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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1692992 No.1692992 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many seemingly expensive snapon toolboxes for sale?

Are these snapon dealers trying to move stock?

Or is it millennials that can’t afford the payments?

How do I find a decent toolbox that doesn’t cost as much as a down payment on a car

>> No.1693005

the kind of people that need a toolbox of that size bring in that kind of money in a day

>> No.1693025
File: 204 KB, 960x640, 5bfa722286f9ca5247574f2d252372a332182c54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because boomers buy fapoff and trick kids doing oil changes into buying them too.
Anyone who unironically buys tools as an "investment" in the traditional sense should be laughed at.
like look at this guy
$7.5k, guy doesn't even put any effort in besides just taking a picture of two drawers
Boomers will desperately try to justify their sheetmetal boxes in by equating them to ferarri's in in comparison to a hf box ford focus.

>> No.1693028

Mechanicfag here

Mostly greenhorns getting into the trade with minimal experience and zero financial sense. All they see is a cheap payment and a nice shiny toolbox. Lots of them get out of the field fast when they cant keep up and try to recoup their money. Seen it happen more than once with young and new apprentices. Funny cause they're all up to their eyeballs in debt on depreciating assets. Usually a brand new lifted goes along with it or a financed atv/sxs/snowmobile and they almost always live with their parents because they're financially retarded

>> No.1693029

Lifted truck*

>> No.1693056

How long is that one? That doesn’t seem quite so unreasonable if it’s in good condition. The snappy boxes are a ripoff either way, but if you’re planning on using the thing daily for the next 4 decades, it might be worth going with that instead of a $1000 model that will have drawers falling out after 2yrs.

>> No.1693067

Fresh UTI graduate equivalent of an E1 with a new Charger/Mustang/Camaro, etc.

>> No.1693068

Then you learn how to fix your fucking toolbox and gain experience fixing shit.
If you only buy stuff that never breaks, how do you learn to fix anything?

>> No.1693071

>be manlet
>can’t reach stuff in upper shelves

>> No.1693122

Because when you use the thing professionally at work, you would rather be working on somebody else’s shit and making money instead of having to deal with your shitty Craftsman toolbox for the 3rd time this month.

>> No.1693151

>Work flat rate
>Spend time fixing box instead of buying a decent one for "the experience" thus not making any money

I know this is a diy board but you gotta understand that some people actually use tools to make money. Those people need their tools to be reliable to continue making money with minimal downtime. I work hourly but still buy good tools because breaking a tool makes a pain in the ass into a big pain in the ass. Snapon is ludicrously priced but a truck stops by frequently to replace your worn out and broken shit. You're not just paying for the tool you're paying for the lifetime guarantee and convenience. I think a lot of the boxes are guys just getting into it and finding out what a pile of shit career choice being a mechanic is and decide to hang it up for something that pays better like being a cashier at Costco.

>> No.1693186

>>>1692992 (OP)
>Mechanicfag here
>Mostly greenhorns getting into the trade with minimal experience and zero financial sense. All they see is a cheap payment and a nice shiny toolbox. Lots of them get out of the field fast when they cant keep up and try to recoup their money. Seen it happen more than once with young and new apprentices. Funny cause they're all up to their eyeballs in debt on depreciating assets. Usually a brand new lifted goes along with it or a financed atv/sxs/snowmobile and they almost always live with their parents because they're financially retarded

Mechanic fag here as well,

Can confirm. Stupid shitty UTI grads who can barely manage oil changes get into a shop and see that shiny rape van (Snap-On/Matco), and get suckered into 4 years worth of low payments. 8 months at the shop, they may graduate to doing brakes or alignments, still not making book work and eventually wash out, liquidating all their spendy tools. It's great, most of my Snap-On/Matco/Mac tools I've gotten on discount like that. Pawn shops are also a great place.

>> No.1693190

>>Work flat rate
>>Spend time fixing box instead of buying a decent one for "the experience" thus not making any money
>....Those people need their tools to be reliable to continue making money with minimal downtime. I work hourly but still buy good tools because breaking a tool makes a pain in the ass into a big pain in the ass. Snapon is ludicrously priced but a truck stops by frequently to replace your worn out and broken shit. You're not just paying for the tool you're paying for the lifetime guarantee and convenience.

Shill please,

I your dumb ass wants to spend $100 for a 1/4" socket set, another $75 for basic screwdrivers and $35 for a fucking hammer, go right ahead. But don't talk like your hammer is any different than my $10 harbor freight special. I'm not paying $90 for a fucking ratchet, when the store down the road sells what I need for $30

>> No.1693192

so its fine to get all basic tools from HF? I do need a new screwdriver set..but not one that will heave the tips snap off if there's there's slightest bit of resistance

>> No.1693200

Chinese tools in 2019 aren't what they were in 2004. Go look and see how HF's ratchets are almost as good as snapon's ratchets.

If you want decent new stuff, Husky is actually about the best for basic hand tools.

There is no pride in meme US companies like this any more, same goes for snapon, harley davidson, john deere, caterpillar, boeing. Nobody gives a fuck, the execs just want $$$ and are willing to cut every corner to get it.

>> No.1693208

why dont you people just make your own tool draws?

>> No.1693218

I weep at the thought of your poorfag hands never knowing the satisfying feel of quality tools in them. I used cheap tools while gradually buying quality bit by bit. You are delusional to that cheap tools will hold up near as well as mid level. There's not as much of a jump from mid level to top dollar but it's there. I can't be running to Harbor Freight twice a day because my screwdriver handle broke and my deadblow end blew out.

>> No.1693261
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To be fair though you can put a lead ingot that barely fits in every single drawer and open and close it with 1 finger for 40 years.

Still though. That's about 10 HF top and bottom box sets so...

>> No.1693263

...well. don't need to then eh?

>> No.1693264

Say what you will about the rape vans.

15 bucks a month on a 150 dollar matco 144 tooth 3/8 ratchet was the best money i ever spent. Lol

>> No.1693267


Fucking 100 year old made in usa quality craftsman is china now. The machining processes and tech have caught up to the point most china shit is nearly on par with name brand unless you are after best of the best shit like an impact or ratchet you use everyday and dont want busted knuckles.

>> No.1693268

What do you mean "you people?"

>> No.1693283

Harley Davidson is the Apple Computers of motorcycles. You pay for the name, and a POS bike. I have a friend who swears up and down that Harley Davidson is the best brand, but he's constantly taking it to the stealership to get something fixed.

>> No.1693286
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>>>1693190 (You)
>I weep at the thought of your poorfag hands never knowing the satisfying feel of quality tools in them. I used cheap tools while gradually buying quality bit by bit. You are delusional to that cheap tools will hold up near as well as mid level. There's not as much of a jump from mid level to top dollar but it's there. I can't be running to Harbor Freight twice a day because my screwdriver handle broke and my deadblow end blew out.

I'm also the poster from >>1693186
I'll buy quality tools where needed, swivel impacts, wrenches, any calibration/measurement equipment (from the suckers liquidating their tools), but I rarely pay full price. If you want to pay $8/mo for 48mos. for a brake caliper pisto press kit, when I can get the same for $35, knock yourself out. I'd much rather spend the money elsewhere

>> No.1693287
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screwdrivers are not a multi-tool my man, use the right tool for the right job and you wont break so many things and you'll save money

>> No.1693288

Additionally, I learned a long time ago from an old grizzled wrench (we all have that guy in our shop).

Your toolbox doesn't make you money, a $10k box that takes up a bay is wasted money. There are 2 things you NEVER go cheap on, safety equipment and work boots

>> No.1693291

I have broken the handle of a Harbor Freight screwdriver turning it by hand, I have about a bajillion dollars in specialty tools for individual tasks. Nothing makes me cringe more than guys hammering screwdriver handles with a wrench

>> No.1693292

youre a pretty strong guy wanna be my pop

>> No.1693295

Are you old enough to cut grass on your own? I can kick out my freeloading 3 year old out and you can have his room

>> No.1693312

shit. is /lgbt/ raiding us?

>> No.1693318

>they almost always live with their parents because they're financially retarded

Living with your parents while having a career job is fiscally great. Not sure what you are talking about.

>> No.1693397
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I’ve found that there are very specific instances where HF is still undeniably inferior to it’s main American competitor. Twice I’ve seen the teeth of their aluminum wrenches get worn out within a year, and there’s no way of replacing them like with a Ridgid.

Also HF PTFE tape sucks ass and the frustration alone makes buying American worth it.

>> No.1693427

That's okay, they got a SnapOn stool for you. And since you need somewhere to store that stool, they've also got a SnapOn stoolbox.

>> No.1693436

*hand rubbing intensifies*

>> No.1693440

Screwdrivers are for screwing things up

>> No.1693450

That is a different kind of thrifty than driving across town to save $0.10 on gas
I have yet to see pliers that are on par or better than Kleins

>> No.1693503

i agre, but only because i support the idea of intergenerational family houses

>> No.1693504

straight up. my wife and I have been miserable since we moved out. We are going to move back with her parents soon into a bigger house. We make over 150k combined and can definitely afford a good life on or own and have been doing so but it's just not the same... no great home cooked meals, no clean house, no laundry done, no fun family nights, no home improvement weekends with the father in law... sucks

>> No.1693527

>10$ harbor freight is fine

No, it's not. I've literally had harbor freight hammer handles shatter on me before, you get a bad batch of some carboard chinesium garbage tool that whose maker cut one too many corners and they become a fucking safety hazard

>> No.1693551

>buying bottom shelf tools
At least buy mid range shit like husky/kobalt/craftsman, there's no excuse to be buying garbage tools.

>> No.1693606

Ugh I rent a house with my mom and it’s like being a parent of a kid who ages in reverse. The older she gets, the more I have to do for her.

Upside is I have a roommate who goes grocery shopping for me.

>> No.1693610

This is true as well. Other anon said it too. With most products there are diminishing returns when you start spending on real high end stuff.

The $75 Gearwrench socket set is so much nicer than the $20 HF set, only costs $50 more and is well worth it. The $400 Snappy set is a bit better than the Gearwrench, but not $300+ better.

A box full of Gearwrench-Sunex-Tekton will get you far, stay away from the cheapest shit if you plan on using it more than once. And then spend on some good stuff like your main screwdriver set from Wiha or Klein and drop at least $30ea on a few mid range ratchets.

Tool trucks are a waste of money if you’re not in a shop though. Like 2/3 of the retail price is covering the warranty and tool truck guy’s service and financing, only 1/3 is really paying for a quality tool.

>> No.1693711

Nigga with that income u could live like a king on my 3rd world shithole, move tf out of your libshit hellhole

>> No.1693804

imo budget brands I recommend
>some HF products
>grey pneumatic

>blue pointe ratchet wrench set 9 piece

Blue pointe were most expensive tools I bought, after that I never bought snapon/matco/cornwell related shit

Hell I even had a rep tell me a factory accidentally left cornwell stamp in when switching from cornwell to snap on, and accidentally made socket sets that say cornwell/snapon on them.

Yeah you're buying the fucking name with snap on/cornwell/matco

>> No.1693805

Jesus you sound so fucking entitled
>humble brag about making 150k combined
>can't budget
>wanna go back to living with parents and live rent free

Jesus christ I hate people like you.

>> No.1693809

we are not going to live rent free, we are going to be buying a larger house in the suburbs to live with them and renting out our townhouse in the city. They will be retiring soon and we plan on having kids next year so it works out well.

>> No.1693811

also 150k per year is not much in texas where young men can get jobs starting at 70k easily...

>> No.1694022

Blue Point it pretty overpriced too. I would rather get Williams because the US stuff is like Snappy and the Taiwan is Blue Point, but without the retarded markup. And any of the specialty tools are probably made by some giant Chink manufacturer too.

>some HF products
As they put out more mid-range brands, I find myself going there less and less because I can buy Gearwrench or any of the better big box Asian brands like Irwin or Milwaukee for the same money and don’t have faith in Harbor Freight in the long term.

I might grab one of those Icon ratchets if they ever decide to send out coupons.

>> No.1694026
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Just looked at muh Amazon account and the GF either really likes Knipex or she ordered me a couple things for my bday. So much for shitting on overpriced meme brands, still not as bad as the truck though.

I might have to buy a ring for this one.

>> No.1694036

That’s because you haven’t tried knipex. Klein is electrician meme tier.

>> No.1694989


Is it amateur hour over here? My wife and I will probably make upwards of $500k this year. Granted, she makes about 85-90% of that.

I work because I refuse to do all of the cooking and cleaning. I am not a hypocrite and I would expect a stay at home wife to do all of the house chores.

To get back on track, I can afford snapon but I don’t waste my money on it. I do not need the snapon truck services that I would be paying for

>> No.1695003

>amateur hour
>if my wife makes 85% of 500k that means i make 75k a year

thanks 4 contribute anon

>> No.1695006

Tech schools have deals with strap-on and convince graduates that they're getting cheap tools.

>> No.1695007


But yet I didn’t marry some washed up waitress with three kids

>> No.1695008

Learn to fucking greentext. There are online tutorials.

>> No.1695009

>this video kills the strap-on shills


>> No.1695081

>posts a shill

>> No.1695103

>the kind of people that need a toolbox of that size bring in that kind of money in a day
bawhahahaha, no they make shit and can't afford those boxes. The owner of those repair shops do quite nicely, but the tech make at most $15 an hour.

What a time to be alive.

>> No.1695191

That’s lube tech money.

If it’s a real mechanic, having a toolbox that is organized and isn’t falling apart means you can average $25/hr instead of $18/hr.

Also this is why the Snappy guy finances stuff.

>> No.1695210

Why are youi and your wife failing this much at being adults?

>> No.1695222

Yeah but blowjobs from the wife on the living room couch aren’t as easy when your mom is in the kitchen. Unless she’s into that sort of thing.

Or did you stop getting blowjobs when you wifed her? If that’s the case, I’m gonna stall on this wedding as long as possible. Does an engagement ring change the frequency and/or quality of blowjobs or am I good buying the ring but dragging ass on the ceremony?

>> No.1695268

Like you get any bj’s after she found out you are a tripfag

>> No.1695386
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That’s our little secret!

>> No.1695552

>just scored a used harbor freight 41 inch toolbox for 100 bucks
Guy says all casters work, all drawers work but the bottom one doesn't go all the way in possibly something behind the drawer.

>> No.1696815

>150k isn't a lot in Texas
Fucking Bullshit
Let me guess you live in Austin

>> No.1696828
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Damn, I want to grab one of those 40”-45” boxes from somewhere soon. Maybe even the 56”. I have way too much shit for my current boxes and lots of my tools have been residing on a plastic shelf that is overloaded.

I was trying to figure out where to store that new slide hammer case last night and that almost made me go cop myself a gift from Lowe’s. I would like something with a few big drawers for power tool storage and maybe one of those folding tops with the outlets to keep the chargers up there. US General gives you a lot of space for the money but no outlets or arched top lid. Maybe a Husky or Milwaukee if the price is right. The newest Craftsman boxes don’t look too bad for the money either.

>> No.1696849

>I can't afford a snapon
I bet your wife can afford a strapon, faggot

>> No.1696872
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Very happy with my 44" box but I would have bought the 56 if I had the space.

>> No.1696933
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Yeah but if I get the bigger one, I want to get rid of the old 28” because I have gotten my use out of it. I want one box and one cart.

I was thinking if I want to be cheap, I could get a 56” bottom box and then take the casters off the 28” and put them on to of the new box, them jump on the new top box after the holidays.

There are some good Milwaukee boxes around that size too and they are surprisingly affordable, but it looks like they have less drawers and storage space than a US General with the same footprint. I like the idea of one full length drawer for screwdrivers or something.

>> No.1696949

Or hell, your own personal time. When I come home I would rather knock my projects out and have time to do what I need as opposed to fighting cheap crappy tools all day. I’ve got shit to do.

>> No.1696972


>> No.1696981
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Meh, you don’t need a full suite of Snap On shit for that. Maybe a Snappy ratchet or other main tool.

Still shilling for Gearwrench as a great weekend warrior brand, they have tool trucks now and sell to shops and fleets. And Milwaukee for serious DIY and pro power tools over the $800 Snappy gun that is objectively worse than the Fuel.

Fuck, I really want to buy some of those Milwaukee combination wrenches now but I have no excuse to do it.

>> No.1697000

Update on my toolbox after I bought it,

Surface rust, I took a sanding disk and grinded off the surface rust on top of the tool box.

I did some cleaning of the dirt that collected.

Bottom drawer he was referring to, I took out some of the other drawers and it seemed this toolbox tipped cause there was quite a bit of stuff behind the drawer.

All the drawers work except one is crooked, looked like it got hit from the side while it was open.

I have some questions for anyone in this thread.

What can I use to lube the rails so I can have the drawer glide more smoothly?

What grit of sand paper can I use to smooth out the bare metal before I paint the top?

Anything I can use to try to get the black grime off the toolbox? It might be permanent but it won't be a big deal if it is.

>> No.1697005

What do you think the black grime is? I would try some good degreaser, possibly a little bit of the heat gun. I use lithium grease for the slides, not sure if it really matters. Same with the sanding thing, use whatever works if you’re painting over it anyway.

What do you mean behind the drawer? Did you get some bonus tools?

>> No.1697107

Just buy the Milwaukee wrenches for the same reason you buy the rest of your tools. To take pictures of them, unused on the bench.

>> No.1697135
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Black grime I am not sure, I tried some diesel fuel and it help remove some, but not fully.
No bonus tools it was pens and bolts. I mean like pic related, not my pic but theres a gap behind the drawers in toolbox, and stuff collected behind it.

>> No.1697146
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Just put the lift next to the box.

>> No.1697177

I kept the other boxes so I can divide tools and not dig around as much. The middle red stack there is specialty and air tools, the blue one is electrical, spares, testing equipment and bodywork tools. The big HF box is my go-to for regular tools.

>> No.1697202

SK/Wright's where it's at

>> No.1697203


>> No.1697207

>And Milwaukee for serious DIY
I don't trust the chinks

>> No.1697251
File: 3.05 MB, 3548x2371, 7E50A68E-8AB2-43DC-98B7-381E28A59BCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

Where do you think Snappy power tools are made?

>> No.1697341

>snap on
absolute junk
t. Wera tool rebel

>> No.1697353

>Shill please,

>I your dumb ass wants to spend $100 for a 1/4" socket set, another $75 for basic screwdrivers and $35 for a fucking hammer, go right ahead. But don't talk like your hammer is any different than my $10 harbor freight special. I'm not paying $90 for a fucking ratchet, when the store down the road sells what I need for $30
Shitty cheap screwdrivers suck, and routinely cam out of screws. Not always, but enough that it’s worth paying more for better screwdrivers when working near delicate stuff.
$35 is a mid teir price for a hammer.
There are plenty of hammers that cost more, or way more, and dome of them are way worth it.
I’ve come across some really nice cheap hammers in the past, but you really have to kniw enough about balance and stuff to be able to tell if a cheap hammer is worth it.
When Armstrong was around there were mid teir ratchets that were close in quality to Snappy ratchets. :(

>> No.1697357

>being this gay
I’d rather use the screwdriver in my hand than go find the pry bar, as does pretty much every other red blooded American in this thread. If it ain’t heavy, then it gets the flathead.

>> No.1697364

Are you high? Flat-bladed screwdrivers CAN be excellent prying tools. That's why you have more than one. Show me your 4mm-wide prybar, chief.

>> No.1697366

Never understood this.

>> No.1697378

seriously fuck harley davidson fuckin boomer ass brand them fuck them in their gay ass leather chaps

>> No.1697383

>tfw I make that sitting in an air conditioned office telling people to fuck off, we don't have your parts. Buy them from somewhere else.

>> No.1697486
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Playskool. Adults with a taste for German tools use Wiha and Knipex.

Ahh, pic related!

For the reasons listed. Why don’t you build your own car and rely on it to commute to work daily and drive your family around at highway speeds?

>> No.1698554

>one handle is dirty from being shoved in your anus

>> No.1698694

>buys a snap on cabinet that probably cost more than a down payment on a house
>doesn't just build a group of shelves and cabinets on that same wall for a 1/10th of the price
>"Me like shiny product with brand name on it!"

>> No.1698710
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That one tickles just right.

Most people don’t buy Snappy cabinets for home. They get them for work because they’re rolled around and abused on a daily basis for years. That’s the only excuse for dropping that kind of money on a toolbox.

If you’re a weekender and maybe open each drawer once a week, you can get two decades out of a Craftsman box since you aren’t constantly moving the thing around a busy shop.

Oh and this pliers rack is fucking useless. Goddamn Harbor Freight trickery. Only like two pairs of pliers I own fit in the thing well and it would need to be in an extra deep drawer to work.

I would bring the thing back if it was worth the $8.

>> No.1698713
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I’m convinced the pliers on the box are photoshopped in

>> No.1698714
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Only like one goddamn pair of channellocks actually fits in there, but then you need a drawer that is 6” deep to store it with the handle sticking up.

>> No.1698749
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>> No.1698820

Got a menards nearby? The masterforce boxes are pretty decent for the money. Better than the Harbor Freight boxes for pretty much the same price.

>> No.1698873
File: 115 KB, 640x480, E1DC5C2D-59A3-4D1F-8C80-E6D51ED1C944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah closest Menards is 4 states away, which sucked when I inherited those Masterforce tools.

>> No.1698948

>constantly moving the thing around a busy shop.
I don't think any mechanic is regularly moving those trailer sized behemoths around their shop either
buying a bunch of cabinets and a couple of quality but regular sized tool carts would have been the smart choice

>> No.1698951
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All depends what you do. Our fleet shop isn’t even that busy, but a couple times a year they decide to rearrange everything, and at least once a month upper management people come so they have to roll boxes around and clean under and behind everything.

I agree on the tool cart, even my little HF one was nice the other weekend when my neighbor wanted me to work on his boat, I rolled that bitch right across the street and didn’t need to run to my garage for anything besides the bench vise. But career mechanic dudes, a lot of them like having their own specialty tools and all of that shit adds up quick so you need a big box, and that thing needs to be able to roll across the shop with a ton of steel inside the drawers. Plus the slides and latches on the drawers, you can get away with basic stuff when you’re only in the tool box once a week, but these dudes might open and close one drawer 20 times a day.

Not saying Snap On is worth it for everything, but heavy duty boxes exist for a reason.

Somewhat related, the one snappyboi in our fleet had a Mac cart like pic related and I’m jelly of that thing. I like the sliding top so you can open it while you’re working on the surface. There are some cheaper models with the sliding top, Craftsman had one for like $150, but it’s small, quite a lot smaller than the US General carts.

>> No.1698961
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i fully understand that quality is important and worth spending extra on
i just don't see the need for moving a ton of specialty tools around the shop in a giant cart when you could just grab the one you actually need from a cabinet
there's also no need to keep specialty tools in drawers when they usually come in their own cases anyways, cabinet shelves are cheaper, can't break or get stuck and are easy to adjust in height to your specific needs
pic related would be the way I'd set up a professional shop, moving carts for common tools and big cabinets for the special stuff, plus enough bench surface for the parts and tools you are currently using
maybe change two of the floor cabinets to drawers for smaller tools

>but a couple times a year they decide to rearrange everything,
>so they have to roll boxes around and clean under and behind everything.
to me it looks like movable carts are the cause and not solution to those issues
there's no need to rearrange everything unless you do major renovation
and the dirt only collects there because your box is half a foot off the ground on wheels and never flush with the wall
whereas a cabinet sits right on the ground and is bolted to the wall

>> No.1698963

Yeah man if that was my shop that I owned or I had a badass garage, I would do something similar.

But when you’re a mechanic at a shop and the owner’s wife divorces him because of his cocaine habit and infidelity and the shop gets sold off in the divorce, what are you going to do with all of those custom fitted and permanently installed cabinets?

>> No.1698966

you move them? just like you'd move any other furniture in a shop or house
they aren't any bigger than the giant snapon carts itt
only downside is that they don't have wheels and are fixed to the wall with two bolts each
on the upside they break down into smaller parts and are easily rearranged
what are you gonna do when your new shop puts you in a corner? bend your 30' snapon trailer in the middle
or just put one cabinet on either side

you seem to have missed the whole point of a modular system where you can easily change single components
over a car sized single piece of equipment

>> No.1698993


>Person decides to become a "mecnanic"
>See's guys who have done it for years with real education making "big" $$$ with fancy toolboxes
>"Hey maybe thats all I need"
>Buy the biggest bastard of a box the tool guy sells
>Tool guy has to rent a helicopter to deliver it as its too big for any other mode of transport
>After 5 weeks of getting covered in oil and nothing else, buddy decides wrenching isn't for him
>But wait! He still owes the truck $50 a week for 15 years!
>Tool guy wont give him a penny for it, why would he?
>Buddy decides to dump it on someone else
>It never sells for enough

>> No.1699019

Good luck convincing 5 different shops in 10 years that you’re just gonna start putting anchors and cabinets up on the wall of your choice. Have fun getting those cabinets out when you get shitcanned for posting on a white supremacist forum during work hours.

>> No.1699036

>Have fun getting those cabinets out when you get shitcanned for posting on a white supremacist forum during work hours.
Confirmed for having never worked in a shop.

>> No.1699087

What shop have you worked at that even allows looking at your phone outside of break? How about a shop that OKs you hanging cheap cabinets on their walls so you don't have to buy a tool cart? I work remote but I guarantee these things aren't flying in any shop anywhere I've worked.

>> No.1699631
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>> No.1699645

See >>1699087

Sheeeitt, I just remembered this is /diy/ and some niggas here actually use thwir tools. Who wants to make me a velvet lined case for muh ratchets and extensions? Or maybe pliers?

>> No.1699740

thats' the coveted duralast socket set.

>> No.1699919

They got some new suppliers for lots of their tools and some of that stuff is a great buy. I got a 1/4” drive flex head ratchet from em and it’s great, it’s a Snappy knockoff.

>> No.1700234


... and metrology

>> No.1700235


I'm not sure if it meets my needs. Can I try one first?

>> No.1700239

>Does an engagement ring change the frequency and/or quality of blowjobs or am I good buying the ring but dragging ass on the ceremony?

Blowjobs go up after honeymoon is over, but actual sex goes down.

>> No.1700406

yes you can have a stool sample

>> No.1700596

this is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've seen posted on 4chan in a while.

>> No.1700620

Hilti is made in China and is extremely well made.
It highly depends on how much the company gives a fuck about QC and whether they vetted the people making their shit.

>> No.1701100

a mentally handicapped woman could do your job

>> No.1701226
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I have a pair of smooth jaw Knipex, but that is about the only thing they have over Klein

>> No.1701630

>Replying to a tripfag

>> No.1701633

Red is the only acceptable color for a box.

>> No.1701812

So a mentally handicapped woman can make more money than you?

>> No.1701860
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A lot of them are scams

>t. Guy who contacted ~10 craigslist ads and got “send me $2000 worth of eBay gift cards” replies lmao.

I did finally get one and fixed it up nicely for ~ $1000 plus all the tools in it.

Pic related.

>> No.1701926

>boomer box with Craftsman and cheap round hear ratchets and 75 loose sockets, none of them being sizes you would ever use anything
I hate that shit, people like “Over $2000 in tools alone!”

>> No.1701929

I've snapped two of those by hand

>> No.1701935
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When your opinion is wanted we'll be sure to pop our collectives dicks out of your mouth. Till then, keep sucking.

>> No.1701982

Honestly...just about everything on Craigslist that was labeled “Snap-on” was some scam shit. Was lucky to find the box I did.

>> No.1702137

no they dont you fucking 'tard.

>> No.1702207

Tagged “Snap On” for the hell of it, or has a bunch of mismatched shit and the person claims “Lots of Snap On tools!” and there’s one 7/32” Snappy socket in there.