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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 358 KB, 2368x1597, monitor-home-assistant-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1402125 No.1402125 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you vag/diy/nas into home automation? Why not? You too can terrify your houseguests from the comfort of your Thinkpad

>> No.1402140

Because it s gay, overpriced, low security, high maintanace and provides little benifits. Enjoy your botnet.

>> No.1402158

I did it my own custom thermostat so I could turn it on / off remotely.... that's it
I think all I'd bother doing extra was lawn sprinklers.

>> No.1402163

When I own my own home, I'll do it. Not before. Plan is to automate lighting/heating system to keep them with the cost per month calculation and the usage needed. I also plan to automate security system to record with intrusion/motion detection.

Little bit of coding + cheap embedded system is all I need for those.

>> No.1402223


>> No.1402244

Ubnt camera?

>> No.1402489

Something i never understood. Why not branch the thermostats to every single room and have networked shut off vents? Want to keep a spare bedroom above freezing until needed. Want the bathroom 75 degrees because cold outside. Want the living and dining area 70. Etc...?

>> No.1402498

>Why not branch...
Because it costs more, really.
Manual vents are "good enough" for lots of people.

>> No.1402509

It's a really immature industry right now. Little overall standards and lots of companies buying up each other. All to be awkwardly manipulated from a phone that right now isn't easy to use. Once it matures yes but the home automation stuff now sucks.

>> No.1402581

I do home automation from scratch with diy smart wifi power switches. They are composed of a blue 4 hang outlette box, nodeMCUs, 5v relays, some sensors and a male wall plug out. They display an API and I created a web front end that discovers them on network and let's you control them from phone or laptop. About 27$ per and had no problems creating automation or voice controls for them.

>> No.1403137

Should be right up your alley then
Only if you're retarded. A nodeMCU costs like $3
>low security
Run it on your local network
>high maintanace
'no' It's literally automated
>provides little benifits.
If your time has no value then yeah I guess
>Enjoy your botnet.
Will do

>> No.1403163

Why the fuck would I want to keep a tablet plastered to my face just to operate the lights and blinds.

Your picture even takes its retardation a step farther and offers control over the washer and dryer, so you can load them up and then spend five minutes getting your tablet and fiddiling around with it.


>> No.1403180

>home automation means having a washer and dryer without physical buttons

This doesn't work the way you think it does

>> No.1403229

>Should be right up your alley then
This is 4chan faggot
>Only if you're retarded. A nodeMCU costs like $3
Nodemcu don't do shit without motor controls actuators, valves, lights, and other mechanisms for "automation"
>>low security
>Run it on your local network
Then what's the point of having it on the network without remote access?
>>high maintanace
>'no' It's literally automated
Shit breaks especially home made shit.
>>provides little benifits.
>If your time has no value then yeah I guess
No but my property does.
>>Enjoy your botnet.
>Will do
I know you will.

>> No.1403250

That's pretty cool, got any resources on that?

>> No.1403256




>> No.1403270
File: 16 KB, 225x225, 1524639974236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Willingly invites an AI controlled data harvesting system into his own home

>> No.1403274


Didn't realize your were a picky boomer. Fine, then


>> No.1403338

>Implying having a smartphone in your pocket isn't the same fucking thing

I wouldn't buy an alexa product because I think it's kinda gey but you are delusional if you don't think your phone does the same shit

>> No.1403339

Actuators and motors and shit are cheap as fuck nuqqa. You can do remote access just as securely as you can do anything else online. Shit generally doesn't just break if you are competent, and if you developed it, it should be FAR easier to diagnose issues with it unless you're a pleb who needs customer service to hold his hand. Get raped

>> No.1403340

I dont carry a phone either. Checkmate faggot.

>> No.1403355
File: 47 KB, 600x600, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're irrelevant

>> No.1403381


>> No.1403398

>Wanting even more botnet shit in your house

No fucking thanks.

>> No.1403432

>You either carry a spy device or you're an old man

>> No.1403532

Oooh, let's steer the direction of the conversation towards this since I plan on doing the same when I build my house in a few years. What kinda controls would you use, a box full of relays, something commercial? What would you automate?

Have you actually installed and used it? Last time I tried their documentation was wrong and once I got it working I was super disappointed. I rolled my own and am much happier.

Just Google Smart Power strip diy, I have an instructables about it also.

>> No.1403574

>Enjoy your botnet
OP seems to use Home Assistent which you run locally. It basically functions as a hub for premade IoT devices or your diy ones. Only a retard would use an public accessible network or one that has access to the internet.

>> No.1403580

Did anyone here ever try one of those Audeme MOVI shields? I'm interested in how good they work.

>> No.1403717

>cheap as fuck
Sure it is. So was your mom.

>> No.1403720

Then it's just a fancy remote you can only use in the house.

The point of these things is remote control, timing making the house look like it's being lived in while you're half a world away. Thats why I hate this concept, it's so over hyped and fucking useless as tits on a nun.

Now I want to reverse engineer that assistant for the Lulz.

>> No.1403773

>Now I want to reverse engineer that assistant for the Lulz
It's open source so you could simply contribute.

>> No.1403820

Holy shit Summer versus the rest of the year is like night and day on this board. All these butt hurt idiots fighting over nothing.

I played with them for a while and it seemed to work pretty good, was my friends so don't own one. Have been looking at picking up the Raspberry pi AIY kit though.

Thanks I think I found what you were talking about. Im going to make one this weekend now.

>> No.1403976
File: 8 KB, 241x209, 1527872399497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1403992

Seems like a lot of fucking about for very little increase in amenity. A lot of fragile shit that can break down the track too

>> No.1404015

So it moves the shutters automatically everyday? I almost never touch my shutters

>> No.1404193

I have a light that turns on when me or my cat get near it. Haven't tested it on other people for obvious reasons (4chan) but it werks for me :))

>> No.1406474

Yup I work in an automation company
What do you want to know?

>> No.1407468

Sure, although HASS is bollocks. Try Domoticz, much nicer and a fuck site easier to set up.

>> No.1407485

Domoticz looks like ass and doesnt plug and play as easily with some more common FBI spying devices.

>> No.1407510


Just in your shitty country anon

>> No.1407511

If its integrated into your computer, a tablet, a phone, or has wireless components its trivial to hack into. IoT devices have zero protections against intrusions.