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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1403922 No.1403922 [Reply] [Original]

Help me /diy/! I was taking down an old fence a couple hours ago and I sliced my scalp open with razor wire. I poured quickclot into the wound and stopped the bleeding. But I have a visible gape. What do!? I can’t put the sides together with superglue. They aren’t coming together.

>> No.1403925

i suppose ask someone to shave the hair around the wound and then put a band-aid on

>> No.1403928


Your only realistic option is to live with the scar and possible (probable?) infection, or have it looked at and stitched.

>> No.1403929

Go to the ER.

>> No.1403930
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Is that literally it? Will my skin repair itself? I was shitting bricks at all the initial blood.

>> No.1403931

It will heal on it's own eventually, filled by new tissue will be in the form of a scar. It'll be perfectly healthy and you'll be fine, but probably be a permanent bald spot. If you want to preserve your hairline and close it up, you're going to have to see a surgeon. No way around it.

Make sure you keep it slopped with antibiotic for a couple days, if it goes septic you're fucked.

>> No.1403932

Nice Eye of Sauron fleshlight you've got there.

>> No.1403934

This. You need stitches you stupid cunt.

>> No.1403937
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> image looks like a carved up arm
> jewgle thinks it's a girl
My sides.

>> No.1403944
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Lol I’m a guy. A dumbass guy. Tried my hand at some home repairs inspired by /diy/ lurking and fucked up by being careless.

>> No.1403946

>inb4 argument about use and efficacy of super glue

>> No.1403955

I was going to use that after searching YouTube for wound first aid. But what happened is the clotting powder I put in hardened and prevents me from closing it.

>> No.1403958

yeah, it needs to be fucked

>> No.1403963

The first rule of DIY is to not hurt yourself.
You won't last long being careless doing this stuff.

>> No.1403964

it needs stitches retard

>> No.1403967

These. Why are you still here posting you fucklord? Go.

>> No.1403973

lesson learned the hard way.

>> No.1403974

what the fuck are you posting this for? go get some stitches brah

>> No.1403977

I gashed myself with an angle grinder once;
Six inch gash across the top of my thigh, so I know it went fairly deep in places.
I actually packed full of saw dust, and worked the rest of the day without telling anyone.
Scrubbed it out real good, poured H2O2 on it everyday.
No doctor.
But, do what you think is best.
...and wear your damn safety gear. Could have easily been an eye.

>> No.1403986
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shave the area and use butterfly bandages

>> No.1403987

you're already dead
it's too late

>> No.1403988

>pouring quickclot into a headwound

Do this >>1403986 or get stitches.You'll be fine.

>> No.1404010

FUCFUCK please no

>> No.1404024

OKAY I have decided to go to the doctor tomorrow morning. Thanks for the bullying, I needed it. I'm more scared of the doctor than dying in my sleep desu.

>> No.1404047

Lmao I’m glad I’m not the only one. They stopped putting it in the IFAC for a reason

>> No.1404048

you're going to fall asleep and never wake up because you'll get a blood clot in your brain from using quick clot on a head wound

>> No.1404057

>deep scalp wound
>needs sutures in a place nearly impossible to do it yourself
>risk of infection right next to your brain
Good. What the fuck were you thinking? I'd have gone today, but whatever.

>> No.1404059


>> No.1404066

Stop stealing your neighbours' lawn furniture, Ja.. Jeremy?

>> No.1404069

I now realize how dumb that was to do. I was anxious and panicking and wanted to stop the bleeding quickly.

Yeah I regret not going but ER is a mess so I will wait.

That was close my name does start with a J

Update: I wrapped a shirt around my head to keep the gauze pad on and if I wake up and this thread is still here I will report back on my condition. If not, I regret wasting too much time on this site so don't be like me.

>> No.1404070

dudes, there still is a thick skull between the brain and the skin. I wonder if not for infection of course, could you remove all the skin on your skalp and go round with a bare skull?

>> No.1404077

Go to fucking bed.
You will be all right.
Pour some H2O2 on your head if you are worried about infection.
Most of these guys are pussies and LARPers.
See doc in morning if you are worried about it.
Best thing to boost immune defense is sleep.
Get some and quit worrying about these faggots.

>> No.1404078

>, there still is a thick skull between the brain and the skin

Sure there is, until you reach the lower back of the skull, or the sides of the skill, or the forehead of the skull which have gaping holes in them.

>> No.1404079

>Pour some H2O2 on your head if you are worried about infection.

>Most of these guys are pussies and LARPers.

The irony is palpable

>> No.1404080

Go get stitches you retard.
Even ignoring the fact that its a huge gaping wound, the exact type that does easily get infected, think about how long its going to take to heal if it doesnt get sutured.
Also think about how much larger the scar and probably bald spot will be.

You probably need a Tdap + pertussis shot anyways.

>> No.1404086
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I love these DIY ER threads. It can't only be the US..but I only ever see it from the US?

I assume usually, 3rd world shitholes without healthcare don't have internet either.

>> No.1404100

based american't healthcare

>> No.1404101

That's a really stupid thought. You need skin. Skin is what protects you from infectious bacteria. Having a skinless head means your chance of getting a bacterial infection is 100%. Your brain, eyes, ears, and mouth live inside your head. You will probably die without skin grafts form your not-head areas. If you manage to survive, you now have a horrifying ass and thigh-skin head because you were too lazy or scared to go to the hospital and get antibiotics and stitches.

>> No.1404156

It's too late for stitches. Those need to be put in place when the wound is fresh. Best bet is to wash the area with soap and water and get that scab out, then see what the bleeding situation is like.
If you don't start bleeding badly, use a little antibacterial cleaner, and glop on some neosporin, and keep doing that until it heals. If it does start bleeding more than normal, you'll have to shave a small area around it, do the same as above, but put a bandage over it for a few days. once it starts healing up, keep it uncovered and let it heal naturally.
Seeing the Dr at this point is a waste of time and money. Only go if you see signs of infection. (redness swelling pain discharge etc)

>> No.1404162

You will die from infection if you dont go to the doctor and get that shit cleaned out and some antibiotics
cuts don't kill, infection does

>> No.1404176

>I poured quickclot into the wound
preeeeety sure you're not supposed to be using something like that unless you are bleeding out and otherwise going to die...same thing with tourniquets

source - another anon a while ago who I think was an emt

just use a shirt or something and use moderate compression

>> No.1404181
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You'll need to ask Gandalf for help. Medicine will be of no use here.

>> No.1404189

Isn't Tdap tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis? Is this some sort of rip in peace joke?

This! It's a known fact that no human ever recovered on their own from any infection. Our bodies have no natural defense against cuts. Literally every person born before antibiotics died from the first wound they got.

>> No.1404194

Shave the area, peroxide the wound, stitch it up before it starts to grow tissue.

Depending on how deep it is, it may need an internal layer of stitches.
If superglue is not holding it shut it is likely this is the case.

If you do not suture it, the skin will not come back together and a deep scar will form like on a bullet wound.

>> No.1404222

Anon just shave your whole fucking head. My shit looked better than that and i still had to get 18 stitches. Started getting infected because tried to keep my hair.

Go cancer ridden or get rekt. And u need stitches. Now.

>> No.1404223

>home repair
>razor wire

Anon where do u live Auschwitz?

>> No.1404224

Protip. Suoer glue is the same as medical gradw only commercial shit has 1 ingredient that irritates the wound

>> No.1404227

This shit will be up for a month man

>> No.1404229

Faggot. I work a shit blue collar job.

Er is $100
Doc is $25

Generic meds are 20 bucks

>> No.1404267

>Literally every person born before antibiotics died from the first wound they got.
This isn't true

>> No.1404269

>no free health care
>Easy access to firearms
Was it a population control plan all along?

>> No.1404271


>> No.1404272

> be american
> die from scratch

>> No.1404285

Really? Well, even though you cite no sources I guess I'll believe you. Did they die from the second wound then, Mr. Expert?

>> No.1404287

>be american
>put ictus inducing powder in a cut in your head

>> No.1404298

You have no idea how fucking high you'll get if you pour bath salts directly into the wound.

>> No.1404320

only alternative to suturing is
>wash out wound with iodine or spirits
>close by twisting hair strands from opposite side
see video on https://lacerationrepair.com/techniques/alternative-wound-closure/hair-apposition-technique/
Super is just as good as medical glues
>wound should have good strength in 7 days, keep an eye on it in case of spreading redness pus or dehiscence

It's how I close wounds in children/demented old fucks

>and you call yourselves a DIY board?

>> No.1404328

Update: woke up, feeling tired, wound looks about the same. Eating breakfast then heading to urgent care. Last night I woke up and slicked back my hair out of habit, that hurt.

>> No.1404330
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*I’m stuck on band aid because band aid is stuck on me*

>> No.1404397
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 51A23BBD-7ACD-4D15-BC6C-8E299B761367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m waiting for the doc.

>> No.1404398
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Saline solution was applied by nurse.

>> No.1404404

I've have a wound about that size before, I just kept it bandaged and would routinely clean it to prevent infections.

Left a pretty gnarly scar.

The worst thing that'll happen to you is a permanent bald spot if your hair follicles refuse to regrow, but it's on the apex of your head so I don't think anyone would notice.

Godspeed you glorious idiot.

>> No.1404409

>it: anons showing their lack of first aid knowledge
Don't use quick clot
Don't use peroxide
Should have gone for stitches right away

>> No.1404413

>To remain empty at all times

Then why the fuck is it there, dammit!

>> No.1404415

Yeah my local clinic doctor told me it would have been an easy stitch right after the cut, but I waited too long so he sent me to an urgent care center. If they can’t do anything then I need to visit an emergency center. JUST

>> No.1404430

>it would have been an easy stitch right after the cut, but I waited too long
take another piece of razor wire or a knife and cut it open again

>> No.1404435
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Doctor said it was deeper than it looked. Stapled it.

>> No.1404445

OP, you're cool and all, but this is /diy/. You don't have a stapler? Unacceptable.

>> No.1404450
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Ha. Only a nail gun. Here’s a clearer pic.

>> No.1404474

Did you tell him you have a bunch of little tiny lava rocks in there from your quick clot

>> No.1404478

Yeah a nurse had to scrub that out. Felt like she was scrubbing my skull.

>> No.1404491

Wow reading that made me feel extremely uncomfortable, like nails on a chalkboard-esque feeling

>> No.1404505

Ha you’re telling me. I learned to avoid QuikClot type powders unless it’s life or death bleeding type situation. /diy/ should have a first aid kit type thread general.

>> No.1404513

that need staples. best get to the ER. make sure you tetanus shot is up to date too

>> No.1404515

I had my head stapled before and that looks like a horrible job. They barely tried to pull the skin together.

>easter sunday and grandma's (bubba)
>be like 14
>rubbing a balloon on m head
>static electricity and shit
>sticks on wall
>oh wouldn't it be cool if I can jump and put it on the ceiling
>oh there was an archway
>my head hurts a little, but oh well
>blood starts pouring down my face
>mom starts to panic
>everyone in the room looks at me (because easter sunday get together)
>I'm not panicking at all
>Fine, cool, yeah I'm good
>mom panicking asking me if I'm okay
>brother was laughing saying they are going to shave my head
>get taken to hospital
>yeah the scrubbing hurt and the lidocaine did
>3 stables in head
>then it was fine, got headache, took tylenol
>then end
>went back like 3 weeks later or so
>skin was starting to grow unto staples
>completely healed, waited actually too long to remove them

>> No.1404534

Nigga are you stupid

>> No.1404700

>I had my head stapled before and that looks like a horrible job.
The doc was probably annoyed the guy intentionally didn't go in the day it happened. Almost everybody here told him to, and we're just dorks. It was probably hard to pull closed the day after with all the clotting in there. Imagine how annoying it would be to treat dummies all day long. OP paid for it with spiteful staples, I guess.

>> No.1404710

He's right, it wasn't a great job, but that could be due to the late response. I can't fault you for not going to see a doctor right away because you normally don't see the top of your head unless you're trying to entertain your 4chan pals.
For future reference any cut on your noggin is going to bleed a lot more than it seems like it should, but that high blood flow also lets it heal a lot quicker. Next time go to a clinic as soon as you get the bleeding under control enough to drive. It should take a nurse about 15 minutes and 5 bucks worth of supplies to deal with, and most of those sadistic weirdos probably relish at the chance to use a stapler on people. Even for burgers the charge shouldn't be over 75 bucks.

>> No.1404714

>Is this some sort of rip in peace joke?

Tetanus shots have all 3 in one. Cutting yourself that deep with an old rusty razor wire, wouldnt be surprised if they wanted to give him a booster.

>> No.1404717
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OP is lucky when i think about it since he's scared to go to the doctors. How long has it been since he went in to get a shot?

>> No.1404735

You need a booster if it's been 5 years for deeper wounds. Minor superficial stuff, you can get up to ten years out of a tetanus shot

>> No.1404791

You might need stitches. The scalp is an area where the skin is taut and does t close back up easily. If it's a small enough gap it'll fill itself in with flesh but it might not. You could use butterfly closure bandages from a pharmacy in a pinch if you don't have insurance and can't afford stitches at a hospital. It was like $700 last time I got stiches. Bandage yourself up a bit before going and say you don't need triage, that's an extra $400 just to put gauze on the wound and tape it.

>> No.1404899

Ha yes I am. Luckily I got a tetanus shot 2 years ago during my last physical. Side note: I’m overdue for another physical according to them during my visit yesterday. So fun

>> No.1404902

Yeah that’s what they told me. Stitches and staples are best within 6 hours, and after 48 hours they won’t put stitches at all. The cut skin was actually much closer together immediately after the cut now that I think of it. And it’s funny you mention sadistic doctors, because the main doctor of the first clinic I visited gleefully said he loves stapling jobs but sadly isn’t given the tools at the clinic so he advised me to go to an urgent care facility nearby.

>> No.1404909

I don't disagree that the chances were good that he needed a booster (though he didn't). What I'm saying is the the "p" in Tdap is for "pertussis." Dipshit said Tdap+pertussis. He probably says ATM machine, too, and PIN number. Reading comprehension, gentlemen?

>> No.1405002

It's an old sharps disposal can. Probably safety standards changed and they aren't allowed to use it anymore.

>> No.1405015

> Reading comprehension, gentlemen?

Or you could not be pedantic

>> No.1405024

If you put fucking quickclot on it you need to go to the hospital and get it removed you dumb fuck.

You don't use hemostatic agents for wounds thst can be easiky taken care of with pressure and a dressing.

Dumbasses like you using it for purposes like this will get it regulated because it will cause more harm than good when used in the wrong way.

>> No.1405054

Fucking kek.

>> No.1405074

>Even for burgers the charge shouldn't be over 75 bucks.

Are you serious?
>emergency cost $2232.57 (anytime)
>urgent care cost (wait until opening hours) $421.99
>Doctors office (wait until monday) $763.12

>> No.1405147

My 3rd world shithole has both internet and healthcare.

>generic meds = $20
>ER = $100
>Doc = $25
>living in a first world country that has no free healthcare and having to ask for help in a anonymous Taiwanese cartoon internet forum like a fucking retard = priceless

>> No.1405161

>Over $75USD

Lmao. We pay $200 a month ... every month ... for the right to pay $600 if an accident like this occurs.

>> No.1405215

Haha that’s the fucked up truth and one of the reasons I hesitated to go to the doctor. I’ll post my bill for this accident if I get it before this thread dies.

>> No.1405223

Funny thing is if you tell them you're paying cash, the bill adds up to a substantially lower amount. Also, the insurance companies like to refuse to cover some things for no apparent reasons to regular people. Really is the worst healthcare system in the world for the price. Usurers have embedded themselves into it from every side.

>> No.1405245

Telling you anon. Shave you fucking head. Not kidding. Do a skullet and wear a hadmt if u must. You will regret that hair

>> No.1405252

Been there. Hey anon, what happened. Crashed my bike. "Uhhhh 4 wheeler wreck." Anon this looks like asphault. "Yup..."

>wire brush engage

>> No.1405253


>socialist healthcare.

I mean, the insurance rape is real but even the 150k hospital bill i had back in the day was worth not living in communist california

>> No.1405296

75 bucks is how much it will cost the hospital for closing a minor laceration including wages, supplies, and misc merchant related costs. The inflated costs you get as a bill are for the insurance companies and they'll jew each other down until it's a reasonable cost. If you arrange a meeting with the head jew of the hospital and explain that you don't have insurance, can't afford whatever bullshit they're charging you, but still want to pay them, they will charge you at cost plus a hundred bucks.
Even here in Canada they'll fuck foreigners raw, charging 900+ for just entering your info into the front desk of the ER, which in my opinion is a terrible business practice when they can just choose to never come back to Canada and avoid the bill for the rest of their lives.
200 bucks a month isn't terrible in the grand scheme of things, if you get some sort of disease or injury once in the next 50 years it will have paid for itself.
I'm curious on what they charged you, in rural Canada a nurse can clean, staple and send you on your way under half an hour if it's not a busy day, and it would only cost the taxpayers a 20 bucks for some more sterile staples.

>> No.1405320
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that is terrible. im not sure you didnt /diy/ this/ you are sure it was a medical doctor, like a people doctor not a veterinarian? hell a vet would have done a better job.

what they're meant to do is shave the area, cut out the dead skin and line it up properly. that is just such a horrible job i would honestly ask a general practitioner to look at it. also, if hairs poke it, it wont heal. which is why you're meant to shave the area.

OP do you not consider the possibility of a brain infection? there are some very large vessels on your skull which your brain controls in order to keep itself cool. blood flow changes to maintain a constant temperature which is why they have to be so large, that and humans dont have a rete mirabile like every other mammal. so anyway, the risk of serious complications from open gaping wounds on your head is very important to remember.

>> No.1405325

This. Jesus OP it looks like a woman's axe wound on your head.

>> No.1405327

omf OP that shit is disgusting

>> No.1405329

>OP do you not consider the possibility of a brain infection

I have the intimation that this isn't his first head injury.

>> No.1405381


you would feel and see any blood/vessel infection on the surface WAY before it reached the brain.

>> No.1405397

how do they cut off the tops of peoples heads to do brain surgery if all those are in the way?

>> No.1405403
File: 233 KB, 758x568, Craniotomy_Arachnoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do they cut off the tops of peoples heads
They don't, that would be as retarded as removing all the panels off the front of a car to change a head gasket. They only open a small area to get access to the parts they need, pic related would be a 3-4cm hole.


>> No.1405513
File: 479 KB, 500x273, 7oGb[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough I guess I was thinking of the Hannibal scene.

>> No.1405540

They use a circular drill that isn't much different than the kind you find in Home Depot to cut circle holes in wood.

>> No.1405658


I am a medical doctor and work in surgery as well as the ER. The work with the stapler is shoddy. Like this Anon said, I shave the surrounding area, clean the wound, disinfect with something like Octenidin and suture it shut, subcutaneus and so on when needed. The stapler, well, I do not like it that much. It is fast, I give it that.
But what that guy did, especially considering it is the "fast" job...shity.

But OP was extremely retarded too. I beg to add that especially when you live in a country with expensive healthcare, why the fuck OP did not just applied a towel and visited a doctor. Pouring in quick clot was retarded and expensive. Visiting the doc right away would not have been that much more expensive, consideing the quick clot costs something around 50$. Having cool gadgets or tools (in this case medical) is nice and well, but many people buy stuff and do not know how and when to use it correctly.

>> No.1405661

I am a medical doctor, but I like working in Clown School, teaching the clown babies.

>> No.1405662

Sounds like OP's quikclot shenanigans created a big, deep scab that may have made stapling more difficult.

I've been told that shaving increases the risk of infection and should be avoided if possible. Though that advice was in the context of wilderness first aid not hospital care.

>> No.1405666


There is some discussion concerning shaving suergery areas (if they are not extremely hairy) you nowadays abstain from shaving for example your stomach or your upper leg. In some cases, you use sticky foils, apply them on the surgery area and do your incision through the foil.

But on your head, you usually shave the area. Otherwise, you suture in a lot of hairs which is worse for healing, have much contact of your suturing material and instruments with he surrounding hair (which carries a lot of staph. aureus) and it is a pain in the ass to work otherwise.

Hey, thats great! Everybody has to find his niche.

>> No.1405677

Yeah, Ringling Brothers shut that down over 20 years ago, Grandpa Anon. Hell, didn't Ringling Brothers themselves shut down a couple of years ago, for that matter?

>> No.1405706

Yes, the scab made joining the two cut sides very difficult. I know I messed up lol. But it’s an improvement from the last time I had a major cut and I covered it in cayenne pepper powder. I’m a very accident prone person ha.

>> No.1405909 [DELETED] 


>> No.1405910

Then what have I been doing all these years?

>> No.1406095

>I had a major cut and I covered it in cayenne pepper powder.

>> No.1406186

A few years ago I sliced my pinky open with a can of tuna and I was bleeding so much I covered it in cayenne because the internet said it would stop bleeding quickly. Covered it in cayenne and then raw honey. That cut also needed stitches but I didn't want any so it took a month to heal and I'm left with a scar.

>> No.1406200

Dude, you should take a first aid class and put together a real kit with modern supplies. Do you do stupid shit to your wounds every time you hurt yourself?

>> No.1406207

>the internet said it would stop bleeding quickly
How the fuck? Did you google reputable sites, or instead asked a bunch of trolls and followed the answer most prone to induce intense pain for little to no medical benefit?

>> No.1406267

Recommend first aid kit essentials plz

Some natural health news site, I was desperate to stop the bleeding quickly.

>> No.1406363

no no no

you're supposed to pack it with bees and mud

the stings trigger the body's natural healing response

>> No.1406378


>> No.1406651


>> No.1406652

>ctrl f stitches
>16 replies

listen to these people holy fuck lmao

>> No.1406654

>Recommend first aid kit essentials plz
you need to come HERE for that? in the age of information????
here is my PERSONAL recommendation


>> No.1406740

Doesn't that stuff also insta blind you if it gets in your eyes?

>> No.1406890

do this, then after the insurance pays up, post the co-pay bill on /pol to troll those with free-but-slow-health-care.

Also, get a titnas shot. If you die, leave your tools to /diy in your will. GOd speed.

>> No.1407049

OP, could you indulge us in some other stories of your /diy/ medical misadventures? Or any similarly unorthodox repair techniques?

>> No.1407441

Haha sure when I get home. For now read the last post where I slice my pinky on a half open tuna can down to the layer of fat and cover it in cayenne and honey based on ancient Egyptian cures.

>> No.1407877

Go to the hospital and get stitches retard

>> No.1407952

truly blessed to be a yuropoor
earlier this year my sister's toddler drank some caustic liquid while they were in an isolated mountain area
helicopter picked them up and they spent over a month in the hospital waiting for the kid to recover (he had no repercussions in the end, thankfully)
during the whole time she was fed and allowed to sleep in the room
all completely free of charge

>> No.1408217

you moron, where the fuck did you get quickclot? its meant for battlefields as a last ditch effort to save your life, go to the er, tell them how much of a moron you were stitches aint going to help now unless they cut out the cauterized skin. thank whatever gods you pray to that none of it blew in your eyes

>> No.1408219

but seriously go to the er, you will need followup from an actual doctor

>> No.1408850
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, 1B743280-5587-44AE-8574-C9D0A42BCEB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re out of my head. Healing decently. Have to be careful not to reopen or touch that spot too much.

>> No.1408851
File: 1.81 MB, 4032x3024, E05DE8C9-8B2B-497F-849D-EAD492F9B117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to be more careful.

>> No.1408853
File: 1.60 MB, 4032x3024, EAC15F89-E9F8-4F2E-8212-8A70BFF2E7AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom in.

>> No.1408870

Holy shit anon I would become fucking spastic if I was the doctor that had to treat you every time lmao
But good on you for taking your wound cared for.
Also as someone who lives in a tiny island and came from a tribe, I'll tell you this : the "natural remedies" you guys see on the internet are retarded. I've had people spit munched leaves on some seriously deep and wide wounds of mine so that they would produce no scars, that is something you will never come across on the net because they're safely guarded secrets.
Look into a first aid kit to keep in your garage and God speed
Also as other anons say when you bang your head it bleeds like crazy but it's arguably the best protected part of your body. I banged open my head 3 times and still have a full head of hair

>> No.1409014

>stainless steel staple remover
>single use
>made in china
>probably charge you $100 for this
What the fuck is wrong with American healthcare? Surely these can be reused, and surely your don't need a sterile instrument to remove glorified staples from a wound?

>> No.1409122

>Surely these can be reused,
They're like $1 when you buy more than a few.

>> No.1409919

My work had a fence with razor wire over the top that was all fucked up and leaning to the side right at head height. No lights in the back where the fence was. Right where we park the vehicles. I had to yell for someone to come untangle my head. Had two gashes similar to OP's.

You are going to want to get that stitched up or it's going to scar badly. No hair will ever grow in that area ever again and you will have a nasty keloid scar. It will rip back open easily while its trying to heal and bleed horrendously every time. You will also want to get some antibiotics because injuries like that often become infected.

>> No.1410088

Dang, I know that feel.

>> No.1410098
File: 432 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_1447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crushed my left hand middle finger with a Mazak hydraulic chuck, it now has a jagged scar, it's bent and flattened out, and it has this odd ethereal touch sensation.

Pic related is a cursed image, don't go near any rodents tonight.

>> No.1410103

Surely you do need a sterile instrument to perform even minor surgical work that conforms to modern medical standards. However, many medical tools can be sterilized with an autoclave and repackaged.

>> No.1410253
File: 77 KB, 463x692, 1465403388618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all completely free of charge
yep, now she only has to pay a gorillion dollars in taxes for the rest of her life. It truly is great to be a Euroshit isn't it?

>> No.1410369

No, because she doesn't make a lot of money, and the taxes are progressive
only the rich pay more as a percentage of their income, poor people probably pay about as much (if not less) taxes than in the US

>> No.1410373

Oh yeah I forgot the US has a flat 30% tax rate, thanks for pointing that out

>> No.1410376

I have no idea how the us taxes are, which is why I said "about as much"
As low as US taxes are I doubt they're under 10% income

>> No.1410381

50% of Americans pay zero federal taxes. If you live in a state that isn't a socialist shithole and you 'dont make a lot of money' they will be at or under that line

>> No.1410386

I guess that's all good until you get hit with a 5K bill for a day in the hospital

>> No.1410390

That stuff is a bit fucked. If you dont have insurance and you sit down with whoever at the hospital and tell them to cut the crap they'll charge you a reasonable amount, but you are right it is way too much bullshit

>> No.1410397

>If you dont have insurance
Isn't that really expensive unless your job includes it? A friend of mine went to do a masters in the US for 6 months and he told me it was ridiculous

>> No.1411480

It was from complications that arose from the first wound they got.

>> No.1411501

get stitches. u only get 1 head to fuck with

>> No.1411838

>Will my skin repair itself?
thats literally what skin does. there are no tendons or muscles on that part of your head, and the bleeding stopped. if it were me i would shave my head, disinfect the would with iodine, and bandage it up. your head will head

>> No.1411840

>But what happened is the clotting powder I put in hardened and prevents me from closing it.
that means a scab is already forming.

>> No.1411843

>NEEDS stitched
nah. it already stopped bleeding. at this point OP should disinfect it and buy some antibiotics

>> No.1411845

you sound like a real pussy

do you call an ambulance when you get a paper cut?

>> No.1411847

>he doesnt know that natural remedies actually work
i bet you dont even use inner oak bark poultices, kek

>> No.1411849
File: 261 KB, 1024x695, DrummerHoldingScan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very carefully.

first they do ct, mri, angiography to map out where all the nerves and blood vessels are.

cutting holes in the skull is rare. when possible they drill up through the back of your throat, going through the nose using a endoscope. or they go up through the veins in the thigh, through the heart or through the ocular vein. when they need to remove tumors and cysts in places they cant reach via these methods, they cut a hole where there arnt huge blood vessels. the prognosis for giant tumors like this is so poor surgeons usually wont operate.

>> No.1411858

that cut is too long to let heal by itself. go to a hospital to get that wound properly cleaned and stitched.

>> No.1412528

M8 this was 2 weeks ago. Just read the thread, he got some stitches.

>> No.1412542

stop trying to escape Guantanamo Ahkmed

>> No.1412544

dump some peroxide on it pussy ive had bigger cuts on my eye ball

>> No.1413042

I'll post an updated pic later when I can.

>> No.1413059

go to the hospital, trying to be a DIY in medicine is retarded

>> No.1413939
File: 133 KB, 992x593, A30D1E9A-DDB9-405D-A16F-0CE177AAFB81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top o’ the head

>> No.1414105

lol ok Odin

>> No.1414348

Looki'n good.

>> No.1414425

>I don't have my wallet or my id, but my name is Rusty Shackleford.

Save yourself a $2,000 bill. Its not like they can turn you away.

>> No.1414494

you need staples or stitches.

>> No.1414504

They will turn you away at triage for a lot of stuff.

>> No.1414902

Yeah it’s hard to locate now. I can still feel it with my fingers but visually it’s just like the pic, a reddish line. Thanks to (most of) /diy/ for the push to go to the doctor.

>> No.1415227

I've heard adding three pinches of salt per table spoon of vinegar will give the correct saline balance to clean wounds without much pain.

>> No.1415234


'Murica pays on average $10k per person per year for medical shit. Europoor nations spend like $4k. But I'm sure if we tried socialized mecicen it would just balloon to be insane and we would just go more trillions in debt.

I want them to deregulate medicine, break the licencing mafias and let me hang a shingle and start stitching people up for a tenth of what the fags at the hospital charge. Can't be that hard to learn to sew flesh.

>> No.1415250

OP please tell us about other instances where you've attempted or succeeded in fixing your body or other things using ridiculous food-based methods. This cannot be an isolated incident.

>> No.1415421

>one of the reasons I hesitated to go to the doctor
The other reason is that OP got this while climbing over the wall at a prison. Doctors are going to report this to the authorities.

>> No.1415703

And you wonder why your third world shithole is a third world shithole when it can't into economics

>> No.1415802

Head wounds bleed a lot even if nothing inside is hurt.

>> No.1415963

Not OP but
>Read that zinc can help with wound healing
>Crush a zinc tablet and put it into open wound
>it turns ulcer-like and still hasn't fully healed 2 weeks later
It's on my dick and I'm also on two weeks nofap, concurrently.

>> No.1415980 [DELETED] 

> what happened is the clotting powder I put in hardened and prevents me from closing it.

The clotting powder did what it was supposed to - Caused your blood to clot. That'll eventually heal out to form new scar tissue, and you'll be healed.

As the other anon said leave it alone aside from reapplying antiseptic for the next few days.

It'll prolly weep a little bit, and get real itchy. Don't scratch it. If it gets pus-y, it's infected and you need to see a medical professional.