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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1551111 No.1551111 [Reply] [Original]

so diy what are some ways you guys make money on the side. like little decorations and stuff

>> No.1551127

Welding. Normies are fucking retarded and will pay through the ass for simple jobs

>> No.1551136
File: 83 KB, 570x760, 06D5EA82-74DF-4C80-A811-6E91A012C436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could knit penis puppets
Size might vary.

>> No.1551188

4 out of my only 10 mates have between 6 and 12 pot plants to pay the mortgage.

>> No.1551212

This. As someone who grows plants in general, it is easy to grow some passable weed. Put in some effort and research, and the profit flows in.
Haven't done this on years, mind you

>> No.1551217

I write software and earn a silicon valley level income in eastern europ

>> No.1551219

>growing drugs in the house you want to pay off
>what is fascist federal government
>what is repo
great plan

>> No.1551269

more info pls

>> No.1551283

i like boat motor repairs. buy a broken one for cheap off craigslist, fix it up(usually a simple repair), make it shiny, sell for a few hundred dollar profit.

also buying and selling furniture from goodwill. i bought a dresser for 50$ and a woman just sent me a message asking about it. i have it listed for 600$.
do note, you have to know which brands have a good reputation.

>> No.1551291

Not everybody lives in a 3rd world police state, Chad.

>> No.1551304

But how do you find clients to sell to?

>> No.1551310

Looking for ways to make money that require NO upfront capital.

So nothing that requires education, nothing that requires buying lots of materials, nothing that requires shipping, nothing that requires buying or renting a physical space, etc.

I have no spare capital to start a business (everything I make now is need to survive) and have really bad credit so small business loans are not an option.

>> No.1551312

get a job

>> No.1551317

Already have one but it pays minimum wage and it leaves me with no disposable income and I can't get a better one because I can't afford education.

>> No.1551318

drop shipping try >>>/biz/ can be setup for about $20

>> No.1551398

500 euro a month?

>> No.1551412

Buy a welder
Practice a shit load
Make money

>> No.1551419
File: 7 KB, 235x300, Kiira5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Want to be able to weld terribly
>15 amp 120 V breaker
>Talk to electrician
>$3500 to wire garage for 240 V

>> No.1551440

Upgrade to 20A and get a decent inverter welder. Mine can put out 150A from 120V-20A.

>> No.1551444
File: 6 KB, 431x192, HdUzm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get some heavy-duty crocodile clips and clip your welder across each half-phase in your distribution box. You have 240V now.

>> No.1551480

>$3500 to wire garage for 240 V

That's like $300 for 4AWG wire, an outlet, and a couple 70amp breakers.

>> No.1551485

It's a detached garage, have to dig up the old wire, bury the new wire in some pvc and pour concrete over it, run it 25 feet to the garage, install a breaker box in the garage (annoying electrical codes in my city), put in a ground rod in the garage plus expensive ass permits.

>> No.1551488

>Talk to electrician
>on a diy board

>> No.1551554

my grandpa is a welder but he lives in another city.

>> No.1551568

Surely you have friends who smoke weed, right? Ask them for their dealers' contacts and go from there.

>> No.1551583

sparky here, what do they say about running overhead.. 25' isnt very far and in most cases is a lot easier than digging or trenching... the ground rod is really just for lighting protection... look into it a little more and never ever go with only a single bid... people are so busy right now they routinely give out fuck you bids to make it worth their time.

>> No.1551662 [DELETED] 

Suck dick

>> No.1551684

You went full cocksmith.

>> No.1551705

Overhead is supposedly out of the question in my city. Honestly, I ran into the guy when he was finishing working on a neighbor's house and used the opportunity to get him to eyeball me an estimate on a whim. I figured maybe a grand or 1500 at the most.

>> No.1551713

weird.... I really dont get the whole point of needing concrete... we bury pipe and sometimes direct burial wire all the time without the need for a duct bank(concrete poured in the trench). The panel is probably for the best... 1st its a welder, then its a band saw, then more lighting, then a stereo, may as well have a fridge out there too and so on as you build it out more and more... ground rod for lightning protection is pretty basic for a free standing structure.

In my area you are allowed to do you own electrical on your own property and pull your own permits ect. For me at least I always google the city to figure out what electrical codes they have amended just so I am not caught off guard. that would be a good place to start just to see if someone is feeding you a line of bullshit.

>> No.1551720

I grow psychadelic mushrooms and weed. I don't smoke them, I dont like how they feel. I just sell it.

>> No.1551796

Like I said, the estimate was an eyeball from the only electrician I asked.

The duct bank has to do with the fact I'm on the edge of a FEMA flood zone, I think. Literally, people 4 houses from me have to carry flood insurance, but I do not.

I'd love a panel in the garage. I'd feel safer with it. No problem spending the money there.

>> No.1551850

about $8k to $13k depending on the time of year. people tend not to care for computer shit in the summer but the time up to christmas is very good

>> No.1551851

>In my area you are allowed to do you own electrical on your own property and pull your own permits ect.
wow how cucked people are nowadays. thanks daddy government for allowing me to play with wires on my own property.

>> No.1551854

not true in legal US states ime

service based stuff obviously retard, maybe pinch pennies harder instead

>dealers will wllingly hand over their business
lmao no hun

selling shrooms is 2sp00ky4me, you sell in person?

>> No.1551879

The job I work at now makes me a ton of money, but when I was going through a bit of a transitional period in my life, I worked at a hardware store.
The cost for literally anything in the store besides fasteners and bolts was cost plus 10%, which was nice considering in most cases I could just buy resell any item off of the shelves if I was really in a bind, but why slaughter a sheep for its wool? I bought me a set of nice tools; literally anything I would have needed for basic handiwork, and built my arsenal from there. I worked the cash register and the phones, so any time someone would call asking for a technician, I would give them my number, tell them my availability, and give them a quick cost estimate by using the POS system behind the counter; I was being paid to have access to countless leads, as well as a stockpile of cheap supplies, I could beat out any other technician in town. Most of my coworkers were in on it, even the management knew, but didn't care enough to say anything about it. While most of the jobs I could do, even more complex ones like re-keying a lock, some jobs required more expertise, and you bet your ass I charged repairmen for my leads. I was making much more money doing that than I ever did from actually doing my job, but I kept it for obvious reasons.
To be honest, it was a lot of shitty work, but it paid well and got me by while I was attempting to sort the rest of my life out.

>> No.1551961

Prepare your anus.

>> No.1551964

Start digging up soil from your yard You can sell the dirt to soil yards wholesale.

>> No.1551966

Get a better job

>> No.1551988

op here could u provide a few names of good brands

>> No.1552142

Is house painting a worthwhile career choice. Know a lot about and have done it a bit on the side but not sure if I wanna go all in?

>> No.1552146

are you ok with having lower pay because someone else will do it cheaper all the time until you are forced to lower your prices?

>> No.1552912

tie the neutral from that line to another phase. voila, slightly less ghetto 240V

>> No.1553042

>thanks daddy government for allowing me to play with wires on my own property.
I'll take fire hazards and accidental electrocution for $200...
There are two things you don't wanna fuck with and DIY unless you really know what you are doing. Plumbing and electricity.

>> No.1553342

refurbished fleshlights

>> No.1553444

>dealers will willingly purchase less costly product

>> No.1553548

Make something. Find a local market to sell it at: https://www.diyncrafts.com/17586/repurpose/20-ways-to-recycle-soda-cans

Or depending on where you live: go to the woods, collect wood, dry wood, sell wood to people with log burners.

Honestly though if you have no ideas and no money of your own you are probably better off just getting a job.

>> No.1553550

What kind of pathetic country only has 120v?
> inb4 muh two types of countries fake moon trip meme

>> No.1553564

I have 240 in the house, just not the garage. Garage was built 70 years ago when 90% of work done by a home mechanic was done by hand tools. They didn't think to future proof the place. It's one of those houses where there was hundreds of razor blade in the wall when I redid the bathroom.

>> No.1553574

>Hundreds of razor blades in the wall.
Jesus christ, how horrifying. How the shit did anyone who did that back then never stop to think, "Maybe eventually they'll open this wall up for repairs, and when they do, maybe having tons of used razors everywhere is a bad idea?"

>> No.1553579

Couple thoughts: you could
a) run 240 through the existing wire from the breaker box inside the house, and apply a new subpanel in the garage to split back down for your 120 needs
b) use the existing wire to fish two new romex through and run one at each voltage

>> No.1553580

Of course option b assumes the existing wire is inside conduit.

>> No.1553591
File: 965 KB, 500x250, lovestinks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This week you can do what I do:

1. Buy a shitload of roses wholesale.
2. Refrigerate them for 1 week.
3. Offer to deliver on Valentine's Day for $40 bucks/6 roses.

In 8 hours, if you plan your routes wisely, you could make at least $500 - $1k for 12 hours of delivery service.

>> No.1553928

Can you provide a resource with list of brands to keep an eye out for?

>> No.1553945

that’s not what he was talking about you retarded waste of trips, he was talking about a dealer just handing over clients

>> No.1553947

Yeah but the risk isn't worth the reward. Pot is really small time money for the volumes you produce.

>> No.1553951

Anyone familiar with the electronics repair business? I'm a comp engineering student and I feel like I could easily repair larger equipment (ie not phones), but I don't know how i could do this without opening a store

>> No.1553984

I live for shit like this!

>> No.1553991

I braid pubic hair at the truck stop

>> No.1553993


your own or?

i got a wicked anal beard ive been neglecting

>> No.1553994

Others. I work for tips

>> No.1554080

You stupid cocksucker, i was saying the poster i replied to wasn't thinking big enough. You're not supposed to take the dealer's clients, you're supposed to make the dealer your client. Faggot.
Flyers and word of mouth, but be aware that the market is already saturated because pc repair is piss easy.

>> No.1554148

That's washed up side biz, everyone's doing it

>> No.1554150

Go blind at 60...?

>> No.1554409


>> No.1555018

mail order and return or pick up and drop off home based workspace

>> No.1555069

He was talking about being a supplier to the dealer, silly.

>> No.1555323

what do you write software for?
also for who?

>> No.1555649

Get a better job and don’t be retarded. Like holy shit, you fucked up your credit? Tf man.

>> No.1555721
File: 34 KB, 609x594, 1550117327251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making money on little decorations? what?

do you aspire to be a fat girl on etsy?

>> No.1555818

If you wanted to learn to weld that badly, you would learn the electrical skills necessary to do so. Seriously, wiring is not that complicated. About an hour with Google and I am sure you would have more than enough knowledge to do the job yourself. You just say you want to weld, when in reality you just want to fuck around on the internet.

>> No.1555907

>i was saying the poster i replied to wasn't thinking big enough
Ok, but you said it like you were correcting me, when I was correcting the original poster who thought a dealer would willingly hand over all his clients - so it was out of context and silly to say 'ftfy'. I understand what you're saying though and agree, you filthy double nigger.

I know, but he didn't acknowledge my point and instead the original retardation of the poster *I* was replying to fell on me. Originally I was just pointing out that a dealer will not hand over clients (because some retarded anon said to just ask the dealer for all his contacts), so of course making him your client is the way to go.

>> No.1555908

Oh wait lmao I get it, when the og anon said "ask them for their dealers' contacts" he must've meant contact info of the dealer (not the 'dealer's contacts' per se)

>> No.1555925

if you're going to paint houses, remember to check what paint you are using. it has been shown that painter's depression is caused by toxic paints

>> No.1556039

*the tips

>> No.1556693


Hallelujah !

>> No.1556715

Has anyone bought old furniture (coffee/end tables, mantles, headboards, etc) and refinished them and made money? I'm thinking about doing this but I don't know if it's worth the money for all the trouble. But I have all the tools and knowledge to do this.

>> No.1556718

>buys new macbook
>paints custom off colors
>sells on eBay for extra $5-700

>> No.1556720

I found a beautiful writing desk with claw feet at the curb, restored it, revived the leather top and polished the metal , fixed the gold leaf bare spots, making it look mint.

Only managed to sell it for $350 USD on consignment at an antique shoppe.

>> No.1556866

>electrical codes
letting the man keep you down

>> No.1556885

Years ago, I worked for my dad, doing home remodels and flipping houses. Demo was my job. I hated those old medicine cabinets with 50 years of old razor blades packed in the voids of the wall the cabinet was in. Used leather gloves and a metal dust pan to dig that rusty nightmare out. I'd put'em in old paint can to throw them away. Massive safety hazard on a job site. Then I found this giant ass "fishing magnet" with a 250 lb pull. That was a big mistake, used it once. Had a giant rusty razor death ball on the magnet. How to get it off? Said 'fuck this", just pitched it out.

>> No.1559238
File: 356 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190220-072135_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1551136 i approve of this.

OP make dicks!

>> No.1559240


Youtube how to make hang up planes and shit out of beer cans.

>> No.1559245


Sac the fuck up bro. I dropped out of community college twice and can hardly walk. I make like 45k.

Drive around and find a job with equipment. Don't be affraid to jump in anything. Pay attention. Show up to work on time every day. And you'll soon spend 80% of your day in a heated and air conditioned cab with an fm radio.

It's far from glorious but if i got fired today i would have my shit packed off site and be sitting in an interview or site specific safety training.

Better yet once you are comfortable running a few machines you can pick up another easily.

Hell, i learned how to run my loader off of youtube. They showed up and dropped it off and said "good luck."

Shit all becomes second nature. It's strange but even driving a 200 ton loaded haul truck gets boring.

But you can get a job anywhere in the world and it's a skillset a handfull of jobs pay you to learn.

Good luck man. Never stop job hopping for something better.

>> No.1559246


So get a fucking lincoln tombstone and weld light guage shit or throw a 20 amp breaker in.

>> No.1559247


Run it overhead dude...

>> No.1559253

if u have a gf drive her around bars and pubs during weekends and make her sell flowers there. you can make easy 500 every friday.

in christmas time do santa claus gigs. you can make 1000
-2000 every christmas eve.

>> No.1559288

then how do you know if they are any good?

>> No.1559292

>throw a 20 amp breaker in.

illegal and dangerous. I'll leave it to you to figure out why, assuming you survive the house fire.

>> No.1559330


sorry for the delay, lads.
sure fire is Drexel, Ethan Allen, Raymore and Flannigan.
there are many out there so have your phone ready. you have to remember that the average person buying used typically doesn’t know high end stuff that goes for thousands. so buy memorable brands that you’ve heard of. if you want to go for high end then do it.
it will sit in your house for months. don’t be greedy, let them talk you down in price. you’ll still make profit and they’ll be more ready to give you money. you can live without the extra 200$.
if you want a solid buy/skip: only go for hardwood, especially if it has all of its handles.
don’t try to restore it at all. if an antique furniture collector wants one of your pieces they’ll buy and give to a pro to fix up.

>> No.1559892

Not that hard, dude. I did it 2 summers ago with my dad about 50'.

Rented a ditch witch for half a day ($150). Grabbed the PVC ($30?), threw it in the hole, ran it from the panel to the shed and we were done well within a weekend.

Wired up 240v shortly after and have been welding all sorts of stupid shit since. You're either overthinking it or are lazy. Most of us here are here to help, but shit or get off the pot.

>> No.1559904


sounds like one of those /biz/ threads.

Making money equals to extracting money from people wishing to waste money on some shit.