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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 54 KB, 898x599, 0850135C-7874-4367-9C0F-50E75AB325EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1638567 No.1638567 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most juryrigged thing you’ve ever done?

>> No.1638570

Kill my support worker

>> No.1638593

I actually have that brake light switch on my truck...

>> No.1638594

In the UK pakis /mudslimes use this for insurance scams .

>> No.1638618


>> No.1638620

Turn your brake lights off, slam on your brakes, get rear ended ... Profit I guess?

>> No.1638630


If you drive properly you don't have to worry about that particular situation, and you're at fault if you hit someone who stops suddenly whether or not their brake lights are functioning.

>> No.1638641

I'm pretty sure the proper term is jerryrigged.

>> No.1638746

scams like that are part of the reason I have a dash cam in my truck.

>> No.1638748

Negative, landlubber.
It's an old sailing term, from the late 1700s at the least.

>> No.1638750


>> No.1638763 [DELETED] 


The correct term is "nigger" rigged

>> No.1638765

we don't stand for racism around 4channel, pal
I'm calling the cyber-police on your ass

>> No.1638767

Used bailing wire as a ground for my trailer tail lights.

>> No.1638793
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These awesome ramps for my Porsche.

>> No.1638822

Oh man, that hurts a bit to look at but you obviously took your time to prevent it from collapsing
Pls don't hurt that beauty, they're rare.

>> No.1638862

No it's niggerrigged

>> No.1638873
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Holy crap its like a little froggy
Paint it green

>> No.1638887

Do you climb out through the roof when it's in the truck?

>> No.1638938
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>Holy crap its like a little froggy
>Paint it green
YOur right.

>> No.1638940

>Do you climb out through the roof when it's in the truck?
The hatch in back.

>> No.1638982

Pick one

>> No.1639047
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>> No.1639048
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>> No.1639049
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>>1639047 - Designing stage
>>1639048 - Testing stage
>>1639049 - Finished product

>> No.1639075

Mister fancy pants, bringing out the dicktionary

>> No.1639078

Look at me
>I can GET too

>> No.1639087

Ive heard of adding a brake light switch to your truck, but ive always heard it in the context of turning the brake lights ON without pressing the brake pedal. The idea being you can brake check tailgaters without actually putting yourself in danger.

Also yes, buy a fucking dashcam. I run one front and rear, here in the USA its still unpopular and people give you weird looks when you tell them.

>> No.1639265

Thats a 944 you retard...

>> No.1639267

Absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.1639277

It's "jury-rig"

There is no "jerry-rig", there are only people that incorrectly think that is the right term.

"Jerry-built" is also correct but it means something else. "Jury-rigged" for when you improvise a solution/repair. "Jerry-built" for cheap fast construction not meant to last.

>> No.1639278

924. You can tell by the headlights.

>> No.1639281


Trash is trash homie.

>> No.1639351

Honestly a pretty tight project

>> No.1639378

Obviously a 928, completly diffrent everything from a 924/944
Also, guessing the headlights are stuck.

>> No.1639452
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>> No.1639453
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>> No.1639467
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Neighbor promised to loan me an engine hoist for fixing his shitty mowers. Never happend. Outta money and patience, but good on cedar logs & rusty lag bolts however..

>> No.1639483

Nice looking s10, '99?

>> No.1639485


Once the engine is lifted, how are you going to move it or everything else to do much of anything? That's the main point of a hoist and a decent work surface in that you can move the motor somewhere else.

I once pulled a motor out of a Triumph using a similar home-made hoist, but I was able to push the car out of the way and then work on the motor.

>> No.1639488

'02. Ls 280k. Bent my frame badly in a really minor accident. My dad thought id totally lost it when i scored a 60k frame and started swappin. True it wont be worth shit but iv wanted for so long to change some things, i love the way s10s handle. Already had zq8 stuff front n back but i welded on a super thick brace where the thin zq8 brace typically goes and attached the rearmost frame ends which got rid of alot of flex. I also found that half the factory welds totally missed the seams! Stitch welded those areas. Iv been bored lol

>> No.1639489

Im glad you asked that actually. All i had to do was pick motor/trans straight up. Rotate 180, move gantry 5feet set it down in the new frame. I slid the gantry fairly easily on scrap boards i had sunk into the ground when it was rainin. Moved each side alittle at a time with a long pry bar the runners. Wasnt bad.

>> No.1639490

whatcha keepin' in the ammo box on stilts?

>> No.1639492
File: 2.78 MB, 3264x1836, 20190520_204738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often do shit the hard way to keep my mind off of things. Was all out building a new house for the bitch and my daughter til she got herself a uhaul while i was at work and took off with everything. Things have.....never been better! Except for mowin around the 12k #s of concrete foundation i poured

>> No.1639494

Another excellent question. Lets go have a look. It was simply for tools used in curent process but lately i think squirrels been fuckin in it. Also catchall/garbage can

>> No.1639496
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Shit like this, at a bitcoin miner hosting site

>> No.1639497
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>> No.1639498
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>> No.1639542
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not exactly the MOST jerry rigged...

>> No.1639755


>blue pvc butt connectors

just western union + black tape it at that point

>> No.1639759 [DELETED] 

mfw banned

>> No.1639838

If someone uses it, and other people understand what it means, then it exists. Dictionaries do not define language.

>> No.1639854
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Maybe not the worst, but that's my bathroom light switch at the moment. The toilet roll adds structural rigidity.

>> No.1639857


Mines not too bad, just jumped the lid switch on my dryer when it went out. Now it doesn't turn off when u open the door. But what option do I have, pay 10 bucks for a new lid switch? Get real.

>> No.1639859

Checked. And who could forget "jake-legged"?

>> No.1639861


It's jack-leg dumbass.

>> No.1639864
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Not what I'm talking about, gay boy.

>> No.1640133

my dad says "n*r rigged" so there's that too

>> No.1640138
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i like the way you make your posts. good show anon.

>> No.1640267

>Dictionaries do not define language.

And being wrong doesn't make you right. Other people also being wrong doesn't change that.

>> No.1640268
File: 3.37 MB, 3984x2988, IMG_20190602_161809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drove 1100 miles and an autocross

>> No.1640273
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I did absolutely nothing at all except install new rod bearings and change the oil. Mostly same amount of miles.

>> No.1640286
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waited too long to find a trailer so I ended up with this. costed half as much though :^)

>> No.1640541

Why not just rig the switch to the brake pedal?
Oh. Color me shocked.

>> No.1640542

Wonder what their power bill looks like.

>> No.1640552
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>> No.1640575

Nope nope nope.

I mean, I'm no engineer, but I get that the force on the chain isn't going like perpendicular to it to really break that, but... Still 100% nope.

>> No.1640614

I see nothing wrong with this.
I've done it myself.
Just remember the direction of travel
(which you did)

>> No.1640631

This honestly doesnt seem so bad, should work as a temp fix
Though nothing is as permanent as a temp fix that works

>> No.1640651


>let's half-ass a machine where literally any mistake or accident will likely kill you


>> No.1640670

>It's your fault you're getting scammed by hordes of third world invaders

Nice cope.

>> No.1640671

Anons can say what they will, but that drink coaster is sweet af.

>> No.1640720

Not how it works.
>"his brake lights dont even come on"
>"of course they're broken, you smashed into my car"
The front of your car hits the back of someone else's, it's your fault even if it really isnt.

>> No.1640724

"following too close behind"

>> No.1640730

Still your fault. Following too close behind is also a moving violation in itself. Use that line, and you'll get two tickets.

>> No.1640746

Last winter my friends asked me to replace their bathroom exhaust fan. Turns out the old one had no ducting, so it been blowing moist air right into the attic insulation for years. Problem was it was the middle of a Minnesota winter so the was no was in hell I was going to get a vent in the roof. In the end I made a chimney out of an empty cereal box and duct tape to at least get direct the air out of the insulation until spring.

Also,the old one was also nailed to the truss so I pretty much destroyed it getting it off.

>> No.1640751

nothing wrong with it.

I use e-clips on mine. I've done about 150,000km on chains with my setup. (BTW 15 - 20,000km per chain and sprokets) on road.

>> No.1640761

This was Final Jeopardy tonight

>> No.1642890

I'm about to JB weld my brake caliper mount back onto my steering knuckle

>> No.1642909

I made similar modification to a flat server box.

>> No.1643299

No washer, only nut?

>> No.1643335

had a guy do this to me in the US. was white.

>> No.1643406
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Could you explain what's going on in this pic? It looks like you've looped copper wire around the balls in that ball bearing? For what reason?

>> No.1643912

> Went to the trouble of welding the hitch on
> Didn't bother to file the fucking holes square for carriage bolts

Classy, 10/10.

>> No.1643990

That's embarrassing

>> No.1644100

>Ive heard of adding a brake light switch to your truck, but ive always heard it in the context of turning the brake lights ON without pressing the brake pedal. The idea being you can brake check tailgaters without actually putting yourself in danger.
That's... pretty genius.

>> No.1644101
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Had to get the new chipper out of my truck.

>> No.1644286
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Just finished this gem today. Prepare to piss yourselves, electricians!

>> No.1644440

Are those metal pieces on the plastic dish live?

>> No.1644638

Yeah. I'm using screws as terminals to solder the leads for the LEDs.

>> No.1644643

Gotta overclock that firewall for maximum safety

>> No.1644644

>Dictionaries do not define language.
Neither should idiots.

>> No.1644652

You ain't ever seen a small block chevy hanging from a tree anon?

You city guys I swear. You lift the motor and monkey shit in under it and lower it back down man. With HF Winches you dont even sweat anymore.

>> No.1644654

Every light in the house blows.

Looks like anon got another bitcoin..


>> No.1644655

Did that to my washer. About twice a week I find other shit to chuck in 3 minutes after I start. Best idea ever.

>> No.1644659



My 12 pack of keystone got more metal in it then that beam man. Wtf

>> No.1645002

nah, just could not find a replacement fan that was as thin as the old one.

>> No.1645167
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Based MR-S

>> No.1645171

This is the right answer.

>> No.1645208

I built a fireplace using a propane bottle and put it in a dodge van.
I have a washingtub/washing machine basin pump that is open and collecting leaky plumbing drips from a bunch of inverted pop bottles and glued-on pex tubes.

>> No.1645290
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Shit consumes 15A instead of 20A... Should I increase chooch factor? Or better not turn this into scooter bomb?

>> No.1646437

retarded. There are a million better ways to spice wire. I will never understand shit like this

>> No.1646759

present day?

>> No.1646762


I used to do something similar, but not to get in crashes. I drove this tiny little nissan, and for some reason these massive pickup trucks would always love driving up right on my ass. I guess it was some kind of macho thing.

Anyway, at first I flipped my rear windshield washer around, and i'd hit the washers when they did it and blow water all over their windshields. Confused them as hell, but once they figured out what was happened they'd get pissed and tailgate me even more, even drive up and start yelling at me.

So then I just wired a switch in to turn my brake lights on what I actually wasn't hitting the brakes. When they got up on me, i'd hit them, they'd slam on their brakes HARD, sometimes even swerving off the road because they were afraid of hitting me.

Then I'd just floor it and zoom away from the assholes.

>> No.1647327

He lost his ball bearing cage. when that happens, the balls migrate to one side and fall out. copper wire is a good choice here because it is a bushing material.

>> No.1647456
File: 3.24 MB, 4032x3024, 20190714_182642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did something like that. Lost a battery nut and put a wire in their place

>> No.1647469

this is MUCH worse.

>> No.1647736


>> No.1647751

Fuck it, go all out bro. How fast does it go mate?

>> No.1647756

How is this worse? It genuinely doesn't seem that bad kek

>> No.1647902

Based third worlder

>> No.1647929

While it may work, you're increasing resistance and will come upon worse problems than a missing bolt. Buy a damn bolt.

>> No.1647957

25 km/h if you're policemen.
26 km/h if I use GPS.
Motor is limitation, it is wound with thin wire and low KV so it barely does 25 km/h at 36V. I had another scooter, it did 30 km/h GPS confirmed, since it has thicker winding and higher KV.

>> No.1647970

present time

>> No.1647978
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Thats probably why my battery died on me a week after charging it

>> No.1647990

Maybe the battery is the lesser problem in that bike, friend.

>> No.1648005

And you don't seem to understand...

>> No.1648036

This one hurts
You protected the splice, and that's what counts!
I'm sorry did you put that splice inside a fUckING TUPPERWARE CONTAINER???

>> No.1648078

that's an LS1 but i don't recognize the frame.
i think s10 is right

>> No.1648081

>rusty disc brake
oh fuck that

>> No.1648136


>> No.1648152

No pic, but I used a vise grip to squeeze the end of a broken hose to make a pressure sprayer.

>> No.1648176

Used zip ties to cover a gap in plumber's tape "holding" my waterheater in place after it had already ripped the plumber tape in an earthquake. It was midnight when I was trying to get the thing strapped back down.

I have since then replaced the jury rigging with actual waterheater earthquake straps. I didn't take pictures. It probably didn't need the temporary jury rigging since the closest it is in proved capable of keeping it upright.

Also, taught me never to trust a home inspection. The plumber tape was checked off as fine for holding it.

>> No.1648207

Imagine playing minecraft on that thing

>> No.1648222

It would still lag with 1.12.2 C&B + cubic chunks + IE conveyors everywhere. And no FoamFix.

>> No.1648242

I strapped a loaded motherboard and its powersupply to the inside of a monitor once and replaced the tube with an LCD panel

worked fairly well until the HDD died

now im splitting my thumb open modding a PowerMac G5 and pouring my blood in tears into it on a literal level

im realizing how tired I am, time to sleep

>> No.1648246

>PowerMac G5
With the original PPC CPU and all that? Good luck if so!

>> No.1648606

>looped copper wire around the balls
not that anon, but that looks exactly like what he did. It's not a ball bearing, it's a CV axle, which the internals do act very similarly to a ball bearing, they just have cups that ride around each ball. the wire is replacing the cups to help keep the balls in place.

>> No.1648624

>rig the switch to the brake pedal
The point is that there is a switch factory-mounted on the brake pedal linkage. When that switch is defective it has to be replaced with the same thing. On some car models, that's a $20 part. Jamal here has basic knowledge of electricity and some scrap power switch from a previous job, so he splices it in on the existing switch and the fix works for some time, or forever.

>> No.1648652

>Renting shitty house
>Don’t have $100 to my name, just lost everything in a flood
>Literally all of my paycheck is going towards paying bills, rent, food
>Get “home” to this dilapidated shithole
>Take a massive dump
>Go to flush, handle snaps off
>Open upper tank, reach in, flapper is trashed too
>Get two dog leashes, a ziplock bag, some pennies, and afro-engineer a solution
>Shoved some nails in the ceiling, slung the dog leashes over the nails
>Pull leash 1 to fill upper tank
>Pull leash 2 to flush

It worked. Got the fuck out of that place. Owner came back, saw what I did, thought it was amazing.

I make 6 figures now, and have 4 beautifully functioning toilets in my house.

>> No.1648733

You deserve every penny of that salary anon

>> No.1648753

You deserve every one of those toilets anon

>> No.1648780

Nothing wrong with this, if done correctly it will be stronger/safer than a clip.

>> No.1648914

Well that legit solves my problem.

>> No.1649268
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>> No.1649270
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People cooler

>> No.1649368

The best fan I have ever seen, why don't you just buy one I think the tripod costs more than 3 real fans

>> No.1649373

nah those cheap tripods are like $15 each

>> No.1649375

you can port that air out of a soffit. No need for a roof vent.

>> No.1649479

Lo i

>> No.1649681

It was a hatchet job, that's why it's in this thread. I'm redoing it later, but I'm poor and this worked at the time.

>did you put that splice inside a fUckING TUPPERWARE CONTAINER???

>> No.1649716
File: 68 KB, 508x677, tower of sticks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>250 lbs. capacity ladder
>500 lbs. capacity HF ratchet strap
>~415 lbs. motorcycle (before I removed front end)

Strap went around the frame of the bike and the top most ladder brace that you're not supposed to stand on. Some of the weight was supported by the rear stand so it was never free floating.

>> No.1649726


that's pretty cool. and ladders, like any personal equipment are way stronger than the rating, just about any way you can abuse them. We lay aluminum extension ladders down almost horizontal and stand on them. They bend like crazy, but no damage, no foul.

>> No.1649758

That's NOT a 944, tardley. It's a 924. FFS, know what you're talking about before you shit talk

>> No.1649759

STFU grammar asshole

>> No.1649761

944 has fenders flared out giving it a muscular look. How the fuck would I know??? I owned an 85 944. Are there REALLY this many retards on this board? Nevermind.

>> No.1649762

The ultimate UPS

>> No.1649764

Excellent. Fucking genius, anon!

>> No.1649767

Nice jbox

>> No.1649863

I have questions

>> No.1649898

I once did a similar thing in order to get my bike onto a trailer, except instead of a ladder, I used the exposed ceiling frame in my shed.