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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1505324 No.1505324 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>work as teacher at small tech school
>only thing to eat on campus is a cafe that is open ~5 hours week
> ONE soda machine
>used to have candy machine but it broke 3 years ago
>pawn shop nearby has nice candy machine that fits my needs for $350

Anyone with experience maintaining these?? Won't have refrig. Will be bolted down and in a very secure location.

>> No.1505329
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Now, bear with me for a minute, this might strike you as revolutionary, but I want you to hear me out. It's two words, and holy shit, despite what you might hear, a majority of the free world partake in this ritual every day. Are you ready?

"packed lunch"

I'll let that settle for a minute. And here's the best bit. It is not complete rubbish junk food, it can literally be anything you want. You just put it in a container and take it right the fuck with you! I'll leave you to regather the remains of your blown mind anon, thanks me later.

>> No.1505331

Some hippy would put one of these at my work, we would just shake the shit out of it, pussy little bitch wouldn't say anything lol

>> No.1505347

>packed lunch
unironically the best thing since sliced bread

>> No.1505363

Sounds like a good idea, providing a lacking service and make a little profit. Shouldn't be too difficult to maintain.

>> No.1505383

Hmm, that’s not bad

There’s another option that a lot of people do with our company. If you order from them, they will give you free vending machines and cooler because they figure they will make up the money by you overpaying for deliveries every week.

But a lot of people will open up an account, get their machines and coolers, and then place the bare minimum order to keep the account open. So they get $10k worth of coolers loaned to them and place a $120 order every two months, and that $120 gets you product that would cost $80-$100 at a restaurant supply store, so it ends up being like you’re paying about $200/yr to rent the machines and have them serviced and repaired by the company as well. In the meantime you go and buy the product to refill it from Costco or whoever has it the cheapest on sale and make a few quarters back on that.

Or you can call up a vending company and have them install, refill, and service the machine. You will never see any money from it, but you don’t have to do a damn thing.

>> No.1505385

> this post required a trip
We know it's not hard for you change them, you do it all the time. How is it any harder to simply clear the name field entirely you retarded cunt?

>> No.1505386
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>>work as teacher at small tech school

>own machine selling food to students

make sure you're allowed to do that

>> No.1505412

>pawn shop
Theres maybe reasons its in a pawnshop in the first place. Quite apart form the probity of teachers installing their own vending machines as noted, they can be temperamental PITA. Still, if Tech School, should come clear with it, but I'd advise maybe siting it in a staff-only area at first, run-in test. Throw it in all-areas accessible, anyone with a grievance be sending queues after you for non-existent 'refund' claims and shit. tbqh, would not operate in own place of work under any, you just begging for a meeting where 'difficult questions' will be raised.

>> No.1505445

I used to have a couple at an office I worked at. Pretty easy to maintain but if its not refrigerated and you stock candy bars make sure you put it in a cool area. Costco, Sam's and GFS is where I would stock up on inventory. Made about $500 per month on two of them. Also caught a sales nog trying to steal and got him fired.

>> No.1505452

The thing about packed lunch is people like the idea that they eat healthly so they will pack decent food. The vending machine offers them garbage that they crave and is easily available.

>> No.1505575

I use a super secret browser app that defaults to a trip every post and I can’t turn it off, only change it.

My mom’s boyfriend blocked 4channel on all the regular browsers so I have no other option.

>> No.1505582

Yep, this is why people want you gone you arrogant faggot. Heaps good. You gunna delete this post as well?

>> No.1505583
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OP could totally bank running a machine like these Grainger ones too. Put chalk and white board markers and pens in there. We got one a couple years ago with pens and gloves and sharpies in there and it’s nice.

>> No.1505585

>as well
I think you gots me confused with somebody else.

>> No.1505589
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Oh, so you didn't delete this because you got called out for being a faggot? Even mods are starting to delete your shitposts?

>> No.1505665

Kek nah didn’t delete that one. I think the salinity of a few uptight fags on this board caused it to erode away.

>> No.1505676
File: 331 KB, 522x543, bepis_changing_a_tire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the salinity of a few uptight fags on this board caused it to erode away.

you're cool, but you are not as cool as you think you are, and that's your downfall. we suck, for the most part, that is true. but you're not the awesome god you think you are.

keep trying.

>> No.1505678

Did they ever get the lugnut off?

Mine is still stuck.

>> No.1505687

wow do you actually think anyone likes you?

>> No.1505720

Some of his shitposts are pretty alright

>> No.1505756

i want vending some machines in my living room.
something about getting snacks and drinks from a machine is so satisfying.
also would like to have one of those coffee vending machine that serves hot coffee i those little paper cups

>> No.1505858


>> No.1505890

See you can drop the trip when you want to! Not that bad is it?

>> No.1505920

Ahhh the joy of muh anonymous taiwanese knitting forum. That post was probably me, but there’s a chance it wasn’t. We will never know!

My mom says she loves me.

>> No.1505921


>> No.1505923

> tripfag
> shitposting

Like clockwork.

>> No.1505925

I for one, welcome our new machine overlords

>> No.1505996

My friend trained his do to open the fridge and get him a beer. You could go that route.

>> No.1506037

your biggest fears is HACKERS!!

>> No.1506150

Before the invention of that flap door, it was hard times for the vending machine owner

>> No.1506156 [DELETED] 

Why is Bepis an insufferable faggot?

>> No.1506187

i don't even need to call you out on this utter bullshit , not only did this not happen we all know you don't have any friends, why else would you be on here constantly shitposting trying to impress internet strangers

>> No.1506191

You’re right. He was more like a friend of a friend. Went to HS with him and then when we were around 20 his parents moved out of the house and left dude alone in this $500k-$700k house so we partied there a lot.

The doggo thing is true though. He hung a rope from the fridge handle so doggo could pull it open and grab a can of beer/soda and bring it to him sitting on the couch. I don’t know how long it took to teach doggo, but it happened.

And real talk, I only ended up on 4chan after moving halfway across the country and leaving all my homies 1400mi away.

>> No.1506215


In 1962, Baker established the Serv-U Corporation with his friend, Fred Black. The company was designed to provide vending machines for companies working for programs established under federal grants. Though a part of numerous other deals involving both politics and private financial affairs, this particular business venture would cause a scandal.

just stop, guize, before you go to jail like Bobby Baker

>> No.1506222

we need one of these in our shop
Filled with beer, joints, single cigarettes and beef jerky

>> No.1506233

It'll probably get choked to death by a cop for resisting arrest.

>> No.1506237
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>> No.1506276

No... it will get broken by somebody with the munchies who was was so high he couldn’t find his wallet.

Or get taken away after they had to call the fire department a dozen times in the past week because somebody got their arm stuck in it.

>he thinks bepis is the one who shits up the board

>> No.1506365

Pack a lunch you nigger. I work for a vending company and parts for those fuckers is expensive. get ready to get raped on prices if anything breaks. (they do, often)

>> No.1506378

I use to maintain 3 snack machines. Besides product pushers snapping off, the door switch getting stuck, and the plexi getting its shit pushed in when a 500 lb gorilla wants some free chips there really wasn't many maintenance issues. Most expensive things to break was the dollar bill module and a new one was around 150 bucks. Also a rail one of the trays slide on broke but that was a quick weld job.

>> No.1506401

> someone farts in an elevator
> its the fault of the occupants, not the fucklord who farted
Tripcunt logic everyone.

>> No.1506437

Sometimes you just gotta fart. And if two people in elevator start making a scene and screaming and crying like children, I would rather deal with that shit smell than the whiney kids.

>> No.1506452

>Sometimes you just gotta fart.

bepis saves his farts up all day until he gets on the /diy/ elevator then he locks it between floors and BRRAAAAAAAAAPPP

>> No.1506456
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>> No.1506458

I think the point that anon was trying to make is that if you are a polite person, you will adhere to the conventions of the social environment you are in; In this case, not being a tripcunt on a board that values information above all else, which, just happens to exist on a website who's very fabric is woven from the ideal of anonymity trumping all else. We don't give a fuck who you are, and if you force an identity in the face of 24/7 resistance, you are a turd in our whiskey and will be treated as such.

Being the egotistical cum stain you are, it is absolutely no surprise whatsoever that you need this explained to you.

So feel free to go buy more tools that you will never use on projects that you will never post because they will never exist, post cringeworthy retorts to people calling your bullshit out, and make a smart arse reply to this post for good measure. The one good thing about a trip is it lets people see a pattern of behavior, and the more you do it, the more the pattern is established. Keep on digging that grave faggot.

>> No.1506461

> but removing my trip is haaaard
Why are tripcunts so cancerous?

>> No.1506471

If you can't hold a fart in for the duration of an elevator ride you're either a cunt, you have health issues or your dildo has ruined your ass.

>> No.1506473
File: 279 KB, 645x655, Screenshot_2018-11-30_07-37-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't hold a fart in for the duration of an elevator


>> No.1506475

>And if two people in elevator start making a scene and screaming and crying like children, I would rather deal with that shit smell than the whiney kids.
But they're not are they? They are going to think "who the fuck is knuckle dragging faggot that dropped that bomb", check out who is the only person that is not reacting, then tell everyone in the office what a knuckle dragging faggot that guy is.


We had a guy at a previous work place who was renowned for crop dusting the tech room, a relatively small space as compared to the much larger office which would allow the stench to dissipate much more readily. We called him Zyclon B. He was a cunt. Just like you.

>> No.1506482

The latter

Have you seen the questions I ask? Do you think I’m capable of making that?

>> No.1506487
File: 35 KB, 432x267, bbb56c6d0178850bdbd122f9da1a842aed30e39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who was renowned for crop dusting

>mfw the prince just dusted the lower forty

>> No.1506488
File: 507 KB, 1907x1275, 20181130_065513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all bepcuck nao!

>> No.1506685

Nice give anon. Lol

>> No.1506687


>> No.1506690

My bro bought one for a gym. I'd yank the purple power aid out and fill it with beer a lot.

>> No.1506691

My lab does that. Took about a month casually training him.

That qas 7 years ago and a terrible idea. As it turns out labs fucking love bee and he learned to bust it open...

I forgot to shut the door one day. Came home to the door open, my 30 pack all over the floor, shit everywhere, and my dog stumbling into shit. Was fucking rediculous.

>> No.1506692


>> No.1506693

And you damned sure want to maintain them. People will wreck your shit over that stolen dollar

>> No.1506844

Any other maint tips? OP here...

>> No.1506846

I am considering buying a brand new one. Even if it takes two years to recoup the cost I can handle. What is really nice is the building is very secure and only open when people are around. Wish it was 24 hours but I don't mind having it be secure.

I am in final negotiations with the school to put it in.

>> No.1507084


>> No.1507215 [DELETED] 

whats goin on w/ ur lugnuts

>> No.1507216 [DELETED] 

then why does she let her boyfriend block ur 4chans

>> No.1507328

This is a legit option.
Took some tech classes in a local community college, in the central intersection of the building there was a machine with pens, pencils, scan-tron blanks, packets of notepaper and other sundries along with some hard candies and mints, etc.

This was a great aid as the library was always closed in the evenings when I was there and I needed a pen and paper to get through class when i didn't have my normal materials on hand. IIRC most of the pens and pencils were shrink-wrapped to little slips of cardboard so the machine could handle it (also cheaper, obv)

>> No.1507364

where can i get a vending machine for snacks and drinks in my living room?

>> No.1507399

>didn't plan the word spacing correctly
>did nothing wrong
pick only one

>> No.1507402

They weren't really tips. If you can troubleshoot and fix basic appliances you can fix these things.

Tips for running the machines would be keep claim forms and contact info on the machine for when it eats someone's money (because it will).

Put a camera in it if you can't put the machine somewhere already monitored.

Keep a row for expiring soon markdowns and aggressively rotate product there. Getting half from a bag of chips is still a net win over throwing out a bag of chips and it'll drive people to your machine looking for deals.

>> No.1507403
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>where can i get a vending machine for snacks and drinks in my living room?

google refrigerator and "normal life"

>> No.1507456
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i don't even know what a normal life is anymore

>> No.1507623


Getting permission is the first hurtle.

There's usually a contract agreement with the manager of the facility/school, an agreed split of profits, or space rental fee,

Generally, you will also need a retail business license and pay taxes.

In my state, the Mafia runs all vending machine
locations. You'll know if this is true in your area if you, or your vending machine get hit with baseball bats. (as a warning)

>> No.1508148


>> No.1508884

It's a /ck/ bait thread. CK have been putting stealth bait threads on other boards lately because people are too used to the bait in their own board