ITT: Jews and Sodomites
Jews are also the gayest subgroup in the planet and Tell Aviv is the gayest city on earth, even queerer than San Fagsicko.

>> No.1892486

Favorite holiday spot I take it?

>> No.1892488

>Favorite holiday spot I take it?
You tell me, is it your favorite holiday spot to take dicks?

>> No.1892489
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>> No.1892490
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>t.Jewish diy Slumlord

>> No.1892492

You can whine about the jews all you want on /pol/, the containment board for whining.

>> No.1892493

Ive never heard of the place, but thanks for the suggestion. If I decide to be gay I know the person ill talk to for all the hotspots.

>> No.1892497

>You can whine about the jews all you want on /pol/, the containment board for whining.
Don't know about the other guy but I'm an American and can say whatever I want wherever I want. Seethe harder Antichrist kike.

>> No.1892502

Calm down anon, count down from 10. Maybe say your favorite bible verse and give god a little prayer. This really cant be good for your blood pressure.

>> No.1892528

Total shot in the dark here, I'm guessing the brother has an incomplete or warped idea of sex, informed by pop culture. Reinforcing the importance of marriage, family, and community will likely go farther towards rehabilitating a fag-curious teen than just hitting him over the head with individually performative masculinity.

>> No.1892550


>> No.1892560


Your brother cant control if hes gay bro. He will repress it and be miserable and also resent you. There's no winning in that situation. Just let him be, it's more important that he's a good person.

>> No.1892562


>I took a dick before I snapped out of it

I have some bad news...

>> No.1892575

>Your brother cant control if hes gay bro. He will repress it and be miserable and also resent you. There's no winning in that situation. Just let him be, it's more important that he's a good person.
Absolutely false.
>it's more important that he's a good person
There are no good people. Only God is good.

>> No.1892617
File: 224 KB, 1667x445, aryan boipussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck his bussy OP, only option.

>> No.1892642
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nah man, navy is the way to go, spending months on a ship surrounded by dudes is gonna cure him for sure

>> No.1892643

You're wrong. Jesus is real, but Elvis isn't.

>> No.1892646

Interestingly, 1 Corinthians uses two different greek words for homosexuality. One carries the sense of being a top, and the other of being a bottom.

>> No.1892723


>> No.1892727

>, I'm guessing the brother has an incomplete or warped idea of sex, informed by pop culture

And where exactly should he get his "idea of sex" from?
A 2000 year old book written by goat farmers instead of his peers?

>hey anon, I know you are a 17 years old, your raging hormones are making you and your peers fuck like rabbits, but have you heard about abstinence?
>after we find a job that I can keep you away from women, do you have a second to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ?

It wont take long till OPs brother realizes he is getting cockblocked and that OP is going to fuck his sex life and his dating life up out of insecurity.

>> No.1892731


let your brother do his thing. Do you realize that gay guys usually have hot women around them? pick them off when you hang out with your brother and his boyfriend

what are you gay or something?

>> No.1892735

All he has to do is pray the gay away
Have you heard the Good News™?

>> No.1892749

I get where OP is coming from. You can't cure or prevent the gayness though, is what it is. But instilling a decent work ethic, developing thick skin and learning a useful trade are all valuable masculine skills that any man should know, regardless if he wants to fuck dudes in the butt. Lot of shit advice in this thread, but really any male dominated field will do... so any trade.

>never worked with woman in an office
All they do is bitch that it's too cold

>> No.1892754

>All they do is bitch that it's too cold

Exactly, getting exposure and learning to deal with women.
That or he can learn how to deal with big manly sweaty men.

>> No.1892763
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>mods on this board
only seen it once

>> No.1892768

Ive been banned more than once for participating in threads like these.
Itll take another day or two, but the hammer comes down on everything.

>> No.1892775

learning how to deal with big manly sweaty men will teach you how to be a man. Women like men. Men who surround themselves with women because other men are 'mean' or 'too aggressive' are pussies, and women don't like pussies. It's simple.

If you're in a work environment surrounded by woman as a man, it is fucking hell. The cattiness for the dumbest shit "omg she's starting to dress like me", constant passive aggressive behavior. I watched as a group decided that a poorly worded email that clearly wasn't proof read was labeled as sexist (spearheaded by a guy raised by a single mom that walks his fiance's cats). The constant jumping to conclusions and petty bullshit is enough to drive a man insane. A somewhat shy guy joined our group and the girl next to me told me 'I don't think he likes woman, because he's never asked me for help'. I'd rather sit with the asshole meathead and his fat buddy that makes fart noises at me. At least I could tell them off without having to deal with HR later

>> No.1892792

>how dare you discourage your brother from premarital sex
Grow up

>> No.1892796
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>being an involuntary celibate, trying to cope with that fact by trying to force others to as well.
We get it, high school was hard for you

>> No.1892798

You just really really can't comprehend a person free of sex addiction, huh? I remember how that was. Praying for you.

>> No.1892799

>Women like men. Men who surround themselves with women because other men are 'mean' or 'too aggressive' are pussies, and women don't like pussies.

Wrong, especially wrong with the 17 year old crowd. Machismo has been on its way out since the 90s.
But hey, working around machismo and manly men is only going to turn OPs brother on. So its maybe a blessing in disguise. Looking to get down on that Bear meat.

>> No.1892800

>You just really really can't comprehend a person free of sex addiction, huh?

Having sex in high school like the vast majority of high school students, throughout history in every generation is perfectly normal.
If you had an "addiction", or you were an incel, that not normal and its pretty stupid of you to project your personal flaws onto other normal people.
You almost sound like you were homeschooled. Were you homeschooled anon?

>> No.1892804

hope she sees this bro
30 years of cultural changes aint doin shit against 1000s of years of evolution, but i'm sure once you're nice enough itll all work out

>> No.1892807

Right, which is why we just forcibly inseminate all the women we want, and then after 7 years the men stop taking care of their children.

You clearly dont understand the driving forces of "evolution" and how society since the beginning has drastically changed the forces being applied.
Face it, the only people who think jacked dudes are hot are other gay dudes.

>> No.1892828

Oh the all or nothing argument. Nowhere did I say masculinity = being jacked and raping everything. Most tradeys are fatasses anyway. Teaching boys how to be men can only be done by dealing with men. Fact of life. Ever wonder why those kids that lost their dads at young ages tend to be lost, violent, troubled? A strong male influence is critically important to boys development. You aint learning that in an office full of woman complaining that 69 degrees is frigid.

>> No.1892840

>Nowhere did I say masculinity = being jacked and raping everything

Thats what masculinity WAS back 1000s of years ago as hunter gatherers, thats exactly the "evolution" you brought up and were trying to act as if was relevant.
Society has completely changed that, and continues to change all facets of life and roles every generation. Go look up the beauty standards of women, what men thought was hot during the Roaring 20s were androgynous women with small breasts.

Your idea that to subjectively be a "man" you have to be around fat tradies is stupid and its not relevant in todays society.
Its especially not relevant to the 17 year olds and this current generation, being a tradie is literally looked down upon and has been for decades now.

If you missed all your formative years, having fat stupid tradies as coworkers isnt going to suddenly fix that

>> No.1892860

God destroyed the city of Sodom and Gomorrah because it was full of faggots. Destroyed it with fire because Abraham wasn't able to find even 20 straight dudes in the whole city. Hence the term sodomite to indicate a gay faggot.

>> No.1892863

OP, I'd suggest just talking to your brother without getting angry about it. Gays can be created from sexual abuse but not always. Sometimes it is caused by mental/psych abuse from your mother. If he can recognize it then he can possibly get over it. Good luck.

>> No.1892864

Nothing hotter than a man that can run a tight bead and suck a fat cock. Jokes on you OP

>> No.1892883

Look at this blue pilled faggot.
Stop buying the Jewish owned media hoax goy.
Protip: Jews own the banks and pay (((scientists))) to shill the fuck out of their agendas. Like global warming and choosing your own gender and communism.

>> No.1892895

Who exactly pays you anon?

>> No.1892898

I've known straight men who were complete pansies.
I've known gay men who are capable as fuck.

The point isn't to make sure your little brother is straight.
The point is to make sure your little brother isn't a pansy.

>> No.1892900

It sounds like OP raised him to be a huge pussy and is trying to fix years of damage all at once.

>> No.1892902


rape his anus. if he doesn't like it then you at least know he's not a fag

>> No.1892909

>What would be the best thing to get him into to keep him from becoming gay?
Joke answer:
Attach a pair of jumper cables to the terminals on a range outlet.
Serious answer:
Tell him horror stories about gay sex gone wrong. However, if your brother is truly insistent on sticking his dick in other men's assholes, there really isn't much that can be done.

>> No.1892916

>Who exactly pays you anon?
Definitely not the Jews.

>> No.1892980


>> No.1893024

Oh I see, you're basing your morality on what high school kids do. Are stunt drinking, reckless driving, nonstop swearing, and petty vandalism also high virtues of yours, alongside sex obsession? Beggin ya to grow up.

>> No.1893043

Sex is a natural and harmless activity, its really not a big deal. The fact that you keep bringing up "obsession" and "addiction" for such a normal activity that every normal human does seems like a projection from within. At this point I am 100% sure you are an incel virgin, and this is a fox and the grapes coping mechanism.
Any asexual who abstains from sex is indifferent about it, they dont sit and cope and justify with scriptures and mental gymnastics.

You are praying for me, ill pray for you and your inner turmoil and pain stemming from lack of sex (and your porn "addiction"). You will consummate your marriage in due time and realize how fucking stupid you were all these years.

>> No.1893051

What's the word for projecting projection? I'm not a virgin. I've been there and done that. Sex as a pleasure act, divorced from reproductive intent, is harmful to all involved, in more ways than I can adequately describe, and I'm here attempting to pass on that wisdom to warn others from making the same mistakes, not coping internally.
I will consummate my marriage, God willing, before the year is out, and I will lament that I cannot offer my own virginity to match my wife's. I nevertheless anticipate with relish the day when I can take my woman in the marriage embrace as God intended, between one man and one woman for life, with high hopes of creating life in an act imitative of and partially in honor of my own intentional conception by my parents.
Are your parents married? Did they conceive you with purpose? If not, I could understand why you undervalue the sanctity of marriage and sex.

>> No.1893063

>Are your parents married?
Yes, basement of the 75 person church.
No dancing or music as thats a sin.
>Did they conceive you with purpose?
Of course, extremely devout people. I have 3 siblings.

Please, for the unenlightened, in detail lay out the sanctity of marriage and abstinence. You talk it up dearly. This is your chance to preach and save our souls.
Though seeing how you admitted you cant really describe the so called harm and dangers of having sex a day before your marriage as opposed to a day after, im not sure youll be able to.

>> No.1893065

>i raised him most of my life
>acting really feminine

Um i think i found the problem Op

>> No.1893141

you are a colossal retard

>> No.1893203

Interesting that the one thing you mentioned about your church is that dancing and music were forbidden. That's a popular media trope about repressively conservative small churches, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're telling the truth because I know that a very few do still practice that. But I say it's interesting because it reinforces your unstated thesis that Christianity's primary role is one of party-pooping.
You also call your parents extremely devout. Do you respect that about them?

Not for unenlightened, but as a reminder to those still enslaved to the whims of flesh (these facts are widely known in the world, and circulate often on 4chan in particular, though I confess that I don't have the copy pasta or infographic saved. All easily verifiable however):
Pair bonding - Remaining a virgin is a strong predictor of a successful marriage. Divorce rates increase with each successive sex partner. This is because of the physical and emotional intimacy experienced during sex. When you are intentional about saving it for marriage, an imprinting occurs on a spiritual, yes, and also a neurochemical level, akin to how mothers and babies do. When that bond is broken, trust isssues inevitably arise. Treating virginity casually, treating marriage casually, and treating sex casually all go hand in hand for that reason.
Disease - everybody knows there's disease risk associated with sex between non-virgins.
Happiness - you like happiness, right? Married people report greater happiness than single or cohabiting people. Those who saved sex for marriage are the happiest of all.
Children - children perform best who come from stable married homes with both partners. They get best grades, have most friends, stay out of trouble, graduate college, go on to successful marriage themselves. If you ever want kids, you should want the best for them. You should keep your own purity, get married, and stay married, to a pure woman.

>> No.1893205

>Thats what masculinity WAS back 1000s of years ago as hunter gatherers, thats exactly the "evolution" you brought up and were trying to act as if was relevant.
Nah, rape was always the method of desperate or opportunistic beta males.

>> No.1893207

I didn't appeal to God or to righteousness because I know my audience, but everything I said follows out of God's good design. He commands us to be pure, so he rewards us for our purity, and we suffer consequences in this lifetime for defiling that purity.
If we are not foolish, we observe these patterns in our own experience, and adjust our behavior accordingly. If we are wise, we observe these patterns in the lives of others today and through all history, and act accordingly. If we are very wise, we recognize the designer of these patterns, and we devote ourselves to Him for eternity.

>> No.1893208

*both parents*

>> No.1893237

What reward do i get for avoiding boipucci my whole life? Is it better than boipucci?

>> No.1893238

>Sex is a natural and harmless activity, its really not a big deal.
So single mom welfare cases and kids growing up with deadbeat abusive and uneducated drug addicted parent isn't a big deal? Aborting a billion babies in 50 years isn't a big deal?

The Jew has absolutely fucked your brain. Hollywood and media brainwashing owned and run by Jews has made you an unscrupulous and wicked personality. I pity you.

>> No.1893239

>Yes, basement of the 75 person church.
>No dancing or music as thats a sin.
Prove you're not a lying antichrist Jew and tell us what one must do to be saved.

>> No.1893248

>Pair bonding
Has nothing to do with 2 people living together and having premarital
Has nothing to do with living together and having premarital sex
This has nothing to do with premarital sex, it has to do with how currently happy they are, you would have to provide a citation for you bullshit side not of "virgins were the happiest of all"
This has nothing to do with living together before marriage and having premarital sex

You do realize that the average person has 4 sexual partners before marriage right?
Promiscuity is a problem. Having sex with 3 random people, then having sex with a 4th for years till you get married is statistically what most people do. And all of your examples have little or nothing to do with the harm in that.
They are all grasping at straws because of scripture and your own fox and the grapes about it.
You should have, because it is at least relevant and not grasping at straws. You just have to convince people that the scripture isnt a huge waste of fucking time in the first place. And as it goes, the country is trending quickly away from giving a fuck.

>> No.1893250

Nice strawman mr anglo
Shouldnt you be posting your bandsaw and cutco knives in another thread, talking about how much you love mexico?

>> No.1893251

>tell us what one must do to be saved.
They have to be indoctrinated from birth or they have to be a criminal in prison trying to repent for their bad deeds (or at least say so to try and get parole)

>> No.1893262

You're gay, you're not happy with your life, you want your brother not to be gay or else you could realize your life could've been better.

>> No.1893266

He's gay, he's actively trying to pray the gay away by chanting verses to himself in the corner.
He is deathly afraid of his brother being gay, because he knows he wants to suck his brothers cock. He knows they will be going to poundtown on each other if he doesn't pray his brothers gay away too.
Can you blame the guy? What a peculiar situation to be in!

>> No.1893267
File: 147 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p77yrrea131x9pf7uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, my friendo, is a weird-dick-having trap who transitioned at 30 and does porn now. And I absolutely adore her face.

>> No.1893268

Forgot the name, Natalie Mars.

Doujin material.

>> No.1893269

Natalie was born Intersex, the parents decided at birth to give it a dick and call it a guy.
Thats why Natalies dick looks fucked, its because it is.

>> No.1893275
File: 78 KB, 606x800, vD7xogY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy's a piece of shit who grooms underage boys to be exploited by the porn industry. Look up Ella Hollywood.

Hormones will do that to a dick.
Every tranny claims to be intersex but it's an extremely rare condition.

>> No.1893277
File: 504 KB, 600x600, satanic-drag-queen-long-beach-library-full-6001651566422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont support gay demon worshippers so you must be a faggot.
>just let them turn him gay friend, nothing you can do about it.
>there is no cultural machine actively pushing people to be gay. You're imagining it. Hes just trying to be himself.

>> No.1893279

Its ok to like cock anon, nobody will judge you.

>> No.1893282

>Hormones will do that to a dick.
No they literally wont, every other tranny has normal looking feminine penises.
Natalies looks like it went through a meat grinder because it was plastic surgeried 25 years ago

>> No.1893286

As I was making a joke of anon being gay for not wanting his brother to be gay, which could be, who knows, I like how you went to the other extreme and called everyone who's okay with gay people "gay demon worshippers". And a pic with the title satanic drag queen to represent all gay people. Classy.

Dude, how about he let's his brother find out by himself. Forget your conspiracy, let him fail and be there if he fails. Is he gonna hold his hand the first time he fucks a girl too? Come on.

>> No.1893292

He's a newly Reborn faggot who is still militant and crazy, and he only converted because of jew conspiracy theories on /pol/.
No point in actually engaging with him, he is in his "im enlightened by my own intelligence" phase.
Hes just a pile of fallacies and bad faith arguments.

>> No.1893295

>Natalies looks like it went through a meat grinder because it was plastic surgeried 25 years ago
It looks a normal circumcised tranny dick. How does it look like "it went through a meat grinder"?

>> No.1893298

There is no frenulum, the glana are split in two and the glans are small and flat. It looks nothing like a botched circumcision. There is no circumcision scar because it never had foreskin in the first place.
Its a mess

>> No.1893306


What kind of person would want THIS for their brother?

>> No.1893308

You dont get to choose others actions.
If he wants to be a cherry picked statistic from 1985 like in your pastebin, thats what he is going to do.
You cant arbitrarily decide your brothers sexual fetishes.

>> No.1893309

What? There's clearly scarring beneath the glans typical of circumcision.
And the frenulum is often cut in circumcisions.

At best, Natalie has hypospadias which is a much more common birth defect.

>> No.1893313

> let's
Opinion discarded

>> No.1893314

Im not sure what point you are trying to prove, which birth defect the cock has. Most trannys dont even have any cock birth defects, so you splitting hairs about how rare one is over the other accomplishes nothing.

>> No.1893316

You were never open to anyone else's opinion anyways, so this is a pretty shitty deflection.

>> No.1893317

>cherry picked statistic
Can you be more specific about which study is wrong and what was wrong about the studies methodology etc?

Also homosexuality has been proven to not be caused by genetics so you are wrong about it not being a decision.

>> No.1893321

Just shut up and be gay anon.

>> No.1893324

I'm posting on 4chan, I'm not expecting to accomplish anything.

But if you ever read what kind of shit trannies say on social media, you'll find quite often that the worst claim that they are intersex in some misguided attempt to justify their trans identity (next to ranting how biology doesn't matter). For example Tommy Tooter and SecretGamerGirl have both tried to claim that they're intersex.
And it's always complete bullshit.

>> No.1893327

I didnt even read any of it, why would I?
I saw a bunch of citations from the mid 80s which is the definition of being outdated and cherry picked.
If you cant provide modern citations from a modern time and a generation where homosexuality is open and free, whats the point? The landscape of being a gay now and a gay in the 80s is not at all the same. What some underground faggots in the 80s did and felt, during a time when HIV just came into existence and nobody knew what it was, how it spread, and it killed you, all while the whole country despised your existence?
Not relevant to an 18 year old gay man today.
Not one bit relevant.

Its like citing drug statistics from the 80s and talking about why every middle class adult snorts a bunch of coke, and why every poor adult smokes crack. Or citing hallucinogen statistics from the 60s.

>> No.1893329

I do not read what trannies say on social media anon.
They can justify their identity however they want.

Just like you can justify your identity however you want. You have new found faith in god because you saw an infographic on /pol/? Good on you my man, preach to the world.

>> No.1893335
File: 948 KB, 1280x720, gaydar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /diy/, why arent you asking about making a Gaydar?
Isnt that a lot easier than beating around the bush?

>> No.1893336

>They can justify their identity however they want.
I don't have a problem with someone saying "I identify as a girl because I feel like a girl". But I do have a problem when people flat out lie or are completely delusional (I identify as a killer robot because Skynet sent me from the future. Don't call me insane, you bigot)

And I wouldn't have anything against Natalie, if he wasn't a child grooming piece of shit.

>> No.1893338

>child grooming

I'm gonna need some sauce on that one

>> No.1893340

If I identify as a retired UAW worker can I get a fat GM pension?

>> No.1893341

Its a big circle anon, no matter what anyone says its still not normal and mainstream to just "feel like a girl" as a man, so they make up excuses and justifications to shield themselves from criticism.
So your whole "i have a problem with those who lie about it" is exactly the sort of reason they lie in the first place.

Stop giving a shit what a camwhore says or thinks on social media.

>And I wouldn't have anything against Natalie, if he wasn't a child grooming piece of shit.
Do you think Natalie could groom you if he tried?
And why is that? Because you arent gay and dont have a predisposition to having a fetish for dicks?

Those who get groomed to being a tranny are those who wanted to be a tranny anyways.

>> No.1893345

Yes, you maintain your dignity as a man, and you don't contribute to the degradation of already-broken boys and men who need help

>> No.1893346

Just humbly pray for forgiveness, youll get all your dignity back and a free ride into the afterlife. And youll have gotten all that boipucci that god made you lust after!

>> No.1893348
File: 55 KB, 600x336, 65857687658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already invented

>> No.1893352

>man, you gotta just let the kids raise themselves man, anything else is evil brainwashing man, advice and guidance and rules are one short step from Hitler man, individualism is freedom and freedom is happiness and happiness is the ultimate good

>> No.1893353

Here's an overview of it:

tldr: Ella Hollywood when she was still a minor, followed Natalie and got her help in getting in touch with a shemale BDSM porn producer.
No one even bothered to ask for her age before helping her do extreme fetish porn.

It's one thing to say shit like "you can wear skirt if you want to" to a minor.
It's a whole other thing to help a minor to get into the porn industry or show them how to get illegal Chinese hormones.
The trans community is so concerned with accepting everyone that they have zero self-moderation and let cancer like this fester.

>> No.1893355

So it wasnt even "grooming"
It was a flaming faggot who explicitly seeked out tried to get into the industry.

The straight porn industry does this with "modeling agencies" who get girls prepped and then film them on their 18th birthdays.
Its a dark side of the porn industry in general, it is what it is. When money is involved people will do whatever they can get away with.

>> No.1893356

>you don't get to choose others' actions
Says who? Did you conjure your morality from thin air as an infant? Or was it dictated to you by your elders? People in authority such as parents, big brothers, priests, even civic leaders, have responsibility to lead people in the right direction, and juniors have a responsibility to honor their superiors.

>> No.1893357

Also I just looked up Ella Hollywood, holy shit. Those chinese hormones must be fucking trash because they sure as shit didnt work all that well.
Got chinked

>> No.1893359

Can you provide recent studies showing that grass is green?

>> No.1893365

It's not grooming because straight porn is full of groomers too?

I never claimed grooming is something exclusive to trans and if I had my way the "barely legal" porn scene, Hollywood, and Netflix would be nuked.

>> No.1893368

You completely skipped over the degradation of broken boys. That's far worse than the loss of dignity, and you can't undo it. Think about other people for once.

>> No.1893370

I dont obsess about gays and trannys, I dont follow them on social media I dont sit and do extensive research and have peer reviewed articles on hand.
They dont live rent free in my head.
I could probably find modern studies with a simple google search, but im not going to.

Society at large outside of the deeply religious has come to accept and say that the simple act of being gay not a big deal.
If you want to push the idea that contradicts what most people say and think, the burden of proof is on you to provide relevant studies and statistics.

>> No.1893372

In other words you cannot because you don't know what you are talking about. It's funny how mentally ill faggots like you repeat the same line about cherry picking incorrect studies despite the fact that you have not even bothered to read the studies or understand the methodology used in the studies.

The American Psychiatric Association would still consider it to be a mental illness based on the science if not for the violent harassment and protests by radical homosexuals during the 70s.

>> No.1893374

All will be forgiven in the end, they will be able to unbreak themselves too

>> No.1893375

In other words you are a brainlet retard who is just mindlessly regurgitating factually incorrect homosexual propaganda.

>> No.1893377

No deflections will make your 40 year old statistics relevant.
Do you really think no new studies have been done? Or did you realize the new studies contradict your talking points.

>> No.1893378

>society at large
You mean the media machine.
>what most people say and think
Perhaps, out of fear
no way lol
Regular people understand reproduction and would be heartbroken to find our their son was leaning gay. Regular people care about other people, and when we see a gay man, we think of his poor parents who won't have grandchildren. We feel sorry that he got things so mixed up, and we feel angry that the loudest voices in society are all proclaiming right to be wrong and wrong to be right.

>> No.1893380

But now you're talking about several people needing to repent and ask forgiveness, instead of just you, you selfish hedonist.

>> No.1893383

>when we see a gay man, we think of his poor parents who won't have grandchildren
That's their fault, if you want the best chances to propagate your genes you should have more than one kid.

>> No.1893384

>you selfish hedonist.

I was born a sinner anon, god made me that way. Everyones a sinner. He implemented a system in which you can be a sinner and enjoy yourself and still get all of the benefits of the afterlife.
Thats just how it works

>> No.1893385

Ah, the good ole Christian Persecution Complex

>> No.1893389

You are the one who is deflecting by pretending that my studies are invalid without giving any explanation as to why they are invalid.
There are hundreds of studies on the pastebin with dates ranging from the 70s into the 2010s so your date nonsense doesn't even make sense.

You can't give an answer that makes sense because you are full of shit and don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.1893393

Also if you wanna talk about the passage of time if anything the sexual deviancy has been made even worse by our modern society with the internet and homosexual hookup sex apps.

This has caused things like antibiotic resistant gonorrhea and worse in america.

>> No.1893394

Don't test God. If you love God, you will seek to draw ever nearer to Him, obeying His commands and praying forgiveness when you fall short. Not delighting in sin which pushes you away from Him.
Roman's 6:1-2
>What shall we say, then?(A) Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?

>> No.1893395

*Cherry picked*
You know they are cherry picked. If they werent, you wouldnt have 50 year old studies on something that has a huge lobby. There are giant amounts of studies out there.
Yet you are using 50 year old ones.

So for the very few that arent from the 40-50 years ago, we know they are cherry picked for a narrative.
This is why nobody takes your pastebin seriously, this is why nobody takes your position seriously.

>> No.1893396

Which one has been cherry picked? Can you give a specific answer or proof or are you just deflecting with more bullshit?

>> No.1893397

He is not arguing in good faith. He will convince nobody except the weak and impressionable. He must be very hurt, if his mission is to cause others to stumble.

>> No.1893398

This doesnt undermine the system as a whole

>> No.1893400

There is a large chance that every single one is cherry picked. Sexuality has changed drastically in even the last 10 years, let alone what people in the 70s thought.

Im not trying to "convince" anyone. Im of the default position. Its you who is trying to convince people that what is seen as normal and mundane is this huge problem.
Only the weak and impressionable are going to look at studies from the 70s and scripture then suddenly think they can regulate someones sexuality

>> No.1893404

Which one has been cherry picked? Can you give a specific answer or proof or are you just deflecting with more bullshit? It should be really easy to name just one if you think almost all of them are.

>> No.1893405

You say you have a study from 2010, it should be easy to find more studies that coincide and agree with them without having to go back 50 years.

>> No.1893406

In other words you can't name one

>> No.1893407

Support for homos in America has fallen since Obama because people saw what are the implications of tolerance: shameless exhibitionism, brazen entitlement, endless beratement. Not just quiet people with different bedroom habits.
The homosexual mindset is fundamentally, obviously at odds with a healthy society. It is rebellion against the obvious order for men and women. It is rejection of the basis of all life. It is, indirectly, worship of death and barrenness. Nor is this confined to gays; casual players of all identities share the same hedonistic infantophobia.

>> No.1893410

Really implying with a straight face that studies of this nature can be funded in the current political climate

>> No.1893412

Why cant you name modern studies on something that is changing and evovling so quickly?

The small amount people who actually think this also yelled at Starbucks for having red cups

That persecution complex again

>> No.1893414

Prove to me that academic research has never been suppressed for political reasons

>> No.1893417

Show me the suppressed underground studies that support your 50 year old studies anon.

>> No.1893420

You claim ALL of my studies are cherrypicked but you can't tell me which one and you can't explain how it has been cherrypicked? You are full of shit and you keep deflecting because you are wrong.

If you were right it would be easy for you to list one but you can't because all of the studies are valid and correct.

>> No.1893423

They never get funding dumdum
Were you dropped as a child? Did your father knock your head around? Is that why you hate order?

>> No.1893425

Also can you give us a study that shows sexual deviancy has decreased in the homosexual community in the last 50 years?

No you can't because modern studies done by the CDC show that std rates are increasing in the homosexual communities.

>> No.1893427

Im not wasting me time doing the due diligence needed to do so. Youve proven you are pushing a narrative, and no matter what I do or do not come up with, it wouldnt matter at all to you.
Its a big waste of time trying to appease you, just as would be a waste of time reading outdated statistics you picked for your narrative.

I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I had a mindset lilke you. Anything you dont like or dont understand is a conspiracy theory, living in a bubble.

>> No.1893428

>New CDC Report: STDs Continue to Rise in the U.S.
>Data suggest that multiple factors are contributing to the overall increase in STDs, including:
>Drug use, poverty, stigma, and unstable housing, which can reduce access to STD prevention and care
>Decreased condom use among vulnerable groups, including young people and gay and bisexual men

This gets compounded by the fact that homosexuals are also usually drug abusers if you look at the studies they are like 10000% more likely to have tried hard drugs than normal heterosexual people.

>> No.1893429

I really pray that you can forgive your father, anon. No child deserves what you went through, but that's all in the past. It's time to move on, let go, and allow yourself to feel real again.

>> No.1893431

In other words you cant because you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.1893435

Thats one way to spin it.
Just realize nobody else you try to convert with your generations old cherry picked statistics bother to give you the time of day either.

>> No.1893437

Promiscuity happens with gay men, but the simple act of being gay doesnt mean you will be promiscuous. Just like the simple fact that you are christian doesnt mean you are going to picket fence protest every dead soldiers funeral anon.

>> No.1893439

Facts don't expire
The onus is on you to prove that fags have reformed their collective behavior since the 80s

>> No.1893440

>No child deserves what you went through
Indoctrination of the church, I completely agree.

>> No.1893442

>Facts don't expire
Is this why you have a ton of modern studies that coincide and prove the 80s studies?
Is there a good reason you are omitting them?

>> No.1893444

You are delusional all you have done is proven to everyone reading this that what I posted was valid.

You can't list even one thing that would refute any of the studies listed. Everyone reading this can click the link and read the studies to see that you are full of shit. You are convincing no one.

>> No.1893445

If you're gay, why wouldn't you be promiscuous? If you value pleasure highly and don't value reproduction whatsoever, aren't you being hypocritical or at least cowardly by not pursuing maximum pleasure at all times? Condoms exist, and prep exists, so STDs shouldn't be a deterrent for you.

>> No.1893446

>If you're gay, why wouldn't you be promiscuous?

Because the act of being gay has nothing to do with promiscuity.

> If you value pleasure highly and don't value reproduction whatsoever, aren't you being hypocritical or at least cowardly by not pursuing maximum pleasure at all times?
What do you have to say about couples who decided to never had kids?

>> No.1893448

I am not a christian I am opposed to homosexuality based on the harm that the homosexual lifestyle does to the community and the individuals participating in it.

The studies all show us how harmful it is and its wrong to allow it.

>> No.1893453

Working on a project is more fulfilling than getting railed by random strangers.

>> No.1893454

Ah, big government big regulation type of guy are you?

>Everyone reading this can click the link and read the studies to see that you are full of shit.
Yeah, and they can also google for studies that were made after the Beetles stopped making albums

>> No.1893458

Homos in the past were proven to be disgusting. That's good enough for me. I have no reason to believe they have stopped being disgusting, and I have personal observations that attest they have not, but rather descended further into their satanic cult of self abuse, now with the sanction of the state.
The onus is on you to prove otherwise.

>> No.1893460

>The onus is on you to prove otherwise.
If the point was to change your mind.
Nobody cares about changing your mind though, you are a lost cause. Everyone around you disagrees more and more every year.

Remember you are the one on a tirade with your hand picked studies in your pastebin you keep handy with all your bible verses.

>> No.1893461

I feel sorry for whatever trauma or disability they suffered that makes them feel unworthy to be parents, or averse to the cutest beings in the world.

>> No.1893462

>Everyone around you disagrees more and more every year.
Now you're the one ignoring facts.
Does it bother you to know I'm not the anon with the pastebin?

>> No.1893463

I just checked google and they are showing the same things as the old studies.

Can you link us to a modern study that refutes any of the conclusions drawn by the studies in the pastebin? I am willing to bet that you can't.

>> No.1893465

>you keep handy with all your bible verses
I am an atheist why are you trying to strawman me into some dogmatic religious fanatic when I have already linked you to valid peer reviewed studies that were done using correct methodology?

>> No.1893467

>Drug use, poverty, stigma, and unstable housing, which can reduce access to STD prevention and care
All symptoms of being gay.
And of course if you are gay you cannot physically wear a condom!

With your big government big regulation, are you going to enforce condom use with the gays?

>> No.1893469

>pushes rhetoric that is dogmatic religious fanaticism
>in a thread where his side is saying things like gay are a "satanic cult of self abuse" and quoting bible verses

Take a look at your peers mr larper

>> No.1893471

Anon, its simple.

You cant scare the gay straight. Its predisposition.

But we absolutely must tell the kids how great it is to be gay as young as possible, and call the straights breeders and other slurs, and ostracize them

It's like a one way valve

>> No.1893473

Not who you're asking, but I would forbid public statements in support of gays, public declarations of gayness, positive depictions of gays, under obscenity precedents. If it truly is just some thing you do behind closed doors, then you won't even be affected.

>> No.1893474

Thread theme.

>> No.1893476

>persecution complex
>gets his fee fees hurt by being called a slur
Snowflake who is just as emotionally broken as the gay you are insecure about

>> No.1893478

I hope we do it for religion too
Keep it in the church

>> No.1893479

We are still waiting for all of your citations and studies faggot

>> No.1893480

Are you DesTiny?

>> No.1893482

Is that another one of your trannies you follow and obsess about on social media
Didnt I already tell you I dont follow around a bunch of trannies and latch onto their every word?

>> No.1893484

Homosexuals should be chemically castrated and anyone promoting homosexuality in the media or to children should be fined and or thrown in prison.

>> No.1893485

You quoted different people anon

>> No.1893488

>*There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?*

>> No.1893491

No, the two are not equivalent. Christians founded this nation and made it great. Gays have only contributed to its decline. A legitimate state encourages that which strengthens its people, and discourages that which weakens them.

>> No.1893497

>Christians founded this nation and made it great.
You know what made it great?
They specifically made religious liberty a frontrunning right, that no state church shall be established. Freedom from religion as it were as half of the founding fathers were not religious.

Regardless they dont have to be equivalent to ban and regulate. You just have to have precedence for the power to ban such things.

>> No.1893498

>Allowing a child predator into the sanctuary near children

>leaving out the pretext that the verse you quoted is talking to saved bretheren about not judging fellow saved bretheren

>disregarding 1 Corinthians 5
>9I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 10Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 12For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Googling verses to support your degeneracy out of context isn't helping your case.

>> No.1893500

>They specifically made religious liberty a frontrunning right, that no state church shall be established. Freedom from religion as it were as half of the founding fathers were not religious.
When will Jews stop rewriting history?
Every public school dropout thinks they know who the founders were by what the Jew taught them in (((social studies))).

>> No.1893502

>When will Jews stop rewriting history?

*everything I dont like is a conspiracy*

>> No.1893503

>>disregarding 'insert bible verse here'
Christians do it all the time though

>> No.1893509

Our founding fathers wanted religious freedom for Christians you are taking them out of context and changing the original meaning.

>> No.1893510

More Jewish gatekeeping buzzwords.
How many kikes frequent this tiny board?
For being 1% of the population these sure seems to be 10 kikes for every goy on every page on the internet. You can't all be slumlords looking for the cheapest way to nigger rig your black Tennant's leaky faucet... or idea stealing patent mongers.
Next you'll call me a schizzo.

>> No.1893511

>I'm not even a Christian and have never read the Bible but Google has.made.me an expert in Christian doctrine and theology
Are all faggots as arrogant as you? You think sucking off dudes would make you humble...

>> No.1893512

>>When will Jews stop rewriting history?
>>*everything I dont like is a conspiracy
>powerful interests do not conspire to increase their power

>> No.1893513
File: 12 KB, 225x225, bill-the-butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our founding fathers wanted religious freedom for Christians you are taking them out of context and changing the original meaning.
More specifically to protect our lands from Papist scum and Irish bugs.

>> No.1893514

I read an infographic on /pol/ and became an expert in christian theology thank you very much

>> No.1893515

>For being 1% of the population these sure seems to be 10 kikes for every goy on every page on the internet. You can't all be slumlords looking for the cheapest way to nigger rig your black Tennant's leaky faucet... or idea stealing patent mongers.
>Next you'll call me a schizzo.

The irony here is palpable

>> No.1893518

Its pretty easy to just read the bill of rights instead of trying to infer what they *actually* meant instead of what they actually wrote

>> No.1893519
File: 81 KB, 1024x723, 1596600668042m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never read the Bible so therefore nobody has actually read the Bible
The Diane Kruger effect, everyone.

>> No.1893522

>Its pretty easy to just read the bill of rights instead of trying to infer what they *actually* meant instead of what they actually wrote
Tell us what the 2nd Amendment says about gun control.

>> No.1893524

What exactly is obtuse about the first amendment anon?

>> No.1893526

>dodges the question faster than a fictional oven
What's the matter, Fat, don't want to reveal your communist leanings?

>> No.1893527

The question is a deflection, the first amendment is clear and there is no interpretations to it.
To post the 2nd amendment that uses wordage that isnt common and can be misconstrued is in no way relevant to the first.

You trying to use buzzwords and strawmans wont change that.

>> No.1893530

I never said you didnt read the bible anon, reading that shitshow of a book doesnt mean people dont just quote out of context or create their own context for it. Its not an easy read.
Christians love interpreting things in whatever way suits them, why do you think we have over 30,000 different denominations who fight over those interpretations?

I know you want to believe that every normal person has it all memorized like an autist, but there are hundreds of verses that say not to judge. Throwing out the man you should be trying to save seems unchristianlike

>> No.1893531

wow the fags got btfoed in this thread

>> No.1893534

They arent fags, they are paid jews

>> No.1893541

>To post the 2nd amendment that uses wordage that isnt common and can be misconstrued is in no way relevant to the first.
Typical kike distortion. The English used in both the Declaration and the King James Bible is more specific and detailed than modern American ebonics tier English. There is no interpretation, the 2nd Amendment is clear. Now tell us what it says in light of gun control, you duplicitous Jew rat.

>> No.1893544

>calls the Bible a shitshow
>proceeds to lecture others in what is and isn't Christlike
Post nose.

>> No.1893547

Make him do a night shift in a hospital ambu-bagging a patient for 24 hours.

>> No.1893548

>Typical kike distortion.
You are the one who is twisting and turning the very clear first amendment, trying to deflect away from that. You figure that if you can get me to "interpret" a different amendment you can just forget all about how you already have butchered the first one.
The only one who has come out and distorted anything was you

>> No.1893556

Idk how Anderson runs his church but that appears to be a private meeting, not an open service

>> No.1893561

>the first amendment means freedom from religion
That's what you said. You are the 5th column kike rat that should be shot in the brain stem to make the world a better place. Too bad the Nazis were working with the Zionists instead of executing them and the gas chambers weren't real. They could have saved humanity from decades of mass murder planned and carried out by Zionist Jews and Freemasons.

>> No.1893565

You arent being forced into a state religion, how is that not freedom from religion?

>> No.1893575

>You arent being forced into a state religion
Your illiteracy is ESL tier.
It says there will be no state religion.
It says nothing about being forced to be a particular religion. The purpose is to keep Papists from taking over the government like they had throughout mainland Europe. Read a book, Sneed. You do t even know the context in which those words were written because you are not a student of history, you're a communist moron.

>> No.1893580

Wait im a kike overlord and a communist?
Which one is it?
Im getting a little confused as to which conspiracy theory you are shoehorning me into.

>> No.1893584
File: 222 KB, 290x313, 1597816803447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait im a kike overlord and a communist?

>> No.1893587

>Wait im a kike overlord and a communist?
>Which one is it?
>Im getting a little confused as to which conspiracy theory you are shoehorning me into.
Communism is secular Judaism where the state is their almighty god. 90% of all the Bolsheviks were Jews, and the first thing they did after gaining power was to murder tens of millions of Christians. It is the hammer and anvil. The end road of Jewish crony capitalism is communism. George Soros the leftist Jew secular boogieman vs Zognald Trump and the Zionist right wing boogieman keeping the goyim from putting 2 and 2 together and realize they are all Jewish devils and the wreckers of nations.

>> No.1893591

And they run the world?
Sounds like I picked the winning side. How lucky of me!

>> No.1893593

>Sounds like I picked the winning side. How lucky of me!
If you count Jesus casting you into Hell as luck.

>> No.1893599

If he had the power to cast me into hell, he could probably have stopped the jews from taking over and ruling the world. Or maybe he is just fond of the jews and you are mistaken.

>> No.1893600

Under Sovjet rule every Jewish community was forcefully disbanded and their properties seized.
And Stalin hated Jews more than anyone.

Why do you think kikes like Ayn Rand had such a hate-boner for commies?

>> No.1893605

Parable of the wheat and chaff, you'll have your judgement same as everyone else.

>> No.1893606

>Under Sovjet rule every Jewish community was forcefully disbanded and their properties seized.
>And Stalin hated Jews more than anyone.
>Bolshevism started with Stalin
Try again kike. Killing your rivals isn't foreign among Kikes. And to suggest Stalin hated Kikes more than anyone only proves you're a dirty kike.

>> No.1893610

God gave man free will and man chose to follow your father the devil in rebellion against God. But I'll let you in on something because you seem to hate reading, God has a plan and the antichrists don't fare well.

>> No.1893611

How many of the ~30,000 different denominations will come out unscathed?

>> No.1893615

The Bolshevist Jews were just useful idiots.
Even Lenin pushed the Jews in the front lines and made sure they didn't get into any actual positions of power.

>> No.1893622

Of the followers, possibly all. Of the false teachers, probably very few if any.

>> No.1893624

>The Bolshevist Jews were just useful idiots.
>Even Lenin pushed the Jews in the front lines and made sure they didn't get into any actual positions of power.
Positions of power like the NKVD? 90% were Jews.

Positions like the head of the NKVD Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin the Jew who was hand picked by Stalin himself?

You disgust me kike.

>> No.1893625


>> No.1893629

I'm non denominational. I merely believe what the Bible actually says.

>> No.1893637

What? Blokhin wasn't a Jew.
And he killed like a thousand Polish Jews.

>> No.1893645

I love how none of the homosexuals trying to defend their unhealthy disgusting lifestyle could refute anything in the pastebin


>> No.1893650

They were too busy spamming fake strawman arguments about jews and religion

>> No.1893651

Bro its cherry picked, case closed lol
P.S. its old

>> No.1893652
File: 372 KB, 760x1390, Screenshot_20200822-161724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? Blokhin wasn't a Jew
Yes he was. He was a kosher butcher before becoming the most prolific mass murderers in Soviet history.

>> No.1893659

In other words you are unable to refute anything in the pastebin or are you ready to give us some specific examples?

>> No.1893661

nice source lol
Is that header from a geocities page?

And no, he served in the Imperial Army before the revolution.

>> No.1893663

It just is, get with the times gramps, nobody thinks like you anymore

>> No.1893667

This but unironically

The first page is literally talking about projections of AIDS and how it could potentially affect healthcare prices, because its a study done over 40 years ago.
You and your pastebin is being ignored for good reason. It might do well on facebook or /pol/ though

>> No.1893671

>his (((Wikipedia))) has been scrubbed of his Jewish origins therefore Vasily Mikhailovich Blokhin was not a Jew even though he was a kosher butcher

Plenty of Jews served in the officer corps of every European nation and Russia too. Eat lad kike.

>> No.1893672

Did you personally attend this kikery, kike?

>> No.1893677

Here are like ten million sources

All sources about Blokhin being Jewish are amateurish sites by neonazis ranting about White genocide. Clearly completely unbiased and trustworthy!

>> No.1893678


Sorry boomer but you have it backwards people are waking up everywhere because they were lied to about homosexuals

>> No.1893765

Faggots are just regular people like you and me, they love like you and me, they deserve rights like you and me, they are MORALLY SUPERIOR TO YOU AND ME

>> No.1893942

The only chance you have if he's genuinely not gay is to spend time with him and bond over things he enjoys while also imparting important life lessons and knowledge. If he's actually gay, then push him towards being a top. While he'd still be a homo, it's less disgusting if he's banging cute twinks rather than taking dick in his butt. You can still remain some sense of masculinity while being a top, outwardly appearing to be a normal man. There's nothing remotely manly about giving up your orifices to other males. Bottom faggots stick out like a sore thumb.

I'm married with kids and I still have a couple twinks I bang on the side. You'd have no idea.

>> No.1894011

One day your wife and kids will find out, and won't they all be so proud of queer old dad? Won't they have fond memories of shit stabbing dad, the neighborhood bug chaser. Won't your wife be so pleased to have airtight grounds for divorce with 100% custody. Ooh, what if you bring her home a nice case of something minor like the clap, but just bad enough that she won't believe it's a zit? Sounds fun m8

>> No.1894099

Does your wife know ur gay?

>> No.1894392
File: 3.06 MB, 500x207, ThatsBait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

ITT: OP is gay and trying to find out what trades have the "manliest" population because all the dudes on Grindr know he's HIV+. Makes up a stupid situation about a brother he doesn't have.

Also: Hypocrites proselytizing.

>> No.1894440

I love how none of the homosexuals trying to defend their unhealthy disgusting lifestyle could refute anything in the pastebin


>> No.1894675

>You cant arbitrarily decide your brothers sexual fetishes.
Not with that attitude.

>> No.1894985

posts like this is why i love 4chan. fucking braindead shits

>> No.1895185

Gtfo Faggot

>> No.1895350

Why are you gay?