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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 357 KB, 1300x957, shipping-containers-being-stacked-in-cargo-dock-rijeka-croatia-F2CW0R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1569773 No.1569773 [Reply] [Original]

I call bullshit DIY, im gonna be making myself a bunker

>> No.1569774

you're not a funny troll, you're a brain damaged kook retard

>> No.1569775

The problem is the lateral force you dunce. All the extra shit you'd have to build to compensate destroys the only reason you'd ever use one of those shitboxes, dirt cheap price. Get something that's actually designed to be buried, like a bigass commercial septic tank or some shit

>> No.1569776

Yeah it's easy. Just put the dirt in another container that you stack on top it.

>> No.1569781
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>> No.1569784
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DIY anons will be on suicide watch, with this logic

>> No.1569809

It would cost like 500 bucks in steel to reinforce a container with a steel square tubing frame inside.

>> No.1569821

Fucking genius

>> No.1569986

Its gonna float to the surface.

>> No.1570031


>> No.1570036

so what you mean to say is that it would cost half as much in steel and concrete to build a bunker than it would to buy a shipping container

>> No.1570086

I just checked local concrete prices, 35 cubic feet (that's 1m3) would run me 120 bucks including delivery.

If i wanted to build a "bunker" underground i would dig a big-ass hole, then set up the walls for pouring with the cheapest fucking scrap wood i can scrounge up, and pour the fucker out of concrete a foot or so thick. Maybe couple I-beams for the ceiling, and you might need to split it into 2 pours, but still. For the 2-3k bucks a container costs you, you can get like 2-3 truckloads of concrete.

>> No.1570220
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>> No.1570309
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>> No.1570413
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x1960, wood joinery dovetail fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant withstand 18 inches of soil over them without buckling

yeah, they cant, they can stand the pressure they are designed for doe. Enjoy your meme minimalist millenial house. Steel is mostly shit for house builds.

>> No.1570414

just reinforce them with wooden pallets

>> No.1570424

>just reinforce them with wooden pallets

steel is a horrible isolator, that is another big problem.

>> No.1570427

insulate it with empty protein powder tubs you stole from your neighbor's trash

>> No.1570432

>insulate it with empty protein powder tubs you stole from your neighbor's trash

>Implying alpha croatians use that onion shit instead of daily cheesecake for max gains.
>implying we can afford it

But why would you create a problem and then try to fix it halfway? isnt it smarter to avoid it from the start, like built out of supreme croatian construction methods or with legit timber (=/= OSB crap). You wont be a special millenial snowflake that way but youll build a god house that way.

>> No.1570433

fine, if you're croatian just steal some of bricks instead

>> No.1570436
File: 47 KB, 569x586, red brick aerate 30 x 25 x 23,8 cm - LEIERTHERM 1usd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have plenty already, Ill sell you some for you to do a proper house. how much bhaaai yenkee bhoi?

>> No.1570441

I can only pay you in bend shipping containers

>> No.1570452

>I can only pay you in bend shipping containers

how about cheeseburgers? a man has got to eat...

>> No.1570510

>daily cheesecake
>for gains
Dude what? Nobody told me gains could be so delicious

>> No.1570523
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>> No.1570531

Bro that's a vanilla slice, w/ custard.. No way that's gains food.

>> No.1572122

All the strength is parallel to the corrugations in the walls, and the top only exists to keep the rain off and keep it square.
Get a moving box and try to stand on it: you fall thru. Now put a sheet of wood across the top and stand right up.
dumbass. if u no comprendo forces then don't build structures.

>> No.1572249

So you're saying we need to mount a domed segment to the shipping container applying force only to the edges of it, and then put the soil on the dome?

>> No.1572256

>cannot understand basic physics.

>> No.1572257

>put mud in the oven and cook it before stacking it up, then either more cooked mud or autistically cut tree pieces as a roof
Fancy mud hut is still mud hut

>> No.1572476

worst joinery this board has ever seen

>> No.1572488

I miss your thread man.
Gotta love bricks.

>> No.1572585

>Just put the dirt in another container that you stack on top it.
You need two more.
One filled with dirt on each side so the sides don't cave in.

>> No.1573130
File: 505 KB, 1024x683, house americana brick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fancy mud hut is still mud hut

Mud huts keeps the wolf and tornados away. If you feed tornados with OSB it becomes bigger. FACTS.

>I miss your thread man.

thanks man, we should have an ancient building techniques general threads, there are some other very knowledgable anons here.

>> No.1573157
File: 898 KB, 1459x819, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're saying we need to mount a domed segment to the shipping container applying force only to the edges of it, and then put the soil on the dome?
If you bother with having a domed roof, you don't need the shipping container in the first place.

The roof of a shipping container has no strength in the middle of it. Because the roof isn't designed to support weight. Only the walls and corners are.

>> No.1573420

>rent earth moving equipment
>dig hole
>prepare forms
>meet ready mix truck
>”Here’s hole wage cuck. Pour here.”
>watch gears turning in drivers head
>realize a bunker is only as good as it’s stealth value
>wait till pour is complete and club driver like baby seal circa 1985
>drag limp body into concrete and allow to drown
>leave body in concrete
>drive ready mix truck to clandestine spot and abandon
>backfill hole
>play stupid with cops
>buy time and retreat into bunker to live hermit life
>quickly realize miscalculation in plan as putrifaction seeps out of curling in drops as decay smell fills bunker
>ceiling slowly fails
>collapses and becomes tomb for you and wage cuck driver

I don’t know man. Shipping container sounds worth the price to me.

>> No.1573520

I don't understand basic engineering loadd the post.

>> No.1573526

Don't tell them, this is natural selection perfected.

They're even burying themselves ffs, it's so convenient

>> No.1573536

What if you buried them on end?
||=|| then connect them with concrete sewer pipe

>> No.1573639

Shush shush shush.

If we don’t stop them, they might die of natural selection

>> No.1573667

Well we know that the floor can obviously take more load than the roof as the products don't bust through when stacked.... so how about just flipping it upside down? I know you still have the walls caving in to worry about but this would have to be a better option than just just burying it normally right?

>> No.1573685

Not with dirt, dirt is squishy. Fill with rocks. Big rocks.

>> No.1573698

Containers strength to stack them comes from the pillar like structure at the corners, not the steel skin.

Weight of the soil is on the skin not the corners, so it'll collapse.

Enjoy your coffin.

>> No.1573705

>so how about just flipping it upside down?
The floor slats in a shipping container aren't typically attached to the container. And the frame they sit on to support that weight is now on the wrong side of the floor once you have the container upside-down. And even then, the psi rating of the floor of the container isn't going to be as high as the psi range expected from so many cubic feet of dirt placed above the container.

>> No.1574095
File: 50 KB, 220x165, D349631B-385E-4EE4-AB05-E41E8142A338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a really shitty plan.

>> No.1574155

$500 in steel goes very quickly.
I bet youve never bought steel before.

>> No.1574165
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>> No.1574167
File: 1.78 MB, 339x332, kawhi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say my man

>> No.1575000

Fucking love these threads

>> No.1575295
File: 187 KB, 418x332, 1435857200108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
